All packages by name
- 2captcha library: Haskell package for easy integration with the 2captcha API. (deprecated, library, mit, network)
- 3d-graphics-examples programs: Examples of 3D graphics programming with OpenGL (bsd3, fractals, graphics, program)
- 3dmodels library: 3D model parsers (graphics, lgpl, library)
- 4Blocks program: A tetris-like game (works with GHC 6.8.3 and Gtk2hs 0.9.13) (bsd3, game, program)
- AAI library: Abstract Application Interface. (control, library, mit)
- ABList library and test: An alternating list of two types (bsd3, data, library)
- AC-Angle library: Angles in degrees and radians. (bsd3, data, library, math, numerical)
- AC-Boolean library: Handle Boolean values generatically. (bsd3, data, library, logic, math)
- AC-BuildPlatform library: Detect which OS you're running on. (bsd3, library, system)
- AC-Colour library: Efficient RGB colour types. (bsd3, data, graphics, library, math, numerical)
- AC-EasyRaster-GTK library: GTK+ pixel plotting. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- AC-HalfInteger library: Efficient half-integer type. (bsd3, data, library, math, numerical)
- AC-MiniTest library: A simple test framework. (bsd3, library, testing)
- AC-PPM library: Trivial package for writing PPM images. (bsd3, codec, graphics, library)
- AC-Random library: A pure Haskell PRNG. (bsd3, library, random)
- AC-Terminal library: Trivial wrapper over ansi-terminal. (bsd3, data, library, math, numerical)
- AC-VanillaArray library: Immutable arrays with plain integer indicies. (bsd3, data, library)
- AC-Vector library: Efficient geometric vectors and transformations. (bsd3, data, graphics, library, math, numerical)
- AC-Vector-Fancy library: Fancy type-system stuff for AC-Vector (bsd3, data, graphics, library, math, numerical)
- ACME library: Essential features (acme, bsd3, library)
- ADPfusion library and test: Efficient, high-level dynamic programming. (algorithms, bioinformatics, bsd3, data-structures, formal-languages, library)
- ADPfusionForest library, test and benchmark: Dynamic programming on tree and forest structures (bioinformatics, bsd3, formal-languages, library)
- ADPfusionSet library and test: Dynamic programming for Set data structures. (algorithms, bioinformatics, bsd3, data-structures, formal-languages, library)
- AERN-Basics library and program: foundational type classes for approximating exact real numbers (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, math, program)
- AERN-Net library: Compositional lazy dataflow networks for exact real number computation (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, math)
- AERN-Real library: arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, math)
- AERN-Real-Double library and programs: arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, math, program)
- AERN-Real-Interval library: arbitrary precision real interval arithmetic (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, math)
- AERN-RnToRm library: polynomial function enclosures (PFEs) approximating exact real functions (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, math)
- AERN-RnToRm-Plot library: GL plotting of polynomial function enclosures (PFEs) (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, math)
- AES library: Fast AES encryption/decryption for bytestrings (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- AFSM library: Arrowized functional state machines (frp, library, mit)
- AGI library: A library for writing AGI scripts for Asterisk (bsd3, library, network)
- ALUT library: A binding for the OpenAL Utility Toolkit (bsd3, library, sound)
- AMI library: Low-level bindings for Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI). (bsd3, library, network)
- ANum library and test: Num instance for Applicatives provided via the ANum newtype (bsd3, data, library)
- ASN1 library: ASN.1 support for Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- AVar library: Mutable variables with Exception handling and concurrency support. (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library)
- AWin32Console library: A binding to a part of the ANSI escape code for the console (bsd3, library, system)
- AbortT-monadstf library: Monads-tf instances for the AbortT monad transformer. (bsd3, control, library)
- AbortT-mtl library: mtl instances for the AbortT monad transformer (bsd3, control, library)
- AbortT-transformers library and test: A monad and monadic transformer providing "abort" functionality (bsd3, control, library)
- ActionKid library, program and test: An easy-to-use video game framework for Haskell. (bsd3, game-engine, library, program)
- Adaptive library and program: Library for incremental computing. (algorithms, bsd3, library, program)
- Adaptive-Blaisorblade library and program: Library for incremental computing. (bsd3, control, library, program)
- Advgame program: Lisperati's adventure game in Lisp translated to Haskell (bsd3, game, program)
- Advise-me library and programs: Assessment services for the Advise-Me project (apache, education, library, program)
- AesonBson library and test: Mapping between Aeson's JSON and Bson objects. (data, library)
- Agata library: Generator-generator for QuickCheck (bsd3, deprecated, library, testing)
- Agda programs: A dependently typed functional programming language and proof assistant (dependent-types, mit, program)
- Agda-executable program: Command-line program for type-checking and compiling Agda programs (dependent-types, deprecated, program)
- AhoCorasick library and test: Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm (bsd3, library, text)
- AlanDeniseEricLauren library, test and benchmark: Find the minimal subset/submap satisfying some property. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- AlgoRhythm library, program and test: Algorithmic music composition (algorithmic-music-composition, automatic-music-generation, bsd3, chaos-music, generative-music-grammars, library, program)
- AlgorithmW program: Example implementation of Algorithm W for Hindley-Milner
type inference. (bsd3, development, program)
- AlignmentAlgorithms library: Collection of alignment algorithms (algorithms, bioinformatics, data-structures, gpl, library, linguistics)
- Allure library, program and test: Near-future Sci-Fi roguelike and tactical squad combat game (agpl, game, library, program, roguelike)
- AndroidViewHierarchyImporter program: Android view hierarchy importer (bsd3, development, program)
- Animas library: Updated version of Yampa: a library for programming hybrid systems. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- Annotations library and test: Constructing, analyzing and destructing annotated trees (bsd3, generics, library)
- Ansi2Html program: Convert ANSI Terminal Sequences to nice HTML markup (bsd3, program, web)
- Aoide library: A simple music library with the capability of generating .ly and .mid files. (bsd3, composition, library, music)
- ApplePush library and program: Library for Apple Push Notification Service (bsd3, library, network, program)
- AppleScript : Call AppleScript from Haskell, and then call back into Haskell. (bsd3, foreign)
- ApproxFun-hs library: Function approximation (bsd3, library, math)
- ArrayRef library: Unboxed references, dynamic arrays and more (bsd3, data, library)
- ArrowVHDL library: A library to generate Netlist code from Arrow descriptions. (library, public-domain, testing)
- AspectAG library and test: First-class Attribute Grammars implemented using type-level programming. (gpl, language, library)
- AsyncRattus library and tests: An asynchronous modal FRP language (bsd3, frp, library)
- AttoBencode library and test: Fast Bencode encoding and parsing library (bsd3, data, library)
- AttoJson library: Simple lightweight JSON parser, generator & manipulator based on ByteString (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- Attrac program: Visualisation of Strange Attractors in 3-Dimensions (bsd3, graphics, program)
- Aurochs program: Yet another parser generator for C/C++ (bsd3, development, program)
- AutoForms library: GUI library based upon generic programming (SYB3) (gui, library)
- AvlTree library: Balanced binary trees using the AVL algorithm. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- BASIC library: Embedded BASIC (bsd3, language, library)
- BCMtools library and program: Big Contact Map Tools (bioinformatics, library, mit, program)
- BNFC library, program and test: A compiler front-end generator. (bsd3, library, parsing, program)
- BNFC-meta library: Deriving Parsers and Quasi-Quoters from BNF Grammars (development, gpl, language, library, parsing, text)
- BPS library, programs and test: Translations of classic Truth Maintenance Systems (gpl, library, program, truth-maintenance)
- Baggins library: Tools for self-assembly (gpl, library, math)
- Bang library: A Drum Machine DSL for Haskell (library, mit, sound)
- Barracuda library and program: An ad-hoc P2P chat program (library, network, program)
- Befunge93 program: An interpreter for the Befunge-93 Programming Language (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- BenchmarkHistory library: Benchmark functions with history (benchmarking, gpl, library)
- BerkeleyDB library: Berkeley DB binding (bsd3, database, library)
- BerkeleyDBXML library: Berkeley DB XML binding (bsd3, database, library)
- BerlekampAlgorithm library: Factorization of polynomials over finite field (bsd3, library, math)
- BesselJ library and test: Bessel J-function, Anger J-function, Weber E-function, and Anger-Weber function. (bsd3, library, math)
- BiGUL library: The Bidirectional Generic Update Language (generics, language, lenses, library, public-domain)
- BigPixel program: Image editor for pixel art (bsd3, development, program)
- BinderAnn library and test: Source-to-source plugin for enhancing EDSLs with static annotations (bsd3, compiler-plugin, library)
- Binpack library: Common bin-packing heuristics. (algorithms, bsd3, heuristics, library)
- BioHMM library: Libary for Hidden Markov Models in HMMER3 format. (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- Biobase library: Base library for bioinformatics (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseBlast library and test: BLAST-related tools (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseDotP library: Vienna / DotBracket / ExtSS parsers (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseENA library and test: European Nucleotide Archive data (bsd3, data, library)
- BiobaseEnsembl library: Ensembl related datastructures and functions (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseFR3D library: Importer for FR3D resources (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseFasta library, program and test: streaming FASTA parser (bioinformatics, bsd3, library, program)
- BiobaseHTTP library: Libary to interface with the Bioinformatics HTTP services - Entrez Ensembl (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseHTTPTools programs: Tools to query Bioinformatics HTTP services e.g. Entrez, Ensembl. (bioinformatics, gpl, program)
- BiobaseInfernal library, program, test and benchmark: Infernal data structures and tools (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- BiobaseMAF library: Multiple Alignment Format (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseNewick library, program and test: Newick file format parser. (bioinformatics, bsd3, library, program)
- BiobaseTrainingData library and program: RNA folding training data (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- BiobaseTurner library: Import Turner RNA parameters (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseTypes library and test: Collection of types for bioinformatics (bioinformatics, bsd3, data-structures, library)
- BiobaseVienna library: Import Vienna energy parameters (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- BiobaseXNA library, program and test: Efficient RNA/DNA/Protein Primary/Secondary Structure (bioinformatics, bsd3, library, program)
- BirdPP program: A preprocessor for Bird-style Literate Haskell comments with Haddock markup. (development, program)
- BitStringRandomMonad library and test: (bsd3, crypto, library)
- BitSyntax library: A module to aid in the (de)serialisation of binary data (bsd3, library, serialization)
- Bitly library: A library to access URL shortener. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- Blammo library and tests: Batteries-included Structured Logging library (library, logging, mit)
- Blammo-wai library and test: Using Blammo with WAI (library, logging, mit, web)
- BlastHTTP library: Libary to interface with the NCBI blast REST interface (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- Blobs library and program: Diagram editor (graphics, library, program)
- BlogLiterately library and program: A tool for posting Haskelly articles to blogs (gpl, library, program, web)
- BlogLiterately-diagrams library and program: Include images in blog posts with inline diagrams code (bsd3, library, program, web)
- Blogdown library, program, test and benchmark: A markdown-like markup language designed for blog posts (agpl, library, program, web)
- BluePrintCSS library: Html document layout library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, web)
- Blueprint library: Preview of a new build system. (bsd3, distribution, library)
- Bookshelf program and test: A simple document organizer with some wiki functionality (program, text)
- Boolean library: Generalized booleans and numbers (bsd3, data, library)
- BoundedChan library: Implementation of bounded channels. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- Bravo library: Static text template generation library (bsd3, library, text)
- BufferedSocket library: A socker wrapper that makes the IO of sockets much cleaner (library, mit, network)
- Buster program and test: Hits a set of urls periodically to bust caches (mit, program, web)
- C-structs library and tests: C-Structs implementation for Haskell (c, data, foreign, library, mit, structures)
- CBOR library and tests: Encode/Decode values to/from CBOR (data, lgpl, library)
- CC-delcont library: Delimited continuations and dynamically scoped variables (control, library)
- CC-delcont-alt library and test: Three new monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control (bsd3, control, library)
- CC-delcont-cxe library: A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control (bsd3, control, library)
- CC-delcont-exc library: A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control (bsd3, control, library)
- CC-delcont-ref library: A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control using refercence cells (bsd3, control, library)
- CC-delcont-ref-tf library: A monad transformers for multi-prompt delimited control using refercence cells (bsd3, control, library)
- CCA library and program: preprocessor and library for Causal Commutative Arrows (CCA) (bsd3, development, library, program)
- CHXHtml library: A W3C compliant (X)HTML generating library (bsd3, library, web)
- CLASE library: Cursor Library for A Structured Editor (bsd3, data, library)
- CLI library and test: CLI tools (bsd3, data, library)
- CMCompare library and program: Infernal covariance model comparison (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- CMQ library: cwmwl udp message queue (bsd3, library, system)
- COrdering library: An algebraic data type similar to Prelude Ordering. (bsd3, data, library)
- CPBrainfuck program: A simple Brainfuck interpretter. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- CPL program: An interpreter of Hagino's Categorical Programming Language (CPL). (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- CSPM-CoreLanguage library: Definition of a CSP core-language. (bsd3, concurrency, formal-methods, language, library)
- CSPM-FiringRules library: Firing rules semantic of CSPM (bsd3, concurrency, formal-methods, language, library)
- CSPM-Frontend library: A CSP-M parser compatible with FDR-2.91 (bsd3, concurrency, formal-methods, language, library)
- CSPM-Interpreter library: An interpreter for CSPM (bsd3, concurrency, formal-methods, language, library)
- CSPM-ToProlog library: some modules specific for the ProB tool (bsd3, formal-methods, library)
- CSPM-cspm library and program: cspm command line tool for analyzing CSPM specifications. (bsd3, concurrency, formal-methods, language, library, program)
- CTRex library: Open records using closed type families. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- CV library: OpenCV based machine vision library (ai, graphics, library, machine-vision)
- Cabal library: A framework for packaging Haskell software (bsd3, distribution, library)
- Cabal-hooks library: API for the Hooks build-type (bsd3, distribution, library)
- Cabal-ide-backend library and tests: A framework for packaging Haskell software (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, library)
- Cabal-syntax library: A library for working with .cabal files (bsd3, distribution, library)
- CabalSearch program: Search cabal packages by name (bsd3, program, utils)
- Capabilities library: Separate and contain effects of IO monad. (bsd3, generics, library, security)
- Cardinality library: Measure container capacity. Use it to safely change container. (data, library)
- CarneadesDSL library: An implementation and DSL for the Carneades argumentation model. (ai, argumentation, bsd3, embedded, library)
- CarneadesIntoDung library and program: A translation from the Carneades argumentation model into Dung's AFs. (ai, argumentation, bsd3, embedded, library, program)
- Cartesian library: Coordinate systems (library, math, mit)
- Cascade library: Playing with reified categorical composition (control, library, public-domain)
- Cassava library and test: A CSV parsing and encoding library (bsd3, csv, deprecated, library, text, web)
- Catana library: A monad for complex manipulation of a stream. (bsd3, control, library)
- ChannelT library: Generalized stream processors (bsd3, control, enumerator, iteratee, library, pipes, proxies)
- Chart library: A library for generating 2D Charts and Plots (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Chart-cairo library: Cairo backend for Charts. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Chart-diagrams library: Diagrams backend for Charts. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Chart-fltkhs library: A backend for the Chart library for FLTKHS (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Chart-gtk library: Utility functions for using the chart library with GTK (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Chart-gtk3 library: Utility functions for using the chart library with GTK (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Chart-simple library: A wrapper for the chart library to assist with basic plots (Deprecated - use the Easy module instead) (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- Chart-tests program and test: Tests of the Charts library. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- ChasingBottoms library and test: For testing partial and infinite values. (library, mit, testing)
- CheatSheet program: A Haskell cheat sheet in PDF and literate formats. (bsd3, help, program)
- Checked library: Inbuilt checking for ultra reliable computing (bsd3, data, library)
- ChibiHash library, program and test: a simple and fast 64-bit hash function (algorithms, data, library, mit, program)
- Chitra program: A platform independent mechanism to render graphics using vnc. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- ChristmasTree library: Alternative approach of 'read' that composes grammars instead of parsers. (library, parsing-)
- CirruParser library: Cirru Parser in Haskell (deprecated, library, mit, text)
- Clash-Royale-Hack-Cheats library and tests: spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- ClassLaws library: Stating and checking laws for type class methods (bsd3, library, testing)
- ClasshSS library: Typified Tailwind for Rapid Development (library, mit, web)
- ClassyPrelude library: Prelude replacement using classes instead of concrete types where reasonable (bsd3, control, data, library)
- Clean library: A light, clean and powerful utility library (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- ClickHaskell library: ClickHouse driver (bsd3, clickhouse, library)
- Clipboard library: System clipboard interface. (bsd3, library, system)
- ClustalParser library, program and test: Libary for parsing Clustal tools output (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- Coadjute library: A generic build tool (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- Codec-Compression-LZF library: LZF compression bindings. (bsd3, codec, library)
- Codec-Image-DevIL library: An FFI interface to the DevIL library (bsd3, codecs, library)
- Color library, test and benchmarks: Color spaces and conversions between them (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Combinatorrent program: A concurrent bittorrent client (bsd3, network, program)
- Command library: A replacement for System.Exit and System.Process (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- Commando library and program: Watch some files; Rerun a command (development, library, mit, program)
- ComonadSheet library: A library for expressing spreadsheet-like computations as the fixed-points of comonads. (bsd3, control, library)
- Compactable library: A generalization for containers that can be stripped of Nothing (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- ConClusion library and program: Cluster algorithms, PCA, and chemical conformere analysis (agpl, chemistry, library, program, statistics)
- Concurrent-Cache library: A Cached variable for IO functions. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- ConcurrentUtils library: Concurrent utilities (concurrency, gpl, library)
- Concurrential library: Mix concurrent and sequential computation (bsd3, control, library)
- Condor library, program and test: Information retrieval library (bsd3, library, program, search, text)
- ConfigFile library: Configuration file reading & writing (bsd3, library, parsing)
- ConfigFileTH library: Template haskell for reading ConfigFiles. (library, parsing, template-haskell)
- Configger library: Parse config files (configuration, library, mit)
- Configurable library: Declare types as Configurable then specialize them all in one place (control, library, mit)
- ConsStream library: Trivial re-export of Wouter Swierstra's Stream package,
avoiding module name clash. (bsd3, data, library)
- Conscript program: Restart a command on STDIN activity (mit, program, system)
- ConstraintKinds library: Repackages standard type classes with the ConstraintKinds extension (bsd3, control, library)
- Consumer library: A monad and monad transformer for consuming streams (bsd3, library, monads)
- ContArrow library: Control.Arrow.Transformer.Cont (bsd3, control, library)
- ContextAlgebra program: Implementation of the context algebra. (bsd3, math, program)
- Contract library: Practical typed lazy contracts. (bsd3, development, library)
- Control-Engine library: A parallel producer/consumer engine (thread pool) (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- Control-Monad-MultiPass library and test: A Library for Writing Multi-Pass Algorithms. (bsd3, control, library)
- Control-Monad-ST2 library and test: A variation on the ST monad with two type parameters. (bsd3, control, library)
- CoreDump library: A GHC plugin for printing GHC's internal Core data structures. (bsd3, ghc, library)
- CoreErlang library: Manipulating Core Erlang source code (bsd3, language, library)
- CoreFoundation library: Bindings to Mac OSX's CoreFoundation framework (bsd3, library, system)
- Coroutine library: Type-safe coroutines using lightweight session types. (bsd3, control, library)
- CouchDB library and test: CouchDB interface (bsd3, database, library)
- Craft3e library and programs: Code for Haskell: the Craft of Functional Programming, 3rd ed. (education, library, mit, program)
- Crypto library and tests: Common Cryptographic Algorithms in Pure Haskell (codec, cryptography, library)
- CurryDB library, programs, tests and benchmark: CurryDB: In-memory Key/Value Database (bsd3, database, library, program)
- DAG-Tournament program: Real-Time Game Tournament Evaluator (game, program)
- DAV library and program: RFC 4918 WebDAV support (gpl, library, program, web)
- DBFunctor library, program and test: DBFunctor - Functional Data Management => ETL/ELT Data Processing in Haskell (bsd3, data-processing, etl, library, program)
- DBlimited program: A command-line SQL interface for flat files (tdf,csv,etc.) (bsd3, database, program)
- DBus library: D-Bus bindings (bsd3, desktop, library, network)
- DCFL library: Communication Free Learning-based constraint solver (data-, library, mit)
- DMuCheck program: Distributed Mutation Analysis framework for MuCheck (gpl, program, testing)
- DOH library and test: Complete API bindings for DigitalOcean API V2 (library, mit, network)
- DOM library: DOM Level 2 bindings for the WebBits package. (bsd3, library, web)
- DP library: Pragmatic framework for dynamic programming (algorithms, bsd3, library, math, natural-language-processing)
- DPM library and program: Darcs Patch Manager (development, library, program)
- DPutils library, test and benchmarks: utilities for DP (bsd3, data, library)
- DRBG library and test: Deterministic random bit generator (aka RNG, PRNG) based
HMACs, Hashes, and Ciphers. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- DSA library and test: Implementation of DSA, based on the description of FIPS 186-4 (bsd3, codec, cryptography, library)
- DSH library and program: Database Supported Haskell (bsd3, database, library, program)
- DSTM library and programs: A framework for using STM within distributed systems (distributed-computing, library, program)
- DTC library: Data To Class transformation. (bsd3, language, library)
- Dangerous library: Monads for operations that can exit early and produce warnings (error-handling, library, mit)
- Dao library, program and test: Dao is meta programming language with its own built-in
interpreted language, designed with artificial
intelligence applications in mind. (gpl, library, program, unclassified)
- DarcsHelpers library: Code used by Patch-Shack that seemed sensible to open for reusability (library, web)
- Data-Angle library: Geometric angles (bsd3, data, library, math)
- Data-Hash-Consistent library: Provide a simple consistent hashing mechanism (bsd3, data, library)
- Data-Rope library: Ropes, an alternative to (Byte)Strings. (data, deprecated, library)
- DataIndex library, program, test and benchmark: A package for adding index column to data files (data, library, mit, program)
- DataTreeView library: A GTK widget for displaying arbitrary Data.Data.Data instances (bsd3, debug, development, gui, library)
- DataVersion library and test: Type safe data migrations (data, library, mit)
- Deadpan-DDP library, program and test: Write clients for Meteor's DDP Protocol (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- DebugTraceHelpers library: Convenience functions and instances for Debug.Trace (debug, library)
- Decimal library and test: Decimal numbers with variable precision (bsd3, library, math)
- DecisionTree library: A very simple implementation of decision trees for discrete attributes. (algorithms, library, pattern-classification)
- DeepArrow library: Arrows for "deep application" (bsd3, combinators, control, library)
- DeepDarkFantasy library and tests: A DSL for creating neural network. (dsl, library)
- DefendTheKing programs: A simple RTS game (frp, game, program)
- Delta-Lambda program and test: A demonstration interpreter for type system delta-lambda (of N.G. De-bruijn) (compilers-interpreters, mit, program)
- DescriptiveKeys library: A library for specifying xmonad key bindings with functionality. (bsd3, library, system)
- Dflow library and test: Processing Real-time event streams (bsd3, library, reactivity)
- Diff library and test: Diff algorithm in pure Haskell (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- DifferenceLogic library: A theory solver for conjunctions of literals in difference logic (bsd3, library, math)
- DifferentialEvolution library: Global optimization using Differential Evolution (algorithms-, library, mit, numerical, optimization)
- Digit library: A data-type representing digits 0-9 (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- DigitGroup library: Group the digits of numbers by lots (bsd3, library, math)
- DigitalOcean library and test: A client library for the DigitalOcean API (agpl, library, network)
- DimensionalHash library: An n-dimensional hash using Morton numbers. (algorithms, bsd3, data, library)
- DirectSound library: Partial binding to the Microsoft DirectSound API. (bsd3, library, sound)
- DisTract library and programs: Distributed Bug Tracking System (bsd3, library, program, system)
- DiscussionSupportSystem library and test: Discussion support system (gpl, library, system)
- Dish library and program: Hash modules (currently Murmur3) (bsd3, data, library, program)
- Dist library and test: A Haskell library for probability distributions (library, math, mit)
- DistanceTransform library and test: Distance transform function. (bsd3, library, math)
- DistanceUnits library: A comprehensive distance library (bsd3, data, library)
- DnaProteinAlignment library and program: Frameshift-aware alignment of protein sequences with DNA sequences (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- DocTest program: Test interactive Haskell examples (deprecated, mit, program, testing)
- Docs library: Documentation types library. (bsd3, deprecated, documentation, library)
- DrHylo library and program: A tool for deriving hylomorphisms (bsd3, language, library, program)
- DrIFT library and programs: Program to derive type class instances (bsd3, data-structures, library, program)
- DrIFT-cabalized programs: Program to derive type class instances (bsd3, data-structures, deprecated, program)
- Dung library and program: An implementation of the Dung argumentation frameworks. (ai, argumentation, bsd3, embedded, library, program)
- Dust library and test: Polymorphic protocol engine (library, network)
- Dust-crypto library and test: Cryptographic operations (cryptography, library)
- Dust-tools library and programs: Network filtering exploration tools (library, network, program)
- Dust-tools-pcap programs: Network filtering exploration tools that rely on pcap (network, program)
- DynamicTimeWarp library and programs: Dynamic time warping of sequences. (data, lgpl, library, program)
- DysFRP library: dysFunctional Reactive Programming (bsd3, frp, library)
- DysFRP-Cairo library: dysFunctional Reactive Programming on Cairo (bsd3, frp, library)
- DysFRP-Craftwerk library: dysFunctional Reactive Programming on Craftwerk (bsd3, frp, library)
- EEConfig library: ExtremlyEasyConfig - Extremly Simple parser for config files (bsd3, library, parsing)
- ENIG library and test: Auto Korean conjugator/adjustor/adopter/converter (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- EVP library and test: Environment Variable Parser (bsd3, library, system)
- Earley library, test and benchmark: Parsing all context-free grammars using Earley's algorithm. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- Ebnf2ps program: Peter's Syntax Diagram Drawing Tool (bsd3, language, program)
- EdisonAPI library: A library of efficient, purely-functional data structures (API) (data-structures, library, mit)
- EdisonCore library: A library of efficient, purely-functional data structures (Core Implementations) (data-structures, library, mit)
- EditTimeReport program: Query language and report generator for edit logs. (program, utils)
- Eight-Ball-Pool-Hack-Cheats library and tests: spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- EitherT library: EitherT monad transformer (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- Elm library, programs and tests: The Elm language module. (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, library, program)
- Emping program: derives heuristic rules from nominal data (data-mining, program)
- Empty library: A type class for empty containers (bsd3, control, library)
- Encode library and programs: Encoding character data (codec, library, program, text)
- EntrezHTTP library: Libary to interface with the NCBI Entrez REST service. (bioinformatics, deprecated, gpl, library)
- Enum library and test: Non-crashing `Enum` operations (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- EnumContainers library: Simple Enum-class-based int containers (bsd3, data, library)
- EnumMap library: More general IntMap replacement. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- Eq program: Render math formula in ASCII, and perform some simplifications (bsd3, deprecated, language, math, program)
- EqualitySolver library: A theory solver for conjunctions of literals in the theory of uninterpreted functions with equality (bsd3, library, math)
- EsounD library: Type-safe bindings to EsounD (ESD; Enlightened Sound Daemon) (library, public-domain, sound)
- EstProgress library: Methods for estimating the progress of functions (bsd3, data, library)
- EtaMOO program: A new implementation of the LambdaMOO server (bsd3, network, program)
- Etage library: A general data-flow framework (ai, control, lgpl, library)
- Etage-Graph library and program: Data-flow based graph algorithms (data-structures, lgpl, library, program)
- Eternal10Seconds program: A 2-D shooting game (bsd3, game, program)
- Etherbunny library and program: A network analysis toolkit for Haskell (library, network, program)
- EuroIT library: Library for using euro currency, italian language (bsd3, data, library)
- Euterpea library: Library for computer music research and education (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- EventSocket library: Interfaces with FreeSwitch Event Socket. (bsd3, library, network)
- Extra library: A grab bag of modules. (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- FAI library and test: Haskell Foreign Accelerate Interface (accelerate, lgpl, library)
- FComp library and program: Compose music (gpl, library, music, program)
- FM-SBLEX programs: A set of computational morphology tools for Swedish diachronic lexicons. (natural-language-processing, program)
- FModExRaw library: The Haskell FModEx raw API. (deprecated, gpl, library, sound)
- FPretty library: Efficient simple pretty printing combinators (bsd3, library, text.prettyprint)
- FSM library: Basic concepts of finite state machines. (bsd3, fsm, library)
- FTGL library: Portable TrueType font rendering for OpenGL using the Freetype2 library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- FTGL-bytestring library: Portable TrueType font rendering for OpenGL using the Freetype2 library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- FTPLine program: A command-line FTP client. (bsd3, network, program)
- FULE library and test: Functional UI Layout Engine (bsd3, gui, library)
- Facebook-Password-Hacker-Online-Latest-Version library and tests: spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- Facts library: A collection of facts about the real world. (bsd3, factual, library)
- FailT library and tests: A 'FailT' monad transformer that plays well with 'MonadFail' (bsd3, control, failure, library)
- FailureT library: Failure Monad Transformer (control, deprecated, failure, library, public-domain)
- FastPush library: A monad and monad transformer for pushing things onto a stack very fast. (bsd3, control, library)
- FastxPipe library: Fasta and Fastq streaming (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- FenwickTree library and test: Data structure for fast query and update of cumulative sums (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- FermatsLastMargin program: Annotate ps and pdf documents (program, web)
- FerryCore library: Ferry Core Components (bsd3, database, library)
- Feval program: Evaluation using F-Algebras (language, mit, program)
- FieldTrip library: Functional 3D (bsd3, graphics, library)
- FileManip library: Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell. (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- FileManipCompat library: Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell. (bsd3, library, system)
- FilePather library: Functions on System.FilePath (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- FileSystem library: File system data structure and monad transformer. (bsd3, library, system)
- Files library, program and test: File content extraction/rearrangement (io, library, mit, program)
- Fin library: Finite totally-ordered sets (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- Finance-Quote-Yahoo library: Obtain quote data from (bsd3, library, web)
- Finance-Treasury library: Obtain Treasury yield curve data (bsd3, library, web)
- FindBin library: Locate directory of original program (bsd3, library, system)
- FiniteCategories library and test: Finite categories and usual categorical constructions on them. (data, gpl, library, maths)
- FiniteCategoriesGraphViz library and test: Transform objects of the package FiniteCategories into graphs using GraphViz. (data, gpl, library, maths)
- FiniteMap library: A finite map implementation, derived from the paper: Efficient sets: a balancing act, S. Adams, Journal of functional programming 3(4) Oct 1993, pp553-562 (bsd4, data, deprecated, library)
- FirstOrderTheory library: Grammar and typeclass for first order theories (bsd3, library, math)
- FirstPrelude library: A version of Prelude suitable for teaching. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- FixedPoint-simple library: Fixed point, large word, and large int numerical representations (types and common class instances) (bsd3, data, library)
- Flint2 library and test: Haskell bindings for the flint library for number theory (gpl, library, math)
- Flint2-Examples programs and test: Examples for the Flint2 library (gpl, math, program)
- Flippi program: Wiki (bsd3, program, text)
- FloatingHex library: Read and write hexadecimal floating point numbers (bsd3, library, tools)
- Focus library: Tools for focusing in on locations within numbers (data, library, mit)
- Folly library and programs: A first order logic library in Haskell (bsd3, library, program, theorem-provers)
- FontyFruity library: A true type file format loader (bsd3, font, graphics, library, text)
- ForSyDe library: ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language. (bsd3, deprecated, hardware, language, library)
- ForestStructures library, test and benchmark: Tree- and forest structures (bioinformatics, bsd3, formal-languages, library)
- Forestry library, test and benchmark: Comparison of trees and forests. (bioinformatics, bsd3, formal-languages, library)
- ForkableT library: Forkable monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- FormalGrammars library and test: (Context-free) grammars in formal language theory (bioinformatics, formal-languages, gpl, library)
- Fortnite-Hack-Cheats-Free-V-Bucks-Generator library and tests: spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- Foster program and benchmark: Utilities to generate and solve puzzles (data, mit, program)
- FpMLv53 library: A binding for the Financial Products Markup Language (v5.3) (financial, library, xml)
- FractalArt program: Generates colorful wallpapers (graphics, mit, program)
- Fractaler program: (graphics, mit, program)
- Frames library, tests and benchmarks: Data frames for working with tabular data files (bsd3, data, library)
- Frames-beam library and test: A library for accessing Postgres tables as in-memory data structures. (bsd3, data, data-science, database, library)
- Frames-dsv library and test: Alternative CSV parser for the Frames package (bsd3, data, library)
- Frames-map-reduce library and test: Frames wrapper for map-reduce-folds and some extra folds helpers. (bsd3, data, library)
- Frames-streamly library, program, test and benchmark: A streamly layer for Frames I/O (bsd3, data, library, program)
- Frank program: An experimental programming language with typed algebraic effects (languages, program, public-domain)
- FreeTypeGL library: Loadable texture fonts for OpenGL. (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- FunGEn library and programs: A lightweight, cross-platform, OpenGL-based game engine. (bsd3, game, library, program)
- Fungi program: Funge-98 interpreter written in Haskell (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- GA library: Genetic algorithm library (ai, algorithms, bsd3, library, optimisation)
- GGg program: GGg cipher (mit, program, text)
- GHood library: A graphical viewer for Hood (bsd3, debug, library)
- GLFW library: A Haskell binding for GLFW (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GLFW-OGL library: A binding for GLFW (OGL) (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GLFW-b library and test: Bindings to GLFW OpenGL library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GLFW-b-demo program: GLFW-b demo (bsd3, graphics, program)
- GLFW-task library: GLFW utility functions to use together with monad-task. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GLHUI library: Open OpenGL context windows in X11 with libX11 (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GLM library, programs and test: Simple Gridlab-D GLM parser and utilities. (language, library, mit, program)
- GLMatrix library: Utilities for working with OpenGL matrices (gpl, graphics, library)
- GLURaw library: A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GLUT library: A binding for the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GLUtil library: Miscellaneous OpenGL utilities. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GOST34112012-Hash library and test: Bindings to the GOST R 34.11-2012 hashing implementation (bsd2, codec, cryptography, library)
- GPX library: Parse GPX files (bsd3, library, utils)
- GPipe library: Typesafe functional GPU graphics programming (graphics, library, mit)
- GPipe-Collada library: Load GPipe meshes from Collada files (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GPipe-Core library, test and benchmark: Typesafe functional GPU graphics programming (graphics, library, mit)
- GPipe-Examples programs: Examples for the GPipes package (graphics, program)
- GPipe-GLFW library: GLFW OpenGL context creation for GPipe (graphics, library, mit)
- GPipe-GLFW4 library, program, test and benchmark: GLFW OpenGL context creation for GPipe (graphics, library, mit, program)
- GPipe-TextureLoad library: Load GPipe textures from filesystem (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GTALib library and test: A library for GTA programming (bsd3, language, library)
- Gamgine library: Some kind of game library or set of utilities. (bsd3, library)
- Ganymede program: An Io interpreter in Haskell. (bsd3, language, program)
- GaussQuadIntegration library: Non-adaptive Gaussian quadrature for numeric integraton (bsd3, library, math)
- GeBoP program: Several games (bsd3, game, program)
- GenI library, program and test: A natural language generator (specifically, an FB-LTAG surface realiser) (library, natural-language-processing, program)
- GenSmsPdu library, program and test: Automatic SMS message generator (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- Genbank library and program: Libary for processing the NCBI genbank format (bioinformatics, library, program)
- Gene-CluEDO library, program and test: Hox gene clustering (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- GeneralTicTacToe program: A general TicTacToe game implementation. (game, mit, program)
- GenericPretty library: A generic, derivable, haskell pretty printer. (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)
- GenussFold library, program and test: MCFGs for Genus-1 RNA Pseudoknots (bioinformatics, formal-languages, gpl, library, program)
- GeoIp library: Pure bindings for the MaxMind IP database. (library, network)
- GeocoderOpenCage library: Geocoder and Reverse Geocoding Service Wrapper (library, web)
- Geodetic library: Geodetic calculations (bsd3, deprecated, library, utils)
- GeomPredicates library: Geometric predicates (bsd3, library, math)
- GeomPredicates-SSE library: Geometric predicates (Intel SSE) (bsd3, library, math)
- Get library and test: get stuff out of stuff (bsd3, control, library)
- GiST library: A Haskell implementation of a Generalized Search Tree (GiST) (data-structures, library)
- Gifcurry library and programs: GIF creation utility. (application, bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- GiveYouAHead library: to auto-do somethings (giveyouahead, library, mit)
- Gleam library: HTML Canvas graphics, animations and simulations. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Glob library and test: Globbing library (bsd3, library, system)
- GlomeTrace library: Ray Tracing Library (graphics, library)
- GlomeVec library: Simple 3D vector library (graphics, library)
- GlomeView program: SDL Frontend for Glome ray tracer (graphics, program)
- GoogleChart library: Generate web-based charts using the Google Chart API (bsd3, graphics, library)
- GoogleCodeJam library: A monad for flexible parsing of Google Code Jam input files with automatic parallelization. (library, mit, text)
- GoogleDirections library: Haskell Interface to Google Directions API (bsd3, library, network)
- GoogleSB library: Interface to Google Safe Browsing API (bsd3, library, security)
- GoogleSuggest library: Interface to Google Suggest API (browser, gpl, library)
- GoogleTranslate library: Interface to Google Translate API (gpl, language, library)
- GotoT-transformers library: A monad and monadic transformer providing "goto" functionality (bsd3, control, library)
- Grafos library: Grafos Haskell (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- GrammarProducts library and test: Grammar products and higher-dimensional grammars (bioinformatics, formal-languages, gpl, library)
- Graph500 library and program: Graph500 benchmark-related definitions and data set generator. (concurrency, gpl, library, program)
- GraphHammer library: GraphHammer Haskell graph analyses framework inspired by STINGER. (concurrency, gpl, library)
- GraphHammer-examples library and program: Test harness for TriangleCount analysis. (concurrency, gpl, library, program)
- GraphSCC library: Tarjan's algorithm for computing the strongly connected components of a graph. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- Graphalyze library: Graph-Theoretic Analysis library. (algorithms, graphs, library)
- Grempa library: Embedded grammar DSL and LALR parser generator (bsd3, library, parsing)
- GroteTrap library and test: Parser and selection library for expression languages. (bsd3, language, library)
- Grow library: A declarative make-like interpreter. (build, library)
- GrowlNotify library and program: Notification utility for Growl. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- Gtk2hsGenerics library: Convenience functions to extend Gtk2hs. (gui, library)
- GtkGLTV library: OpenGL support for Gtk-based GUIs for Tangible Values (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- GtkTV library: Gtk-based GUIs for Tangible Values (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- GuiHaskell program: A graphical REPL and development environment for Haskell (bsd3, development, program)
- GuiTV library: GUIs for Tangible Values (bsd3, interfaces, library, user-interfaces)
- H program: The Haskell/R mixed programming environment. (bsd3, ffi, program)
- HABQT library, program and test: Hierarchical adaptive Bayesian quantum tomography for quantum bits (bsd3, library, math, program, quantum)
- HARM library and programs: A simple ARM emulator in haskell (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, program)
- HAppS-Data library: HAppS data manipulation libraries (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- HAppS-IxSet library: (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- HAppS-Server library: Web related tools and services. (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- HAppS-State library: Event-based distributed state. (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- HAppS-Util library: Web framework (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- HAppSHelpers library: OBSOLETE. Please use happstack-helpers (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- HCL library, program and test: High-level library for building command line interfaces. (bsd3, library, program, user-interfaces)
- HCard library: A library for implementing a Deck of Cards (bsd3, game-, library)
- HCodecs library and test: A library to read, write and manipulate MIDI, WAVE, and SoundFont2 files. (bsd3, codec, library)
- HDBC library: Haskell Database Connectivity (bsd3, database, library)
- HDBC-mysql library: MySQL driver for HDBC (database, library)
- HDBC-odbc library: ODBC driver for HDBC (bsd3, database, library)
- HDBC-postgresql library: PostgreSQL driver for HDBC (bsd3, database, library)
- HDBC-postgresql-hstore library: Manipulate data in PostgreSQL "hstore" columns. (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- HDBC-session library: Bracketed connection for HDBC (bsd3, database, library)
- HDBC-sqlite3 library: Sqlite v3 driver for HDBC (bsd3, database, library)
- HDRUtils library: Utilities for reading, manipulating, and writing HDR images (bsd3, graphics, library)
- HERA library: (bsd3, library, math)
- HExcel library: Create Excel files with Haskell (Excel, bsd3, data, library, spreadsheet, text)
- HFitUI library, program and test: The library for generating a graphical interface on the web (bsd3, library, program, web)
- HFrequencyQueue library: A Queue with a random (weighted) pick function (data, gpl, library)
- HFuse library: HFuse is a binding for the Linux FUSE library. (bsd3, library, system)
- HGE2D library, programs and test: 2D game engine written in Haskell (game, library, mit, program)
- HGL library: A simple graphics library based on X11 or Win32 (bsd3, graphics, library)
- HGamer3D library: Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer (game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-API library: Library to enable 3D game development for Haskell - API (deprecated, game, library)
- HGamer3D-Audio library: Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - Audio Functionality (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-Bullet-Binding library: Windows Game Engine for the Haskell Programmer - Bullet Bindings (deprecated, game-engine, library, physics)
- HGamer3D-CAudio-Binding library: Library to enable 3D game development for Haskell - cAudio Bindings (deprecated, game, library)
- HGamer3D-CEGUI-Binding library: A Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - CEGUI Bindings (deprecated, game-engine, gui, library)
- HGamer3D-Common library: Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - Game Engine and Utilities (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-Data library: Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - Data Definitions (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-Enet-Binding library: Enet Binding for HGamer3D (deprecated, game-engine, library, network)
- HGamer3D-GUI library: GUI Functionality for HGamer3D (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-Graphics3D library: Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer - 3D Graphics Functionality (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-InputSystem library: Joystick, Mouse and Keyboard Functionality for HGamer3D (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-Network library: Networking Functionality for HGamer3D (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-OIS-Binding library: Library to enable 3D game development for Haskell - OIS Bindings (deprecated, game, library)
- HGamer3D-Ogre-Binding library: Ogre Binding for HGamer3D (deprecated, game-engine, graphics, library)
- HGamer3D-SDL2-Binding library: SDL2 Binding for HGamer3D (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-SFML-Binding library: SFML Binding for HGamer3D (audio, deprecated, game-engine, graphics, library)
- HGamer3D-WinEvent library: Windowing and Event Functionality for HGamer3D (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGamer3D-Wire library: Wire Functionality for HGamer3D (deprecated, game-engine, library)
- HGraphStorage library, test and benchmark: Graph database stored on disk (bsd3, database, library)
- HHDL library: Hardware Description Language embedded in Haskell. (bsd3, hardware, library)
- HJScript library: HJScript is a Haskell EDSL for writing JavaScript programs. (bsd3, language, library, web)
- HJVM library and test: A library to create a Java Virtual Machine and manipulate Java objects (bsd3, language, library)
- HJavaScript library: HJavaScript is an abstract syntax for a typed subset of JavaScript. (bsd3, language, library)
- HLearn-algebra library: Algebraic foundation for homomorphic learning (bsd3, data-mining, deprecated, library, machine-learning)
- HLearn-approximation library: (bsd3, data-mining, data-structures, deprecated, library, machine-learning)
- HLearn-classification library: (bsd3, data-mining, deprecated, library, machine-learning)
- HLearn-datastructures library: (bsd3, data-mining, data-structures, deprecated, library, machine-learning)
- HLearn-distributions library: Distributions for use with the HLearn library (bsd3, data-mining, deprecated, library, machine-learning, statistics)
- HList library and tests: Heterogeneous lists (data, library, mit)
- HListPP program: A preprocessor for HList labelable labels (bsd3, development, program)
- HLogger library and program: Simple, concurrent and easy-to-use logging library (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library, logging, program)
- HMM library: A hidden markov model library (algorithms, bsd3, data-mining, library, machine-learning)
- HMap library: Fast heterogeneous maps and unconstrained typeable-like functionality. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- HMarkov library and test: Markov-generated sequences (bsd3, library, text)
- HMock library and test: A flexible mock framework for testing effectful code. (bsd3, library, testing)
- HNM library and program: Happy Network Manager (bsd3, library, network, program, system)
- HNumeric library and test: Haskell Numeric Library with pure functionality, R & MATLAB Syntax. (bsd3, hnum, library, linearalgebra, numeric, statistics)
- HODE library: Binding to libODE (bsd3, game, library, physics)
- HOpenCV library and program: A binding for the OpenCV computer vision library (ai, gpl, graphics, library, program)
- HPDF library, program and test: Generation of PDF documents (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- HPath library and program: Extract Haskell declarations by name. (bsd3, library, program, source-tools, text)
- HPhone library and test: Phone number parser and validator - This is now DEPRECATED! (deprecated, library, text)
- HPi library: GPIO, I2C, SPI, and PWM functions for the Raspberry Pi. (bsd3, library, system)
- HPlot library and program: A minimal monadic PLplot interface for Haskell (bsd3, foreign, graphics, library, program)
- HPong program: A simple OpenGL Pong game based on GLFW (game, program)
- HQu library, tests and benchmark: quantitative finance library (finance, library, math, mit)
- HROOT library: Haskell binding to the ROOT data analysis framework (graphics, lgpl, library, math, numerical, statistics)
- HROOT-core library: Haskell binding to ROOT Core modules (graphics, lgpl, library, math, numerical, statistics)
- HROOT-graf library: Haskell binding to ROOT Graf modules (graphics, lgpl, library, math, numerical, statistics)
- HROOT-hist library: Haskell binding to ROOT Hist modules (graphics, lgpl, library, math, numerical, statistics)
- HROOT-io library: Haskell binding to ROOT IO modules (graphics, lgpl, library, math, numerical, statistics)
- HROOT-math library: Haskell binding to ROOT Math modules (graphics, lgpl, library, math, numerical, statistics)
- HROOT-net library: Haskell binding to ROOT Net modules (lgpl, library, math, numerical, raphics, statistics)
- HROOT-tree library: Haskell binding to ROOT Tree modules (graphics, lgpl, library, math, numerical, statistics)
- HRay program: Haskell raytracer (bsd3, graphics, program)
- HSFFIG library and programs: Generate FFI import declarations from C include files (bsd3, ffi-tools, library, program)
- HSGEP library and program: Gene Expression Programming evolutionary algorithm in Haskell (ai, bsd3, library, program)
- HSH library: Library to mix shell scripting with Haskell programs (library, system)
- HSHHelpers library: Convenience functions that use HSH, instances for HSH. (library, system)
- HSet library: Faux heterogeneous sets (bsd3, data, library)
- HSlippyMap library: OpenStreetMap Slippy Map (bsd3, geography, library)
- HSmarty library and test: Small template engine (bsd3, library, text)
- HSoM library: Library for computer music education (bsd3, library, sound)
- HSoundFile library: Audio file reading/writing (bsd3, codecs, deprecated, library, sound)
- HStringTemplate library and test: StringTemplate implementation in Haskell. (bsd3, library, text)
- HStringTemplateHelpers library: Convenience functions and instances for HStringTemplate (library, text)
- HSvm library: Haskell Bindings for libsvm (bsd3, classification, datamining, library)
- HTF library, program and tests: The Haskell Test Framework (lgpl, library, program, testing)
- HTTP library and test: A library for client-side HTTP (bsd3, library, network)
- HTTP-Simple library: DEPRECATED Enable simple wrappers to Network.HTTP (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- HTab program: Tableau based theorem prover for hybrid logics (bsd3, program, theorem-provers)
- HTicTacToe program: An SDL tic-tac-toe game. (game, graphics, mit, program)
- HUnit library and test: A unit testing framework for Haskell (bsd3, library, testing)
- HUnit-Diff library: Assertions for HUnit with difference reporting (bsd3, deprecated, library, testing)
- HUnit-Plus library and test: A test framework building on HUnit. (bsd3, library, test, testing)
- HUnit-approx library and test: Approximate equality for floating point numbers with HUnit (bsd3, library, testing)
- HXMPP library and program: A (prototyped) easy to use XMPP library (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, program)
- HXQ library: A Compiler from XQuery to Haskell (bsd3, library, xml)
- HaGL library and test: Haskell-embedded OpenGL (graphics, library, mit)
- HaLeX library and program: HaLeX enables modelling, manipulation and visualization of regular languages (data, library, program, public-domain)
- HaMinitel library: An Haskell library to drive the french Minitel through a serial port (gpl, library, terminal)
- HaPy library: Haskell bindings for Python (foreign, library, mit)
- HaRe : the Haskell Refactorer. (bsd3, development, refactoring)
- HaTeX library and tests: The Haskell LaTeX library. (bsd3, latex, library)
- HaTeX-meta program: This package is deprecated. From version 3, HaTeX does not need this anymore. (bsd3, deprecated, program, text)
- HaTeX-qq library: Quasiquoters for HaTeX (bsd3, library, text)
- HaVSA library and program: An implementation of the Version Space Algebra learning framework. (ai, bsd3, library, program)
- HaXPath library and tests: An XPath-generating embedded domain specific language. (bsd3, library, xml)
- HaXml library and programs: Utilities for manipulating XML documents (lgpl, library, program, text, xml)
- Hach library and programs: Simple chat (library, mit, network, program)
- HackMail library and program: A Procmail Replacement as Haskell EDSL (bsd3, library, network, program)
- Haggressive library and test: Aggression analysis for Tweets on Twitter (gpl, library, web)
- HandlerSocketClient library: Haskell implementation of a HandlerSocket client (API). (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- HandsomeSoup library and test: Work with HTML more easily in HXT (bsd3, library, text)
- Hangman program: The classic game of Hangman (mit, program, unclassified)
- HangmanAscii program: Yet another Hangman game. (bsd3, game, program)
- HappyTree library and test: Type Safe and End to End Decision Tree (bsd3, data, library)
- HarmTrace program: Harmony Analysis and Retrieval of Music (gpl, music, program)
- HarmTrace-Base library and test: Parsing and unambiguously representing musical chords. (lgpl, library, music)
- HasBigDecimal library, programs and test: A library for arbitrary precision decimal numbers. (apache, library, math, program)
- HasCacBDD library and test: Haskell bindings for CacBDD (data, gpl, library)
- HasChor library and programs: Functional choreographic programming in Haskell (bsd3, concurrency, library, program)
- HasGP library: A Haskell library for inference using Gaussian processes (ai, classification, datamining, gpl, library, statistics)
- Haschoo program: Minimalist R5RS Scheme interpreter (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, deprecated, program)
- Hashell program: Simple shell written in Haskell (program, user-interfaces)
- HaskRel library: HaskRel, Haskell as a DBMS with support for the relational
algebra (database, gpl, library)
- HaskellAnalysisProgram program and test: Haskell source code analysis program (apache, program, source-code-analysis)
- HaskellForMaths library: Combinatorics, group theory, commutative algebra, non-commutative algebra (bsd3, library, math)
- HaskellLM library: Pure Haskell implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (library, math)
- HaskellNN library: High Performance Neural Network in Haskell (ai, library)
- HaskellNet library: Client support for POP3, SMTP, and IMAP (bsd3, library, network)
- HaskellNet-SSL library and program: Helpers to connect to SSL/TLS mail servers with HaskellNet (bsd3, library, network, program)
- HaskellTorrent program: A concurrent bittorrent client (bsd3, network, program)
- HaskellTutorials program: Haskell Tutorials by Evgeny Ukhanov (mit, program, tutorials)
- Haskelloids program: A reproduction of the Atari 1979 classic "Asteroids" (bsd3, game, program)
- Hastodon library: mastodon client module for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- Hate library and programs: A small 2D game framework. (graphics, library, mit, program)
- Hawk library: Haskell Web Application Kit (bsd3, library, web)
- Hayoo programs: The Hayoo! search engine for Haskell API search on hackage (data, mit, program, text)
- Hclip library: A small cross-platform library for reading and modifying the system clipboard. (bsd3, library, system)
- Hedi library and program: Line oriented editor (bsd3, editor, library, program)
- HerbiePlugin library and tests: automatically improve your code's numeric stability (bsd3, library, math)
- Hermes library: Message-based middleware layer (bsd3, deprecated, library, middleware, network)
- Hieroglyph library: Purely functional 2D graphics for visualization. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- HiggsSet library: A multi-index set with advanced query capabilites (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- Hipmunk library: A Haskell binding for Chipmunk. (deprecated, game, library, physics)
- Hipmunk-Utils library and test: Useful functions for Hipmunk (bsd3, game, library, physics)
- HipmunkPlayground program: A playground for testing Hipmunk. (game, physics, program)
- Hish library and program: (bsd3, command-line, console, library, program, shell)
- Histogram library: (bsd3, charts, library)
- Hmpf program: An MPD client designed for a Home Theatre PC (application, program)
- Hoed library and tests: Lightweight algorithmic debugging. (bsd3, debug, library, trace)
- HoleyMonoid library: Monoids with holes. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- Holumbus-Distribution library and programs: intra- and inter-program communication (distributed-computing, library, network, program)
- Holumbus-MapReduce library and programs: a distributed MapReduce framework (distributed-computing, library, program)
- Holumbus-Searchengine library: A search and indexing engine. (data, library, mit, text)
- Holumbus-Storage library and programs: a distributed storage system (distributed-computing, library, program)
- Homology library: Compute the homology of a chain complex (library, math)
- HongoDB library and test: A Simple Key Value Store (bsd3, database, library)
- HostAndPort library, tests and benchmark: Parser for host and port pairs like localhost:22 (library, mit, network)
- Hricket program: A Cricket scoring application. (bsd3, game, program)
- Hs2lib library, programs and tests: A Library and Preprocessor that makes it easier to create shared libs from Haskell programs. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- HsASA library: A haskell interface to Lester Ingber's adaptive simulating annealing code (bsd3, library, math)
- HsHTSLib library and test: Bindings to htslib. (bio, library, mit)
- HsHaruPDF library: Haskell binding to libharu ( (bsd3, graphics, library)
- HsHyperEstraier library: HyperEstraier binding for Haskell (library, public-domain, text)
- HsJudy library: Judy bindings, and some nice APIs (bsd3, data, library)
- HsOpenSSL library and tests: Partial OpenSSL binding for Haskell (cryptography, library, public-domain)
- HsOpenSSL-x509-system library: Use the system's native CA certificate store with HsOpenSSL (bsd3, filesystem, library, system)
- HsParrot library: Haskell integration with Parrot virtual machine (bsd3, language, library, pugs)
- HsPerl5 library: Haskell interface to embedded Perl 5 interpreter (bsd3, language, library, pugs)
- HsSVN library: Partial Subversion (SVN) binding for Haskell (development, library, public-domain, system)
- HsSyck library: Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper (library, mit, pugs, text)
- HsTools library: Haskell helper functions (bsd3, generic, library)
- HsWebots library and test: Webots bindings for Haskell (library, mit, robotics)
- HsYAML library and test: Pure Haskell YAML 1.2 processor (gpl, library, text)
- HsYAML-aeson library: JSON to YAML Adapter (codec, gpl, json, library, text, web, yaml)
- Hsed library and program: Stream Editor in Haskell (bsd3, editor, library, program)
- Hsmtlib library: Haskell library for easy interaction with SMT-LIB 2 compliant solvers. (bsd3, library, smt----------)
- HueAPI library: API for controlling Philips Hue lights (bsd3, deprecated, hardware, library)
- HulkImport library, program and test: Easily bulk import CSV data to SQL Server (bsd3, data, library, program)
- Hungarian-Munkres library, test and benchmark: A Linear Sum Assignment Problem (LSAP) solver (algorithms, gpl, library)
- Hydrogen library, program and test: The library for generating a WebGL scene for the web (bsd3, library, program, web)
- HyloDP library, programs and test: A package for solving dynamic programming problems in Haskell (bsd3, dynamic-programming, library, program, recursion)
- I1M library and test: Code for the Haskell course taught at the University of Seville. (data-structures, education, gpl, library)
- IDynamic library: Indexable, serializable form of Data.Dynamic (bsd3, data, library)
- IFS library and program: Iterated Function System generation for Haskell (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- INblobs program: Editor and interpreter for Interaction Nets (compilers-interpreters, program)
- IOR library: Region based resource management for the IO monad. (bsd3, library, monadic-regions, system)
- IORefCAS library and test: Atomic compare and swap for IORefs and STRefs. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- IOSpec library: A pure specification of the IO monad. (bsd3, library, testing)
- IPv6Addr library and test: Library to deal with IPv6 address text representations. (bsd3, library, network)
- IPv6DB library, program and test: A RESTful microService for IPv6-related data (bsd3, database, library, network, program)
- IcoGrid library: Library for generating grids of hexagons and pentagons mapped to a sphere. (graphics, library)
- IfElse library: Anaphoric and miscellaneous useful control-flow (bsd3, control, library)
- Imlib library: (bsd3, graphics, library)
- ImpSpec library and test: Imperative approach to testing stateful applications. ImpSpec is build on top of HSpec and QuickCheck (apache, control, library)
- ImperativeHaskell library: A library for writing Imperative style haskell. (control, development, embedded, gpl, language, library)
- IndentParser library: Combinators for parsing indentation based syntatic structures (deprecated, library, parsing)
- IndexedList library: Length- and element-indexed lists sitting somewhere between homogeneous and fully heterogeneous. (bsd3, data, library)
- InfixApplicative library: liftA2 for infix operators. (bsd3, control, library)
- IntFormats library and test: Convert integers in various bases to and from strings (library, mpl, text)
- IntGraph library and test: Dynamically sized graph library (bsd3, data-structure, library)
- InternedData library, test and benchmark: Data interning (with compact regions where possible) (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, natural-language-processing)
- Interpolation library: Multiline strings, interpolation and templating. (data, library, text)
- Interpolation-maxs library: Multiline strings, interpolation and templating. (data, library, text)
- IntervalMap library, tests and benchmarks: Containers for intervals, with efficient search. (bsd3, data, library)
- Irc library and test: DSL for IRC bots (gpl, library, network)
- IrrHaskell library: Haskell FRP binding to the Irrlicht game engine. (ffi, game-engine, graphics, library)
- IsNull library and test: A typeclass to determine if a given value is null. (bsd3, data, library)
- JSON-Combinator library: A combinator library on top of a generalised JSON type (bsd3, combinators, deprecated, json, library)
- JSON-Combinator-Examples library: Example uses of the JSON-Combinator library. (bsd3, combinators, deprecated, library)
- JSONParser library: Parse JSON (bsd3, library, text)
- JSONb library: JSON parser that uses byte strings. (bsd3, library, text)
- JYU-Utils library: Some utility functions for JYU projects (library, mit, utility)
- JackMiniMix library: control JackMiniMix (deprecated, gpl, library, sound)
- Javasf program: A utility to print the SourceFile attribute of one or more Java class files. (bsd3, deprecated, language, program)
- Javav program: A utility to print the target version of Java class files. (bsd3, deprecated, language, program)
- Jazzkell library: Library for modeling jazz improvisation. (library, music)
- Jdh library: A Json implementation for Haskell, with JavaScript Values and Encoding/Decoding (data, library, mit)
- Jikka library, program and tests: A transpiler from Python to C++ for competitive programming (compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- JsContracts library and program: Design-by-contract for JavaScript (bsd3, language, library, program)
- JsonGrammar library and test: Combinators for bidirectional JSON parsing (bsd3, json, language, library)
- JuPyTer-notebook library and program: JuPyTer notebook parser (bsd3, data, library, program)
- JuicyCairo library and test: To use images of JuicyPixels from Cairo (bsd3, graphics, library)
- JuicyPixels library: Picture loading/serialization (in png, jpeg, bitmap, gif, tga, tiff and radiance) (bsd3, codec, graphics, image, library)
- JuicyPixels-blp library and program: BLP format decoder/encoder over JuicyPixels library (bsd3, codec, graphics, image, library, program)
- JuicyPixels-blurhash library, program and tests: Blurhash is a very compact represenation of a placeholder for an image (bsd3, graphics, image, library, program)
- JuicyPixels-canvas library: Functions for drawing lines, squares and so on pixel by pixel (bsd3, graphics, library)
- JuicyPixels-extra library, test and benchmark: Efficiently scale, crop, flip images with JuicyPixels (bsd3, graphics, image, library)
- JuicyPixels-repa library: Convenience functions to obtain array representations of images. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- JuicyPixels-scale-dct library and test: Scale JuicyPixels images with DCT (bsd3, graphics, image, library)
- JuicyPixels-stbir library: Scale JuicyPixels images with stb_image_resize (bsd3, graphics, image, library)
- JuicyPixels-util library: Convert JuicyPixel images into RGBA format, flip, trim and so on (bsd3, control, library)
- JunkDB library: (bsd3, database, library)
- JunkDB-driver-gdbm library: (bsd3, database, library)
- JunkDB-driver-hashtables library: (bsd3, database, library)
- JustParse library: A simple and comprehensive Haskell parsing library (library, public-domain, text)
- KMP library and test: Knuth–Morris–Pratt string searching algorithm (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- KSP library: A library with the kerbal space program universe and demo code (library, public-domain, testing)
- Kalman library: A slightly extended Kalman filter (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- Kawaii-Parser library: A simple parsing library. (bsd3, library, monad-transformers, parsing, tokenisation)
- KdTree library and test: KdTree, for efficient search in K-dimensional point clouds. (bsd3, data-mining, data-structures, graphics, library, machine-learning)
- Ketchup library: A super small web framework for those who don't like big and fancy codebases (ketchup, library, mit, web)
- KiCS library and programs: A compiler from Curry to Haskell (compiler, library, program)
- KiCS-debugger library and program: debug features for kics (debug, library, program)
- KiCS-prophecy library and program: a transformation used by the kics debugger (debug, library, program)
- Kleislify library: Variants of Control.Arrow functions, specialised to kleislis. (bsd3, control, library)
- Konf library: A configuration language and a parser. (deprecated, library, text)
- Kriens library: Category for Continuation Passing Style (bsd3, control, library)
- Kulitta library: Library for automated composition and musical learning (library, sound)
- KyotoCabinet library: Kyoto Cabinet DB bindings (bsd3, database, library)
- L-seed library and program: Plant growing programming game (bsd3, game, library, program)
- LATS library: Linear Algebra on Typed Spaces (bsd3, library, numeric)
- LC3 program: LC-3 virtual machine (bsd3, language, program)
- LDAP library and test: Haskell binding for C LDAP API (bsd3, library, network)
- LDAPv3 library and test: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) version 3 (gpl, library, network)
- LPFP library and programs: Code for the book Learn Physics with Functional Programming (bsd3, library, physics, program)
- LPFP-core library: Code for the book Learn Physics with Functional Programming (bsd3, library, physics)
- LPPaver library, program and test: An automated prover targeting problems that involve nonlinear real arithmetic (formal-methods, library, math, mathematics, maths, mpl, program, theorem-provers, verification)
- LParse library and test: A continuation-based parser library (library, mit, parsing)
- LRU library: Implements an LRU data structure (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- LTS library, program, test and benchmark: LTS: Labelled Transition System (library, mit, program, state-machines)
- LTree library: Tree with only leaves carrying the data. (data, library, public-domain)
- LambdaCalculator program: A basic lambda calculator with beta reduction and a REPL (bsd3, language, program)
- LambdaDB library, program and test: On-memory Database using Lambda Function environment. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- LambdaDesigner library: A type-safe EDSL for TouchDesigner written in Haskell. (bsd3, library, touchdesigner)
- LambdaHack library, program and test: A game engine library for tactical squad ASCII roguelike dungeon crawlers (bsd3, game, game-engine, library, program, roguelike)
- LambdaINet program: Graphical Interaction Net Evaluator for Optimal Evaluation (application, bsd3, program)
- LambdaNet library: A configurable and extensible neural network library (library, machine-learning, mit)
- LambdaPrettyQuote library and test: Quasiquoter, and Arbitrary helpers for the lambda calculus. (bsd3, language, library)
- LambdaShell program: Simple shell for evaluating lambda expressions (compilers-interpreters, program)
- Lambdajudge library and test: A library to easily host Haskell based programming competitions (development, library, mit)
- Lambdaya library: Library for RedPitaya (lgpl, library, system)
- LargeCardinalHierarchy library: A transfinite cardinal arithmetic library including all known large cardinals (library, math, mathematics, maths, set-theory)
- Lastik library: A library for compiling programs in a variety of languages (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- Lattices library and test: A library for lattices (library, math)
- Lazy-Pbkdf2 library, test and benchmark: Lazy PBKDF2 generator. (cryptography, library, mit)
- LazyVault program: A simple sandboxing tool for Haskell packages. (deprecated, development, gpl, program)
- Learning library, programs and test: The most frequently used machine learning tools (bsd3, library, machine-learning, program)
- LetsBeRational library: European option implied vol calculation (finance, library, math, mit, numeric, quant)
- Level0 program: A Snake II clone written using SDL. (game, gpl, program)
- LibClang library: Haskell bindings for libclang (a C++ parsing library) (bsd3, language, library)
- LibZip library and test: Bindings to libzip, a library for manipulating zip archives. (bsd3, codec, foreign, library)
- Limit library: Wrapper for data that can be unbounded (data, library, mit)
- LinearSplit library: Partition the sequence of items to the subsequences in the order given (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- LinguisticsTypes library, test and benchmark: Collection of types for natural language (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- LinkChecker program: Check a bunch of local html files for broken links (bsd3, program, web)
- Liquorice library and test: Algorithmic Doom map generation (game, gpl, library)
- List library: List monad transformer and class (bsd3, control, library)
- ListLike library and test: Generalized support for list-like structures (bsd3, bytestring, library, list, string, text, vector)
- ListT library and test: List transformer (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- ListTree library: Trees and monadic trees expressed as monadic lists where the underlying monad is a list (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- ListWriter library and test: define a list constant using Monadic syntax other than overhead [,] (bsd3, library, syntax)
- ListZipper library: Simple zipper for lists (bsd3, data, library)
- LiterateMarkdown library, program and test: Converter to convert from .lhs to .md and vice versa. (library, mit, productivity, program)
- Logic library: Logic (library, math, mit)
- LogicGrowsOnTrees library, tests and benchmarks: a parallel implementation of logic programming using distributed tree exploration (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, logic, parallelism)
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-MPI library: an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses MPI (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, logic, parallelism)
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-network library and test: an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses multiple processes running in a network (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, logic, parallelism)
- LogicGrowsOnTrees-processes library, test and benchmark: an adapter for LogicGrowsOnTrees that uses multiple processes for parallelism (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, logic, parallelism)
- LslPlus program: An execution and testing framework for the Linden Scripting Language (LSL) (bsd3, language, program)
- Lucu library: HTTP Daemonic Library (library, network, public-domain)
- Lykah library and program: A static website and blog generator (library, mit, program, web)
- MASMGen library and test: Generate MASM code from haskell (development, lgpl, library)
- MBot library: Haskell interface for controlling the mBot educational robot (educational, gpl, library)
- MC-Fold-DP library and program: Folding algorithm based on nucleotide cyclic motifs. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- MFlow library: stateful, RESTful web framework (application-server, bsd3, library, web)
- MHask library: The category of monads (bsd3, control, library)
- MIP library and test: Library for using Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) (algorithms, bsd3, library, math, optimisation, optimization)
- MIP-glpk library and test: A GLPK backend to the MIP library. (algorithms, gpl, library, math, optimisation, optimization)
- MSQueue library: Michael-Scott queue. (bsd3, data, library)
- MTGBuilder program: Builds decks out of a meta (mit, program, unclassified)
- MagicHaskeller library and programs: Automatic inductive functional programmer by systematic search (bsd3, language, library, program)
- MailchimpSimple library: Haskell library to interact with Mailchimp JSON API Version 3.0 (bsd3, library, web)
- Mantissa library and test: Reals in the interval [0,1), as machine words (bsd3, library, numeric)
- Map library and test: Class of key-value maps (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- MapWith library, tests and benchmarks: mapWith: like fmap, but with additional parameters (isFirst, isLast, etc). (bsd3, combinators, library)
- Mapping library: Mapping (agpl, data, library)
- MaybeT library: MaybeT monad transformer (bsd3, control, library)
- MaybeT-monads-tf library: MaybeT monad transformer compatible with monads-tf (deprecated) (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- MaybeT-transformers library: MaybeT monad transformer using transformers instead of mtl. (bsd3, control, library)
- MazesOfMonad program: Console-based Role Playing Game (bsd3, game, program)
- MeanShift library: Mean shift algorithm (bsd3, library, math)
- Measure library: A library for units of measurement (bsd3, data, library)
- Mecha library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well! (bsd2, concurrency, control, data, library, network, system)
- Mechs library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well! (bsd2, concurrency, control, data, library, network, system)
- MemoTrie library: Trie-based memo functions (bsd3, data, library)
- MetaHDBC library: Statically checked database access (database, library)
- MetaObject library: A meta-object system for Haskell based on Perl 6 (bsd3, development, library, pugs)
- Metrics library: Evaluation metrics commonly used in supervised machine learning (bsd3, library, statistics)
- Mhailist program: Haskell mailing list manager (bsd3, network, program)
- Michelangelo library: OpenGL for dummies (graphics, library, mit)
- MicroCabal program: A partial Cabal replacement (apache, language, program)
- MicroHs program: A small compiler for Haskell (apache, language, program)
- MicrosoftTranslator library: Interface for Microsoft Translator (bsd3, language, library)
- MiniAgda program and test: A toy dependently typed programming language with type-based termination. (dependent-types, mit, program)
- MissingH library and test: Large utility library (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- MissingK library: Useful types and definitions missing from other libraries (bsd3, development, library)
- MissingM library and test: findM and other missing 'M's (bsd3, control, library)
- MissingPy library: Haskell interface to Python (library, mit, unclassified)
- Mobile-Legends-Hack-Cheats library and tests: spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- Modulo library: Modular arithmetic via Numeric-Prelude (gpl, library, math)
- Moe library and program: A FRP library based on signal functions. (bsd3, frp, library, program)
- MoeDict library: Utilities working with JSON dataset (library, public-domain, text)
- MonadCatchIO-mtl library: Monad-transformer version of the Control.Exception module (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- MonadCatchIO-mtl-foreign library: Polymorphic combinators for working with foreign functions (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- MonadCatchIO-transformers library: Monad-transformer compatible version of the Control.Exception module (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- MonadCatchIO-transformers-foreign library: Polymorphic combinators for working with foreign functions (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- MonadCompose library: Methods for composing monads. (bsd3, library, monad)
- MonadLab library and program: Automatically generate layered monads (bsd3, library, monads, program)
- MonadPrompt library: MonadPrompt, implementation & examples (bsd3, control, library)
- MonadRandom library: Random-number generation monad. (bsd3, control, library)
- MonadRandomLazy library: Lazy monad for psuedo random-number generation. (bsd3, control, library)
- MonadStack library: Generalizing lift to monad stacks (bsd2, control, library)
- Monadius program: 2-D arcade scroller (game, program)
- Monadoro library, program and test: A minimalistic CLI Pomodoro timer. (library, mit, program, tools)
- Monaris program: A simple tetris clone (bsd3, game, program)
- Monatron library: Monad transformer library with uniform liftings (bsd3, control, library)
- Monatron-IO library: MonadIO instances for the Monatron transformers. (bsd3, control, library)
- Mondrian library, programs and test: Renders backgrounds & borders (gpl, graphics, library, program)
- Monocle library: Symbolic computations in strict monoidal categories with LaTeX output. (bsd3, library, math)
- MorseCode library: Morse code (gpl, library, text)
- MuCheck library and test: Automated Mutation Testing (gpl, library, testing)
- MuCheck-HUnit library and program: Automated Mutation Testing for HUnit tests (gpl, library, program, testing)
- MuCheck-Hspec library and program: Automated Mutation Testing for Hspec tests (gpl, library, program, testing)
- MuCheck-QuickCheck library and program: Automated Mutation Testing for QuickCheck tests (gpl, library, program, testing)
- MuCheck-SmallCheck library and program: Automated Mutation Testing for SmallCheck tests (gpl, library, program, testing)
- MultiChor library: Type-safe and efficient choreographies with location-set polymorphism. (bsd3, distributed-computing, library)
- MultipletCombiner library and test: A Haskell implementation for combining SU(n) multiplets (bsd3, groups, library, math, physics, science)
- Munkres library: Munkres' assignment algorithm (hungarian method) (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- Munkres-simple library: Simple and typesafe layer over the Munkres package. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- MusicBrainz library: interface to MusicBrainz XML2 and JSON web services (gpl, library, network)
- MusicBrainz-libdiscid library: Binding to libdiscid by MusicBrainz (audio, ffi, library, sound)
- MutationOrder library, program and test: Most likely order of mutation events in RNA (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- MyPrimes library, program and benchmark: Generate all primes (data, library, mit, program)
- NGLess library, program, test and benchmark: NGLess implements ngless, a DSL for processing sequencing data (domain-specific-language, library, mit, program)
- NGrams program: Simple application for calculating n-grams using Google. (bsd3, natural-language-processing, program)
- NMap library: A transparent nested Map structure (data, library)
- NTRU library: NTRU Cryptography (cryptography, library, math)
- NXT library, programs and test: A Haskell interface to Lego Mindstorms NXT (lgpl, library, program, robotics)
- NXTDSL library and program: Generate NXC Code from DSL (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library, program)
- NaCl library and test: Easy-and-safe-to-use high-level Haskell bindings to NaCl (cryptography, library, mpl)
- NameGenerator library: A name generator written in Haskell (gpl, library, text)
- NanoID library and program: NanoID generator (bsd3, data, library, program)
- NanoProlog library and program: Very small interpreter for a Prolog-like language (bsd3, language, library, program)
- Naperian library: Naperian Functors for APL-like programming (library, math)
- NaperianNetCDF library and program: Instances of NcStore for hypercuboids (bsd3, library, math, program)
- NaturalLanguageAlphabets library, test and benchmark: Simple scoring schemes for word alignments (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- NaturalSort : Natural sorting for strings (bsd3, deprecated, text)
- NearContextAlgebra program: Context Algebra of near (bsd3, math, program)
- Neks library and programs: Simple networked key/value store (database, library, mit, program)
- NestedFunctor library: Nested composition of functors with a type index tracking nesting. (bsd3, data, library)
- NestedSampling library: A port of John Skilling's nested sampling C code to Haskell. (gpl, library, statistics)
- NetSNMP library and test: Bindings for net-snmp's C API for clients (bsd3, library, network)
- Network-NineP library: High-level abstraction over 9P protocol (library, network)
- NewBinary library: A binary I/O library (data, library)
- NineP library: 9P2000 in pure Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- Ninjas program: Ninja game (bsd3, game, program)
- NoHoed library: Placeholder package to preserve debug ability via conditional builds (bsd3, debugging, library)
- NoSlow programs: Microbenchmarks for various array libraries (bsd3, development, profiling, program)
- NoTrace library and test: Remove all the functions come from Debug.Trace after debugging (development, library, mit)
- Noise library: A Haskell coherent noise generator based on libnoise (bsd3, graphics, library, math, noise)
- Nomyx program: A Nomic game in haskell (bsd3, deprecated, game, program)
- Nomyx-Core library: A Nomic game in haskell (bsd3, deprecated, game, library)
- Nomyx-Language library: Language to express rules for Nomic (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- Nomyx-Rules library: Language to express rules for Nomic (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- Nomyx-Web library: Web gui for Nomyx (bsd3, deprecated, game, library)
- NonEmpty library: Library providing a non-empty list datatype, and total functions operating on it (bsd3, data, library)
- NonEmptyList library: A list with a length of at least one. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- NumInstances library: Instances of numeric classes for functions and tuples (bsd3, data, library)
- NumLazyByteString library: Num, Enum, Eq, Integral, Ord, Real, and Show instances for Lazy ByteStrings (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- NumberSieves library: Number Theoretic Sieves: primes, factorization, and Euler's Totient (bsd3, library, math)
- NumberTheory library and test: A library for number theoretic computations, written in Haskell. (gpl, library, math)
- Numbers library: An assortment of number theoretic functions (algorithms, library, number-theory)
- Nussinov78 library and program: Nussinov78 using the ADPfusion library. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- Nutri library: A little library to calculate nutrition values of food items. (library, public-domain, utils)
- OGDF library: Haskell binding to OGDF (bsd2, graphs, library)
- OGL library: A context aware binding for the OpenGL graphics system (bsd3, graphics, library)
- ONC-RPC library and program: ONC RPC (aka Sun RPC) and XDR library (apache, library, network, program)
- OSM library: Parse OpenStreetMap files (bsd3, library, utils)
- OTP library and test: HMAC-Based and Time-Based One-Time Passwords (HOTP & TOTP) (cryptography, library, mit)
- Object library: Object oriented programming for haskell using multiparameter typeclasses. (apache, control, data, library)
- ObjectIO library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- ObjectName library: Explicitly handled object names (bsd3, data, library)
- Obsidian library: Embedded language for GPU Programming (bsd3, language, library)
- Octree library, test and benchmark: Simple unbalanced Octree for storing data about 3D points (bsd3, data, library)
- OddWord library, test and benchmark: Provides a wrapper for deriving word types with fewer bits. (bsd3, data, library)
- Omega library and test: Integer sets and relations using Presburger arithmetic (bsd3, data, library)
- OnRmt library, programs and test: Text UI library for performing parallel remote SSH operations (bsd3, library, program, system)
- OneTuple library and tests: Singleton Tuple (bsd3, data, library)
- Only library: The 1-tuple type or single-value "collection" (bsd3, data, library)
- OpenAFP library: IBM AFP document format parser and generator (data, library, public-domain)
- OpenAFP-Utils programs: Assorted utilities to work with AFP data streams (data, program, public-domain)
- OpenAL library: A binding to the OpenAL cross-platform 3D audio API (bsd3, library, sound)
- OpenCL library and test: Haskell high-level wrapper for OpenCL (bsd3, ffi, gpu, graphics, library)
- OpenCLRaw library: The OpenCL Standard for heterogenous data-parallel computing (bsd3, graphics, library)
- OpenCLWrappers library: The OpenCL Standard for heterogenous data-parallel computing (bsd3, ffi, library)
- OpenGL library: A binding for the OpenGL graphics system (bsd3, graphics, library)
- OpenGLCheck library: Quickcheck instances for various data structures. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- OpenGLRaw library: A raw binding for the OpenGL graphics system (bsd3, graphics, library)
- OpenGLRaw21 library: The intersection of OpenGL 2.1 and OpenGL 3.1 Core (deprecated, graphics, library)
- OpenSCAD library and test: ADT wrapper and renderer for OpenSCAD models. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- OpenVG library: OpenVG (ShivaVG-0.2.1) binding (bsd3, graphics, library)
- OpenVGRaw library: Raw binding to OpenVG (ShivaVG-0.2.1 implementation). (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Operads library: Groebner basis computation for Operads. (bsd3, library, math)
- OptDir library: The OptDir type for representing optimization directions. (bsd3, data, library, optimisation, optimization)
- OrPatterns library: A quasiquoter for or-patterns (bsd3, development, library)
- OrchestrateDB library and tests: Unofficial Haskell Client Library for the API (bsd3, database, library)
- OrderedBits library, test and benchmark: Efficient ordered (by popcount) enumeration of bits (bsd3, data, library)
- Ordinals library: Ordinal arithmetic (bsd3, library, math)
- Ordinary library, program and test: A Programming Language in Construction (bsd3, language, library, program)
- Oslo-Vectize program: spam (bsd3, deprecated, program, spam)
- PArrows library: Arrow parser combinators similar to Parsec (bsd3, library, parsing)
- PBKDF2 library: Make password-based security schemes more secure. (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- PCLT library: Extension to Show: templating, catalogizing, languages, parameters, etc. (deprecated, library, text)
- PCLT-DB library: An addon to PCLT package: enchance PCLT catalog with PostgreSQL powers. (database, deprecated, library)
- PDBtools library: A library for analysis of 3-D protein coordinates (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- PPrinter library: A generic derivable Haskell pretty printer (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)
- PSQueue library and test: Priority Search Queue (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- PTQ programs: An implementation of Montague's PTQ. (natural-language-processing, program)
- PUH-Project library: This is a package which includes Assignments, Email, User and Reviews modules for Programming in Haskell course. (bsd3, data, library)
- PageIO library and program: Page-oriented extraction and composition library (bsd3, library, program, text)
- Paillier library and test: a simple Paillier cryptosystem (bsd3, library, math)
- PandocAgda library and program: Pandoc support for literate Agda (bsd3, dependent-types, deprecated, library, program)
- Paraiso library and test: a code generator for partial differential equations solvers. (bsd3, language, library)
- Parallel-Arrows-BaseSpec library and test: BaseSpecs used for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ and Co. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)
- Parallel-Arrows-Definition library: Multithreaded evaluation using Arrows. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)
- Parallel-Arrows-Eden library and test: Eden based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)
- Parallel-Arrows-Multicore library and test: GpH based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@ in a multicore variant. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)
- Parallel-Arrows-ParMonad library and test: Par Monad (@monad-par@) based backend for @Parallel-Arrows-Definition@. (arrows, library, mit, parallelism)
- Parry library: A proven synchronization server for high performance computing. (gpl, library, parry)
- ParsecTools library: Parsec combinators for more complex objects. (gpl, library, parsing)
- ParserFunction library: Parse and evaluate mathematical expressions. (bsd3, deprecated, library, math, parsing)
- PartialTypeSignatures library: emulate partial type signatures with template haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- PasswordGenerator library: Simple library for generating passwords (cryptography, library, mit)
- PastePipe library and program: CLI for pasting to (gpl, library, program, utils)
- PathTree library and test: A tree used to merge and maintain paths (bsd3, data, library)
- Pathfinder library: Relational optimiser and code generator (bsd3, database, ffi, library)
- Peano library: simple Peano numbers (bsd3, data, library)
- PeanoWitnesses library: GADT type witnesses for Peano-style natural numbers. (bsd3, data, library)
- PenroseKiteDart library, test and benchmark: Library to explore Penrose's Kite and Dart Tilings. (Diagrams, bsd3, graphics, library)
- PerfectHash library: A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values. (bsd3, data, data-structures, deprecated, library)
- PermuteEffects library: Permutations of effectful computations (bsd3, control, library)
- Persistence library and test: A versatile library for topological data analysis. (bsd3, data, library, math)
- Phsu program: Personal Happstack Server Utils (gpl, program, web)
- Pipe library: Process piping library (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- Piso library: Partial isomorphisms (bsd3, data, library)
- PlayHangmanGame program: Play Hangman Game (bsd3, game, program)
- PlayingCards library: Playing cards api (bsd3, game, library)
- Plot-ho-matic library: Real-time line plotter for generic data (bsd3, graphics, library)
- PlslTools program: So far just a lint like program for PL/SQL. Diff and refactoring tools are planned (bsd3, pl-sql-tools, program)
- Plural library: Pluralize English words (gpl, language, library)
- Pollutocracy program: An imaginary world (game, program)
- PortFusion program: high-performance distributed reverse / forward proxy & tunneling for TCP (gpl, network, program, system)
- PortMidi library: A binding for PortMedia/PortMidi (bsd3, library, sound)
- PortMidi-simple library: Simplified PortMidi wrapper (bsd3, library, sound)
- PostgreSQL library: Thin wrapper over the C postgresql library (database, library)
- Prelude library: A Prelude module replacement (bsd3, library, prelude)
- PrimitiveArray library, test and benchmark: Efficient multidimensional arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- PrimitiveArray-Pretty library and test: Pretty-printing for primitive arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- Printf-TH library: (library, utils)
- PriorityChansConverger library: Read single output from an array of inputs - channels with priorities (concurrency, library)
- ProbabilityMonads library: Probability distribution monads. (bsd3, control, library)
- Probnet library: Geometric Extrapolation of Integer Sequences with error prediction (ai, forecasting, library, math, mit, sequences)
- PropLogic library and program: Propositional Logic (algorithms, bsd3, library, logic, program)
- PropaFP library, programs and test: Auto-active verification of floating-point programs (formal-methods, library, math, mathematics, maths, mpl, program, theorem-provers)
- Proper library and programs: An implementation of propositional logic in Haskell (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- ProxN library: Proximity sets in N dimensions (bsd3, library, math)
- Pugs program: A Perl 6 Implementation (bsd3, language, program, pugs)
- Pup-Events library and program: A networked event handling framework for hooking
into other programs. (gpl, library, networking, program, pup-events)
- Pup-Events-Client library: A networked event handling framework for hooking
into other programs. (gpl, library, networking, pup-events)
- Pup-Events-Demo programs: A networked event handling framework for hooking
into other programs. (demo, gpl, networking, program, pup-events)
- Pup-Events-PQueue library: A networked event handling framework for hooking
into other programs. (gpl, library, networking, pup-events)
- Pup-Events-Server library: A networked event handling framework for hooking
into other programs. (gpl, library, networking, pup-events)
- PyF library and tests: Quasiquotations for a python like interpolated string formatter (bsd3, library, text)
- QIO library: The Quantum IO Monad is a library for defining quantum computations in Haskell (bsd3, library, quantum)
- QLearn library: A library for fast, easy-to-use Q-learning. (data, library, mit)
- QuadEdge library: QuadEdge structure for representing triangulations (bsd3, data, library)
- QuadTree library and test: QuadTree library for Haskell, with lens support. (bsd3, data, game, library)
- QuasiText library: A QuasiQuoter for Text. (bsd3, library, text)
- Quelea library: Programming with Eventual Consistency over Cassandra. (bsd3, experimental, library)
- QuickAnnotate library and program: Annotation Framework (bsd3, development, library, program)
- QuickCheck library and tests: Automatic testing of Haskell programs (bsd3, library, testing)
- QuickCheck-GenT library: A GenT monad transformer for QuickCheck library. (library, mit, testing)
- QuickCheck-safe library: Safe reimplementation of QuickCheck's core (library, mit, testing)
- QuickCheckVariant library, test and benchmark: Valid and Invalid generator (gpl, library, testing)
- QuickPlot library: Quick and easy data visualization with Haskell (gpl, graphics, library)
- Quickson library: Quick JSON extractions with Aeson (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)
- R-pandoc library and program: (bsd3, library, program, text)
- RANSAC library and test: The RANSAC algorithm for parameter estimation. (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- RBTree library: Pure haskell Red-Black-Tree implemetation (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- RESTng library: A framework for writing RESTful applications. (library, web)
- RFC1751 library and test: RFC-1751 library for Haskell (data, deprecated, library, public-domain)
- RJson library: A reflective JSON serializer/parser. (bsd3, library, text)
- RLP library and test: RLP serialization as defined in Ethereum Yellow Paper (data, lgpl, library, parsing)
- RMP library and programs: Binding to code that controls a Segway RMP (bsd3, library, program, robotics, system)
- RNAFold library and programs: RNA secondary structure prediction (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- RNAFoldProgs programs: RNA secondary structure folding (bioinformatics, gpl, program)
- RNAdesign library and program: Multi-target RNA sequence design (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- RNAdraw library and program: Draw RNA secondary structures (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- RNAlien library and programs: Unsupervized construction of RNA family models (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- RNAwolf library and programs: RNA folding with non-canonical basepairs and base-triplets. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- RSA library and test: Implementation of RSA, using the padding schemes of PKCS#1 v2.1. (bsd3, codec, cryptography, library)
- RSolve library, program and test: (library, logic, mit, program, unification)
- RabbitMQ library: AMQP 0-9-1 client library for RabbitMQ servers (library, network)
- Raincat program: A puzzle game written in Haskell with a cat in lead role (bsd3, game, program)
- Random123 library, test and benchmark: Haskell port of Random123 library (library, mit, random)
- RandomDotOrg library: Haskell bindings to the RANDOM.ORG Core API (bsd3, library, public-domain, web)
- Randometer program: Randomness intuition trainer (mit, personalgrowth, program)
- Range library: Data structure for managing ranges (bsd3, data, library)
- Ranged-sets library and test: Ranged sets for Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- Ranka program: HTTP to XMPP omegle chats gate. (network, program)
- Rasenschach program: Soccer simulation (bsd3, game, program)
- Rasterific library: A pure haskell drawing engine. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Rattus library and tests: A modal FRP language (bsd3, frp, library)
- ReadArgs library, program and test: Simple command line argument parsing (bsd3, command-line, library, program)
- Redmine library and test: Library to access Redmine's REST services (library, mit, network, web)
- Ref library: Generic Mutable Ref Abstraction Layer (bsd3, data, library)
- RefSerialize library: Write to and read from ByteStrings maintaining internal memory references (bsd3, data, database, library, parsing)
- Referees library and program: A utility for computing distributions of material to review among reviewers. (gpl, library, program, utils)
- RepLib library: Generic programming library with representation types (bsd3, generics, library)
- ReplaceUmlaut library, program and test: converting text to properly encoded german umlauts (library, program, text)
- ReplicateEffects library: Composable replication schemes of applicative functors (bsd3, control, library)
- ReviewBoard library and programs: Haskell bindings to ReviewBoard (bsd3, development, library, program)
- RichConditional library: Tiny library to replace classic if/else (control, library, mit)
- Ritt-Wu library, program, test and benchmark: Parallel implementation of Ritt-Wu's algorithm. (algorithm, bsd3, library, program)
- Rlang-QQ library and tests: quasiquoter for inline-R code (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- RollingDirectory program and test: Limits the size of a directory's contents (file-manager, gpl, program, tools)
- RoundingFiasco library and test: rounding variants floor, ceil and truncate for floating point operations +-*/√… (interval, library, mathematics, mit, numerical, rounding)
- RoyalMonad library: All hail the Royal Monad! (bsd3, control, library)
- RtMidi library, programs and test: Haskell wrapper for RtMidi, the lightweight, cross-platform MIDI I/O library. (library, mit, program, sound)
- RxHaskell library: Reactive Extensions for Haskell (frp, library, mit)
- S3 library: Library for accessing S3 compatible storage services (gpl, library, network)
- SBench library: A benchmark suite for runtime and heap measurements over
a series of inputs. (bsd3, library, testing)
- SCRIPTWriter library and program: ESCRIPT: a human friendly language for programming Bitcoin scripts (bitcoin, bsd3, language, library, program, script)
- SCalendar library and test: This is a library for handling calendars and resource availability
based on the "top-nodes algorithm" and set operations. (deprecated, library, mit, time)
- SConfig library: A simple config library (configuration, deprecated, library, mit)
- SDL library: Binding to libSDL (bsd3, deprecated, foreign-binding, library)
- SDL-gfx library: Binding to libSDL_gfx (bsd3, deprecated, foreign-binding, library)
- SDL-image library: Binding to libSDL_image (bsd3, deprecated, foreign-binding, library)
- SDL-mixer library: Binding to libSDL_mixer (bsd3, deprecated, foreign-binding, library)
- SDL-mpeg library: Binding to the SMPEG library (bsd3, foreign-binding, library)
- SDL-ttf library: Binding to libSDL_ttf (bsd3, deprecated, foreign-binding, library)
- SDL2-ttf library: Binding to libSDL-ttf (deprecated, foreign-binding, library, mit)
- SFML library: SFML bindings (game, library, mit)
- SFML-control library: Higher level library on top of SFML (graphics, library, mit)
- SFont library: SFont SDL Bitmap Fonts (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- SG library: Small geometry library for dealing with vectors and collision detection (bsd3, data, library, math)
- SGdemo program: An example of using the SG and OpenGL libraries (graphics, program)
- SGplus library: (updated) Small geometry library for dealing with vectors and collision detection (bsd3, data, library, math)
- SHA library and test: Implementations of the SHA suite of message digest functions (bsd3, codec, cryptography, library)
- SHA2 library: Fast, incremental SHA hashing for bytestrings (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- SJW library, program, test and benchmark: The Simple Javascript Wrench (bsd3, library, program, web)
- SMTPClient library: A simple SMTP client library (bsd3, library, network)
- SNet library: Declarative coördination language for streaming networks. (language, lgpl, library)
- SQLDeps library: Calculate db-data dependencies of functions (bsd3, database, library)
- SSTG library, program and test: STG Symbolic Execution (bsd3, library, program, web)
- STL library: STL 3D geometry format parsing and pretty-printing (bsd3, graphics, library)
- STLinkUSB library: STLink USB interface in Haskell (bsd3, hardware, library, microcontroller, stm32)
- STM32-Zombie library: control a STM32F103 microcontroller (bsd3, hardware, library, microcontroller, stm32)
- STM32F103xx-SVD library: Definition for Peripherals,Registers and Fields from STM32F103xx.svd (bsd3, hardware, library, microcontroller, stm32)
- STMonadTrans library and test: A monad transformer version of the ST monad (bsd3, library, monads)
- SVD2HS library: translate a SVD of a Microcontroller to Haskell tables (bsd3, hardware, library, microcontroller, stm32, svd)
- SVG2Q program: Code generation tool for Quartz code from a SVG. (bsd3, parsing, program)
- SVGFonts library: Fonts from the SVG-Font format (bsd3, graphics, library)
- SVGPath library: Parsing the path command of SVG (bsd3, graphics, library)
- SWMMoutGetMB library: A parser for SWMM 5 binary .OUT files (environment, hydrology, lgpl, library, water)
- SableCC2Hs library and program: Generate a parser (in Haskell) with the SableCC parser generator. (bsd3, library, parsing, program)
- Safe library: Library for safe (pattern match free) functions (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- SafeSemaphore library and test: Much safer replacement for QSemN, QSem, and SampleVar (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- Salsa library: A .NET Bridge for Haskell (.net, bsd3, foreign, library)
- Saturnin library, program and tests: Saturnin CI / Job System (application-server, bsd3, library, program)
- SciBaseTypes library, test and benchmark: Base types and classes for statistics, sciences and humanities (bsd3, data, library)
- SciFlow library: Scientific workflow management system (control, library, mit)
- SciFlow-drmaa library: Scientific workflow management system (control, library, mit)
- ScratchFs program: Size limited temp filesystem based on fuse (gpl, program, system)
- Scurry program: A cross platform P2P VPN application built using Haskell. (bsd3, network, program)
- SecureHash-SHA3 library: simple static linked SHA3 using private symbols and the ref impl (bsd2, library, system)
- SegmentTree library: Data structure for querying the set (or count) of intervals covering given point (bsd3, data, library)
- SelectSequencesFromMSA library and program: Selects a representative subset of sequences from multiple sequence alignment. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- Semantique program: Command-line tool for maintaining the Semantique database. (program, public-domain, system)
- Semigroup library: A semigroup (bsd3, data, library)
- SeqAlign library: Sequence Alignment (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- SessionLogger library: Easy Loggingframework (lgpl, library, logging)
- Set library, test and benchmark: See README for more info (data, library, mpl)
- ShellCheck library, program and test: Shell script analysis tool (gpl, library, program, static-analysis)
- Shellac library: A framework for creating shell envinronments (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- Shellac-compatline library: "compatline" backend module for Shellac (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- Shellac-editline library: Editline backend module for Shellac (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- Shellac-haskeline library: Haskeline backend module for Shellac (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- Shellac-readline library: Readline backend module for Shellac (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- ShortestPathProblems library and test: grammars for TSP and SHP (bsd3, data, library)
- ShowF library: Show for * -> * (bsd3, library, text)
- Shpadoinkle library: A programming model for declarative, high performance user interface. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-backend-pardiff library: A Virtual Dom in pure Haskell, based on Html as an Alignable Functor. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-backend-snabbdom library: Use the high-performance Snabbdom virtual dom library written in JavaScript. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-backend-static library: A backend for rendering Shpadoinkle as Text. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-console library: Support for the native browser console (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-debug library: Debugging tools for Shpadoinkle applications. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-developer-tools library and program: Chrome extension to aide in development (bsd3, library, program, web)
- Shpadoinkle-disembodied library: Shpadoinkle as a static site. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-examples programs: Example usages of Shpadoinkle (bsd3, program, web)
- Shpadoinkle-html library: A typed, template generated Html DSL, and helpers. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-isreal library: Isreal Swan will make a snowman for you! (gpl, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-lens library: Lens combinators for Shpadoinkle applications. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-router library: A single page application rounter for Shpadoinkle based on Servant. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-streaming library: Integration of the streaming library with Shpadoinkle continuations. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-template library and test: Read standard file formats into Shpadoinkle with Template Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- Shpadoinkle-widgets library and test: A collection of common reusable types and components. (bsd3, library, web)
- Shrub library: 4-way trie fuzzy search (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- Shu-thing program: A vector shooter game (bsd3, game, program)
- SimpleAES library: Fast AES encryption/decryption for bytestrings (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- SimpleEA library: Simple evolutionary algorithm framework. (ai, bsd3, library)
- SimpleGL library: A Simple Graphics Library from the SimpleH framework. (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- SimpleH library: A light, clean and powerful Haskell utility library (deprecated, library, prelude)
- SimpleLog library: Simple, configurable logging (bsd3, library, system)
- SimpleServer library and program: A simple static file server, for when apache is overkill (library, mit, program, web)
- SimpleTableGenerator library and test: Simple table generator (gpl, library, text)
- Sit library, program and test: Prototypical type checker for Type Theory with Sized Natural Numbers (dependent-types, library, program)
- SizeCompare library: Fast size comparison for standard containers. (data, library)
- Slides library and test: Generate slides from Haskell code (graphics, library, mit)
- SmithNormalForm library: A lightweight Haskell implementation of Smith normal form over the integers. (library, linearalgebra, math, mit)
- Smooth library: A tiny, lazy SMT solver (bsd3, library, math)
- SmtLib library: Library for parsing SMTLIB2 (formal-methods, library, mit)
- Snusmumrik programs: E-library directory based on FUSE virtual file system. (bsd3, deprecated, program, text)
- SoOSiM library: Abstract full system simulator (bsd3, library, simulation)
- SoccerFun library and program: Football simulation framework for teaching functional programming (ai, bsd3, education, game, library, program)
- SoccerFunGL library and programs: OpenGL UI for the SoccerFun framework (ai, bsd3, education, game, library, program)
- Sonnex library and test: Sonnex is an alternative to Soundex for french language (gpl, library, natural-language-processing, text)
- SourceGraph program: Static code analysis using graph-theoretic techniques. (development, program)
- Southpaw library: Assorted utility modules (library, mit, utilities)
- SpaceInvaders program: Video game (bsd3, game, program)
- SpacePrivateers program: Simple space pirate roguelike (bsd3, game, program)
- SpatialMath library and tests: 3d math including quaternions/euler angles/dcms and utility functions (bsd3, library, math)
- SpinCounter library: Lock free Spin Counter (bsd3, data, library)
- Spintax library: Random text generation based on spintax (bsd3, library, text)
- Spock library and test: Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)
- Spock-api library: Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)
- Spock-api-ghcjs library: Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)
- Spock-api-server library: Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)
- Spock-auth library: Provides authentification helpers for Spock (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- Spock-core library and test: Another Haskell web framework for rapid development (bsd3, library, web)
- Spock-digestive library: Digestive functors support for Spock (library, mit, web)
- Spock-lucid library: Lucid support for Spock (bsd3, library, web)
- Spock-worker library and test: Background workers for Spock (library, mit, web)
- SpreadsheetML library: Write support for Excel's SpreadsheetML format (bsd3, library, text)
- Sprig library: Binding to Sprig (bsd3, deprecated, foreign-binding, library)
- Stack library: Stack data structure (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- Stasis library and program: A simple MVCC like library (bsd3, concurrency, library, program)
- StateVar library: State variables (bsd3, data, library)
- StateVar-transformer library: State variables (bsd3, data, library)
- StatisticalMethods library: Collection of useful statistical methods. (gpl, library, statistics)
- StockholmAlignment library: Libary for Stockholm aligmnent format (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- Stomp library: Client library for Stomp brokers. (bsd3, library, network)
- Strafunski-ATermLib library: An abstract data type designed for the exchange of tree-like data structures (bsd3, data, library)
- Strafunski-Sdf2Haskell program: Converts SDF to Haskell (bsd3, language, program)
- Strafunski-StrategyLib library: Library for strategic programming (bsd3, generics, library)
- StrappedTemplates library and test: General purpose templates in haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- StrategyLib library: (all-rights-reserved, generics, library)
- Stream library: A library for manipulating infinite lists. (bsd3, data, library)
- StrictBench library: Benchmarking code through strict evaluation (library, testing)
- StrictCheck library and test: StrictCheck: Keep Your Laziness In Check (library, mit, testing)
- StringUtils library: String manipulation utilities (lgpl, library, text)
- SuffixStructures library, program and benchmark: Suffix array construction (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, program)
- SvgIcons library: Svg Icons and more (bsd3, graphics, library, web)
- SybWidget library: Library which aids constructing generic (SYB3-based) widgets (gui, library)
- SyntaxMacros library: Syntax Macros in the form of an EDSL (deprecated, development-, library)
- Sysmon library: Sybase 15 sysmon reports processor (bsd3, database, library)
- TBC library and program: Testing By Convention (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- TBit library: Utilities for condensed matter physics tight binding calculations. (bsd3, library, science)
- TCache library and test: A Transactional cache with user-defined persistence (bsd3, data, database, library)
- THEff library: TH implementation of effects. (bsd3, control, effect, library, th-)
- THSH library, program and test: A "noDSL" approach to mixing shell scripting with Haskell programs using Template Haskell (library, mit, program, system)
- TLT library, program and test: Testing in monads and transformers without explicit specs (lgpl, library, program, test)
- TORCS library and program: Bindings to the TORCS vehicle simulator. (bindings, frp, library, program, simulation)
- TTTAS library: Typed Transformations of Typed Abstract Syntax (language-, library)
- TV library: Tangible Values -- composable interfaces (bsd3, interfaces, library)
- TYB library: Template Your Boilerplate - a Template Haskell version of SYB (bsd3, generics, library)
- TableAlgebra library: Ferry Table Algebra (bsd3, database, library)
- Tables program: A client for Quill databases (bsd3, database, program)
- Tablify program: Tool to render CSV into tables of various formats (bsd3, program, text)
- Tahin library and program: Tahin Password Generator (bsd3, library, password, program)
- Tainted library: Tainted type, and associated operations (bsd3, control, data, library, monads, trans)
- Takusen : Database library with left-fold interface, for PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, ODBC. (bsd3, database)
- Tape library: Bidirectionally infinite streams, akin to the tape of a Turing machine. (bsd3, data, library)
- TaskMonad library: A collection of tools which can be used to access taskwarrior from xmonad. (bsd3, library, xmonad)
- TastyTLT library, program and test: Run TLT tests from Tasty (lgpl, library, program, test)
- Taxonomy library: Libary for parsing, processing and vizualization of taxonomy data (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- TaxonomyTools programs: Tool for parsing, processing, comparing and visualizing taxonomy data (bioinformatics, gpl, program)
- TeX-my-math library, program and test: Render general Haskell math to LaTeX. Or: math typesetting with high signal-to-noise–ratio. (gpl, library, math, program)
- TeaHS library: TeaHS Game Creation Library (bsd3, deprecated, game, library)
- Tensor library: Tensor data types (bsd3, data, library)
- TernaryTrees library and program: Efficient pure ternary tree Sets and Maps (bsd3, data-structures, library, program)
- TestExplode library: Generates testcases from program-snippets (lgpl, library, testing)
- Theora library: (library, unclassified)
- Thingie library: Purely functional 2D drawing (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- ThreadObjects library: Mutable objects that reside in their own threads. (concurrency, gpl, library)
- Thrift library: Haskell bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system (foreign, library)
- Tic-Tac-Toe program: Tic Tac Toe in your command line! (apache, game, program)
- TicTacToe library: A sub-project (exercise) for a functional programming course (bsd3, education, library)
- TigerHash library: TigerHash with C implementation (cryptography, gpl, library)
- TimePiece library and program: A simple tile-based digital clock screen saver (library, program, public-domain, screensaver)
- TinyLaunchbury library: Simple implementation of call-by-need using Launchbury's semantics (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- TinyURL library: Use TinyURL to compress URLs (bsd3, library, web)
- Titim program: Game for Lounge Marmelade (game, gpl, program)
- Top library and program: Constraint solving framework employed by the Helium Compiler. (constraints, library, program)
- TotalMap library and test: A total map datatype (control, library, mit)
- Tournament library and test: Tournament related algorithms (game, library, mit)
- TraceUtils library: Functions that should have been in Debug.Trace (bsd3, development, library)
- TransformeR library, program and test: eDSL in R for Safe Variable Transformarion (bsd3, deprecated, dsl, library, program, security, statistics)
- TransformersStepByStep program: Tutorial on monad transformers. (bsd3, development, program)
- Transhare library: A library to apply transformation to containers so as to maximize sharing of unchanged subcomponents. (bsd3, data, library)
- TreeCounter library: Wait-free Tree Counter (bsd3, data, library)
- TreeStructures library: A collection of heaps and search trees (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- TreeT library: Transformer for Data.Tree (control, library, monads, public-domain)
- Treiber library: Lock free Treiber stack (bsd3, data, library)
- TrendGraph library: A simple trend Graph script (graphics, library, public-domain)
- TrieMap library: Automatic type inference of generalized tries with Template Haskell. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- Twofish library and test: An implementation of the Twofish Symmetric-key cipher. (bsd3, codec, cryptography, library)
- TypeClass program: Typing speed game (bsd3, game, program)
- TypeCompose library: Type composition classes & instances (bsd3, composition, control, library)
- TypeIlluminator program: TypeIlluminator is a prototype tool exploring debugging of type errors/ (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- TypeNat library: Some Nat-indexed types for GHC (data, library, mit)
- TypingTester program: Command Line Typing speed tester (game, gpl, program)
- UISF library: Library for Arrowized Graphical User Interfaces. (bsd3, gui, library)
- UMM program: A small command-line accounting tool (finance, program)
- URLT library: Library for maintaining correctness of URLs within an application. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, web)
- URLb library: DEPRECATED A simple, liberal URL parser. (bsd3, library, text)
- UTFTConverter library, program and test: Processing popular picture formats into .c or .raw format in RGB565 (graphics, library, mit, program, text)
- Unique library, test and benchmark: It provides the functionality like unix "uniq" utility (bsd3, data, library)
- Unixutils library: A crude interface between Haskell and Unix-like operating systems (bsd3, library, system)
- Unixutils-shadow library: A simple interface to shadow passwords (aka, shadow.h) (bsd3, library, system)
- Updater library: Monadic FRP library based on stm (apache, frp, library)
- UrlDisp library: Url dispatcher. Helps to retain friendly URLs in web applications. (bsd3, library, network, web)
- Useful library: Some useful functions and shorthands. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- UtilityTM library: Utility functions that are missing from the standard library (bsd3, development, library)
- VKHS library and program: Provides access to Vkontakte social network via public API (bsd3, library, program, web)
- VRML library, programs and test: VRML parser and generator for Haskell (graphics, library, mit, program)
- Validation library: A data-type like Either but with an accumulating Applicative (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- ValveValueKeyvalue library: A Valve Value-keyvalue parser for Haskell made with Parsec. (keyvalue, library, mit, parsing, source, valve)
- Vec library: Fixed-length lists and low-dimensional linear algebra. (bsd3, data, library, math)
- Vec-Boolean library: Provides Boolean instances for the Vec package (bsd3, data, library, math)
- Vec-OpenGLRaw library: Instances and functions to interoperate Vec and OpenGL. (bsd3, graphics, library, math)
- Vec-Transform library: This package is obsolete (bsd3, graphics, library, math)
- VecN library: a simple peano-indexed vector type (bsd3, data, library)
- Verba program: A solver for the WordBrain game (game, mit, program)
- ViennaRNA-bindings library and test: ViennaRNA v2 bindings (bindings, bioinformatics, ffi, library)
- ViennaRNA-extras library and test: ViennaRNA v2 extensions (bioinformatics, bsd3, library)
- ViennaRNAParser library and test: Libary for parsing ViennaRNA package output (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- Villefort library, program and test: Villefort is a task manager and time tracker (bsd3, library, program, web)
- Vis library: Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Vulkan library: A binding for the Vulkan API (bsd3, graphics, library)
- VulkanMemoryAllocator library: Bindings to the VulkanMemoryAllocator library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- WAVE library and program: WAVE audio file IO library (bsd3, data, library, program, sound)
- WEditor library and test: Generic text-editor logic for use with fixed-width fonts. (apache, library, text)
- WEditorBrick library and program: Text-editor widget with dynamic line-wrapping for use with Brick. (apache, graphics, library, program)
- WEditorHyphen library and test: Language-specific hyphenation policies for WEditor. (apache, library, text)
- WL500gPControl programs: A simple command line tools to control the
Asus WL500gP router (bsd3, network, program, ui)
- WL500gPLib library and program: A simple library to access to the WL 500gP router
from the Haskell code (bsd3, library, network, program)
- WMSigner library and test: WebMoney authentication module (cryptography, data, library, mit)
- WURFL library: Convert the WURFL file into a Parsec parser (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- WXDiffCtrl library: WXDiffCtrl (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)
- WashNGo library and programs: WASH is a family of EDSLs for programming Web applications in Haskell. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- WaveFront library: Parsers and utilities for the OBJ WaveFront 3D model format (graphics, library, mit)
- WeakSets library and test: Simple set types. Useful to create sets of arbitrary types and nested sets. (data, lgpl, library)
- Weather library: Library for interacting with the Weather Underground JSON API. (bsd3, library, net)
- WebBits library: JavaScript analysis tools (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- WebBits-Html library: JavaScript analysis tools (language, library)
- WebBits-multiplate library: A Multiplate instance for JavaScript. (language, library, mit)
- WebCont library: Continuation based web programming for Happstack (bsd3, library, web)
- WeberLogic library and program: Logic interpreter (bsd3, library, math, program)
- Webrexp library and program: Regexp-like engine to scrap web data (bsd3, library, program, utility)
- Wheb library and test: The frictionless WAI Framework (bsd3, library, web)
- WidgetRattus library and tests: An asynchronous modal FRP language for GUI programming (bsd3, frp, library)
- WikimediaParser library: A parser for wikimedia style article markup. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- Win32 : A binding to Windows Win32 API. (bsd3, graphics, system, windows)
- Win32-console library: Binding to the Win32 console API (bsd3, console, library, user-interfaces)
- Win32-dhcp-server library: Win32 DHCP Server Management API (bsd3, library, system)
- Win32-errors library and test: Alternative error handling for Win32 foreign calls (bsd3, library, system)
- Win32-extras library: Provides missing Win32 API (bsd3, graphics, library, system)
- Win32-junction-point library: Support for manipulating NTFS junction points. (bsd3, library, system)
- Win32-notify library: A binding to part of the Win32 library for file notification (bsd3, library, system)
- Win32-security library: Haskell bindings to a security-related functions of the Windows API (library, mit, system)
- Win32-services library: Windows service applications (bsd3, library, system)
- Win32-services-wrapper library: Wrapper code for making a Win32 service (bsd3, library, system)
- Win32-shortcut library: Support for manipulating shortcuts (.lnk files) on Windows (bsd3, library, system)
- Wired library: Wire-aware hardware description (bsd3, hardware, language, library)
- WordAlignment library, program and test: Bigram word pair alignments. (gpl, library, linguistics, program)
- WordNet library: Haskell interface to the WordNet database (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)
- WordNet-ghc74 library: Haskell interface to the WordNet database (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)
- Wordlint library and program: Plaintext prose redundancy linter. (library, program, text)
- Workflow library: Workflow patterns over a monad for thread state logging & recovery (bsd3, control, library, workflow)
- WringTwistree library, program and test: Whole-message cipher and tree hash (bsd3, cryptography, library, program)
- WxGeneric library: Generic (SYB3) construction of wxHaskell widgets (gui, library)
- X library: A light-weight XML library (library, text, xml)
- X11 library: A binding to the X11 graphics library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- X11-extras library: Missing bindings to the X11 graphics library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- X11-rm library: A binding to the resource management functions missing from X11. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- X11-xdamage library: A binding to the Xdamage X11 extension library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- X11-xfixes library: A binding to the Xfixes X11 extension library (graphics, library, mit)
- X11-xft library: Bindings to the Xft and some Xrender parts (bsd3, graphics, library)
- X11-xshape library: A binding to the Xshape X11 extension library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- XAttr library: Read, set, and list extended attributes (deprecated, library, system)
- XInput library: Bindings for the DirectX XInput library. (bsd3, library, system)
- XML library and test: Extensible Markup Language (bsd3, data, library)
- XMLParser library: A library to parse xml (gpl, library, xml)
- XMMS library: XMMS2 client library. (library, network, sound)
- XMPP library: XMPP library (bsd3, library, network)
- XSaiga library and program: An implementation of a polynomial-time top-down parser suitable for NLP (attribute-grammars, bsd3, library, memoization, natural-language-processing, parser-combinators, parsing, program, text)
- Xauth library: A binding to the X11 authentication library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- Xec program: Gtk command launcher with identicon (bsd3, program, utils)
- XmlHtmlWriter library: A library for writing XML and HTML (bsd3, language, library)
- Xorshift128Plus library: Pure haskell implementation of xorshift128plus random number generator. (library, math, public-domain)
- YACPong program: Yet Another Pong Clone using SDL. (game, mit, program)
- YFrob library: Yampa-based library for programming robots (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity, yampa, yampa-)
- Yablog : A simple blog engine powered by Yesod. (bsd3, web)
- YamlReference library, program and test: YAML reference implementation (library, program, text)
- Yampa library and benchmark: Elegant Functional Reactive Programming Language for Hybrid Systems (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- Yampa-core library: Library for programming hybrid systems. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- YampaSynth : Software synthesizer (bsd3, music, sound)
- Yocto library: A Minimal JSON Parser & Printer for Haskell (deprecated, library, mit, text)
- Yogurt library: A MUD client library (bsd3, library, network)
- Yogurt-Standalone program: A functional MUD client (bsd3, network, program)
- Z-Botan library and test: Crypto for Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- Z-Data library and test: Array, vector and text (bsd3, data, library)
- Z-IO library and test: Simple and high performance IO toolkit for Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- Z-MessagePack library and test: MessagePack (bsd3, data, library)
- Z-YAML library and test: YAML tools (bsd3, data, library)
- ZEBEDDE library: Polymer growth simulation method (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- ZFS library: Oleg's Zipper FS (library, monads, public-domain)
- ZMachine program: A Z-machine interpreter (bsd3, game, program)
- ZipFold library: Zipping folds (bsd3, data, library)
- ZipperAG library: An implementationg of Attribute Grammars using Functional Zippers (bsd3, experimental, library)
- Zora library and test: Graphing library wrapper + assorted useful functions (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- Zwaluw library: Combinators for bidirectional URL routing (bsd3, library, text)
- a50 program: Compare genome assemblies (bioinformatics, program)
- aasam library and test: Convert distfix precedence grammars to unambiguous context-free grammars. (apache, library, parsing)
- abacate library and test: Parser for a language similar to Cucumber's Gherkin (language, library)
- abc-puzzle program: Generate instances of the ABC Logic Puzzle. (bsd3, game, program)
- abcBridge library and test: Bindings for ABC, A System for Sequential
Synthesis and Verification (bsd3, data, library)
- abcnotation library: Haskell representation and parser for ABC notation. (bsd3, library, music)
- abeson library: interconversion between aeson and bson. (data, library, mit)
- abides library and test: Simple boolean tests to see if a value abides by certain properties (bsd3, data, library, testing)
- abnf library and test: Parse ABNF and generate parsers for the specified document (bsd2, library, text)
- abstract-deque library: Abstract, parameterized interface to mutable Deques. (bsd3, data-, library)
- abstract-deque-tests library and test: A test-suite for any queue or double-ended queue satisfying an interface (bsd3, data-, library)
- abstract-par library: Type classes generalizing the functionality of the 'monad-par' library. (bsd3, control, library, monads, parallelism)
- abstract-par-accelerate library: Provides the class ParAccelerate, nothing more. (bsd3, library, parallelism)
- abt library: Abstract binding trees for Haskell (language, library, mit)
- ac-library-hs library, program, tests and benchmark: Data structures and algorithms (algorithms, data-structures, library, program)
- ac-machine library: Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm in Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- ac-machine-conduit library: Drive Aho-Corasick machines in Conduit pipelines (bsd3, data, library)
- acc library, test and benchmark: Sequence optimized for monoidal construction and folding (library, mit, unclassified)
- accelerate library and test: An embedded language for accelerated array processing (accelerate, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, library, parallelism)
- accelerate-arithmetic library and test: Linear algebra and interpolation using the Accelerate framework (bsd3, library, math)
- accelerate-bignum library and benchmark: Fixed-length large integer arithmetic for Accelerate (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-blas library: Numeric Linear Algebra in Accelerate (accelerate, bsd3, library, math)
- accelerate-cublas library, program and benchmark: Basic Linear Algebra using native CUBLAS library (bsd3, library, math, program)
- accelerate-cuda library: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, deprecated, library, parallelism)
- accelerate-cufft library: Accelerate frontend to the CUFFT library (Fourier transform) (bsd3, library, math)
- accelerate-examples library: Examples using the Accelerate library (accelerate, bsd3, library)
- accelerate-fft library: FFT using the Accelerate library (accelerate, bsd3, library, math)
- accelerate-fftw library: Accelerate frontend to the FFTW library (Fourier transform) (bsd3, library, math)
- accelerate-fourier library, test and benchmark: Fast Fourier transform and convolution using the Accelerate framework (bsd3, library, math)
- accelerate-fourier-benchmark program: Compare different implementations of the Fast Fourier Transform (bsd3, math, program)
- accelerate-io library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and raw pointers (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-io-JuicyPixels library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and JuicyPixels images (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-io-array library and test: Convert between Accelerate and array (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-io-bmp library: Convert between Accelerate arrays and BMP images (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-io-bytestring library: Convert between Accelerate and ByteString (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-io-cereal library: Binary serialisation of Accelerate arrays using cereal (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-io-repa library: Convert between Accelerate and Repa arrays (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-io-serialise library: Binary serialisation of Accelerate arrays using serialise (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-io-vector library and test: Convert between Accelerate and vector (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- accelerate-kullback-liebler library, test and benchmark: Kullback-Liebler divergence (accelerate, array, bsd3, library)
- accelerate-llvm library: Accelerate backend component generating LLVM IR (accelerate, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, library, parallelism)
- accelerate-llvm-native library and test: Accelerate backend for multicore CPUs (accelerate, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, library, parallelism)
- accelerate-llvm-ptx library and test: Accelerate backend for NVIDIA GPUs (accelerate, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, data, library, parallelism)
- accelerate-random library: Generate Accelerate arrays filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- accelerate-typelits library and test: a typesafe way encode accelerate matrices and vectors (library, math)
- accelerate-utility library: Utility functions for the Accelerate framework (bsd3, library, parallelism)
- accentuateus library: A Haskell implementation of the API. (bsd3, library, web)
- access-time library: Cross-platform support for retrieving file access times (bsd3, library, system)
- access-token-provider library and test: Provides Access Token for Services (bsd3, data, library)
- accuerr library: Data type like Either but with accumulating error type (bsd3, development, library)
- ace library and test: Attempto Controlled English parser and printer (bsd3, library, linguistics)
- achille library and test: A library for building static site generators (library, mit, web)
- acid-state library, program, tests and benchmark: Add ACID guarantees to any serializable Haskell data structure. (database, library, program, public-domain)
- acid-state-dist library, tests and benchmarks: A replication backend for acid-state (database, library, mit)
- acid-state-tls library: Add TLS support for Data.Acid.Remote (database, library, public-domain)
- acl2 library: Writing and calling ACL2 from Haskell. (bsd3, formal-methods, language, library)
- acme-all-monad library: A monad which is powerful enough to interpret any action (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-box library, program and test: A full featured empty project (acme, bsd3, library, program)
- acme-cadre library: car, cdr and more (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-circular-containers library and test: Spineless containers which are fast to read but inefficient to update (acme, library)
- acme-cofunctor library: A Cofunctor is a structure from category theory dual to Functor (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-colosson library: Determines whether it is numberwang. (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-comonad library: A more efficient dualization (bsd3, library, ntrol)
- acme-cuteboy library and program: Maybe gives you a cute boy (acme, library, program, public-domain)
- acme-cutegirl library and program: Maybe gives you a cute girl (acme, gpl, library, program)
- acme-default library: A class for types with a distinguished aesthetically pleasing value (acme, library)
- acme-dont library and test: A "don't" construct (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-everything library: Install everything. (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-flipping-tables library: Stop execution with rage. (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-functors library: The best applicative functors. (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-grawlix library: More readable names for commonly used symbols (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-hq9plus library: An embedded DSL for the HQ9+ programming language (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-http library and programs: fastest Haskell PONG server in the world (bsd3, library, program, web)
- acme-inator library and program: Evil inventions in the Tri-State area (acme, library, program, public-domain)
- acme-io library: The only true way to do IO in Haskell! (acme, library)
- acme-iot library: IO monad transformer (control, library, mit)
- acme-kitchen-sink library: A place for dumping that does-not-feel-right code while you improve it (bsd3, library, other)
- acme-left-pad library: free your haskell from the tyranny of npm! (agpl, library, text)
- acme-lolcat library: LOLSPEAK translator (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-lookofdisapproval library: Express your disapproval (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-memorandom library: Memoized random number generation (acme, library, mit)
- acme-microwave library: The eighth wonder of the world, kitchen math! (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-miscorder library: Miscellaneous newtypes for orderings of discutable use. (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-missiles library: Cause serious international side effects. (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-mutable-package library: A mutable package. (acme, deprecated, library, mit)
- acme-not-a-joke library: implements ACME clients (rfc-8555) (bsd3, library, security)
- acme-now library: An interface to the philosophical and metaphysical "now" (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-numbersystem library: Define the less than and add and subtract for nats (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-omitted library and test: A name for omitted definitions (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-one library: The identity element of package dependencies (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-operators library: Operators of base, all in one place! (bsd3, documentation, library)
- acme-php library: The flexibility of Haskell and the safety of PHP (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-pointful-numbers library: Make more than one point in numeric literals (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-realworld library: Primitives for manipulating the state of the universe (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-safe library: Safe versions of some infamous haskell functions such as fromJust (acme, library)
- acme-schoenfinkel library and test: Proper names for curry and uncurry (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-smuggler library and test: Smuggle arbitrary values in arbitrary types (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-strfry library: A binding to the glibc strfry function. (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-stringly-typed library: Stringly Typed Programming (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-strtok library: A Haskell port of the C/PHP strtok function (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-this library: import This (bsd3, library, this)
- acme-timemachine library: An easy way to perform and unperform IO and other stateful actions. (acme, bsd3, library)
- acme-year library, test and benchmark: Get the current year (acme, library, public-domain)
- acme-zalgo library: A somewhat flexible Zalgo̐ te̳͜x̥̖̉̓͞t̍̌̔ ̀̃t̴̢̞̜͓̝r̶̬̆̂̒͟á̧̡͎͔̯̰̕n̹̾̓ͬͦ̍͘ṡ̢͓͉ͮ͆l̠̖̹̗̳̖̽̌ͤ͞a͚̭͙̹̲ͭͩt͈͐o̢̭͇͍̟͐ͬ̾ͪ͜r͇.̸̅ͭ̐̀̊ͨ͛ (acme, library, mit)
- acme-zero library: The absorbing element of package dependencies (acme, library, public-domain)
- acousticbrainz-client library and test: AcousticBrainz API client (library, unclassified)
- acquire library: Abstraction over management of resources (library, mit, resources)
- action-permutations library: Execute a set of actions (e.g. parsers) in each possible order (bsd3, control, library)
- active library and test: Abstractions for animation (bsd3, data, library)
- activehs program: Haskell code presentation tool (bsd3, documentation, education, program)
- activehs-base library: Basic definitions for activehs (bsd3, documentation, education, library)
- activitypub library: ActivityPub Haskell Library (bsd3, library, web)
- activitystreams-aeson library: An interface to the ActivityStreams specification (bsd3, codec, library)
- actor library: Actors with multi-headed receive clauses (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- acts library: Semigroup actions and torsors. (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- ad library, test and benchmark: Automatic Differentiation (bsd3, library, math)
- ad-delcont library and test: Reverse-mode automatic differentiation with delimited continuations (bsd3, library, machine-learning, math, numeric, optimisation, optimization)
- adaptive-containers library: Self optimizing container types (bsd3, data, library)
- adaptive-cubature library: Multidimensional integration (gpl, library, numerical)
- adaptive-tuple library: Self-optimizing tuple types (bsd3, data, library)
- adb library: Android Debug Bridge (ADB) protocol (bsd3, library, network)
- adblock2privoxy program: Convert adblock config files to privoxy format (gpl, program, web)
- addLicenseInfo program: Adds license info to the top of a file. (bsd3, development, program)
- addy library and test: A full-featured library for parsing, validating, and rendering email addresses (bsd2, library, text)
- adhoc-fixtures library and test: Manage fine grained fixtures (data, library)
- adhoc-fixtures-hspec library and test: Manage fine grained fixtures (data, library)
- adhoc-network library: Ad-hoc P2P network protocol (library, network)
- adict library and test: Approximate dictionary searching (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- adjunction library, test and benchmark: See README for more info (adjunctions, bsd3, library, math)
- adjunctions library and test: Adjunctions and representable functors (adjunctions, bsd3, data-structures, library)
- adler32 library and test: An implementation of Adler-32, supporting rolling checksum operation (bsd3, cryptography, hash, library)
- adobe-swatch-exchange library and programs: parse Adobe Swatch Exchange files and (optionally) output .css files with the colors (bsd3, library, program, web)
- adp-multi library and test: ADP for multiple context-free languages (algorithms, bioinformatics, bsd3, data-structures, library)
- adp-multi-monadiccp library and test: Subword construction in adp-multi using monadiccp (algorithms, bioinformatics, bsd3, data-structures, library)
- adtrees library: Modelling, rendering and quantitative analysis on attack defense trees (gpl, language, library)
- advent-of-code-api library and test: Advent of Code REST API bindings and servant API (bsd3, library, web)
- advent-of-code-ocr library, program, test and benchmark: Parse Advent of Code ASCII art letters (bsd3, library, program, text)
- aern2-fun library: Generic operations for real functions (bsd3, library, math)
- aern2-mfun library and program: Multi-variate real function optimisation and proving (bsd3, library, math, program)
- aern2-mp library and test: Multi-precision ball (interval) arithmetic (bsd3, library, math)
- aern2-real library and test: Real numbers as convergent sequences of intervals (bsd3, library, math)
- aeson library and test: Fast JSON parsing and encoding (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-applicative library: make To/From JSOn instances from an applicative description (data, library, mit)
- aeson-attoparsec library and test: Embed an Attoparsec text parser into an Aeson parser (bsd3, library, web)
- aeson-better-errors library: Better error messages when decoding JSON values. (json, library, mit, text, web)
- aeson-bson library: Mapping between Aeson's JSON and Bson objects. (data, library)
- aeson-casing library and test: Tools to change the formatting of field names in Aeson
instances. (data, library, mit)
- aeson-coerce library: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- aeson-combinators library, test and benchmark: Aeson combinators for dead simple JSON decoding (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-commit library and test: Parse Aeson data with commitment (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-compat library and test: Compatibility layer for aeson (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- aeson-decode library and test: Easy functions for converting from Aeson.Value (apache, json, library)
- aeson-default library and test: Apply default value to FromJSON instacnes' Maybe fields (bsd3, default, hkd, json, library)
- aeson-dependent-sum library and test: JSON encoding/decoding for dependent-sum (data, dependent-types, gpl, json, library)
- aeson-deriving library and test: data types for compositional, type-directed serialization (library, mit, serialization)
- aeson-diff library, programs and tests: Extract and apply patches to JSON documents. (algorithms, bsd3, json, library, program, web)
- aeson-diff-generic library: Apply a json-patch to any haskell datatype. (bsd3, json, library, web)
- aeson-extra library and test: Extra goodies for aeson (aeson, bsd3, data, library)
- aeson-filthy library and test: Several newtypes and combinators for dealing with less-than-cleanly JSON input. (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-flat library and test: Tools for creating flat JSON serializations (bsd3, library, web)
- aeson-flatten library and test: JSON flatten for Aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-flowtyped library and test: Create Flow or TypeScript type definitions from Haskell data types. (bsd3, library, web)
- aeson-gadt-th library and test: Derivation of Aeson instances for GADTs (bsd3, json, library)
- aeson-generic-compat library: Compatible generic class names of Aeson (bsd3, library, text)
- aeson-generic-default library and test: Type-level default fields for aeson Generic FromJSON parser (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-generics-typescript library and program: Generates TypeScript definitions that match Generic Aeson encodings (bsd3, library, program, web)
- aeson-helper library: Aeson helper func (aeson, bsd3, data, library)
- aeson-injector library and test: Injecting fields into aeson values (data, json, library, mit, web)
- aeson-iproute library and test: Aeson instances for iproute types (bsd3, data, library)
- aeson-json-ast library: Integration layer for "json-ast" and "aeson" (library, mit, unclassified)
- aeson-jsonpath library and tests: Parse and run JSONPath queries on Aeson documents (json, library, mit, text, web)
- aeson-lens library and test: Lens of Aeson (bsd3, data, library)
- aeson-match-qq library and test: Declarative JSON matchers. (bsd2, library, web)
- aeson-modern-tojson library and test: Provide a handy way for derving ToJSON proprely. (json, library, text, web)
- aeson-native library: Fast JSON parsing and encoding (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-optics library: Law-abiding optics for aeson (data, json, library, mit, optics)
- aeson-options library: Options to derive FromJSON/ToJSON instances (data, deprecated, json, library, mit)
- aeson-parsec-picky library: Alternative JSON parser based on Parsec and Aeson (bsd3, json, library, text)
- aeson-picker library and test: Tiny library to get fields from JSON format (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-possible library and test: Possible values for aeson (bsd3, data, json, library, web)
- aeson-prefix library and test: Hiearchical prefixing for aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-pretty library: JSON pretty-printing library and command-line tool. (bsd3, json, library, pretty-printer, text, web)
- aeson-qq library and test: JSON quasiquoter for Haskell (json, library, mit)
- aeson-quick library, test and benchmark: Quick JSON extractions with Aeson (bsd3, json, library)
- aeson-result library: API Result for aeson (aeson, api, bsd3, library, web)
- aeson-schema library and test: Haskell JSON schema validator and parser generator (data, library, mit)
- aeson-schemas library, test and benchmark: Easily consume JSON data on-demand with type-safety (bsd3, json, library, quasiquoters)
- aeson-serialize library and test: Simple serialization functions for aeson types (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- aeson-single-field library and test: Conveniently wrap a single value in a record when encoding to and from JSON (json, library, mit, text, web)
- aeson-smart library: Smart derivation of Aeson instances (library, mit, web)
- aeson-streams library: An HTTP client library for JSON-based APIs (bsd3, library, web)
- aeson-t library and test: Transform JSON (data, library, mit)
- aeson-tiled library: Aeson instances for the Tiled map editor. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- aeson-toolkit library and test: A generalization of Aeson over Failure (json, library, mit, text, web)
- aeson-typescript library and test: Generate TypeScript definition files from your ADTs (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- aeson-unqualified-ast library: Aliases to "aeson" AST making it importable unqualified (library, mit, unclassified)
- aeson-utils library: Utilities for working with Aeson. (bsd3, data, library)
- aeson-value-parser library: API for parsing "aeson" JSON tree into Haskell types (data, json, library, mit, parsing)
- aeson-via library and test: Wrappers to derive-via Aeson ToJSON/FromJSON typeclasses (bsd3, data, library)
- aeson-warning-parser library: Library providing JSON parser that warns about unexpected fields in objects. (bsd3, json, library)
- aeson-with library: withXField combinators for aeson (aeson, data, library, mit)
- aeson-yak library: Handle JSON that may or may not be a list, or exist (data, library, mit)
- aeson-yaml library and test: Output any Aeson value as YAML (pure Haskell library) (bsd3, json, library, text, web, yaml)
- affection library: A simple Game Engine using SDL (game, lgpl, library)
- affine library: Affine spaces (generalized) (bsd3, library, math)
- affine-invariant-ensemble-mcmc library: General-purpose sampling (bsd3, deprecated, library, machine-learning, numerical, statistics)
- affinely-extended library: (data, library, mit)
- afis library and test: Anti-forensic Information Splitter (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- aftovolio library and programs: An AFTOVolio implementation for creating texts with special phonetic / prosodic properties. (aftovolio, language, library, math, mit, music, poetry, program, rhythmicity)
- afv program: Infinite state model checking of iterative C programs. (bsd3, formal-methods, program)
- ag-pictgen program: Attribute Grammar picture generation (bsd3, development, program)
- agda-language-server library, program and test: An implementation of language server protocal (LSP) for Agda 2. (development, library, mit, program)
- agda-server program: Http server for Agda (prototype) (bsd3, dependent-types, deprecated, program)
- agda-snippets library and program: Render just the Agda snippets of a literate Agda file to HTML (bsd3, dependent-types, deprecated, library, program)
- agda-snippets-hakyll library: Literate Agda support using agda-snippets, for Hakyll pages. (bsd3, dependent-types, deprecated, library)
- agda-unused library, program and test: Check for unused code in an Agda project. (dependent-types, library, mit, program)
- agda2hs program: Compiling Agda code to readable Haskell. (bsd3, compiler, language, program)
- agda2lagda program and test: Translate .agda files into .lagda.tex files. (dependent-types, development, program)
- agda2train library and program: Agda backend to generate training data for machine learning purposes. (agda, bsd3, library, machine-learning, program)
- agentx library: AgentX protocol for write SNMP subagents (bsd3, library, network)
- agreeing library and test: Idiomatic data structure for agreement (bsd3, data, library)
- agum library and program: Unification and Matching in an Abelian Group (algebra, library, program)
- aig library and test: And-inverter graphs in Haskell. (bsd3, data, library)
- aip library, program and test: Aeronautical Information Package (AIP) (aviation, bsd3, data, library, program)
- aip-version program: Version of AIP documents (aviation, bsd3, data, program)
- air library: air (bsd3, development, library)
- air-extra library: air-extra (bsd3, development, library)
- air-spec library: air spec helper (bsd3, development, library)
- air-th library: air (bsd3, development, library)
- airbrake library: An Airbrake notifier for Haskell (bsd3, library, network)
- airgql library and test: Automatically generate a GraphQL API for an SQLite database (agpl, cli-tool, database, graphql, library, servant, sql, sqlite, web)
- airship library and test: A Webmachine-inspired HTTP library (library, mit, web)
- airtable-api library and test: Requesting and introspecting Tables within an Airtable project. (bsd3, library, web)
- aivika library: A multi-method simulation library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-branches library: Nested discrete event simulation module for the Aivika library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-distributed library: Parallel distributed discrete event simulation module for the Aivika library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-experiment library: Simulation experiments for the Aivika library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-experiment-cairo library: Cairo-based charting backend for the Aivika simulation library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-experiment-chart library: Simulation experiments with charting for the Aivika library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-experiment-diagrams library: Diagrams-based charting backend for the Aivika simulation library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-gpss library: GPSS-like DSL for Aivika (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-lattice library: Nested discrete event simulation module for the Aivika library using lattice (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-realtime library: Soft real-time simulation module for the Aivika library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- aivika-transformers library: Transformers for the Aivika simulation library (bsd3, library, simulation)
- ajhc library and programs: Haskell compiler that produce binary through C language (compiler, gpl, library, program)
- al library: OpenAL 1.1 raw API. (bsd3, library, sound)
- alarmclock library and test: Wake up and perform an action at a certain time. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- alea program: a diceware passphrase generator (mit, program, utility)
- alerta library: Bindings to the alerta REST API (api, bsd3, library, monitoring, web)
- alerts library: Alert messages for web applications (bsd3, library, web)
- alex program and tests: Alex is a tool for generating lexical analysers in Haskell (bsd3, development, program)
- alex-meta library: Quasi-quoter for Alex lexers (bsd3, development, library)
- alex-prelude library: Collection of useful functions for writing console applications (bsd3, library, system)
- alex-tools library: A set of functions for a common use case of Alex. (development, library)
- alfred library: utility library for Alfred version 2 (bsd3, library, utils)
- alfred-margaret library, program, test and benchmarks: Fast Aho-Corasick string searching (bsd3, data, library, program, text)
- alg library: Algebraic structures (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- alga library, program and test: Algorithmic automation for various DAWs (deprecated, gpl, language, library, program)
- algebra library: Constructive abstract algebra (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- algebra-checkers library: Model and test API surfaces algebraically (bsd3, library, model)
- algebra-dag library: Infrastructure for DAG-shaped relational algebra plans (bsd3, database, library)
- algebra-driven-design library: Companion library for the book Algebra-Driven Design by Sandy Maguire (book, bsd3, library)
- algebra-sql library and programs: Relational Algebra and SQL Code Generation (bsd3, database, library, program)
- algebraic library: General linear algebra structures. (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- algebraic-classes library: Conversions between algebraic classes and F-algebras. (bsd3, data, generics, library, math)
- algebraic-graphs library and test: A library for algebraic graph construction and transformation (algebra, algorithms, data-structures, graphs, library, mit)
- algebraic-graphs-io library and test: I/O utilities and datasets for algebraic-graphs (bsd3, data-mining, graphs, library, parsing)
- algebraic-prelude library: Algebraically structured Prelude (bsd3, library, web)
- algo-s library, program, test and benchmark: An implementation of Knuth's algorithm S. (apache, data, library, program)
- algolia library and test: A client implementing the Algolia search API (bsd3, library, web)
- algorithmic-composition-additional library and program: Helps to create experimental music from a file (or its part) and a Ukrainian text. (Ukrainian, algorithmic-composition, language, library, mit, music, program, sound, sox)
- algorithmic-composition-basic library: Helps to create experimental music from a file (or its part) and a Ukrainian text. (Ukrainian, algorithmic-composition, language, library, mit, music, sound, sox)
- algorithmic-composition-complex library: Helps to create more complex experimental music from a file (especially timbre). (Ukrainian, algorithmic-composition, library, mit, music, sound, sox)
- algorithmic-composition-frequency-shift library: Helps to create experimental music. Uses SoX inside. (algorithmic-composition, library, mit, music, sound, sox)
- algorithmic-composition-overtones library: Some variants of the overtones functions to generate a timbre. (algorithmic-composition, audio, library, mit, sound, sox, timbre)
- align library: Sequence alignment algorithms. (bsd3, data, library)
- align-affine library: Sequence alignment with an affine gap penalty model (bsd3, data, library)
- align-audio program: Find relative time displacement of two recordings of the same music (bsd3, program, sound)
- align-text program: A simple unix filter to align text on specified substrings (mit, program, text)
- aligned-foreignptr library: An aligned ForeignPtr type (foreign, library, public-domain, system)
- alignment library: Zip-alignment (bsd3, data, library)
- alist library: lists with O(1) append (bsd3, data, library)
- allen library, program, test and benchmark: A monadic way of calculating relations between intervals of time. (algebra, bsd3, library, program)
- allocated-processor library: Functional combinators for monadic actions that require allocation and de-allocation (bsd3, control, library)
- alloy library: Generic programming library (bsd3, generics, library)
- alloy-proxy-fd library: Some add-on instances for the Alloy library (bsd3, generics, library)
- ally-invest library and test: Ally Invest integration library (bsd3, finance, library)
- almost-fix library: Recurse while a predicate is satisfied (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- alms program: a practical affine language (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- alpaca-netcode library and test: Rollback/replay NetCode for realtime, deterministic, multiplayer games. (apache, game-engine, library, network)
- alpha program: A compiler for the Alpha language (bsd3, compiler, program)
- alphachar library and test: A character between a-z (bsd3, data, library)
- alpino-tools library and programs: Alpino data manipulation tools (data, deprecated, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- alsa library: Binding to the ALSA Library API. (bsd3, deprecated, library, music, sound)
- alsa-core library: Binding to the ALSA Library API (Exceptions). (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- alsa-gui programs: Some simple interactive programs for sending MIDI control messages via ALSA (bsd3, gui, music, program, sound)
- alsa-midi library and programs: Bindings for the ALSA sequencer API (MIDI stuff) (deprecated, library, music, program, sound)
- alsa-mixer library: Bindings to the ALSA simple mixer API. (bsd3, library, sound)
- alsa-pcm library: Binding to the ALSA Library API (PCM audio). (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- alsa-pcm-tests programs: Tests for the ALSA audio signal library. (bsd3, deprecated, music, program, sound)
- alsa-seq library: Binding to the ALSA Library API (MIDI sequencer). (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- alsa-seq-tests programs: Tests for the ALSA sequencer library. (bsd3, deprecated, music, program, sound)
- altcomposition library: Alternative combinators for unorthodox function composition (bsd3, data, library)
- alternative-extra library: Extra utilities for alternatives (bsd3, control, library)
- alternative-io library: IO as Alternative instance (deprecated) (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- alternative-vector library: Use vectors instead of lists for many and some (bsd3, library, web)
- alternators library: Handy functions when using transformers. (bsd3, control, library)
- altfloat library: Alternative floating point support for GHC. (library, numerical)
- alto library and program: Implement a menu experience fit for web users. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- altsvc library and test: HTTP Alternative Services (bsd3, library, network, web)
- alure library: A Haskell binding for ALURE (library, sound)
- always library: provides a typeclass that is always satisfied (bsd3, data, library)
- amazon-emailer programs: A queue daemon for Amazon's SES with a PostgreSQL table as a queue. (bsd3, deprecated, network, program)
- amazon-emailer-client-snap library: Client library for amazon-emailer daemon (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- amazon-products library and program: Connector for Amazon Products API (library, mit, program, web)
- amazonka library: Comprehensive Amazon Web Services SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-accessanalyzer library and test: Amazon Access Analyzer SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-account library and test: Amazon Account SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-alexa-business library and test: Amazon Alexa For Business SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-amp library and test: Amazon Prometheus Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-amplify library and test: Amazon Amplify SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-amplifybackend library and test: Amazon AmplifyBackend SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-amplifyuibuilder library and test: Amazon Amplify UI Builder SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-apigateway library and test: Amazon API Gateway SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-apigatewaymanagementapi library and test: Amazon ApiGatewayManagementApi SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-apigatewayv2 library and test: Amazon ApiGatewayV2 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-appconfig library and test: Amazon AppConfig SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-appconfigdata library and test: Amazon AppConfig Data SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-appflow library and test: Amazon Appflow SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-appintegrations library and test: Amazon AppIntegrations Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-application-autoscaling library and test: Amazon Application Auto Scaling SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-application-insights library and test: Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-applicationcostprofiler library and test: Amazon Application Cost Profiler SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-appmesh library and test: Amazon App Mesh SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-apprunner library and test: Amazon App Runner SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-appstream library and test: Amazon AppStream SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-appsync library and test: Amazon AppSync SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-arc-zonal-shift library and test: Amazon ARC - Zonal Shift SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-athena library and test: Amazon Athena SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-auditmanager library and test: Amazon Audit Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-autoscaling library and test: Amazon Auto Scaling SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-autoscaling-plans library and test: Amazon Auto Scaling Plans SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-backup library and test: Amazon Backup SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-backup-gateway library and test: Amazon Backup Gateway SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-backupstorage library and test: Amazon Backup Storage SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-batch library and test: Amazon Batch SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-billingconductor library and test: Amazon BillingConductor SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-braket library and test: Amazon Braket SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-budgets library and test: Amazon Budgets SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-certificatemanager library and test: Amazon Certificate Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-certificatemanager-pca library and test: Amazon Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-chime library and test: Amazon Chime SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-chime-sdk-identity library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Identity SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-chime-sdk-media-pipelines library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-chime-sdk-meetings library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Meetings SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-chime-sdk-messaging library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Messaging SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-chime-sdk-voice library and test: Amazon Chime SDK Voice SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloud9 library and test: Amazon Cloud9 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudcontrol library and test: Amazon Cloud Control API SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-clouddirectory library and test: Amazon CloudDirectory SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudformation library and test: Amazon CloudFormation SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudfront library and test: Amazon CloudFront SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudhsm library and test: Amazon CloudHSM SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudhsmv2 library and test: Amazon CloudHSM V2 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudsearch library and test: Amazon CloudSearch SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudsearch-domains library and test: Amazon CloudSearch Domain SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudtrail library and test: Amazon CloudTrail SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudwatch library and test: Amazon CloudWatch SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudwatch-events library and test: Amazon EventBridge SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cloudwatch-logs library and test: Amazon CloudWatch Logs SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codeartifact library and test: Amazon CodeArtifact SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codebuild library and test: Amazon CodeBuild SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codecommit library and test: Amazon CodeCommit SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codedeploy library and test: Amazon CodeDeploy SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codeguru-reviewer library and test: Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codeguruprofiler library and test: Amazon CodeGuru Profiler SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codepipeline library and test: Amazon CodePipeline SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codestar library and test: Amazon CodeStar SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codestar-connections library and test: Amazon CodeStar connections SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-codestar-notifications library and test: Amazon CodeStar Notifications SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cognito-identity library and test: Amazon Cognito Identity SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cognito-idp library and test: Amazon Cognito Identity Provider SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cognito-sync library and test: Amazon Cognito Sync SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-comprehend library and test: Amazon Comprehend SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-comprehendmedical library and test: Amazon Comprehend Medical SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-compute-optimizer library and test: Amazon Compute Optimizer SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-config library and test: Amazon Config SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-connect library and test: Amazon Connect Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-connect-contact-lens library and test: Amazon Connect Contact Lens SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-connectcampaigns library and test: Amazon ConnectCampaignService SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-connectcases library and test: Amazon Connect Cases SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-connectparticipant library and test: Amazon Connect Participant Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-contrib-rds-utils library and program: A Haskell equivalent of "aws rds generate-db-auth-token" (aws, library, mpl, program)
- amazonka-controltower library and test: Amazon Control Tower SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-core library and test: Core data types and functionality for Amazonka libraries. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cost-explorer library and test: Amazon Cost Explorer Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-cur library and test: Amazon Cost and Usage Report Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-customer-profiles library and test: Amazon Connect Customer Profiles SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-databrew library and test: Amazon Glue DataBrew SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-dataexchange library and test: Amazon Data Exchange SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-datapipeline library and test: Amazon Data Pipeline SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-datasync library and test: Amazon DataSync SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-detective library and test: Amazon Detective SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-devicefarm library and test: Amazon Device Farm SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-devops-guru library and test: Amazon DevOps Guru SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-directconnect library and test: Amazon Direct Connect SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-discovery library and test: Amazon Application Discovery Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-dlm library and test: Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-dms library and test: Amazon Database Migration Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-docdb library and test: Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-docdb-elastic library and test: Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-drs library and test: Amazon Elastic Disaster Recovery Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ds library and test: Amazon Directory Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-dynamodb library and test: Amazon DynamoDB SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-dynamodb-dax library and test: Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-dynamodb-streams library and test: Amazon DynamoDB Streams SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ebs library and test: Amazon Elastic Block Store SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ec2 library and test: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ec2-instance-connect library and test: Amazon EC2 Instance Connect SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ecr library and test: Amazon EC2 Container Registry SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ecr-public library and test: Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ecs library and test: Amazon EC2 Container Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-efs library and test: Amazon Elastic File System SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-eks library and test: Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-elastic-inference library and test: Amazon Elastic Inference SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-elasticache library and test: Amazon ElastiCache SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-elasticbeanstalk library and test: Amazon Elastic Beanstalk SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-elasticsearch library and test: Amazon Elasticsearch Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-elastictranscoder library and test: Amazon Elastic Transcoder SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-elb library and test: Amazon Elastic Load Balancing SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-elbv2 library and test: Amazon Elastic Load Balancing SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-emr library and test: Amazon EMR SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-emr-containers library and test: Amazon EMR Containers SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-emr-serverless library and test: Amazon EMR Serverless SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-evidently library and test: Amazon CloudWatch Evidently SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-finspace library and test: Amazon FinSpace User Environment Management service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-finspace-data library and test: Amazon FinSpace Public API SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-fis library and test: Amazon Fault Injection Simulator SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-fms library and test: Amazon Firewall Management Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-forecast library and test: Amazon Forecast Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-forecastquery library and test: Amazon Forecast Query Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-frauddetector library and test: Amazon Fraud Detector SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-fsx library and test: Amazon FSx SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-gamelift library and test: Amazon GameLift SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-gamesparks library and test: Amazon GameSparks SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-glacier library and test: Amazon Glacier SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-globalaccelerator library and test: Amazon Global Accelerator SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-glue library and test: Amazon Glue SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-grafana library and test: Amazon Managed Grafana SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-greengrass library and test: Amazon Greengrass SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-greengrassv2 library and test: Amazon IoT Greengrass V2 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-groundstation library and test: Amazon Ground Station SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-guardduty library and test: Amazon GuardDuty SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-health library and test: Amazon Health APIs and Notifications SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-healthlake library and test: Amazon HealthLake SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-honeycode library and test: Amazon Honeycode SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iam library and test: Amazon Identity and Access Management SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iam-policy library and tests: Amazon IAM Policy Document DSL and Combinators. (aws, cloud, library, mpl, network)
- amazonka-identitystore library and test: Amazon SSO Identity Store SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-imagebuilder library and test: Amazon EC2 Image Builder SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-importexport library and test: Amazon Import/Export SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-inspector library and test: Amazon Inspector SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-inspector2 library and test: Amazon Inspector2 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iot library and test: Amazon IoT SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iot-analytics library and test: Amazon IoT Analytics SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iot-dataplane library and test: Amazon IoT Data Plane SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iot-jobs-dataplane library and test: Amazon IoT Jobs Data Plane SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iot-roborunner library and test: Amazon IoT RoboRunner SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iot1click-devices library and test: Amazon IoT 1-Click Devices Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iot1click-projects library and test: Amazon IoT 1-Click Projects Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotdeviceadvisor library and test: Amazon IoT Core Device Advisor SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotevents library and test: Amazon IoT Events SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotevents-data library and test: Amazon IoT Events Data SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotfleethub library and test: Amazon IoT Fleet Hub SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotfleetwise library and test: Amazon IoT FleetWise SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotsecuretunneling library and test: Amazon IoT Secure Tunneling SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotsitewise library and test: Amazon IoT SiteWise SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotthingsgraph library and test: Amazon IoT Things Graph SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iottwinmaker library and test: Amazon IoT TwinMaker SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-iotwireless library and test: Amazon IoT Wireless SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ivs library and test: Amazon Interactive Video Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ivschat library and test: Amazon Interactive Video Service Chat SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kafka library and test: Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kafkaconnect library and test: Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kendra library and test: Amazon KendraFrontendService SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-keyspaces library and test: Amazon Keyspaces SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesis library and test: Amazon Kinesis SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesis-analytics library and test: Amazon Kinesis Analytics SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesis-firehose library and test: Amazon Kinesis Firehose SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesis-video library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video Streams SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesis-video-archived-media library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesis-video-media library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesis-video-signaling library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesis-video-webrtc-storage library and test: Amazon Kinesis Video WebRTC Storage SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kinesisanalyticsv2 library and test: Amazon Kinesis Analytics SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-kms library and test: Amazon Key Management Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lakeformation library and test: Amazon Lake Formation SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lambda library and test: Amazon Lambda SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lex-models library and test: Amazon Lex Model Building Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lex-runtime library and test: Amazon Lex Runtime Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lexv2-models library and test: Amazon Lex Model Building V2 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-license-manager library and test: Amazon License Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-license-manager-linux-subscriptions library and test: Amazon License Manager Linux Subscriptions SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-license-manager-user-subscriptions library and test: Amazon License Manager User Subscriptions SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lightsail library and test: Amazon Lightsail SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-location library and test: Amazon Location Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lookoutequipment library and test: Amazon Lookout for Equipment SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lookoutmetrics library and test: Amazon Lookout for Metrics SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-lookoutvision library and test: Amazon Lookout for Vision SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-m2 library and test: Amazon MainframeModernization SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-macie library and test: Amazon Macie SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-maciev2 library and test: Amazon Macie 2 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-managedblockchain library and test: Amazon Managed Blockchain SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-marketplace-analytics library and test: Amazon Marketplace Commerce Analytics SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-marketplace-catalog library and test: Amazon Marketplace Catalog Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-marketplace-entitlement library and test: Amazon Marketplace Entitlement Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-marketplace-metering library and test: Amazon Marketplace Metering SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mechanicalturk library and test: Amazon Mechanical Turk SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mediaconnect library and test: Amazon MediaConnect SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mediaconvert library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaConvert SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-medialive library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaLive SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mediapackage library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaPackage SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mediapackage-vod library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaPackage VOD SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mediastore library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaStore SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mediastore-dataplane library and test: Amazon Elemental MediaStore Data Plane SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mediatailor library and test: Amazon MediaTailor SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-memorydb library and test: Amazon MemoryDB SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mgn library and test: Amazon Application Migration Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-migration-hub-refactor-spaces library and test: Amazon Migration Hub Refactor Spaces SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-migrationhub library and test: Amazon Migration Hub SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-migrationhub-config library and test: Amazon Migration Hub Config SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-migrationhuborchestrator library and test: Amazon Migration Hub Orchestrator SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-migrationhubstrategy library and test: Amazon Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ml library and test: Amazon Machine Learning SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mobile library and test: Amazon Mobile SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mq library and test: Amazon MQ SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-mtl library and tests: MTL-style type-class and deriving-via newtypes for Amazonka (library, mit, utils)
- amazonka-mwaa library and test: Amazon MWAA SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-neptune library and test: Amazon Neptune SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-network-firewall library and test: Amazon Network Firewall SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-networkmanager library and test: Amazon Network Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-nimble library and test: Amazon NimbleStudio SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-oam library and test: Amazon CloudWatch Observability Access Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-omics library and test: Amazon Omics SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-opensearch library and test: Amazon OpenSearch Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-opensearchserverless library and test: Amazon OpenSearch Service Serverless SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-opsworks library and test: Amazon OpsWorks SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-opsworks-cm library and test: Amazon OpsWorks CM SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-organizations library and test: Amazon Organizations SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-outposts library and test: Amazon Outposts SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-panorama library and test: Amazon Panorama SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-personalize library and test: Amazon Personalize SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-personalize-events library and test: Amazon Personalize Events SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-personalize-runtime library and test: Amazon Personalize Runtime SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-pi library and test: Amazon Performance Insights SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-pinpoint library and test: Amazon Pinpoint SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-pinpoint-email library and test: Amazon Pinpoint Email Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-pinpoint-sms-voice library and test: Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2 library and test: Amazon Pinpoint SMS Voice V2 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-pipes library and test: Amazon EventBridge Pipes SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-polly library and test: Amazon Polly SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-pricing library and test: Amazon Price List Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-privatenetworks library and test: Amazon Private 5G SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-proton library and test: Amazon Proton SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-qldb library and test: Amazon QLDB SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-qldb-session library and test: Amazon QLDB Session SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-quicksight library and test: Amazon QuickSight SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ram library and test: Amazon Resource Access Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-rbin library and test: Amazon Recycle Bin SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-rds library and test: Amazon Relational Database Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-rds-data library and test: Amazon RDS DataService SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-redshift library and test: Amazon Redshift SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-redshift-data library and test: Amazon Redshift Data API Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-redshift-serverless library and test: Amazon Redshift Serverless SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-rekognition library and test: Amazon Rekognition SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-resiliencehub library and test: Amazon Resilience Hub SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-resource-explorer-v2 library and test: Amazon Resource Explorer SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-resourcegroups library and test: Amazon Resource Groups SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-resourcegroupstagging library and test: Amazon Resource Groups Tagging API SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-robomaker library and test: Amazon RoboMaker SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-rolesanywhere library and test: Amazon IAM Roles Anywhere SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-route53 library and test: Amazon Route 53 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-route53-autonaming library and test: Amazon Cloud Map SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-route53-domains library and test: Amazon Route 53 Domains SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-route53-recovery-cluster library and test: Amazon Route53 Recovery Cluster SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-route53-recovery-control-config library and test: Amazon Route53 Recovery Control Config SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-route53-recovery-readiness library and test: Amazon Route53 Recovery Readiness SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-route53resolver library and test: Amazon Route 53 Resolver SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-rum library and test: Amazon CloudWatch RUM SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-s3 library and test: Amazon Simple Storage Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-s3-encryption library and test: Amazon Simple Storage Service SDK - Client-Side Encryption. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-s3-streaming library: Provides conduits to upload data to S3 using the Multipart API (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network)
- amazonka-s3outposts library and test: Amazon S3 on Outposts SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sagemaker library and test: Amazon SageMaker Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sagemaker-a2i-runtime library and test: Amazon Augmented AI Runtime SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sagemaker-edge library and test: Amazon Sagemaker Edge Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sagemaker-featurestore-runtime library and test: Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sagemaker-geospatial library and test: Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sagemaker-metrics library and test: Amazon SageMaker Metrics Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sagemaker-runtime library and test: Amazon SageMaker Runtime SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-savingsplans library and test: Amazon Savings Plans SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-scheduler library and test: Amazon EventBridge Scheduler SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-schemas library and test: Amazon Schemas SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sdb library and test: Amazon SimpleDB SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-secretsmanager library and test: Amazon Secrets Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-securityhub library and test: Amazon SecurityHub SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-securitylake library and test: Amazon Security Lake SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-serverlessrepo library and test: Amazon ServerlessApplicationRepository SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-service-quotas library and test: Amazon Quotas SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-servicecatalog library and test: Amazon Service Catalog SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-servicecatalog-appregistry library and test: Amazon Service Catalog App Registry SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ses library and test: Amazon Simple Email Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sesv2 library and test: Amazon Simple Email Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-shield library and test: Amazon Shield SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-signer library and test: Amazon Signer SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-simspaceweaver library and test: Amazon SimSpace Weaver SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sms library and test: Amazon Server Migration Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sms-voice library and test: Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-snow-device-management library and test: Amazon Snow Device Management SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-snowball library and test: Amazon Import/Export Snowball SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sns library and test: Amazon Simple Notification Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sqs library and test: Amazon Simple Queue Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ssm library and test: Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ssm-contacts library and test: Amazon Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ssm-incidents library and test: Amazon Systems Manager Incident Manager SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-ssm-sap library and test: Amazon Systems Manager for SAP SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sso library and test: Amazon Single Sign-On SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sso-admin library and test: Amazon Single Sign-On Admin SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sso-oidc library and test: Amazon SSO OIDC SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-stepfunctions library and test: Amazon Step Functions SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-storagegateway library and test: Amazon Storage Gateway SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-sts library and test: Amazon Security Token Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-support library and test: Amazon Support SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-support-app library and test: Amazon Support App SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-swf library and test: Amazon Simple Workflow Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-synthetics library and test: Amazon Synthetics SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-test library: Common functionality for Amazonka library test-suites. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-textract library and test: Amazon Textract SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-timestream-query library and test: Amazon Timestream Query SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-timestream-write library and test: Amazon Timestream Write SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-transcribe library and test: Amazon Transcribe Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-transfer library and test: Amazon Transfer Family SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-translate library and test: Amazon Translate SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-voice-id library and test: Amazon Voice ID SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-waf library and test: Amazon WAF SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-waf-regional library and test: Amazon WAF Regional SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-wafv2 library and test: Amazon WAFV2 SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-wellarchitected library and test: Amazon Well-Architected Tool SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-wisdom library and test: Amazon Connect Wisdom Service SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-workdocs library and test: Amazon WorkDocs SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-worklink library and test: Amazon WorkLink SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-workmail library and test: Amazon WorkMail SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-workmailmessageflow library and test: Amazon WorkMail Message Flow SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-workspaces library and test: Amazon WorkSpaces SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-workspaces-web library and test: Amazon WorkSpaces Web SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amazonka-xray library and test: Amazon X-Ray SDK. (aws, library, mpl)
- amby library, test and benchmark: Statistical data visualization (bsd3, graphics, library)
- ampersand program and test: Toolsuite for automated design of business processes. (database-design, program)
- amqp library, program and test: Client library for AMQP servers (currently only RabbitMQ) (bsd3, library, network, program)
- amqp-conduit library and test: Conduit bindings for AMQP (see amqp package) (library, mit, network)
- amqp-streamly library and test: A simple streamly wrapper for amqp (amqp, bsd3, conduit, library, rabbitmq, streamly)
- amqp-utils programs: AMQP toolset for the command line (gpl, network, program)
- amqp-worker library, program and test: Type-safe AMQP workers (bsd3, library, network, program)
- amrun program: Interpreter for AM (compilers-interpreters, program)
- anagrep library, program, test and benchmark: Find strings with permutations (anagrams) that match a regular expression (bsd3, library, program, text)
- analyze library and test: making data science easy and safe with data frames (bsd3, data-science, library)
- analyze-client library: Client for analyze service (bsd3, library, web)
- anansi library and program: Simple literate programming preprocessor (development, gpl, library, program)
- anansi-hscolour library: Colorized looms for Anansi (development, gpl, library)
- anansi-pandoc library: Looms which use Pandoc to parse and produce a variety of formats. (development, gpl, library)
- anatomy library and program: Anatomy: Atomo documentation system (bsd3, development, library, program)
- android library: Android methods exposed to Haskell (gpl, library, system)
- android-activity library: Turn regular Haskell programs into Android Activities (bsd3, library, mobile)
- android-lint-summary library, program and test: A pretty printer for Android Lint errors (apache, library, program, web)
- angel program and test: Process management and supervision daemon (bsd3, program, system)
- angle library, program and benchmarks: A small, general-purpose programming language. (compilers-interpreters, gpl, library, program)
- animalcase library: Convert camelCase to snake_case and vice versa (library, mit, text)
- animascii program and test: text-file based ASCII animator (application, deprecated, gpl, program)
- animate library and test: Animation for sprites (bsd3, game, library)
- animate-example program: Animation for sprites (bsd3, game, program)
- animate-frames library, program and test: Convert sprite frames to animate files (game, library, mit, program)
- animate-preview library and program: Preview tool for sprite animation (bsd3, game, library, program)
- animate-sdl2 library: sdl2 + animate auxiliary library (bsd3, game, library)
- anitomata library and test: Composable sprite animation (game, library, mit)
- anitomata-aseprite library, program and test: Code gen for Aseprite animations (game, library, mit, program)
- anki-tools library and program: Tools for interacting with Anki database (bsd3, database, library, program)
- ann library: Informative annotations which don't change equality (bsd3, data, library)
- annah library and program: Medium-level language that desugars to Morte (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- annihilator library: Semigroups with annihilators and utility functions (bsd3, control-, deprecated, library)
- annotated-exception library and test: Exceptions, with checkpoints and context. (bsd3, control, library)
- annotated-fix library: A fixpoint of a functor that can be annotated (bsd3, data, library)
- annotated-wl-pprint library: The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer, with annotation support (bsd3, library, text)
- anonymous-sums library: Anonymous sum types (bsd3, data, library)
- anonymous-sums-tests library: QuickCheck functions to accompany the anonymous-sums package (bsd3, data, library)
- ansi-escape-codes library: Haskell package to generate ANSI escape codes for styling strings in the terminal. (library, mit, unclassified)
- ansi-pretty library: AnsiPretty for ansi-wl-pprint (bsd3, library, text, user-interfaces)
- ansi-terminal library: Simple ANSI terminal support (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- ansi-terminal-game library and test: cross-platform library for terminal games (game, gpl, library)
- ansi-terminal-types library: Types and functions used to represent SGR aspects (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- ansi-wl-pprint library: The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for colored ANSI terminal output (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, user-interfaces)
- ansigraph library and test: Terminal-based graphing via ANSI and Unicode (graphics, library, mit)
- antagonist library and program: A web interface to Antisplice dungeons. (agpl, library, program, web)
- antelude library and test: Yet another alternative Prelude for Haskell. (library, mit, prelude)
- antfarm library, program and test: Referring expressions for definitions (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- anticiv library and program: This is an IRC bot for Mafia and Resistance. (agpl, library, network, program)
- antigate library: Interface for captcha recognition API (captcha, library, mit, network-apis, text-recognition)
- antimirov library and program: Define the language containment (=subtyping) relation on regulare expressions. (language, library, math, program)
- antiope-athena library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-contract library: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-core library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-dynamodb library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-es library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-messages library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-optparse-applicative library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-s3 library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-shell library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-sns library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-sqs library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiope-swf library and test: Please see the README on Github at <> (library, mit, services)
- antiprimes library and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, learning-haskell, library)
- antiquoter library: Combinator library for quasi- and anti-quoting. (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- antisplice library: An engine for text-based dungeons. (agpl, game, library)
- antlr-haskell library and tests: A Haskell implementation of the ANTLR top-down parser generator (bsd3, library)
- antlrc library and program: Haskell binding to the ANTLR parser generator C runtime library. (bsd3, library, parsing, program)
- any-pat library and test: Quasiquoters that act on a sequence of patterns and compiles these view into patterns and expressions. (bsd3, library, utils)
- anydbm library: Interface for DBM-like database systems (database, library)
- aop-prelude library and test: prelude for Algebra of Programming (bsd3, language, library)
- aos-signature library and test: An implementation of the AOS signatures (cryptography, library)
- aosd library and test: Bindings to libaosd, a library for Cairo-based on-screen displays (bsd3, graphics, library)
- ap-normalize library and tests: Self-normalizing applicative expressions (control, library, mit)
- ap-reflect library: Partial evaluation reflection a la simple-reflect. (bsd3, debug, library)
- apache-md5 library, test and benchmark: Apache specific MD5 digest algorighm. (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- apart library, program and test: Get all your structure and rip it apart. (bsd3, control, data, library, program)
- apecs library, test and benchmark: Fast Entity-Component-System library for game programming (bsd3, control, data, game, library)
- apecs-effectful library: Adaptation of the apecs library for the effectful ecosystem. (bsd3, game, library)
- apecs-gloss library: Simple gloss renderer for apecs (bsd3, library, web)
- apecs-physics library: 2D physics for apecs (bsd3, library, web)
- apecs-physics-gloss library: Gloss rendering for apecs-physics (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- apecs-stm library: STM stores for apecs (bsd3, control, data, game, library)
- apelsin program: Server and community browser for the game Tremulous (gpl, network, program)
- api-builder library and tests: Library for easily building REST API wrappers in Haskell (bsd3, library, network)
- api-field-json-th library and test: option of aeson's deriveJSON (bsd3, library, utils)
- api-maker library and test: Package to make APIs (bsd3, library, web)
- api-monobank library, program and test: (library, mit, program, web)
- api-opentheory-unicode library and test: OpenTheory unicode character API (library, mit, text)
- api-rpc-accumulate library, program and test: JSON-RPC API client for Accumulate blockchain (library, mit, program, web)
- api-rpc-factom library, program and test: RPC API client for Factom (library, mit, program, web)
- api-rpc-pegnet library and test: simple json-rpc client for PegNet (library, mit, web)
- api-tools library, programs, test and benchmark: DSL for generating API boilerplate and docs (bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, program, web)
- api-yoti library and test: Api bindings for Yoti services (library, mit, web)
- apiary library and test: Simple and type safe web framework that generate web API documentation. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-authenticate library: authenticate support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-clientsession library: clientsession support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-cookie library: Cookie support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-eventsource library: eventsource support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-helics library: helics support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-http-client library: A http client for Apiary. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-logger library: fast-logger support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-memcached library: memcached client for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-mongoDB library: mongoDB support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-persistent library: persistent support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-purescript library: purescript compiler for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-redis library: redis support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-session library: session support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apiary-websockets library: websockets support for apiary web framework. (library, mit, web)
- apigen library, program and test: FFI API generator for several languages (development, gpl, library, program)
- apioiaf-client library and test: Consumer library for (bsd3, library, web)
- apis library: A Template Haskell library for generating type safe API calls (bsd2, library, web)
- apns-http2 library and program: Apple Push Notification service HTTP/2 integration. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- apotiki library and program: a faster debian repository (library, mit, program, system)
- app-lens library and benchmarks: applicative (functional) bidirectional programming beyond composition chains (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- app-settings library and test: A library to manage application settings (INI file-like) (bsd3, configuration, library)
- appar library: A simple applicative parser (bsd3, library, parsing)
- appc library, program and test: app container types and tools (data, library, mit, program)
- appendful library: (library, mit, unclassified)
- appendful-persistent library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- appendmap library and test: Map with a Semigroup and Monoid instances delegating to Semigroup of the elements (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- apple library, programs, tests and benchmark: Apple array language compiler (agpl, array, language, library, program)
- applicable library: A class for things that can be applied (data, library, mit)
- applicative-extras library: Instances for Applicative (bsd3, control, library)
- applicative-fail library and test: Applicative functor and monad which collects all your fails (bsd3, control, library)
- applicative-logic library: Generalized logic operations for Applicative and Alternative functors (bsd3, control, library)
- applicative-numbers library: Applicative-based numeric instances (bsd3, data, library, numerical)
- applicative-parsec library and test: An applicative parser combinator library (gpl, language, library)
- applicative-quoters library: Quasiquoters for idiom brackets and an applicative do-notation (bsd3, language, library)
- applicative-splice library: Write applicative programs in direct style (generalizes idiom brackets). (control, library, public-domain)
- apply-merge library, test and benchmark: Lift a binary, non-decreasing function onto ordered lists and order the output (bsd3, data, library)
- apply-refact library, program and test: Perform refactorings specified by the refact library. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- apply-unordered library and test: Apply a function to an argument specified by a type level Nat (acme, bsd3, compiler-plugin, functions, library)
- apply-unordered-mono library and test: Apply functions to arguments in an unordered type-directed fashion (acme, bsd3, functions, library)
- apportionment library and test: Round a set of numbers while maintaining its sum (bsd3, library, math)
- approveapi library and test: ApproveAPI Haskell Client (api, client, library, mit)
- approx library, program and test: Easy-to-use emulation of approximate, ranges and tolerances in Haskell (library, mit, numeric, program)
- approx-rand-test library, programs and test: Approximate randomization test (deprecated, library, program, statistics)
- approximate library: Approximate discrete values and numbers (bsd3, library, numeric)
- approximate-equality library: Newtype wrappers for approximate equality (bsd3, data, library)
- ar-timestamp-wiper library and program: Wipes time stamps from .a files (like ar -D) (application, library, mit, program)
- arb-fft library, program and test: Pure Haskell arbitrary length FFT library (bsd3, library, math, program)
- arbb-vm library: FFI binding to the Intel Array Building Blocks (ArBB) virtual machine. (bsd3, foreign, library)
- arbor-datadog library and test: Datadog client for Haskell. (library, mit, network)
- arbor-lru-cache library and test: LRU cache based on STM (concurrency, data, library, mit)
- arbor-monad-counter library and test: Counter library for submitting metrics to a backend such as datadog (library, mit, services)
- arbor-monad-logger library, program and test: Simple logging library (library, logging, mit, program)
- arbor-monad-metric library and test: Core metric library for publishing metrics. (library, metrics, mit)
- arbor-monad-metric-datadog library and test: Metric library backend for datadog. (library, metrics, mit)
- arbor-postgres library: Convenience types and functions for postgresql-simple. (library, mit, services)
- arbtt programs and test: Automatic Rule-Based Time Tracker (desktop, gpl, program)
- arcgrid library and program: Parse ESRI/ArcInfo (ArcGrid) raster GIS files (bsd3, geo, library, program)
- arcgrid-viewer program: Simple viewer for ESRI/ArcInfo (ArcGrid) geospatial data (bsd3, geo, program)
- arch-hs library and programs: Distribute hackage packages to archlinux (distribution, library, mit, program)
- arch-web library and test: Arch Linux official and AUR web interface binding (library, mit, web)
- archive library and program: A library and programs for creating hardlinked incremental archives or backups (bsd3, library, program, system)
- archive-libarchive library: Common interface using libarchive (archive, bsd3, codec, library, tar)
- archive-sig library: Backpack signature for archive libraries (archive, bsd3, codec, library, tar)
- archive-tar library: Common interface using the tar package (archive, bsd3, codec, library, tar)
- archive-tar-bytestring library: Common interface using the tar-bytestring package (archive, bsd3, codec, library, tar)
- archiver library and program: Archive supplied URLs in WebCite & Internet Archive (bsd3, documentation, library, network, program)
- archlinux library: Support for working with Arch Linux packages. (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, library)
- archlinux-web library and programs: Website maintenance for Arch Linux packages (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- archnews program: Convert Arch Linux package updates in RSS to pretty markdown (bsd3, distribution, program)
- arduino-copilot library and test: Arduino programming in haskell using the Copilot stream DSL (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- arena library, tests and benchmark: A journaled data store (bsd3, database, library)
- arff library: Generate Attribute-Relation File Format (ARFF) files (bsd3, data, library, text)
- arghwxhaskell program: An interpreter for the Argh! programming language in wxHaskell. (gpl, language, program)
- argo library, program, test and benchmark: Parse and render JSON. (json, library, mit, program)
- argon test: Measure your code's complexity (development, static-analysis)
- argon2 library and test: Memory-hard password hash and proof-of-work function (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- argparser library and test: Command line parsing framework for console applications (bsd3, console, library)
- arguedit program: A computer assisted argumentation transcription and editing software. (argumentation, gpl, program)
- ariadne program and test: Go-to-definition for Haskell (language, mit, program)
- arion program and test: Watcher and runner for Hspec (mit, program, testing)
- arion-compose library, program and test: Run docker-compose with help from Nix/NixOS (apache, cloud, distributed-computing, distribution, library, network, program)
- arith-encode library and test: A practical arithmetic encoding (aka Godel numbering) library. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, serialization, test, testing)
- arithmatic library: do things with numbers (bsd3, library, math)
- arithmetic library, program and test: Natural number arithmetic (library, mit, number-theory, program)
- arithmetic-circuits library, tests and benchmark: Arithmetic circuits for zkSNARKs (cryptography, library, mit)
- arithmoi library, test and benchmark: Efficient basic number-theoretic functions. (algorithms, library, math, mit, number-theory)
- arity-generic-liftA library and test: Provides an arity-generic version of the liftA2, liftA3... liftAn functions. (control, library, mit)
- armada program: Space-based real time strategy game (game, program)
- armor library and test: Prevent serialization backwards compatibility problems using golden tests (bsd3, data, library, testing)
- arpa library and program: Library for reading ARPA n-gram models (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, nlp, program, text)
- arpack library and test: Solve large scale eigenvalue problems (bsd3, library, science)
- array library: Mutable and immutable arrays (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- array-builder library and test: Builders for arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- array-chunks library and test: Lists of chunks (bsd3, data, library)
- array-forth library, program and test: A simple interpreter for arrayForth, the language used on GreenArrays chips. (gpl, language, library, program)
- array-list library and tests: IsList instances of Array for OverloadedLists extension (array, data, library, list, mit)
- array-memoize library: Memoization combinators using arrays for finite sub-domains of functions (bsd3, library, syntax)
- array-primops library, test and benchmark: Extra foreign primops for primitive arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- array-utils library: Primitive functions for updating many elements in mutable arrays at once (bsd3, data, data-structures, deprecated, library)
- arrayfire library, programs and test: Haskell bindings to the ArrayFire general-purpose GPU library (bsd3, library, math, program)
- arraylist library and test: Memory-efficient ArrayList implementation (bsd3, data, library)
- arrow-extras library: Extra functions for Control.Arrow (bsd3, control, library)
- arrow-improve library: Improved arrows. (control, library, mit)
- arrow-list library: List arrows for Haskell. (bsd3, control, library)
- arrow-utils library and test: functions for working with arrows (arrows, bsd3, combinators, control, library)
- arrowapply-utils library: Utilities for working with ArrowApply instances more naturally (bsd3, control, library)
- arrowp program: preprocessor translating arrow notation into Haskell 98 (development, program)
- arrowp-qq library and program: A preprocessor and quasiquoter for translating arrow notation (development, library, program)
- arrows library: Arrow classes and transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- artery library: A simple, arrow-based reactive programming (bsd3, control, frp, library)
- artifact library: Basic types and instances for Valve's Artifact Card-set API (agpl, deprecated, game, library)
- arx library: Archive execution tool. (bsd3, library, text)
- arxiv library: A client for the Arxiv API (api, arxiv, library, network, networkapi)
- asana library: Asana API Client (library, mit, utils)
- asap library and test: Atlassian Service Authentication Protocol (apache, library, web)
- ascetic library: Generic markup builder. (library, mit, text)
- ascii library and test: The ASCII character set and encoding (apache, data, library, text)
- ascii-art-to-unicode library, program and test: ASCII Art to Unicode Box Drawing converter (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- ascii-case library and test: ASCII letter case (apache, data, library, text)
- ascii-caseless library and test: ASCII character without an upper/lower case distinction (apache, data, library, text)
- ascii-char library and test: A Char type representing an ASCII character (apache, data, library, text)
- ascii-cows library: A collection of ASCII cows. Moo. (acme, bsd3, library)
- ascii-flatten library and program: Flattens European non-ASCII characaters into ASCII (library, mit, program, text)
- ascii-group library and test: ASCII character groups (apache, data, library, text)
- ascii-holidays program: ASCII animations for the holidays! (gpl, graphics, program)
- ascii-numbers library and test: ASCII representations of numbers (apache, data, library, numeric, text)
- ascii-predicates library and test: Various categorizations of ASCII characters (apache, data, library, text)
- ascii-progress library and test: A simple progress bar for the console. (library, mit, system)
- ascii-string library and test: Compact representation of ASCII strings (library, mit, unclassified)
- ascii-superset library and test: Representing ASCII with refined supersets (apache, data, library, text)
- ascii-table library: ASCII table (bsd3, data, library)
- ascii-th library and test: Template Haskell support for ASCII (apache, data, library, text)
- ascii-vector-avc library and program: Process Ascii Vectors for Advantest 93k (data, gpl, library, program)
- ascii85-conduit library and test: Conduit for encoding ByteString into Ascii85 (bsd3, conduit, data, library)
- asciichart library and test: Line charts in terminal (library, mit, text)
- asciidiagram library and program: Pretty rendering of Ascii diagram into svg or png. (bsd3, diagram, library, program, text)
- asic program: Action Script Instrumentation Compiler (compilers-interpreters, program)
- asif library, program and tests: Library for creating and querying segmented feeds (library, mit, program, services)
- asil library: Action Script Instrumentation Library (compilers-interpreters, library)
- asn library: asn type and encoding/decoding (bsd3, data, library)
- asn1-ber-syntax library and tests: ASN.1 BER Encode and Decode (bsd3, data, library)
- asn1-codec library and test: Encode and decode ASN.1 (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- asn1-data library: ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- asn1-encoding library and test: ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms (bsd3, data, library)
- asn1-parse library: Simple monadic parser for ASN1 stream types. (bsd3, data, library)
- asn1-types library: ASN.1 types (bsd3, data, library)
- asn1dump program: Dump ASN1 structure (bsd3, debug, program)
- aspell-pipe library: Pipe-based interface to the Aspell program (bsd3, library, text)
- assembler library and program: Haskell Assembler (bsd3, development, library, program)
- assert library and test: Helpers for Control.Exception.assert (bsd3, control, library)
- assert-failure library: Syntactic sugar improving 'assert' and 'error' (bsd3, contract, control, library)
- assert4hs library and test: A set of assertion for writing more readable tests cases (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- assert4hs-core library and test: A set of assertion for writing more readable tests cases (library, mit, testing)
- assert4hs-hspec library and test: integration point of assert4hs and hspec (library, mit, testing)
- assert4hs-tasty library and test: Provider for tasty runner to run assert4hs tests (library, mit, web)
- assertions library and test: A simple testing framework. (library, mit, testing)
- asset-bundle library: A build-time Cabal library that bundles executables with assets (bsd3, bundle, distribution, library, program, zip)
- asset-map library and test: Asset map support for the JavaScript broccoli-asset-rev library. (bsd3, library, web)
- assignment library, test and benchmarks: A solution to the assignment problem (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- assimp library: The Assimp asset import library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- assoc library: swap and assoc: Symmetric and Semigroupy Bifunctors (bsd3, data, library)
- assoc-list library and test: Association lists (lists of tuples) (data, library, mit)
- assoc-listlike library and test: Association lists (list-like collections of tuples) (data, library, mit)
- assumpta library and test: An SMTP client library (bsd2, library, network)
- assumpta-core library and test: Core functionality for an SMTP client (bsd2, library, network)
- ast-monad library and test: A library for constructing AST by using do-notation (bsd3, language, library)
- ast-monad-json library and test: A library for writing JSON (bsd3, language, library)
- ast-path library and test: vocabulary representation for predicting program properties (bsd3, data, library, natural-language-processing)
- astar library: General A* search algorithm. (bsd3, data, library)
- astar-monad library and test: (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- astrds program: an incomplete 2d space game (bsd3, game, program)
- astro library and test: Amateur astronomical computations (bsd3, library, science)
- astview program: A GTK-based abstract syntax tree viewer for custom
languages and parsers (bsd4, deprecated, language, program)
- astview-utils library: Interfacing between hint and astview (bsd4, deprecated, language, library)
- async library and test: Run IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- async-ajax library: Crossbrowser async AJAX Bindings for GHCJS (library, mit, web)
- async-combinators library and test: Async combinators (concurrency, deprecated, library, mpl)
- async-dejafu library and test: Run MonadConc operations asynchronously and wait for their results. (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library)
- async-extra library: Useful concurrent combinators (library, mit, web)
- async-extras library: Extra Utilities for the Async Library (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- async-io-either library: Could be useful (bsd3, error-handling, library)
- async-manager library and program: A thread manager for async (bsd3, concurrency, library, program)
- async-pool library and test: A modified version of async that supports worker groups and many-to-many task dependencies (library, mit, system)
- async-refresh library and test: Package implementing core logic for refreshing of expiring data. (bsd3, control, library)
- async-refresh-tokens library and test: Package implementing core logic for refreshing of expiring access tokens (bsd3, control, library)
- async-timer library and test: Provides API for timer based execution of IO actions (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- asynchronous-exceptions library: Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous exceptions (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- aterm library: serialisation for Haskell values with sharing support (data, gpl, library, parsing)
- aterm-utils library and program: Utility functions for working with aterms as generated by Minitermite (bsd3, language, library, program)
- atl library: Arrow Transformer Library (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- atlas library and test: Skyline rectangle packing (graphics, library)
- atlassian-connect-core library: Atlassian Connect snaplet for the Snap Framework and helper code. (apache, library, snap, web)
- atlassian-connect-descriptor library and test: Code that helps you create a valid Atlassian Connect Descriptor. (apache, data, library)
- atmos library and test: 1976 US Standard Atmosphere Model (library, public-domain, science)
- atmos-dimensional library: dimensional wrapper on atmos package (bsd3, deprecated, library, science)
- atmos-dimensional-tf library: dimensional-tf wrapper on atmos package (bsd3, deprecated, library, science)
- atndapi library and test: An interface of ATND API (bsd3, library, web)
- atom library: An EDSL for embedded hard realtime applications. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- atom-basic library: Basic Atom feed construction (bsd3, library, web)
- atom-conduit library and tests: Streaming parser/renderer for the Atom 1.0 standard (RFC 4287). (conduit, library, public-domain, xml)
- atom-msp430 library: Convenience functions for using Atom with the MSP430 microcontroller family. (embedded, library, mit)
- atomic-counter library, test and benchmark: Mutable counters that can be modified with atomic operatinos (apache, concurrency, data, data-structures, library)
- atomic-file-ops library: Functions to atomically write to files (bsd3, library, system)
- atomic-modify library: A typeclass for mutable references that have an atomic modify operation. (apache, concurrency, library)
- atomic-modify-general library and test: Generalizations of atomicModifyIORef (bsd2, concurrency, library)
- atomic-primops library: A safe approach to CAS and other atomic ops in Haskell. (bsd3, data, library)
- atomic-primops-foreign library and test: An atomic counter implemented using the FFI. (bsd3, data, library)
- atomic-primops-vector library and test: Atomic operations on Data.Vector types (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- atomic-write library and test: Atomically write to a file (library, mit, system)
- atomo program: A highly dynamic, extremely simple, very fun programming
language. (bsd3, language, program)
- atp library and test: Interface to automated theorem provers (formal-methods, gpl, library, logic, math, theorem-provers)
- atp-haskell library and test: Translation from Ocaml to Haskell of John Harrison's ATP code (bsd3, library, logic, theorem-provers)
- atrans library: A small collection of monad (transformer) instances. (library, mit, monads)
- atrophy library, test and benchmark: Faster integer division and modulus operations (library, math, mit)
- ats-format program: A source-code formatter for ATS (ats, bsd3, development, language, parser, program)
- ats-pkg library and program: A build tool for ATS (ats, bsd3, development, library, program)
- ats-setup library: ATS scripts for Cabal builds (ats, bsd3, cabal, development, library)
- ats-storable library and test: Marshal ATS types into Haskell (ats, bsd3, generics, library)
- attempt library: Concrete data type for handling extensible exceptions as failures. (deprecated) (bsd3, data, deprecated, failure, library)
- attenuation library: Subtyping relations and variance roles (apache, constraints, library)
- attenuation-profunctors library: Attenuation support for Profunctors. (apache, constraints, library)
- attic-schedule program and test: A script I use to run "attic" for my backups. (bsd3, program, web)
- atto-lisp library and test: Efficient parsing and serialisation of S-Expressions. (bsd3, data, library, text)
- attomail program and test: Minimal mail delivery agent (MDA) for local mail with maildir support (bsd2, email---, network, program)
- attoparsec library, test and benchmark: Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- attoparsec-aeson library: Parsing of aeson's Value with attoparsec (bsd3, library, parsing)
- attoparsec-arff library: An ARFF file parser using Attoparsec (ai, data, gpl, library, text)
- attoparsec-base64 library: Fetch only base64 characters, erroring in the attoparsec monad on failure (bsd3, library, web)
- attoparsec-binary library: Binary processing extensions to Attoparsec. (bsd3, data, library)
- attoparsec-conduit library: Consume attoparsec parsers via conduit. (deprecated) (conduit, data, deprecated, library, mit, parsing)
- attoparsec-csv library: A parser for CSV files that uses Attoparsec (library, text)
- attoparsec-data library: Parsers for the standard Haskell data types (library, mit, parsing)
- attoparsec-enumerator library: Pass input from an enumerator to an Attoparsec parser. (deprecated, enumerator, library, mit, parsing, text)
- attoparsec-expr library: Port of parsec's expression parser to attoparsec. (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- attoparsec-framer library, programs and test: Use Attoparsec to parse framed protocol byte streams (attoparsec, bsd3, library, network-api, parsing, program)
- attoparsec-ip library and test: Parse IP data types with attoparsec (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- attoparsec-iso8601 library: Parsing of ISO 8601 dates, originally from aeson (bsd3, library, parsing)
- attoparsec-iteratee library: An adapter to convert attoparsec Parsers into blazing-fast Iteratees (bsd3, data, library)
- attoparsec-parsec library and tests: An Attoparsec compatibility layer for Parsec (library, mit, parsing)
- attoparsec-path library and test: Convenience bindings between path and attoparsec (bsd3, library, web)
- attoparsec-run library and test: Conveniently run Attoparsec parsers (apache, library, parsing)
- attoparsec-text library: (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)
- attoparsec-text-enumerator library: (deprecated) (enumerator, library, mit, parsing, text)
- attoparsec-time library: Attoparsec parsers of time (attoparsec, library, mit, parsers, time)
- attoparsec-trans library: Interleaved effects for attoparsec parsers (control, library, mit)
- attoparsec-uri library and test: URI parser / printer using attoparsec (bsd3, library, web)
- attoparsec-varword library and test: Variable-length integer decoding for Attoparsec (data, lgpl, library)
- attosplit library: Split a lazy bytestring at boundaries defined by an attoparsec parser (bsd3, data, library)
- atuin program: Embedded Turtle language compiler in Haskell, with Epic output (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- audacity library: Interchange with the Audacity sound signal editor (bsd3, library, sound)
- audiovisual library: A battery-included audiovisual framework (bsd3, data, library, records)
- augeas library and program: A Haskell FFI wrapper for the Augeas API (library, program, system)
- augur program: Renaming media collections in a breeze. (bsd3, program, text)
- aur library and test: Access metadata from the Arch Linux User Repository. (gpl, library, linux)
- aur-api library: ArchLinux AUR json v5 API (bsd3, library, web)
- aura library, program and test: A secure package manager for Arch Linux and the AUR. (gpl, library, program, system)
- authenticate library: Authentication methods for Haskell web applications. (library, mit, web)
- authenticate-kerberos library: Authentication methods for Haskell web applications. (bsd3, library, web)
- authenticate-ldap library: LDAP authentication for Haskell web applications. (bsd3, library, web)
- authenticate-oauth library: Library to authenticate with OAuth for Haskell web applications. (bsd3, library, web)
- authinfo-hs library: Password querying for .authinfo (library, mit, system)
- authoring library: A library for writing papers (bsd3, library, text)
- auto library: Denotative, locally stateful programming DSL & platform (control, library, mit)
- auto-lift-classes library and test: Deriving (Show|Read)(1|2) (bsd3, data, library, reflection)
- auto-split library and test: Case splitting plugin (bsd3, development, library)
- auto-update library and test: Efficiently run periodic, on-demand actions (control, library, mit)
- autoapply library and test: Template Haskell to automatically pass values to functions (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- autodocodec library and test: Self-documenting encoder and decoder (library, mit, unclassified)
- autodocodec-nix library: Autodocodec interpreters for nix (library, mit, unclassified)
- autodocodec-openapi3 library: Autodocodec interpreters for openapi3 (library, mit, unclassified)
- autodocodec-schema library: Autodocodec interpreters for JSON Schema (library, mit, unclassified)
- autodocodec-servant-multipart library: Autodocodec interpreters for Servant Multipart (library, mit, unclassified)
- autodocodec-swagger2 library: Autodocodec interpreters for swagger2 (library, mit, unclassified)
- autodocodec-yaml library: Autodocodec interpreters for yaml (library, mit, unclassified)
- autoexporter library and program: Automatically re-export modules. (library, mit, program, utility)
- autom library: Generates and displays patterns from next nearest neighbors cellular automata (gpl, graphics, library)
- automata library and test: automata (bsd3, data, library, math)
- automaton library, programs and test: Effectful streams and automata in coalgebraic encoding (library, mit, program, streaming)
- automitive-cse library and test: Automotive CSE emulation (bsd3, codec, deprecated, library)
- automotive-cse library and test: Automotive CSE emulation (bsd3, codec, deprecated, library)
- autonix-deps library: Library for Nix expression dependency generation (bsd3, deprecated, library, nix)
- autonix-deps-kf5 library and program: Generate dependencies for KDE 5 Nix expressions (bsd3, deprecated, library, nix, program)
- autopack library: Custom Setup to automate package modules discovery (cabal, customsetup, development, distribution, library, mpl, setup)
- autoproc library and program: EDSL for Procmail scripts (bsd3, library, program, system)
- avahi library and program: Minimal DBus bindings for Avahi daemon ( (bsd3, library, network, program)
- avatar-generator program: A simple random avatar icon generator (bsd3, graphics, program)
- average library: An average (arithmetic mean) monoid. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- avers library, test and benchmark: Server-side implementation of the Avers storage model (avers, gpl, library)
- avers-api library: Types describing the core and extended Avers APIs (avers, library, mit)
- avers-api-docs library: Swagger documentation for the Avers API (avers, library, mit)
- avers-server library: Server implementation of the Avers API (avers, library, mit)
- aviation-cessna172-diagrams library: Diagrams for the Cessna 172 aircraft in aviation. (aviation, library)
- aviation-cessna172-weight-balance library: Weight and Balance for the Cessna 172 aircraft in aviation. (aviation, bsd3, library)
- aviation-navigation library and program: Aviation Navigation functions (bsd3, library, program, test)
- aviation-units library: Units of measurements used in aviation. (aviation, bsd3, library)
- aviation-weight-balance library: Weight and Balance structures used in aviation. (aviation, bsd3, library)
- avif library and test: High-level bindings to libavif (agpl, codec, image, library)
- avl-static library and test: A compile-time balanced AVL tree. (bsd3, data, library)
- avr-shake library: AVR Crosspack actions for shake build systems. (development, library, public-domain)
- avro library, tests and benchmark: Avro serialization support for Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- avro-piper library, program and test: Tool for decoding avro (bsd3, data, library, program)
- avwx library, program and test: Parse aviation weather reports (aviation, library, mit, program)
- awesome-prelude library: A prelude which I can be happy with. Based on base-prelude. (gpl, library, prelude)
- awesomium library: High-level Awesomium bindings. (graphics, lgpl, library, web)
- awesomium-glut library: Utilities for using Awesomium with GLUT. (graphics, lgpl, library, web)
- awesomium-raw library: Low-level Awesomium bindings. (graphics, lgpl, library, web)
- aws library and tests: Amazon Web Services (AWS) for Haskell (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)
- aws-arn library and test: Types and optics for manipulating Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) (aws, bsd3, cloud, library)
- aws-cloudfront-signed-cookies library, program and test: Generate signed cookies for AWS CloudFront (aws, cloud, library, mit, network, program)
- aws-cloudfront-signer library: For signing AWS CloudFront HTTP URL requests (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)
- aws-configuration-tools library: Configuration types, parsers & renderers for AWS services (apache, cloud, configuration, library)
- aws-dynamodb-conduit library: Conduit-based interface for AWS DynamoDB (aws, library, mit)
- aws-dynamodb-streams library: Haskell bindings for Amazon DynamoDB Streams (apache, library, network)
- aws-easy library and program: Helper function and types for working with amazonka (library, mit, network, program)
- aws-ec2 library and programs: AWS EC2/VPC, ELB and CloudWatch client library for Haskell (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, program, web)
- aws-ec2-knownhosts library and programs: Capture and manage AWS EC2 known_host pubkeys (aws, bsd3, library, network, program)
- aws-elastic-transcoder library and test: Haskell suite for the Elastic Transcoder service (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)
- aws-general library and test: Bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS) General Reference (aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, web)
- aws-kinesis library and test: Bindings for Amazon Kinesis (apache, aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)
- aws-kinesis-client library and program: A producer & consumer client library for AWS Kinesis (apache, cloud, library, program)
- aws-kinesis-reshard library and program: Reshard AWS Kinesis streams in response to Cloud Watch metrics (apache, cloud, library, program)
- aws-lambda library: Haskell bindings for AWS Lambda (apache, cloud, library, network)
- aws-lambda-haskell-runtime library and test: Haskell runtime for AWS Lambda (apache, aws, library)
- aws-lambda-haskell-runtime-wai library and test: Run wai applications on AWS Lambda (aws, bsd3, library)
- aws-lambda-runtime library and program: Haskell on AWS Lambda Runtime API (apache, aws, development, library, program)
- aws-larpi library: Package Haskell functions for easy use on AWS Lambda. (aws, library, mit)
- aws-mfa-credentials program: Keep your AWS credentials file up to date with MFA-carrying credentials (apache, config, program)
- aws-performance-tests library and program: Performance Tests for the Haskell bindings for Amazon Web Services (AWS) (aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, program, web)
- aws-route53 library: Amazon Route53 DNS service plugin for the aws package. (bsd3, library, web)
- aws-sdk library and test: AWS SDK for Haskell (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library)
- aws-sdk-text-converter library and test: The text converter for aws-sdk. (bsd3, library, web)
- aws-sdk-xml-unordered library and test: The xml parser for aws-sdk package (bsd3, library, xml)
- aws-secrets library and test: Fetch data from AWS Secrets Manager (aws, library, mit, password)
- aws-ses-easy library, test and benchmark: Wrapper over Amazonka's SES (bsd3, library, network)
- aws-sign4 library and test: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Signature v4 HTTP request signer (aws, bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network, web)
- aws-simple library: Dead simple bindings to commonly used AWS Services (library, mit, web)
- aws-sns library and test: Bindings for AWS SNS Version 2013-03-31 (aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, web)
- aws-sns-verify library and test: Parse and verify AWS SNS messages (amazon, aws, cloud, cryptography, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, web)
- aws-spend-summary library and program: Extract recent daily AWS costs (aws, gpl, library, program)
- aws-transcribe-ws library and test: Websocket streaming to Amazon Transcribe service (bsd3, library, web)
- aws-xray-client library, test and benchmark: A client for AWS X-Ray. (library, mit, tracing)
- aws-xray-client-persistent library: A client for AWS X-Ray integration with Persistent. (library, mit, unclassified)
- aws-xray-client-wai library: A client for AWS X-Ray integration with WAI. (library, mit, unclassified)
- awsspendsummary library and program: Extract recent daily AWS costs (aws, deprecated, gpl, library, program)
- axel library, program and test: The Axel programming language. (bsd3, language, library, lisp, macros, program, transpiler)
- axiom library: Web EDSL for running in browsers and server nodes using transient (library, mit, web)
- axiomatic-classes library: Specify axioms for type classes and quickCheck all available instances (library, mit, testing)
- azimuth-hs library and tests: Interact with Azimuth from Haskell (deprecated, library, mpl, urbit)
- aztecs library, test and benchmark: A type-safe and friendly Entity-Component-System (ECS) for Haskell (bsd3, game-engine, library, program, unclassified)
- aztecs-asset library: A type-safe and friendly Entity-Component-System (ECS) for Haskell (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- aztecs-hierarchy library and test: A type-safe and friendly Entity-Component-System (ECS) for Haskell (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- aztecs-sdl library: A type-safe and friendly Entity-Component-System (ECS) for Haskell (bsd3, game-engine, library, program)
- aztecs-sdl-image library: A type-safe and friendly Entity-Component-System (ECS) for Haskell (bsd3, game-engine, library, program)
- aztecs-sdl-text library: A type-safe and friendly Entity-Component-System (ECS) for Haskell (bsd3, game-engine, library, program)
- aztecs-transform library: A type-safe and friendly Entity-Component-System (ECS) for Haskell (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- azubi library and tests: A simple DevOps tool which will never "reach" enterprice level. (gpl, library, system)
- azure-acs library: Windows Azure ACS (bsd3, library, web)
- azure-email library: send email with microsoft azure (bsd3, library, web)
- azure-functions-worker library and test: Azure Functions Worker (azure, cloud, library, mit, serverless)
- azure-service-api library: Haskell bindings for the Microsoft Azure Service Management API (bsd3, library, network)
- azure-servicebus library: Haskell wrapper over Microsoft Azure ServiceBus REST API (bsd3, library, web)
- azurify library: A simple library for accessing Azure blob storage (bsd3, development, library)
- b-tree library, test and benchmark: Immutable disk-based B* trees (bsd3, data, library)
- b9 library, program and test: A tool and library for building virtual machine images. (development, library, mit, program)
- babl library: Haskell bindings to BABL library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- babylon program: An implementation of a simple 2-player board game (game, program)
- babynf library and test: Library for generating parsers from ABNF (data, library, mit)
- backblaze-b2-hs library, program and test: A client library to access Backblaze B2 cloud storage in Haskell. (bsd3, cloud, library, network, program)
- backdropper library and program: Rotates backdrops for X11 displays using Imagemagic. (library, program, unclassified)
- backprop library and benchmark: Heterogeneous automatic differentation (bsd3, library, math)
- backstop library, program and test: Backstop a target directory by source directories (development, gpl, library, program)
- backtracking library and test: A backtracking monad (bsd3, control, library)
- backtracking-exceptions library: A monad transformer for backtracking exceptions (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- backward-state library: A state monad that runs the state in reverse through the computation (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- bacteria program: braindead utility to compose Xinerama backgrounds (graphics, program)
- bag library: A simple stable bag. (data-structures, deprecated, library, mit)
- bake library and program: Continuous integration system (bsd3, development, library, program)
- balkon library and test: Text layout engine built on top of HarfBuzz. (gpl, library, text)
- ballast library and test: Shipwire API client (bsd3, library, web)
- bamboo library: A blog engine on Hack (library, web)
- bamboo-launcher program: bamboo-launcher (program, web)
- bamboo-plugin-highlight library: A highlight middleware (library, web)
- bamboo-plugin-photo library: A photo album middleware (bsd3, library, web)
- bamboo-theme-blueprint library: bamboo blueprint theme (bsd3, library, web)
- bamboo-theme-mini-html5 library: bamboo mini html5 theme (library, web)
- bamse library: A Windows Installer (MSI) generator framework (bsd3, library, system)
- bamstats library and program: A program to extract various information from BAM alignmnet files. (bioinformatics, library, program)
- ban-instance library and test: For when a type should never be an instance of a class (bsd3, haskell, library)
- bank-holiday-germany library and test: German bank holidays and public holidays (library, mit, time)
- bank-holiday-usa library and test: US bank holidays (library, mit, time)
- bank-holidays-england library and test: Calculation of bank holidays in England and Wales (bsd3, data, library)
- banwords library and test: Generalized word blacklister (deprecated, heuristics, library, mit)
- barbies library and test: Classes for working with types that can change clothes. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- barbies-layered library and tests: Barbies with layered clothes. (apache, data-structures, library)
- barbies-th library and tests: Create strippable HKD via TH (bsd3, data, data-structures, generics, library)
- barbly program: Create status bar menus for macOS from executables (bsd3, program, system)
- barchart library and program: Creating Bar Charts in Haskell (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- barcodes-code128 library: Generate Code 128 barcodes as PDFs (graphics, library, mit)
- barecheck library: QuickCheck implementations for common types (bsd3, deprecated, library, testing)
- barley program: A web based environment for learning and tinkering with Haskell (program, web)
- barlow-lens library and tests: lens via string literals (bsd3, generics, lens, library, records)
- barrie library: Declarative Gtk GUI library (gui, library)
- barrier library and test: style badge generator (graphics, library, mit)
- barrier-monad library: Implementation of barrier monad, can use custom front/back type (control, library, public-domain)
- base library: Core data structures and operations (bsd3, library, prelude)
- base-compat library: A compatibility layer for base (compatibility, library, mit)
- base-compat-batteries library and test: base-compat with extra batteries (compatibility, library, mit)
- base-compat-migrate library: Helps migrating projects to base-compat(-batteries). (bsd3, development, library)
- base-encoding library: RFC4648 Binary-to-text encodings (e.g. base64) (bsd3, codec, library, text)
- base-feature-macros library: Semantic CPP feature macros for base (bsd3, development, library)
- base-generics library: This library provides some instances for extra GHC.Generic typeclass such as Int8, Word16 and some unboxed types as well. (generic, library, mit)
- base-io-access library: The IO functions included in base delimited into small, composable classes (gpl, library, system)
- base-noprelude library: "base" package sans "Prelude" module (bsd3, development, library)
- base-orphans library and test: Backwards-compatible orphan instances for base (compatibility, library, mit)
- base-prelude library: Featureful preludes formed solely from the "base" package (library, mit, prelude)
- base-unicode-symbols library: Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- base16 library, test and benchmark: Fast RFC 4648-compliant Base16 encoding (bsd3, data, library)
- base16-bytestring library, test and benchmark: RFC 4648-compliant Base16 encodings for ByteStrings (bsd3, data, library)
- base16-lens library: Optics for the Base16 library (bsd3, data, library)
- base32 library, test and benchmark: Fast RFC 4648-compliant Base32 encoding (bsd3, data, library)
- base32-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast base32 and base32hex codec for ByteStrings (bsd3, codec, data, library)
- base32-lens library: Optics for the Base32 library (bsd3, data, library)
- base32-z-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast z-base32 and z-base32hex codec for ByteStrings (bsd3, codec, data, library)
- base32string library and test: Fast and safe representation of a Base-32 string (data, library, mit)
- base58-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Implementation of BASE58 transcoding for ByteStrings (bytestrings, data, library, public-domain)
- base58address library and test: Parsing and serialization for Base58 addresses (Bitcoin and Ripple) (library, web)
- base58string library and test: Fast and safe representation of a Base-58 string (data, library, mit)
- base62 library and test: Base62 encoding and decoding (bsd3, data, library)
- base64 library, test and benchmark: A modern Base64 library (bsd3, data, library)
- base64-bytes library, test and benchmark: Base64 encoding of byte sequences (bsd3, data, library)
- base64-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast base64 encoding and decoding for ByteStrings (bsd3, data, library)
- base64-bytestring-type library and test: A newtype around ByteString, for base64 encoding (bsd3, data, library)
- base64-conduit library and test: Base64-encode and decode streams of bytes. (deprecated) (bsd3, conduit, data, deprecated, library)
- base64-lens library: Optics for the Base64 library (bsd3, data, library)
- base64-string library: Base64 implementation for String's. (codec, library)
- base91 library, program and test: A Generic Base91 Encoder & Decoder (codec, library, mit, program)
- based library: alternative prelude (library, mit, prelude)
- basement : Foundation scrap box of array & string (bsd3, web)
- basement-cd : Foundation scrap box of array & string (bsd3, web)
- basen library and test: (library, unclassified)
- basen-bytestring library and test: (base16, base32, base64, bsd3, library, rfc4648, unclassified)
- baserock-schema library, program and test: Baserock Definitions Schema (bsd3, data, library, program)
- basex-client library: A BaseX client for Haskell (database, library, mit)
- bash library: Bash generation library. (bsd3, language, library)
- basic library: Lifting values from base types (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- basic-cpuid library: A small package to access the cpuid instruction directly. (bsd3, library, system)
- basic-gps library: Basic implementation of General Problem Solver algorithm (ai, library, mit)
- basic-lens library: Basic lens type and functions (bsd3, development, library)
- basic-prelude library: An enhanced core prelude; a common foundation for alternate preludes. (control, library, mit, prelude)
- basic-sop library: Basic examples and functions for generics-sop (bsd3, generics, library)
- basics library and test: Modules for primitive types (bsd3, data, library)
- baskell program: An interpreter for a small functional language (compilers-interpreters, program)
- batch library and test: Simplify queuing up data and processing it in batch. (bsd3, data, library)
- batch-rename program: Make Linux or MacOS do things like "rename *.mp3 *.mp4" (program, public-domain, system)
- batchd programs: Batch processing toolset for Linux / Unix (bsd3, program, system)
- batchd-core library: Core modules of batchd, to use in batchd extensions (bsd3, library, system)
- batchd-docker library: docker containers host controller for batchd (bsd3, library, system)
- batchd-libvirt library: host controller for batchd, which controls virtual machines via libvirt library. (bsd3, library, system)
- batching library and test: An Applicative Functor deferring actions to run in a batch later. (algorithms, apache, library)
- battlenet library: API client for Battle.Net (library, mit, network)
- battlenet-yesod library: Yesod integration for the battlenet package (library, mit, network)
- battleplace library: Core definitions for service (game, library, mit)
- battleplace-api library: Public API definitions of service (game, library, mit)
- battleship-combinatorics library, program and test: Compute number of possible arrangements in the battleship game (bsd3, library, math, program)
- battleships library: A web-based implementation of battleships including an AI opponent. (bsd3, game, library)
- bayes-stack library: Framework for inferring generative probabilistic models
with Gibbs sampling (bsd3, library, math)
- bazel-coverage-report-renderer program: HTML Coverage Reports for Rules_Haskell (apache, build-tool, program)
- bazel-runfiles library and program: Locate Bazel runfiles location (apache, build-tool, library, program)
- bbcode library and test: Library for parsing, constructing, and printing BBCode (gpl, library, text)
- bbdb library and test: Ability to read, write, and modify BBDB files (database, gpl, library)
- bbi library and test: Tools for reading Big Binary Indexed files, e.g., bigBed, bigWig (bio, bsd3, library)
- bcp47 library and tests: Language tags as specified by BCP 47 (data, data-structures, library, mit)
- bcp47-orphans library and test: BCP47 orphan instances (library, mit, orphan-instances)
- bcrypt library: Haskell bindings to the bcrypt password hash (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- bdcs library, programs and test: Tools for managing a content store of software packages (distribution, lgpl, library, program)
- bdcs-api library, program and test: BDCS API Server (gpl, library, network, program)
- bdd library and test: Behavior-Driven Development DSL (library, mit, testing)
- bdelta library: Simple, fast binary diff/patch (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- bdo library and program: Update CSS in the browser without reloading the page. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- beam library: A type-safe SQL mapper for Haskell that doesn't use Template Haskell (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- beam-automigrate library, programs, test and benchmark: DB migration library for beam, targeting Postgres. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- beam-core library and test: Type-safe, feature-complete SQL query and manipulation interface for Haskell (database, library, mit)
- beam-migrate library: SQL DDL support and migrations support library for Beam (database, library, mit)
- beam-mysql library: Connection layer between beam and MySQL/MariaDB (database, library, mit)
- beam-newtype-field library: A newtype for wrapping newtypes into beam schemas (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- beam-postgres library and test: Connection layer between beam and postgres (database, library, mit)
- beam-sqlite library and test: Beam driver for SQLite (database, library, mit)
- beam-th library and tests: Template Haskell utilities for beam (bsd3, database, library, template-haskell)
- beamable library, test and benchmark: Generic serializer/deserializer with compact representation (bsd3, data, library, serialization)
- bearriver library: FRP Yampa replacement implemented with Monadic Stream Functions. (bsd3, frp, library)
- beautifHOL program: A pretty-printer for higher-order logic (program, text)
- bech32 library, program and test: Implementation of the Bech32 cryptocurrency address format (BIP 0173). (apache, library, program, web)
- bech32-th library and test: Template Haskell extensions to the Bech32 library. (apache, library, web)
- bed-and-breakfast library and test: Efficient Matrix and Vector operations in 100% Haskell. (library, linear-algebra, math, mit, numeric)
- beeminder-api library: Bindings to the JSON API (bsd3, library, network)
- bein programs: Bein is a provenance and workflow management system for bioinformatics. (application, deprecated, gpl, program)
- belgian-structured-communication library and test: parsing, rendering and manipulating the structured communication of Belgian financial transactions. (bsd3, finance, library)
- belka library and test: HTTP client DSL (library, mit, unclassified)
- benc library, test and benchmark: Bencode encoding and decoding library (codec, library, mit)
- bench program: Command-line benchmark tool (bsd3, program, system)
- bench-graph library and test: Plot and compare benchmarks (benchmarking, bsd3, deprecated, library, performance)
- bench-show library and program: Show, plot and compare benchmark results (benchmarking, bsd3, library, performance, program)
- benchmark-function library: Test the time it takes to run a haskell function (gpl, library, testing)
- benchpress library and program: Micro-benchmarking with detailed statistics. (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- bencode library and test: Parsers and printers for bencoded data. (bsd3, library, text)
- bencodex library and tests: Bencodex reader/writer for Haskell (gpl, library, serialization)
- bencoding library, test and benchmark: A library for encoding and decoding of BEncode data. (bsd3, data, library)
- bencoding-lens library and test: Lenses for bencoded data. (bsd3, data, library)
- benri-hspec library: Simplify tests where Either or Maybe types are returned from monadic code (bsd3, library, testing)
- bento library: 🍱 Manage stateful components. (deprecated, library, mit, utility)
- berkeleydb library: Pretty BerkeleyDB v4 binding. (bsd3, database, library)
- berp library and program: An implementation of Python 3. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- bert library and test: BERT implementation (bsd3, data, library)
- besout library: Extended GCD of polynomials over F_p[x] (bsd3, library, math)
- bet library and test: Betfair API bindings. Bet on sports on betting exchanges. (library, mit, network)
- betacode library and test: A codec for beta code ( (apache, library, text)
- betris library and program: A horizontal version of tetris for braille users (bsd3, game, library, program)
- between library: Function combinator "between" and derived combinators (bsd3, data, library)
- bf-cata library: (development, library)
- bff library: Bidirectionalization for Free! (POPL'09) (data, library, public-domain)
- bff-mono library: "Bidirectionalization for Free" for Monomorphic Transformations (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- bglib library and program: Implementation of the BGAPI serial protocol (library, mit, program)
- bgmax library: Parse BgMax-files (bsd3, finance, library)
- bgzf library: Blocked GZip (bsd3, codec, deprecated, library)
- bhoogle program: Simple terminal GUI for local hoogle. (development, program, terminal)
- bibdb program: A database based bibliography manager for BibTeX (mit, program, text)
- bibtex library: Parse, format and processing BibTeX files (bsd3, library, text)
- bidi-icu library and test: The unicode bidirectional algorithm via ICU (graphics, library)
- bidirectional library and test: Simple bidirectional serialization and deserialization (bsd3, codec, library)
- bidirectional-instances library and test: Make instance constraints bidirectional (language, library, mit)
- bidirectionalization-combined programs: Prototype Implementation of Combining Syntactic and Semantic Bidirectionalization (ICFP'10) (language, program, public-domain)
- bidispec library: Specification of generators and parsers (data, library)
- bidispec-extras library: Extra helper functions for bidirectional specifications (data, library)
- bifunctor library: Bifunctors (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- bifunctor-classes-compat library: Compatibility package for the Bifunctor, Bifoldable, and Bitraversable classes (bsd3, data, functors, library)
- bifunctors library and test: Bifunctors (bsd3, data, functors, library)
- bighugethesaurus library: API wrapper for Big Huge Thesaurus (api, language, library)
- billboard-parser library and program: A parser for the Billboard chord dataset (lgpl, library, music, program)
- billeksah-forms library: Leksah library (graphics, library)
- billeksah-main program: Leksah plugin base (control, program)
- billeksah-main-static program: Leksah plugin base (control, program)
- billeksah-pane library: Leksah library (graphics, library)
- billeksah-services library: Leksah library (control, library)
- bimap library and test: Bidirectional mapping between two key types (bsd3, data, library)
- bimap-server library: Two-column database server. (bsd3, data, library)
- bimaps library, test and benchmark: bijections with multiple implementations. (bsd3, data, library)
- bin library: Bin: binary natural numbers. (data, dependent-types, gpl, library, math, singletons)
- binance-exports library, program and test: Generate CSV Exports of your Binance Trade History. (bsd3, console, finance, library, program, web)
- binary library, tests and benchmarks: Binary serialisation for Haskell values using lazy ByteStrings (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- binary-bits library and test: Bit parsing/writing on top of binary. (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- binary-communicator library: Flexible way to ease transmission of binary data. (bsd3, data, library)
- binary-conduit library and test: data serialization/deserialization conduit library (conduit, library, mit)
- binary-derive library: Automatic deriving of Binary using GHC.Generics (data, gpl, library)
- binary-enum library: Simple wrappers around enum types (bsd3, data, library)
- binary-ext library and test: An alternate with strong-typed errors for `Data.Binary.Get` monad from `binary` package. (data, library, parsing)
- binary-file library: read/write binary file (bsd3, file, library)
- binary-generic library: Generic binary serialisation using binary and syb. (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- binary-generic-combinators library and test: Combinators and utilities to make Generic-based deriving of Binary easier and more expressive (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- binary-ieee754 library: Backport ieee754 float double combinators to older binary (bsd3, data, library)
- binary-indexed-tree library: Binary Indexed Trees (a.k.a. Fenwick Trees). (data, library)
- binary-instances library and test: Orphan instances for binary (bsd3, library, web)
- binary-io library and test: Read and write values of types that implement Binary (bsd3, data, io, library, parsing)
- binary-list library and benchmark: Lists of length a power of two. (bsd3, data, library)
- binary-literal-qq library: Extends Haskell with binary literals. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- binary-orphans library and test: Compatibility package for binary; provides instances (binary, bsd3, compatibility, data, library, parsing)
- binary-parser library and test: An efficient but limited parser API specialised to bytestrings (binary, library, mit, parser)
- binary-parsers library, test and benchmark: Extends binary with parsec/attoparsec style parsing combinators. (bsd3, data, library)
- binary-protocol library: Monad to ease implementing a binary network protocol. (bsd3, data, library)
- binary-protocol-zmq library: Monad to ease implementing a binary network protocol over ZeroMQ (bsd3, data, library, network)
- binary-search library and tests: Binary and exponential searches (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- binary-serialise-cbor library: Yet Another Binary Serialisation Library (compatibility shim) (bsd3, codec, library)
- binary-shared library: Sharing for the binary package (data, library)
- binary-state library: Simple wrapper around Data.Binary, which adds StateT to Get/Put monads. (bsd3, data, library)
- binary-store library and test: Format to store data using the binary transform. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- binary-streams library and test: data serialization/deserialization io-streams library (bsd3, data, io-streams, library)
- binary-strict library and test: Binary deserialisation using strict ByteStrings (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- binary-tagged library, test and benchmark: Tagged binary serialisation. (bsd3, data, library)
- binary-tree library, tests and benchmark: (library, mit, unclassified)
- binary-typed library, tests and benchmarks: Type-safe binary serialization (bsd2, data, deprecated, library, serialization)
- binary-varint library: VarInt encoding/decoding via Data.Binary (bsd3, data, library)
- binarydefer library: Binary serialization with deferred loading (bsd3, data, library)
- binaryen library and test: Haskell bindings to binaryen (bsd3, compiler, library)
- bind-marshal library: Data marshaling library that uses type level equations to optimize buffering. (bsd3, data, library)
- binder library and test: Variable binding for abstract syntax tree (data, library, mit)
- binding-core library and test: Data Binding (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)
- binding-gtk library and tests: Data Binding in Gtk2Hs (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)
- binding-wx library and tests: Data Binding in WxHaskell (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)
- bindings library: Deprecated package. (bsd3, deprecated, ffi, library)
- bindings-DSL library: FFI domain specific language, on top of hsc2hs. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-EsounD library: Low level bindings to EsounD (ESD; Enlightened Sound Daemon) (ffi, library, public-domain)
- bindings-GLFW library and test: Low-level bindings to GLFW OpenGL library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- bindings-K8055 library: Bindings to Velleman K8055 dll (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-apr library: Low level bindings to Apache Portable Runtime (APR) (ffi, library, public-domain)
- bindings-apr-util library: Low level bindings to Apache Portable Runtime Utility (APR Utility) (ffi, library, public-domain)
- bindings-audiofile library: Low level bindings to audiofile (ffi, library, public-domain)
- bindings-bfd library: Bindings for libbfd, a library of the GNU `binutils' (development, ffi, lgpl, library)
- bindings-cctools library: Bindings to the CCTools WorkQueue C library (ffi, gpl, library)
- bindings-codec2 library and program: Very low-level FFI bindings for Codec2 (bindings, codec, ffi, gpl, library, program)
- bindings-common library: This package is obsolete. Look for bindings-DSL instead. (bsd3, deprecated, ffi, library)
- bindings-dc1394 library: Library for using firewire (iidc-1394) cameras (bsd3, library, system)
- bindings-directfb library: Low level bindings to DirectFB (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-eskit library: Bindings to ESKit. (bsd3, ffi, library, numerical)
- bindings-fann library: Low level bindings to FANN neural network library. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-fluidsynth library: Haskell FFI bindings for fluidsynth software synthesizer (bsd3, library, sound)
- bindings-friso library: Low level bindings for friso (apache, ffi, library)
- bindings-glib library: Low level bindings to GLib. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-gobject library: Low level bindings supporting GObject and derived libraries. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-gpgme library: Project bindings-* raw interface to gpgme (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-gsl library: Low level bindings to GNU GSL. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-gts library: Low level bindings supporting GTS, the GNU Triangulated Surface Library (ffi, lgpl, library)
- bindings-hamlib library and program: Hamlib bindings for Haskell (ffi, lgpl, library, program)
- bindings-hdf5 library: Project bindings-* raw interface to HDF5 library (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-levmar library: Low level bindings to the C levmar (Levenberg-Marquardt) library (ffi, library, numerical)
- bindings-libcddb library: Low level binding to libcddb. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-libffi library: Low level bindings to libffi. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-libftdi library: Low level bindings to libftdi. (ffi, library)
- bindings-libg15 library: Bindings to libg15 (bsd2, library, web)
- bindings-libpci library: Low level bindings to libpci (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-librrd library: Low level bindings to RRDtool (ffi, library, public-domain)
- bindings-libstemmer library: Binding for libstemmer with low level binding. (ffi, library, mit)
- bindings-libusb library: Low level bindings to libusb. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-libv4l2 library: bindings to libv4l2 for Linux (bsd3, library, system)
- bindings-libzip library: Low level bindings to libzip. (bsd3, ffi, foreign, library)
- bindings-linux-videodev2 library: bindings to Video For Linux Two (v4l2) kernel interfaces (bsd3, graphics, library)
- bindings-lxc library: Direct Haskell bindings to LXC (Linux containers) C API. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-mmap library: (deprecated) see bindings-posix instead (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- bindings-monetdb-mapi library: Low-level bindings for the MonetDB API (mapi) (bsd3, database, library)
- bindings-mpdecimal library: bindings to mpdecimal library (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- bindings-nettle library and test: bindings to nettle crypto library (bindings, gpl, library)
- bindings-parport library: parport bindings (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-portaudio library: Low-level bindings to portaudio library (bsd3, library, sound)
- bindings-posix library: Project bindings-* raw interface to Posix (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-potrace library: Low-level bindings to the potrace bitmap tracing library (gpl, graphics, library)
- bindings-ppdev library: PPDev bindings (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-saga-cmd library and programs: Wrapping saga_cmd (gpl, library, math, program)
- bindings-sane library: FFI bindings to libsane (ffi, lgpl, library)
- bindings-sc3 library: Low-level bindings to the SuperCollider synthesis engine library. (ffi, library, sound)
- bindings-sipc library and programs: Low level bindings to SIPC. (library, program, security-)
- bindings-sophia library: Low-level bindings to sophia library (bsd3, database, library)
- bindings-sqlite3 library: Low level bindings to sqlite3. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-svm library: Low level bindings to libsvm. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-uname library: Low-level binding to POSIX uname(3) (ffi, library, public-domain, system)
- bindings-wlc library and test: Bindings against the wlc library (bsd3, ffi, library)
- bindings-yices library: Bindings to the Yices theorem prover (ffi, foreign, library, public-domain, theorem-provers)
- bindynamic library: A variation of Data.Dynamic.Dynamic with a Binary instance (data, gpl, library)
- binembed library and program: Embed data into object files. (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- binembed-example program: Example project using binembed to embed data in object files. (bsd3, distribution, program)
- bini library: A collection of various methods for reading and writing bini files. (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- binrep library, test and benchmark: Encode precise binary representations directly in types (data, generics, library, mit, serialization)
- bins library: Aggregate continuous values into discrete bins (bsd3, library, math)
- binsm program: binary files splitter and merger (program, tools)
- bio library: A bioinformatics library (bioinformatics, library)
- bio-sequence library and tests: Initial project template from stack (bio, bsd3, deprecated, library)
- bioace library: Library for reading ace assembly files (bioinformatics, library)
- bioalign library: Data structures and helper functions for calculating alignments (bioinformatics, library)
- biocore library: A bioinformatics library (bioinformatics, library)
- biofasta library: Library for reading fasta sequence files (bioinformatics, library)
- biofastq library: A library for reading FASTQ files (bioinformatics, library)
- biohazard library: bioinformatics support library (bioinformatics, bsd3, library)
- bioinformatics-toolkit library, test and benchmark: A collection of bioinformatics tools (bio, library, mit)
- biophd library: Library for reading phd sequence files (bioinformatics, library)
- biopsl library and programs: Library and executables for working with PSL files (bioinformatics, library, program)
- biosff library: Library and executables for working with SFF files (bioinformatics, lgpl, library)
- biostockholm library and test: Parsing and rendering of Stockholm files (used by Pfam, Rfam and Infernal). (bioinformatics, bsd3, library)
- bip32 library and test: BIP-0032: Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies (apache, cryptography, library)
- birch-beer library and program: Plot a colorful tree. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- bird library and program: A simple, sinatra-inspired web framework. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- birds-of-paradise library and test: Birds of Paradise (bsd3, language, library)
- bisc program: A small tool that clears cookies (and more). (gpl, program, utility)
- biscuit-haskell library, test and benchmark: Library support for the Biscuit security token (bsd3, library, security)
- biscuit-servant library and test: Servant support for the Biscuit security token (bsd3, library, security)
- bisect-binary program: Determine relevant parts of binary data (development, mit, program)
- bishbosh library, programs and tests: Plays chess. (game, gpl, library, program)
- bit-array library and test: A bit array (aka bitset, bitmap, bit vector) API for numeric types (bit-vectors, data-structures, library, mit, pretty-printer)
- bit-protocol library and test: Encode binary protocols with some odd bit numbers into a bytestring (bits, bsd3, bytes, data, library, parsing, protocols)
- bit-stream library, test and benchmark: Lazy, infinite, compact stream of Bool with O(1) indexing. (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- bit-vector library and test: Simple bit vectors for Haskell (bit-vectors, bsd3, data, library)
- bitarray library: Mutable and immutable bit arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- bitcoin-address library and test: Bitcoin address generation and rendering. Parsing coming soon. (apache, cryptography, library)
- bitcoin-api library and test: Provides access to the RPC API of Bitcoin Core (finance, library, mit, network)
- bitcoin-api-extra library and test: Higher level constructs on top of the bitcoin-api package (finance, library, mit, network)
- bitcoin-block library and test: Utility functions for manipulating bitcoin blocks (finance, library, mit, network)
- bitcoin-compact-filters library and test: BIP 158 compact block filters (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- bitcoin-hash library and test: Bitcoin hash primitives (apache, cryptography, library)
- bitcoin-hs library and test: Partial implementation of the Bitcoin protocol (as of 2013) (bitcoin, bsd3, cryptography, library)
- bitcoin-keys library and test: Bitcoin keys (apache, cryptography, library)
- bitcoin-payment-channel library, test and benchmark: Instant, two-party Bitcoin payments (bitcoin, finance, library, network)
- bitcoin-rpc library and test: Library to communicate with the Satoshi Bitcoin daemon (bitcoin, bsd3, library, network)
- bitcoin-script library and test: Compilation, manipulation and decompilation of Bitcoin scripts (finance, library, mit, network)
- bitcoin-scripting library and test: Resources for working with miniscript, and script descriptors (bsd3, language, library)
- bitcoin-tx library and test: Utility functions for manipulating bitcoin transactions (finance, library, mit, network)
- bitcoin-types library and test: Provides consistent low-level types used commonly among Bitcoin implementations (finance, library, mit, network)
- bitcoind-regtest library, program and test: A library for working with bitcoin-core regtest networks (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- bitcoind-rpc library: A streamlined interface to bitcoin core using Haskoin types and Servant (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- bitfield library and test: Generic and easy to use haskell bitfields (bit, data, library, mit)
- bitly-cli program: A command line tool to access URL shortener. (bsd3, deprecated, program, utils, web)
- bitmap library: A library for handling and manipulating bitmaps (rectangular pixel arrays). (bsd3, data, graphics, library)
- bitmap-opengl library: OpenGL support for Data.Bitmap. (bsd3, data, graphics, library)
- bitmaps library: Bitmap library (bsd3, codec, data, graphics, library)
- bits library: Various bit twiddling and bitwise serialization primitives (bsd3, data, library, serialization)
- bits-atomic library: Atomic bit operations on memory locations
for low-level synchronization (bsd3, concurrency, data, foreign, library)
- bits-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Bits instance for bytestrings. (bsd3, data, library)
- bits-bytestring-lazy library, test and benchmark: Bits instance for lazy bytestrings. (bsd3, data, library)
- bits-conduit library, test and benchmark: Bitstream support for Conduit (bsd3, conduit, data, library)
- bits-extra library, tests and benchmark: Useful bitwise operations (bit, bsd3, data, library)
- bits-extras library: Efficient high-level bit operations not found in Data.Bits (bsd3, data, library)
- bits-show library and test: Showing data as strings of 0 and 1 (apache, bit, library, text)
- bitset library, test and benchmark: A space-efficient set data structure. (data-structures, library, mit)
- bitset-word8 library, test and benchmark: Space efficient set of Word8 and some pre-canned sets useful for parsing HTTP (concurrency, library, mit)
- bitspeak program: Proof-of-concept tool for writing using binary choices. (accessibility, program)
- bitstream library and tests: Fast, packed, strict and lazy bit streams with stream fusion (data, library, public-domain)
- bitstring library: Lazy bit strings (bsd3, data, library)
- bittorrent library and test: Bittorrent protocol implementation. (bsd3, library, network)
- bittrex library and program: Bindings for the Bittrex API (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)
- bitvec library, test and benchmark: Space-efficient bit vectors (bit-vectors, bsd3, data, library, public-domain)
- bitwise library, test and benchmark: fast multi-dimensional unboxed bit packed Bool arrays (bit-vectors, bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- bitwise-enum library, test and benchmark: Bitwise operations on bounded enumerations (bsd3, data, data-structures, foreign, library)
- bitx-bitcoin library and tests: A Haskell library for working with the BitX bitcoin exchange. (bitcoin, bsd3, finance, library, web)
- bizzlelude library: A lousy Prelude replacement by a lousy dude (bsd3, library, prelude)
- bizzlelude-js library: A lousy Prelude replacement by a lousy dude (bsd3, library, prelude)
- bk-tree library: BK-tree implementation (data-structures, library, public-domain)
- bkr library and program: Backup utility for backing up to cloud storage services (S3 only right now) (backup, bsd3, library, program, system)
- bktrees library: A set data structure with approximate searching (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- bla program: a stupid cron (bsd3, deprecated, program, system)
- black-jewel program and test: The pirate bay client. (application, gpl, program)
- blacktip library, test and benchmark: Decentralized, k-ordered unique ID generator. (apache, database, library)
- blagda library and program: Shake frontend for Agda blogging (agpl, blog, library, program)
- blake2 library, test and benchmark: A library providing BLAKE2 (cryptography, library, public-domain)
- blake3 library and test: BLAKE3 hashing algorithm (apache, cryptography, library)
- blakesum library: The BLAKE SHA-3 candidate hashes, in Haskell (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- blakesum-demo program: The BLAKE SHA-3 candidate hashes, in Haskell (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, program)
- blank-canvas library: HTML5 Canvas Graphics Library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- blanks library and test: Fill-in-the-blanks - A library factoring out substitution from ASTs (bsd3, language, library)
- blas library: Bindings to the BLAS library (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- blas-carray library: Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS via CArrays (bsd3, library, math)
- blas-comfort-array library: Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS via comfort-array (bsd3, library, math)
- blas-ffi library: Auto-generated interface to Fortran BLAS (bsd3, library, math)
- blas-hs library and test: Low-level Haskell bindings to Blas. (library, math, mit)
- blastxml library: Library for reading Blast XML output (bioinformatics, library)
- blatex program: Blog in LaTeX (mit, program, web)
- blaze library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- blaze-bootstrap library: Blaze helper functions for bootstrap pages (library, mit, web)
- blaze-builder library and test: Efficient buffered output. (bsd3, data, library)
- blaze-builder-conduit library: Convert streams of builders to streams of bytestrings. (deprecated) (bsd3, conduit, data, deprecated, library)
- blaze-builder-enumerator library: Enumeratees for the incremental conversion of builders to
bytestrings. (bsd3, data, enumerator, library)
- blaze-colonnade library: blaze-html backend for colonnade (bsd3, library, web)
- blaze-from-html program: Tool to convert HTML to BlazeHtml code. (bsd3, program, text)
- blaze-html library and test: A blazingly fast HTML combinator library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- blaze-html-contrib library: Some contributions to add handy things to blaze html. (bsd3, library, web)
- blaze-html-hexpat library: A hexpat backend for blaze-html. (bsd3, library, text)
- blaze-html-truncate library: A truncator for blaze-html (bsd3, library, text)
- blaze-htmx library and test: Blaze integration of the htmx library (bsd3, library, text, web)
- blaze-json library and tests: tiny library for encoding json (json, library, mit, text)
- blaze-markup library and test: A blazingly fast markup combinator library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- blaze-shields library: create svg by Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- blaze-svg library: SVG combinator library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- blaze-textual library and test: Fast rendering of common datatypes (bsd3, library, text)
- blaze-textual-native library: Fast rendering of common datatypes (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- blazeMarker library: ... (library, mit, unclassified)
- blazeT library: A true monad (transformer) version of the blaze-markup and blaze-html libraries (data, library, mit, text, web)
- ble library, programs and test: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripherals (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- blindpass library, program and test: Password entry tool (gpl, library, program, utilities)
- blink1 library and program: Control library for blink(1) LED from ThingM (bsd3, hardware, library, program)
- blip program: Python to bytecode compiler. (bsd3, language-, program)
- bliplib library: Support code for Blip. (bsd3, development, library)
- blizzard-html library: An HTML generator for Haskell (library, mit, text)
- blockchain library and test: Generic blockchain implementation. (blockchain, bsd3, library)
- blockfrost-api library and test: API definitions for (apache, cardano, library)
- blockfrost-client library and test: basic client (apache, cardano, library)
- blockfrost-client-core library: common client definitions / instances (apache, cardano, library)
- blockfrost-pretty library: pretty-printing utilities (apache, library, web)
- blockhash library, program and test: Blockhash perceptual image hash algorithm (bsd3, library, program, web)
- blocking-transactions library: Composable, blocking transactions. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- blogination library and program: Very simple static blog software (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)
- bloodhound library and tests: Elasticsearch client library for Haskell (bsd3, database, library, search)
- bloodhound-amazonka-auth library and test: Adds convenient Amazon ElasticSearch Service authentication to Bloodhound. (bsd3, library, web)
- bloohm library, program and test: visual bloom filter for neotrellis m4 output (bsd3, embedded, library, program)
- bloomfilter library and test: Pure and impure Bloom Filter implementations. (bsd3, data, library)
- bloomfilter-redis library, test and benchmark: Distributed bloom filters on Redis (using the Hedis client). (bsd3, data, library)
- blosum library and program: BLOSUM generator (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- bloxorz program: OpenGL Logic Game (game, program)
- blubber program: The blubber client; connects to the blubber
server. (game, gpl, program)
- blubber-server library and program: The blubber server, serves blubber clients. (agpl, game, library, program)
- blucontrol library, program and test: Configurable blue light filter (bsd3, library, program, system)
- bludigon library, program and test: Configurable blue light filter (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, system)
- bluefin library: The Bluefin effect system (library, mit, unclassified)
- bluefin-algae library and tests: Algebraic effects and named handlers in Bluefin. (control, library, mit)
- bluefin-internal library and test: The Bluefin effect system, internals (library, mit, unclassified)
- bluemix-sdk library: Bindings to Bluemix APIs (bsd3, library, web)
- bluesky-tools library and test: Tools for interacting with Bluesky / AT Protocol (bsd3, library, web)
- bluetile programs: full-featured tiling for the GNOME desktop environment (bsd3, program, system)
- bluetileutils program: Utilities for Bluetile (bsd3, deprecated, program, utils)
- blunk-hask-tests program: spam (bsd3, deprecated, program, spam)
- blunt library and program: Convert between pointfree and pointful expressions. (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)
- bm library, program and test: open bookmarks and queries from the command line (library, mit, program, utils)
- bmp library: Read and write uncompressed BMP image files. (codec, library, mit)
- bnb-staking-csvs library, program and test: Generate CSV Exports of Your BNB Staking Rewards. (bsd3, console, finance, library, program, web)
- bno055-haskell library: Library for communication with the Bosch BNO055 orientation sensor (library, mit, system)
- board-games library, test and benchmarks: Three games for inclusion in a web server (game, library, web)
- boardgame library, program and test: Modeling boardgames (game, library, mit, model, program)
- bodhi library: Fedora Bodhi REST client library (library, mit, network)
- bogocopy program: Copy a directory tree, making zero-size sparse copies of big files. (bsd2, file-manager, program, system-tools, tools)
- bogre-banana library and program: (bsd3, game-engine, library, program)
- boilerplate library, program and test: Generate Haskell boilerplate. (building, gpl, library, program)
- bolt library and test: Bolt driver for Neo4j (bsd3, database, library)
- boltzmann-brain library and program: Analytic sampler compiler for combinatorial systems. (bsd3, library, math, program)
- boltzmann-samplers library: Uniform random generators (data, generic, library, mit, random)
- bond library, program and test: Bond schema compiler and code generator (code-generation, compiler, language, library, mit, program)
- bond-haskell library, test and benchmark: Runtime support for BOND serialization (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- bond-haskell-compiler library, program and test: Bond code generator for Haskell (bsd3, language, library, program)
- bookhound library and test: Simple Parser Combinators (library, parser-combinators)
- bookhound-format library: Parsers for usual data formats (library, parsers)
- bookkeeper library, program, tests and benchmark: Anonymous records and overloaded labels (bsd3, data-structures, library, program, records)
- bookkeeper-permissions library: Permissions for bookkeeper records (bsd3, data-structures, library, records)
- bookkeeping library and tests: A module for bookkeeping by double entry. (business, library, mit)
- bookkeeping-jp library and tests: Helper functions for Japanese bookkeeping. (business, library, mit)
- bool-extras library: A fold function for Bool (bsd3, data, library)
- bool8 library: Alternative Bool type stored as byte (bsd3, foreign, library)
- boolean-like library: Logical combinatory operations dealing with datatypes
representing booleans by their constructors. (bsd3, control, library)
- boolean-list library: convert numbers to binary coded lists (data, gpl, library)
- boolean-normal-forms library and test: Boolean normal form: NNF, DNF & CNF (data, library, mit)
- boolector library and tests: Haskell bindings for the Boolector SMT solver (bit-vectors, formal-methods, library, math, mit, smt, theorem-provers)
- boolexpr library: Boolean expressions with various representations and search queries. (bsd3, data-structures, library, parsing, search)
- bools library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- boolsimplifier library: Simplification tools for simple propositional formulas. (bsd3, language, library, math)
- boomange program: A bookmarks manager with an HTML generator (gpl, program, web)
- boombox library: Chronokinetic stream sources and incremental consumers (bsd3, data, library)
- boomerang library: Library for invertible parsing and printing (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- boomslang program: Boomshine clone (game, program, public-domain)
- boomwhacker program: Convert MIDI file to play-along boomwhacker animation (bsd3, music, program, sound)
- boop library and test: OOP primitives for Haskell (bsd3, library, oop)
- boopadoop library, program and test: Mathematically sound sound synthesis (library, mit, music, program)
- boots library and test: IoC Monad in Haskell (application, factory, ioc, library, mit, monad)
- boots-app library and program: Factory for quickly building an application (application, configuration, health, library, logger, mit, program, random)
- boots-cloud library: Factory for quickly building a microservice (application, consul, deprecated, library, microservice, mit, servant, swagger, web)
- boots-web library: Factory for quickly building a web application (application, deprecated, library, mit, servant, swagger, web)
- bootstrap-types library: Bootstrap CSS Framework type-safe interface (library, mit, web)
- bordacount library and test: Implementation of the Borda count election method. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- borel library and test: Metering System for OpenStack metrics provided by Vaultaire. (bsd3, development, library)
- boring library: Boring and Absurd types (bsd3, data, library)
- boring-game library, program and test: An educational game (bsd3, library, program, web)
- boring-window-switcher library and program: A boring window switcher. (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- borsh library and test: Implementation of BORSH serialisation (bsd3, codec, library)
- bot library: bots for functional reactive programming (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- botan-bindings library: Raw Botan bindings (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- botan-low library, tests and benchmark: Low-level Botan bindings (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- both library: Like Maybe, but with a different Monoid instance. (data, library, mit)
- botpp library and program: Build tool for Lambdabot (development, library, program, web)
- bottom library, program, test and benchmark: Encoding and decoding for the Bottom spec. (apache, codec, library, program)
- bound library and tests: Making de Bruijn Succ Less (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library)
- bound-extras library and test: ScopeH and ScopeT extras for bound (bsd3, compilers, interpreters, language, library)
- bound-gen library: Unwrap Scope's with globally fresh values (compilers-interpreters, library, mit)
- bound-simple library and test: A lightweight implementation of 'bound' (bsd3, language, library)
- bounded-array library: Arrays with a value for every index (bsd3, data, library)
- bounded-qsem library: Bounded quantity semaphores. (concurrency, library, mit)
- bounded-queue library and test: A strict, immutable, thread-safe, single-ended, bounded queue. (bsd3, data, library)
- bounded-tchan library: Bounded Transactional channels (queues) (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library)
- boundingboxes library: A generic boundingbox for an arbitrary vector (bsd3, data, library)
- bower-json library and test: Read bower.json from Haskell (library, mit, web)
- bowntz program: audio-visual pseudo-physical simulation of colliding circles (demo, gpl, program)
- bowtie library: Tying knots in polynomial functors (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- box library and test: A profunctor effect system? (bsd3, control, library)
- box-csv library: CSV parsing in a box. (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- box-socket library, program and test: Box websockets (bsd3, library, program, web)
- box-tuples library: A hack to use GHC.Prim primitives in GHCi (debug, ghc, library, mit)
- boxes library and test: 2D text pretty-printing library (bsd3, library, text)
- bpann library: backpropagation neuronal network (ai, bsd3, library)
- bpath library and test: A minimal typed unix path library (bsd3, library, system)
- braid library and program: Types and functions to work with braids and Khovanov homology. (bsd3, library, math, program)
- brain-bleep program: primitive imperative language (bsd3, language, program)
- brainfuck library and program: Brainfuck interpreter (compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- brainfuck-monad library: BrainFuck monad (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- brainfuck-tut library and program: A simple BF interpreter. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- brainheck library, program and benchmark: Brainh*ck interpreter in haskell (bsd3, library, program, web)
- brassica library, programs, tests and benchmarks: Featureful sound change applier (bsd3, library, linguistics, program)
- break library: Break from a loop (bsd3, control, library)
- breakout program: A simple Breakout game implementation. (game, program)
- breakpoint library and test: Set breakpoints using a GHC plugin (development, library, mit)
- breve program: a url shortener (gpl, program, web)
- brians-brain program: A Haskell implementation of the Brian's Brain cellular automaton (bsd3, game, program)
- brick library and test: A declarative terminal user interface library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- brick-dropdownmenu library: A drop-down menu widget for brick. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- brick-filetree library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- brick-list-search library: Search forward or backward for certain kinds of items in brick list (library, user-interface)
- brick-list-skip library: Skip a certain kind of items when moving in brick list (library, user-interface)
- brick-panes library and test: Panes library for Brick providing composition and isolation for TUI apps. (graphics, library)
- brick-skylighting library: Show syntax-highlighted text in your Brick UI (bsd3, graphics, library)
- brick-tabular-list library: Tabular list widgets for brick. (library, user-interface)
- bricks library and tests: Bricks is a lazy functional language based on Nix. (apache, deprecated, language, library)
- bricks-internal library and test: ... (apache, deprecated, language, library)
- bricks-internal-test library: ... (apache, deprecated, language, library)
- bricks-parsec library and tests: ... (apache, deprecated, language, library)
- bricks-rendering library and tests: ... (apache, deprecated, language, library)
- bricks-syntax library and tests: ... (apache, deprecated, language, library)
- brillig library and program: Simple part of speech tagger (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- brillo library: Painless 2D vector graphics, animations, and simulations powered by GLFW (graphics, library, mit)
- brillo-algorithms library: Data structures and algorithms for working with 2D graphics. (graphics, library, mit)
- brillo-examples programs: Examples using the Brillo library (graphics, mit, program)
- brillo-juicy library and program: Load any image supported by Juicy.Pixels in your brillo application (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- brillo-rendering library: Brillo picture data types and rendering functions. (graphics, library, mit)
- brittany library, program and test: Haskell source code formatter (agpl, language, library, program)
- broadcast-chan library and benchmarks: Closable, fair, single-wakeup channel type that avoids 0
reader space leaks. (bsd3, library, system)
- broadcast-chan-conduit library and test: Conduit-based parallel streaming code for broadcast-chan (bsd3, library, system)
- broadcast-chan-pipes library and test: Pipes-based parallel streaming code for broadcast-chan (bsd3, library, system)
- broadcast-chan-tests library and tests: Helpers for generating tests for broadcast-chan (bsd3, library, system)
- broccoli library: Small library for interactive functional programs. (bsd3, frp, library)
- brok library, program and test: Finds broken links in text files (bsd3, command-line-tools, library, program)
- broker-haskell library and test: Haskell bindings to Broker, Bro's messaging library. (bsd3, language, library)
- bronyradiogermany-common library: Common types and URIs for the BronyRadioGermany API bindings. (bsd3, library, network)
- bronyradiogermany-streaming library: Streaming interface for the BronyRadioGermany API. (bsd3, library, network)
- brotli library and test: Brotli (RFC7932) compression and decompression (codec, compression, gpl, library)
- brotli-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression. (bsd3, codec, compression, conduit, library)
- brotli-streams library and test: IO-Streams interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression (bsd3, codec, compression, io-streams, library)
- browscap library: A reader and interface for the Browser Capabilities Project data files. (bsd3, data, library, web)
- bsb-http-chunked library, tests and benchmark: Chunked HTTP transfer encoding for bytestring builders (bsd3, data, library, network)
- bsd-sysctl library: Access to the BSD sysctl(3) interface (bsd, bsd3, library, system)
- bson library and test: BSON documents are JSON-like objects with a standard binary
encoding. (apache, data, library)
- bson-generic library: Generic functionality for BSON (bsd3, data, library)
- bson-generics library: Generics functionality for BSON (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- bson-lens library: BSON lenses (development, library, mit)
- bson-mapping library: Mapping between BSON and algebraic data types. (data, library)
- bspack library, test and benchmark: A simple and fast bytestring packer (bsd3, data, library)
- bsparse library: A simple unassuming parser for bytestring (bsd3, bsparse, library)
- btc-lsp library, programs and test: Lightning service provider (bitcoin, bsd3, finance, library, lightning, network, payments, program)
- btree library, test and benchmark: B-Tree on Unmanaged Heap (bsd3, data, library)
- btree-concurrent library and test: A backend agnostic, concurrent BTree (data-structures, library)
- btrfs library: Bindings to the btrfs API (bsd3, filesystem, library, system)
- buchhaltung library and program: Automates most of your plain text accounting data entry in ledger format. (finance, library, mit, program)
- buffer library, test and benchmark: Simple mutable low-level buffer for IO (data, library, mit)
- buffer-builder library, tests and benchmarks: Library for efficiently building up buffers, one piece at a time (bsd3, data, library)
- buffer-builder-aeson library, test and benchmark: Serialize Aeson values with Data.BufferBuilder (data, library, mit)
- buffer-pipe program: Read from stdin and write to stdout in large blocks (bsd3, console, program)
- buffet library, program and test: Assembles many Dockerfiles in one. (development, library, mit, program)
- buffon library: An implementation of Buffon machines. (bsd2, library, math)
- buffon-machines library: Perfect simulation of discrete random variables (bsd3, library, math)
- bug library: Better alternatives to the "error" function (development, error-handling, library, mit)
- bugsnag library and test: Bugsnag error reporter for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- bugsnag-haskell library and tests: Bugsnag error reporter for Haskell (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- bugsnag-hs library and test: A Bugsnag client for Haskell. (bsd3, library, web)
- bugsnag-wai library and test: WAI integration for Bugsnag error reporting for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- bugsnag-yesod library: Yesod integration for Bugsnag error reporting for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- bugzilla library: A Haskell interface to the Bugzilla native REST API (bsd3, library, web)
- bugzilla-redhat library and test: A Haskell interface to the Bugzilla native REST API (bsd3, library, web)
- build library and test: Build Systems à la Carte (algorithms, data-structures, library, mit)
- build-env library and program: Compute, fetch and install Cabal build plans into a local environment (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- buildable library: Typeclass for builders of linear data structures (data, library, mit)
- buildbox library: Rehackable components for writing buildbots and test harnesses. (bsd3, development, library, testing)
- buildbox-tools program: Tools for working with buildbox benchmark result files. (bsd3, development, program, testing)
- builder library: bounded ByteArray builder type (bsd3, data, library)
- buildwrapper library, program and test: A library and an executable that provide an easy API for a Haskell IDE (bsd3, development, library, program)
- bullet library: A wrapper for the Bullet physics engine. (bsd3, library, physics)
- bulletproofs library, program, test and benchmark: Bulletproofs are short zero-knowledge proofs without a trusted setup. (cryptography, library, program)
- bulmex library and test: Reflex infused with bulma (css) (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- bumper program: Automatically bump package versions, also transitively. (bsd3, development, program)
- bunz library, program and test: CLI tool to beautify JSON string. (cli, json, library, mit, program)
- bureaucromancy library, program and test: Parse webforms & render to interactive hypertext (gpl, library, program, web)
- burnt-explorer program: List OP_RETURN cryptocurrency transaction outputs. (apache, cryptocurrency, program)
- burrito library and test: Parse and render URI templates. (library, mit, network)
- burst-detection library, test and benchmark: Burst detection algorithms (gpl, library, math)
- bus-pirate library: Haskell interface to the Bus Pirate binary interface (bsd3, library, system)
- buster library: Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP (bsd3, frp, library)
- buster-gtk library: Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP (bsd3, frp, library)
- buster-network library: Almost but not quite entirely unlike FRP (bsd3, frp, library)
- bustle program and tests: Draw sequence diagrams of D-Bus traffic (desktop, lgpl, network, program)
- butcher library and test: Chops a command or program invocation into digestable pieces. (bsd3, library, ui)
- butter library and tests: Monad Transformer for Asyncronous Message Passing (bsd3, concurrency, distrbution, distributed-computing, library)
- butterflies library and program: butterfly tilings (gpl, graphics, library, program)
- buttplug-hs-core library, program and test: Client library for (bsd3, hardware, library, program)
- bv library: Bit-vector arithmetic library (bit-vectors, bsd3, data, library)
- bv-embed library: Define embeddings of small bit vectors into larger ones (bsd3, data, library)
- bv-little library, test and benchmarks: Efficient little-endian bit vector library (bit-vectors, bsd3, data, library)
- bv-sized library and test: a bitvector datatype that is parameterized by the vector width (bit-vectors, bsd3, library)
- bv-sized-lens library: Well-typed lenses for bv-sized bitvectors. (bit-vectors, bsd3, library)
- by-other-names library and tests: Give aliases to record fields. (bsd3, data, library)
- byline library and test: Library for creating command-line interfaces (colors, menus, etc.) (bsd2, library, system, user-interfaces)
- bytable library: data from/to ByteString (bsd3, codec, library)
- byte-containers library and test: Sets and maps with 8-bit words for keys (bsd3, data, library)
- byte-count-reader library and test: Read strings describing a number of bytes like 2Kb and 0.5 MiB (gpl, library, text)
- byte-order library and test: Portable big-endian and little-endian conversions (bsd3, data, library)
- byteable library: Type class for sequence of bytes (bsd3, data, library)
- bytearray-parsing library: Parsing of bytearray-based data (library, mit, parsing)
- bytebuild library, test and benchmark: Build byte arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- bytedump library: Flexible byte dump helpers for human readers. (bsd3, debug, library)
- bytehash library, test and benchmark: Universal hashing of bytes (bsd3, data, library)
- bytelog library: Fast logging (bsd3, data, library)
- byteorder library: Exposes the native endianness or byte ordering of the system. (bsd3, library, system)
- bytepatch library, program and test: Patch byte-representable data in a bytestream (cli, library, mit, program)
- bytes library: Sharing code for serialization between binary and cereal (bsd3, data, library, serialization)
- bytes-metrics library, test and benchmark: Calculate string metrics on Bytes efficiently (bsd3, data, library)
- bytes-patterns library and test: Template haskell macro for casing on Bytes (data, library, mit)
- byteset library: Set of bytes. (bsd3, data, library)
- byteslice library, test and benchmark: Slicing managed and unmanaged memory (bsd3, data, library)
- bytesmith library, test and benchmark: Nonresumable byte parser (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestring library, test and benchmark: Fast, compact, strict and lazy byte strings with a list interface (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestring-aeson-orphans library: Aeson instances for ByteString, using base 64 encoding (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestring-arbitrary library, test and benchmark: Arbitrary instances for ByteStrings (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestring-builder library: The new bytestring builder, packaged outside of GHC (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestring-builder-varword library and test: Variable-length integer encoding (data, lgpl, library)
- bytestring-class library: Classes for automatic conversion to and from strict and lazy bytestrings. (deprecated) (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- bytestring-conversion library, test and benchmark: Type-classes to convert values to and from ByteString. (data, library, mpl)
- bytestring-csv library: Parse CSV formatted data efficiently (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestring-delta library: Simple, fast binary diff/patch (data, library, mit)
- bytestring-encoding library and test: ByteString ↔ Text converter based on GHC.IO.Encoding (bsd3, data, library, text)
- bytestring-encodings library, test and benchmark: checks to see if a given bytestring adheres to a certain encoding (data-, library, mit)
- bytestring-from library and test: A type-class to convert values from ByteString. (data, deprecated, library)
- bytestring-handle library and test: ByteString-backed Handles (bsd3, library, system)
- bytestring-lexing library and test: Efficiently parse and produce common integral and fractional numbers. (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestring-mmap library: mmap support for strict ByteStrings (bsd3, library, system)
- bytestring-nums library: Parse numeric literals from ByteStrings. (bsd3, library, text)
- bytestring-plain library: Plain byte strings ('ForeignPtr'-less 'ByteString's) (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestring-progress library: A library for tracking the consumption of a lazy ByteString (bsd3, control, library)
- bytestring-read library, tests and benchmark: fast ByteString to number converting library (data, library, mit)
- bytestring-rematch library and test: Rematch support for ByteString (control, library, mit)
- bytestring-short library and test: Backport copy of ShortByteString (bsd3, library, text)
- bytestring-show library: Efficient conversion of values into readable byte strings. (bsd3, library, text)
- bytestring-strict-builder library, test and benchmark: An efficient strict bytestring builder (builders, bytestring, library, mit, serialization, text)
- bytestring-substring library: break bytestrings up into substrings (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- bytestring-time library and test: Library for Time parsing from ByteString (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- bytestring-to-vector library and test: Convert between ByteString and Vector.Storable without copying (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- bytestring-tree-builder library, test and benchmark: A very efficient ByteString builder implementation based on the binary tree (bytestring, library, mit)
- bytestring-trie library, test and benchmarks: An efficient finite map from bytestrings to values. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- bytestring-typenats library, test and benchmark: Bytestrings with typenat lengths (bsd3, data, library)
- bytestringparser library: Combinator parsing with Data.ByteString.Lazy (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- bytestringparser-temporary library: Combinator parsing with Data.ByteString.Lazy (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- bytestringreadp library: A ReadP style parser library for ByteString (bsd3, library, text)
- bytetrie library and test: Tries with Bytes as keys. (bsd3, data, library)
- byteunits library and test: Human friendly conversion between byte units (KB, MB, GB...) (bsd3, library)
- bytezap library: Bytestring builder with zero intermediate allocation (data, generics, library, mit, serialization)
- bz2 library, test and benchmark: Bindings to libbz2 (bsd3, compression, library)
- bz3 library and test: High-level bindings to bz3 (agpl, codec, library)
- bzip-signature library: Backpack signature for BZip compression (bsd3, bzip, compression, library, signatures)
- bzip2-clib library: bzip2 C sources (bsd3, codec, library)
- bzlib library and test: Compression and decompression in the bzip2 format (bsd3, codec, library)
- bzlib-conduit library, test and benchmark: Streaming compression/decompression via conduits. (bsd3, codec, library)
- bzlib-conduit-jappie library, test and benchmark: Streaming compression/decompression via conduits. (bsd3, codec, deprecated, library)
- c-dsl library: A higher level DSL on top of language-c (language, library, mit)
- c-enum library and test: To make a type corresponding to an enum of C language (bsd3, foreign, library)
- c-io library: C IO. (bsd3, library, system)
- c-mosquitto library, program and test: Simpe mosquito MQTT binding able to work with the Amazons IoT (bsd3, library, program)
- c-storable library: CStorable class (bsd3, development, haskell, library)
- c-storable-deriving library: Generate C-like storable instances from datatypes (bsd3, foreign, library)
- c-struct library and test: To make a wrapper for struct of C language (bsd3, foreign, library)
- c0check program: Simple C0 Syntax Check (language, program)
- c0parser library: Simple C0 Parser (language, library)
- c10k library: C10k server library using prefork (bsd3, library, network)
- c14n library: Bindings to the c14n implementation in libxml. (library, mit, xml)
- c2ats library, program and test: Translate C code into ATS (gpl, language, library, program)
- c2hs program and tests: C->Haskell FFI tool that gives some cross-language type safety (development, gpl, program)
- c2hs-extra library: Convenient marshallers for complicate C types. (development, foreign, library, mit)
- c2hsc library, program and test: Convert C API header files to .hsc and .hsc.helper.c files (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ca library: Cellular Automata (bsd3, library, math)
- ca-patterns library and test: Manipulate patterns in cellular automata, create and parse RLE files (data, library, mit, parsing, text)
- ca-province-codes library and test: ISO 3166-2:CA Province Codes and Names (bsd3, data, library)
- cab library and program: A maintenance command of Haskell cabal packages (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- cabal library: placeholder for Cabal package, you want the upper case Cabal (bsd2, deprecated, development, library)
- cabal-add library, program and test: Extend Cabal build-depends from the command line (bsd3, development, library, program)
- cabal-appimage library: Cabal support for creating AppImage applications (agpl, development, distribution, library, linux)
- cabal-audit program: Check how up-to-date your .cabal dependencies are. (distribution, mit, program)
- cabal-auto-expose library: Build time library that autodetects exposed modules (bundle, distribution, library, mit, modules)
- cabal-bounds library, program and test: A command line program for managing the dependency versions in a cabal file. (bsd3, development, library, program, utils)
- cabal-build-programs library: Adds executable dependencies to the Cabal build (bsd3, distribution, library)
- cabal-bundle-clib library: Bundling C/C++ projects in Cabal package made easy (bsd3, development, library)
- cabal-cache library, program and test: CI Assistant for Haskell projects (bsd3, development, library, program)
- cabal-cargs library, program and test: A command line program for extracting compiler arguments from a cabal file. (bsd3, development, library, program, utils)
- cabal-clean program: Remove outdated cabal build artefacts from `dist-newstyle`. (bsd3, development, program)
- cabal-constraints program: Repeatable builds for cabalized Haskell projects. (development, distribution, mit, program)
- cabal-db program: query tools for the local cabal database (bsd3, program, tools)
- cabal-debian library, program and test: Create a Debianization for a Cabal package (bsd3, debian, distribution, library, program, system)
- cabal-dependency-licenses program: Compose a list of a project's transitive dependencies with their licenses (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-detailed-quickcheck library: QuickCheck for Cabal tests (library, mit, testing)
- cabal-dev programs: Manage sandboxed Haskell build environments (bsd3, deprecated, development, program)
- cabal-dir program: show dist dir of 'cabal copy/install' (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-doctest library: A Setup.hs helper for running doctests (bsd3, distribution, library)
- cabal-edit program: Cabal utility (development, mit, program)
- cabal-file library and program: Cabal file access (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- cabal-file-th library and test: Template Haskell expressions for reading fields from a project's cabal file. (bsd3, development, library)
- cabal-fix library, program and test: Fix for cabal files. (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- cabal-flatpak program: Generate a FlatPak manifest from a Cabal package description (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-fmt library, program and tests: Format .cabal files (development, library, program)
- cabal-ghc-dynflags library: Conveniently configure GHC's dynamic flags for use with Cabal projects (bsd3, development, library)
- cabal-ghci library and program: Set up ghci with options taken from a .cabal file (bsd3, deprecated, development, library, program)
- cabal-gild library, program and test: Formats package descriptions. (development, library, mit, program)
- cabal-graphdeps program: Generate graphs of install-time Cabal dependencies (development, mit, program)
- cabal-helper library and tests: Give Haskell development tools access to Cabal project environment (apache, distribution, library)
- cabal-hoogle library, program and test: generate hoogle database for cabal project and dependencies (bsd3, development, library, program)
- cabal-info library and program: Read information from cabal files (development, library, mit, program)
- cabal-install library, program and tests: The command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage. (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- cabal-install-bundle program: The (bundled) command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage. (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-install-ghc72 program: Temporary version of cabal-install for ghc-7.2 (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-install-ghc74 program: Temporary version of cabal-install for ghc-7.4 (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, program)
- cabal-install-parsers library, tests and benchmark: Utilities to work with cabal-install files (development, library)
- cabal-install-solver library and test: The solver component of cabal-install (bsd3, distribution, library)
- cabal-lenses library: Lenses and traversals for the Cabal library. (bsd3, development, library, utils)
- cabal-macosx library, program and test: Cabal support for creating Mac OSX application bundles. (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- cabal-meta library, program and test: build multiple packages at once (bsd3, development, library, program)
- cabal-mon program: A monitor for cabal builds (development, mit, program)
- cabal-nirvana program: Avoid Cabal dependency hell by constraining to known good versions. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, program)
- cabal-pkg-config-version-hook library: Make Cabal aware of pkg-config package versions (bsd3, distribution, library)
- cabal-plan library: Library and utility for processing cabal's plan.json file (development, gpl, library)
- cabal-plan-bounds program: Derives cabal bounds from build plans (bsd2, distribution, program)
- cabal-progdeps program: Show dependencies of program being built in current directory (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-query library: Helpers for quering .cabal files or hackageDB's 00-index.tar (bsd3, library, system)
- cabal-rpm program: RPM packaging tool for Haskell Cabal-based packages (distribution, gpl, program)
- cabal-scaffold library and program: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- cabal-scripts library: Shell scripts for support of Cabal maintenance (bsd3, development, library)
- cabal-setup program: The user interface for building and installing Cabal packages (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-sign program: Sign and verify Cabal packages. (bsd3, development, program)
- cabal-sort programs: Topologically sort cabal packages (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-src programs: Alternative install procedure to avoid the diamond dependency issue. (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, program)
- cabal-test program: Automated test tool for cabal projects. (bsd3, program, testing)
- cabal-test-bin library, program and test: A program for finding temporary build file during cabal-test. (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- cabal-test-compat library: Compatibility interface of cabal test-suite. (bsd3, deprecated, library, testing)
- cabal-test-quickcheck library: QuickCheck for Cabal (library, mit, testing)
- cabal-toolkit library: Helper functions for writing custom Setup.hs scripts. (bsd3, distribution, library)
- cabal-uninstall program: Uninstall cabal packages (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal-upload program: Command-line tool for uploading packages to Hackage (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal2arch program: Create Arch Linux packages from Cabal packages. (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, program)
- cabal2doap program: Cabal to Description-of-a-Project (DOAP) (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabal2ebuild library and programs: make gentoo's .ebuild file from .cabal file (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- cabal2ghci program: A tool to generate .ghci file from .cabal (bsd3, development, program)
- cabal2json library, program and test: Turn a .cabal file into a .json file (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- cabal2nix library, programs and test: Convert Cabal files into Nix build instructions. (bsd3, distribution, library, nix, program)
- cabal2spec library, program and test: Convert Cabal files into rpm spec files (distribution, gpl, library, program)
- cabalQuery library and program: A simple tool to query cabal files. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- cabalg library, program and tests: alias for cabal install from given git repo (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- cabalgraph program: Generate pretty graphs of module trees from cabal files (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabalish program: Provides access to the cabal file data for shell scripts (bsd3, program, utilities)
- cabalmdvrpm library and program: Create mandriva rpm from cabal package (distribution, library, program)
- cabalrpmdeps library and programs: Autogenerate rpm dependencies from cabal files (distribution, library, program)
- cabalvchk program: Verify installed package version against user-specified constraints. (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabin program: Cabal binary sandboxes. (bsd3, distribution, program)
- cabocha library and test: (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- cache library and test: An in-memory key/value store with expiration support (bsd3, cache, data, library)
- cache-polysemy library and test: cached hashmaps (bsd3, cache, library)
- cached library and test: Cache values to disk. (bsd3, data-flow, library, workflow)
- cached-io library and program: A simple library to cache IO actions (apache, development, library, program)
- cached-json-file library: Locally cache a json file obtained by http (bsd3, library, network)
- cached-traversable library: Transparent, persistent caching of lazy, traversable structures (bsd3, data, library)
- caching library and test: Cache combinators. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- caching-vault library and test: A vault-style cache implementation (bsd3, data, library)
- cachix library, programs and test: Command-line client for Nix binary cache hosting (apache, library, nix, program)
- cachix-api library and test: Servant HTTP API specification for (apache, library, nix)
- cacophony library, tests and benchmark: A library implementing the Noise protocol. (cryptography, library, public-domain)
- caerbannog library and test: That rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- caf library: A library of Concurrency Abstractions using Futures. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- cafeteria-prelude library: Prelude subsets—take only what you want! (library, mit, prelude)
- caffegraph library: (bsd3, library, math)
- cairo library: Binding to the Cairo library. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- cairo-appbase program: A template for building new GUI applications using GTK and Cairo. (bsd3, development, program)
- cairo-canvas library: Simpler drawing API for Cairo. (graphics, library, mit)
- cairo-core library: Cairo Haskell binding (partial) (bsd3, graphics, library)
- cairo-image library and tests: Image for Cairo (bsd3, graphics, library)
- cake library and program: A build-system library and driver (development, library, program)
- cake3 library and programs: Third cake the Makefile EDSL (bsd3, development, library, program)
- cakyrespa program: run turtle like LOGO with lojban (bsd3, program, teaching)
- cal-layout library and program: Calendar Layout Algorithm (bsd3, library, math, program)
- cal3d library: Haskell binding to the Cal3D animation library. (animation, graphics, library)
- cal3d-examples programs: Examples for the Cal3d animation library. (animation, graphics, program)
- cal3d-opengl library: OpenGL rendering for the Cal3D animation library (animation, graphics, library)
- calamity library: A library for writing discord bots in haskell (library, mit, network, web)
- calamity-commands library: A library for declaring, parsing, and invoking text-input based commands (library, mit, utils)
- calc program: A small compiler for arithmetic expressions. (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- calculator program and test: A calculator repl, with variables, functions & Mathematica like dynamic plots. (gpl, math, program)
- caldims library and program: Calculation tool and library supporting units (library, math, program)
- caledon program: a logic programming language based on the calculus of constructions (gpl, interpreter, language, program)
- calendar-recycling program: List years with the same calendars (bsd3, math, program)
- calenderweek program: Commandline tool to get week of the year (bsd3, commandline, program)
- call library: The call game engine (bsd3, game, library)
- call-alloy library and test: A simple library to call Alloy given a specification (language, library, mit)
- call-haskell-from-anything library and program: Call Haskell functions from other languages via serialization and dynamic libraries (library, mit, network, program)
- call-plantuml library and test: A simple library to call PlantUML given a diagram specification (graphics, language, library, mit)
- call-stack library and test: Use GHC call-stacks in a backward compatible way (data, library, mit)
- calligraphy library, program and test: HIE-based Haskell call graph and source code visualizer (bsd3, development, haskell, language, library, program)
- camfort library, program and test: CamFort - Cambridge Fortran infrastructure (analysis, apache, fortran, language, library, program)
- camh program: write image files onto 256(or 24bit) color terminals. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- campfire library: Haskell implementation of the Campfire API (bsd3, library, web)
- can-i-haz library and test: Generic implementation of the Has and CoHas patterns (bsd3, control, library)
- canadian-income-tax library, programs and tests: Canadian income tax calculation (gpl, library, productivity, program, tax)
- candid library, program and tests: Candid integration (codec, library, program)
- canon library: Arithmetic for Psychedelically Large Numbers (library, math, mit)
- canonical-filepath library: Abstract data type for canonical file paths. (bsd3, library, system)
- canonical-json library, test and benchmark: Canonical JSON for signing and hashing JSON values (bsd3, json, library, text)
- canteven-config library: A pattern for configuring programs. (apache, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- canteven-http library: Utilities for HTTP programming. (library, mit, unclassified)
- canteven-listen-http library: data types to describe HTTP services (apache, development, library)
- canteven-log library: A canteven way of setting up logging for your program. (apache, deprecated, development, library)
- canteven-parsedate library and test: Date / time parsing utilities that try to guess the date / time format. (apache, library, unclassified)
- canteven-template library: A few utilites and helpers for using Template Haskell in your projects. (apache, library, web)
- cantor program and test: Application for analysis of java source code (application, bsd3, program, source-code-analysis)
- cantor-pairing library and test: Convert data to and from a natural number representation (data, library, mit)
- cao program: CAO Compiler (compiler, cryptography, language, program)
- cap program: Interprets and debug the cap language. (bsd3, language, program)
- capability library and test: Extensional capabilities and deriving combinators (bsd3, control, library)
- capataz library and test: OTP-like supervision trees in Haskell (concurrency, control, library, mit)
- capnp library, program, test and benchmark: Cap'n Proto for Haskell (capnproto, data, library, mit, network, program, rpc, serialization)
- capped-list library: A list-like type for lazy sequences, with a user-defined termination value. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- capri program: A simple wrapper over cabal-install to operate in project-private mode. (bsd3, distribution, program)
- caps library and test: Monadic capabilities with late binding (bsd3, control, library)
- captcha-2captcha library and test: A package for integrating a variety of captcha solving services. (library, mit, network)
- captcha-capmonster library and test: A package for integrating a variety of captcha solving services. (library, mit, network)
- captcha-core library: A package for integrating a variety of captcha solving services. (library, mit, network)
- car-pool program: Simple web-server for organizing car-pooling for an event (bsd3, program, web)
- caramia library and tests: High-level OpenGL bindings (graphics, library, mit)
- carbonara library: some spaghetti code (bsd3, library, system)
- carboncopy program: Drop emails from threads being watched into special CC folder. (bsd3, email, program)
- cardano-coin-selection library and test: Algorithms for coin selection and fee balancing. (apache, cardano, coin, library, utxo)
- cardano-transactions library, program and test: Library utilities for constructing and signing Cardano transactions. (apache, cardano, library, program)
- carettah programs: A presentation tool written with Haskell. (gpl, graphics, program)
- carray library, test and benchmarks: A C-compatible array library. (bsd3, data, library)
- carte program: Carte: A commandline pastebin server. (gpl, network, program)
- cartel library, program and test: Specify Cabal files in Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, library, program)
- cas-hashable library: A hashing class for content-addressed storage (control, library, mit)
- cas-hashable-s3 library: ContentHashable instances for S3 objects (control, library, mit)
- cas-store library and test: A content-addressed storage (control, library, mit)
- casa-abbreviations-and-acronyms library: CASA Abbreviations and Acronyms (aviation, bsd3, library)
- casa-client library: Client for Casa (bsd3, development, library)
- casa-types library: Types for Casa (bsd3, development, library)
- casadi-bindings library and tests: mid-level bindings to CasADi (lgpl, library, math, numerical)
- casadi-bindings-control library: low level bindings to casadi-control (deprecated, lgpl, library, math, numerical)
- casadi-bindings-core library: autogenerated low level bindings to casadi (lgpl, library, math, numerical)
- casadi-bindings-internal library: low level bindings to CasADi (lgpl, library, math, numerical)
- casadi-bindings-ipopt-interface library: low level bindings to casadi-ipopt_interface (deprecated, lgpl, library, math, numerical)
- casadi-bindings-snopt-interface library: low level bindings to casadi-snopt_interface (deprecated, lgpl, library, math, numerical)
- cascading library: DSL for HTML CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- case-conversion library, program and test: Convert between different cases (bsd3, library, program, text)
- case-insensitive library, test and benchmark: Case insensitive string comparison (bsd3, data, library, text)
- case-insensitive-match library, program, test and benchmarks: A simplified, faster way to do case-insensitive matching. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- cased library: Track string casing in its type (library, mit, text)
- caseof library: Combinators for casing on constructors (bsd3, development, library)
- cases library, test and benchmark: A converter for spinal, snake and camel cases (library, mit, text)
- cash library: the Computer Algebra SHell (bsd3, computer-algebra, library, math)
- casing library and test: Convert between various source code casing conventions (library, mit, text)
- casr-logbook library: CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook (aviation, library)
- casr-logbook-html library and test: CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook HTML output (aviation, library)
- casr-logbook-meta library and test: Meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook) (aviation, library)
- casr-logbook-meta-html library and test: Meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook) HTML output (aviation, library)
- casr-logbook-reports library and test: CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook) reports. (aviation, library)
- casr-logbook-reports-html library and test: CASR 61.345 logbook reports HTML output (aviation, library)
- casr-logbook-reports-meta library and test: Reports on meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (casr-logbook) (aviation, library)
- casr-logbook-reports-meta-html library and test: HTML output for reports on meta-information about entries in a CASR 61.345 logbook (aviation, library)
- casr-logbook-types library and test: CASR 61.345 Pilot Personal Logbook (aviation, library)
- cassandra-cql library: Haskell client for Cassandra's CQL protocol (bsd3, database, library)
- cassandra-thrift library: thrift bindings to the cassandra database (database-, library)
- cassava library and test: A CSV parsing and encoding library (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- cassava-conduit library, test and benchmark: Conduit interface for cassava package (bsd3, data, library)
- cassava-embed library: CSV-file embedding library (bsd3, csv, library, text)
- cassava-generic library: Cassave instances for functor-like datatypes like `Either String a`. (bsd3, data, library)
- cassava-megaparsec library and test: Megaparsec parser of CSV files that plays nicely with Cassava (csv, library, mit, parsing, text, web)
- cassava-records library and test: Auto-generation of records data type. (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- cassava-streams library and test: io-streams interface for the cassava CSV library. (bsd3, csv, data, io-streams, library, text)
- cassava-th library and test: `TemplateHaskell` helpers for `cassava` (bsd3, library, system)
- cassette library: A combinator library for simultaneously defining parsers and pretty printers. (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- cassy library and test: A high level driver for the Cassandra datastore (bsd3, database, library)
- cast library: Abstact cast pattern (bsd3, library, pattern)
- castagnoli library and test: Portable CRC-32C (bsd3, data, library)
- caster library and test: Multicast, thread-safe, and fast logger. (bsd3, library, system)
- castle program: A tool to manage shared cabal-install sandboxes. (apache, development, program)
- casui program: Equation Manipulator (math, mit, program)
- catalyst library: A Category typeclass hierarchy powerful enough to encode full programs. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- catamorphism library and test: Exposes a Template Haskell function for generating catamorphisms. (bsd3, development, library)
- catch-fd library: MonadThrow and MonadCatch, using functional dependencies (bsd3, control, library)
- categorical-algebra library: Categorical Monoids and Semirings (bsd3, data, library)
- categories library: Categories (bsd3, control, library)
- category library: Categorical types and classes (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, math)
- category-extras library: A meta-package documenting various packages inspired by category theory (bsd3, comonads, control, library, monads)
- category-printf library: Highbrow approach to type-safe printf format specifications. (bsd3, library, text)
- category-traced library: Traced monoidal categories (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- catnplus program: Simple tool to display text files with line numbers and paging (command-line-tool, mit, program)
- cattrap library, programs and test: Lays out boxes according to the CSS Box Model. (gpl, graphics, library, program)
- cauldron library, program and tests: Dependency injection library (bsd3, dependency-injection, library, program)
- cautious library: Keep track of warnings and errors during calculations. (bsd3, library, testing)
- cautious-file library: Ways to write a file cautiously, to reduce the chances of problems such as data loss due to crashes or power failures (bsd3, library, system)
- cautious-gen library and test: (bsd3, library, testing)
- cayene-lpp library and test: Cayenne Low Power Payload (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- cayenne-lpp library and test: Cayenne Low Power Payload (bsd3, library, web)
- cayley-client library and test: A Haskell client for the Cayley graph database (bsd3, database, library)
- cayley-dickson library and test: Complex numbers, quaternions, octonions, sedenions, etc. (algebra, library, math, mit)
- cblrepo program: Tool to maintain a database of CABAL packages and their dependencies (distribution, program, utils)
- cbor-tool program: A tool for manipulating CBOR. (bsd3, codec, program)
- cborg library and test: Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) (bsd3, codec, library)
- cborg-json library, test and benchmark: A library for encoding JSON as CBOR (bsd3, codec, library)
- ccast library: typesafe c-style casts; useful for FFI (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- cci library and tests: Bindings for the CCI networking library (bsd3, library, network)
- ccnx library: A Haskell implementation of the CCNx network protocol. (bsd3, library, network)
- cctools-workqueue library: High-level interface to CCTools' WorkQueue library (distributed-computing, gpl, library)
- cdar-mBound library, programs, test and benchmark: Exact real arithmetic using Centred Dyadic Approximations (bsd3, data, library, program)
- cdeps library, program, test and benchmark: Extract dependencies from C code. (bsd3, c, development, language, library, program)
- cdp library, programs and test: A library for the Chrome Devtools Protocol (bsd3, chrome, library, package.category, program)
- cedict library and program: Convenient Chinese phrase & character lookup. (library, program, text)
- cef library and test: CEF log format (bsd3, library, system)
- cef3-raw library: Raw CEF3 bindings (bsd3, ffi, library)
- cef3-simple library: Simple wrapper around cef3-raw (bsd3, ffi, library)
- ceilometer-common library and test: Common Haskell types and encoding for OpenStack Ceilometer (bsd3, development, library)
- cellrenderer-cairo library: Cairo-based CellRenderer (bsd3, graphics, library)
- celtchar library, program and test: A tool to build a novel (deprecated, library, mit, program, text)
- cerberus library, program and test: Protect and control API access with cerberus (bsd3, deprecated, development, library, program)
- cereal library and test: A binary serialization library (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- cereal-conduit library and test: Turn Data.Serialize Gets and Puts into Sources, Sinks, and Conduits (bsd3, conduit, library)
- cereal-data-dword library: Integration of "cereal" and "data-dword" (library, mit, unclassified)
- cereal-derive library: Automatic deriving of Serialize using GHC.Generics (data, gpl, library)
- cereal-enumerator library: Deserialize things with cereal and enumerator (library, public-domain, text)
- cereal-ieee754 library: Floating point support for the 'cereal' serialization library (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, parsing)
- cereal-io-streams library, test and benchmark: io-streams support for the cereal binary serialization library (bsd3, data, io-streams, library, parsing)
- cereal-plus library and test: An extended serialization library on top of "cereal" (deprecated, library, mit, serialization)
- cereal-streams library, test and benchmark: Use cereal to encode/decode io-streams. (bsd3, data, deprecated, io-streams, library, parsing)
- cereal-text library: Data.Text instances for the cereal serialization library (apache, data, library)
- cereal-time library and test: Serialize instances for types from `time` package. (bsd3, data, library)
- cereal-unordered-containers library: Integration of "cereal" and "unordered-containers" (library, mit, unclassified)
- cereal-uuid library: Integration of "cereal" and "uuid" (library, mit, unclassified)
- cereal-vector library and test: Serialize instances for Data.Vector types. (bsd3, data, library)
- certificate library: Certificates and Key Reader/Writer (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- cf library and test: Exact real arithmetic using continued fractions (library, math, mit)
- cfenv library and test: A library getting the environment when running on Cloud Foundry (bsd3, library)
- cfg library and tests: Type directed application configuration parsing and accessors (configuration, library, mit)
- cfipu program: cfipu processor for toy brainfuck-like language (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- cflp library: Constraint Functional-Logic Programming in Haskell (bsd3, control, library)
- cfn-flip library and tests: Haskell implementation of aws/cfn-flip (library, mit, tools)
- cfopu program: cfopu processor (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, deprecated, program)
- cg program: Parser for categorial grammars. (gpl, language, program)
- cgen library and programs: generates Haskell bindings and C wrappers for C++ libraries (bsd3, development, library, program)
- cgi library: A library for writing CGI programs (bsd3, library, network)
- cgi-undecidable library: Undecidable instances for the cgi package. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- cgi-utils library: Simple modular utilities for CGI/FastCGI (sessions, etc.) (bsd3, cgi, library, web)
- cgrep program: Command line tool (gpl, program, utils)
- cgroup-rts-threads library and test: A container-/cgroup-aware substitute for the GHC RTS `-N` flag (concurrency, library, mpl)
- chain-codes library and test: Library decoding chain codes from images (data, gpl, library)
- chainweb-mining-client program and test: Mining Client for Kadena Chainweb (bsd3, data, mathematics, program)
- chakra library, program and test: A REST Web Api server template for building (micro)services. (library, mit, program, web)
- chalk library: Terminal string styling. (library, mit, system)
- chalkboard library: Combinators for building and processing 2D images. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- chalkboard-viewer library: OpenGL based viewer for chalkboard rendered images. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- chalmers-lava2000 library: Hardware description EDSL (bsd3, hardware, language, library)
- chan library and test: Some extra kit for Chans (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- chan-split library: Concurrent Chans as read/write pairs. Also provides generic
Chan pair class. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- change-monger library and program: Parse VCS changelogs into ChangeLogs (bsd3, development, library, program, text)
- changelogged library, program and test: Changelog manager for Git projects. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- changeset library and tests: Stateful monad transformer based on monoidal actions (control, library, mit)
- changeset-containers library and test: Stateful monad transformer based on monoidal actions (control, library, mit)
- changeset-lens library and test: Stateful monad transformer based on monoidal actions (control, library, mit)
- changeset-reflex library: Stateful monad transformer based on monoidal actions (control, library, mit)
- chapelure library and test: A diagnostics library for Haskell (library, mit, pretty-printer)
- char-boxdrawing library: Combinators for unicode or ASCII box drawing characters (bsd3, library, text)
- char-decode library and test: Convert legacy byte encodings to and from Unicode (bsd3, library, text)
- char-qq library: Quasiquoters for characters and codepoints (library, mit, quasiquotes)
- character-cases library and test: Exposes subspecies types of Char. And naming cases. (library, mit, simple)
- character-ps library and test: Pattern synonyms for ASCII characters for Word8, Word16 etc (bsd3, data, library)
- charade library and program: Rapid prototyping websites with Snap and Heist (bsd3, library, program, web)
- charset library: Fast unicode character sets based on complemented PATRICIA tries (bsd3, data, library)
- charsetdetect library: Character set detection using Mozilla's Universal Character Set Detector (library, text)
- charsetdetect-ae library: Character set detection using Mozilla's Universal Character Set Detector (library, text)
- chart-cli program: Command-line utility to draw charts from input data easily (bsd3, graphics, program)
- chart-histogram library: Easily render histograms with Chart (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- chart-svg library and test: Charting library targetting SVGs. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- chart-svg-various library, program and test: See (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, project)
- chart-unit library and test: Native haskell charts. (bsd3, charts, deprecated, library)
- charter library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- chaselev-deque library and test: Chase & Lev work-stealing lock-free double-ended queues (deques). (bsd3, concurrent, data, library)
- chassis library: Polykinded Prelude Kernel. (library, mit, prelude)
- chatter library, programs and test: A library of simple NLP algorithms. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- chatty library: Some monad transformers and typeclasses for text in- and output abstraction. (agpl, library, text)
- chatty-text library: Provides some classes and types for dealing with text, using the fundaments of Chatty. (agpl, library, text)
- chatty-utils library: Some utilities every serious chatty-based application may need. (agpl, data, library)
- chatwork library, program and test: The ChatWork API in Haskell (library, mit, program, web)
- cheapskate library and program: Experimental markdown processor. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- cheapskate-highlight library: Code highlighting for cheapskate (bsd3, library, text)
- cheapskate-lucid library: Use cheapskate with Lucid (bsd3, library, web)
- cheapskate-terminal library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)
- check-cfg-ambiguity library and test: Checks context free grammar for ambiguity using brute force up to given limit (bsd3, library, parsing)
- check-email library: Confirm whether an email is valid and probably existant. (bsd3, library, network)
- check-pvp program: Check whether module and package imports conform to the PVP (bsd3, distribution, program)
- checked library: Bounds-checking integer types. (bsd3, data, library)
- checkers library: Check properties on standard classes and data structures. (bsd3, library, testing)
- checkmate library, program and tests: Generate checklists relevant to a given patch (agpl, development, library, program)
- checksum library: Compute and verify checksums of ISBN, IBAN, etc. (bsd3, library, math)
- chell library: A simple and intuitive library for automated testing. (library, mit, testing)
- chell-hunit library: HUnit support for Chell (library, mit, testing)
- chell-quickcheck library: QuickCheck support for Chell (library, mit, testing)
- cherry-core-alpha library and test: The core library for Cherry Haskell. (bsd3, development, library)
- chessIO library, programs and tests: Basic chess library (bsd3, game, library, program)
- chesshs library: Simple library for validating chess moves and parsing PGN files (bsd3, game, library)
- chessica library: A Library for Chess Game Logic (bsd3, game, library)
- chevalier-common library: Query interface for Chevalier (bsd3, library, other)
- chez-grater library, program and test: Parse and scrape recipe blogs (library, mit, program, web)
- chiasma library: A tmux client for Polysemy (library, terminal)
- chiasma-test library and tests: Testing tools for chiasma (library, terminal)
- chimera library, test and benchmark: Lazy infinite streams with O(1) indexing and applications for memoization (bsd3, data, library)
- chiphunk library: Haskell bindings for Chipmunk2D physics engine (bsd3, library, physics)
- chitauri program and test: Helper for the Major System (bsd3, program, web)
- choice library: A solution to boolean blindness. (data, library, public-domain)
- choose library: Choose random elements from a stream. (apache, library, random)
- choose-exe library and program: Command-line program to choose random element from a stream. (apache, application, library, program)
- chorale library and test: A module containing basic functions that the prelude does not offer (library, mit, prelude)
- chorale-geo library and test: A module containing basic geo functions (library, mit, prelude)
- chp library: An implementation of concurrency ideas from Communicating Sequential Processes (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- chp-mtl library: MTL class instances for the CHP library (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- chp-plus library: A set of high-level concurrency utilities built on Communicating Haskell Processes (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- chp-spec library: A mirror implementation of chp that generates a specification of the program (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- chp-transformers library: Transformers instances for the CHP library (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- chr-core library: Constraint Handling Rules (bsd3, control, library)
- chr-data library: Datatypes required for chr library (bsd3, development, library)
- chr-lang library and program: AST + surface language around chr (bsd3, development, library, program)
- chr-parse library: Parsing for chr library (bsd3, development, library)
- chr-pretty library: Pretty printing for chr library (bsd3, development, library)
- chromatin library, program and tests: neovim package manager (library, mit, neovim, program)
- chronograph library: measure timings of data evaluation (bsd3, library, testing)
- chronologique library and test: Time to manipulate time (deprecated, library, mit, text)
- chronos library, test and benchmark: A high-performance time library (bsd3, data, development, library, parsing, time)
- chronos-bench library, program and benchmark: Benchmarking tool with focus on comparing results. (benchmarking, bsd3, development, library, performance, program, testing)
- chs-cabal library: Cabal with c2hs dependencies (bsd3, build, cabal, customsetup, distribution, library, setup)
- chs-deps library, test and benchmark: c2hs dependency analyzer (bsd3, chs, development, library, staticanalysis)
- chu2 library: FFI for Chu2 Agda Web Server Interface (bsd3, library, web)
- chuchu library and tests: Behaviour Driven Development like Cucumber for Haskell (library, test)
- chunked-data library: Typeclasses for dealing with various chunked data representations (data, library, mit)
- chunks library: Simple template library with static safety (library, text)
- chunky library, program and test: Human-readable storage of text/binary objects. (codec, deprecated, lgpl, library, program)
- church library: Automatically convert Generic instances to and from church representations (generics, library, mit)
- church-list library: Removed; please see fmlist. (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- church-maybe library: Church encoded Maybe (bsd3, data, library)
- church-pair library: Church encoded pair (bsd3, data, library)
- churros library and test: Channel/Arrow based streaming computation library. (control, data, library, mit)
- cicero-api library and program: API bindings to IOHK's Cicero job scheduler (apache, api, library, program)
- cielo library and test: Cielo API v3 Bindings for Haskell (agpl, library, web)
- cil library: An interface to CIL. (bsd3, language, library)
- cimple library, programs and test: Simple C-like programming language (data, gpl, library, program)
- cinvoke library: A binding to cinvoke. (bsd3, foreign, library)
- cio library: A monad for concurrent IO on a thread pool (concurrency, deprecated, library, mit)
- cipher-aes library, test and benchmark: Fast AES cipher implementation with advanced mode of operations (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- cipher-aes128 library and benchmark: AES and common modes using AES-NI when available. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- cipher-blowfish library, test and benchmark: Blowfish cipher (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- cipher-camellia library, test and benchmark: Camellia block cipher primitives (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- cipher-des library, test and benchmark: DES and 3DES primitives (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- cipher-rc4 library, test and benchmark: Fast RC4 cipher implementation (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- cipher-rc5 library: Pure RC5 implementation (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- ciphersaber2 library and program: Implementation of CipherSaber2 RC4 cryptography. (data, library, mit, program)
- circ library: A Compiler IR Compiler. (bsd3, compiler, language, library)
- circle library and test: Circle API client for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- circle-packing library: Simple heuristic for packing discs of varying radii in a circle (bsd3, library, optimisation)
- circlehs library: The CircleCI REST API for Haskell (api, library, mit, web)
- circuit-breaker library, program and test: An implementation of the "circuit breaker" pattern to disable repeated calls to a failing system (bsd3, library, program, system)
- circuit-notation library and test: A source plugin for manipulating circuits in clash with a arrow notation (bsd3, hardware, library)
- circular library, test and benchmark: Circular fixed-sized mutable vectors (bsd3, data-structures, library, math)
- circular-enum library and test: Make bounded enum types circular (data, library, mit)
- circus library: Types and a small DSL for working with netlistsvg (bsd3, hardware, library)
- cirru-parser library: Cirru Parser in Haskell (library, mit, text)
- cisco-spark-api library, program and test: DEPRECATED in favor of webex-teams-api (library, mit, program, web)
- citation-resolve library and tests: convert document IDs such as DOI, ISBN, arXiv ID to bibliographic reference. (bsd3, library, text)
- citeproc library and test: Generates citations and bibliography from CSL styles. (bsd2, library, text)
- citeproc-hs library: A Citation Style Language implementation in Haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- citeproc-hs-pandoc-filter program: A Pandoc filter for processing bibliographic references with citeproc-hs (gpl, program, text)
- cityhash library and test: Bindings to CityHash (codec, library, mit)
- cj-token library, program and test: A new Haskeleton package. (library, other, program)
- cjk library and test: Data about Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters and languages (bsd3, library, text)
- cl3 library, test and benchmarks: Clifford Algebra of three dimensional space. (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- cl3-hmatrix-interface library: Interface to/from Cl3 and HMatrix. (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- cl3-linear-interface library: Interface to/from Cl3 and Linear. (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- cl3-posit library and test: Clifford Algebra of three dimensional space, implemented with Posit numbers. (algebra, bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- clac program: Simple CLI RPN calculator (gpl, math, program)
- clafer library, program and tests: Compiles Clafer models to other formats: Alloy, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, Dot. (library, mit, model, program)
- claferIG library, program and test: claferIG is an interactive tool that generates instances of Clafer models. (library, mit, model, program)
- claferwiki library: A wiki-based IDE for literate modeling with Clafer (library, mit, wiki)
- clang-compilation-database library and test: JSON Compilation Database Format encoding and decoding (language, library, mit)
- clang-pure library and tests: Pure C++ code analysis with libclang (apache, language, library)
- clanki program: Command-line spaced-repetition software (education, mit, program)
- clarifai library: API Client for the Clarifai API. (library, mit, network)
- clash library: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware (CLaSH) (bsd3, deprecated, hardware, language, library)
- clash-ghc library and programs: Clash: a functional hardware description language - GHC frontend (bsd2, hardware, library, program)
- clash-lib library and program: Clash: a functional hardware description language - As a library (bsd2, hardware, library, program)
- clash-lib-hedgehog library: Hedgehog Generators for clash-lib (bsd2, hardware, library)
- clash-multisignal library: (bsd3, hardware, library)
- clash-prelude library: Clash: a functional hardware description language - Prelude library (bsd2, hardware, library)
- clash-prelude-hedgehog library: Hedgehog Generators for clash-prelude (bsd2, hardware, library)
- clash-prelude-quickcheck library: QuickCheck instances for various types in the CλaSH Prelude (hardware, library, testing)
- clash-shake library: Shake rules for building Clash programs (hardware, library, mit, shake)
- clash-systemverilog library: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - SystemVerilog backend (bsd2, deprecated, hardware, library)
- clash-verilog library: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - Verilog backend (bsd2, deprecated, hardware, library)
- clash-vhdl library: CAES Language for Synchronous Hardware - VHDL backend (bsd2, deprecated, hardware, library)
- clashilator library and program: Automated Clash to Verilator bridge (development, hardware, library, mit, program)
- classify library: Library for classification of media files. (data, library, public-domain)
- classify-frog program: Classify sounds produced by Xenopus laevis (bioinformatics, bsd3, program)
- classy-effects library and test: An interface for a handler-independent, typeclass-based effect system. (control, deprecated, effect, library, mpl)
- classy-effects-base library and test: An interface for a handler-independent, typeclass-based effect system. (control, deprecated, effect, library, mpl)
- classy-effects-th library and test: Automatic compliance with the classy-effects protocols (control, deprecated, effect, library, mpl, template-haskell)
- classy-influxdb-simple library: Super simple InfluxDB package in Classy-MTL style (bsd3, database, library)
- classy-miso library, program and test: Typeclass based support for Miso, the Tasty Web Framework for Haskell. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- classy-parallel library: Fork of the monad-parallel package using monad-control (control, gpl, library)
- classy-prelude library and test: A typeclass-based Prelude. (control, library, mit, prelude)
- classy-prelude-conduit library and test: classy-prelude together with conduit functions (control, library, mit, prelude)
- classy-prelude-yesod library: Provide a classy prelude including common Yesod functionality. (control, library, mit, yesod)
- classyplate library and benchmark: Fuseable type-class based generics (bsd3, data, library)
- clay library and test: CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell. (bsd3, graphics, library, web)
- clckwrks library: A secure, reliable content management system (CMS) and blogging platform (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-cli library and program: a command-line interface for adminstrating some aspects of clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library, program)
- clckwrks-dot-com program: (bsd3, clckwrks, program)
- clckwrks-plugin-bugs library: bug tracking plugin for clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-plugin-ircbot library: ircbot plugin for clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-plugin-mailinglist library: mailing list plugin for clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-plugin-media library: media plugin for clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-plugin-page library: support for CMS/Blogging in clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-plugin-redirect library: support redirects for CMS/Blogging in clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-theme-bootstrap library: simple bootstrap based template for clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-theme-clckwrks library: simple bootstrap based template for clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- clckwrks-theme-geo-bootstrap library: geo bootstrap based template for clckwrks (bsd3, clckwrks, library)
- cld2 library: Haskell bindings to Google's Compact Language Detector 2 (apache, library, text)
- clean-home program: Keep your home dir clean by finding old conf files (bsd3, program, utils)
- clean-unions library: Open unions without need for Typeable (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- cleff library and tests: Fast and concise extensible effects (bsd3, control, effect, language, library)
- cleff-plugin library and test: Automatic disambiguation for extensible effects (bsd3, control, effect, language, library)
- clerk library and test: Declaratively describe spreadsheets (bsd3, library, spreadsheet)
- cless program: Colorized LESS (mit, program, text)
- cleveland library and test: Testing framework for Morley. (blockchain, library, mit)
- clevercss library and program: A CSS preprocessor (bsd3, library, program, text)
- clexer library: Lexes C++ code into simple tokens (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- cli library and program: CLI (bsd3, cli, library, program)
- cli-arguments library: A library to process command line arguments in some more convenient way. (cli, library, mit)
- cli-arguments-strict library: A library to process command line arguments in some more convenient way. (cli, library, mit, strict)
- cli-builder library and test: Simple project template from stack (library, mit, tool)
- cli-extras library: Miscellaneous utilities for building and working with command line interfaces (bsd3, command-line, library)
- cli-git library: Bindings to the git command-line interface (bindings, bsd3, git, library)
- cli-nix library: Bindings to the nix command-line interface (bindings, bsd3, library, nix)
- cli-setup library: Helper setup scripts for packaging command-line tools. (bsd3, command-line-tools, development, library)
- click-clack program: Toy game (tetris on billiard board). Hipmunk in action. (little-game, program)
- clickhouse-haskell library and test: A Haskell library as database client for Clickhouse (database, library, mit)
- clientsession library, program and test: Securely store session data in a client-side cookie. (library, mit, program, web)
- clif library, test and benchmark: A Clifford algebra number type for Haskell (algebra, library, math, mit)
- clifford library, program, test and benchmark: A Clifford algebra library (bsd3, library, math, numerical, program)
- clifm program: Command Line Interface File Manager (bsd3, program, system)
- climb library and program: Building blocks for a GHCi-like REPL with colon-commands (bsd3, library, program, user-interfaces)
- clingo library: Haskell bindings to the Clingo ASP solver (asp, ffi, library, logic-programming, mit, symbolic-computation)
- clippard library: A simple Haskell library for copying text to the clipboard in a cross-platform way. (library, mit, system)
- clipper library: Haskell API to clipper (2d polygon union/intersection/xor/clipping API) (algebra, bsd3, library)
- clippings library, program and test: A parser/generator for Kindle-format clipping files (`My Clippings.txt`), (library, mit, program, text)
- clisparkline library and test: Tiny library to pretty print sparklines onto the CLI (graphics, library, mit)
- clist library: Counted list (data, deprecated, library)
- clit library and program: Post tweets from stdin (bsd3, library, program, web)
- cloben program: Clone and benchmark Haskell cabal projects (benchmarking, bsd3, program)
- clock library, test and benchmark: High-resolution clock functions: monotonic, realtime, cputime. (bsd3, library, system)
- clock-extras library and test: A couple functions that probably should be in the 'clock' package (bsd3, library, web)
- clocked library: timer functionality to clock IO commands (concurrency, lgpl, library)
- clogparse library: Parse IRC logs such as the #haskell logs on (bsd3, irc, language, library, text)
- clone-all program: Clone all github repositories from a given user (development, mit, program)
- closed library and test: Integers bounded by a closed interval (data, library, mit)
- closed-classes library: Closed type class declarations (bsd3, classes, library)
- closed-intervals library and test: Closed intervals of totally ordered types (data-mining, gpl, library)
- closure library: Depth- and breadth-first set closures (library, math, mit)
- cloud-haskell library: The Cloud Haskell Application Platform (bsd3, control, library)
- cloud-seeder library and test: A tool for interacting with AWS CloudFormation (cloud, library)
- cloudfront-signer library: CloudFront URL signer (bsd3, library, network)
- cloudi library: Haskell CloudI API (foreign, library, mit)
- cloudy library, program and tests: CLI tool to easily spin up and control compute instances in various cloud environments (bsd3, library, productivity, program)
- cloudyfs program: A cloud in the file system. (program, system)
- clplug library and test: Easily add functionality to your lightning node (bitcoin, library, lightning, mit, plugin)
- clr-bindings library and test: Glue between clr-host and clr-typed (.net, bsd3, clr, ffi, language, library)
- clr-host library and test: Hosting the Common Language Runtime (.net, bsd3, clr, ffi, language, library)
- clr-inline library, test and benchmark: Quasiquoters for inline C# and F# (.net, bsd3, clr, ffi, language, library)
- clr-marshal library: Marshaling for the clr (.net, bsd3, clr, ffi, language, library)
- clr-typed library and test: A strongly typed Haskell interface to the CLR type system (.net, bsd3, clr, ffi, language, library)
- clr-win-linker program: A GHC linker wrapper tool to workaround a GHC >8.2 bug (.net, bsd3, clr, ffi, language, program)
- cltw program: Command line Twitter utility (bsd3, console, program, utils)
- clua program: C to Lua data wrapper generator (bsd3, language, program)
- clumpiness library: Calculate the clumpiness of leaf properties in a tree (gpl, library, math)
- cluss library: simple alternative to type classes (bsd3, constraints, library, type-system)
- clustering library, test and benchmark: High performance clustering algorithms (library, math, mit)
- clustertools programs: Tools for manipulating sequence clusters (bioinformatics, program)
- clutterhs library: Bindings to the Clutter animation library (gui, library)
- cmaes library and test: CMA-ES wrapper in Haskell (algorithms, library, numerical, optimization)
- cmake-syntax library and test: Parser for the CMake syntax (CMakeLists.txt and .cmake files) (bsd3, language, library)
- cmark library and test: Fast, accurate CommonMark (Markdown) parser and renderer (bsd3, library, text)
- cmark-gfm library, test and benchmark: Fast, accurate GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and renderer (bsd3, library, text)
- cmark-highlight library: Code highlighting for cmark (bsd3, library, text)
- cmark-lucid library: Use cmark with Lucid (bsd3, library, web)
- cmark-patterns library: Pattern synonyms for cmark (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- cmark-sections library and test: Represent cmark-parsed Markdown as a tree of sections (bsd3, library, text)
- cmath library: A binding to the standard C math library (bsd3, library, math)
- cmathml3 library and program: Data model, parser, serialiser and transformations for Content MathML 3 (bsd3, library, program, xml)
- cmd-item library and test: Library to compose and reuse command line fragments (library, mit, system)
- cmdargs library: Command line argument processing (bsd3, console, library)
- cmdargs-browser program: Helper to enter cmdargs command lines using a web browser (bsd3, console, program)
- cmdlib library: a library for command line parsing & online help (bsd3, library, system)
- cmdtheline library and test: Declarative command-line option parsing and documentation library. (console, library, mit)
- cmf library and test: (C)oncurrent (M)onoidal (F)olds (data, library, mit)
- cml library: Events and Channels as in Concurrent ML (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- cmonad library: A library for C-like programming (bsd3, language, library)
- cmph library and test: low level interface to CMPH (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- cmptype library and test: Compare types of any kinds (bsd3, library, type)
- cmt library, program and test: Write consistent git commit messages (bsd3, command-line-tools, library, program)
- cmu library and program: Unification in a Commutative Monoid (algebra, library, program)
- cmv library and programs: Detailed visualization of CMs, HMMs and their comparisions (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- cnc-spec-compiler program: Compiler/Translator for CnC Specification Files. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, parallelism, program)
- cndict library: Chinese/Mandarin <-> English dictionary, Chinese lexer. (library, natural-language-processing, public-domain)
- co-feldspar library: Hardware software co-design Feldspar (bsd3, language, library)
- co-log library, programs and test: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library (comonad, contravariant, library, logging, mpl, program)
- co-log-concurrent library: Asynchronous backend for co-log library (comonad, contravariant, library, logging, mpl)
- co-log-core library and test: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library (comonad, contravariant, library, logging, mpl)
- co-log-effectful library and test: effectful log effect using co-log-core (bsd3, bsd3-, control, library, logging)
- co-log-json library: Structured messages support in co-log ecosystem. (library, mpl, system)
- co-log-polysemy library and program: Composable Contravariant Comonadic Logging Library (comonad, contravariant, effects, library, logging, mpl, program)
- co-log-polysemy-formatting library and program: A Polysemy logging effect for high quality (unstructured) logs. (bsd3, library, logging, program)
- co-log-sys library and test: Syslog implementation on top of 'co-log-core' (library, logging, mpl)
- coalpit library and test: DSV (de)serialization (bsd3, console, library)
- cobot library, test and benchmark: Computational biology toolkit to collaborate with researchers in constructive protein engineering (bio, bsd3, library)
- cobot-io library and test: Biological data file formats and IO (bio, bsd3, library)
- cobot-tools library and test: Biological data file formats and IO (bio, bsd3, library)
- code-builder library: Simple system for generating code. (bsd3, data, library)
- code-conjure library and tests: synthesize Haskell functions out of partial definitions (bsd3, haskell, library)
- code-page library and test: Windows code page library for Haskell (bsd3, library, system)
- codec library and test: Simple bidirectional serialization (bsd3, data, library)
- codec-beam library and test: Erlang VM byte code assembler (bsd3, codec, language, library)
- codec-libevent library and program: Cross-platform structure serialisation (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, parsing, program)
- codec-mbox library: A library to read and write mailboxes in mbox format (bsd3, codec, library)
- codec-rpm library and test: A library for manipulating RPM files (distribution, lgpl, library)
- codecov-haskell library, programs and test: support for Haskell. (bsd3, control, library, program)
- codeforces-cli library and program: Command line interface to interact with Codeforces. (cli, library, mit, program)
- codemonitor program: Tool that automatically runs arbitrary commands when files change on disk. (bsd3, program, tool)
- codepad library: Submit and retrieve paste output from (bsd3, library, web)
- codet library and test: CodeT (bsd3, data, library)
- codet-plugin library and test: GHC type-checker plugin for solving LiftT instances from codet (bsd3, data, library)
- codeworld-api library and test: Graphics library for CodeWorld (library, unclassified)
- codex library and program: A ctags file generator for cabal project dependencies. (apache, development, library, program)
- codo-notation library: A notation for comonads, analogous to the do-notation for monads. (bsd3, language, library)
- coerce-role library and test: Having trouble deriving instances because of type roles? Solve it here! (bsd3, library, roles)
- coerce-util library: utils for Data.Coerce (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- coercible-subtypes library: Coercible but only in one direction (bsd3, data, library)
- coercible-subtypes-profunctor library: Combine profunctors with coercible-subtypes (bsd3, data, library)
- coercible-utils library, test and benchmark: Utility functions for Coercible types (bsd3, control, library)
- coercion-extras library and test: Extra utilities for manipulating nominal and representational coercions (bsd3, data, library)
- coformat library, program and test: Generate clang-format config based on some existing code base (bsd3, language, library, program)
- cofunctor library: DEPRECATED: use the "contravariant" package (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- cognimeta-utils library and program: Utilities for Cognimeta products (such as perdure). API may change often. (library, program, unclassified)
- coin program: Simple account manager (application, program)
- coinbase-exchange library, program and test: Connector library for the coinbase exchange. (library, mit, program, web)
- coinbase-pro library, programs and test: Client for Coinbase Pro (finance, library, mit, program, web)
- coincident-root-loci library and test: Equivariant CSM classes of coincident root loci (bsd3, library, math)
- coinor-clp library and test: Linear Programming using COIN-OR/CLP and comfort-array (bsd3, library, math)
- cointracking-imports library and test: Generate CSV & XLSX files for importing into CoinTracking. (bsd3, finance, library, web)
- colada library and program: Colada implements incremental word class class induction
using online LDA (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- colchis library: Rudimentary JSON-RPC 2.0 client over raw TCP. (bsd3, library, network)
- cold-widow library, programs and test: File transfer via QR Codes. (bsd3, library, program, utility)
- collada-output library and program: Generate animated 3d objects in COLLADA (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- collada-types library: Data exchange between graphics applications (bsd3, graphics, library)
- collapse-duplication library and program: Collapse the duplication output into clones and return their frequencies. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- collapse-util program: utility for collapsing adjacent writes (bsd3, concurrency, program)
- collate library and test: An Applicative Functor for extracting parts of a stream of values (algorithms, apache, library)
- collect-errors library: Error monad with a Float instance (bsd3, library, math)
- collection-json library and test: Collection+JSON—Hypermedia Type Tools (data, library, mit)
- collections library: Useful standard collections types and related functions. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- collections-api library: API for collection data structures. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- collections-base-instances library: Useful standard collections types and related functions. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- colock library: thread-friendly file locks that don't block the entire program (library, system)
- colonnade library and test: Generic types and functions for columnar encoding and decoding (bsd3, library, web)
- color-counter library and program: Count colors in images (graphics, library, mit, program)
- colorful-monoids library and test: Styled console text output using ANSI escape sequences. (library, mit, monad, text, user-interfaces)
- colorize-haskell library and program: Highligt Haskell source (bsd3, development, library, program)
- colorless library and test: Colorless | The Programmatic IDL (bsd3, library, web)
- colorless-http-client library: Http Client addon for Colorless (bsd3, library, web)
- colorless-scotty library: Scotty server add-on for Colorless (bsd3, library, web)
- colors library: A type for colors (bsd3, data, library)
- colour library and test: A model for human colour/color perception (data, graphics, library, mit)
- colour-accelerate library: Working with colours in Accelerate (accelerate, bsd3, data, graphics, library)
- colour-space library and test: Instances of the manifold-classes for colour types (data, gpl, graphics, library, maths)
- colour-text library and test: Print and parse colors (apache, graphics, library, text)
- colourista library and test: Convenient interface for printing colourful messages (ansi, library, mpl, terminal)
- coltrane library: A jazzy, minimal web framework for Haskell, inspired by Sinatra. (bsd3, library, web)
- columbia library: Enhanced serialization using seeking. (bsd3, library, serialization)
- columnar library: A CSV toolkit based on cassava and enum-text (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- com : Haskell COM support library (bsd3, ffi)
- comark library and program: Commonmark processing in pure haskell. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- comark-html library, test and benchmark: Commonmark (markdown) to HTML renderer. (bsd3, library, text)
- comark-parser library, test and benchmark: Parser for Commonmark (markdown) (bsd3, library, text)
- comark-syntax library: Definitions of AST that represents a Commonmark (markdown) document. (bsd3, library, text)
- combinat library and test: Generate and manipulate various combinatorial objects. (bsd3, library, math)
- combinat-compat library and test: Generate and manipulate various combinatorial objects. (bsd3, library, math)
- combinat-diagrams library: Graphical representations for various combinatorial objects (bsd3, library, math)
- combinator-interactive library and program: SKI Combinator interpreter (bsd3, language, library, program)
- combinatorial library and test: Count, enumerate, rank and unrank combinatorial objects (bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- combinatorial-problems library: A number of data structures to represent and allow the manipulation of standard combinatorial problems, used as test problems in computer science. (library, optimisation)
- combinatorics library: Efficient computation of common combinatoric functions. (bsd3, deprecated, library, math, statistics)
- combinators library: Collection of combinators over standard typeclasses (library, mit, unclassified)
- combobuffer library: Various buffer implementations (bsd3, data, library)
- comfort-array library and test: Arrays where the index type is a function of the shape type (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- comfort-array-shape library and test: Additional shape types for the comfort-array package (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- comfort-blas library and test: Numerical Basic Linear Algebra using BLAS (bsd3, library, math)
- comfort-fftw library and test: High-level interface to FFTW (Fast Fourier Transform) based on comfort-array (bsd3, library, math)
- comfort-glpk library and test: Linear Programming using GLPK and comfort-array (bsd3, library, math)
- comfort-graph library and test: Graph structure with type parameters for nodes and edges (bsd3, data, library)
- comic library: A format for describing comics. (bsd3, data, library)
- comma library and test: CSV Parser & Producer (library, text)
- comma-and library and test: Join text together with commas, and "and". (bsd3, library, utils)
- command library: Conveniently run shell commands (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- command-qq library and tests: Quasiquoters for external commands (bsd2, library, system)
- commander library, program and test: pattern matching against string based commands (bsd3, library, program, text)
- commander-cli library, program and test: A command line argument/option parser library (cli, library, mit, options, parsing, program, system)
- commandert library and test: A monad for commanders (control, library, mit)
- commodities library and tests: Library for working with commoditized amounts and price histories (bsd3, finance, library)
- commonmark library, test and benchmark: Pure Haskell commonmark parser. (bsd3, library, text)
- commonmark-cli program: Command-line commonmark converter and highlighter. (bsd3, program, text)
- commonmark-extensions library, test and benchmark: Pure Haskell commonmark parser. (bsd3, library, text)
- commonmark-pandoc library: Bridge between commonmark and pandoc AST. (bsd3, library, text)
- commonmark-simple library: Simple interface to commonmark-hs (library, mit, text)
- commonmark-wikilink library: Obsidian-friendly commonmark wikilink parser (library, mit, web)
- commsec library: Provide communications security using symmetric ephemeral keys (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- commsec-keyexchange library: Key agreement for commsec. (bsd3, library, network)
- commutative library and test: Commutative binary operations. (bsd3, data, library)
- commutative-semigroups library: Commutative semigroups (algebra, bsd3, data, library, math)
- comonad library: Comonads (bsd3, comonads, control, library)
- comonad-extras library: Exotic comonad transformers (bsd3, comonads, control, library)
- comonad-random library: Comonadic interface for random values (control, deprecated, library)
- comonad-transformers library: This package has been merged into comonad 4.0 (bsd3, comonads, control, deprecated, library)
- comonads-fd library: This package has been merged into comonad 4.0 (bsd3, comonads, control, deprecated, library)
- compaREST library, programs and test: Compatibility checker for OpenAPI (library, mit, program, web)
- compact library and test: Non-GC'd, contiguous storage for immutable data structures (bsd3, data, library)
- compact-list library and test: An append only list in a compact region (bsd3, data, library)
- compact-map library: Compact Data.Map implementation using Data.Binary (bsd3, data, library)
- compact-mutable library and test: Mutable arrays living on the compact heap (bsd3, library, web)
- compact-mutable-vector library and test: Mutable vector with different GC characteristics (bsd3, data, library)
- compact-sequences library and tests: Stacks, queues, and deques with compact representations. (bsd3, data, library)
- compact-socket library: Socket functions for compact normal form. (bsd3, library, network)
- compact-string library: Fast, packed and strict strings with Unicode support, based on bytestrings. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- compact-string-fix library: Same as compact-string except with a small fix so it builds on ghc-6.12 (bsd3, data, library)
- compact-word-vectors library and test: Small vectors of small integers stored very compactly. (bsd3, data, library)
- compactable library and test: A typeclass for structures which can be catMaybed, filtered, and partitioned. (bsd3, control, library)
- compactmap library and test: A read-only memory-efficient key-value store. (bsd3, data, library)
- companion library: A Haskell library to provide companion threads. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- compare-type library: compare types of any kinds in haskell (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- comparse library and test: A highly generic parser combinators library. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- compdata library, test and benchmark: Compositional Data Types (bsd3, generics, library)
- compdata-automata library and benchmark: Tree automata on Compositional Data Types (bsd3, generics, library)
- compdata-dags library and test: Compositional Data Types on DAGs (bsd3, generics, library)
- compdata-fixplate library: Compdata basics implemented on top of Fixplate (bsd3, generics, library)
- compdata-param library and test: Parametric Compositional Data Types (bsd3, generics, library)
- compdoc library: Parse a Pandoc to a composite value. (composite, library, mit, pandoc, text)
- compdoc-dhall-decoder library: Allows you to write FromDhall instances for Compdoc (bsd3, composite, dhall, library, pandoc)
- compendium-client library: Client for the Compendium schema server (apache, library, network)
- compensated library and benchmark: Compensated floating-point arithmetic (bsd3, library, numeric)
- competition library: Helpers and runners for code competitions (code-competitions, library, mit)
- compilation library: Haskell functionality for quickly assembling simple compilers. (compilers-interpreters, gpl, language, library)
- compiler-warnings library and test: Parser for common compiler warning formats (bsd2, development, library)
- complex-generic library: complex numbers with non-mandatory RealFloat (bsd3, library, math)
- complex-integrate library: A simple integration function to integrate a complex-valued complex functions (library, math, public-domain)
- complexity library: Empirical algorithmic complexity (bsd3, library, testing)
- componentm library and test: Monad for allocation and cleanup of application resources (library, mit, system)
- componentm-devel library: Easy REPL driven development using ComponentM (library, mit, system)
- composable-associations library and test: Types and helpers for composing types into a single larger key-value type. (bsd3, library, web)
- composable-associations-aeson library and tests: Aeson ToJSON/FromJSON implementation for the types of composable-associations (bsd3, library, web)
- compose-ltr library and test: More intuitive, left-to-right function composition. (data, library, mit)
- compose-trans library: Composable monad transformers (bsd3, library, monads)
- composite-aeson library and test: JSON for Vinyl records (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-aeson-cofree-list library: Print a Cofree [] as a JSON value. (library, mit, text)
- composite-aeson-path library: Formatting data for the path library. (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-aeson-refined library: composite-aeson support for Refined from the refined package (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-aeson-throw library: MonadThrow behaviour for composite-aeson. (library, mit, text)
- composite-aeson-writeonly library: WriteOnly indicators for composite-aeson. (library, mit, text)
- composite-base library and test: Shared utilities for composite-* packages. (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-binary library: Orphan binary instances. (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-cassava library and test: Csv parsing functionality for composite. (composite, csv, library, mit)
- composite-dhall library and test: Dhall instances for composite records. (composite, data, dhall, library, mit)
- composite-ekg library: EKG Metrics for Vinyl records (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-hashable library: Orphan hashable instances. (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-ix library: Indexing utilities for composite records. (bsd3, library, web)
- composite-lens-extra library: Extra lens functions for composite. (composite, data, lens, library, mit)
- composite-opaleye library and test: Opaleye SQL for Vinyl records (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-swagger library and test: Swagger for Vinyl records (bsd3, library, records)
- composite-tuple library: Tuple functions for composite records. (composite, data-structures, library, mit)
- composite-xml library and test: RecXML Type (composite, data, library, mit, xml)
- composite-xstep library: ReaderT transformer pattern for higher kinded composite data. (data-structures, library, mit)
- composition library: Combinators for unorthodox function composition (bsd3, data, library)
- composition-extra library: Combinators for unorthodox structure composition (bsd3, data, library)
- composition-prelude library: Higher-order function combinators (bsd3, control, data, library)
- composition-tree library and test: Composition trees for arbitrary monoids. (bsd3, data, library)
- compositional-data library, test and benchmark: Compositional Data Types (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- compound-types library and benchmark: Sum and Product types and such (data, library, mit, type-system, types)
- comprehensions-ghc library and test: Plugin to generalize comprehensions (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- compressed library: Compressed containers and reducers (bsd3, compression, data, library, mapreduce)
- compression library: Common compression algorithms. (codec, library)
- compstrat library: Strategy combinators for compositional data types (bsd3, generics, language, library)
- comptrans library: Automatically converting ASTs into compositional data types (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- computational-algebra library, tests and benchmarks: Well-kinded computational algebra library, currently supporting Groebner basis. (bsd3, library, math)
- computational-geometry library: Collection of algorithms in Computational Geometry. (bsd3, graphics, library, math)
- computations library: Advanced notions of computation (bsd3, control, library)
- conala-dataset library and test: bindings to the CoNaLa dataset (ai, bsd3, data, library, machine-learning, nlp)
- concatenative library: A library for postfix control flow. (bsd3, control, library)
- conceit library: Concurrent actions that may fail with a value. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- concise library and test: Utilities for Control.Lens.Cons (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- concorde library: Simple interface to the Concorde solver for the Traveling Salesperson Problem (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- concraft library: Morphological disambiguation based on constrained CRFs (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- concraft-hr library and program: Part-of-speech tagger for Croatian (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- concraft-pl library and program: Morphological tagger for Polish (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- concrete-haskell library, programs and tests: Library for the Concrete data format. (data, library, program)
- concrete-haskell-autogen library: Automatically generated Thrift definitions for the Concrete data format. (data, library)
- concrete-relaxng-parser program: A parser driven by a standard RELAX NG schema with concrete syntax extensions. (parsing, program, xml)
- concrete-typerep library and test: Binary and Hashable instances for TypeRep (bsd3, data, library)
- concur-core library: A client side web UI framework for Haskell. Core framework. (bsd3, library, web)
- concurrency library: Typeclasses, functions, and data types for concurrency and STM. (concurrency, library, mit)
- concurrency-benchmarks program and benchmark: Benchmarks to compare concurrency APIs (benchmark, mit, program)
- concurrent-barrier library: Simple thread barriers (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- concurrent-batch library: Concurrent batching queue based on STM with timeout. (bsd3, data, library)
- concurrent-buffer library, test and benchmark: Concurrent expanding buffer (data, library, mit)
- concurrent-dns-cache library, program and test: Concurrent DNS cache (bsd3, library, network, program)
- concurrent-extra library and test: Extra concurrency primitives (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- concurrent-hashtable library, test and benchmark: Thread-safe hash tables for multi-cores! (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- concurrent-machines library, test and benchmark: Concurrent networked stream transducers (bsd3, concurrency, control, library)
- concurrent-output library: Ungarble output from several threads or commands (bsd2, concurrency, library, user-interfaces)
- concurrent-resource-map library and test: Concurrent resource map (bsd3, data, library)
- concurrent-rpc library: An abstraction for inter-thread RPC based on MVars (concurrency, library, mit)
- concurrent-sa library: Concurrent simulated annealing system. (algorithms, bsd3, concurrency, library)
- concurrent-split library: MVars and Channels with distinguished input and output side (bsd3, concurrent, library)
- concurrent-st library: Concurrent Haskell in ST (bsd3, library, software)
- concurrent-state library: MTL-like library using TVars (control, library, mit)
- concurrent-supply library: A fast concurrent unique identifier supply with a pure API (bsd3, concurrency, library, parallelism)
- concurrent-utilities library: More utilities and broad-used datastructures for concurrency. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- concurrentoutput library: Ungarble output from several threads (bsd3, deprecated, library, user-interfaces)
- cond library: Basic conditional and boolean operators with monadic variants. (bsd3, control, library, logic, monad)
- conditional-restriction-parser library, program and test: Parser and interpreter of OpenStreetMap conditional restriction values (agpl, library, parser, program)
- condor library, program and test: Information retrieval library (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, search, text)
- condorcet library: Library for Condorcet voting (bsd3, data, library)
- conductive-base library: a library for live coding and real-time musical applications (gpl, library, music, sound)
- conductive-clock library: a library for displaying musical time in a terminal-based clock (gpl, library, music, sound)
- conductive-hsc3 library: a library with examples of using Conductive with hsc3 (gpl, library, music, sound)
- conductive-song library: a library of functions which are useful for composing music (gpl, library, music, sound)
- conduino library: Lightweight composable continuation-based stream processors (bsd3, control, library)
- conduit library, test and benchmarks: Streaming data processing library. (conduit, data, library, mit)
- conduit-aeson library and tests: Short description (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- conduit-algorithms library, test and benchmark: Conduit-based algorithms (conduit, library, mit)
- conduit-audio library: Combinators to efficiently slice and dice audio streams (bsd3, library, sound)
- conduit-audio-lame library: conduit-audio interface to the LAME MP3 library (bsd3, library, sound)
- conduit-audio-samplerate library: conduit-audio interface to the libsamplerate resampling library (bsd3, library, sound)
- conduit-audio-sndfile library: conduit-audio interface to the libsndfile audio file library (bsd3, library, sound)
- conduit-combinators library: DEPRECATED Functionality merged into the conduit package itself (conduit, data, library, mit)
- conduit-concurrent-map library and test: Concurrent, order-preserving mapping Conduit (conduit, data, library, mit)
- conduit-connection library and test: Conduit source and sink for Network.Connection. (bsd3, conduit, library, network)
- conduit-extra library, test and benchmark: Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries. (conduit, data, library, mit)
- conduit-find library, program and tests: A file-finding conduit that allows user control over traversals. (library, mit, program, system)
- conduit-iconv library, test and benchmark: Conduit for character encoding conversion. (bsd3, conduit, library, text)
- conduit-merge library: Merge multiple sorted conduits (bsd3, conduit, library)
- conduit-network-stream library: A base layer for network protocols using Conduits (bsd3, library, network)
- conduit-parse library and test: Parsing framework based on conduit. (conduit, library, public-domain, text)
- conduit-resumablesink library and test: Allows conduit to resume sinks to feed multiple sources into it. (bsd3, conduit, data, library)
- conduit-throttle library and test: Throttle Conduit Producers (bsd3, data, library)
- conduit-tokenize-attoparsec library, program and test: Conduits for tokenizing streams. (bsd3, conduit, data, deprecated, library, program)
- conduit-vfs library and test: Virtual file system for Conduit; disk, pure, and in-memory impls. (bsd3, conduit, filesystem, io, library)
- conduit-vfs-zip library and test: Zip archive interface for the Conduit Virtual File System. (bsd3, compression, conduit, filesystem, io, library, zip)
- conduit-zstd library and test: Conduit-based ZStd Compression (conduit, library, mit)
- conf library and test: Parser for Haskell-based configuration files. (bsd3, configuration, library, parsing)
- conf-json library and test: read, parse json config (configuration, json, library, public-domain)
- confcrypt library, program and test: (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- conferer library and test: Configuration management library (configuration, library, mpl)
- conferer-aeson library and test: conferer's source for reading json files (configuration, library, mpl)
- conferer-dhall library and test: Configuration for reading dhall files (configuration, library, mpl)
- conferer-hedis library and test: conferer's FromConfig instances for hedis settings (configuration, library, mpl)
- conferer-hspec library and test: conferer's FromConfig instances for hspec Config (configuration, library, mpl)
- conferer-provider-dhall library and test: Configuration for reading dhall files (bsd3, configuration, deprecated, library)
- conferer-provider-json library and test: conferer's provider for reading json files (bsd3, configuration, deprecated, library)
- conferer-provider-yaml library and test: Configuration for reading yaml files (bsd3, configuration, deprecated, library)
- conferer-snap library and test: conferer's FromConfig instances for snap Config (configuration, library, mpl)
- conferer-source-dhall library and test: Configuration for reading dhall files (configuration, deprecated, library, mpl)
- conferer-source-json library and test: conferer's source for reading json files (configuration, deprecated, library, mpl)
- conferer-source-yaml library and test: Configuration for reading yaml files (configuration, deprecated, library, mpl)
- conferer-warp library and test: conferer's FromConfig instances for warp settings (configuration, library, mpl)
- conferer-yaml library and test: Configuration for reading yaml files (configuration, library, mpl)
- confetti library, program and test: A simple config file swapping tool (command-line-tools, library, mit, program)
- conffmt program: A .conf file formatter (data, mit, program)
- confide library and test: derive typeclass instances for decoding types from HOCON conf (bsd3, data, library)
- config-ini library and tests: A library for simple INI-based configuration files. (bsd3, configuration, library)
- config-manager library and test: Configuration management (configuration, data, gpl, library)
- config-parser library and test: Parse config files using parsec and generate parse errors
on unhandled keys (library, mit, text)
- config-schema library and test: Schema definitions for the config-value package (language, library)
- config-select program: A small program for swapping out dot files. (gpl, program, system)
- config-value library and test: Simple, layout-based value language similar to YAML or JSON (language, library, mit)
- config-value-getopt library: Interface between config-value and System.GetOpt (configuration, library, mit)
- configifier library and test: parser for config files, shell variables, command line args. (agpl, configuration, data, library)
- configuration library: Simple data type for application configuration. (bsd3, data, library)
- configuration-tools library, program and tests: Tools for specifying and parsing configurations (configuration, console, library, mit, program)
- configurator library and test: Configuration management (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- configurator-export library and test: Pretty printer and exporter for configurations from
the "configurator" library. (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- configurator-ng library and test: The next generation of configuration management (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- configurator-pg library and test: Reduced parser for configurator-ng config files (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- conformance library: (library, mit, unclassified)
- conformance-gen library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- confsolve program: A command line tool for resolving conflicts of file synchronizers. (bsd3, program, utils)
- conftrack library and test: Tracable multi-source config management (bsd3, configuration, library)
- congruence-relation library: Decidable congruence relations for Haskell: up to you whether this is a joke (data, library, mit)
- conic-graphs library: Vinyl-style extensible graphs. (bsd3, graphs, library, vinyl)
- conjugateGradient library: Sparse matrix linear-equation solver (bsd3, library, math)
- conjure library and program: A BitTorrent client (bsd3, library, network, program)
- conkin library and tests: Tools for functors from Hask^k to Hask (control, library, public-domain)
- conlogger library and program: A logger for a concurrent program. (concurrency, library, mit, program)
- connection library: Simple and easy network connections API (bsd3, library, network)
- connection-pool library: Connection pool built on top of resource-pool and streaming-commons. (bsd3, data, library, network)
- connection-string library and test: A library for parsing connection strings. (bsd3, library, text)
- connections library, program and test: Orders, Galois connections, and lattices. (bsd3, library, math, numerical, program)
- consistent library and test: Eventually consistent STM transactions. (library, mit, system)
- console-program library: Interpret the command line and a config file as commands and options (bsd3, console, library, system)
- console-prompt library: console user prompts (deprecated, lgpl, library, system)
- console-style library: Styled console text output using ANSI escape sequences. (deprecated, library, mit, monad, text, user-interfaces)
- const library: Read-only mutable primitives (ffi, library)
- const-math-ghc-plugin library and test: Compiler plugin for constant math elimination (bsd3, compiler-plugin, library)
- constable library and test: A safe interface for Const summarization (bsd3, development, library)
- constaparser library: Parse ByteStrings of a prescribed length. (bsd3, data, library)
- constr-eq library: Equality by only Constructor (bsd3, generics, library)
- constrained library: Generalization of standard Functor, Foldable, and Traversable classes (bsd2, data, library)
- constrained-categories library: Constrained clones of the category-theory type classes, using ConstraintKinds. (control, gpl, library)
- constrained-category library, test and benchmark: Constrained Categories (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- constrained-dynamic library and test: Dynamic typing with retained constraints (data, library, mit)
- constrained-monads library, test and benchmark: Typeclasses and instances for monads with constraints. (control, library, mit)
- constrained-normal library: Normalised Deep Embeddings for Constrained Type-Class Instances (bsd3, control, library)
- constrained-platform-instances library: Instances of standard platform types for 'constrained' package. (bsd2, data, library)
- constrained-some library and test: Existential type that can be constrained (data, dependent-types, library, mit)
- constraint library: Reified constraints (bsd3, constraint, deprecated, library)
- constraint-classes library: Various typeclasses using ConstraintKinds (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- constraint-manip library: Some conviencience type functions for manipulating constraints. (control, library, mit)
- constraint-reflection library: Constraint reflection (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- constraint-tuples library: Partially applicable constraint tuples (bsd3, data, library)
- constraints library and test: Constraint manipulation (bsd2, constraints, library)
- constraints-deriving library and test: Manipulating constraints and deriving class instances programmatically. (bsd3, constraints, library)
- constraints-emerge library and test: Defer instance lookups until runtime (constraints, library, mit)
- constraints-extras library: Utility package for constraints (bsd3, constraints, library)
- constrictor library: strict versions of many things in base (control, library, mit)
- construct library and tests: Haskell version of the Construct library for easy specification of file formats (bsd3, data, library, parsing, serialization)
- constructible library: Exact computation with constructible real numbers (bsd3, library, math)
- constructive-algebra library: A library of constructive algebra. (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- consul-haskell library and test: A consul client for Haskell (bsd3, library, network)
- consumers library and tests: Concurrent PostgreSQL data consumers (bsd3, concurrency, database, library)
- container library: Containers abstraction and utilities. (apache, data, library)
- container-builder library: Functions for building containers from a known number of elements (bsd3, library, web)
- container-classes library: Generic classes for interacting with different container types (bsd3, data-structures, deprecated, library)
- containers library: Assorted concrete container types (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- containers-accelerate library and test: Hashing-based container types (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- containers-benchmark program: Extensive benchmark suite for containers package. (benchmarking, bsd3, program)
- containers-deepseq library: Provide orphan NFData instances for containers as needed. (deprecated) (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- containers-good-graph library and test: Data.Graph, but it doesn't suck! (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- containers-unicode-symbols library: Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- containers-verified library: Formally verified drop-in replacement of containers (data, library, mit)
- content-store library and test: Store and retrieve data from an on-disk store (lgpl, library, system)
- context library and test: Thread-indexed, nested contexts (data, library, mit)
- context-free-art library, program and test: Generate art from context-free grammars (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- context-free-grammar library and test: Basic algorithms on context-free grammars (bsd3, language, library)
- context-http-client library and test: Modify HTTP requests/responses using context (library, mit, web)
- context-resource library and test: Thread-safe, pool-compatible resource provider (data, library, mit)
- context-stack library: An abstraction of a stack and stack-based monadic context. (data, library, mit)
- context-wai-middleware library and test: Add request-specific (or not!) context to your WAI applications (library, mit, web)
- contiguous library, tests and benchmark: Unified interface for primitive arrays (array, bsd3, data, library, primitive)
- contiguous-checked library: contiguous with bounds checks (bsd3, data, library)
- contiguous-fft library: dft of contiguous memory structures (bsd3, data, library)
- continue library: Monads with suspension and arbitrary-spot reentry (bsd3, control, library)
- continued-fraction library, test and benchmark: Types and functions for working with continued fractions in Haskell (bsd3, library, math)
- continued-fractions library and test: Continued fractions. (library, math, numerical, public-domain)
- continuum library: (library, mit, unclassified)
- continuum-client library: (library, mit, unclassified)
- contra-tracer library: Arrow and contravariant tracers (apache, library, logging)
- contra-tracers library: A logging library built on top of contra-tracer to make configuring and declaring multiple tracers easy (via generics). (contravariant, generics, library, logging, mpl)
- contracheck-applicative library: Validation types/typeclass based on the contravariance. (bsd3, library, validation)
- contravariant library: Contravariant functors (bsd3, control, data, library)
- contravariant-extras library: Extras for the "contravariant" package (control, library, mit)
- control library: Class of monad transformers which control operations can be lifted thru (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- control-block library: Higher-order functions with their function arguments at the end,
for channeling the full power of BlockArguments and LambdaCase . (bsd2, control, library)
- control-bool library: Useful combinators for boolean expressions (bsd3, control, library)
- control-dotdotdot library: Haskell operator
`g ... f = \x1 .. xn -> g (f x1 .. xn)`. (bsd3, control, library)
- control-dsl library and test: An alternative to monads in do-notation (bsd3, control, dsl, effect, general, io, language, library, mutable-state, polymorphism)
- control-event library and tests: Event scheduling system. (bsd3, control, library)
- control-invariants library: Invariants and contract monitoring (control, library, mit)
- control-iso library: A typeclass for type isomorphisms (bsd3, control, library)
- control-monad-attempt library: Monad transformer for attempt. (deprecated) (bsd3, data, deprecated, failure, library)
- control-monad-exception library: Explicitly typed, checked exceptions with stack traces (control, failure, library, monads)
- control-monad-exception-monadsfd library: Monads-fd instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer (control, failure, library, monads, public-domain)
- control-monad-exception-monadstf library: Monads-tf instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer (control, failure, library, monads, public-domain)
- control-monad-exception-mtl library: MTL instances for the EMT exceptions monad transformer (control, failure, library, monads, public-domain)
- control-monad-failure library: A class for monads which can fail with an error. (deprecated) (control, deprecated, failure, library, monads, public-domain)
- control-monad-failure-mtl library: A class for monads which can fail with an error for mtl 1 (deprecated) (control, deprecated, failure, library, monads, public-domain)
- control-monad-free library: Free monads and monad transformers (control, library, monads, public-domain)
- control-monad-loop library: Simple monad transformer for imperative-style loops (bsd3, control, library)
- control-monad-omega library, test and benchmark: A breadth-first list monad. (control, library, public-domain)
- control-monad-queue library: Reusable corecursive queues, via continuations. (bsd3, control, library)
- control-timeout library: Timeout handling (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- contstuff library: Fast, easy to use CPS-based monad transformers (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, monads)
- contstuff-monads-tf library: ContStuff instances for monads-tf transformers (deprecated) (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, monads)
- contstuff-transformers library: Deprecated interface between contstuff 0.7.0 and the transformers package (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, monads)
- converge library: Limit operations for converging sequences (library, math, numerical, public-domain)
- conversion library: Universal converter between values of different types (control, conversion, data, deprecated, library, mit)
- conversion-bytestring library: "Conversion" instances for the "bytestring" library (control, conversion, data, library, mit)
- conversion-case-insensitive library: "Conversion" instances for the "case-insensitive" library (control, conversion, data, library, mit)
- conversion-text library: "Conversion" instances for the "text" library (control, conversion, data, library, mit)
- conversions library and test: Injective explicit total and partial conversions (library, mit, unclassified)
- convert library: Safe and unsafe data conversion utilities with strong type-level operation. checking. (apache, data, library)
- convert-annotation library and program: Convert the annotation of a gene to another in a delimited file using a variety of different databases. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- convertible library and test: Typeclasses and instances for converting between types (bsd3, data, library)
- convertible-ascii library: convertible instances for ascii (data, failure, library, public-domain)
- convertible-text : Typeclasses and instances for converting between types (deprecated) (bsd3, data, deprecated, failure)
- convexHullNd library: Convex hull (geometry, gpl, library, math)
- cookbook library: Tiered general-purpose libraries with domain-specific applications. (bsd3, development, library)
- cookie library and test: HTTP cookie parsing and rendering (library, mit, web, yesod)
- cookie-tray library and test: For serving cookies (apache, library, web)
- cookies library: web cookies (bsd3, library, web)
- cooklang-hs library, program and test: Parser for the Cook markup language (library, mit, parsing, program)
- coordinate library and test: A representation of latitude and longitude (bsd3, development, library)
- copilot library: A stream DSL for writing embedded C programs. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-bluespec library and test: A compiler for Copilot targeting FPGAs. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-c99 library and test: A compiler for Copilot targeting C99. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-cbmc library: Copilot interface to a C model-checker. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-core library and test: An intermediate representation for Copilot. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-frp-sketch library: FRP sketch programming with Copilot (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-interpreter library and test: Interpreter for Copilot. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-language library and test: A Haskell-embedded DSL for monitoring hard real-time
distributed systems. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-libraries library and test: Libraries for the Copilot language. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-prettyprinter library: A prettyprinter of Copilot Specifications. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-sbv library: A compiler for CoPilot targeting SBV. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-theorem library and test: k-induction for Copilot. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- copilot-verifier library, program and test: System for verifying the correctness of generated Copilot programs (bsd3, language, library, program)
- copr library and test: Haskell interface to the Fedora Copr system (bsd3, fedora, library, web)
- copr-api library: Copr API client libary (gpl, library, network)
- coquina library, program and test: Yet another shell monad. (bsd3, library, program, shell)
- core library: External core parser and pretty printer. (bsd3, language, library)
- core-compiler library and program: compile your own mini functional language with Core (compiler, language, library, mit, program)
- core-data library: Convenience wrappers around common data structures and encodings (library, mit, system)
- core-effect-effectful library: Interoperability with the effectful effects system (library, mit, system)
- core-haskell program: A subset of Haskell using in UCC for teaching purpose (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, program)
- core-program library: Opinionated Haskell Interoperability (library, mit, system)
- core-telemetry library: Advanced telemetry (library, mit, system)
- core-text library: A rope type based on a finger tree over UTF-8 fragments (library, mit, system)
- core-warn library and test: "Provide warnings for unexpected Core generation" (bsd3, library, warning)
- core-webserver-servant library: Interoperability with Servant (library, mit, system)
- core-webserver-warp library: Interoperability with Wai/Warp (library, mit, system)
- corebot-bliki library and program: A bliki written using yesod. Uses pandoc to process files stored in git. (bsd3, library, program, yesod)
- corecursive-main library, program and test: Write your main like it can call itself back. (bsd3, control, library, program)
- corenlp-parser library: Launches CoreNLP and parses the JSON output (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- corenlp-types library and test: Types for interaction with CoreNLP (agpl, language, library)
- cornea library and test: classy optical monadic state (lens, library)
- cornelis library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- coroutine-enumerator library: Bridge between the monad-coroutine and enumerator packages. (concurrency, deprecated, enumerator, library)
- coroutine-iteratee library: Bridge between the monad-coroutine and iteratee packages. (concurrency, data, deprecated, library)
- coroutine-object library: Object-oriented programming realization using coroutine (bsd3, control, library)
- couch-hs library and program: A CouchDB view server for Haskell. (database, library, program, public-domain)
- couch-simple library and test: A modern, lightweight, complete client for CouchDB (database, library, mit)
- couchdb-conduit library and test: Couch DB client library using http-conduit and aeson (bsd3, conduit, database, library)
- couchdb-enumerator library and test: Couch DB client library using http-enumerator and aeson (bsd3, database, library, web)
- count library: Bijective mappings between values and possibly infinite prefixes of [0..] (bsd3, data, library)
- countable library and test: Countable, Searchable, Finite, Empty classes (bsd3, data, library)
- countable-inflections library and test: Countable Text Inflections (library, mit, text)
- counter library: An object frequency counter. (data, library, mit)
- country library, test and benchmarks: Country data type and functions (bsd3, library, web)
- country-codes library and test: ISO 3166 country codes and i18n names. (bsd3, data, library)
- courier library, programs and test: A message-passing library for simplifying network applications (distributed-computing, library, message-oriented, mit, network, program)
- court programs: Simple and flexible CI system (bsd3, development, program)
- covariance library and test: Well-conditioned estimation of large-dimensional covariance matrices (gpl, library, math, statistics)
- coverage library and test: Exhaustivity Checking Library (control, library, mit)
- coya library: Coya monoids (bsd3, data, library, math)
- cozo-hs library and test: Haskell bindings to the CozoDB C API (database, library, mpl)
- cparsing library: A simple C++ parser with preprocessor features. C++ refactorings included. (bsd3, language, library)
- cpio-conduit library and test: Conduit-based CPIO (apache, data, library)
- cpkg library, program and test: Build tool for C (bsd3, c, dhall, library, package-management, packaging, program)
- cplex-hs library: high-level CPLEX interface (bsd3, library, math)
- cplusplus-th library and test: C++ Foreign Import Generation (bsd3, foreign, library)
- cppfilt library, test and benchmark: Bindings for C++ demangling routines (bsd3, library, system)
- cpphs library and program: A liberalised re-implementation of cpp, the C pre-processor. (development, library, program)
- cprng-aes library and benchmark: Crypto Pseudo Random Number Generator using AES in counter mode. (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- cprng-aes-effect library: Run random effect using cprng-aes, a crypto pseudo number generator. (crypto, effect, library, mit)
- cps-except library: ExceptT replacement in CPS style (bsd3, library, mtl, transformers)
- cpsa programs: Symbolic cryptographic protocol analyzer (bsd3, cryptography, program)
- cpu library: Cpu information and properties helpers. (bsd3, data, library)
- cpuid : Binding for the cpuid machine instruction on x86 compatible processors (foreign-binding, gpl)
- cpuinfo library: Haskell Library for Checking CPU Information (library, mit, system)
- cpuperf program: Modify the cpu frequency on OpenBSD systems (bsd3, program, system)
- cpython library and test: Bindings for libpython (foreign, gpl, library)
- cql library and test: Cassandra CQL binary protocol. (database, library)
- cql-io library and test: Cassandra CQL client. (database, library, mpl)
- cql-io-tinylog library: Tinylog integration for cql-io. (database, library)
- cqrs library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (data, library, mit)
- cqrs-core library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation (data, library, mit)
- cqrs-example program: Example for cqrs package (mit, program, web)
- cqrs-memory library and test: Memory backend for the cqrs package. (data, library, mit)
- cqrs-postgresql library and test: PostgreSQL backend for the cqrs package. (data, library, mit)
- cqrs-sqlite3 library and test: SQLite3 backend for the cqrs package. (data, library, mit)
- cqrs-test library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation Test Support (data, library, mit)
- cqrs-testkit library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation Test Support (data, library, mit)
- cqrs-types library: Command-Query Responsibility Segregation. Modules for the basic types. (data, library, mit)
- cr program: Code review tool (control, gpl, network, program, system)
- crack library: A haskell binding to cracklib (library, system)
- crackNum program: Crack various integer and floating-point data formats (bsd3, program, tools)
- cradle library and tests: A simpler process library (bsd3, library, system)
- craft library and test: A UNIX configuration management library in Haskell (apache, library, unclassified)
- craftwerk library: 2D graphics library with integrated TikZ output. (graphics, library, mit)
- craftwerk-cairo library: Cairo backend for Craftwerk. (graphics, library, mit)
- craftwerk-gtk library: Gtk UI for Craftwerk. (graphics, library, mit)
- crawlchain library and tests: Simulation user crawl paths (bsd3, library, web)
- craze library, program and tests: HTTP Racing Library (library, mit, program, web)
- crc library, test and benchmark: Implements various Cyclic Redundancy Checks (CRC) (library, mit, web)
- crc16 library: Calculate the crc16-ccitt. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- crc16-table library: Compute CRC16 checksums using a lookup table. (bsd3, library, text)
- crc32c library, test and benchmark: crc32c (bsd3, ffi, library, raw)
- crdt library: Conflict-free replicated data types (bsd3, distributed-systems, library)
- crdt-event-fold library, test and benchmarks: Garbage collected event folding CRDT. (crdt, library, mit)
- creatur library and test: Framework for artificial life experiments. (ai, bsd3, library)
- credential-store library, program and test: Library to access secure credential storage providers (apache, desktop, library, program)
- credentials library and test: Secure Credentials Storage and Distribution (aws, library, network, security)
- credentials-cli program: Secure Credentials Administration (aws, console, network, program, security)
- crem library, programs and tests: Compositional representable executable machines (control, library, machines, mit, program, state-machines)
- crf-chain1 library: First-order, linear-chain conditional random fields (bsd3, library, math)
- crf-chain1-constrained library: First-order, constrained, linear-chain conditional random fields (bsd3, library, math)
- crf-chain2-generic library: Second-order, generic, constrained, linear conditional random fields (bsd3, library, math)
- crf-chain2-tiers library: Second-order, tiered, constrained, linear conditional random fields (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- critbit library, test and benchmark: Crit-bit maps and sets (bsd3, data, library)
- criterion library, program and tests: Robust, reliable performance measurement and analysis (benchmarking, bsd3, development, library, performance, program, testing)
- criterion-cmp program: A simple tool for comparing in Criterion benchmark results (bsd3, development, program)
- criterion-compare program: A simple tool for visualising differences in Criterion benchmark results (bsd3, development, program)
- criterion-measurement library: Criterion measurement functionality and associated types (benchmarking, bsd3, development, library, performance, testing)
- criterion-plus library and test: Enhancement of the "criterion" benchmarking library (benchmarking, library, mit)
- criterion-to-html program: Convert criterion output to HTML reports (bsd3, development, program)
- criu-rpc library: CRIU RPC client. (criu, library, mit)
- criu-rpc-types library: Criu RPC protocol buffer types. (criu, library, mit)
- crjdt-haskell library and test: A Conflict-Free Replicated JSON Datatype for Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- crockford library: An implementation of Douglas Crockford's base32 encoding. (bsd3, codec, library)
- crocodile program: An offline renderer supporting ray tracing and photon mapping (gpl, graphics, program)
- cron library, test and benchmark: Cron datatypes and Attoparsec parser (library, mit, parsing, system, text)
- cron-compat library and test: Cron datatypes and Attoparsec parser (deprecated, library, mit, parsing, system, text)
- cronus library: Another bloated standard library (deprecated, library, mit, prelude)
- cropty library and test: Encryption and decryption (crypto, cryptography, library, mit)
- crucible library and tests: Crucible is a library for language-agnostic symbolic simulation (bsd3, language, library)
- crucible-llvm library and test: Support for translating and executing LLVM code in Crucible (bsd3, language, library)
- crucible-symio library and test: An implementation of symbolic I/O primitives for Crucible (bsd3, language, library)
- cruncher-types library and test: Request and Response types for's API (bsd3, deprecated,, library)
- crunghc program: A runghc replacement with transparent caching (development, program, public-domain)
- crux library: Simple top-level library for Crucible Simulation (bsd3, language, library)
- crux-llvm library, programs and test: A verification tool for C programs. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- crypt-sha512 library: Pure Haskell implelementation for GNU SHA512 crypt algorithm (bsd3, data, library)
- crypto-api library: A generic interface for cryptographic operations (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- crypto-api-tests library: A test framework and KATs for cryptographic operations. (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- crypto-cipher-benchmarks library: Generic cryptography cipher benchmarks (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- crypto-cipher-tests library and test: Generic cryptography cipher tests (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- crypto-cipher-types library: Generic cryptography cipher types (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- crypto-classical library and test: An educational tool for studying classical cryptography schemes. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- crypto-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for cryptographic operations (from crypto-api). (bsd3, conduit, cryptography, library)
- crypto-enigma library, program and tests: An Enigma machine simulator with display. (bsd3, cryptography, education, library, program)
- crypto-keys-ssh library: Like crypto-pubkey-openssh but not dependent on any specific crypto library (cryptography, library, mit)
- crypto-multihash library, program and test: Multihash library on top of cryptonite crypto library (bsd3, cryptography, library, program)
- crypto-numbers library, test and benchmark: Cryptographic numbers: functions and algorithms (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- crypto-pubkey library, test and benchmark: Public Key cryptography (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- crypto-pubkey-openssh library and test: OpenSSH keys decoder/encoder (cryptography, library, mit, parsing)
- crypto-pubkey-types library: Generic cryptography Public keys algorithm types (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- crypto-random library: Simple cryptographic random related types (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- crypto-random-api library: Simple random generators API for cryptography related code (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- crypto-random-effect library: A random effect using crypto-random (crypto, effect, library, mit)
- crypto-rng library: Cryptographic random number generator. (bsd3, crypto, library)
- crypto-rng-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the crypto-rng library for the effectful ecosystem. (crypto, library, mit)
- crypto-simple library and test: A simple high level encryption interface based on cryptonite (cryptography, library, mit)
- crypto-sodium library and test: Easy-and-safe-to-use high-level cryptography based on Sodium (cryptography, library, mpl)
- crypto-token library and test: crypto tokens (bsd3, cryptography, library, network)
- crypto-totp library: Provides generation and verification services for time-based one-time keys. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- cryptocipher library: Symmetrical block and stream ciphers. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- cryptocompare library and test: Haskell wrapper for the cryptocompare API (library, mit, web)
- cryptoconditions library and test: Interledger Crypto-Conditions (bsd3, crypto, finance, library, network)
- cryptohash library, test and benchmarks: collection of crypto hashes, fast, pure and practical (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- cryptohash-conduit library: cryptohash conduit (bsd3, conduit, cryptography, library)
- cryptohash-cryptoapi library: Crypto-api interfaces for cryptohash (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- cryptohash-md5 library, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical MD5 implementation (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- cryptohash-sha1 library, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-1 implementation (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- cryptohash-sha256 library, test and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-256 implementation (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- cryptohash-sha512 library, tests and benchmark: Fast, pure and practical SHA-512 implementation (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- cryptoids library: Reversable and secure encoding of object ids as a bytestring (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- cryptoids-class library: Typeclass-based interface to cryptoids (bsd3, library, web)
- cryptoids-types library: Shared types for encrypting internal object identifiers before exposure (bsd3, library, web)
- cryptol library, programs and benchmark: Cryptol: The Language of Cryptography (bsd3, language, library, program)
- crypton test and benchmark: Cryptography Primitives sink (bsd3, cryptography)
- crypton-box library and test: NaCl crypto/secret box implementations based on crypton primitives. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- crypton-conduit library and test: crypton conduit (bsd3, conduit, cryptography, library)
- crypton-connection library: Simple and easy network connection API (bsd3, library, network)
- crypton-x509 library and test: X509 reader and writer (bsd3, data, library)
- crypton-x509-store library and test: X.509 collection accessing and storing methods (bsd3, data, library)
- crypton-x509-system library: Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage (bsd3, data, library)
- crypton-x509-validation library and test: X.509 Certificate and CRL validation (bsd3, data, library)
- cryptonite test and benchmark: Cryptography Primitives sink (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated)
- cryptonite-cd test and benchmark: Cryptography Primitives sink (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated)
- cryptonite-conduit library and test: cryptonite conduit (bsd3, conduit, cryptography, library)
- cryptonite-openssl test: Crypto stuff using OpenSSL cryptographic library (bsd3, cryptography)
- cryptostore library and test: Serialization of cryptographic data types (bsd3, codec, cryptography, library)
- cryptsy-api library: Bindings for Cryptsy cryptocurrency exchange API. (agpl, deprecated, library, web)
- crystalfontz library: Control Crystalfontz LCD displays. (bsd3, hardware, library, system, user-interfaces)
- csa library and test: Connection-set algebra (CSA) library (algebra, library)
- cse-ghc-plugin library: Compiler plugin for common subexpression elimination (bsd3, compiler-plugin, library)
- csg library, program, tests and benchmark: Analytical CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry) library (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- csound-catalog library: a gallery of Csound instruments. (bsd3, library, music)
- csound-controllers library and test: MIDI controllers (bsd3, library, music)
- csound-expression library and benchmark: library to make electronic music (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- csound-expression-dynamic library: dynamic core for csound-expression library (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- csound-expression-opcodes library: opcodes for the library csound-expression (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- csound-expression-typed library: typed core for the library csound-expression (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- csound-sampler library: A musical sampler based on Csound (bsd3, library, music)
- csp library and test: Discrete constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) solver. (ai, constraints, control, failure, library, monads)
- cspmchecker programs: A command line type checker for CSPM files. (bsd3, concurrency, program)
- cspretty library: AST and pretty printer for CSPm (bsd3, language, library)
- css library: Minimal monadic CSS DSL. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- css-easings library: Defining and manipulating css easing strings. (bsd3, library, web, webdevelopment)
- css-selectors library and test: Parsing, rendering and manipulating css selectors in Haskell. (bsd3, library, web)
- css-simple library, test and benchmark: eDSL for CSS (gpl, library, web)
- css-syntax library, test and benchmark: High-performance CSS tokenizer and serializer. (data, library, mit)
- css-text library and test: CSS parser and renderer. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- csv library: CSV loader and dumper (library, mit, text)
- csv-conduit library and test: A flexible, fast, conduit-based CSV parser library for Haskell. (bsd3, conduit, csv, data, library, text)
- csv-enumerator library: A flexible, fast, enumerator-based CSV parser library for Haskell. (bsd3, data, library)
- csv-nptools programs: A collection of CSV tools (development, program, text, utils)
- csv-sip library and test: extracts data from a CSV file (data, gpl, library)
- csv-table library: Scripts for manipulating tables stored as CSV files (data, library, mit)
- csv-to-qif program and test: A small program that will read csv files and create qif files (bsd3, console, program, text)
- ctemplate library: Binding to the Google ctemplate library (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- ctkl library: packaging of Manuel Chakravarty's CTK Light for Hackage (bsd3, library, text)
- ctpl library and programs: A programming language for text modification. (gpl, library, program, text)
- ctrie library, test and benchmarks: Non-blocking concurrent map (concurrency, data-structures, library, mit)
- cube library and test: Cubic DSL for 3D printing (bsd3, language, library)
- cubical program: Implementation of Univalence in Cubical Sets (dependent-types, mit, program)
- cubicbezier library and test: Efficient manipulating of 2D cubic bezier curves. (bsd3, geometry, graphics, library, typography)
- cubicspline library: Natural cubic spline interpolation. (algorithms, bsd3, library, math)
- cublas library: FFI bindings to the CUDA BLAS library (bsd3, foreign, library)
- cuboid program: 3D Yampa/GLUT Puzzle Game (game, mit, program)
- cuckoo library, tests and benchmarks: Haskell Implementation of Cuckoo Filters (bsd3, data, library)
- cuckoo-filter library, program and test: Pure and impure Cuckoo Filter (data, library, mit, program)
- cuda library and program: FFI binding to the CUDA interface for programming NVIDIA GPUs (bsd3, foreign, library, program)
- cudd library: Bindings to the CUDD binary decision diagrams library (bsd3, data, library)
- cue-sheet library and test: Support for construction, rendering, and parsing of CUE sheets (audio, bsd3, library)
- cufft library: Haskell bindings for the CUFFT library (bsd3, foreign, library)
- curl library: Haskell binding to libcurl (bsd3, library, network)
- curl-aeson library: Communicate with web services using JSON (bsd3, json, library, network, web)
- curl-cookiejar library: Parsing and pretty-printing of cURL/wget cookie jars (library, mit, web)
- curl-runnings library, program and test: A framework for declaratively writing curl based API tests (library, mit, program, testing)
- curlhs library and test: bindings to libcurl, the multiprotocol file transfer library (library, network)
- curly-expander library and tests: Curly braces (brackets) expanding (lgpl, library, text)
- currencies library and test: Currencies representation, pretty printing and conversion (bsd3, data, library)
- currency library: Types representing standard and non-standard currencies (data, library)
- currency-codes library and test: ISO-4217 Currency Codes (data, library, mit)
- currency-convert library: Typesafe currency conversion (bsd3, data, library)
- current-locale library: Get the current system locale in System.Locale format (library, mit, system)
- curry library: Curry types (bsd3, data, library)
- curry-base library and test: Functions for manipulating Curry programs (bsd3, language, library)
- curry-frontend library, program and test: Compile the functional logic language Curry to several
intermediate formats (bsd3, language, library, program)
- currycarbon library, program and test: A package for simple, fast radiocarbon calibration (archaeoinformatics, library, mit, program)
- curryer library: A simple HTTP server framework (bsd3, library, web)
- curryer-rpc library, programs, test and benchmark: Fast, Haskell RPC (library, program, rpc)
- curryrs library, test and benchmark: Easy to use FFI Bridge for using Rust in Haskell (ffi, library)
- cursedcsv program: Terminal tool for viewing tabular data (application, bsd3, program)
- cursor library: Purely Functional Cursors (editor, library, mit)
- cursor-brick library: (library, mit, unclassified)
- cursor-fuzzy-time library: (library, mit, time)
- cursor-fuzzy-time-gen library, test and benchmark: (library, mit, time)
- cursor-gen library, test and benchmark: Generators for Purely Functional Cursors (cursor, library, mit)
- curve25519 library and test: Fast implementations of the curve25519 elliptic curve primitives. (bsd3, library, math)
- curves library: Library for drawing curve based images. (graphics, library, mit)
- cusolver library: FFI bindings to CUDA Solver, a LAPACK-like library (bsd3, foreign, library)
- cusparse library: FFI bindings to the CUDA Sparse BLAS library (bsd3, foreign, library)
- custom-interpolation library and test: Customizable string interpolation quasiquoters (bsd3, interpolation, library, quasiquotes, text)
- custom-prelude library: An enhanced prelude, serving as a foundation for my projects (control, library)
- cut-the-crap library, program and test: Cuts out uninteresting parts of videos by detecting silences. (library, mit, program, video)
- cutter program: Cut files according to a position list (bsd3, console, program)
- cv-combinators library and program: Functional Combinators for Computer Vision (ai, gpl, graphics, library, program)
- cve library: simple and efficient cve datatype (bsd3, data, library)
- cvss library and test: Common Vulnerability Scoring System. (bsd3, data, library)
- cybus library, program and test: multi-dimensional arrays (bsd3, containers, data, library, program)
- cyclotomic library and test: A subfield of the complex numbers for exact calculation. (gpl, library, math)
- cypher library: Haskell bindings for the neo4j "cypher" query language (bsd3, database, library)
- czipwith library and test: CZipWith class and deriving via TH (bsd3, data, library)
- d-bus library, programs and test: Permissively licensed D-Bus client library (bsd3, desktop, library, network, program)
- d10 library and tests: Digits 0-9 (data, library, mit)
- d3d11binding library and programs: A raw binding for the directX 11 (graphics, library, mit, program)
- d3js library: Declarative visualization on a web browser with DSL approach. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- daemonize-doublefork library: Start background daemons by double-forking (gpl, library, web)
- daemons library, programs and test: Daemons in Haskell made fun and easy (control, gpl, library, network, program, system)
- dag library and test: Compile-time, type-safe directed acyclic graphs. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- dahdit library and test: Binary parsing and serialization with integrated size (bsd3, data, library)
- dahdit-midi library and test: MIDI and OSC parsing/printing with dahdit (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- dahdit-network library and test: Network protocol helpers for Dahdit (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- dahdit-test library and test: Test utils for Dahdit serde (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- daino library and program: daino is a static site generator (SSG) using shake and pandoc (development-web, library, program)
- damnpacket library and test: Parsing dAmn messages (library, mit, network)
- dani-servant-lucid2 library and test: Servant support for lucid2 (bsd3, library, web)
- danibot library and program: Basic Slack bot framework. (library, mit, network, program)
- dao library, program and test: Dao is meta programming language with its own built-in
interpreted language, designed with artificial
intelligence applications in mind. (gpl, library, program, unclassified)
- dap library and test: A debug adaptor protocol library (bsd3, debuggers, language, library)
- dapi program: Prints a series of dates (bsd3, console, program)
- darcs library and test: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system (development, gpl, library)
- darcs-benchmark program: Comparative benchmark suite for darcs. (bsd3, program, testing)
- darcs-beta : a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system (deprecated, development)
- darcs-buildpackage programs: Tools to help manage Debian packages with Darcs (program, system)
- darcs-cabalized program: David's Advanced Version Control System (deprecated, development, program)
- darcs-fastconvert program: Import/export git fast-import streams to/from darcs. (bsd3, development, program)
- darcs-graph program: Generate graphs of darcs repository activity (bsd3, distribution, program)
- darcs-monitor program: Darcs repository monitor (sends email) (distribution, program)
- darcs-scripts library: Shell scripts for support of darcs workflow (bsd3, development, library)
- darcs2dot program: Outputs dependencies of darcs patches in dot format. (bsd3, deprecated, development, program)
- darcsden programs: Darcs repository UI and hosting/collaboration app ( branch). (development, distribution, program, web)
- darcswatch programs: Track application of Darcs patches (distribution, program)
- darkplaces-demo library, program and benchmark: Utility and parser for DarkPlaces demo files (game, gpl, library, program)
- darkplaces-rcon library and test: Darkplaces rcon client library (game, gpl, library)
- darkplaces-rcon-util library, program and test: Darplaces rcon utility (game, gpl, library, program)
- darkplaces-text library and test: Parser for darkplaces colorful text (game, gpl, library)
- dash-haskell program: Convert package Haddock to Dash docsets (IDE docs) (documentation, lgpl, program)
- data-accessor library: Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records (bsd3, data, library)
- data-accessor-monadLib library: Accessor functions for monadLib's monads (data, library, monads)
- data-accessor-monads-fd library: Use Accessor to access state in monads-fd State monad class (bsd3, data, library)
- data-accessor-monads-tf library: Use Accessor to access state in monads-tf State monad type family (bsd3, data, library)
- data-accessor-mtl library: Use Accessor to access state in mtl State monad class (bsd3, data, library)
- data-accessor-template library: Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records (bsd3, data, library)
- data-accessor-transformers library: Use Accessor to access state in transformers State monad (bsd3, data, library)
- data-array-byte library and test: Compatibility layer for Data.Array.Byte (bsd3, compatibility, library)
- data-as library: Simple extensible sum (data, library, mit)
- data-ascii library: Type-safe, bytestring-based ASCII values (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- data-aviary library: Combinator birds. (bsd3, combinators, library)
- data-base library: Utilities for accessing and comparing types based on so called bases - representations with limited polymorphism. (apache, library, text)
- data-basic library and test: A database library with a focus on ease of use, type safety and useful error messages (database, library, mit)
- data-binary-ieee754 library: Parser/Serialiser for IEEE-754 floating-point values (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- data-bword library and test: Extra operations on binary words of fixed length (bsd3, data, library)
- data-carousel library: A rotating sequence data structure (data, library, mit)
- data-category library: Category theory (bsd3, category-theory, library, math)
- data-cell library: Generic cellular data representation library (bsd3, data, library)
- data-check library and test: Library for checking and normalization of data (e.g. from web forms) (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, web)
- data-checked library: Type-indexed runtime-checked properties (bsd3, data, library)
- data-clist library and test: Simple functional ring type. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- data-combinator-gen library: Generate a special combinator from any data type. (data, library, mit)
- data-compat library: Define Backwards Compatibility Schemes for Arbitrary Data (data, library, mit)
- data-concurrent-queue library: A Library for directional queues (concurrency, library, mit)
- data-construction library: Data construction abstractions including Constructor, Destructor, Maker, Destroyer, Producer and Consumer. (apache, library, text)
- data-constructors library, test and benchmark: Generically compare data by their constructors (bsd3, data, library)
- data-cycle library: a cyclic doubly linked list (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default library and test: A class for types with a default value (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-class library: A class for types with a default value (compatibility shim) (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-extra library: A class for types with a default value. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-generics library and test: A class for types with a default value (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-base library: Default instances for types in base (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-bytestring library: Default instances for (lazy and strict) ByteString, Builder and
ShortByteString. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-case-insensitive library: Default instance for CI type from case-insensitive package. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-containers library: Default instances for types in containers (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-dlist library: Default instances for types in dlist (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-new-base library: Default instances for types in newer versions of base package. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-old-locale library: Default instances for types in old-locale (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-text library: Default instances for (lazy and strict) Text and Text Builder. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-unordered-containers library: Default instances for unordered-containers. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-default-instances-vector library: Default instances for types defined in vector package (bsd3, data, library)
- data-dispersal library and test: Space-efficient and privacy-preserving data dispersal algorithms. (cryptography, data, lgpl, library)
- data-diverse library, test and benchmark: Extensible records and polymorphic variants. (bsd3, data, library, records)
- data-diverse-lens library and test: Isos & Lens for Data.Diverse.Many and Prisms for Data.Diverse.Which (bsd3, data, library, records)
- data-dword library and test: Stick two binary words together to get a bigger one (bsd3, data, library)
- data-easy library and test: Consistent set of utility functions for Maybe, Either, List and Monoids. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-effects library and test: A basic framework for effect systems based on effects represented by GADTs. (control, effect, library, mpl)
- data-effects-core library and test: A basic framework for effect systems based on effects represented by GADTs. (control, effect, library, mpl)
- data-effects-th library and test: Template Haskell utilities for the data-effects library. (control, effect, library, template-haskell)
- data-elevator library and test: Coerce between unlifted boxed and lifted types. (data, library, mit)
- data-elf library: Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) data structures. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-embed library and program: Embed files and other binary blobs inside executables without Template Haskell. (data, library, mit, program)
- data-emoticons library: Combinator emoticons: data-aviary in the flavor of emoticons (bsd3, combinators, library)
- data-endian library: Endian-sensitive data (bsd3, data, library)
- data-extend-generic library and test: Extend Haskell data or newtype like in OOP languages (bsd3, data, library)
- data-extra library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- data-filepath library: A type safe file path data structure (bsd3, data, library)
- data-files-gen library, program and test: Generate data-files Cabal file field from existing files (bsd3, library, program, tools)
- data-filter library: Utilities for filtering (bsd2, data, library)
- data-fin library: Finite totally ordered sets (bsd3, data, library)
- data-fin-simple library and test: Simple integral finite set (bsd3, data, library)
- data-fix library: Fixpoint data types (bsd3, data, library)
- data-fix-cse library: Common subexpression elimination for the fixploint types. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-flags library: A package for working with bit masks and flags in general. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-flagset library: An efficient data type for sets of flags (data, library, mit)
- data-foldapp library: Fold function applications. Framework for variadic functions. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-forced library and test: Specify that lifted values were forced to WHNF or NF. (data, library, mit)
- data-forest library and test: A simple multi-way tree data structure (apache, data-structures, library)
- data-fresh library: Interface and functor transformers for fresh values (bsd3, control, library)
- data-function-meld library: Map the arguments and return value of functions. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-function-tacit library: Write functions in tacit (pointless) style using Applicative and De Bruijn index notation. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-functor-logistic library: Updatable analogue of Distributive functors (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- data-has library and benchmark: Simple extensible product (bsd3, data, library)
- data-hash library and test: Combinators for building fast hashing functions. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-index library and test: Extending the concept of indices for lists and other containers (bsd3, data, library)
- data-interval library and test: Interval datatype, interval arithmetic and interval-based containers (bsd3, data, library, math)
- data-inttrie library: A simple lazy, infinite trie from integers (bsd3, data, library)
- data-ivar library: Write-once variables with concurrency support (bsd3, concurrency, data, library)
- data-json-token library, program and test: Json Token datatype (bsd3, data, deprecated, json, library, program)
- data-kiln library: Sculpt mutable recursive data with reference equality; bake it using a data kiln into an immutable lazy structure (bsd3, data, library)
- data-layer library: Data layering utilities. Layer is a data-type which wrapps other one, but keeping additional information. If you want to access content of simple newtype object, use Lens.Wrapper instead. (apache, library, text)
- data-layout library: Read/write arbitrary binary layouts to a "Data.Vector.Storable". (bsd3, data, library)
- data-lens library: Used to be Haskell 98 Lenses (bsd3, comonads, control, library)
- data-lens-fd library: Lenses (bsd3, comonads, control, library)
- data-lens-ixset library and test: A Lens for IxSet (bsd3, comonads, control, data-structures, deprecated, library)
- data-lens-light library: Simple lenses, minimum dependencies (data, lenses, library, mit)
- data-lens-template library: Utilities for Data.Lens (bsd3, data, library)
- data-list-sequences library: Utilities for working with sequences within lists. (data, gpl, library)
- data-list-zigzag library: A list but with a balanced enumeration of Cartesian product. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-map-multikey library: Data.Map with multiple, unique keys (data, library, mit)
- data-memocombinators library: Combinators for building memo tables. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-msgpack library, program, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, program)
- data-msgpack-types library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- data-named library: Data types for named entities (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- data-nat library: data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat (bsd3, data, library, math)
- data-object library: Represent hierachichal structures, called objects in JSON. (deprecated) (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- data-object-json library: Serialize JSON data to/from Haskell using the data-object library. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- data-object-yaml library: Serialize data to and from Yaml files (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- data-or library: A data type for non-exclusive disjunction. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-ordlist library: Set and bag operations on ordered lists (bsd3, data, library, list)
- data-partition library: A pure disjoint set (union find) data structure (bsd3, data, library)
- data-pdf-fieldreader library and program: Read PDF form fields (data, library, mit, program)
- data-pprint library: Prettyprint and compare Data values (bsd3, library, testing, text)
- data-quotientref library: Reference cells that need two independent indices to be accessed. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-r-tree library and tests: R-Tree is a spatial data structure similar to Quadtrees or B-Trees. (data-structures, deprecated, library, mit)
- data-ref library: Unify STRef and IORef in plain Haskell 98 (bsd3, data, library)
- data-reify library and test: Reify a recursive data structure into an explicit graph. (bsd3, data, language, library, parsing, reflection)
- data-reify-cse library: Common Sub-Expression Elimination for graphs generated by Data.Reify. (bsd3, data, language, library)
- data-repr library: Alternative to Show data printing utility. (apache, library, text)
- data-result library: Data types for returning results distinguishable by types. (apache, library, text)
- data-rev library: A typeclass for reversing order of contents. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-rope library: Ropes, an alternative to (Byte)Strings. (data, library)
- data-rtuple library: Recursive tuple data structure. It is very usefull when implementing some lo-level operations, allowing to traverse different elements using Haskell's type classes. (apache, library, text)
- data-serializer library and test: Common API for serialization libraries (bsd3, data, library)
- data-size library: Profiling of data structures (library, mit, testing)
- data-sketches library, test and benchmark: (library, unclassified)
- data-sketches-core library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- data-spacepart library: Deprecated. Now called "spacepart". Space partitioning data structures. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- data-standards library: A collection of standards representable by simple data types. (data, library, mpl)
- data-stm32 library, programs and test: ARM SVD and CubeMX XML parser and pretty printer for STM32 family (bsd3, library, parsing, program)
- data-store library, test and benchmark: Type safe, in-memory dictionary with multidimensional keys. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-stringmap library: An efficient implementation of maps from strings to arbitrary values (data-structures, library, mit)
- data-structure-inferrer program: Program that infers the fastest data structure available for your program (development, mit, program)
- data-svd library, program and test: SVD (System view description) file handling (bsd3, embedded, library, program)
- data-sword library and test: Shorter binary words (bsd3, data, library)
- data-tensor library: Tensor and Group typeclasses (data, library, mit)
- data-textual library and test: Human-friendly textual representations. (bsd3, data, library, text)
- data-timeout library: 64-bit timeouts of nanosecond precision (bsd3, concurrency, data, library)
- data-transform library: Functions to transform data structures. (bsd3, data, library)
- data-tree-print library: Print Data instances as a nested tree (bsd3, library, pretty-printer)
- data-treify library: Reify a recursive data structure into an explicit graph. (bsd3, data, language, library, parsing, reflection-)
- data-type library: Basic type wrangling types and classes (bsd3, data, library, type-system)
- data-util library: utilities for handle data (bsd3, data, development, library, utils)
- data-validation library and test: A library for creating type safe validations. (apache, data, library)
- data-variant library: A variant data type, useful for modeling dynamically-typed programming languages (bsd3, data, library)
- data-vector-growable library and test: Dynamic growable resizable mutable generic vector (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- database-id-class library: Class for types with a database id (bsd3, database, library)
- database-id-groundhog library: HasId/Groundhog interop (bsd3, database, library)
- database-migrate library: Database versioning and migration (experimental) (bsd3, database, library)
- database-study library: Demonstrate how a database can be implemented the functional way (bsd3, database, library, monads)
- datacrypto library: Encryption library (data, library, mit, security)
- datadog library and test: Datadog client for Haskell. Supports both the HTTP API and StatsD. (library, mit, network)
- datadog-tracing library, program and test: Datadog tracing client and mock agent. (bsd3, library, logging, program)
- dataenc library: Data encoding library (bsd3, codec, deprecated, library)
- datafix library, program, tests and benchmark: Fixing data-flow problems (compiler, library, program)
- dataflow library, program and test: Generate Graphviz documents from a Haskell representation. (bsd3, code-generation, compiler, graphs, library, program)
- dataflower library, test and benchmark: A Pure-Haskell Timely Dataflow System (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- datalog library, program and tests: An implementation of datalog in Haskell (bsd3, database, library, program)
- datapacker program: Tool to help pack files into the minimum number of CDs/DVDs/etc (program, system)
- datarobot library and test: Client for DataRobot API (bsd3, library, web)
- datasets library, test and benchmark: Classical data sets for statistics and machine learning (data, data-mining, library, machine-learning, mit, statistics)
- dataurl library and test: Handle data-urls (library, mit, web)
- date-cache library: Date cacher (bsd3, library, system)
- date-conversions library and test: Date conversions (data, date, library, mit)
- dates library and test: Small library for parsing different dates formats. (bsd3, data, library)
- datetime library and test: Utilities to make Data.Time.* easier to use (data, library)
- datetime-sb library and test: Utilities to make Data.Time.* easier to use. (data, library)
- dawdle library and program: Generates DDL suggestions based on a CSV file (database, library, mit, program)
- dawg library: Directed acyclic word graphs (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- dawg-ord library and test: Directed acyclic word graphs (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- day-comonoid library: A comonoid w.r.t. Day (bsd3, comonads, data-structures, functors, library)
- daytripper library and test: Helpers for round-trip tests (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- dbcleaner library and test: Clean database tables automatically around hspec tests (database, library, mit)
- dbf library: Read and write XBase ".dbf" files (database, library, public-domain)
- dbjava library and program: Decompiler Bytecode Java (bsd3, jvm, library, program)
- dbm program: A *simple* database migration tool. (bsd3, database, program)
- dbmigrations library, program and test: An implementation of relational database "migrations" (bsd3, database, deprecated, library, program)
- dbmigrations-mysql library, program and test: The dbmigrations tool built for MySQL databases (bsd3, database, library, program)
- dbmigrations-postgresql program and test: The dbmigrations tool built for PostgreSQL databases (bsd3, database, program)
- dbmigrations-sqlite program and test: The dbmigrations tool built for SQLite databases (bsd3, database, program)
- dbmonitor library and program: Data consistency alerting for PostgreSQL (bsd3, database, library, monitoring, program)
- dbus library and test: A client library for the D-Bus IPC system. (apache, desktop, library, network)
- dbus-app-launcher program: Simple app launcher for D-Bus (mit, program, system)
- dbus-client library: Monadic and object-oriented interfaces to DBus (deprecated, desktop, gpl, library, network)
- dbus-core library: Low-level D-Bus protocol implementation (deprecated, desktop, gpl, library, network)
- dbus-hslogger library and program: Expose a dbus server to control hslogger (bsd3, library, program, system)
- dbus-qq library and test: Quasi-quoter for DBus functions (bsd3, library, network)
- dbus-th library: TemplateHaskell generator of DBus bindings (bsd3, library, network)
- dbus-th-introspection library and program: Generate bindings for DBus calls by using DBus introspection and dbus-th (bsd3, development, library, program)
- dclabel library, test and benchmark: This packge is deprecated. See the the "LIO.DCLabel" in the "lio" package. (bsd3, deprecated, library, security)
- dclabel-eci11 library: The Disjunction Category Label Format. (bsd3, deprecated, library, security)
- dcpu16 library, program and test: DCPU-16 Emulator & Assembler (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- ddate library: Discordian Date Types for Haskell (data, gpl, library)
- ddc-base library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler common utilities. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-build library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler build framework. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-code library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler base libraries. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-core library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler core language and type checker. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-core-babel library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler PHP code generator. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-core-eval library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler semantic evaluator for the core language. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-core-flow library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler data flow compiler. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-core-llvm library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler LLVM code generator. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-core-salt library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler C code generator. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-core-simpl library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler code transformations. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-core-tetra library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler intermediate language. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-driver library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler top-level driver. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-interface library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler user interface support. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-source-tetra library: Disciplined Disciple Compiler source language. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library, mit)
- ddc-tools programs: Disciplined Disciple Compiler command line tools. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, mit, program)
- ddc-war program: Disciplined Disciple Compiler test driver and buildbot. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, mit, program)
- ddci-core program: Disciple Core language interactive interpreter. (compilers-interpreters, deprecated, mit, program)
- dde library, programs, test and benchmark: Delay differential equations (bsd3, library, math, program)
- dead-code-detection program and test: detect dead code in haskell projects (bsd3, development, program)
- dead-simple-json library: Dead simple JSON parser, with some Template Haskell sugar. (json, library, mit)
- dear-imgui library: Haskell bindings for Dear ImGui. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- debian library, programs and test: Modules for working with the Debian package system (bsd3, debian, library, program)
- debian-binary library and programs: Utilities to work with debian binary packages (deprecated, library, program, system)
- debian-build library and program: Debian package build sequence tools (bsd3, debian, library, program)
- debruijn library: de Bruijn indices and levels (bsd3, development, library)
- debruijn-safe library: de Bruijn indices and levels (bsd3, development, library)
- debug library, program and test: Simple trace-based debugger (bsd3, debugging, development, library, program)
- debug-diff library: Display a colorized diff between two Haskell values (bsd3, debug, library)
- debug-dump library: File-based debug output (bsd3, debug, library)
- debug-me program: secure remote debugging (agpl, program, utility)
- debug-pp program: A preprocessor for the debug package (bsd3, debugging, program)
- debug-time library and test: Debug.Trace equivalent for timing computations (debug, library, mit)
- debug-trace-file library and test: Like Debug.Trace but writing to files. (debug, library, mit)
- debug-trace-var library: You do not have to write variable names twice in Debug.Trace (debug, library, mit)
- debug-tracy library and program: More useful trace functions for investigating bugs (bsd3, development, library, program)
- debuggable library and test: Utilities for making your applications more debuggable. (bsd3, development, library)
- debugger-hs library and test: Write your GDB scripts in Haskell. (bsd3, debugging, library)
- deburr library and test: Convert Unicode characters with burrs to their ASCII counterparts. (library, mit, text)
- dec library: Decidable propositions. (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library)
- decepticons library: The categorical dual of transformers. (bsd3, control, library)
- decidable library: Combinators for manipulating dependently-typed predicates. (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- decimal-arithmetic library and tests: An implementation of the General Decimal Arithmetic
Specification (bsd3, library, numeric)
- decimal-literals library and test: Preprocessing decimal literals more or less as they are (instead of via fractions) (gpl, library, math)
- decision-diagrams library and tests: Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD) and Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams (ZDD) (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, logic)
- declarative library and test: DIY Markov Chains. (library, math, mit)
- decode-utf8 program: Decode a UTF-8 byte stream on standard input (mit, program, text)
- decoder-conduit library: Conduit for decoding ByteStrings using Data.Binary.Get (bsd3, conduit, library)
- dedukti library and program: A type-checker for the λΠ-modulo calculus. (compilers-interpreters, library, program, theorem-provers)
- deep-map library: Deeply-nested, multiple key type maps. (bsd3, data, library, statistics)
- deep-transformations library and test: Deep natural and unnatural tree transformations, including attribute grammars (bsd3, control, generics, library)
- deepcontrol library and tests: A library that provides deep-level programming style and(or) notation on Applicative and Monad (bsd3, control, library)
- deepl library and program: Call DeepL to translate you files (bsd3, language, library, program, web)
- deeplearning-hs library, program and test: Deep Learning in Haskell (library, math, mit, program)
- deepseq library and test: Deep evaluation of data structures (bsd3, control, library)
- deepseq-bounded library and test: Bounded deepseq, including support for generic deriving (bsd3, control, library)
- deepseq-generics library and test: GHC.Generics-based Control.DeepSeq.rnf implementation (bsd3, control, library)
- deepseq-instances library: Candidate NFData Instances for Types in base (control, library, mit)
- deepseq-magic library: Deep evaluation of data structures without NFData (control, library, public-domain)
- deepseq-th library and test: Template Haskell based deriver for optimised NFData instances (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- deepzoom library: A DeepZoom image slicer. Only known to work on 32bit Linux (bsd3, graphics, library)
- defargs library: default arguments in haskell (bsd3, library, type-system)
- defaultable-map library: Applicative maps (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- deferred-folds library and test: Abstractions over deferred folds (fold, folding, library, mit)
- definitive-base library: The base modules of the Definitive framework. (library, prelude)
- definitive-filesystem library: A library that enable you to interact with the filesystem in a definitive way. (filesystem, library)
- definitive-graphics library: A definitive package allowing you to open windows, read image files and render text to be displayed or saved (graphics, library)
- definitive-parser library: A parser combinator library for the Definitive framework (library, parsers)
- definitive-reactive library: A simple Reactive library. (library, reactive)
- definitive-sound library: A definitive package to handle sound and play it back (library, unclassified)
- defun library and test: Defunctionalization helpers (bsd3, data, library)
- defun-bool library: Defunctionalization helpers: booleans (bsd3, data, library)
- defun-core library: Defunctionalization helpers: core definitions (bsd3, data, library)
- defun-sop library: Defunctionalization helpers: lists (bsd3, data, library)
- deiko-config library: Small and typesafe configuration library. (bsd3, data, library)
- dejafu library: A library for unit-testing concurrent programs. (concurrency, library, mit)
- deka library: Decimal floating point arithmetic (bsd3, library, math)
- deka-tests library, program and test: Tests for deka, decimal floating point arithmetic (bsd3, library, math, program)
- delaunay library and test: Build a Delaunay triangulation of a set of points (bsd3, graphics, library)
- delaunayNd library: Delaunay tessellation (geometry, gpl, library, math)
- delay library and test: More useful and humain delaying functions (bsd3, concurrency, library, system)
- delicious library: Accessing the APIs from Haskell (v2) (bsd3, library, web)
- delimited-text library: Parse character delimited textual data (bsd3, data, library)
- delimiter-separated library: Library for dealing with tab and/or comma (or other) separated files (bsd3, development, library)
- delivery-status-notification library and test: Parse bounce messages per RFC3464, RFC3463 (bsd3, library, web)
- delta library, programs and test: A library for detecting file changes (data, lgpl, library, program)
- delta-h library and program: Online entropy-based model of lexical category acquisition. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- deltaq library, test and benchmark: Framework for ∆Q System Development (bsd3, deltaq, distributed-systems, library, probability)
- delude library: Generalized the Prelude more functionally. (deprecated, distribution, library, mit)
- demangler library, program and test: Demangler for C++ mangled names. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- demarcate library and test: Demarcating transformed monad. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- denominate library and program: Functions supporting bulk file and directory name
normalization. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- dense library and test: Mutable and immutable dense multidimensional arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- dense-int-set library and test: Dense int-set (data, library, mit)
- dense-linear-algebra library and test: Simple and incomplete pure haskell implementation of linear algebra (bsd2, library, math, numeric, statistics)
- dep-t library and tests: Dependency injection for records-of-functions. (bsd3, control, library)
- dep-t-advice library, tests and benchmark: Giving good advice to functions in records-of-functions. (bsd3, control, library)
- dep-t-dynamic library and tests: A dynamic environment for dependency injection. (bsd3, control, library)
- dep-t-value library and test: Pair resources files with types within your program. (bsd3, control, library)
- dependency library, test and benchmark: Dependency resolution for package management (bsd3, build, development, library)
- dependent-hashmap library and test: Dependent hash maps (bsd3, data, library)
- dependent-literals library: Library for dependent-literals-plugin (apache, constraints, library)
- dependent-literals-plugin library and test: Dependent integer literals (apache, constraints, library)
- dependent-map library: Dependent finite maps (partial dependent products) (data, dependent-types, library)
- dependent-monoidal-map library: Dependent map that uses semigroup mappend (bsd3, data, library)
- dependent-state library: Control structure similar to Control.Monad.State, allowing multiple nested states, distinguishable by provided phantom types. (apache, data, library)
- dependent-sum library: Dependent sum type (data, dependent-types, library, public-domain)
- dependent-sum-aeson-orphans library: JSON instances for DSum, DMap, and Some (bsd3, json, library)
- dependent-sum-template : Template Haskell code to generate instances of classes in some package (public-domain, unclassified)
- depends program and test: A simple configuration management tool for Haskell (deprecated, distribution, mit, program)
- dephd programs: Analyze quality of nucleotide sequences. (bioinformatics, program)
- depq library and test: Double-ended priority queues (bsd3, data, data-mining, data-structures, library)
- deptrack-core library: DepTrack Core types and model. (apache, graphs, library)
- deptrack-devops library: DepTrack applied to DevOps. (apache, devops, library)
- deptrack-dot library and test: Facilitate Graphviz representations of DepTrack dependencies. (apache, graphs, library)
- deque library and test: Double-ended queues (data, library, mit)
- dequeue library and test: A typeclass and an implementation for double-ended queues. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- derangement library: Find derangements of lists (library, unclassified)
- derivation-trees library: Typeset Derivation Trees via MetaPost (graphics, library, math)
- derive library and program: A program and library to derive instances for data types (bsd3, development, library, program)
- derive-IG library: Macro to derive instances for Instant-Generics using Template Haskell (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- derive-enumerable library: Generic instances for enumerating complex data types (data, generics, gpl, library)
- derive-gadt library and programs: Instance deriving for (a subset of) GADTs. (bsd3, development, language, library, program)
- derive-has-field library and test: Derive HasField instances with Template Haskell (library, mit, template-haskell)
- derive-lifted-instances library: Derive class instances though various kinds of lifting (apache, data, development, generics, library)
- derive-monoid library, program and test: derive Semigroup/Monoid/IsList (derive-monoid, derive-monoid-, library, mit, program)
- derive-prim library and test: Derive Prim and PrimUnaligned (data, development, generics, gpl, library)
- derive-storable library, test and benchmark: Derive Storable instances with GHC.Generics. (foreign, library, mit)
- derive-storable-plugin library, test and benchmark: GHC core plugin supporting the derive-storable package. (foreign, library, mit)
- derive-topdown library and test: Derive type class instances (bsd3, development, library)
- derive-trie library: Automatic derivation of Trie implementations. (bsd3, data, library)
- deriveJsonNoPrefix library and test: Derive ToJSON/FromJSON instances in a more prefix-friendly manner. (apache, data, library)
- deriving-aeson library and test: Type driven generic aeson instance customisation (bsd3, generics, json, library)
- deriving-compat library and test: Backports of GHC deriving extensions (bsd3, compatibility, library)
- deriving-openapi3 library: DerivingVia for OpenAPI 3 (generics, json, library, mit, openapi)
- deriving-show-simple library and test: Derive a Show instance without field selector names (bsd3, generics, library)
- deriving-trans library: Derive instances for monad transformer stacks (bsd3, control, library)
- derivingvia-extras library: DerivingVia extras - Miscellaneous /via/ types. (bsd3, deriving, library, utils)
- derp library: Derivative Parsing (bsd3, library, parsing)
- derp-lib library: combinators based on parsing with derivatives (derp) package (bsd3, library, text)
- derulo library, program and test: Parse and render JSON simply. (json, library, mit, program)
- describe library and test: Combinators for describing binary data structures (bsd3, data, library)
- descrilo library: Loads a list of items with fields (configuration, data, gpl, library, parser)
- descript-lang library, program and test: Library, interpreter, and CLI for Descript programming language. (gpl, language, library, program)
- descriptive library and test: Self-describing consumers/parsers; forms, cmd-line args, JSON, etc. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- desert library, program and test: a simple build tool for OCaml projects (bsd3, language, library, program)
- desktop-portal library and test: Desktop Portal. (desktop, flatpak, gui, library, mit, portal, xdg)
- despair library: Despair (bsd3, control, library)
- deterministic-game-engine library and test: Simple deterministic game engine (game-engine, library, mit)
- detour-via-sci library and tests: JSON and CSV encoding for rationals as decimal point numbers. (csv, data, json, library, math, mpl, numeric)
- detour-via-uom library and tests: JSON and CSV encoding for quantities. (csv, data, json, library, math, mpl, numeric, physics)
- detrospector program: Markov chain text generator (bsd3, natural-language-processing, program, text)
- deunicode program: Get rid of unicode (utf-8) symbols in Haskell sources (codec, mit, program)
- devanagari-transliterations library and test: Conversion between Devanagari Unicode, Harvard-Kyoto, IAST and ISO15919. (bsd3, library, linguistics)
- devil program: A small tool to make it easier to update program managed by Angel. (mit, program, system)
- devtools library and test: Haskell development tool agregate (bsd3, library, testing)
- dewdrop library: Find gadgets for return-oriented programming on x86 (bsd3, library, reverse-engineering, security)
- df1 library and test: Type, render and parse the df1 hierarchical structured log format (bsd3, library, logging)
- df1-html library and test: Render and parse df1 logs as HTML (bsd3, library, logging)
- df1-wai library: Df1 log formatting for WAI requests and responses (bsd3, library, logging)
- dfinity-radix-tree library, program and test: A generic data integrity layer. (blockchain, bsd3, database, dfinity, library, program)
- dfrac library: A package for precise decimal arithmatic using rationals. (library, math, mit)
- dfsbuild program: Build Debian From Scratch CD/DVD images (program, system)
- dgim library and test: Implementation of DGIM algorithm (algorithms, data, library, mit)
- dgs library: Haskell front-end for DGS' bot interface (bsd3, game, library, network, web)
- dhall library, program, test and benchmarks: A configuration language guaranteed to terminate (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- dhall-bash library and program: Compile Dhall to Bash (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- dhall-check program: Check all dhall files in a project (bsd3, development, program)
- dhall-csv library, programs and test: Convert bidirectionally between Dhall and CSV files. (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- dhall-docs library, program and tests: Generate HTML docs from a dhall package (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- dhall-fly library, program and test: Translate concourse config from Dhall to YAML (bsd3, concourse, dhall, json, library, program, yaml)
- dhall-json library, programs and test: Convert between Dhall and JSON or YAML (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- dhall-lex library, test and benchmark: Lexer for the Dhall language (bsd3, dhall, language, lexers, library)
- dhall-lsp-server library, program and tests: Language Server Protocol (LSP) server for Dhall (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- dhall-nix : Dhall to Nix compiler (bsd3, compiler)
- dhall-nixpkgs program: Convert Dhall projects to Nix packages (bsd3, nix, program)
- dhall-openapi library and program: Convert an OpenAPI specification to a Dhall package (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- dhall-recursive-adt library and tests: Convert recursive ADTs from and to Dhall (dhall, library)
- dhall-secret library, program and test: Encrypt Decrypt Dhall expressions (bsd3, data, library, program)
- dhall-text program: Template text using Dhall (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, program)
- dhall-text-shell library and program: Render dhall text with shell commands as function arguments (compiler, library, mit, program)
- dhall-to-cabal library, programs and tests: Compile Dhall expressions to Cabal files (distribution, library, mit, program)
- dhall-toml library, programs and tests: Convert between Dhall and TOML (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- dhall-yaml library, programs and test: Convert between Dhall and YAML (compiler, gpl, library, program)
- dhcp-lease-parser library and test: Parse a DHCP lease file (bsd3, library, software)
- dhrun library, program and test: Dhall/YAML configurable concurrent integration test executor. (library, mit, program, tools)
- dhscanner-ast library and test: abstract syntax tree for multiple programming languages (gpl, library, parsing)
- dhscanner-bitcode library and test: Intermediate language for static code analysis (gpl, library, sast)
- di library: Typeful hierarchical structured logging using di, mtl and df1. (bsd3, library, logging)
- di-core library and test: Typeful hierarchical structured logging without monad towers. (bsd3, library, logging)
- di-df1 library and test: Write logs in the df1 format using the di logging framework (bsd3, library, logging)
- di-handle library: IO support for file handles in di-core (bsd3, library, logging)
- di-monad library: mtl flavoured typeful hierarchical structured logging for di-core. (bsd3, library, logging)
- di-polysemy library: DI logger wrapped for Polysemy (library, logging, mit)
- di-wai library: Di logging for WAI requests and responses (bsd3, library, logging)
- dia-base library: An EDSL for teaching Haskell with diagrams - data types (bsd3, education, graphics, library)
- dia-functions library: An EDSL for teaching Haskell with diagrams - functions (bsd3, education, graphics, library)
- diagnose library and test: Beautiful error reporting done easily (bsd3, error-reporting, library)
- diagrams library: Embedded domain-specific language for declarative vector graphics (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-boolean library: deprecated, part of diagrams-contrib since 1.4 (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-braille library and program: Braille diagrams with plain text (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- diagrams-builder library: hint-based build service for the diagrams graphics EDSL. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-cairo library: Cairo backend for diagrams drawing EDSL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-canvas library: HTML5 canvas backend for diagrams drawing EDSL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-contrib library and test: Collection of user contributions to diagrams EDSL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-core library: Core libraries for diagrams EDSL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-gi-cairo library: Cairo backend for diagrams drawing EDSL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-graphviz library: Graph layout and drawing with GraphViz and diagrams (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-gtk library: Backend for rendering diagrams directly to GTK windows (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-haddock library, program and test: Preprocessor for embedding diagrams in Haddock documentation (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- diagrams-hsqml library: HsQML (Qt5) backend for Diagrams (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-html5 library: HTML5 canvas backend for diagrams drawing EDSL (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- diagrams-input library: Parse raster and SVG files for diagrams (bsd3, diagrams, graphics, library)
- diagrams-lib library, test and benchmark: Embedded domain-specific language for declarative graphics (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-pandoc library, program and test: A Pandoc filter to express diagrams inline using the Haskell EDSL _Diagrams_ (bsd3, library, program, text)
- diagrams-pdf library: PDF backend for diagrams drawing EDSL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-pgf library: PGF backend for diagrams drawing EDSL. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-postscript library: Postscript backend for diagrams drawing EDSL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-qrcode library: Draw QR codes to SVG, PNG, PDF or PS files. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-rasterific library and tests: Rasterific backend for diagrams. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-reflex library: reflex backend for diagrams drawing EDSL. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-rubiks-cube library: Library for drawing the Rubik's Cube. (graphics, library, mit)
- diagrams-solve library and test: Pure Haskell solver routines used by diagrams (bsd3, library, math)
- diagrams-svg library: SVG backend for diagrams drawing EDSL. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-tikz library: TikZ backend for diagrams drawing EDSL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- diagrams-wx library: Backend for rendering diagrams in wxWidgets (bsd3, graphics, library)
- dialog library: Simple dialog-based user interfaces (bsd3, interaction, library)
- dialogflow-fulfillment library and test: A Dialogflow Fulfillment library for Haskell. (api, bsd3, library)
- dialogue library and program: I/O in Haskell Report 1.2 (bsd3, io, library, program)
- dib library and program: A simple, forward build system. (development, library, mit, program)
- dice library and program: Simplistic D&D style dice-rolling system. (game, library, program, public-domain)
- dice-entropy-conduit library and test: Cryptographically secure n-sided dice via rejection sampling (cryptography, data, lgpl, library)
- dice2tex program: Convert a Diceware wordlist into a printer-ready LaTeX file. (gpl, program, text)
- dicom library: A library for reading and writing DICOM files in the Explicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax. (data, gpl, library, medical)
- dictionaries library, program and test: Tools to handle StarDict dictionaries. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- dictionary-sharing library: Sharing/memoization of class members (bsd3, development, library)
- dictparser library, program and test: Parsec parsers for the DICT format produced by dictfmt -t (bsd3, language, library, program)
- diet library and test: Discrete Interval Encoding Trees (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- diff library: Diff and patch (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- diff-gestalt library and test: A diff algorithm based on recursive longest common substrings (library, none)
- diff-loc library: Map file locations across diffs (data, library, mit)
- diff-parse library and test: A parser for diff file formats (agpl, library, parsing)
- diff3 library and test: Perform a 3-way difference of documents (bsd3, data, library)
- diffarray library: DiffArray (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- diffcabal program: Diff two .cabal files syntactically (bsd3, distribution, program)
- diffdump programs: Tools for diffing stdout (bsd3, program, system)
- difference-monoid library and tests: (library, mit, unclassified)
- differential library and program: Finds out whether an entity comes from different distributions (statuses). (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- diffmap library: diff on maps (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- difftodo library, programs and test: Generate todo lists from source code (development, library, program)
- digamma library: A (deprecated) implementation of the digamma function (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- digest library: CRC32 and Adler32 hashes for bytestrings (bsd2, cryptography, library)
- digest-pure library and test: Pure hash functions for bytestrings (cryptography, library)
- digest-sig library: Signature for digest (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- digestive-bootstrap library: Speed up form designing using digestive functors and bootstrap (library, mit, web)
- digestive-foundation-lucid library: Speed up form designing using digestive functors and foundation (library, mit, web)
- digestive-functors library and test: A practical formlet library (bsd3, library, web)
- digestive-functors-aeson library and test: Run digestive-functors forms against JSON (gpl, json, library, web)
- digestive-functors-blaze library: Blaze frontend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)
- digestive-functors-happstack library: Happstack backend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)
- digestive-functors-heist library: Heist frontend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)
- digestive-functors-hsp library: HSP support for digestive-functors (bsd3, library, web)
- digestive-functors-lucid library: Lucid frontend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)
- digestive-functors-scotty library: Scotty backend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)
- digestive-functors-snap library: Snap backend for the digestive-functors library (bsd3, library, web)
- digit library and test: A data-type representing digits 0-9 and other combinations (bsd3, data, library)
- digitalocean-kzs library and tests: digitalocean api for haskell (library, mit, web)
- digits library and test: Converts integers to lists of digits and back. (bsd3, data, library)
- digraph library and test: Directed Graphs (bsd3, data, library, mathematics)
- dihaa program: ASCII based Diagram drawing in Haskell (Idea based on ditaa) (gpl, graphics, program)
- dijkstra-simple library and test: A simpler Dijkstra shortest paths implementation (bsd3, dijkstra, graph, library)
- dimensional library, test and benchmark: Statically checked physical dimensions (bsd3, library, math, physics)
- dimensional-codata library: CODATA Recommended Physical Constants with Dimensional Types (bsd3, library, physics)
- dimensional-tf library: Statically checked physical dimensions, implemented
using type families. (bsd3, deprecated, library, math, physics)
- dimensions library and test: Safe type-level dimensionality for multidimensional data. (bsd3, geometry, library, math)
- dingo-core library: Dingo is a Rich Internet Application platform based on the Warp web server. (library, mit, web)
- dingo-example program: Dingo Example (mit, program, web)
- dingo-widgets library: Dingo Widgets (library, mit, web)
- dino library and tests: A convenient tagless EDSL (bsd3, language, library)
- diohsc program: Gemini client (browser, gpl, program)
- diophantine library: A quadratic diophantine equation solving library. (gpl, library, math)
- diplomacy library: Diplomacy board game (bsd3, games, library)
- diplomacy-server program: Play Diplomacy over HTTP (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- dir-traverse library and benchmarks: Simple directory traversal library (bsd3, directory, library, system)
- direct-binary-files library: Serialization and deserialization monads for streams and ByteStrings. (bsd3, data, library)
- direct-daemonize library: Library to switch to daemon mode using built-in OS facilities. (bsd3, library, system)
- direct-fastcgi library: Native implementation of the FastCGI protocol. (bsd3, library, network)
- direct-http library: Native webserver that acts as a library. (bsd3, library, network)
- direct-murmur-hash library: An implementation of the MurmurHash3 algorithm (bsd3, data, library)
- direct-plugins library: Lightweight replacement for Plugins, specific to GHC (bsd3, library, system)
- direct-rocksdb library and test: Bindings to RocksDB. (bsd3, database, library)
- direct-sqlite library and test: Low-level binding to SQLite3. Includes UTF8 and BLOB support. (bsd3, database, library)
- directed-cubical library: Finite directed cubical complexes and associated algorithms (bsd3, library, math)
- directory library and test: Platform-agnostic library for filesystem operations (bsd3, library, system)
- directory-contents library, program and test: Recursively build, navigate, and operate on a tree of directory contents. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- directory-layout library and tests: Directory layout DSL (bsd3, library, system, testing)
- directory-listing-webpage-parser library: directory listing webpage parser (bsd3, library, text)
- directory-ospath-streaming library and test: Stream directory entries in constant memory in vanilla IO (apache, file, library, streaming)
- directory-tree library and test: A simple directory-like tree datatype, with useful IO functions (bsd3, data, library, system)
- direm program: Deletes a directory and retains its contents in the parent directory (gpl, program, tool)
- dirfiles library: (bsd3, data, library)
- dirforest library: Typed directory forest (library, mit, unclassified)
- dirichlet library and test: Multivariate Dirichlet distribution (bsd3, library, math)
- dirstream library: Easily stream directory contents in constant memory (bsd3, library, pipes, system)
- dirtree library and test: A small library for working with directories. (library, mit, system)
- disassembler library: Disassembler for X86 & AMD64 machine code (bsd3, development, disassembler, library)
- disco library, program and tests: Functional programming language for teaching discrete math. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- discogs-haskell library and test: Client for Discogs REST API (library, mit, web)
- discokitty library: DisCoCat implementation. (gpl, language, library)
- discord-gateway library: An API wrapper for Discord in Haskell (library, mit, network)
- discord-haskell library and programs: Write bots for Discord in Haskell (library, mit, network, program)
- discord-haskell-voice library and programs: Voice support for discord-haskell. (discord, library, mit, network, program, udp)
- discord-hs library: An API wrapper for Discord in Haskell (library, mit, network)
- discord-register library and program: Discord verification bot (library, mpl, program, web)
- discord-rest library: An API wrapper for Discord in Haskell (library, mit, network)
- discord-types library: Type information for discord-hs (library, mit, network)
- discordian-calendar library: library for handling Discordian calendar dates (bsd3, date, library)
- discount library: Haskell bindings to the discount Markdown library. (library, mit, text)
- discover-instances library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- discrete library: replacement for enum (bsd3, data, library)
- discrete-intervals library: Discrete Intervals (bsd3, data, library)
- discrete-space-map library: A discrete space map. (bsd3, data, library)
- discrimination library, test and benchmarks: Fast generic linear-time sorting, joins and container construction. (bsd3, data, library, sorting)
- disjoint-containers library and tests: Disjoint containers (bsd3, library, web)
- disjoint-set library and test: Persistent disjoint-sets, a.k.a union-find. (bsd3, data, library)
- disjoint-set-stateful library and test: Monadic disjoint set (data, library, mit)
- disjoint-sets-st library: Imperative ST/IO based disjoint set data structure. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- disk-bytes library and benchmark: On-disk storage, but referentially transparent (bsd3, library, memory)
- disk-free-space library: Retrieve information about disk space usage (bsd3, filesystem, library, system)
- diskhash library and test: Disk-based hash table (data, library, mit)
- display library: Display things for humans to read (bsd3, library, text)
- display-haskell-do library: A display API for HaskellDO (deprecated, ide, library)
- disposable library: Allows storing different resource-releasing actions together. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- dist-upload library and program: Generate/Upload cabal package to Hackage. (distribution, gpl, library, program)
- distance library: Useful distance datatype and functions (library, mit, web)
- distance-of-time library and test: Generate readable distances between times. (library, mit, time)
- distributed-closure library, program and test: Serializable closures for distributed programming. (bsd3, control, library, program)
- distributed-fork library and test: Like 'forkIO', but uses remote machines instead of local threads. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- distributed-fork-aws-lambda library and test: AWS Lambda backend for distributed-fork. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- distributed-process library and benchmarks: Cloud Haskell: Erlang-style concurrency in Haskell (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-async library and test: Cloud Haskell Async API (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-azure library: Microsoft Azure backend for Cloud Haskell (bsd3, control-, library)
- distributed-process-client-server library and tests: The Cloud Haskell Application Platform (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-ekg library: Collect node stats for EKG (bsd3, library, network, system)
- distributed-process-execution library and tests: Execution Framework for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-extras library and tests: Cloud Haskell Extras (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-fsm library and test: The Cloud Haskell implementation of Erlang/OTP gen_statem (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-lifted library and test: monad-control style typeclass and transformer instances for Process monad. (bsd3, cloud-haskell, control, library)
- distributed-process-monad-control library: Orphan instances for MonadBase and MonadBaseControl. (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-p2p library and program: Peer-to-peer node discovery for Cloud Haskell (bsd3, library, network, program)
- distributed-process-platform library and tests: The Cloud Haskell Application Platform (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- distributed-process-registry library and test: Cloud Haskell Extended Process Registry (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-simplelocalnet library and test: Simple zero-configuration backend for Cloud Haskell (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-supervisor library and tests: Supervisors for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform (bsd3, control, library)
- distributed-process-systest library: Cloud Haskell Test Support (bsd3, cloud-haskell, control, library)
- distributed-process-task library and test: Task Framework for The Cloud Haskell Application Platform (bsd3, cloud-haskell, control, library)
- distributed-process-tests library and tests: Tests and test support tools for distributed-process. (bsd3, cloud-haskell, control, library)
- distributed-process-zookeeper library and test: A Zookeeper back-end for Cloud Haskell. (bsd3, cloud-haskell, control, library)
- distributed-static library: Compositional, type-safe, polymorphic static values and closures (bsd3, control, library)
- distribution library: Finite discrete probability distributions. (apache, library, math)
- distribution-nixpkgs library and test: Types and functions to manipulate the Nixpkgs distribution (bsd3, distribution, library, nix)
- distribution-opensuse library, program and test: Types, functions, and tools to manipulate the openSUSE distribution (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- distribution-plot library: Easily plot distributions from the distribution package.. (apache, library, math)
- distributive library and test: Distributive functors -- Dual to Traversable (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- ditto library: ditto is a type-safe HTML form generation and validation library (bsd3, library, web)
- ditto-lucid library: Add support for using lucid with Ditto (bsd3, library, web)
- diversity library and program: Quantify the diversity of a population (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- dixi library, program and test: A wiki implemented with a firm theoretical foundation. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- djembe library and test: Hit drums with haskell (library, mit, sound)
- djinn program: Generate Haskell code from a type (bsd3, program, source-tools)
- djinn-ghc library: Generate Haskell code from a type. Bridge from Djinn to GHC API. (bsd3, language, library)
- djinn-lib library: Generate Haskell code from a type. Library extracted from djinn package. (bsd3, language, library)
- djinn-th library: Generate executable Haskell code from a type (bsd3, language, library)
- djot library, program, test and benchmark: Parser and renderer for djot light markup syntax. (library, mit, program, text)
- dl-fedora program and test: Fedora image download tool (gpl, program, utility)
- dlist library and test: Difference lists (bsd3, data, library)
- dlist-instances library: Difference lists instances (bsd3, data, library)
- dlist-nonempty library, test and benchmark: Non-empty difference lists (bsd3, data, library)
- dmc library and test: cmd for common cases (command-line, library, public-domain, system)
- dmcc library and program: AVAYA DMCC API bindings and WebSockets server for AVAYA (bsd3, library, network, program)
- dmenu library: Complete bindings to the dmenu and dmenu2 command line tools. (bsd3, library, system)
- dmenu-pkill program: dmenu script for killing applications. Sortable by process id or CPU/MEM usage. (bsd3, program, system)
- dmenu-pmount program: Mounting and unmounting linux devices as user with dmenu and pmount. (bsd3, program, system)
- dmenu-search program: dmenu script for searching the web with customizable search engines. (bsd3, program, system)
- dnf-repo program and test: A dnf wrapper with fine control of enabled repos (gpl, program, utility)
- dns library and tests: DNS library in Haskell (bsd3, library, network)
- dns-patterns library and test: DNS name parsing and pattern matching utilities (bsd3, library, network)
- dnscache library and program: Caching DNS resolver library and mass DNS resolver utility (bsd3, library, network, program)
- dnsrbl library: Asynchronous DNS RBL lookup (bsd3, library, network)
- dnssd library: DNS service discovery bindings (bsd3, library, network)
- do-list library, test and benchmark: Do notation for free (bsd3, data, library, list, syntax)
- do-notation library and test: Generalize do-notation to work on monads and indexed monads simultaneously. (bsd3, language, library)
- do-notation-dsl library and test: An alternative to monads (bsd3, control, deprecated, dsl, effect, general, io, language, library, mutable-state, polymorphism)
- do-spaces library and test: DigitalOcean Spaces API bindings (bsd3, library, network)
- dobutok library: Creates the time intervals for CLI changing messages on the screen. (cli, deprecated, library, mit)
- dobutokO library: The library is intended to print updated messages on the terminal screen. (cli, library, mit)
- dobutokO-effects library: A library to deal with SoX effects and possibilities (library, mit, music, sound, sox)
- dobutokO-frequency library: Helps to create experimental music. Working with frequencies and types. (library, mit, sound, sox)
- dobutokO-poetry library and program: Helps to order the 7 or less Ukrainian words to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text (Ukrainian, game, language, library, mit, phonetic-languages, poetry, program, uniqueness)
- dobutokO-poetry-general library: Helps to order the 7 or less words (first of all the Ukrainian ones) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text (game, language, library, mit)
- dobutokO-poetry-general-languages library: Helps to order the 7 or less words to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text (game, language, library, mit, uniqueness, uniquenessPeriods)
- dobutokO2 library and program: Helps to create experimental music from a file (or its part) and a Ukrainian text. (Ukrainian, algorithmic-composition, language, library, mit, music, program, rhythm, sound, sox, timbre, tonality)
- dobutokO3 library: Helps to create more complex experimental music from a file (especially timbre). (library, mit, music, rhythm, sound, sox, timbre)
- dobutokO4 library: Helps to create experimental music. Uses SoX inside. (algorithmic-composition, library, mit, sound, sox)
- doc-review program: Document review Web application, like (bsd3, program, web)
- doccheck program: Checks Haddock comments for pitfalls and version changes. (documentation, gpl, program)
- docidx program: Generate an HTML index of installed Haskell packages and their documentation. (bsd3, documentation, program)
- docker library and test: An API client for docker written in Haskell (bsd3, library, network)
- docker-build-cacher library and program: Builds a docker image and caches all of its intermediate stages (bsd3, library, operations, program)
- dockercook library, program and test: A build tool for multiple docker image layers (development, library, mit, program)
- dockerfile library and test: A Haskell DSL for generating Dockerfiles (data, library, mit)
- dockerfile-creator library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- doclayout library, test and benchmark: A prettyprinting library for laying out text documents. (bsd3, library, text)
- docopt library and test: A command-line interface parser that will make you smile (console, library, mit)
- docrecords library and test: Vinyl-based records with hierarchical field names, default values and documentation (cli, data, json, library, mit, options, parsing, records)
- docstrings library: Docstrings for documentation in the repl (documentation, library, mit)
- doctemplates library, test and benchmark: Pandoc-style document templates (bsd3, library, text)
- doctest library, program and test: Test interactive Haskell examples (library, mit, program, testing)
- doctest-discover library, program and test: Easy way to run doctests via cabal (library, program, public-domain, testing)
- doctest-discover-configurator library, program and test: Easy way to run doctests via cabal (no aeson dependency, uses configurator instead) (deprecated, library, program, public-domain, testing)
- doctest-driver-gen library, program and test: Generate driver file for doctest's cabal integration (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- doctest-exitcode-stdio library: Run doctest's in a Cabal.Test.exitcode-stdio environment (bsd3, library, testing)
- doctest-extract program: Alternative doctest implementation that extracts comments to modules (bsd3, program, testing)
- doctest-lib library: Parts of doctest exposed as library (library, mit, testing)
- doctest-parallel library and tests: Test interactive Haskell examples (library, mit, testing)
- doctest-prop library and test: Allow QuickCheck-style property testing within doctest. (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- docusign-base library: Low-level bindings to the DocuSign API (bsd3, business, library)
- docusign-base-minimal library: Low-level bindings to the DocuSign API (only what is necessary for docusign-client) (bsd3, business, library)
- docusign-client library: Client bindings for the DocuSign API (bsd3, business, library)
- docusign-example program: DocuSign examples (bsd3, business, program)
- docvim library, program and tests: Documentation generator for Vim plug-ins (development, library, mit, program)
- doi library and program: Automatic Bibtex and fulltext of scientific articles (database, library, mit, program)
- dojang library, program and test: A cross-platform dotfiles manager (configuration, gpl, library, program)
- doldol library and test: Flag packer & handler for flaggable data (bsd3, data, library)
- dollaridoos library: A newtype for monetary values (bsd3, finance, library)
- dom-events library and test: DOM Events expressed as Haskell types (bsd3, library, web)
- dom-lt library, test and benchmark: The Lengauer-Tarjan graph dominators algorithm. (algorithms, bsd3, graphs, library)
- dom-parser library and test: Simple monadic DOM parser (library, mit, xml)
- dom-selector library and test: DOM traversal by CSS selectors for xml-conduit package (bsd3, library, web)
- domain library and tests: Codegen helping you define domain models (idl, library, mit)
- domain-aeson library and test: Integration of domain with aeson (library, mit, unclassified)
- domain-auth library: Domain authentication library (bsd3, library, network)
- domain-cereal library and test: Integration of domain with cereal (library, mit, unclassified)
- domain-core library: Low-level API of "domain" (idl, library, mit)
- domain-optics library and test: Integration of domain with optics (library, mit, unclassified)
- domaindriven library and test: Batteries included event sourcing and CQRS (bsd3, library, web)
- domaindriven-core library and test: Batteries included event sourcing and CQRS (bsd3, library, web)
- dominion library, program and test: A simulator for the board game Dominion. (bsd3, game, library, program, simulation)
- domplate library: A simple templating library using HTML5 as its template
language. (bsd3, library, text, web)
- dormouse-client library and test: Simple, type-safe and testable HTTP client (bsd3, library, web)
- dormouse-uri library and test: Library for type-safe representations of Uri/Urls (bsd3, library, web)
- dot library: Datatypes and encoding for graphviz dot files (bsd3, data, graphics, graphs, library)
- dot-linker library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, util)
- dot2graphml program: Converter from GraphViz .dot format to yEd GraphML (bsd3, graphics, program)
- dotenv library, program and test: Loads environment variables from dotenv files (configuration, library, mit, program)
- dotenv-micro library: Tiny dotenv library (bsd3, configuration, library)
- dotfs library, program and test: Filesystem to manage and parse dotfiles (bsd3, library, program, system)
- dotgen library: A simple interface for building .dot graph files. (bsd3, library, text)
- dotnet-timespan library: .NET TimeSpan (bsd3, data, library)
- dotparse library and test: dot language parsing and printing. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- double-conversion library and test: Fast conversion between single and double precision floating point and text (bsd2, library, text)
- double-extra library: Missing presentations for Double numbers (fixed, scientific etc.) (bsd3, library)
- double-metaphone library: Haskell bindings to a C double-metaphone implementation. (data, library)
- double-x-encoding library and test: Encoding scheme to encode any Unicode string with only [0-9a-zA-Z_] (ascii, codec, codecs, decoding, encoding, graphql, library, unicode)
- doublezip library: Some special functions to work with lists (with zip). (data, library, mit)
- doublify-toolkit library: Doublify API toolkit for Haskell (api, library, mit)
- dove library: The Dove verification language. (bsd3, formal-methods, language, library)
- dovetail library and test: A PureScript interpreter with a Haskell FFI. (bsd3, language, library)
- dovetail-aeson library: Use Aeson from your Dovetail programs (bsd3, language, library)
- dovin library, program and test: A proof assistant for Magic: The Gathering puzzles. (bsd3, games, library, program)
- dow program: Dungeons of Wor (bsd3, frp, game, program, reactivity)
- downhill library and test: Reverse mode automatic differentiation (library, math, mit)
- download library and test: High-level file download based on URLs (bsd3, library, network)
- download-curl library: High-level file download based on URLs (bsd3, library, network)
- download-media-content program: Simple tool to download images from RSS feeds (e.g. Flickr, Picasa) (application, bsd3, program)
- downloader library: A small, low-dependency library that provides turn-key file download over HTTP and HTTPS. (bsd3, file, library, network)
- dozenal library: A Haskell library for using Dozenal (Duodecimal - Base 12) numbers. (gpl, library, math)
- dozens library: dozens api library (library, mit, web)
- dph-base library: Data Parallel Haskell common config and debugging functions. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dph-examples programs: Data Parallel Haskell example programs. (bsd3, data-structures, program)
- dph-lifted-base library: Data Parallel Haskell common definitions used by other dph-lifted packages. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dph-lifted-copy library: Data Parallel Haskell lifted array combinators. (deprecated version) (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dph-lifted-vseg library: Data Parallel Haskell lifted array combinators. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dph-par library: (deprecated) (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dph-prim-interface library: Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (abstract interface) (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dph-prim-par library: Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (production version) (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dph-prim-seq library: Data Parallel Haskell segmented arrays. (sequential implementation) (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dph-seq library: (deprecated) (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- dpkg library and test: libdpkg bindings (debian, gpl, library)
- dpor library: A generic implementation of dynamic partial-order reduction (DPOR) for testing arbitrary models of concurrency. (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- dprox program and test: a lightweight DNS proxy server, compatible with dnsmasq-china-list (bsd3, dns, program)
- dr-cabal library and program: See README for more info (development, library, mpl, profiling, program)
- drClickOn library: Monadic FRP (frp, library, public-domain)
- dragen library and test: Automatic derivation of optimized QuickCheck random generators. (bsd3, library, testing)
- drama library and programs: Actor library for Haskell (bsd3, concurrency, library, program)
- draw-poker library, programs and test: playing draw poker (bsd3, game, library, program)
- drawille library: A port of asciimoo's drawille to haskell (gpl, library, system)
- dresdner-verkehrsbetriebe library and program: Library and program for querying DVB (Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG) (library, mit, network, program)
- drifter library and test: Simple schema management for arbitrary databases. (database, library, mit)
- drifter-postgresql library and test: PostgreSQL support for the drifter schema migration tool (database, library, mit)
- drifter-sqlite library and test: SQLite support for the drifter schema migraiton tool (bsd3, database, library)
- drinkery library: Boozy streaming library (bsd3, control, library)
- driving-classes-plugin library and test: Deriving without spelling out "deriving" (development, library, mit)
- drmaa library: A Haskell bindings to the DRMAA C library. (bsd3, language, library)
- drone library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- dropbox library, program and test: Dropbox API client (api, deprecated, library, mit, program)
- dropbox-sdk library: A library to access the Dropbox HTTP API. (library, mit, network-apis)
- dropsolve program: A command line tool for resolving dropbox conflicts. Deprecated! Please use confsolve. (bsd3, deprecated, program, utils)
- drunken-bishop library: An implementation of the Drunken Bishop visual fingerprinting algorithm (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- ds-kanren library and tests: A subset of the miniKanren language (language, library, mit)
- dsc library and test: Helper functions for setting up Double Submit Cookie defense for forms (library, mit, web)
- dsh-sql library and program: SQL backend for Database Supported Haskell (DSH) (bsd3, database, library, program)
- dsmc library: DSMC library for rarefied gas dynamics (bsd3, library, physics)
- dsmc-tools programs: DSMC toolkit for rarefied gas dynamics (bsd3, physics, program)
- dson library: Haskell Doge Serialized Object Notation Parser (data, gpl, library)
- dson-parsec library: DSON parser. (data, library, mit)
- dsp library and test: Haskell Digital Signal Processing (gpl, library, math, sound)
- dstring library: Difference strings (bsd3, data, library)
- dsv library and test: DSV (delimiter-separated values) (csv, library, mit, pipes, text)
- dtab library and program: Harmonix (Guitar Hero, Rock Band) DTA/DTB metadata library (bsd3, data, library, program)
- dtd library: Parse and render DTD files (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- dtd-text library: Parse and render XML DTDs (bsd3, data, library, parsing, text, xml)
- dtd-types library: Basic types for representing XML DTDs (bsd3, data, library, text, xml)
- dtrace library: Haskell interface to the DTrace system tracing utility (bsd3, library, system)
- dtw library and test: (Fast) Dynamic Time Warping (algorithms, data-mining, library, machine-learning, mit)
- dual library: Dual category (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- dual-game program: Network multiplayer 2D shooting game (game, mit, program)
- dual-tree library and test: Rose trees with cached and accumulating monoidal annotations (bsd3, data, library)
- dualizer library: Automatically generate dual constructions. (categories, library)
- dublincore-xml-conduit library and test: XML streaming parser/renderer for the Dublin Core standard elements. (data, library, public-domain)
- duckdb-haskell library and test: Haskell bindings for duckdb. (database, library, mit)
- duckling library, programs and test: A Haskell library for parsing text into structured data. (bsd3, library, program, systems)
- duet library, program and test: A tiny language, a subset of Haskell (with type classes) aimed at aiding teachers to teach Haskell (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- dumb-cas library and test: A computer “algebra” system that knows nothing about algebra, at the core. (gpl, library, math)
- dump library and test: Dumps the names and values of expressions to ease debugging. (development, library, mit, quasiquotes)
- dump-core library: A plug-in for rendering GHC core (development, library)
- dunai library, test and benchmark: Generalised reactive framework supporting classic, arrowized and monadic FRP. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- dunai-core library: Generalised reactive framework supporting classic, arrowized and monadic FRP.
(Core library fork.) (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- dunai-test library: Testing library for Dunai (bsd3, library, testing)
- dupIO library and test: Duplicate any closure (bsd3, development, library)
- duplo library, program and test: Frontend development build tool (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)
- dura library: durable/atomic file system writes (from rio package) (bsd3, library, system)
- duration library and tests: A tiny compile-time time utility library inspired by zeit/ms (bsd3, library, time)
- dustme library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)
- dvault program: Dead simple password manager (mit, program, unclassified)
- dvda library and test: Efficient automatic differentiation and code generation (bsd3, deprecated, library, math, numerical)
- dvdread library: A monadic interface to libdvdread (gpl, library, system)
- dvi-processing library: Read/write DVI and TFM file (graphics, library, public-domain, typography)
- dvorak library and test: Dvorak encoding for Haskell. (bsd3, codec, library)
- dwarf library: Parser for DWARF debug format. (bsd3, data, library)
- dwarf-el library: Parser for DWARF debug format. (bsd3, data, library)
- dwarfadt library and programs: High-level wrapper around the dwarf library (bsd3, development, library, program)
- dwergaz library and test: A minimal testing library (library, testing)
- dx9base library: Backend for a binding to the Microsoft DirectX 9 API. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- dx9d3d library: A binding to the Microsoft DirectX 9 API. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- dx9d3dx library: A binding to the Microsoft DirectX 9 D3DX API. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- dyckword library and test: A library for working with binary Dyck words. (bsd3, library, math)
- dyepack library: Programatically identify space leaks in your program. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- dyna library and test: Minimal FRP library (bsd3, frp, library)
- dyna-brick library and test: FRP for brick Terminal user interface library (bsd3, frp, library, tui)
- dyna-gloss library and test: FRP for gloss graphics and animation library (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)
- dyna-processing library and test: FRP library for processing-for-haskell package (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)
- dynamic library: A dynamic type for Haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- dynamic-cabal library and tests: Access the functions from the Cabal library without depending on it (bsd3, distribution, library)
- dynamic-graph library: Draw and update graphs in real time with OpenGL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- dynamic-graphs library, test and benchmark: Dynamic graph algorithms (bsd3, data, library)
- dynamic-linker-template library: Automatically derive dynamic linking methods from a data type. (bsd3, library, system)
- dynamic-loader library: lightweight loader of GHC-based modules or packages (bsd3, library, system)
- dynamic-mvector library: A wrapper around MVector that enables pushing, popping and extending. (bsd3, data, library)
- dynamic-object library and tests: Object-oriented programming with duck typing and
singleton classes. (bsd3, data, library)
- dynamic-pipeline library, program and test: Library Type Safe implementation of Dynamic Pipeline Paradigm (DPP). (bsd3, data, data-flow, library, parallel, pipes, program, streaming, type-safe)
- dynamic-plot library: Interactive diagram windows (gpl, graphics, library)
- dynamic-pp library and test: A pretty-print library that employs a dynamic programming algorithm for optimal rendering. (bsd3, library, text)
- dynamic-state library: Optionally serializable dynamic state keyed by type (data, gpl, library, yi)
- dynamodb-simple library and test: Typesafe library for working with DynamoDB database (bsd3, database, library)
- dynloader library and test: Dynamically runtime loading packages (bsd3, library, system)
- dynobud library and tests: your dynamic optimization buddy (lgpl, library, science)
- dyre library and test: Dynamic reconfiguration in Haskell (bsd3, configuration, development, library)
- dywapitchtrack library: Bindings to the dywapitchtrack pitch tracking library (library, mit, sound)
- dzen-dhall library, program and test: Configure dzen2 bars in Dhall language (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- dzen-utils library: Utilities for creating inputs for dzen. (library, system)
- e11y library and test: An event-oriented observability library (apache, library, observability)
- e11y-otel library and test: OpenTelemetry-based rendering for e11y (apache, library, observability)
- each library and test: Template Haskell library for writing monadic expressions more easily (bsd3, language, library)
- eager-sockets library: Socket operations with timeouts (deprecated, library, network)
- eap library: Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) (bsd3, library, network)
- earclipper library, program and test: Ear Clipping Triangulation (graphics, library, mit, program)
- earcut library: Binding to C++ earcut library. (library, math)
- early library, program and test: Early return syntax in do-notation (GHC plugin) (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ease library: Robert Penner's easing equations (bsd3, game, library, math)
- easy-api library: Utility code for building HTTP API bindings more quickly. (library, mit, web)
- easy-args library and test: Parses command line arguments (lgpl, library, utilities)
- easy-bitcoin library: types and functions for bitcoin applications (bsd3, library, network)
- easy-file library and test: Cross-platform File handling (bsd3, library, system)
- easy-logger library and test: Logging made easy. (bsd3, library, logging)
- easyjson library: Haskell JSON library with an emphasis on simplicity, minimal dependencies, and ease of use. (library, mit, text)
- easyplot library: A tiny plotting library, utilizes gnuplot for plotting. (graphics, library, math, mit, plotting)
- easyrender library: User-friendly creation of EPS, PostScript, and PDF files (gpl, graphics, library)
- easytensor library, test and benchmarks: Pure, type-indexed haskell vector, matrix, and tensor library. (bsd3, geometry, library, math)
- easytensor-vulkan library: Use easytensor with vulkan-api. (bsd3, geometry, graphics, library, math, opengl, vulkan)
- easytest library and test: Simple, expressive testing library (library, mit, testing)
- ebeats library: Time in ebeats (bsd3, library, time)
- ebird-api library: A Haskell description of the eBird API (library, mit, web)
- ebird-cli library and program: A command-line utility for interacting with the
eBird API. (library, mit, program, web)
- ebird-client library: Client functions for querying the eBird API. (library, mit, web)
- ebml library, program and test: A pure EBML parser (bsd3, codec, library, program)
- ebnf-bff library and program: Parser combinators & EBNF, BFFs! (ebnf, library, metalanguage, mit, parsing, program, text)
- ec2-signature library and tests: The Amazon EC2 style signature calculator. (bsd3, library, network)
- ec2-unikernel program: A handy tool for uploading unikernels to Amazon's EC2. (aws, bsd3, program, unikernel)
- eccrypto library, test and benchmark: Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Haskell (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- eccrypto-ed25519-bindings library: provides "ed25519" API using "eccrypto" (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- ecdsa library: Basic ECDSA signing implementation (crypto, library)
- echo library: A cross-platform, cross-console way to handle echoing terminal input (bsd3, library, system)
- ecma262 library and program: A ECMA-262 interpreter library (bsd2, language, library, program)
- ecstasy library: A GHC.Generics based entity component system. (bsd3, game, library)
- ecta library, program, test and benchmark: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- ecta-plugin library: Hole-Fit Synthesis using ECTAs (compiler-plugin, library, mit)
- ecu programs: Tools for automotive ECU development. (bsd3, embedded, program, utils)
- ed25519 benchmark: Ed25519 cryptographic signatures (cryptography, mit)
- ed25519-donna library: Haskell bindings to ed25519-donna (Elliptical Curve Signature Scheme) (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- eddie program: Command line file filtering with haskell (bsd3, cli-tool, program)
- ede library, program and test: Templating language with similar syntax and features to Liquid or Jinja2. (library, mpl, program, template, text, web)
- edenmodules library: Semi-explicit parallel programming library (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, eden, library, parallelism)
- edenskel library: Semi-explicit parallel programming skeleton library (bsd3, control.parallel.eden, library)
- edentv program: A Tool to Visualize Parallel Functional Program Executions (development, eden, gpl, profiling, program, trace)
- edf library: EDF parsing library (bsd2, codec, library)
- edge program: Top view space combat arcade game (game, gpl, program)
- edges library and test: Tools for efficient immutable graphs (graphs, library, mit)
- edis library: Statically typechecked client for Redis (database, library, mit)
- edit library and test: A monad for rewriting things. (bsd3, data, library)
- edit-distance library, test and benchmark: Levenshtein and restricted Damerau-Levenshtein edit distances (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- edit-distance-linear library, test and benchmark: Efficient implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance in linear memory. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- edit-distance-vector library and test: Calculate edit distances and edit scripts between vectors. (algorithms, bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- edit-lenses library: Symmetric, stateful edit lenses (bsd3, data, library)
- edit-lenses-demo program: Programs demoing the use of symmetric, stateful edit lenses (bsd3, data, program)
- editable library: Interactive editors for Generics (bsd2, data, library)
- editline library: Bindings to the editline library (libedit). (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- editor-open library and programs: Open the user's $VISUAL or $EDITOR for text input. (apache, library, program, text)
- editpipe program: Edit stdin using an editor before sending to stdout. (bsd3, editor, program)
- edits library and test: show the differences between 2 pieces of Text using the Levenshtein distance (data, library, mit)
- effect-handlers library, test and benchmark: A library for writing extensible algebraic effects and handlers. Similar to extensible-effects but with deep handlers. (control, library, mit)
- effect-monad library: Embeds effect systems and program logics into Haskell using graded monads and parameterised monads (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- effect-stack library: Reducing the pain of transformer stacks with duplicated effects (bsd3, control, library)
- effectful library, test and benchmark: An easy to use, performant extensible effects library. (bsd3, control, library)
- effectful-core library: An easy to use, performant extensible effects library. (bsd3, control, library)
- effectful-plugin library and test: A GHC plugin for improving disambiguation of effects. (bsd3, control, library)
- effectful-st library: `ST`-style mutation for `effectful`. (effectful, library)
- effectful-th library and test: Template Haskell utilities for the effectful library. (bsd3, control, library)
- effectful-zoo library and test: Effectful effects for testing (bsd3, development, library)
- effective-aspects library and test: A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming (aop, aspect-oriented-programming, language, library, monads)
- effective-aspects-mzv library and test: A monadic embedding of aspect oriented programming, using "Monads, Zippers and Views" instead of mtl. (aop, aspect-oriented-programming, language, library, monads)
- effects library: Computational Effects (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- effects-parser library: Parser Effect for the Control.Effects Library (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- effet library and test: An Effect System based on Type Classes (bsd3, control, library)
- effin library: A Typeable-free implementation of extensible effects (bsd3, control, effect, library)
- eflint library and programs: Simulation interpreter for FLINT policy descriptions (bsd3, language, library, program)
- egison library, programs, tests and benchmark: Programming language with non-linear pattern-matching against non-free data (compilers-interpreters, library, mit, program)
- egison-pattern-src library and test: Manipulating Egison patterns: abstract syntax, parser, and pretty-printer (bsd3, language, library, parser, pretty-printer)
- egison-pattern-src-haskell-mode library and test: Parser and pretty printer for Egison pattern expressions in Haskell source code (bsd3, language, library, parser, pretty-printer)
- egison-pattern-src-th-mode library and test: Parser and pretty printer for Egison pattern expressions to use with TH (bsd3, language, library, parser, pretty-printer, template-haskell)
- egison-quote library: A quasi quotes for using Egison expression in Haskell code (language, library, mit)
- egison-tutorial program: A tutorial program for the Egison programming language (compilers-interpreters, mit, program)
- egyptian-fractions library: Egyptian fractions in Haskell (bsd3, library, math)
- ehaskell program: like eruby, ehaskell is embedded haskell. (program, text)
- ehlo library: Minimalistic SMTP client for Haskell (library, mit, network)
- ehs library: Embedded haskell template using quasiquotes. (language, library, mit, template, text)
- eibd-client-simple library: EIBd Client (automation, gpl, library)
- eigen library and tests: Eigen C++ library (linear algebra: matrices, sparse matrices, vectors, numerical solvers). (algebra, algorithms, bsd3, data, library, math, numeric, statistics)
- eio library and program: IO with Exceptions tracked on the type-level (exceptions, io, library, mpl, program, qualifieddo)
- either library and test: Combinators for working with sums (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- either-both library and test: Either or both (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- either-list-functions library and test: Functions involving lists of Either (apache, data, library)
- either-result library and tests: The simplest ‘MonadFail’ instance (apache, data, library)
- either-semigroup library: Either with a stricter Semigroup instance (bsd2, data, library)
- either-unwrap library: Functions for probing and unwrapping values inside of Either. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- eithers library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- ejdb2-binding library and test: Binding to EJDB2 C library, an embedded JSON noSQL database (database, library, mit)
- ekg library: Remote monitoring of processes (bsd3, library, network, system)
- ekg-bosun library: Send ekg metrics to a Bosun instance (bsd3, library, system)
- ekg-carbon library: An EKG backend to send statistics to Carbon (part of Graphite monitoring tools) (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- ekg-cloudwatch library: An ekg backend for Amazon Cloudwatch (bsd3, library, web)
- ekg-core library and benchmarks: Tracking of system metrics (bsd3, library, system)
- ekg-elastic library: Push metrics to elastic (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- ekg-elasticsearch library: Push metrics to elasticsearch (bsd3, library, system)
- ekg-influxdb library: An EKG backend to send statistics to influxdb (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- ekg-json library: JSON encoding of ekg metrics (bsd3, distribution, library)
- ekg-log library: Push metrics to a log file. (bsd3, library, system)
- ekg-prometheus-adapter library and test: Easily expose your EKG metrics to Prometheus (library, mit, web)
- ekg-push library: Small framework to push metric deltas to a broadcast channel using the ekg-core library. (bsd3, library, system)
- ekg-rrd library and test: Passes ekg statistics to rrdtool (bsd3, library, system)
- ekg-statsd library: Push metrics to statsd (bsd3, library, system)
- ekg-wai library: Remote monitoring of processes (bsd3, library, network, system)
- elasticsearch-interchange library and test: Serialization of Elasticsearch requests and responses (bsd3, data, library)
- elbow library: Find the elbow point. (gpl, library, math)
- electrs-client library and test: Electrs client library for Haskell (bitcoin, bsd3, electrs, finance, library, network, payments)
- electrum-mnemonic library and test: easy to remember mnemonic for a high-entropy value (gpl, library, natural-language-processing)
- elenco-albero library and test: make tree from a list (library, public-domain, tree)
- elerea library: A minimalistic FRP library (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- elerea-examples programs: Example applications for Elerea (bsd3, frp, program, reactivity)
- elerea-sdl library: Elerea FRP wrapper for SDL (data, library)
- elevator library: Immediately lifts to a desired level (bsd3, control, library)
- elf library and test: An Elf parser (bsd3, data, library)
- eliminators library and test: Dependently typed elimination functions using singletons (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- elision library and program: Arrows with holes. (bsd2, control, library, program)
- elliptic-curve library, test and benchmark: Elliptic curve library (cryptography, library, mit)
- elliptic-integrals library and test: Carlson Elliptic Integrals and Incomplete Elliptic Integrals (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- elm-bridge library and tests: Derive Elm types and Json code from Haskell types, using aeson's options (bsd3, compiler, language, library, web)
- elm-build-lib library: Compile Elm code to JS within Haskell (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, library)
- elm-compiler library, programs and test: Values to help with elm-package, elm-make, and (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, library, program)
- elm-core-sources library: Source files for the Elm runtime and standard libraries (bsd3, compiler, language, library)
- elm-export library and test: A library to generate Elm types from Haskell source. (library, web)
- elm-export-persistent library: elm-export persistent entities (data, database, library, mit, web)
- elm-get library and program: Tool for sharing and using Elm libraries (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, program)
- elm-hybrid library and test: Combine Elm with Haskell for data based applications (bsd3, library, web)
- elm-init program: Set up basic structure for an elm project (development, mit, program)
- elm-make program: A build tool for Elm projects (bsd3, build-tool, deprecated, program)
- elm-package library and program: Package manager for Elm libraries (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, program)
- elm-reactor program: Interactive development tool for Elm programs (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, program)
- elm-repl program and test: a REPL for Elm (bsd3, deprecated, program, tool)
- elm-server program: Server for developing Elm projects (bsd3, compiler, deprecated, language, program)
- elm-street library, programs and test: Crossing the road between Haskell and Elm (compiler, elm, language, library, mpl, program)
- elm-syntax library and test: Elm syntax and pretty-printing (bsd3, compiler, elm, language, library)
- elm-websocket library, programs and test: Generate ELM code from a Wai websocket application. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- elm-yesod library: The Elm language Yesod compatibility module. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- elm2nix library, program and test: Turn your Elm project into buildable Nix project (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- elmental library, program and test: Generate Elm datatype definitions, encoders and decoders from Haskell datatypes. (bsd3, codegen, library, program)
- elminator library and test: Generate ELM types/encoders/decoders from Haskell types. (bsd3, code-generation, elm, library)
- elo library and test: Elo Rating Library (bsd3, library, web)
- elocrypt library, program and tests: Generate easy-to-remember, hard-to-guess passwords (cryptography, library, program)
- elsa library, program and test: A tiny language for understanding the lambda-calculus (language, library, mit, program)
- elynx program: Validate and (optionally) redo ELynx analyses (bioinformatics, gpl, program)
- elynx-markov library, test and benchmark: Simulate molecular sequences along trees (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- elynx-nexus library and test: Import and export Nexus files (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- elynx-seq library and test: Handle molecular sequences (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- elynx-tools library: Tools for ELynx (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- elynx-tree library, test and benchmark: Handle phylogenetic trees (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- ema library: Static site generator library with hot reload (agpl, library, web)
- ema-extra library: Useful route types for Ema (agpl, library, web)
- ema-generics library and test: Generic deriving for Ema routes (agpl, library, web)
- emacs-keys library and tests: library to parse emacs style keybinding into the modifiers and the chars (library, parsing)
- emacs-module library: Utilities to write Emacs dynamic modules (apache, foreign, foreign-binding, library)
- email library: Sending eMail in Haskell made easy (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- email-header library and test: Parsing and rendering of email and MIME headers (bsd3, library, network)
- email-postmark library: A simple wrapper to send emails via the api of the service postmark ( (bsd3, deprecated, email, library)
- email-validate library and test: Email address validation (bsd3, library, text)
- email-validate-json library: Aeson instances for email-validate (bsd3, library, web)
- email-validator program: Perform basic syntax and deliverability checks on email addresses. (agpl, program, utils)
- emailaddress library and test: Wrapper around email-validate library adding instances for common type classes. (bsd3, library, text)
- emailparse library and test: An email parser that will parse everything (bsd3, library, network)
- emanote library, program and test: Emanate a structured view of your plain-text notes (agpl, library, program, web)
- embed-config library and test: Reasonable conventions for embedding YAML configuration with Template Haskell (bsd3, configuration, library)
- embeddock library and program: Embed the values in scope in the haddock documentation of the module (bsd3, documentation, library, program)
- embeddock-example library: Example of using embeddock. (bsd3, documentation, library)
- embla library: execute actions periodically while avoiding drift (bsd3, library, utility)
- embroidery library and program: support for embroidery formats in haskell (codec, gpl, library, program)
- emd library, test and benchmark: Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert-Huang Transform (bsd3, library, math)
- emgm library and test: Extensible and Modular Generics for the Masses (bsd3, generics, library)
- emhell library and programs: Embedded shell (bsd3, embedded, library, program)
- emoji library and program: emoji utility (bsd3, library, program, unicode)
- emojis library and test: Conversion between emoji characters and their names. (bsd3, library, text)
- empty library: Ceci n'est pas une package (acme, bsd3, deprecated, library)
- empty-monad library: A container that always has no values. (bsd3, data, library)
- enchant library and test: Binding to the Enchant library (bsd3, language, library)
- enclosed-exceptions library and test: Catching all exceptions from within an enclosed computation (control, library, mit)
- encode-string library and test: Safe string conversion and encoding (data, library, mit, string, text)
- encoding library and test: A library for various character encodings (bsd3, codec, library)
- encoding-io library: Encoding-aware file I/O. (bsd3, data, library)
- encryptable library and test: Typed encryption with persistent support (bsd3, cryptography, database, library, yesod)
- end-of-exe library: A small library to deal with executable endings (library, mit, system)
- endo library: Endomorphism utilities. (bsd3, data, library)
- eng-stemmer library, program and test: An English language stemmer (Porter2) (bsd3, library, nlp, program, stemming)
- engine-io library: A Haskell implementation of Engine.IO (bsd3, library, web)
- engine-io-growler library: (library, mit, web)
- engine-io-snap library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- engine-io-wai library: An @engine-io@ @ServerAPI@ that is compatible with @Wai@ (bsd3, library, network)
- engine-io-yesod library: (bsd3, library, network)
- engineering-units library: A numeric type for managing and automating engineering units. (bsd3, data, library)
- entangle library and program: An application (and library) to convert quipper circuits into Qpmc models. (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- entropy library: A platform independent entropy source (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- entwine library, tests and benchmark: entwine - Concurrency tools (bsd3, library, system)
- enum-subset-generate library and test: Generate an ADT being a subset of another ADT, and the corresponding mappings. (bsd3, data, library)
- enum-text library and test: A text rendering and parsing toolkit for enumerated types (bsd3, library, text)
- enum-text-rio library and program: Making fmt available with rio (bsd3, control, library, program)
- enum-types library: small enum types (bsd3, data, library)
- enum-utf8 library: An experimental Utf8 parsing toolkit for enumerated types (bsd3, library, text)
- enumerable library: A typeclass for enumerating all values a type (bsd3, data, library)
- enumerate library and program: enumerate all the values in a finite type (automatically) (data, library, mit, program)
- enumerate-function library, program, tests and benchmark: simple package for inverting functions and testing totality, via brute enumeration of the domain (bsd3, library, program, todo)
- enumeration library and test: A practical API for building recursive enumeration
procedures and enumerating datatypes. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, serialization, test, testing)
- enumerator library: Reliable, high-performance processing with left-fold enumerators (data, deprecated, enumerator, library, mit)
- enumerator-fd library: Enumerator instances for monads-fd classes (enumerator, library, mit)
- enumerator-tf library: Enumerator instances for monads-tf classes (enumerator, library, mit)
- enumfun library: Finitely represented /total/ EnumMaps (bsd3, data, library)
- enummapmap library, tests and benchmark: Map of maps using Enum types as keys (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- enummaps library: Enum wrappers for IntMap and IntSet (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- enummapset library and test: IntMap and IntSet with Enum keys/elements. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- enummapset-th library: TH-generated EnumSet/EnumMap wrappers around IntSet/IntMap. (bsd3, data, library)
- enumset library: Sets of enumeration values represented by machine words (bsd3, data, foreign, library)
- env-extra library and test: Safe helpers for accessing and modifying environment variables (library, mit, system)
- env-guard library and test: Conditionally running IO actions based on environment variables. (environment, library, mit, system)
- env-locale library: A (non-forking) interface to the current locale (library, system)
- env-parser library: Pull configuration information from the ENV (library, mit, system)
- envelope library and test: Defines generic 'Envelope' type to wrap reponses from a JSON API. (bsd3, library, web)
- envparse library and test: Parse environment variables (bsd3, library, system)
- envstatus library, program and test: Display efficiently the state of the local environment (development, library, mit, program)
- envy library and test: An environmentally friendly way to deal with environment variables (bsd3, library, system)
- envy-extensible library and tests: Provides FromEnv in envy instance for Record of extensible. (bsd3, data, library, record)
- eo-phi-normalizer library, program and tests: Command line normalizer of 𝜑-calculus expressions. (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- epanet-haskell library: Haskell binding for EPANET (algorithms, gpl, hydraulics, library)
- epass library: Baisc, Erlang-like message passing supporting sockets. (bsd3, concurrency, library, network)
- ephemeral library and test: See (bsd3, library, project)
- epi-sim library and test: A library for simulating epidemics as birth-death processes. (library, mit, simulation)
- epic library and program: Compiler for a simple functional language (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- epoll library: epoll bindings (library, system)
- eprocess library: Basic Erlang-like process support for Haskell (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- epub library and program: EPUB E-Book construction support library (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, text)
- epub-metadata library, program and test: Library for parsing epub document metadata (codec, library, program, text)
- epub-tools programs and test: Command line utilities for working with epub files (application, console, program)
- epubname program: Rename epub ebook files based on meta information (application, bsd3, console, deprecated, program)
- eq library: Leibnizian equality (bsd3, library, type-system)
- equal-files program: Shell command for finding equal files (console, program)
- equational-reasoning library: Proof assistant for Haskell using DataKinds & PolyKinds (bsd3, library, math)
- equational-reasoning-induction library: Proof assistant for Haskell using DataKinds & PolyKinds (bsd3, library, math)
- equeue library and test: Application level triggered, and edge triggered event multiqueues. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- equivalence library and test: Maintaining an equivalence relation implemented as union-find using STT. (algorithms, bsd3, data, library)
- erd program and test: An entity-relationship diagram generator from a plain text description. (database, development, program, public-domain)
- erebos library and program: Decentralized messaging and synchronization (bsd3, library, network, program)
- erebos-tester programs: Test framework with virtual network using Linux namespaces (gpl, program, testing)
- erf library: The error function, erf, and related functions. (bsd3, library, math)
- erf-native library: Native Haskell implementation of the interface from the erf package (library, math)
- erlang library: FFI interface to Erlang. (foreign, library)
- erlang-ffi library and test: Send messages to an Erlang node using Haskell (foreign, library)
- eros library: A text censorship library. (bsd3, library, text)
- eros-client program: DEPRECATED in favor of eros-http (bsd3, program, text)
- eros-http program: JSON HTTP interface to Eros. (bsd3, program, text)
- errata library, program and test: Source code error pretty printing (library, mit, pretty-printer, program)
- errno library: a FFI utility (bsd3, foreign, library)
- error library and test: The canonical error type (data, error-handling, library, mit)
- error-analyze library and test: Parse ghc and cabal error messages and give their causes for easier resolution (bsd3, development, ghc, library)
- error-codes library and test: Error code functions (bsd3, library, system)
- error-context library and test: Provides API for enriching errors with contexts (bsd3, control, error-handling, library)
- error-continuations library: Error Continuations (control, library, public-domain)
- error-list library: A useful type for collecting error messages. (control, library, mit)
- error-loc library: An error replacement with call-site metadata. (library, mit, utils)
- error-location library: error functions that show file location information (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- error-message library: Composable error messages. (bsd3, development, error-handling, library)
- error-or library: Composable, hierarchical errors. (bsd3, data, library)
- error-or-utils library: Utilities using ErrorOr datatype (bsd3, data, library, testing)
- error-util library: Set of utils and operators for error handling (error-handling, library, mit)
- errorcall-eq-instance library and test: An orphan Eq instance for ErrorCall (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- errors library: Simplified error-handling (bsd3, control, error-handling, library)
- errors-ext library and test: `bracket`-like functions for `ExceptT` over `IO` monad. (control, error-handling, library)
- ersaconcat library, program and test: A script to concatenate AIP ERSA (aviation, bsd3, library, program)
- ersatz library and tests: A monad for expressing SAT or QSAT problems using observable sharing. (algorithms, bsd3, library, logic)
- ersatz-toysat library: toysat driver as backend for ersatz (algorithms, bsd3, library, logic)
- ert library and program: Easy Runtime Templates (gpl, library, program, text)
- escape-artist library and tests: ANSI Escape Sequence Text Decoration Made Easy (bsd3, library, text)
- escaped library, program and tests: Produce Text with terminal escape sequences (library, mit, program, text)
- escoger library, program, test and benchmark: Terminal fuzzy selector (library, mit, program, tools)
- esotericbot library and program: Esotericbot is a sophisticated, lightweight IRC bot. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- espial library and test: Espial is an open-source, web-based bookmarking server. (agpl, library, web)
- esqueleto library and test: Type-safe EDSL for SQL queries on persistent backends. (bsd3, database, library)
- esqueleto-compat library and test: Compatibility operators for Persistent and Esqueleto (bsd3, data, library)
- esqueleto-pgcrypto library and test: Esqueleto support for the pgcrypto PostgreSQL module (bsd3, database, library)
- esqueleto-postgis library and test: postgis bindings for esqueleto. (database, library, mit)
- esqueleto-streaming library: Memory-constant streaming of Esqueleto results from PostgreSQL (bsd3, conduit, database, library)
- esqueleto-textsearch library and test: PostgreSQL full text search for Esqueleto (database, library, mit)
- ess library: The type-level S combinator in Haskell. (data, library, mit)
- essence-of-live-coding library, programs and test: General purpose live coding framework (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding, program)
- essence-of-live-coding-PortMidi library: General purpose live coding framework - PortMidi backend (bsd3, library, sound)
- essence-of-live-coding-gloss library: General purpose live coding framework - Gloss backend (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding)
- essence-of-live-coding-gloss-example program: General purpose live coding framework - Gloss example (bsd3, deprecated, frp, live-coding, program)
- essence-of-live-coding-pulse library: General purpose live coding framework - pulse backend (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding)
- essence-of-live-coding-pulse-example program: General purpose live coding framework - pulse backend example (bsd3, deprecated, frp, live-coding, program)
- essence-of-live-coding-quickcheck library: General purpose live coding framework - QuickCheck integration (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding)
- essence-of-live-coding-vivid library: General purpose live coding framework - vivid backend (bsd3, library, sound)
- essence-of-live-coding-warp library and test: General purpose live coding framework (bsd3, frp, library, live-coding)
- estimator library: State-space estimation algorithms such as Kalman Filters (bsd3, library, math, numerical, statistics)
- estimators library: Tool for managing probability estimation (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- estreps programs: Repeats from ESTs (bioinformatics, program)
- etc library and test: Declarative configuration spec for Haskell projects (configuration, library, mit, system)
- etcd library and test: Client for etcd, a highly-available key value store (library, network)
- eternal library: everything breaking the Fairbairn threshold (bsd3, control, library)
- eternity library and test: Native event-sourcing database (database, eventsourcing, library, mit, streaming)
- eternity-timestamped library: Automatic timestamping for Eternity (database, eternity, event-sourcing, library, mit, streaming)
- ether library, test and benchmark: Monad transformers and classes (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- ethereum-analyzer library and test: A Ethereum contract analyzer. (apache, ethereum, library, static-analysis)
- ethereum-analyzer-cli library and programs: A CLI frontend for ethereum-analyzer. (apache, cli, ethereum, library, program, static-analysis)
- ethereum-analyzer-deps library: Stripped dependencies of ethereum-analyzer. (apache, ethereum, library, static-analysis)
- ethereum-analyzer-webui library and program: A web frontend for ethereum-analyzer (apache, ethereum, library, program, static-analysis, web)
- ethereum-client-haskell programs and test: A Haskell version of an Ethereum client (bsd3, data-structures, program)
- ethereum-merkle-patricia-db library and test: A modified Merkle Patricia DB (bsd3, data-structures, deprecated, library)
- ethereum-rlp library and test: Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding (apache, data-structures, library)
- eths-rlp library and tests: Ethereum Recursive Length Prefix Encoding (contracts, data, ethereum, finance, library, mit, network)
- ety library and program: Random etymology online entry. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- euler library and test: Mathematics utilities for Haskell (library, math, mit)
- euler-tour-tree library and tests: Euler tour trees (data, library, public-domain)
- euphoria library, test and benchmark: Dynamic network FRP with events and continuous values (frp, library, public-domain)
- eurofxref library: Free foreign exchange/currency feed from the European Central Bank (bsd3, finance, library)
- evdev library and test: Bindings to libevdev (bsd3, library, system)
- evdev-streamly library: Bridge for working with evdev and streamly (bsd3, library, streamly, system)
- eve library and test: An extensible event framework (bsd3, framework, library)
- eve-cli library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- eved library: A value level web framework (bsd3, library, web)
- eveff library: Efficient effect handlers based on evidence translation. (control, effect, library, mit)
- event library: Monoidal, monadic and first-class events (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- event-driven library: library for event driven programming (bsd3, control, library)
- event-handlers library: Event handlers (control, data, library, public-domain)
- event-list library and test: Event lists with relative or absolute time stamps (data, library)
- event-monad library: Event-graph simulation monad transformer (control, library, public-domain)
- event-transformer library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, program)
- eventful-core library and test: Core module for eventful (database, eventsourcing, library, mit)
- eventful-dynamodb library and test: Library for eventful DynamoDB event stores (aws, database, eventsourcing, library, mit)
- eventful-memory library and test: In-memory implementations for eventful (database, eventsourcing, library, mit)
- eventful-postgresql library and test: Postgres implementations for eventful (database, eventsourcing, library, mit, postgresql)
- eventful-sql-common library: Common library for SQL event stores (database, eventsourcing, library, mit)
- eventful-sqlite library and test: SQLite implementations for eventful (database, eventsourcing, library, mit, sqlite)
- eventful-test-helpers library: Common module used for eventful tests (database, eventsourcing, library, mit)
- eventlog-socket library: Stream GHC eventlog events to external processes (bsd3, library, system)
- eventlog2html library and program: Visualise an eventlog (bsd3, development, library, program)
- eventloop library: A different take on an IO system. Based on Amanda's IO loop, this eventloop takes a function that maps input events to output events. It can easily be extended by modules that represent IO devices or join multiple modules together. (bsd3, eventloop, library)
- eventsource-api library: Provides an eventsourcing high level API. (bsd3, eventsourcing, library)
- eventsource-geteventstore-store library and test: GetEventStore store implementation. (bsd3, eventsourcing, library)
- eventsource-store-specs library: Provides common test specification for Store implementation. (bsd3, eventsourcing, library, testing)
- eventsource-stub-store library and test: An in-memory stub store implementation. (bsd3, eventsourcing, library)
- eventsourced library, program and test: Server-Sent Events the UNIX way (library, mit, network, program)
- eventsourcing library and test: CQRS/ES library. (cqrs, database, library)
- eventsourcing-postgresql library: PostgreSQL adaptor for eventsourcing. (database, library)
- eventstore library and test: EventStore TCP Client (bsd3, database, library)
- eventuo11y library: An event-oriented observability library (apache, library, observability)
- eventuo11y-batteries library: Grab bag of eventuo11y-enriched functionality (apache, library, observability)
- eventuo11y-dsl library: DSL for defining eventuo11y fields and selectors (apache, library, observability)
- eventuo11y-json library: aeson-based rendering for eventuo11y (apache, library, observability)
- eventuo11y-otel library: OpenTelemetry-based rendering for eventuo11y (apache, library, observability)
- eventuo11y-prometheus library: Prometheus backend for eventuo11y (apache, library, observability)
- every library: Run a process every so often. (bsd3, library, web)
- every-bit-counts library: A functional pearl on encoding and decoding using question-and-answer strategies (bsd3, data, library)
- evm-opcodes library, test and benchmark: Opcode types for Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) (ethereum, finance, library, mit, network)
- evoke library and test: A GHC plugin to derive instances. (library, mit, plugin)
- ewe program: An interpreter for EWE programming language (bsd3, language, program)
- ex-pool library: Another fork of resource-pool, with a MonadIO and MonadCatch constraint (bsd3, data, library)
- exact-combinatorics library: Efficient exact computation of combinatoric functions. (bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- exact-cover library and test: Efficient exact cover solver. (algorithms, bsd3, library, math)
- exact-kantorovich library and test: Exact Kantorovich distance between finite probability measures. (bsd3, library, math, optimization)
- exact-pi library and test: Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi) (data, library, mit)
- exact-real library, test and benchmark: Exact real arithmetic (library, math, mit)
- exact-real-positional library: Framework for Exact Real Arithmetic in the Positional Number System (bsd3, library, math)
- example-haskell-project library and program: Example Haskell Project (bsd3, example, library, program)
- except-exceptions library: Safely deal with exceptions in ExceptT (bsd3, library, monad)
- exception-hierarchy library: Exception type hierarchy with TemplateHaskell (bsd3, language, library)
- exception-mailer library: Catch all runtime exceptions and send an email (bsd3, library, system)
- exception-monads-fd library: Exception monad transformer instances for monads-fd classes. (bsd3, control, deprecated, error-handling, failure, library, monad)
- exception-monads-tf library: Exception monad transformer instances for monads-tf classes. (bsd3, control, error-handling, failure, library, monad)
- exception-mtl library: Exception monad transformer instances for mtl classes. (bsd3, control, error-handling, failure, library, monad)
- exception-transformers library and test: Type classes and monads for unchecked extensible exceptions. (bsd3, control, error-handling, failure, library, monad)
- exception-via library: DerivingVia for your hierarchical exceptions (bsd3, exceptions, library)
- exceptional library: Essentially the Maybe type with error messages. (bsd2, control, library)
- exceptionfree-readfile library, tests and benchmark: An exception-free readFile for use with '+RTS -xc -RTS' projects (bsd3, library, utility)
- exceptions library and test: Extensible optionally-pure exceptions (bsd3, control, exceptions, library, monad)
- exceptiot library and test: ExceptT, but uses IO instead of Either (bsd3, control, library)
- exchangerates library and test: A Haskell client for (api, bsd3, library)
- execs library and program: Tool to run stack exec prj-exe more easy (library, mit, program, utils)
- executable-hash library, program and tests: Provides the SHA1 hash of the program executable (library, mit, program, system)
- executable-path library: Finding out the full path of the executable. (library, public-domain, system)
- executor library and tests: Shell helpers (distribution, library, mit)
- exference library: Tool to search/generate (haskell) expressions with a given type (bsd3, language, library)
- exh library and test: A library for crawling exhentai (bsd3, library, web)
- exhaustive library: Compile time checks that a computation considers producing data through all possible constructors (bsd3, control, library)
- exherbo-cabal library, program and test: Exheres generator for cabal packages (distribution, gpl, library, program)
- exif library: A Haskell binding to a subset of libexif (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- exiftool library: Haskell bindings to ExifTool (foreign, library, mit)
- exigo-schema library and test: database schema for exigo marking/assessment tools (bsd2, database, library)
- exinst library: Dependent pairs and their instances. (bsd3, data, library)
- exinst-aeson library and test: @exinst@ support for @aeson@ package. (bsd3, data, library)
- exinst-base library and test: @exinst@ support for @base@ package. (bsd3, data, library)
- exinst-bytes library and test: @exinst@ support for @bytes@ package. (bsd3, data, library)
- exinst-cereal library and test: @exinst@ support for @cereal@ package. (bsd3, data, library)
- exinst-deepseq library: Derive instances for the `deepseq` library for your existential types. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- exinst-hashable library: Derive instances for the `hashable` library for your existential types. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- exinst-serialise library and test: Dependent pairs and their instances. (bsd3, data, library)
- exist library: Dependent sum type (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- exist-instances library: Instances for "exist" package (requires more language extensions and dependencies) (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- existential library: Existential types with lens-like accessors. (data, library, mit)
- exists library: Existential datatypes holding evidence of constraints (bsd3, constraints, library)
- exit-codes library: Exit codes as defined by BSD (bsd3, library, system)
- exitcode library and test: Monad transformer for exit codes (bsd3, control, library)
- exomizer library: Compression and decompression in the exomizer format (codec, library)
- exon library, test and benchmark: Customizable quasiquote interpolation (library, string)
- exotic-list-monads library and test: Non-standard monads on lists and non-empty lists (library, list, mit, monads)
- exp-cache library, program and test: (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- exp-extended library: floating point with extended exponent range (bsd3, library, numeric)
- exp-pairs library, test and benchmarks: Linear programming over exponent pairs (gpl, library, math)
- expand library: Extensible Pandoc (library, text)
- expat-enumerator library: Enumerator-based API for Expat (deprecated, enumerator, library, mit, parsing, text, xml)
- experimenter library and test: Perform scientific experiments stored in a DB, and generate reports. (bsd3, experiment, library)
- expiring-cache-map library and tests: General purpose simple caching. (bsd3, caching, library)
- expiring-containers library and test: Expiring containers (containers, library, mit, time)
- expiring-mvar library: Create values which expire after a period of time. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- explain program: Show how expressions are parsed (language, mit, program)
- explainable-predicates library and test: Predicates that can explain themselves. (bsd3, library, testing)
- explicit-constraint-lens library and test: Fully-flexible polymorphic lenses, without any bizarre profunctors (data, gpl, library)
- explicit-determinant library: explicit computation of determinant of small matrices (gpl, library, math)
- explicit-exception library: Exceptions which are explicit in the type signature. (bsd3, control, library)
- explicit-iomodes library: File handles with explicit IOModes (bsd3, library, system)
- explicit-iomodes-bytestring library: Extends explicit-iomodes with ByteString operations (bsd3, library, system)
- explicit-iomodes-text library: Extends explicit-iomodes with Text operations (bsd3, library, system)
- explicit-sharing library: Explicit Sharing of Monadic Effects (control, library, monads, public-domain)
- explore program: Experimental Plot data Reconstructor (bsd3, graphics, program)
- exploring-interpreters library: A generic exploring interpreter for exploratory programming (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- exposed-containers library and tests: A distribution of the 'containers' package, with all modules exposed. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- express library, tests and benchmarks: Dynamically-typed expressions involving function application and variables. (bsd3, data, library)
- expression-parser library: Generalization of parsec's expression parser. (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- expressions library and test: Expressions and Formulae a la carte (bsd3, data, library, logic, math)
- expressions-z3 library and test: Encode and Decode expressions from Z3 ASTs (bsd3, data, library, logic, math)
- expresso library, program and test: A simple expressions language based on row types (bsd3, configuration, library, program)
- extcore library: Libraries for processing GHC Core (bsd3, language, library)
- extemp program: automated printing for extemp speakers (bsd3, program, web)
- extend-record-data-th library and test: TH to define a new record data type that extends the existing record data type. (bsd3, data, library)
- extended-categories library: Extended Categories (bsd3, library, math)
- extended-containers library and test: Heap and Vector container types (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- extended-containers-lens library: lens instances for extended-containers (bsd3, data-structures, lenses, library)
- extended-reals library and test: Extension of real numbers with positive/negative infinities (bsd3, library, math)
- extensible library and test: Extensible, efficient, optics-friendly data types and effects (bsd3, data, library, records)
- extensible-data library: Sums/products/lists/trees which can be extended in other modules (data, library, public-domain)
- extensible-effects library, test and benchmark: An Alternative to Monad Transformers (control, effect, library, mit)
- extensible-effects-concurrent library, programs, test and benchmark: Message passing concurrency as extensible-effect (bsd3, concurrency, control, effect, library, program)
- extensible-exceptions library: Extensible exceptions (bsd3, control, library)
- extensible-skeleton library and test: Operational-based extensible effect library (bsd3, library, monads)
- extensible-sp library: light-weight, extensible sums and products over types and kinds (data, library, mit)
- extensioneer program: Inspect extensions in cabal and hpack files (cli, mit, program)
- extensions library and test: Parse Haskell Language Extensions (ghc, haskell, library, mpl, parsing)
- external-sort library: Sort large arrays on your hard drive. Kind of like the unix util sort. (bsd3, library, other)
- extism library and tests: Extism bindings (bsd3, library, plugins, webassembly)
- extism-manifest library: Extism manifest bindings (bsd3, library, plugins, webassembly)
- extism-pdk library and programs: Extism Plugin Development Kit (bsd3, library, plugins, program, wasm)
- extra library and test: Extra functions I use. (bsd3, development, library)
- extra-data-yj library and test: Additional data types (bsd3, data, library)
- extract-dependencies library and program: Given a hackage package outputs the list of its dependencies. (development, library, mit, program)
- extractable-singleton library: A functor, where the "stored" value is isomorphic to Identity (bsd3, data, library)
- extractelf program: Extract an ELF's metadata and sections into files (bsd3, development, program)
- extralife library: API Client for ExtraLife team and user data (bsd3, library, web)
- extrapolate library and tests: generalize counter-examples of test properties (bsd3, library, testing)
- ez-couch library: A high level static library for working with CouchDB (couchdb, database, deprecated, library, mit)
- ez3 library: Z3 bonds with pure interface (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- f-algebra-gen library: Generate a special f-algebra combinator from any data type. (data, library, mit)
- f-ree-hack-cheats-free-v-bucks-generator program: Spam (bsd3, deprecated, program, spam)
- faceted library: Faceted computation for dynamic information flow security (apache, library, security)
- factor library, program and test: Factoring integers and polynomials (library, mit, number-theory, program)
- factory library, program and test: Rational arithmetic in an irrational world. (gpl, library, math, number-theory, program)
- facts library: Refined types (bsd3, data, library)
- factual-api library: A driver for the Factual API (api, bsd3, library, web)
- fad library: Forward Automatic Differentiation. (bsd3, library, math)
- fadno library and test: Minimal library for music generation and notation (bsd3, library, music)
- fadno-braids library: Braid representations in Haskell (algebra, bsd2, data, library, math)
- fadno-xml library: XML/XSD combinators/schemas/codegen (bsd2, library, music, xml)
- fail library: Forward-compatible MonadFail class (bsd3, development, library)
- failable library: A 'Failable' error monad class to unify failure across monads that can fail (bsd3, control, exceptions, library, monad)
- failable-list library: A list-like type for lazy streams, which might terminate with an error. (bsd3, data, deprecated, error-handling, library)
- failure library: A simple type class for success/failure computations. (deprecated) (bsd3, control, deprecated, failure, library, monads)
- failure-detector library and test: Failure Detectors implimented in Haskell. (bsd3, distributed-computing, library)
- fair library, test and benchmark: Lists with fair choice (bsd3, data, library)
- fair-predicates library: Fair Predicates (data, library, public-domain)
- fake library and test: Randomly generated fake data (bsd3, data, library)
- fake-type library: A crossplatform library to simulate keyboard input (bsd3, library, system)
- fakedata library, test and benchmark: Library for producing fake data (bsd3, fake, fakedata, library, random)
- fakedata-parser library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- fakedata-quickcheck library and test: Fake a -> Gen a (fake, fakedata, library, mit, random)
- fakefs library and test: Extensible fake file system for testing. (apache, library, testing)
- fakepull library and test: Monad to pull from fake stream-like objects. (apache, library, testing)
- faker library: Pure Haskell library for generating fake data (library, mit, testing)
- faktory library, programs and tests: Faktory Worker for Haskell (library, mit, network, program)
- fallible library and test: (bsd3, data, library)
- falling-turnip program: Falling sand game/cellular automata simulation using regular parallel arrays. (bsd3, game, program)
- fallingblocks program: A fun falling blocks game. (game, program)
- falsify library and test: Property-based testing with internal integrated shrinking (bsd3, library, testing)
- familiar-reflection library: Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, reflection)
- family-tree library: A family tree library for the Haskell programming language. (bsd3, data, genealogy, library)
- farmhash library, test and benchmark: Fast hash functions. (bsd3, library, system)
- fast-arithmetic library, test and benchmark: Fast functions on integers. (algorithms, ats, bsd3, combinatorics, ffi, library, math, number-theory, numerics)
- fast-bech32 library, test and benchmark: Fast implementation of the Bech32 encoding format. (codec, library, mpl)
- fast-builder library, test and benchmarks: Fast ByteString Builder (data, library, public-domain)
- fast-combinatorics library, test and benchmark: Fast combinatorics. (bsd3, library, numerics)
- fast-digits library, test and benchmark: Integer-to-digits conversion. (data, gpl, library)
- fast-downward library: Solve classical planning problems (STRIPS/SAS+) using Haskell & Fast Downward. (ai, bsd3, library)
- fast-logger library and test: A fast logging system (bsd3, library, system)
- fast-math library: Non IEEE-754 compliant compile-time floating-point optimisations (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- fast-mult library: Numeric type with asymptotically faster multiplications. (bsd3, library, web)
- fast-myers-diff library and test: A fast implementation of the Myers diff algorithm. (library, mit, testing)
- fast-nats library: Natural Numbers with no overhead (data, library, mit)
- fast-tags library, program and test: Fast incremental vi and emacs tags. (bsd3, development, haskell, library, program)
- fast-tagsoup library: Fast parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed) HTML/XML documents (bsd3, library, xml)
- fast-tagsoup-utf8-only library: Fast parser for tagsoup package (bsd3, library, xml)
- fasta library: A simple, mindless parser for fasta files. (data, gpl, library)
- fastbayes library: Bayesian modeling algorithms accelerated for particular model structures (library, mit, statistics)
- fastcdc library and program: An implementation of FastCDC, a content-defined chunking algorithm based on the Gear hash rolling hash algorithm (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- fastcgi library: A Haskell library for writing FastCGI programs (bsd3, library, network)
- fastedit library and test: find nearest neighbours by edit-distance (library, mit, text)
- faster-megaparsec library, test and benchmark: Speed up Megaparsec parsing when parsing succeeds (gpl, library, parsing)
- fastirc library: Fast Internet Relay Chat (IRC) library (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- fastly library and test: A highly experimental Fastly API client. (bsd3, library, web)
- fastmemo library and test: Memoize functions on Generic types (bsd3, library, memoization)
- fastparser library and benchmark: A fast, but bare bones, bytestring parser combinators library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing)
- fastpbkdf2 library, test and benchmark: Haskell bindings to the fastpbkdf2 C library (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- fastsum library: A fast open-union type suitable for 100+ contained alternatives (bsd3, data, library)
- fathead-util library: Utilities for working with DuckDuckHack's FatHead Instant Answers (development, gpl, library)
- fault-tree library: A fault tree analysis library. (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- fay library and program: A compiler for Fay, a Haskell subset that compiles to JavaScript. (bsd3, development, fay, library, program, web)
- fay-base library: The base package for Fay. (bsd3, development, fay, library)
- fay-builder library: Compile Fay code on cabal install, and ad-hoc recompile during development (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- fay-dom library: DOM FFI wrapper library for Fay (bsd3, fay, library, web)
- fay-geoposition library: W3C compliant implementation of GeoPosition API. (bsd3, library, web)
- fay-hsx library: Clientside HTML generation for fay. (bsd3, happstack, library)
- fay-jquery library: jQuery bindings for Fay. (bsd3, fay, library, web)
- fay-ref library: Like IORef but for Fay. (bsd3, fay, library)
- fay-simplejson library: SimpleJSON library for Fay. (bsd3, fay, library, web)
- fay-text library: Fay Text type represented as JavaScript strings (data, fay, library, mit, text)
- fay-uri library: Persistent FFI bindings for using jsUri in Fay (bsd3, library, web)
- fay-websockets library: Websockets FFI library for Fay (bsd3, fay, library, web)
- fb library and test: Bindings to Facebook's API. (bsd3, library, web)
- fb-persistent library: Provides Persistent instances to Facebook types. (bsd3, library, web)
- fbmessenger-api library, program and test: High-level bindings to Facebook Messenger Platform API (bsd3, library, program, web)
- fbrnch program: Fedora packager tool to build package branches (distribution, gpl, program)
- fca library: Algo for Formal Concept Analysis (agpl, data, library)
- fcache library and test: Cache a function (a -> b) (bsd3, cache, library)
- fcd library, program and test: A faster way to navigate directories using the command line. (library, mit, program, utility)
- fcf-base library and test: Family-of-families instances for base (library, mit, other)
- fcf-composite library and test: Type-level computation for composite using first-class-families. (composite, library, mit, types)
- fcf-containers library, programs and test: Data structures and algorithms for first-class-families (bsd3, library, other, program)
- fcf-family library and test: Family of families: featherweight defunctionalization (library, mit, other)
- fcf-graphs library and test: Type-level version of algebraic-graphs. (algebra, graphs, library, mit, types)
- fcf-vinyl library: Vinyl compatibility with first-class-families (bsd3, library, types, vinyl)
- fcg program: TBA (bsd3, database, program)
- fckeditor library: Server-Side Integration for FCKeditor (bsd3, library, web)
- fclabels library, test and benchmark: First class accessor labels implemented as lenses. (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- fclabels-monadlib library: MonadLib monadic interface for the "fclabels" package. (bsd3, data, library)
- fcm-client library, program and test: Admin API for Firebase Cloud Messaging (bsd3, fcm, json, library, program)
- fdo-notify library: Desktop Notifications client (bsd3, desktop, library)
- fdo-trash library and program: Utilities related to freedesktop Trash standard. (bsd3, desktop, library, program)
- feather library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- feature-flags library: A simple library for dynamically enabling and disabling functionality. (control, library, mit)
- feature-flipper library and test: A minimally obtrusive feature flag library (library, mit, web)
- feature-flipper-postgres library and test: A minimally obtrusive feature flag library (library, mit, web)
- fec library, program and test: Forward error correction of ByteStrings (codec, gpl, library, program)
- fedora-composes program and test: Query Fedora composes (bsd3, program, utility)
- fedora-dists library: Library for Fedora distribution versions (deprecated, distribution, gpl, library)
- fedora-haskell-tools programs: Building and maintenance tools for Fedora Haskell (distribution, gpl, program)
- fedora-img-dl program: Fedora image download tool (deprecated, gpl, program, utility)
- fedora-packages library and tests: Haskell interface to the Fedora Packages webapp API. (bsd3, fedora, library, web)
- fedora-releases library: Library for Fedora release versions (distribution, gpl, library)
- fedora-repoquery program and test: Fedora release repos package query tool (gpl, program, utility)
- fee-estimate library, program and test: Short description of your package (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- feed library and tests: Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds. (bsd3, library, text)
- feed-cli program: A simple command line interface for creating and updating feeds like RSS (bsd3, program, text, web)
- feed-collect library: Watch RSS/Atom feeds (and do with them whatever you like). (library, public-domain, web)
- feed-crawl library: Utility for fetching feeds with redirect info and HTML link detection (library, mit, text)
- feed-gipeda library, program and test: CI service around gipeda (benchmarking, bsd3, library, program)
- feed-translator program: Translate syndication feeds (agpl, program, web)
- feed2lj program: (unsupported) (bsd3, deprecated, program, unclassified)
- feed2twitter library and program: Send posts from a feed to Twitter (bsd3, library, program, web)
- feedback library and programs: Declarative feedback loop manager (gpl, library, program, unclassified)
- fei-base library and program: FFI to MXNet (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, program)
- fei-cocoapi library and program: Cocodataset with cocoapi (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, program)
- fei-dataiter library, program and tests: mxnet dataiters (ai, bsd3, deprecated, library, machine-learning, program)
- fei-datasets library and programs: Some datasets (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, program)
- fei-examples programs: fei examples (ai, bsd3, machine-learning, program)
- fei-modelzoo library: A collection of standard models (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning)
- fei-nn library: Train a neural network with MXNet in Haskell. (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning)
- feldspar-compiler library, tests and benchmark: Compiler for the Feldspar language (bsd3, compiler, library)
- feldspar-language library and tests: A functional embedded language for DSP and parallelism (bsd3, language, library)
- feldspar-signal library: Signal Processing extension for Feldspar (bsd3, language, library)
- fen2s library, program and test: Converting a chess position from FEN notation to text (game, library, mit, program)
- fences library: To be written (gpl, library, unclassified)
- fenfire programs: Graph-based notetaking system (program, user-interfaces)
- fernet library and test: Generate and verify HMAC-based authentication tokens. (authentication, lgpl, library, web)
- festival library: C bindings plus conveniences for the festival tts system. (accessibility, audio, bsd3, library, natural-language, text-to-speech)
- festung library, program and test: Remote multi-db SQLCipher server (concurrency, library, mit, program)
- fez-conf library: Simple functions for loading config files (bsd3, library, parsing)
- ffeed library and programs: Haskell binding to the FriendFeed API (bsd3, library, program, web)
- fficxx library: Automatic C++ binding generation (bsd2, ffi-tools, library)
- fficxx-runtime library: Runtime for fficxx-generated library (bsd2, ffi-tools, library)
- ffmpeg-light library: Minimal bindings to the FFmpeg library. (bsd3, codec, library)
- ffmpeg-tutorials programs: Tutorials on ffmpeg usage to play video/audio (bsd3, media, program)
- fft library and test: Bindings to the FFTW library. (bsd3, library, math)
- fftw-ffi library: Low-level interface to FFTW (Fast Fourier Transform) (bsd3, library, math)
- fftwRaw library: Low level bindings to FFTW. (bsd3, library, math)
- ffunctor library and test: FFunctor typeclass (bsd3, constraints, library)
- fgl library and test: Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library (bsd3, data-structures, graphs, library)
- fgl-arbitrary library and test: QuickCheck support for fgl (bsd3, graphs, library, testing)
- fgl-extras-decompositions library: Graph decomposition algorithms (bsd3, data-structures, graphs, library)
- fgl-visualize library: Convert FGL graphs to dot (graphviz) files (bsd3, graphs, library)
- fib library: fibonacci algebra (bsd3, library, math)
- fibon programs: Tools for running and analyzing Haskell benchmarks (benchmarking, bsd3, program)
- fibonacci library: Fast computation of Fibonacci numbers. (algorithms, bsd3, library, numerical)
- ficketed program: update statically hosted file in a push stule through socketed (mit, program, web)
- fields library: First-class record field combinators with infix
record field syntax. (bsd3, data, library)
- fields-and-cases library and test: Codegen Haskell types to other languages (bsd3, codegen, library)
- fields-json library: Abusing monadic syntax JSON objects generation. (bsd3, library, web)
- fieldwise library and test: Provides Fieldwise typeclass for operations of fields of records treated as independent components. (bsd2, data, library)
- fig library: Manipulation of FIG files (bsd3, graphics, library)
- file-collection library: Provide a uniform interface over file archives and directories (bsd3, codec, library)
- file-command-qq library: Quasiquoter for system commands involving filepaths (library, mit, system)
- file-embed library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly. (bsd2, data, library)
- file-embed-lzma library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed (LZMA compressed) data. (bsd3, data, library)
- file-embed-poly library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed file contents directly. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- file-io library and tests: Basic file IO operations via 'OsPath' (bsd3, library, system)
- file-location library and test: common functions that show file location information (bsd3, development, library)
- file-modules library and program: Takes a Haskell source-code file and outputs its modules. (development, library, mit, program)
- file-path-th library: Template Haskell utilities for filepaths. (library, mit, system)
- file-templates program: Use templates for files and directories (bsd3, cli, program, template)
- file-uri library, test and benchmark: File URI parsing (bsd3, library, system)
- filecache library and test: A cache system associating values to files. (bsd3, data, library)
- filediff library and test: Diffing and patching module (bsd3, data, library)
- filelock library and test: Portable interface to file locking (flock / LockFileEx) (library, public-domain, system)
- filemanip library: Expressive file and directory manipulation for Haskell. (bsd3, library, system)
- fileneglect library: Block thread until a file stops being modified (bsd3, deprecated, filesystem, library)
- filepath library, tests and benchmark: Library for manipulating FilePaths in a cross platform way. (bsd3, library, system)
- filepath-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Library for manipulating RawFilePaths in a cross platform way. (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- filepath-crypto library: Reversable and secure encoding of object ids as filepaths (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- filepath-io-access library: IO Access for filepath (development, gpl, library)
- filepather library: Functions on System.FilePath (bsd3, library, test)
- filepattern library and test: File path glob-like matching (bsd3, development, filepath, library)
- fileplow library and test: Library to process and search large files or a collection of files (bsd3, library, web)
- filestore library and test: Interface for versioning file stores. (bsd3, data, library)
- filesystem-abstractions library: A shared set of abstractions and types for representing filessytem data. (bsd3, library, system)
- filesystem-conduit library and test: Use system-filepath data types with conduits. (deprecated) (conduit, data, deprecated, library, mit)
- filesystem-enumerator library: Enumerator-based API for manipulating the filesystem. (deprecated, enumerator, library, mit, system)
- filesystem-trees library: Recursively manipulate and traverse filesystems as lazy rose trees. (bsd3, data, library, system)
- fillit library and tests: Flexible string substitution (bsd3, library, text)
- filter-logger library, programs and test: Filterable request logging wai middleware. Change how data is logged and when. (library, mit, program, web)
- filters-basic library: Allows to change the structure of the function output. (RealFrac, data, filters, library, mit)
- filtrable library and test: Class of filtrable containers (bsd3, data, library)
- fin library: Nat and Fin: peano naturals and finite numbers (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library, math, singletons)
- fin-int library: Finite sets of static size (apache, data, library)
- final library: utility to add extra safety to monadic returns (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- final-pretty-printer library: Extensible pretty printing with semantic annotations and proportional fonts (library, mit, text)
- find-clumpiness library and program: Find the clumpiness of labels in a tree (gpl, library, math, program)
- find-conduit library, program and tests: A file-finding conduit that allows user control over traversals. (deprecated, library, mit, program, system)
- find-source-files library: Initial project template from stack (library, mit, test)
- findhttp program: List http/html files (gpl, program, utility)
- fingertree library and test: Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- fingertree-psqueue library: Implementation of priority search queues as finger trees. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- fingertree-tf library: Generic finger-tree structure using type families. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- finitary library and test: A better, more type-safe Enum. (data, gpl, library)
- finitary-derive library and test: Flexible and easy deriving of type classes for finitary
types. (data, gpl, library)
- finitary-optics library and test: Prisms and Isos between finitary types. (data, gpl, library)
- finite library and test: Finite ranges via types (library, mit, types)
- finite-field library and test: Finite Fields (algebra, bsd3, data, library, math)
- finite-fields library and test: Arithmetic in finite fields (bsd3, library, math)
- finite-semigroups library and test: Operations and classification for finite semigroups (library, math, mit)
- finite-table library and test: Types isomorphic to Fin, and Tables indexed by them. (apache, data, library)
- finite-typelits library and test: A type inhabited by finitely many values, indexed by type-level naturals (bsd3, data, library)
- finito library and tests: Constraint Solver for Finite Domains (ai, bsd3, library)
- firebase-database library, test and benchmark: Google Firebase Database SDK (cloud, database, google, library, network)
- firefly library: A simple HTTP server framework (bsd3, library, web)
- firefly-example program: A simple example using Firefly (bsd3, program, web)
- firestore library and test: Wrapper for Google Firestore/Datastore API (bsd3, database, google, library)
- first-and-last library and test: First and Last generalized to return up to n values (bsd3, data, library)
- first-class-families library and test: First-class type families (library, mit, other)
- first-class-instances library and test: First class typeclass instances (bsd3, language, library)
- first-class-patterns library: First class patterns and pattern matching, using type families (bsd3, data, library, pattern)
- firstify library and program: Defunctionalisation for Yhc Core (bsd3, development, library, program)
- fishfood library, program and test: Calculates file-size frequency-distribution. (library, program, utils)
- fit library and test: FIT file decoder (bsd3, data, fitness, library, parsing)
- fits-parse library, program and test: Parse FITS files (bsd2, library, program, science)
- fitsio library: A library for reading and writing data files in the FITS data format. (data, library, physics)
- fitspec library, tests and benchmarks: refining property sets for testing Haskell programs (bsd3, library, testing)
- fix-imports program and test: Program to manage the imports of a haskell module (bsd3, editor, haskell, ide, program)
- fix-parser-simple library: Simple fix-expression parser (deprecated, library, parser)
- fix-symbols-gitit library: Gitit plugin: Turn some Haskell symbols into pretty math symbols. (bsd3, library, text)
- fix-whitespace library, program and tests: Fixes whitespace issues. (library, mit, program, text)
- fixed library: Signed 15.16 precision fixed point arithmetic (bsd3, library, numeric)
- fixed-generic library and test: Fixed-point number build on generic integral number (bsd3, library, numeric)
- fixed-length library: Lists with statically known length based on non-empty package. (bsd3, data, library)
- fixed-list library: A fixed length list type (bsd3, data, library)
- fixed-point library: Binary fixed-point arithmetic (data, deprecated, game, library, math, mit, numerical)
- fixed-point-vector library: Unbox instances for the fixed-point package (data, deprecated, game, library, math, mit, numerical)
- fixed-point-vector-space library: vector-space instances for the fixed-point package (data, deprecated, game, library, math, mit, numerical)
- fixed-precision library: Fixed Precision Arithmetic (bsd3, library, math)
- fixed-storable-array library: Fixed-size wrapper for StorableArray, providing a
Storable instance. Deprecated - use storable-static-array
instead. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- fixed-timestep library: Pure Haskell library to repeat an action at a specific frequency. (library, mit, time)
- fixed-vector library: Generic vectors with statically known size. (bsd3, data, library)
- fixed-vector-binary library and test: Binary instances for fixed-vector (bsd3, data, library)
- fixed-vector-cborg library and test: Binary instances for fixed-vector (bsd3, data, library)
- fixed-vector-cereal library and test: Cereal instances for fixed-vector (bsd3, data, library)
- fixed-vector-hetero library: Library for working with product types generically (bsd3, data, library)
- fixed-width library: Fixed width subsets of an Int64/Word64. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- fixedprec library: A fixed-precision real number type (bsd3, data, library, math)
- fixedwidth-hs library and program: Quick parsing of fixed-width data formats. (library, mit, program, text)
- fixer library and test: A Haskell client for (api, bsd3, library)
- fixfile library and test: File-backed recursive data structures. (data, lgpl, library)
- fixhs library and program: FIX (co)parser (lgpl, library, parsing, program, protocol, text)
- fixie library and test: Opininated testing framework for mtl style (spies, stubs, and mocks) (bsd3, library, test)
- fixplate library and test: Uniplate-style generic traversals for optionally annotated fixed-point types. (bsd3, generics, library)
- fixpoint library: Data types as fixpoints (bsd3, data, library)
- fixtime library: Some fixes to the time package (bsd2, data, library)
- fizz-buzz library: Functional Fizz/Buzz (bsd3, library, math)
- fizzbuzz library: test (bsd3, game, library)
- fizzbuzz-as-a-service program: FizzBuzz as a service (apache, network-apis, program)
- flac library and test: Complete high-level binding to libFLAC (audio, bsd3, codec, library)
- flac-picture library and test: Support for writing pictures into FLAC metadata blocks with JuicyPixels (audio, bsd3, codec, image, library)
- flaccuraterip program: Verify FLAC files ripped form CD using AccurateRip™ (gpl, program, sound)
- flag library: A simple flag type. (data, library, mit)
- flag-dhall-instance library: FromDhall and ToDhall instances for flag. (data, dhall, library, mit)
- flags-applicative library and test: Applicative flag parsing (bsd3, library, web)
- flamethrower library: A template engine for HTML (html, library, mit, text, web)
- flamingra library and program: FlameGraphs of profiling (bsd3, development, library, program)
- flashblast library and program: Generate language learning flashcards from video. (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- flat library and tests: Principled and efficient bit-oriented binary serialization. (bsd3, data, library, parsing, serialization)
- flat-maybe library: Strict Maybe without space and indirection overhead (bsd3, data, library)
- flat-mcmc library and tests: Painless general-purpose sampling. (library, math, mit)
- flat-tex program: flatten a latex multi-file latex document and remove all comments (gpl, program, text)
- flatbuffers library, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of the FlatBuffers protocol. (bsd3, data, library, network, serialization)
- flatparse library, test and benchmark: High-performance parsing from strict bytestrings (library, mit, parsing)
- flay library and test: Generic programming for higher-kinded types. (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- flexible-defaults library: Generate default function implementations for complex type classes. (code-generation, library, public-domain, template-haskell)
- flexible-numeric-parsers library and test: Flexible numeric parsers for real-world programming languages. (library, mit, parsing)
- flexible-time library: simple extension of Data.UnixTime. (data, library, mit)
- flexible-unlit library and program: A configurable reimplementation of unlit (bsd3, development, library, program)
- flexiwrap library: Flexible wrappers (bsd3, data, library)
- flexiwrap-smallcheck library: SmallCheck (Serial) instances for flexiwrap (bsd3, data, library)
- flick-duration library and test: work with durations of time using the Flick as the smallest unit (bsd3, library, time)
- flickr library and programs: Haskell binding to the Flickr API (bsd3, library, program, web)
- flight-igc library: A parser for IGC files. (data, library, mpl, parsing)
- flight-kml library and tests: Parsing of pilot tracklogs dumped as KML. (data, flight, geography, gps, kml, library, mpl, parsing, xml)
- flink-statefulfun library: Flink stateful functions SDK (flink, library, mpl, web)
- flip-cmd program: e.g. `flip systemctl foo.service start` does `systemctl start foo.service` (mit, program, simple)
- flippers library: Variations on flip for multiple arguments (bsd3, library, other)
- flite library: f-lite compiler, interpreter and libraries (bsd3, compiler, library)
- flo library and program: Generate flow charts from your code base. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- float-binstring library and test: C99 printf "%a" style formatting and parsing (bsd3, data, library, numerical)
- float128 library: FFI bindings for C _Float128 (bsd3, library, math)
- floating-bits library, test and benchmark: Bitwise accurate floating point conversion, and Unit of Lease Precision calculation. (bsd3, data, library)
- floatshow library: Alternative faster String representations for Double and Float,
String representations for more general numeric types. (bsd3, library, text)
- flock library: Wrapper for flock(2) (library, system)
- floskell library, program, test and benchmark: A flexible Haskell source code pretty printer (bsd3, development, library, program)
- flow library and test: Write more understandable Haskell. (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)
- flow-er library and test: More directional operators (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)
- flow2dot library, program and test: Library and binary to generate sequence/flow diagrams from plain text source (bsd3, console, library, program, tool)
- flowdock library: Flowdock client library for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- flowdock-api library, program and test: API integration with Flowdock. (library, mit, network, program)
- flowdock-rest library and test: Flowdock REST API (bsd3, library, web)
- flower programs: Analyze 454 flowgrams (.SFF files) (bioinformatics, program)
- flowlocks-framework library and test: Generalized Flow Locks Framework (bsd3, library, security)
- flowsim programs: Simulate 454 pyrosequencing (bioinformatics, gpl, program)
- flp library, programs and test: A layout spec language for memory managers implemented in Rust. (compiler, library, mit, program)
- fltkhs library and program: FLTK bindings (graphics, gui, library, mit, program, ui, user-interfaces)
- fltkhs-demos programs: FLTKHS demos. Please scroll to the bottom for more information. (deprecated, graphics, mit, program, ui)
- fltkhs-fluid-demos programs: Fltkhs Fluid Demos (deprecated, graphics, mit, program, ui)
- fltkhs-fluid-examples programs: Fltkhs Fluid Examples (deprecated, graphics, mit, program, ui)
- fltkhs-hello-world program: Fltkhs template project (graphics, mit, program, ui)
- fltkhs-themes library: A set of themed widgets that provides drop in replacements to the ones in FLTKHS. (bsd3, graphics, gui, library, ui, user-interfaces)
- fluent-logger library, test and benchmark: A structured logger for Fluentd (Haskell) (apache, library, network)
- fluent-logger-conduit library: Conduit interface for fluent-logger (conduit, library, network)
- fluffy program: A simple web application as a online practice website for XDU SE 2017 fall SPM. (gpl, program, web)
- fluffy-parser library: The parser for fluffy to parsec the question bank in .docx type (gpl, library, text)
- fluid-idl library and test: Code-generated, Auto-versioned, & Smart Web APIs (bsd3, library, web)
- fluid-idl-http-client library: Http Client addon for Fluid (bsd3, library, web)
- fluid-idl-scotty library: Scotty server add-on for Fluid (bsd3, library, web)
- fluidsynth library: Haskell bindings to FluidSynth (library, mit, sound)
- flush-queue library, test and benchmark: Concurrent bouded blocking queues optimized for flushing. Both IO and STM implementations. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- flux-monoid library: A monoid for tracking changes (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- fmark program: A Friendly Markup language without syntax. (bsd3, program, typography)
- fmlist library: FoldMap lists (bsd3, data, library)
- fmr library: Fields for Monadic Records library (bsd3, library, syntax)
- fmt library, test and benchmark: A new formatting library (bsd3, library, text)
- fmt-for-rio library: Adaptor for getting fmt to work with rio (bsd3, control, library, text)
- fmt-terminal-colors library and test: ANSI terminal colors formatters for fmt library (bsd3, library, text)
- fn library and test: A functional web framework. (library, web)
- fn-extra library: Extras for Fn, a functional web framework. (library, web)
- fnmatch library, test and benchmark: fnmatch C wrapper (apache, library, system)
- focus library and test: A general abstraction for manipulating elements of container data structures (containers, data, library, mit)
- focuslist library and tests: Lists with a focused element (bsd3, library, text)
- fold-debounce library and tests: Fold multiple events that happen in a given period of time. (bsd3, control, library)
- fold-debounce-conduit library and test: Regulate input traffic from conduit Source with Control.FoldDebounce (bsd3, conduit, library)
- foldable-ix library: Functions to find out the indices of the elements in the Foldable structures (data, library, mit)
- foldable1 library: Foldable types with at least 1 element (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- foldable1-classes-compat library, test and benchmark: Compatibility package for the Foldable1 and Bifoldable1 type classes (bsd3, compatibility, data, library)
- foldl library, test and benchmarks: Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds (bsd3, control, library)
- foldl-exceptions library and test: Exception handling with FoldM (control, library, mit)
- foldl-incremental library, test and benchmark: incremental folds (control, library, mit, statistics)
- foldl-statistics library, test and benchmark: Statistical functions from the statistics package implemented as
Folds. (bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- foldl-transduce library, tests and benchmark: Transducers for foldl folds. (bsd3, control, library)
- foldl-transduce-attoparsec library and tests: Attoparsec and foldl-transduce integration. (bsd3, control, library)
- folds library: Beautiful Folding (bsd3, comonads, data, enumerator, library)
- folds-common library and tests: A playground of common folds for folds (data, library, mit)
- folgerhs library and program: Toolset for Folger Shakespeare Library's XML annotated plays (gpl, library, program, text)
- follow library, program and test: Haskell library to follow content published on any subject. (lgpl, library, program, web)
- follow-file library and program: Be notified when a file gets appended, solely with what was added. Warning - only works on linux and for files that are strictly appended, like log files. (bsd3, filesystem, library, program)
- follower program: Follow Tweets anonymously (application, console, gpl, program, web)
- foma library: Simple Haskell bindings for Foma. (language, library, mit)
- font-awesome-type library: A Font Awesome data type enumerating all icon classes (bsd3, library, web)
- font-opengl-basic4x6 library and program: Basic4x6 font for OpenGL (graphics, library, program, public-domain)
- fontconfig-pure library, program and test: Queries your system (Linux/BSD/etc) font database. (library, mit, program, text)
- foo program: Paper soccer, an OpenGL game. (game, program)
- foobar library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)
- for-free library: Functor, Monad, MonadPlus, etc for free (control, library, public-domain)
- forbidden-fruit library and test: A library accelerates imperative style programming. (bsd3, control, library)
- force-layout library: Simple force-directed layout (bsd3, library, physics)
- fordo program: Run a command on files with magic substituion support (sequencing and regexp) (program, utils)
- forecast-io library: A Haskell library for working with data. (bsd3, library, web)
- foreign library and test: A collection of helpers for ffi. (bsd3, foreign, library)
- foreign-storable-asymmetric library: Types and instances for implementing a Storable with different peek and poke (bsd3, foreign, library)
- foreign-store library: Store a stable pointer in a foreign context to be retrieved later. (bsd3, development, library)
- foreign-var library: Encapsulating mutatable state in external libraries (bsd3, deprecated, ffi, library, mutable-state)
- forest library: Tree and Forest types (control, library, mpl)
- forest-fire library, program and test: Recursively delete CloudFormation stacks and their dependants (bsd3, library, program, silly-tool)
- forex2ledger library, program and test: Print Forex quotes in Ledger format (agpl, finance, library, program)
- forger library and program: Library for generating fake placeholder data (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, text)
- forkable-monad library: An implementation of forkIO for monad stacks. (bsd3, concurrent, library)
- forma library and test: Parse and validate forms in JSON format (bsd3, library, web)
- formal program: A statically typed, functional programming language (compiler, mit, program)
- format library and test: Rendering from and scanning to format strings (library, mit, text)
- format-numbers library and test: Various number formatting functions (library, mit, web)
- format-status program: A utility for writing the date to dzen2. (mit, program, unclassified)
- formatn library and test: Formatting of doubles. (bsd3, library, text)
- formattable library and test: Business-quality formatting of numbers, dates, and other things (bsd3, library, text)
- formatting library, test and benchmark: Combinator-based type-safe formatting (like printf() or FORMAT) (bsd3, library, text)
- forml program: A statically typed, functional programming language (compiler, mit, program)
- formlets library: Formlets implemented in Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, user-interfaces, web, xml)
- formlets-hsp library: HSP support for Formlets (bsd3, deprecated, library, text, user-interfaces, web, xml)
- forms-data-format library: Parse and serialize FDF, the Forms Data Format (bsd3, data, library, text)
- formura library and programs: Formura is a simple language to describe stencil computation. (language, library, mit, program)
- forsyde-deep library and test: ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language. (bsd3, hardware, language, library)
- forsyde-shallow library and tests: ForSyDe's Haskell-embedded Domain Specific Language. (bsd3, language, library)
- forth-hll library: A simple eDSL for generating arrayForth code. (deprecated, gpl, language, library)
- fortran-src library, program and test: Parsers and analyses for Fortran standards 66, 77, 90, 95 and 2003 (partial). (apache, language, library, program)
- fortran-src-extras library, program and test: Common functions and utils for fortran-src. (apache, language, library, program)
- fortran-vars library, program and test: Fortran memory model and other static analysis tools. (apache, language, library, program)
- fortytwo library and tests: Interactive terminal prompt (library, mit, prompt)
- forward-chan library: Concurrent channels with a forwarding primitive (concurrency, library)
- foscam-directory library and test: Foscam File format (bsd3, data, file, library)
- foscam-filename library and test: Foscam File format (bsd3, data, file, library, parsing)
- foscam-sort library, program and test: Foscam File format (bsd3, data, file, library, parsing, program)
- foundation test: Alternative prelude with batteries and no dependencies (bsd3, foundation)
- foundation-edge library: foundation's edge with the conventional set of packages (bsd3, foundation, library)
- fountain library: A fountain codec. (bsd3, codec, library)
- fourmolu library, program and test: A formatter for Haskell source code (bsd3, development, formatting, library, program)
- fp-ieee library, test and benchmark: IEEE 754-2019 compliant operations (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- fpco-api library: Simple interface to the FP Complete IDE API. (bsd3, development, library)
- fpe library and test: Format-preserving encryption. (cryptography, library, mit)
- fpipe library: F#-style composition and application (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- fplll library and test: Haskell bindings to < fplll> (lgpl, library, math)
- fpnla library: A library for NLA operations (bsd3, library, math)
- fpnla-examples library and tests: Example implementations for FPNLA library (bsd3, library, math, parallelism)
- fptest programs and tests: IEEE754r floating point conformance tests (bsd3, math, program)
- fquery program: Installed package query tool for Gentoo Linux (gentoo, program)
- fractal program: Draw Newton, Julia and Mandelbrot fractals (bsd3, graphics, program)
- fractals library and test: A collection of useful fractal curve encoders (bsd3, library, math)
- fraction library: Fractions (bsd3, data, library)
- fractionizer library: Numbers in the range [0.005, 1] as a sum of 2, 3, 4 or 5 unit fractions of special types. (#AncientEgypt, language, library, math, mit, music, sound)
- frag program: A 3-D First Person Shooter Game (game, program)
- frame library and program: A simple web framework. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- frame-markdown library: A markdown to Frame GUI writer for Pandoc (bsd3, library, web)
- franchise library: A package for configuring and building Haskell software (bsd3, distribution, library)
- franz library, programs and test: Append-only database (bsd3, database, library, program)
- fraxl library and benchmark: Cached and parallel data fetching. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- frecently program: CLI frecency history (bsd3, command-line-tools, program)
- freckle-app library and tests: Haskell application toolkit used at Freckle (library, mit, utils)
- freckle-ecs library: Small utility for Amazon Elastic Container Service (library, mit, prelude)
- freckle-env library and test: Some extension to the envparse library (environment, library, mit, system)
- freckle-exception library: Some extensions to the annotated-exception library (exceptions, library, mit)
- freckle-http library and test: Toolkit for making HTTP requests (http, library, mit, utils)
- freckle-kafka library: Some extensions to the hw-kafka-client library (database, library, mit)
- freckle-memcached library and test: .. (database, library, mit)
- freckle-otel library and test: ... (library, metrics, mit, monitoring, observability, opentelemetry, telemetry)
- freckle-prelude library: Standard prelude for Freckle applications (library, mit, prelude)
- freckle-stats library: An intentionally-leaky StatsD interface to Datadog (library, mit, prelude)
- freddy library and test: RabbitMQ Messaging API supporting request-response (library, mit, network)
- free library: Monads for free (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- free-alacarte library and test: Free monads based on intuitions from the Data types à la Carte. (lgpl, library, unclassified)
- free-algebras library and test: Free algebras (algebra, control, library, monads, mpl)
- free-applicative-t library and test: Free Applicative Transformer (bsd3, control, library)
- free-categories library: free categories (bsd3, control, library)
- free-category library, test and benchmark: efficient data types for free categories and arrows (algebra, category, category-theory, control, library, monads, mpl)
- free-concurrent library: Free monads suitable for concurrent computation (concurrency, library, mit)
- free-er library and program: An extensible effects library (bsd3, control, effect, library, program)
- free-foil library and tests: Efficient Type-Safe Capture-Avoiding Substitution for Free (Scoped Monads) (bsd3, library, parsing)
- free-functors library: Free functors, adjoint to functors that forget class constraints. (bsd3, category-theory, data, library, math)
- free-game library: Create games for free (bsd3, graphics, library, monads)
- free-http library: An HTTP Client based on Free Monads. (library, mit, network)
- free-listt library and test: Lawful list and set monad transformers based on free monads (control, library, mit)
- free-operational library: Operational Applicative, Alternative, Monad and MonadPlus from free types. (bsd3, control, library)
- free-theorems library: Automatic generation of free theorems. (language, library, public-domain)
- free-theorems-counterexamples library and program: Automatically Generating Counterexamples to Naive Free Theorems (language, library, program, public-domain)
- free-theorems-seq library: Taming Selective Strictness (language, library, public-domain)
- free-theorems-seq-webui program: Taming Selective Strictness (language, program, public-domain)
- free-theorems-webui programs: CGI-based web interface for the free-theorems package. (language, program, public-domain)
- free-v-bucks-generator-no-survey program: Spam (bsd3, deprecated, program, spam)
- free-v-bucks-generator-ps4-no-survey program: Spam (bsd3, deprecated, music, program, sound)
- free-vector-spaces library: Instantiate the classes from the vector-space package with types from linear (bsd3, library, math)
- free-vl library, program and test: van Laarhoven encoded Free Monad with Extensible Effects (bsd3, control, library, monads, program)
- freekick2 programs: A soccer game (game, program)
- freelude library and test: A generalisation of the Category->Functor->Applicative->Monad hierarchy and more (bsd3, library, prelude)
- freenect library: Interface to the Kinect device. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- freer library, program, test and benchmark: Implementation of the Freer Monad (bsd3, control, library, program)
- freer-converse library and test: Handle effects conversely using monadic conversation (bsd3, library, testing)
- freer-effects library, program, test and benchmark: Implementation of effect system for Haskell. (bsd3, control, library, program)
- freer-indexed library: Freer indexed monad for type-level resource-aware effectual operations. (bsd3, effects, library)
- freer-par-monad library and test: Freer par monad (bsd3, library, monads)
- freer-simple library, program, test and benchmark: A friendly effect system for Haskell. (bsd3, control, library, program)
- freer-simple-catching library and test: Checked runtime exceptions with freer-simple (control, library, mit)
- freer-simple-http library and test: Make HTTP requests with freer-simple! (control, http, library, mit, web)
- freer-simple-profiling library and test: Automatic profling of freer-simple programs (benchmarking, control, library, mit, profiling)
- freer-simple-random library and test: Random number generators using freer-simple (control, library, mit, random)
- freer-simple-time library and test: freer-simple interface to IO based time functions (control, library, mit, time)
- freesect program: A Haskell syntax extension for generalised sections (bsd3, language, program)
- freesound library and test: Access the Freesound Project database (bsd3, library, sound, web)
- freetype-simple library: Single line text rendering for OpenGL ES (graphics, library, public-domain)
- freetype2 library and tests: Haskell bindings for FreeType 2 library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- fregel program: A functional DSL for vertex-centric large-scale graph processing (language, mit, program)
- french-cards library and tests: French Playing Cards (bsd3, game, library)
- freq library, test and benchmark: Are you ready to get freaky? (data, library, mit, text)
- frequent-substring library, program and test: Identifies and replaces frequent subsequences in long strings (bsd3, cli-tool, library, program)
- fresco-binding library: Fresco binding for Haskell (development, ffi, interfaces, library)
- fresh library: Introduce fresh variables into Haskell source code (language, library, mit)
- fresnel library and test: high-powered optics in a small package (bsd3, control, library)
- fresnel-fused-effects library: fresnel/fused-effects integration (bsd3, control, library)
- friday library and test: A functional image processing library for Haskell. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- friday-devil library: Uses the DevIL C library to read and write images from
and to files and memory buffers. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- friday-juicypixels library and test: Converts between the Friday and JuicyPixels image types (bsd3, codec, library)
- friday-scale-dct library: Scale Friday images with DCT (bsd3, graphics, library)
- friendly program: Attempt to pretty-print any input (bsd3, development, program)
- friendly-time library and test: Print time information in friendly ways (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- frisby library: Linear time composable parser for PEG grammars (bsd3, library, text)
- from-env library and test: Provides a generic way to construct values from environment variables. (configuration, library, mit)
- from-sum library and test: Combinators for working with Maybe and Either (bsd3, control, library)
- fromhtml library and program: Simple adapter for transformation of HTML to other formats (library, mit, program, text)
- front library: A reactive frontend web framework (bsd3, library, web)
- frontmatter library and test: Parses frontmatter as used in Jekyll markdown files. (data, library, mit)
- frotate program and test: Advanced rotation of backups and other things (math, program, system)
- frown program: LALR(k) parser generator (program, unclassified)
- frp-arduino library: Arduino programming without the hassle of C. (gpl, language, library)
- frpnow library: Principled practical FRP (bsd3, control, library)
- frpnow-gloss library: Program awesome stuff with Gloss and frpnow! (bsd3, control, library)
- frpnow-gtk library: Program GUIs with GTK and frpnow! (bsd3, control, library)
- frpnow-gtk3 library: Program GUIs with GTK3 and frpnow! (bsd3, library, ui)
- frpnow-vty library and program: Program terminal applications with vty and frpnow! (control, gpl, library, program)
- frquotes library and program: Lexical extension for Quasi-Quotations using French-Quotes (bsd3, library, program, text)
- fs-api library and test: Abstract interface for the file system (apache, library, system)
- fs-events library: A haskell binding to the FSEvents API (bsd3, library, system)
- fs-sim library and test: Simulated file systems (apache, library, testing)
- fsh-csv library: csv parser for fsh (distribution, library, mit)
- fsharp library: some F# operators, high priority pipes (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- fsmActions library: Finite state machines and FSM actions (bsd3, data, library)
- fsnotify library and test: Cross platform library for file change notification. (bsd3, filesystem, library)
- fsnotify-conduit library and test: Get filesystem notifications as a stream of events (conduit, data, library, mit)
- fst library, program and test: Finite state transducers (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- fsutils library: File system utilities for Haskell that are missing from built in libraries. (library, mit, system)
- fswait program: Wait and observe events on the filesystem for a path, with a timeout (bsd3, program, tools)
- fswatch library and program: File System watching tool with cli and slave functionalities. (bsd3, filesystem, library, program)
- fswatcher program: Watch a file/directory and run a command when it's modified (bsd3, program, tools)
- ft-generator program: implementation accompanying a WFLP'19 paper (language, program)
- ftdi library and test: A thin layer over USB to communicate with FTDI chips (bsd3, hardware, library, system)
- ftp-client library and test: Transfer files with FTP and FTPS (library, public-domain, web)
- ftp-client-conduit library and test: Transfer file with FTP and FTPS with Conduit (library, public-domain, web)
- ftp-conduit library: FTP client package with conduit interface based off http-conduit (bsd3, conduit, library, network)
- ftphs library: FTP Client and Server Library (library, network)
- ftree library: Depth-typed functor-based trees, both top-down and bottom-up (bsd3, data, library)
- ftshell program: Shell interface to the FreeTheorems library. (language, program, public-domain, source-tools)
- fudgets library and programs: The Fudgets Library (concurrency, gui, library, network, program)
- fugue library: A recapitulated prelude with minimal dependencies
and profligate exports. (bsd3, development, library)
- full-sessions library: a monad for protocol-typed network programming (bsd3, control, library, network)
- full-text-search library and test: In-memory full text search engine (bsd3, data, library, search, text)
- fullstop library, program and test: Simple sentence segmenter (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- funbot program: IRC bot for fun, learning, creativity and collaboration. (irc, network, program, public-domain)
- funbot-client library: Report events to FunBot over a JSON/HTTP API. (library, network, public-domain, web)
- funbot-ext-events library: Interact with FunBot's external events. (library, network, public-domain, web)
- funbot-git-hook program: Git hook which sends events to FunBot. (network, program, public-domain, web)
- funcmp library: Functional MetaPost is a Haskell frontend to the MetaPost language (gpl, graphics, library)
- funcons-intgen program: Generate Funcons interpreters from CBS description files (compilers, mit, program)
- funcons-lambda-cbv-mp program: call-by-value lambda-calculus with meta-programming (bsd3, language, program)
- funcons-simple program: A modular interpreter for executing SIMPLE funcons (compilers-interpreters, mit, program)
- funcons-tools library and programs: A modular interpreter for executing funcons (compilers-interpreters, library, mit, program)
- funcons-values library: Library providing values and operations on values in a fixed universe. (compilers-interpreters, library, mit)
- function-builder library and test: Create poly variadic functions for monoidal results (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- function-combine library: Combining functions (bsd3, control, library)
- function-instances-algebra library: Instances of the Algebra.* classes for functions (bsd3, library, math)
- functional-arrow library: Combinators that allow for a more functional/monadic style of Arrow programming (bsd3, combinators, library)
- functional-kmp library: KMP implemented on haskell's built-in cons-cell-based lists. (bsd3, data, library)
- functor library: Functors (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, math)
- functor-apply library: This package has been subsumed by semigroupoids (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- functor-classes-compat library: Data.Functor.Classes instances for core packages (bsd3, data, library)
- functor-combinators library and test: Tools for functor combinator-based program design (bsd3, data, library)
- functor-combo library: Functor combinators with tries & zippers (bsd3, data, library)
- functor-friends library: Friendly helpers for your recursion schemes. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- functor-infix library: Infix operators for mapping over compositions of functors. Lots of them. (data, library, mit)
- functor-monad library and test: FFunctor: functors on (the usual) Functors (bsd3, comonads, functors, library, monads)
- functor-monadic library: Monad-style combinators for functors. (apache, data, library)
- functor-products library: General functor products for various Foldable instances (bsd3, data, library)
- functor-utils library: Collection of functor utilities, providing handy operators, like generalization of (.). (apache, data, library)
- functora-witch library and test: Convert values from one type into another. (data, library, mit)
- functorm library: Data.FunctorM (compatibility package) (bsd3, generics, library)
- functors library: (.:) and friends, syntax for Functor and Applicative. (bsd3, control, library)
- funflow library, program and tests: Workflows with arrows (control, library, mit, program)
- funflow-nix library and test: Utility functions for using funflow with nix (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- fungll-combinators library: GLL parser with simple combinator interface (bsd3, compilers, library)
- funion program: A unioning file-system using HFuse (bsd3, program, system)
- funnyprint library, test and benchmark: funnyPrint function to colorize GHCi output. (library, mit, text)
- funpat library: A generalization of pattern matching (bsd3, language, library)
- funsat library and program: A modern DPLL-style SAT solver (algorithms, bsd3, library, program)
- funspection library: Type-level function utilities (bsd3, library, type-system)
- fused-effects library, tests and benchmark: A fast, flexible, fused effect system. (bsd3, control, library)
- fused-effects-exceptions library and tests: Handle exceptions thrown in IO with fused-effects. (bsd3, control, control., library)
- fused-effects-lens library and test: Monadic lens combinators for fused-effects. (bsd3, control, library)
- fused-effects-mwc-random library, test and benchmark: High-quality random number generation as an effect. (bsd3, control, library)
- fused-effects-optics library: Bridge between the optics and fused-effects ecosystems. (bsd3, control, library)
- fused-effects-random library: Random number generation for fused-effects. (bsd3, control, library)
- fused-effects-readline library and test: A readline-like effect and carrier for fused-effects (bsd3, development, library)
- fused-effects-resumable library: Resumable exceptions for the fused-effects ecosystem. (bsd3, control, library)
- fused-effects-squeal library: A fused-effects adapter for squeal-postgresql. (bsd3, control, library)
- fused-effects-th library and test: Template Haskell helpers for fused-effects. (bsd3, control, library)
- fusion library and test: Effectful streaming library based on shortcut fusion techniques (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- fusion-plugin library: GHC plugin to make stream fusion more predictable. (apache, development, library)
- fusion-plugin-types library: Types for the fusion-plugin package. (bsd3, development, library)
- futhark library, program and test: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language. (futhark, library, program)
- futhark-data library and test: An implementation of the Futhark data format. (futhark, library)
- futhark-manifest library and test: Definition and serialisation instances for Futhark manifests. (futhark, library)
- futhark-server library: Client implementation of the Futhark server protocol. (futhark, library)
- futhask library and program: Generate Haskell wrappers for Futhark libraries (bsd3, ffi-tools, library, program)
- futun program: Simple IP-over-UDP tunnel using TUNTAP (gpl, network, program, system)
- future library: Supposed to mimics and enhance proposed C++ "future" features (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- future-resource library: realtime resource handling with manual concurrency (control, lgpl, library)
- futures library: Simple and fast implementation of Future (concurrency, futures, library, mit)
- fuzzcheck library and test: A simple checker for stress testing monadic code (bsd3, library, testing)
- fuzzily library and test: Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search (filter, find, fuzzy, library, search, text)
- fuzzy library and test: Filters a list based on a fuzzy string search. (library, mit, text)
- fuzzy-dates library and test: Libary for parsing dates in strings in varied formats. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- fuzzy-parse library and test: Tools for processing unstructured text data (library, mit, parsing, text)
- fuzzy-time library: (library, mit, time)
- fuzzy-time-gen library, test and benchmark: (library, mit, time)
- fuzzy-timings library and test: Translates high-level definitions of "fuzzily" scheduled objects (e.g. play this commercial 10 times per hour between 9:00-13:00) to a list of accurately scheduled objects using glpk-hs. (library, mit, scheduling)
- fuzzyfind library, program and test: Fuzzy text matching (library, mit, program, text)
- fuzzyset library and test: Fuzzy set data structure for approximate string matching (bsd3, data, library)
- fuzzytime library and program: A 'ten past six' style clock (library, program, utils)
- fvars library and test: Fast Mutable Vars (bsd3, data, library)
- fwgl library: Game engine (bsd3, deprecated, game, game-engine, javascript, library)
- fwgl-glfw library: FWGL GLFW backend (bsd3, deprecated, game, game-engine, library)
- fwgl-javascript library: FWGL GHCJS backend (bsd3, deprecated, game, game-engine, javascript, library)
- fx library: Horizontally composable effects (library, mit, unclassified)
- fxpak library: Interface to the FXPak/FXPak Pro USB interface (bsd3, hardware, library)
- g-npm program: Generate Gentoo ebuilds from NodeJS/npm packages. (mit, program, tools)
- g2 library, programs and tests: Haskell symbolic execution engine. (bsd3, formal-methods, library, program, symbolic-computation)
- g2q library: G2Q allows constraint programming, via writing Haskell predicates. (bsd3, formal-methods, library, symbolic-computation)
- g3p-hash library and test: Global Password Prehash Protocol (apache, cryptography, library)
- g4ip library and test: A theorem prover for propositional logic that uses G4ip (library, logic, mit)
- g4ip-prover library, program and test: Theorem prover for intuitionistic propositional logic using G4ip (library, logic, mit, program)
- gact program: General Alignment Clustering Tool (bioinformatics, program)
- galois-fft library, test and benchmark: FFTs over finite fields (cryptography, library, mit)
- galois-field library, test and benchmark: Galois field library (cryptography, library, mit)
- gambler library and test: Composable, streaming, and efficient left folds (bsd3, library, streaming)
- game-of-life program and test: Conway's Game of Life (mit, program, unclassified)
- game-probability library: Simple probability library for dice rolls, card games and similar (bsd3, library, math)
- game-tree library: Searching game trees with alpha-beta pruning (data, library)
- gameclock program: Game clock that shows two analog clock faces (game, program)
- gamgee library, program and test: Tool for generating TOTP MFA tokens. (authentication, command-line, library, mpl, program)
- gamma library and test: Gamma function and related functions. (library, math, numerical, public-domain)
- gang-of-threads library: Non-deterministic parallelism with bags (bsd3, control, library, parallelism)
- garepinoh library and programs: reverse prefix notation calculator and calculation library (console, library, math, program, public-domain, tools)
- garfield library: TBA (bsd3, data, library)
- gargoyle library: Automatically spin up and spin down local daemons (bsd3, library, system)
- gargoyle-postgresql library and programs: Manage PostgreSQL servers with gargoyle (bsd3, library, postgresql, program)
- gargoyle-postgresql-connect library: Connect to gargoyle-managed postgresql instances (bsd3, library, system)
- gargoyle-postgresql-nix library and programs: Manage PostgreSQL servers with gargoyle and nix (bsd3, library, program, system)
- garlic-bread library and test: A monad transformer for keeping track of where you've come from. (bsd3, control, library)
- garsia-wachs library: A Functional Implementation of the Garsia-Wachs Algorithm (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- gas library: Limit how many steps a program may take. (bsd3, control, library)
- gasp library: A framework of algebraic classes (algebra, bsd3, library)
- gather library: An applicative for parsing unordered things, heterogenous sorting (bsd3, data, library, parsing, sorting)
- gauge tests and benchmark: small framework for performance measurement and analysis (benchmarking, bsd3, deprecated, development, performance, testing)
- gbs-downloader library, programs and test: A library for downloading data from a Great Black Swamp server (bsd3, library, network, program)
- gbu library: planar graph embedding into a plane (bsd3, graph, library)
- gc library: Poor Richard's Memory Manager (bsd3, data, library)
- gc-monitoring-wai library: a wai application to show GHC.GCStats (bsd3, library, web)
- gcodehs library, program and test: GCode processor (bsd3, library, parsing, program)
- gconf library: Binding to the GNOME configuration database system. (lgpl, library, system)
- gd library: A Haskell binding to a subset of the GD graphics library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gdax library, program and test: API Wrapping for Coinbase's GDAX exchange. (library, mit, program, web)
- gdelt library and test: GDELT V2 (Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone) (bsd3, data-mining, library, nlp)
- gdiff library: Generic diff and patch (bsd3, data, library)
- gdiff-ig library: Generic diff for the instant-generics library (bsd3, generics, library)
- gdiff-th library and test: Generate gdiff GADTs and Instances. (bsd3, generics, library, testing)
- gdo program: recursive atomic build system (distribution, gpl, program)
- gdp library and program: Reason about invariants and preconditions with ghosts of departed proofs. (bsd3, library, program, safe)
- gearbox program: zooming rotating fractal gears graphics demo (demo, gpl, program)
- gearhash library and programs: An implementation of Gear hash, a fast rolling hash algorithm (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- gedcom library and test: Parser for the GEDCOM genealogy file format. (bsd3, genealogy, library)
- geek library: Geek blog engine (bsd3, library, web)
- geek-server library and program: Geek blog engine server (library, program, web)
- gegl library: Haskell bindings to GEGL library (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gelatin library and program: A graphics description language. (graphics, library, mit, program)
- gelatin-freetype2 library and test: FreeType2 based text rendering for the gelatin realtime
rendering system. (bsd3, library, web)
- gelatin-fruity library: Gelatin's support for rendering TTF outlines, using FontyFruity. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gelatin-gl library and program: OpenGL rendering routines for the gelatin-picture graphics
EDSL. (graphics, library, mit, program)
- gelatin-sdl2 library and program: An SDL2 backend for the gelatin renderer. (graphics, library, mit, program)
- gelatin-shaders library: Gelatin's OpenGL shaders. (bsd3, library, web)
- gemcap library and test: a simple Gemini capsule (server) (agpl, gemini, library)
- gemini-exports library, program and test: Generate CSV Exports of Your Gemini Trades, Transfers, & Earn Transactions (bsd3, console, finance, library, program, web)
- gemini-router library: A simple Happstack-style Gemini router (bsd3, gemini, library)
- gemini-server library: A lightweight server for the Gemini protocol (bsd3, gemini, library, network)
- gemini-textboard program: A barebones textboard for the Gemini protocol (bsd3, gemini, program)
- gemmula library and test: a tiny gemtext parser (gemini, lgpl, library, text)
- gemmula-altera library, program and test: A tiny gemtext converter for gemmula (agpl, deprecated, gemini, library, program, text)
- gemoire library and test: yet another static gemlog generator + converter (gemini, gpl, library)
- gemstone library: A simple library of helpers for SDL+GL games. (game, library)
- gen-imports library: Code to generate instances for the package "ghc-instances" (bsd3, library, web)
- gen-passwd program: Create wordlist-based passwords easily (bsd3, cli, program)
- gencheck library: A testing framework inspired by QuickCheck and SmallCheck (bsd3, library, testing)
- gender library and program: Identify a persons gender by their first name (language, lgpl, library, program)
- genders library and test: Bindings to libgenders. (database, library, mit)
- gendocs library and test: Library for generating interface documentation from types (bsd3, library, web)
- general-allocate library: Exception-safe resource management in more monads (apache, control, exceptions, library)
- general-games library and test: Library supporting simulation of a number of games (game, library, mit, poker)
- general-prelude library: Prelude replacement using generalized type classes where possible (bsd3, control, data, deprecated, library)
- generator library: Python-generators notation for creation of monadic lists (bsd3, control, library)
- generators library: Actually useful monadic random value generators. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- generic-accessors library and test: stringly-named getters for generic data (bsd3, data, library)
- generic-aeson library: Derivation of Aeson instances using GHC generics. (bsd3, data, library)
- generic-arbitrary library and test: Generic implementation for QuickCheck's Arbitrary (generic, library, mit)
- generic-binary library: Generic Data.Binary derivation using GHC generics. (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- generic-church library and test: Automatically convert Generic instances to and from church representations (generics, library, mit)
- generic-constraints library and test: Constraints via Generic (bsd3, generics, library)
- generic-data library and tests: Deriving instances with GHC.Generics and related utilities (generics, library, mit)
- generic-data-asserts library and test: Structural assertions on generic data representations. (data, deprecated, generics, library, mit)
- generic-data-functions library: Familiar functions lifted to generic data types (data, generics, library, mit)
- generic-data-surgery library and tests: Surgery for generic data types (library, mit, other)
- generic-deepseq library: Generic deep evaluation of data structures (bsd3, control, generics, library)
- generic-deriving library and test: Generic programming library for generalised deriving. (bsd3, generics, library)
- generic-enum library and test: An Enum class that fixes some deficiences with Prelude's Enum (library, mit, unclassified)
- generic-enumeration library: Generically derived enumerations. (library, mit, unclassified)
- generic-env library: Generic Environment Generator (development, library, mit)
- generic-functor library and test: Deriving generalized functors with GHC.Generics (generics, library, mit)
- generic-labels library and test: Generically extract and replace collections of record fields (bsd3, data, generics, library, records)
- generic-lens library and tests: Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms. (bsd3, generics, lens, library, records)
- generic-lens-core library: Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms. (bsd3, generics, lens, library, records)
- generic-lens-labels library: GHC.OverloadedLabels.IsLabel instance for lenses from ghc-generics (bsd3, generics, lens, library, overloadelabels, records)
- generic-lens-lite library and test: Monomorphic field lens like with generic-lens (bsd3, generics, lens, library)
- generic-lexicographic-order library and test: Derive Bounded and Enum for sum types and Enum for product types (bsd3, data, library)
- generic-lucid-scaffold library: General-purpose web page scaffold for Lucid. (deprecated, library, mit, unclassified)
- generic-match library: First class pattern matching (data, library, mit)
- generic-maybe library and benchmark: A generic version of Data.Maybe (bsd3, generics, library)
- generic-monoid library: Derive monoid instances for product types. (bsd3, data, library)
- generic-optics library and tests: Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms. (bsd3, generics, lens, library, records)
- generic-optics-lite library and test: Monomorphic field opics like with generic-lens (bsd3, generics, lens, library, optics)
- generic-override library and test: Provides functionality for overriding instances for generic derivation (bsd3, generics, library)
- generic-override-aeson library and test: Provides orphan instances necessary for integrating generic-override and aeson (bsd3, generics, library)
- generic-persistence library and test: Database persistence using generics (bsd3, database, library)
- generic-pretty library and test: Pretty printing for Generic value (library, mit, text)
- generic-pretty-instances library and test: GenericPretty canonical instances (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)
- generic-random library and tests: Generic random generators for QuickCheck (generics, library, mit, testing)
- generic-records library: Magic record operations using generics (bsd3, generics, library, records)
- generic-server library: Simple generic TCP/IP server (bsd3, library, network)
- generic-storable library and test: Generic implementation of Storable (bsd3, data, library)
- generic-tree library: Generic Tree data type (data-structures, deprecated, library)
- generic-trie library and program: A map, where the keys may be complex structured data. (bsd3, data, library, program)
- generic-type-asserts library and test: Structural assertions on generic type representations. (data, generics, library, mit, type)
- generic-type-functions library: Familiar functions lifted to type-level functions on generic types (data, generics, library, mit, types)
- generic-xml library: Marshalling Haskell values to/from XML (bsd3, library, xml)
- generic-xmlpickler library and test: Generic generation of HXT XmlPickler instances using GHC Generics (bsd3, data, library, xml)
- generically library: Generically newtype to use with DerivingVia (bsd3, generics, library)
- generics-eot library and tests: A library for generic programming that aims to be easy to understand (bsd3, generics, library)
- generics-mrsop library: Generic Programming with Mutually Recursive Sums of Products. (generics, library, mit)
- generics-mrsop-gdiff library: Reimplementation of the gdiff algorithm for generics-mrsop (bsd3, generics, library)
- generics-sop library, test and benchmark: Generic Programming using True Sums of Products (bsd3, generics, library)
- generics-sop-lens library: Lenses for types in generics-sop (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- genericserialize library: Serialization library using Data.Generics (bsd3, data, library)
- genesis library and test: Opinionated bootstrapping for Haskell web services. (library, other)
- genesis-test library and test: Opinionated bootstrapping for Haskell web services. (library, other)
- genetics program: A Genetic Algorithm library (bsd3, machine-learning, program)
- geni-gui library and program: GenI graphical user interface (library, natural-language-processing, program)
- geni-util library and program: Companion tools for use with the GenI surface realiser (gpl, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- geniconvert program: Conversion utility for the GenI generator (natural-language-processing, program)
- genifunctors library and test: Generate generalized fmap, foldMap and traverse (bsd3, generics, library)
- geniplate library: Use Template Haskell to generate Uniplate-like functions. (bsd3, generics, library)
- geniplate-mirror library: Use Template Haskell to generate Uniplate-like functions. (bsd3, generics, library)
- geniserver library and program: Simple HTTP server for GenI results (library, natural-language-processing, program)
- genprog library: Genetic programming library (ai, algorithms, bsd3, library, optimisation)
- gentlemark library and test: Gentle markup language (bsd3, library, text, web)
- genvalidity library and test: Testing utilities for the validity library (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-aeson library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for aeson (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-appendful library, test and benchmark: (library, mit, unclassified)
- genvalidity-bytestring library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for ByteString (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-case-insensitive library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for case-insensitive (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-containers library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for containers (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-criterion library and benchmark: Criterion benchmarks for generators (library, mit, validity)
- genvalidity-dirforest library, test and benchmark: Generators for typed directory forests (library, mit, unclassified)
- genvalidity-dlist library: GenValidity support for dlist (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-hspec library and test: Standard spec's for GenValidity instances (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-hspec-aeson library and test: Standard spec's for aeson-related instances (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-hspec-binary library and test: Standard spec's for binary-related Instances (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-hspec-cereal library and test: Standard spec's for cereal-related instances (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-hspec-hashable library and test: Standard spec's for Hashable instances (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-hspec-optics library and test: Standard spec's for lens (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-hspec-persistent library and test: Standard spec's for persistent-related instances (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-mergeful library, test and benchmark: (library, mit, unclassified)
- genvalidity-mergeless library, test and benchmark: (library, mit, unclassified)
- genvalidity-network-uri library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for URI (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-path library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for Path (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-persistent library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for Persistent (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-property library and test: Standard properties for functions on `Validity` types (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-scientific library and test: GenValidity support for Scientific (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-sydtest library and test: Standard properties for functions on `Validity` types for the sydtest framework (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-sydtest-aeson library and test: Standard spec's for aeson-related instances in sydtest (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-sydtest-hashable library and test: Standard spec's for Hashable instances for sydtest (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-sydtest-lens library and test: Standard spec's for lens for sydtest (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-sydtest-persistent library and test: Standard spec's for persistent-related instances for sydtest (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-text library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for Text (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-time library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for time (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-typed-uuid library, test and benchmark: Generators for Phantom-Typed version of UUID (data, library, mit)
- genvalidity-unordered-containers library and test: GenValidity support for unordered-containers (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-uuid library, test and benchmark: GenValidity support for UUID (library, mit, testing)
- genvalidity-vector library and test: GenValidity support for vector (library, mit, testing)
- geo-resolver library and test: Performs geo location lookups and parses the results (library, mit, web)
- geo-uk library: High precision conversion between GPS and UK Grid (bsd3, data, library)
- geocalc library: Libary for calculating distances between two coordinates in WSG84 (bsd3, library, math)
- geocode-google library: Geocoding using the Google Web API (bsd3, geography, library)
- geodetic library and test: Geodetic calculations (bsd3, development, library)
- geodetic-types library: Types for geodetic operations (bsd3, geodgraphy, geography, library)
- geodetics library and test: Terrestrial coordinate systems and geodetic calculations. (bsd3, geography, library)
- geohash library: Geohash latitudes and longitudes. (bsd3, data, library)
- geoip2 library: Pure haskell interface to MaxMind GeoIP database (bsd3, database, library)
- geojson library and test: A thin GeoJSON Layer above the aeson library (bsd3, data, library)
- geojson-types library: GeoJSON data types including JSON/BSON conversion. (bsd3, data, library)
- geolite-csv library and test: Geolite CSV Parser (bsd3, library, web)
- geom2d library and tests: package for geometry in euklidean 2d space (gpl, library, math)
- geomancy library, test and benchmark: Geometry and matrix manipulation (bsd3, graphics, library)
- geomancy-layout library: Geometry and matrix manipulation (bsd3, graphics, library)
- geos library and test: Bindings for GEOS. (geometry, library, mit)
- gerrit library and test: A gerrit client library (apache, development, library)
- getemx program: Fetch from emusic using .emx files (bsd3, program, web)
- getflag library: Command-line parser. (library, mit, parsing)
- getopt-generics library and test: Create command line interfaces with ease (bsd3, console, library, system)
- getopt-simple library: A "System.Console.GetOpt" wrapper to make simple use case easy. (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- gettext-th library: gettext-th can internationalise a haskell program without runtime dependencies (bsd3, i18, i18n, i18n-text, library, text)
- gev-lib library and test: The family of Extreme Value Distributions. (evt, library, probability, statistics)
- gf library, program and test: Grammatical Framework (compiler, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- ggtsTC program: A type checker and runtime system of rCOS/g (impl. of ggts-FCS). (gpl, program, system---)
- gh-labeler program: Github Standard Labeler (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- gh-pocket-knife library, program and test: Script helpers for interacting with GitHub (bsd3, library, network, program)
- ghc : The GHC API (bsd3, development)
- ghc-api-compat library: GHC-API compatibility helpers (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-bignum : GHC BigNum library (algebra, bsd3, ghc, numeric)
- ghc-bignum-orphans library: Backwards-compatible orphan instances for ghc-bignum (bsd3, compatibility, library)
- ghc-boot library: Shared functionality between GHC and its boot libraries (bsd3, ghc, library)
- ghc-boot-th library: Shared functionality between GHC and the @template-haskell@
library (bsd3, ghc, library)
- ghc-byteorder library and test: "GHC.ByteOrder" API Compatibility Layer (bsd3, ffi, library)
- ghc-call-stack-extras library: Extra utilities for HasCallStack (bsd3, control, library)
- ghc-check library: detect mismatches between compile-time and run-time versions of the ghc api (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-clippy-plugin library: Override GHC error messages to the user's liking (bsd3, compiler-plugin, development, library)
- ghc-compact library: In memory storage of deeply evaluated data structure (bsd3, data, library)
- ghc-core program: Display GHC's core and assembly output in a pager (bsd3, development, program)
- ghc-core-html program: Core to HTML display (bsd3, development, program)
- ghc-core-smallstep library and test: A small-step semantics for Core (language, library, mit)
- ghc-corroborate library: An flatter API for GHC typechecker plugins (ghc, library, mpl, plugin, type-system)
- ghc-datasize library: Determine the size of data structures in GHC's memory (bsd3, debug, development, ghc, library)
- ghc-debug-brick program: A simple TUI using ghc-debug (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- ghc-debug-client library: Useful functions for writing heap analysis tools which use
ghc-debug. (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-debug-common library: Connect to a socket created by ghc-debug-stub and analyse
the heap of the debuggee program. (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-debug-convention library: Definitions needed by ghc-debug-stub and ghc-debug-common (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- ghc-debug-stub library: Functions for instrumenting your application so the heap
can be analysed with ghc-debug-common. (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-definitions-th library: Automatically generate GHC API counterparts to Haskell
declarations. (bsd3, ghc, library, template-haskell)
- ghc-dump-core library: An AST and compiler plugin for dumping GHC's Core representation. (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-dump-tree library and program: Dump GHC's parsed, renamed, and type checked ASTs (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ghc-dump-util library and program: Handy tools for working with ghc-dump dumps (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ghc-dup library: Explicitly prevent sharing (bsd3, debug, deprecated, ghc, library)
- ghc-events library, program and test: Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from GHC (bsd3, debug, development, ghc, library, profiling, program, trace)
- ghc-events-analyze program: Analyze and visualize event logs (bsd3, development, profiling, program, trace)
- ghc-events-parallel library, program and test: Library and tool for parsing .eventlog files from parallel GHC (bsd3, debug, development, eden, ghc, library, profiling, program, trace)
- ghc-exactprint : ExactPrint for GHC (bsd3, development)
- ghc-experimental library: Experimental features of GHC's standard library (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-gc-hook library and test: GHC garbage collection hook (bsd3, ghc, library)
- ghc-gc-tune program: Graph performance of Haskell programs with different GC flags (bsd3, development, program)
- ghc-generic-instances library: Derived instances of GHC.Generic of the GHC AST (development, library, public-domain)
- ghc-heap library: Functions for walking GHC's heap (bsd3, ghc, library)
- ghc-heap-view library and test: Extract the heap representation of Haskell values and thunks (bsd3, debug, ghc, library)
- ghc-hotswap library: Library for hot-swapping shared objects in GHC (library, system)
- ghc-hs-meta library and test: Translate Haskell source to Template Haskell expression (bsd3, ghc, library, template-haskell)
- ghc-imported-from library, programs and test: Find the Haddock documentation for a symbol. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ghc-instances library: Easily import all instances contained in GHC distributed libraries (bsd3, library, web)
- ghc-internal library: Basic libraries (bsd3, library, prelude)
- ghc-justdoit library and test: A magic typeclass that just does it (language, library, mit)
- ghc-lib library: The GHC API, decoupled from GHC versions (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-lib-parser library: The GHC API, decoupled from GHC versions (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-lib-parser-ex library, program and test: Programming with GHC parse trees (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ghc-magic-dict-compat library and test: A compatibility layer and GHC plugin for `withDict` from "GHC.Magic.Dict". (bsd3, compatibility, library, type-system)
- ghc-make program: Accelerated version of ghc --make (bsd3, development, program)
- ghc-man-completion program: Generate a bash completion from the GHC manpage (bsd3, development, ghc, program, system, tools)
- ghc-mod library, programs, tests and benchmark: Happy Haskell Hacking (agpl, deprecated, development, ghc, library, program)
- ghc-mtl library: An mtl compatible version of the Ghc-Api monads
and monad-transformers. (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-options library and program: Utilities for extracting GHC options needed to compile a given Haskell target. (language, library, mit, program)
- ghc-parmake library, program and test: A parallel wrapper for 'ghc --make'. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ghc-parser library: Haskell source parser from GHC. (language, library, mit)
- ghc-paths library: Knowledge of GHC's installation directories (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-pkg-autofix program: Simple utility to fix BROKEN package dependencies for cabal-install. (bsd3, development, program)
- ghc-pkg-lib library: Provide library support for ghc-pkg information (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-plugin-non-empty library and test: GHC Plugin for non-empty lists (compiler-plugin, ghc, library, mpl)
- ghc-plugs-out library and tests: Type checker plugins without the type checking. (compiler-plugin, library, mpl)
- ghc-prim library: GHC primitives (bsd3, ghc, library)
- ghc-prof library and test: Library for parsing GHC time and allocation profiling reports (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-prof-aeson library and test: Parser for GHC's JSON profiling output. (bsd3, library, profiling)
- ghc-prof-aeson-flamegraph program: Turn GHC `-pj` profiling output into FlameGraph format. (bsd3, profiling, program)
- ghc-prof-flamegraph program: Generates flamegraphs from GHC .prof files. (mit, program, testing)
- ghc-proofs library and tests: GHC plugin to prove program equations by simplification (compiler-plugin, formal-methods, library, mit)
- ghc-server library: None (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- ghc-session library and program: Simplified GHC API (language, library, mit, program)
- ghc-simple library: Simplified interface to the GHC API. (development, library, mit)
- ghc-source-gen library and tests: Constructs Haskell syntax trees for the GHC API. (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-srcspan-plugin library: Generic GHC Plugin for annotating Haskell code with source
location data. (bsd3, language, library)
- ghc-stdin library: Compile source code from the standard input (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-syb library: Data and Typeable instances for the GHC API. (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-syb-utils library: Scrap Your Boilerplate utilities for the GHC API. (bsd3, development, library)
- ghc-symbol library and test: Symbol on term level (bsd3, data, library)
- ghc-syntax-highlighter library and test: Syntax highlighter for Haskell using the lexer of GHC (bsd3, library, text)
- ghc-tags program: Utility for generating ctags and etags with GHC API. (development, mpl, program)
- ghc-tags-core library: CTags and ETags from Haskell syntax tree. (development, library, mpl)
- ghc-tags-pipes library: Streaming interface for ghc-tags-core (development, library, mpl)
- ghc-tags-plugin library: A compiler plugin which generates tags file from GHC parsed syntax tree. (development, library, mpl)
- ghc-tcplugin-api library: An API for type-checker plugins. (bsd3, ghc, library, plugin, type-system)
- ghc-tcplugins-extra library: Utilities for writing GHC type-checker plugins (bsd2, library, type-system)
- ghc-time-alloc-prof library and test: Library for parsing GHC time and allocation profiling reports (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- ghc-timers library: Provides bindings to functions starting and stopping the RTS timers (bsd3, library, system)
- ghc-trace-events library and benchmarks: Faster traceEvent and traceMarker, and binary object logging for
eventlog (bsd3, development, ghc, library, trace)
- ghc-typelits-extra library and test: Additional type-level operations on GHC.TypeLits.Nat (bsd2, library, type-system)
- ghc-typelits-knownnat library and test: Derive KnownNat constraints from other KnownNat constraints (bsd2, library, type-system)
- ghc-typelits-natnormalise library and test: GHC typechecker plugin for types of kind GHC.TypeLits.Nat (bsd2, library, type-system)
- ghc-typelits-presburger library and test: Presburger Arithmetic Solver for GHC Type-level natural numbers. (bsd3, library, math, type-system)
- ghc-usage library and program: Print minimal export lists (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ghc-vis library: Live visualization of data structures in GHCi (bsd3, debug, development, ghc, library)
- ghcflags library: Dump the ghc flags during compilation (bsd2, building, library)
- ghci library: The library supporting GHC's interactive interpreter (bsd3, ghc, library)
- ghci-dap library and program: ghci-dap is a GHCi having DAP interface. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ghci-diagrams library: Display simple diagrams from ghci (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- ghci-haskeline program: An implementation of ghci using the Haskeline line-input library. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- ghci-hexcalc library and test: GHCi as a Hex Calculator interactive (bsd3, data, library)
- ghci-history-parser library and tests: parse output of ghci ":history" command (debug, development---, ghc, library, public-domain)
- ghci-lib library: A library for interactively evaluating Haskell code. (language, library, mit)
- ghci-ng program: Next generation GHCi (bsd3, development, program)
- ghci-pretty library: colored pretty-printing within ghci (development, library, mit)
- ghci-websockets library: A websocket server that survives GHCi reloads (bsd3, language, library)
- ghcid library, program and test: GHCi based bare bones IDE (bsd3, development, library, program)
- ghcide library: The core of an IDE (apache, development, library)
- ghcide-bench library, program and test: An LSP client for running performance experiments on HLS (apache, development, library, program)
- ghcide-test-utils library: Test utils for ghcide (apache, development, library)
- ghcitui library, program and test: A Terminal User Interface (TUI) for GHCi (bsd3, debug, library, program)
- ghcjs-ajax library: Crossbrowser AJAX Bindings for GHCJS (library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-base : base library for GHCJS (mit, web)
- ghcjs-base-stub library: Allow GHCJS projects to compile under GHC and develop using intero. (bsd3, library, web)
- ghcjs-codemirror library: Installs CodeMirror JavaScript files (library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-dom library: DOM library that supports both GHCJS and GHC (library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-dom-hello library and program: GHCJS DOM Hello World, an example package (library, mit, program, web)
- ghcjs-dom-javascript : DOM library using JSFFI and GHCJS (mit, web)
- ghcjs-dom-jsaddle library: DOM library that supports both GHCJS and GHC using jsaddle (library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-dom-jsffi : DOM library using JSFFI and GHCJS (mit, web)
- ghcjs-dom-webkit library: DOM library that supports both GHCJS and WebKitGTK (library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-fetch library: GHCJS bindings for the JavaScript Fetch API (bsd3, library, web)
- ghcjs-hplay library: Client-side web EDSL for transient nodes running in the web browser (library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-perch library: GHCJS version of Perch library. (library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-promise library: Bidirectional bidings to javascript's promise. (bsd3, data, library)
- ghcjs-vdom library: Virtual-dom bindings for GHCJS (library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-websockets library: Deprecated: use ghcjs-base's native websockets (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- ghcjs-xhr library: XmlHttpRequest ("AJAX") bindings for GHCJS (bsd3, library, web)
- ghclive library and program: Interactive Haskell interpreter in a browser. (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program, web)
- ghcprofview program: GHC .prof files viewer (bsd3, development, program)
- ghcup library and tests: ghc toolchain installer (lgpl, library, system)
- ghczdecode program: Decode Z-encoded strings from GHC (bsd3, development, program)
- ghost-buster library and test: Existential type utilites (bsd3, data, library)
- ghostscript-parallel program: Let Ghostscript render pages in parallel (bsd3, graphics, program)
- ght library and program: Trivial routines for inspecting git repositories (development, library, program)
- gi-adwaita library: Adwaita bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-atk library: Atk bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-ayatana-appindicator3 library: libayatana-appindicator3 bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-cairo library: Cairo bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-cairo-again library: Bridge between packages gi-* and cairo-core. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gi-cairo-connector library: GI friendly Binding to the Cairo library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gi-cairo-render library: GI friendly Binding to the Cairo library. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gi-clutter library: clutter GObject bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-cogl library: COGL GObject bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-coglpango library: Cogl Pango GObject bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-dazzle library: libdazzle bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-dbusmenu library: Dbusmenu bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-dbusmenugtk3 library: DbusmenuGtk bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-freetype2 library: freetype2 bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gdk library: Gdk bindings (compatibility layer) (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gdk3 library: Gdk 3.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gdk4 library: Gdk bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gdkpixbuf library: GdkPixbuf bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gdkx11 library: GdkX11 4.x bindings (compatibility layer) (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gdkx113 library: GdkX11 3.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gdkx114 library: GdkX11 4.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-ges library: libges bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-ggit library: libgit2-glib bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gio library: Gio bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gio-hs-list-model library: Haskell implementation of GListModel interface from gi-gio (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gi-girepository library: GIRepository (gobject-introspection) bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-glib library: GLib bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gmodule library: GModule bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gobject library: GObject bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-graphene library: Graphene bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gsk library: Gsk bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gst library: GStreamer bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gstapp library: GStreamerApp bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gstaudio library: GStreamerAudio bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gstbase library: GStreamerBase bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gstpbutils library: GStreamer Plugins Base Utils bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gsttag library: GStreamer Tag bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gstvideo library: GStreamerVideo bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtk library: Gtk 4.x bindings (compatibility layer) (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtk-declarative library and test: Declarative GTK+ programming in Haskell (graphics, library, mpl)
- gi-gtk-declarative-app-simple library and test: Declarative GTK+ programming in Haskell in the style of Pux. (graphics, library, mpl)
- gi-gtk-hs library: A wrapper for gi-gtk, adding a few more idiomatic API parts on top (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtk-layer-shell library: gtk-layer-shell bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtk3 library: Gtk 3.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtk4 library: Gtk 4.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtkosxapplication library: GtkosxApplication bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtksheet library: GtkSheet bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtksource library: GtkSource 5.x bindings (compatibility layer) (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtksource3 library: GtkSource 3.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-gtksource5 library: GtkSource 5.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-handy library: libhandy bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-harfbuzz library: HarfBuzz bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-ibus library: IBus bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-javascriptcore library: JavaScriptCore 6.x bindings (compatibility layer) (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-javascriptcore4 library: JavaScriptCore 4.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-javascriptcore6 library: JavaScriptCore 6.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-json library: JSON GObject bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-keybinder library: Libkeybinder bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-nm library: NM bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-notify library: Libnotify bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-ostree library: OSTree bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-pango library: Pango bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-pangocairo library: PangoCairo bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-poppler library: Poppler bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-rsvg library: librsvg bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-secret library: Libsecret bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-soup library: Libsoup 3.x bindings (compatibility layer) (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-soup2 library: Libsoup 2.4.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-soup3 library: Libsoup 3.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-vips library: libvips GObject bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-vte library: Vte bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-webkit library: WebKit 6.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-webkit2 library: WebKit2 bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-webkit2webextension library: WebKit2-WebExtension 4.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-webkitwebprocessextension library: WebKitWebProcessExtension 6.x bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-wnck library: Wnck bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- gi-xlib library: xlib bindings (bindings, lgpl, library)
- giak program: Fuzzy finder for cabal executables (development, mit, program)
- gibberish library, programs, tests and benchmark: Generate easy-to-remember, hard-to-guess passwords (cryptography, library, mit, program)
- gibbon program: A compiler for operating on serialized trees. (bsd3, compiler, program)
- gigaparsec library, test and benchmark: Refreshed parsec-style library for compatibility with Scala parsley (bsd3, library, text)
- gimlh library: Haskell parser for GIML (language, library, mit)
- ginger library and test: An implementation of the Jinja2 template language in Haskell (library, mit, text)
- gingersnap library and test: Consistent and safe JSON APIs with snap-core and (by default) postgresql-simple (bsd3, library, web)
- ginsu program: Ginsu Gale Client (console, deprecated, mit, network, program)
- gio library: Binding to GIO (lgpl, library, system)
- gipeda program: Git Performance Dashboard (development, mit, program)
- giphy-api library and test: Giphy HTTP API wrapper and CLI search tool. (bsd3, library, web)
- gist program: A reliable command-line client for (gpl, program, web)
- git library and tests: Git operations in haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- git-all program: Determine which Git repositories need actions to be taken (bsd3, development, program)
- git-annex program: manage files with git, without checking their contents into git (agpl, program, utility)
- git-brunch program and test: git checkout command-line tool (bsd3, git, program)
- git-checklist program: Maintain per-branch checklists in Git (desktop, development, program)
- git-config library and test: A simple parser for Git configuration files (bsd3, git, library)
- git-cuk library and program: Haskell Git Helper Tool (cli-tool, git, library, mpl, program)
- git-date library and test: Bindings to the date parsing from Git. (data, gpl, library)
- git-embed library: Use TH to embed Git repo information. (bsd2, deprecated, git, library)
- git-fmt program: Custom git command for formatting code. (bsd3, development, program)
- git-freq program and test: A Git subcommand to show total addition, deletion per file (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- git-gpush program: More intelligent push-to-GitHub utility. (bsd3, development, program)
- git-jump program: Move a git branch (bsd3, development, program)
- git-lfs library: git-lfs protocol (agpl, library, network)
- git-mediate program: Tool to help resolving git conflicts (development, gpl, program)
- git-monitor program: Passively snapshots working tree changes efficiently. (bsd3, development, program)
- git-object library: Git object and its parser (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- git-remote-ipfs library and program: Git remote helper to store git objects on IPFS (bsd3, library, network, program)
- git-repair program: repairs a damaged git repository (agpl, program, utility)
- git-sanity library and program: A sanity checker for your git history. (apache, development, library, program)
- git-vogue library, programs and test: A framework for pre-commit checks. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- gitHUD library, program and test: More efficient replacement to the great git-radar (bsd3, deprecated, development, library, program)
- gitcache program: Simple git utility to use and manage clone cache (bsd3, program, tools)
- gitdo program: Create Github issues out of TODO comments in code (mit, program, unclassified)
- gitea-api library and test: Auto-generated gitea-api API Client (bsd3, library, web)
- githash library and test: Compile git revision info into Haskell projects (bsd3, development, library)
- github library and test: Access to the GitHub API, v3. (bsd3, library, network)
- github-app-token library and tests: Generate an installation access token for a GitHub App (http, library, mit)
- github-backup programs: backs up everything github knows about a repository, to the repository (gpl, program, utility)
- github-data library: Access to the GitHub API, v3. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- github-post-receive library: GitHub webhooks library (bsd3, library, web)
- github-release library and program: Upload files to GitHub releases. (library, mit, program, utility)
- github-rest library and test: Query the GitHub REST API programmatically (bsd3, github, library)
- github-tools library, programs and test: Various Github helper utilities. (development, gpl, library, program)
- github-types library and test: Type definitions for objects used by the GitHub v3 API (github, library)
- github-utils library: Useful functions that use the GitHub API (bsd3, library, network)
- github-webhook-handler library: GitHub WebHook Handler (github, library, mit)
- github-webhook-handler-snap library: GitHub WebHook Handler implementation for Snap (github, library, mit)
- github-webhooks library and test: Aeson instances for GitHub Webhook payloads. (github, library, mit)
- github-workflow-commands library and tests: GitHub Actions workflow commands (github, library, mit)
- githud library, programs and test: Heads up, and you see your GIT context (bsd3, development, library, program)
- gitignore program: Apply GitHub .gitignore templates to already existing repositories. (bsd3, development, program)
- gitit library and programs: Wiki using happstack, git or darcs, and pandoc. (library, network, program)
- gitlab-api library and test: Gitlab Web API (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- gitlab-haskell library and test: A Haskell library for the GitLab web API (bsd3, git, library)
- gitlib library: API library for working with Git repositories (ffi, library, mit)
- gitlib-cmdline library and test: Gitlib repository backend that uses the git command-line tool. (git, library, mit)
- gitlib-cross library and test: Run tests between repositories (deprecated, ffi, library, mit)
- gitlib-libgit2 library and test: Libgit2 backend for gitlib (ffi, library, mit)
- gitlib-s3 library and test: Gitlib repository backend for storing Git objects in Amazon S3 (git, library, mit)
- gitlib-sample library: Sample backend for gitlib showing the basic structure for any backend. (deprecated, ffi, library, mit)
- gitlib-test library: Test library for confirming gitlib backend compliance (ffi, library, mit)
- gitlib-utils library: Generic utility functions for working with Git repositories (deprecated, ffi, library, mit)
- gitrev library: Compile git revision info into Haskell projects (bsd3, development, library)
- gitson library, tests and benchmark: A document store library for Git + JSON. (database, deprecated, git, json, library, public-domain)
- gitter library: API client (api, bsd3, library, network)
- givegif library, program and test: CLI Giphy search tool with previews in iTerm 2 (bsd3, console, library, program)
- gjk library and test: Gilbert-Johnson-Keerthi (GJK) collision detection algorithm (graphics, library, mit)
- gjk2d library and test: (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gl library: Complete OpenGL raw bindings (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gl-block library, test and benchmark: OpenGL standard memory layouts (graphics, library)
- gl-capture library: simple image capture from OpenGL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gl3w library: Haskell bindings for the gl3w library. (graphics, library, mit)
- glabrous library and test: A template DSL library (bsd3, library, text, web)
- glade library: Binding to the glade library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gladexml-accessor library: Automagically declares getters for widget handles in specified interface file. (bsd3, gui, library)
- glambda library, program and test: A simply typed lambda calculus interpreter, written with GADTs (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- glapp library and program: An OpenGL micro framework. (deprecated, gpl, graphics, library, program)
- glasso library: Graphical Lasso algorithm (bsd3, library, math)
- glaze library: Framework for rendering things with metadata/headers and values (bsd3, library, text)
- glazier library and test: Extensible effects using ContT, State and variants. (bsd3, gui, library)
- glazier-pipes library: A threaded rendering framework using glaizer and pipes (bsd3, deprecated, frp, library)
- glazier-react library: ReactJS binding using Glazier.Command. (bsd3, gui, library, web)
- glazier-react-examples program: Examples of using glazier-react (bsd3, deprecated, gui, program, web)
- glazier-react-widget library: Generic widget library using glazier-react (bsd3, gui, library, web)
- glfw-group library and test: GLFW package with window groups destroyed together (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- gli library, program and test: Tiny cli to fetch PR info from gitlab (bsd3, cli, library, program)
- glib library: Binding to the GLIB library for Gtk2Hs. (lgpl, library, system)
- glib-stopgap library and test: Stopgap package of binding for GLib (bsd3, library, system)
- glicko library and test: Glicko-2 implementation in Haskell. (gpl, library, math)
- glider-nlp library and test: Natural Language Processing library (bsd3, library, nlp, text)
- glintcollider program: A simple ray tracer in an early stage of development. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- glirc library, program and test: Console IRC client (library, network, program)
- gll library: GLL parser with simple combinator interface (bsd3, compilers, library)
- glob-imports library, program and test: Import modules for metaprogramming (bsd3, library, metaprogramming, program)
- glob-posix library, test and benchmark: Haskell bindings for POSIX glob library. (library, system)
- global library: Library enabling unique top-level declarations (bsd3, data, language, library, system)
- global-config library and test: Global mutable configuration (bsd3, configuration, library)
- global-lock library: A global lock implemented without unsafePerformIO (bsd3, concurrency, library, system)
- global-variables library: Namespaced, global, and top-level mutable variables without
unsafePerformIO. (bsd3, data, library, reflection)
- globus library: Globus Data Transfer (bsd3, data, library, science, system)
- glome-hs library and program: ray tracer (graphics, library, program)
- gloss library: Painless 2D vector graphics, animations and simulations. (graphics, library, mit)
- gloss-accelerate library: Extras to interface Gloss and Accelerate (accelerate, bsd3, graphics, library)
- gloss-algorithms library: Data structures and algorithms for working with 2D graphics. (graphics, library, mit)
- gloss-banana library: An Interface for gloss in terms of a reactive-banana Behavior. (gpl, graphics, library)
- gloss-devil library: Display images in Gloss using libdevil for decoding (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gloss-examples programs: Examples using the gloss library (graphics, mit, program)
- gloss-export library, program and test: Export Gloss pictures to png, bmp, tga, tiff, gif and juicy-pixels-image (graphics, library, mit, program)
- gloss-game library: Gloss wrapper that simplifies writing games (bsd3, game, graphics, library)
- gloss-juicy library and program: Load any image supported by Juicy.Pixels in your gloss application (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- gloss-raster library: Parallel rendering of raster images. (graphics, library, mit)
- gloss-raster-accelerate library: Parallel rendering of raster images using Accelerate (accelerate, bsd3, graphics, library)
- gloss-raster-massiv library and test: Massiv-based alternative for gloss-raster (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gloss-rendering library: Gloss picture data types and rendering functions. (graphics, library, mit)
- gloss-sodium library: A Sodium interface to the Gloss drawing package. (agpl, graphics, library)
- glpk-headers library and test: Low-level Haskell bindings to the GLPK library (bsd3, library, math)
- glpk-hs library and program: Comprehensive GLPK linear programming bindings (bsd3, library, math, program)
- glsl library, program and test: Parser and optimizer for a small subset of GLSL (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- gltf-codec library and test: glTF scene loader (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gltf-loader library, program and test: High level GlTF loader (graphics, library, mit, program)
- glualint library and tests: Attempts to fix your syntax erroring Lua files. (language, lgpl, library)
- glue library, program and test: Make better services. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, program)
- glue-common library and test: Make better services and clients. (bsd3, library, network)
- glue-core library and test: Make better services and clients. (bsd3, library, network)
- glue-ekg library and test: Make better services and clients. (bsd3, library, network)
- glue-example program: Make better services and clients. (bsd3, network, program)
- gluturtle library: turtle like LOGO with glut (bsd3, library, teaching)
- gmail-simple library: Simple library for Google Mail (GMail). (bsd3, email, google, library)
- gmap library: Composable maps and generic tries. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- gmndl program: Mandelbrot Set explorer using GTK (gpl, graphics, program)
- gmpint library: GMP integer conversions (bsd3, c, deprecated, ffi, foreign, library)
- gnome-desktop program: Randomly set a picture as the GNOME desktop background (program, utility)
- gnome-keyring library: Bindings for libgnome-keyring (desktop, gpl, library)
- gnomevfs library: Binding to the GNOME Virtual File System library. (library, system)
- gnss-converters library, programs and test: GNSS Converters. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- gnuidn library and test: Bindings for GNU IDN (codec, gpl, library, text)
- gnuplot library: 2D and 3D plots using gnuplot (bsd3, graphics, library, math)
- gnutls library: Bindings for GNU libgnutls (gpl, library, network)
- goa library: GHCi bindings to lambdabot (bsd3, library, system)
- goal-core library and benchmarks: Common, non-geometric tools for use with Goal (bsd3, library, math)
- goal-geometry library: The basic geometric type system of Goal (bsd3, library, math)
- goal-graphical library and benchmark: Optimization of latent variable and dynamical models with Goal (bsd3, library, math)
- goal-probability library and benchmarks: Optimization on manifolds of probability distributions with Goal (bsd3, library, math)
- goal-simulation library and programs: Mealy based simulation tools (bsd3, library, math, program)
- goat library and test: Time Series Compression (codec, library)
- goatee library and test: A monadic take on a 2,500-year-old board game - library. (agpl, game, library)
- goatee-gtk library, program and test: A monadic take on a 2,500-year-old board game - GTK+ UI. (agpl, game, library, program)
- gochan library, programs and test: Go-style channels (concurrency, library, mit, program)
- godot-haskell library: Haskell bindings for the Godot game engine API (bsd3, library, web)
- godot-megaparsec library and program: Megaparsec parser for Godot `tscn` and `gdextension` files. (bsd3, library, program)
- gofer-prelude library: The Gofer 2.30 standard prelude (bsd3, data, library)
- goggles library and test: Extensible interface to Web APIs (bsd3, library, network)
- goggles-gcs library: `goggles` interface to Google Cloud Storage (bsd3, library, network)
- gogol library: Comprehensive Google Services SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-abusiveexperiencereport library: Google Abusive Experience Report SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-acceleratedmobilepageurl library: Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) URL SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-accessapproval library: Google Access Approval SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-accesscontextmanager library: Google Access Context Manager SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-adexchange-buyer library: Google Ad Exchange Buyer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-adexchange-seller library: Google Ad Exchange Seller SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-adexchangebuyer2 library: Google Ad Exchange Buyer API II SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-adexperiencereport library: Google Ad Experience Report SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-admin-datatransfer library: Google Admin Data Transfer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-admin-directory library: Google Admin Directory SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-admin-emailmigration library: Google Email Migration API v2 SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-admin-reports library: Google Admin Reports SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-adsense library: Google AdSense Management SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-adsense-host library: Google AdSense Host SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-affiliates library: Google Affiliate Network SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-alertcenter library: Google G Suite Alert Center SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-analytics library: Google Analytics SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-analyticsreporting library: Google Analytics Reporting SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-android-enterprise library: Google Play EMM SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-android-publisher library: Google Play Developer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-androiddeviceprovisioning library: Google Android Device Provisioning Partner SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-androidmanagement library: Google Android Management SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-appengine library: Google App Engine Admin SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-apps-activity library: Google Drive Activity SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-apps-calendar library: Google Calendar SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-apps-licensing library: Google Enterprise License Manager SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-apps-reseller library: Google Enterprise Apps Reseller SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-apps-tasks library: Google Tasks SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-appstate library: Google App State SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-autoscaler library: Google Compute Engine Autoscaler SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-bigquery library: Google BigQuery SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-bigquerydatatransfer library: Google BigQuery Data Transfer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-bigtableadmin library: Google Cloud Bigtable Admin SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-billing library: Google Cloud Billing SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-binaryauthorization library: Google Binary Authorization SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-blogger library: Google Blogger SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-books library: Google Books SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-chat library: Google Hangouts Chat SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-civicinfo library: Google Civic Information SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-classroom library: Google Classroom SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudasset library: Google Cloud Asset SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-clouderrorreporting library: Google Stackdriver Error Reporting SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudfunctions library: Google Cloud Functions SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudidentity library: Google Cloud Identity SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudiot library: Google Cloud IoT SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudkms library: Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS) SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudmonitoring library: Google Cloud Monitoring SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudprivatecatalog library: Google Cloud Private Catalog SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudprivatecatalogproducer library: Google Cloud Private Catalog Producer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudprofiler library: Google Stackdriver Profiler SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudscheduler library: Google Cloud Scheduler SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudsearch library: Google Cloud Search SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudshell library: Google Cloud Shell SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudtasks library: Google Cloud Tasks SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-cloudtrace library: Google Stackdriver Trace SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-commentanalyzer library: Google Perspective Comment Analyzer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-composer library: Google Cloud Composer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-compute library: Google Compute Engine SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-consumersurveys library: Google Consumer Surveys SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-container library: Google Kubernetes Engine SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-containeranalysis library: Google Container Analysis SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-containerbuilder library: Google Cloud Build SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-core library and test: Core data types and functionality for Gogol libraries. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-customsearch library: Google CustomSearch SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-dataflow library: Google Dataflow SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-datafusion library: Google Cloud Data Fusion SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-dataproc library: Google Cloud Dataproc SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-datastore library: Google Cloud Datastore SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-debugger library: Google Stackdriver Debugger SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-deploymentmanager library: Google Cloud Deployment Manager SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-dfareporting library: Google DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-dialogflow library: Google Dialogflow SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-digitalassetlinks library: Google Digital Asset Links SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-discovery library: Google API Discovery Service SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-dlp library: Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-dns library: Google Cloud DNS SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-docs library: Google Docs SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-doubleclick-bids library: Google DoubleClick Bid Manager SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-doubleclick-search library: Google DoubleClick Search SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-drive library: Google Drive SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-driveactivity library: Google Drive Activity SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-factchecktools library: Google Fact Check Tools SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-file library: Google Cloud Filestore SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-firebase-dynamiclinks library: Google Firebase Dynamic Links SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-firebase-rules library: Google Firebase Rules SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-firebasehosting library: Google Firebase Hosting SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-firebaseremoteconfig library: Google Firebase Remote Config SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-firestore library: Google Cloud Firestore SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-fitness library: Google Fitness SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-fonts library: Google Fonts Developer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-freebasesearch library: Google Freebase Search SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-fusiontables library: Google Fusion Tables SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-games library: Google Play Game Services SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-games-configuration library: Google Play Game Services Publishing SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-games-management library: Google Play Game Services Management SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-genomics library: Google Genomics SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-gmail library: Google Gmail SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-groups-migration library: Google Groups Migration SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-groups-settings library: Google Groups Settings SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-healthcare library: Google Cloud Healthcare SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-iam library: Google Identity and Access Management (IAM) SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-iamcredentials library: Google IAM Service Account Credentials SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-iap library: Google Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-identity-toolkit library: Google Identity Toolkit SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-indexing library: Google Indexing SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-jobs library: Google Cloud Talent Solution SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-kgsearch library: Google Knowledge Graph Search SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-language library: Google Cloud Natural Language SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-latencytest library: Google Cloud Network Performance Monitoring SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-libraryagent library: Google Library Agent SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-logging library: Google Stackdriver Logging SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-manufacturers library: Google Manufacturer Center SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-maps-coordinate library: Google Maps Coordinate SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-maps-engine library: Google Maps Engine SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-mirror library: Google Mirror SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-ml library: Google Cloud Machine Learning Engine SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-monitoring library: Google Stackdriver Monitoring SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-oauth2 library: Google OAuth2 SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-oslogin library: Google Cloud OS Login SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-pagespeed library: Google PageSpeed Insights SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-partners library: Google Partners SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-people library: Google People SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-photoslibrary library: Google Photos Library SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-play-moviespartner library: Google Play Movies Partner SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-playcustomapp library: Google Play Custom App Publishing SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-plus library: Google + SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-plus-domains library: Google + Domains SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-poly library: Google Poly SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-prediction library: Google Prediction SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-proximitybeacon library: Google Proximity Beacon SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-pubsub library: Google Cloud Pub/Sub SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-qpxexpress library: Google QPX Express SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-redis library: Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-remotebuildexecution library: Google Remote Build Execution SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-replicapool library: Google Replica Pool SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-replicapool-updater library: Google Compute Engine Instance Group Updater SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-resourcemanager library: Google Cloud Resource Manager SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-resourceviews library: Google Compute Engine Instance Groups SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-run library: Google Cloud Run SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-runtimeconfig library: Google Cloud Runtime Configuration SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-safebrowsing library: Google Safe Browsing SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-script library: Google Apps Script SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-searchconsole library: Google Search Console URL Testing Tools SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-securitycenter library: Google Cloud Security Command Center SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-servicebroker library: Google Service Broker SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-serviceconsumermanagement library: Google Service Consumer Management SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-servicecontrol library: Google Service Control SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-servicemanagement library: Google Service Management SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-servicenetworking library: Google Service Networking SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-serviceusage library: Google Service Usage SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-serviceuser library: Google Service User SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-sheets library: Google Sheets SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-shopping-content library: Google Content API for Shopping SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-siteverification library: Google Site Verification SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-slides library: Google Slides SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-sourcerepo library: Google Cloud Source Repositories SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-spanner library: Google Cloud Spanner SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-spectrum library: Google Spectrum Database SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-speech library: Google Cloud Speech-to-Text SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-sqladmin library: Google Cloud SQL Admin SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-storage library: Google Cloud Storage JSON SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-storage-transfer library: Google Storage Transfer SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-streetviewpublish library: Google Street View Publish SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-surveys library: Google Surveys SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-tagmanager library: Google Tag Manager SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-taskqueue library: Google TaskQueue SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-testing library: Google Cloud Testing SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-texttospeech library: Google Cloud Text-to-Speech SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-toolresults library: Google Cloud Tool Results SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-tpu library: Google Cloud TPU SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-tracing library: Google Tracing SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-translate library: Google Cloud Translation SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-urlshortener library: Google URL Shortener SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-useraccounts library: Google Cloud User Accounts SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-vault library: Google G Suite Vault SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-videointelligence library: Google Cloud Video Intelligence SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-vision library: Google Cloud Vision SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-webmaster-tools library: Google Search Console SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-websecurityscanner library: Google Web Security Scanner SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-youtube library: Google YouTube Data SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-youtube-analytics library: Google YouTube Analytics SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- gogol-youtube-reporting library: Google YouTube Reporting SDK. (cloud, google, library, network)
- goldplate library, program and test: A lightweight golden test runner (apache, language, library, program)
- gooey library: Graphical user interfaces that are renderable,
change over time and eventually produce a value. (control, library, mit)
- google-cloud library: Client for the Google Cloud APIs (google, library, mit)
- google-dictionary library: Simple interface to the API (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- google-drive library and test: Google Drive API access (library, mit, unclassified)
- google-html5-slide program: Google HTML5 Slide generator (bsd3, program, web)
- google-isbn library: (bsd3, library, text, web)
- google-mail-filters library and test: Write GMail filters and output to importable XML (bsd3, data, library, web, xml)
- google-maps-geocoding library: Bindings to the Google Geocoding API (formerly Maps
Geocoding API) (bsd3, library, web)
- google-oauth2 library and test: Google OAuth2 token negotiation (library, mit, unclassified)
- google-oauth2-easy library, test and benchmark: Opininated use of Google Authentication for ease (bsd3, library, network)
- google-oauth2-for-cli library and test: Get Google OAuth2 token for CLI tools (bsd3, library, web)
- google-oauth2-jwt library: Get a signed JWT for Google Service Accounts (bsd3, google, library)
- google-search library: EDSL for Google and GMail search expressions (bsd3, language, library, text, web)
- google-server-api library: Google APIs for server to server applications (library, mit, web)
- google-static-maps library: Bindings to the Google Maps Static API (formerly Static
Maps API) (bsd3, library, web)
- google-translate library: Google Translate API bindings (bsd3, library, web)
- googleplus library: Haskell implementation of the Google+ API v1 (bsd3, library, web)
- googlepolyline library and test: Google Polyline Encoder/Decoder (data, library, mit, text)
- gopher-proxy program: proxy gopher over http (gpl, network, program)
- gopherbot program: Spidering robot to download files from Gopherspace (network, program)
- gopro-plus library and test: GoPro Plus Client API. (bsd3, library, web)
- gore-and-ash library: Core of FRP game engine called Gore&Ash (bsd3, game, library)
- gore-and-ash-actor library: Gore&Ash engine extension that implements actor style of programming (bsd3, game, library)
- gore-and-ash-async library and test: Core module for Gore&Ash engine that embeds async IO actions into game loop. (bsd3, game, library)
- gore-and-ash-demo programs: Demonstration game for Gore&Ash game engine (bsd3, game, program)
- gore-and-ash-glfw library: Core module for Gore&Ash engine for GLFW input events (bsd3, game, library)
- gore-and-ash-lambdacube library: Core module for Gore&Ash engine that do something. (bsd3, game, library)
- gore-and-ash-logging library: Core module for gore-and-ash with logging utilities (bsd3, game, library)
- gore-and-ash-network library: Core module for Gore&Ash engine with low level network API (bsd3, game, library)
- gore-and-ash-sdl library: Gore&Ash core module for integration with SDL library (bsd3, game, library)
- gore-and-ash-sync library: Gore&Ash module for high level network synchronization (bsd3, library, web)
- gothic library: A Haskell Vault KVv2 secret engine client (bsd3, database, devops, library, security)
- gotta-go-fast program: A command line utility for practicing typing (application, bsd3, program)
- gotyno-hs library, program and test: A type definition compiler supporting multiple output languages. (bsd2, compiler, library, program)
- gpah program: Generic Programming Use in Hackage (bsd3, generics, program)
- gpcsets library: Generalized Pitch Class Sets for Haskell. (bsd3, data, library)
- gpio library and program: Haskell GPIO interface, designed specifically for the RaspberryPi. (bsd3, hardware, library, program)
- gpmf library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- gpolyline library: Pure module for encoding/decoding Google Polyline (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gps library and test: For manipulating GPS coordinates and trails. (bsd3, data, library)
- gps2htmlReport library and program: GPS to HTML Summary Report (bsd3, data, library, program)
- gpu-vulkan library and test: Vulkan library (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-core library and test: Thin wrapper for Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-core-khr-surface library and test: Thin wrapper for VK_KHR_surface extension of the Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-core-khr-swapchain library and test: Thin wrapper for VK_KHR_swapchain extension of the Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-khr-surface library and test: VK_KHR_surface extension of the Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-khr-surface-glfw library and test: GLFW surface for Vulkan (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-khr-swapchain library and test: VK_KHR_swapchain extension of the Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-middle library and test: Medium wrapper for Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-middle-khr-surface library and test: medium wrapper for VK_KHR_surface extension of the Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpu-vulkan-middle-khr-surface-glfw library and test: medium wrapper for GLFW surface for the Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library, program)
- gpu-vulkan-middle-khr-swapchain library and test: medium wrapper for VK_KHR_swapchain extension of the Vulkan API (bsd3, gpu, library)
- gpx-conduit library: Read GPX files using conduits (bsd3, data, library)
- grab library, test and benchmarks: Applicative non-linear consumption (control, library, mit)
- grab-form library and test: Applicative parsers for form parameter lists (library, mit, text)
- graceful library and test: Library to write graceful shutdown / upgrade service. (bsd3, library, system)
- grafana library and test: API for creating grafana dashboards represented as json (bsd3, graphics, library, tooling)
- grafdhall program: Configure grafana dashboards from Dhall expression (apache, program, system)
- graflog library and test: Monadic correlated log events (bsd3, library, logging)
- grakn library and tests: A Haskell client for Grakn (apache, database, graphs, library)
- grammar-combinators library: A parsing library of context-free grammar combinators. (library, parsing)
- grammatical-parsers library, programs, tests and benchmark: parsers that combine into grammars (bsd3, library, parsing, program, text)
- grapefruit-examples library: Examples using the Grapefruit library (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)
- grapefruit-frp library: Functional Reactive Programming core (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- grapefruit-records library: A record system for Functional Reactive Programming (bsd3, data, frp, library, reactivity)
- grapefruit-ui library: Declarative user interface programming (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)
- grapefruit-ui-gtk library: GTK+-based backend for declarative user interface programming (bsd3, frp, gui, library, reactivity, user-interfaces)
- grapesy library, tests and benchmark: Native Haskell implementation of the gRPC framework (bsd3, library, network)
- grapesy-etcd library: grapesy-etcd - GRPC interface to etcd (apache, library, program, unclassified)
- graph library and test: Class of graphs (bsd3, data, library)
- graph-core library and test: Fast, memory efficient and persistent graph implementation (data, library, mit)
- graph-generators library, program and test: Functions for generating structured or random FGL graphs (algorithms, apache, graphs, library, program)
- graph-matchings library: An implementation of algorithms for matchings in graphs (data-structures, graphs, lgpl, library)
- graph-rewriting library: Monadic graph rewriting of hypergraphs with ports and multiedges (bsd3, graphs, library)
- graph-rewriting-cl program: Interactive graph rewriting system implementing various well-known combinators (application, bsd3, deprecated, graphs, program)
- graph-rewriting-gl library: OpenGL interface for interactive port graph rewriting (bsd3, graphics, graphs, library)
- graph-rewriting-lambdascope program: Lambdascope, an optimal evaluator of the lambda calculus (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- graph-rewriting-layout library: Force-directed node placement intended for incremental graph drawing (bsd3, graphics, graphs, library)
- graph-rewriting-ski programs: Two interactive evalutors of the SKI combinator calculus (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- graph-rewriting-strategies library: Evaluation strategies for port-graph rewriting systems (bsd3, graphs, library)
- graph-rewriting-trs program: Interactive evaluation of first-order applicative term rewrite systems (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- graph-rewriting-ww program: Interactive evaluator of the lambda-calculus with explicit sharing (application, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- graph-serialize library: Serialization of data structures with references. (bsd3, library, system)
- graph-trace library: Trace the call graph of a program (debug, development, graph, library, mit, plugin, tooling)
- graph-trace-dot library and program: Converts a graph-trace log into a DOT file for use with Graphviz (debug, development, graph, library, mit, plugin, program, tooling)
- graph-trace-viz program: Converts a graph-trace log into an HTML document (debug, development, graph, mit, plugin, program, tooling)
- graph-utils library: A simple wrapper & quasi quoter for fgl. (bsd3, data, data-structures, graphs, library)
- graph-visit library: Graph walk abstraction (bsd3, development, library)
- graph-wrapper library and test: A wrapper around the standard Data.Graph with a less awkward interface (bsd3, data-structures, graphs, library)
- graphbuilder library and test: A declarative, monadic graph construction language for small graphs (data, library, mit)
- graphene library: A minimal Graph Theory library. (data, library, mit)
- graphics-drawingcombinators library: A functional interface to 2D drawing in OpenGL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- graphics-formats-collada library: Load 3D geometry in the COLLADA format (bsd3, graphics, library)
- graphicsFormats library: Classes for renderable objects. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- graphicstools library and program: Tools for creating graphical UIs, based on wxHaskell. (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- graphite library, test and benchmark: Graphs and networks library (bsd3, data-structures, graphs, library)
- graphmod library and program: Present the module dependencies of a program as a "dot" graph. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- graphmod-plugin library and program: A reimplementation of graphmod as a source plugin (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- graphql library and test: Haskell GraphQL implementation (language, library)
- graphql-api library, programs, tests and benchmark: GraphQL API (library, program, web)
- graphql-client library, program and test: A client for Haskell programs to query a GraphQL API (bsd3, graphql, library, program)
- graphql-spice library and test: GraphQL with batteries (language, library, mpl)
- graphql-utils library: GraphQL Utils (bsd3, data, graphql, library, utils)
- graphql-w-persistent library: GraphQL interface middleware for SQL databases. (data, database, development, graphs, language, library)
- graphs library: A simple monadic graph library (algorithms, bsd3, data-structures, graphs, library)
- graphted library: Graph indexed monads. (bsd3, comonads, control, library, monads)
- graphtype program: A simple tool to illustrate dependencies between Haskell types (bsd3, program, text)
- graphula library and test: A simple interface for generating persistent data and linking its dependencies (library, mit, network)
- graphula-core library and test: A declarative library for describing dependencies between data (deprecated, library, mit, network)
- graphviz library, test and benchmark: Bindings to Graphviz for graph visualisation. (bsd3, graphics, graphs, library)
- graql library and test: Execute Graql queries on a Grakn graph (apache, database, graphs, library)
- grasp library, program and test: GRASP implementation for the AMMM project. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- gravatar library and tests: Generate Gravatar image URLs (library, mit, unclassified)
- gray-code library and test: Gray code encoder/decoder. (bsd3, codec, library)
- gray-extended library and test: Gray encoding schemes (bsd3, library, math)
- graylog library and test: Support for graylog output. (library, web)
- greencard library and program: GreenCard, a foreign function pre-processor for Haskell. (bsd3, foreign, library, program)
- greencard-lib library: A foreign function interface pre-processor library for Haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- greenclip program: Simple clipboard manager to be integrated with rofi (bsd3, linux-desktop, program)
- greg-client library: A scalable distributed logger with a high-precision global time axis. (bsd3, library, logging)
- gremlin-haskell library, program and test: Graph database client for TinkerPop3 Gremlin Server (bsd3, database, library, program)
- grenade library, test and benchmarks: Practical Deep Learning in Haskell (ai, bsd2, library, machine-learning)
- greplicate library and test: Generalised replicate functions (data, library)
- greskell library and tests: Haskell binding for Gremlin graph query language (bsd3, data, library)
- greskell-core library and test: Haskell binding for Gremlin graph query language - core data types and tools (bsd3, data, library)
- greskell-websocket library and test: Haskell client for Gremlin Server using WebSocket serializer (bsd3, library, network)
- grfn library, program, test and benchmark: Uniformly-random pre-factored numbers (Kalai) (algorithm, bsd3, library, numbers, program, random)
- grid library and test: Tools for working with regular grids (graphs, lattices). (bsd3, library, math)
- grid-proto library and programs: Game engine for Prototyping on a Grid (bsd3, game, library, program)
- gridbounds library and test: Collision detection for GridBox (graphics, library, mit)
- gridbox library and test: A grid box model (graphics, library, mit)
- gridfs library: GridFS (MongoDB file storage) implementation (database-, library)
- gridland library: Grid-based multimedia engine (game, library, mit)
- grids library, test and benchmark: (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- gridtables library and test: Parser for reStructuredText-style grid tables. (library, mit, text)
- grisette library and tests: Symbolic evaluation as a library (bsd3, formal-methods, library, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- grisette-monad-coroutine library and test: Support for monad-coroutine package with Grisette (bsd3, formal-methods, library, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- grm library and program: grm grammar converter (bsd3, development, library, program)
- groom library and program: Pretty printing for well-behaved Show
instances. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- groot library, program and test: Command line utility to manage AWS ECS resources (apache, aws, cloud, library, program)
- gross library and program: A spoof on gloss for terminal animation (graphics, library, mit, program)
- groundhog library: Type-safe datatype-database mapping library. (bsd3, database, library)
- groundhog-converters library and test: Extended Converter Library for groundhog embedded types (bsd3, database, groundhog, groundhog------------------------, library)
- groundhog-inspector library and program: Type-safe datatype-database mapping library. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- groundhog-mysql library: MySQL backend for the groundhog library. (bsd3, database, library)
- groundhog-postgresql library: PostgreSQL backend for the groundhog library. (bsd3, database, library)
- groundhog-sqlite library: Sqlite3 backend for the groundhog library (bsd3, database, library)
- groundhog-th library: Type-safe datatype-database mapping library. (bsd3, database, library)
- group-by-date program: Shell command for grouping files by dates into folders (bsd3, console, program)
- group-theory library: The theory of groups (algebra, bsd3, groups, library, math, permutations)
- group-with library and test: Classify objects by key-generating function,
like SQL GROUP BY (apache, data, library)
- groupBy library, test and benchmark: Replacement definition of Data.List.GroupBy (data, library, mit)
- grouped-list library, tests and benchmark: Grouped lists. Equal consecutive elements are grouped. (bsd3, data, library)
- groupoid library: A Groupoid class (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- groupoids library: This package has been absorbed into semigroupoids 4.0 (bsd3, categories, control, deprecated, library)
- groups library: Groups (algebra, bsd3, data, library, math)
- groups-generic library: Generically derive Group instances. (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- grow-vector library and test: Mutable vector with efficient appends (data, library, mit)
- growable-vector library and test: A contiguous growable array type. (data, library, mit)
- growler library: A revised version of the scotty library that attempts to be simpler and more performant. (library, mit, web)
- grpc-api-etcd library: Generated messages and instances for etcd gRPC. (bsd3, grpc, library)
- grpc-etcd-client library: gRPC client for etcd (bsd3, distributed-computing, library)
- grpc-haskell library, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of gRPC layered on shared C library. (apache, library, network)
- grpc-haskell-core library and test: Haskell implementation of gRPC layered on shared C library. (apache, library, network)
- grpc-spec library and test: Implementation of the pure part of the gRPC spec (bsd3, library, network)
- gruff library and program: fractal explorer GUI using the ruff library (gpl, graphics, library, program)
- gruff-examples programs: Mandelbrot Set examples using ruff and gruff (gpl, graphics, program)
- gsasl library: Bindings for GNU libgsasl (gpl, library, network)
- gsc-weighting library: Generic implementation of Gerstein/Sonnhammer/Chothia weighting. (bsd3, clustering, library)
- gscholar-rss program: scrapes google scholar, provides RSS feed (gpl, program, utils, web)
- gsl-random library: Bindings the the GSL random number generation facilities. (bsd3, library, math)
- gsl-random-fu library: Instances for using gsl-random with random-fu (library, math, public-domain)
- gsmenu program: A visual generic menu (bsd3, program, tools)
- gssapi library: libgssapi and libkrb5 bindings for haskell (bsd3, library, network)
- gssapi-wai library: WAI Middleware for SPNEGO authentiaction (bsd3, library, network)
- gstorable library and test: Generic implementation of Storable (bsd3, data, library)
- gstreamer library: Binding to the GStreamer open source multimedia framework. (lgpl, library, media)
- gt-tools program: Console and GUI interface for Google Translate service (program, tools)
- gtfs library: The General Transit Feed Specification format (bsd3, data, library)
- gtfs-realtime library: GTFS RealTime protobafs library (autogenerated from .proto file) (bsd3, data, library)
- gtk library: Binding to the Gtk+ graphical user interface library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtk-helpers library: A collection of auxiliary operations and widgets related to Gtk+ (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gtk-jsinput library: A simple custom form widget for gtk which allows inputing of JSON values (gpl, graphics, library)
- gtk-largeTreeStore library and test: Large TreeStore support for gtk2hs (data-structures, graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtk-mac-integration library: Bindings for the Gtk/OS X integration library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtk-serialized-event library: GTK+ Serialized event. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtk-simple-list-view library: A simple custom form widget for gtk which allows single LOC creation/updating of list views. (gpl, graphics, library)
- gtk-sni-tray library and program: A standalone StatusNotifierItem/AppIndicator tray (bsd3, library, program, system)
- gtk-strut library: Library for creating strut windows with gi-gtk (bsd3, library, system)
- gtk-toggle-button-list library: A simple custom form widget for gtk which allows single LOC creation/updating of toggle button lists. (gpl, graphics, library)
- gtk-toy library: Convenient Gtk canvas with mouse and keyboard input. (bsd3, graphics, gui, library)
- gtk-traymanager library: A wrapper around the eggtraymanager library for Linux system trays (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtk2hs-buildtools library and programs: Tools to build the Gtk2Hs suite of User Interface libraries. (development, gpl, library, program)
- gtk2hs-cast-glade library: A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: glade package (gui, library)
- gtk2hs-cast-glib library: A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: glib package (gui, library)
- gtk2hs-cast-gnomevfs library: A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gnomevfs package (gui, library)
- gtk2hs-cast-gtk library: A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtk package (gui, library)
- gtk2hs-cast-gtkglext library: A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtkglext package (gui, library)
- gtk2hs-cast-gtksourceview2 library: A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: gtksourceview2 package (gui, library)
- gtk2hs-cast-th library: A type class for cast functions of Gtk2hs: TH package (gui, library)
- gtk2hs-hello program: Gtk2Hs Hello World, an example package (graphics, mit, program)
- gtk2hs-rpn library: Adds a module to gtk2hs allowing layouts to be defined using
reverse polish notation. (gui, library)
- gtk3 library: Binding to the Gtk+ 3 graphical user interface library (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtk3-helpers library: A collection of auxiliary operations and widgets related to Gtk (bsd3, graphics, library)
- gtk3-mac-integration library: Bindings for the Gtk/OS X integration library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtkglext library: Binding to the GTK+ OpenGL Extension (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtkimageview library: Binding to the GtkImageView library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtkrsync programs: Gnome rsync progress display (network, program)
- gtksourceview2 library: Binding to the GtkSourceView library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtksourceview3 library: Binding to the GtkSourceView library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- gtvm-hs library and program: Various tools for reversing and using assets from Golden Time: Vivid Memories. (data, library, mit, program)
- guarded-allocation library: Memory allocation with added stress tests and integrity checks (bsd3, debug, library)
- guarded-rewriting library: Datatype-generic rewriting with preconditions (bsd3, generics, library)
- guardian library, program and test: The border guardian for your package dependencies (bsd3, development, library, program)
- guess-combinator library: Generate simple combinators given their type (bsd3, development, library)
- guid library and test: A simple wrapper around uuid (base, library, mit)
- gulcii program: graphical untyped lambda calculus interactive interpreter (compilers-interpreters, gpl, program)
- gutenberg-fibonaccis library: The first 1001 Fibonacci numbers, retrieved from the Gutenberg Project. (algorithms, gpl, library, math, numeric, numerical)
- gvti library and program: GraphViz Tabular Interface (graphics, library, mit, program)
- gw program: ghcWithPackages cmdline util (bsd3, program, utility)
- gyah-bin program: A binary version of GiveYouAHead (giveyouahead, mit, program)
- gym-http-api library and program: REST client to the gym-http-api project (learning-environments, library, mit, program, web)
- h-booru library and program: Haskell library for retrieving data from various booru image sites (gpl, library, program, web)
- h-gpgme library and test: High Level Binding for GnuPG Made Easy (gpgme) (cryptography, library, mit)
- h-raylib library: Raylib bindings for Haskell (apache, graphics, library)
- h-reversi library, program and test: Reversi game in haskell/blank-canvas (game, library, mit, program)
- h2048 library, programs and test: An Implementation of Game 2048 (game, library, mit, program)
- h2c library: Bindings to Linux I2C with support for repeated-start transactions. (library, mit, system)
- h3-hs library and test: A Haskell binding for H3 (bsd3, geography, library)
- h3spec program: QUIC (bsd3, program, web)
- hArduino library: Control your Arduino board from Haskell. (bsd3, hardware, library)
- hBDD library: An abstraction layer for BDD libraries (data, library)
- hBDD-CMUBDD library: An FFI binding to CMU/Long's BDD library (data, library)
- hBDD-CUDD library: An FFI binding to the CUDD library (data, library)
- hCM library, program and test: Conceptual modelling support for Haskell (data-structures, development, library, mit, model, program)
- hCsound library: interface to CSound API (library, music, sound)
- hDFA library: A simple library for representing and minimising DFAs. (bsd3, data, library)
- hF2 library: F(2^e) math for cryptography (bsd3, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- hGelf library: Haskell GELF library (bsd3, library, network)
- hLLVM library and program: A library for analyzing and transforming LLVM (3.5) assembly codes (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- hMPC library, program and test: Multiparty Computation in Haskell (bsd3, cryptography, library, program)
- hMollom library: Library to interact with the @Mollom anti-spam service (bsd3, library, network)
- hOff-display library and program: The tool to transform the OFF to other image format. (gpl, graphics, library, program)
- hOff-parser library: The parser to parser the OFF(Object File Format, Princeton ModelNet). (gpl, library, text)
- hOpenPGP library, test and benchmark: native Haskell implementation of OpenPGP (RFC4880) (codec, data, library, mit)
- hPDB library: Protein Databank file format library (bioinformatics-, bsd3, library)
- hPDB-examples programs and test: Examples for hPDB library (bioinformatics-, bsd3, program)
- hPushover library: API functions (bsd3, library, saas)
- hR library: R bindings and interface (bsd3, deprecated, foreign, library, math)
- hRESP library: haskell implementation of RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol). (bsd3, database, library)
- hS3 library and program: Interface to Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) (bsd3, library, network, program, web)
- hScraper library: A Haskell library to scrape and crawl web-pages (bsd3, library, web)
- hSimpleDB library: Interface to Amazon's SimpleDB service. (bsd3, database, library, network, web)
- hTalos library and test: Parser, print and manipulate structures in PDB file format. (bioinformatics-, bsd3, library)
- hTensor library: Multidimensional arrays and simple tensor computations. (bsd3, library, math)
- hVOIDP library and program: Optimal variable selection in chain graphical model. (ai, library, program)
- hXmixer program: A Gtk mixer GUI application for FreeBSD (bsd3, program, sound)
- haar library and test: Haar wavelet transforms (bsd3, library, math)
- habit library and program: Haskell message bot framework (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hable library: customizable pretty printer library for tables (console, library, public-domain)
- hablo library, program and test: A minimalist static blog generator (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hablog library and program: A blog system (library, mit, program, web)
- hacanon-light library: Template Haskell framework for automatic FFI code generation. (bsd3, ffi-tools, library)
- hack library: a Haskell Webserver Interface (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-contrib library: Hack contrib (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-contrib-press library: Hack helper that renders Press templates (library, text, web)
- hack-frontend-happstack library: hack-frontend-happstack (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-frontend-monadcgi library: Allows programs written against MonadCGI to run with any hack handler. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-handler-cgi library: Hack handler using CGI protocol. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-handler-epoll library: hack handler implementation using epoll (library, web)
- hack-handler-evhttp library: Hack EvHTTP (libevent) Handler (library, web)
- hack-handler-fastcgi library: Hack handler direct to fastcgi (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-handler-happstack library: Hack Happstack server handler (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-handler-hyena library: Hyena hack handler (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-handler-kibro library: Hack Kibro handler (deprecated, library, web)
- hack-handler-simpleserver library: A simplistic HTTP server handler for Hack. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-middleware-cleanpath library: Applies some basic redirect rules to get cleaner paths. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-middleware-clientsession library: Middleware for easily keeping session data in client cookies. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-middleware-gzip library: Automatic gzip compression of responses. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack-middleware-jsonp library: Automatic wrapping of JSON responses to convert into JSONP. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hack2 library: a Haskell Webserver Interface (V2) (bsd3, library, web)
- hack2-contrib library: Hack2 contrib (bsd3, library, web)
- hack2-contrib-extra library: Hack2 contrib extra (bsd3, library, web)
- hack2-handler-happstack-server library: Hack2 Happstack server handler (bsd3, library, web)
- hack2-handler-mongrel2-http library: Hack2 Mongrel2 HTTP handler (bsd3, library, web)
- hack2-handler-snap-server library: Hack2 Snap server handler (bsd3, library, web)
- hack2-handler-warp library: Hack2 warp handler (bsd3, library, web)
- hack2-interface-wai library: Hack2 interface to WAI (bsd3, library, web)
- hackage-api library and test: An API binding to Hackage API (bsd3, distribution, library)
- hackage-cli library, program and test: CLI tool for Hackage (development, gpl, library, program)
- hackage-db library: Access cabal-install's Hackage database via Data.Map (bsd3, distribution, library)
- hackage-diff program: Compare the public API of different versions of a Hackage library (distribution, mit, program)
- hackage-mirror library and program: Simple mirroring utility for Hackage (distribution, library, mit, program)
- hackage-plot program: Generate cumulative graphs of hackage uploads (bsd3, distribution, program)
- hackage-processing program: Process 00-index.tar.gz from Hackage (bsd3, distribution, program)
- hackage-proxy program: Provide a proxy for Hackage which modifies responses in some way. (deprecated) (deprecated, development, mit, program)
- hackage-repo-tool program: Manage secure file-based package repositories (bsd3, distribution, program)
- hackage-revdeps library and programs: List Hackage reverse dependencies (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hackage-security library and test: Hackage security library (bsd3, distribution, library)
- hackage-security-HTTP library: Hackage security bindings against the HTTP library (bsd3, distribution, library)
- hackage-server test: The Hackage web server (bsd3, distribution)
- hackage-sparks program: Generate sparkline graphs of hackage statistics (bsd3, distribution, program)
- hackage-whatsnew program: Check for differences between working directory and hackage (bsd3, distribution, program)
- hackage2hwn program: Convert Hackage RSS feeds to wiki format for publishing on (bsd3, distribution, program)
- hackage2twitter program: Send new Hackage releases to Twitter (bsd3, distribution, program, web)
- hackager program: Hackage testing tool (bsd3, compiler, ghc, program, testing)
- hackernews library and program: API for Hacker News (library, mit, program, web)
- hackertyper program: "Hack" like a programmer in movies and games! (game, mit, program)
- hackmanager library and program: Generate useful files for Haskell projects (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hackport library, program and test: Hackage and Portage integration tool (distribution, gpl, library, program)
- hactor library: Lightweight Erlang-style actors for Haskell. (concurrency, library, mit)
- hactors library: Practical actors for Haskell. (concurrency, library, mit)
- haddock program and tests: A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries (bsd3, documentation, program)
- haddock-api library and test: A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries (bsd2, documentation, library)
- haddock-cheatsheet library: A documentation-only package exemplifying haddock markup features (documentation, library, mit)
- haddock-leksah program: A documentation-generation tool for Haskell libraries (bsd3, deprecated, development, program)
- haddock-library library and tests: Library exposing some functionality of Haddock. (bsd2, documentation, library)
- haddock-test library: Test utilities for Haddock (bsd3, deprecated, documentation, library)
- haddocset program: Generate docset of Dash by Haddock haskell documentation tool (bsd3, distribution, program)
- hadolint library, program and test: Dockerfile Linter JavaScript API (development, gpl, library, program)
- hadoop-formats library and test: Read/write file formats commonly used by Hadoop. (apache, data, library)
- hadoop-rpc library: Use the Hadoop RPC interface from Haskell. (apache, data, library)
- hadoop-streaming library and test: A simple Hadoop streaming library (bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mapreduce)
- hadoop-tools program and test: Fast command line tools for working with Hadoop. (apache, data, program)
- haeredes program: Confirm delegation of NS and MX records (agpl, dns, program, utils)
- hafar library and test: Affine arithmetic library for Haskell (bsd3, library, numeric)
- haggis library and program: A static site generator with blogging/comments support (library, mit, program, web)
- haggle library and test: A graph library offering mutable, immutable, and inductive graphs (bsd3, data-structures, graphs, library)
- haha library and program: A simple library for creating animated ascii art on ANSI terminals. (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- hahp library and program: Analytic Hierarchy Process (agpl, library, math, program)
- haiji library and test: A typed template engine, subset of jinja2 (bsd3, library, text)
- hail program: A service for pull-based continuous deployment based on hydra. (apache, program, system)
- hailgun library: Mailgun REST api interface for Haskell. (library, mit, network)
- hailgun-send program: A program to send emails throught the Mailgun api. (mit, network, program)
- hailgun-simple library: Easy-to-use wrapper for the hailgun package (bsd3, library, mail)
- hails library, program and test: Multi-app web platform framework (library, mit, program, web)
- hails-bin program: Dynamic launcher of Hails applications (deprecated, gpl, program, web)
- hairy library, program, test and benchmark: A JSON REST API (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)
- hakaru library, programs and test: A probabilistic programming language (bsd3, language, library, program)
- hake library and program: make tool. ruby : rake = haskell : hake (development, library, program)
- hakismet library: Akismet spam protection library (library, mit, web)
- hakka library and program: Minimal akka-inspired actor library (concurrency, library, mit, program)
- hako library and test: A mako-like quasi-quoter template library (bsd3, library, text)
- hakyll library, program and test: A static website compiler library (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hakyll-R library: A package allowing to write Hakyll blog posts in Rmd (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hakyll-agda library: Wrapper to integrate literate Agda files with Hakyll (bsd3, library, web)
- hakyll-alectryon library: Hakyll extension for rendering Coq code using Alectryon (library, mit, text, web)
- hakyll-blaze-templates library: Blaze templates for Hakyll (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hakyll-contrib library and program: Extra modules for the hakyll website compiler (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hakyll-contrib-csv library and test: Generate Html tables from Csv files (bsd3, library, web)
- hakyll-contrib-elm library and program: Compile Elm code for inclusion in Hakyll static site. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hakyll-contrib-hyphenation library: automatic hyphenation for Hakyll (library, mit, web)
- hakyll-contrib-i18n library and program: A Hakyll library for internationalization. (hakyll, i18n, library, program, web)
- hakyll-contrib-links library and test: A hakyll library that helps maintain a separate links database. (bsd3, hakyll, library, web)
- hakyll-convert library, program and tests: Convert from other blog engines to Hakyll. (bsd3, library, program, tools)
- hakyll-dhall library and program: Dhall compiler for Hakyll (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hakyll-dir-list library: Allow Hakyll to create hierarchical menues from directories. (bsd3, library, web)
- hakyll-elm library: Hakyll wrapper for the Elm compiler. (bsd3, library, web)
- hakyll-favicon library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hakyll-filestore library: FileStore utilities for Hakyll (library, public-domain, web)
- hakyll-images library and test: Hakyll utilities to work with images (bsd3, library, web)
- hakyll-ogmarkup library: Integrate ogmarkup document with Hakyll (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- hakyll-process library: Hakyll compiler for arbitrary external processes. (bsd3, library, web)
- hakyll-sass library: Hakyll SASS compiler over hsass (library, mit, web)
- hakyll-series library: Adds series functionality to hakyll (library, mit, web)
- hakyll-shakespeare library: Hakyll Hamlet compiler (library, mit, web)
- hakyll-shortcode library and test: A shortcode extension module for Hakyll (gpl, library, web)
- hakyll-shortcut-links library and test: Use shortcut-links in markdown file for Hakyll (hakyll, library, markdown, mpl, web)
- hakyll-typescript library and test: Typescript and javascript hakyll compilers. (bsd3, library, web)
- hakyllbars library, program and test: A Hakyll compiler for Handlebars-like templates (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hal library and test: A runtime environment for Haskell applications running on AWS Lambda. (aws, bsd3, library, web)
- halberd library, program and test: A tool to generate missing import statements for Haskell modules. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- half library and test: Half-precision floating-point (bsd3, library, numeric)
- half-space library: Additive monoids generalising vector spaces (gpl, library, math)
- halfs library and program: The HAskelL File System ("halfs" -- intended for use on the HaLVM) (bsd3, library, program, system)
- halfsplit library: A library to provide special kind of two-column output for Phladiprelio. (PhLADiPreLiO, data, language, library, mit)
- halide-JuicyPixels library and test: Integration between Halide and JuicyPixels (bsd3, language, library)
- halide-arrayfire library and test: Integration between Halide and ArrayFire (bsd3, language, library)
- halide-haskell library, programs and test: Haskell bindings to Halide (bsd3, language, library, program)
- halipeto library: Haskell Static Web Page Generator (deprecated, library, text)
- halive library, program and tests: A live recompiler (bsd2, development, library, program)
- hall-symbols library and tests: Symmetry operations generater of Hall Symbols (bsd3, chemistry, library)
- halma library and test: Library implementing Halma rules (game, library, mit)
- halma-gui program: GTK application for playing Halma (game, mit, program)
- halma-telegram-bot program: Telegram bot for playing Halma (game, mit, program)
- haltavista program: looks for functions given a set of example input/outputs (development, gpl, program)
- halves library and test: Split or combine data structures to and from halves, quarters, eighths (bsd3, data, library)
- halvm-web program: A simple, static HaLVM web server (bsd3, program, web)
- ham library, program and test: (library, program, unclassified)
- hamid library: Binding to the OS level Midi services (fork of system-midi). (bsd3, library, sound, system)
- hamilton library and program: Physics on generalized coordinate systems using Hamiltonian Mechanics and AD (bsd3, library, physics, program)
- hamlet library: Haml-like template files that are compile-time checked (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)
- hampp program: Haskell macro preprocessor (preprocessor, program, public-domain)
- hamsql library, program and test: Interpreter for SQL-structure definitions in YAML (YamSql) (database, gpl, library, program)
- hamtmap library: A purely functional and persistent hash map (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- hamtsolo program: Intel AMT serial-over-lan (SOL) client (bsd3, network, program)
- hamusic library and programs: Library to handle abstract music (bsd3, library, music, program)
- han2zen library and test: Convert Halfwidth Katakana to Fullwidth Katakana. (bsd3, library, text)
- hanabi-dealer library: Hanabi card game (bsd3, game, library)
- handa-data library: This package is deprecated. It formerly contained Haskell utilities for data structures and data manipulation. (data, library, mit)
- handa-gdata library and program: Library and command-line utility for accessing Google services and APIs. (library, mit, network, program)
- handa-geodata library and programs: Geographic and Geometric Data (data, geography, geometry, library, mit, program)
- handa-opengl library: Utility functions for OpenGL and GLUT (graphics, library, mit)
- handle-like library: HandleLike class (bsd3, common-parts, library)
- handsy library and test: A DSL to describe common shell operations and interpeters for running them locally and remotely. (bsd3, library, system)
- handwriting library, program and test: API Client for the API. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- hangman program: Hangman implementation in Haskell written in two hours. (game, mit, program)
- hannahci program: Simple Continuous Integration/Deployment System (agpl, development, program)
- hans library and test: Network Stack (bsd3, library, networking)
- hans-pcap library: Driver for real ethernet devices for HaNS (bsd3, library, networking)
- hans-pfq library: Driver for real ethernet devices for HaNS (bsd3, library, networking)
- hanspell library, program and test: Korean spell checker (korean, language, library, mit, program, spellchecker)
- haphviz library and test: Graphviz code generation with Haskell (library, mit, text)
- hapistrano library, program and test: A deployment library for Haskell applications (library, mit, program, system)
- happindicator library: Binding to the appindicator library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- happindicator3 library: Binding to the appindicator library. (gui, lgpl, library)
- happlets library: "Haskell Applets" provides an event handler and a canvas for building simple GUI apps. (game, gui, library)
- happlets-lib-gtk library and test: The "Haskell Applets" Gtk+ ver. 2 back-end for "happlets". (game, gui, library)
- happraise program: A small program for counting the comments in haskell source (bsd3, development, program)
- happs-hsp library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- happs-hsp-template library: Utilities for using HSP templates in HAppS applications. (bsd3, library, web)
- happs-tutorial program: A Happstack Tutorial that is its own web 2.0-type demo. (bsd3, program, web)
- happstack library: The haskell application server stack + code generation (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- happstack-auth library: A Happstack Authentication Suite (bsd3, library, web)
- happstack-authenticate library: Happstack Authentication Library (bsd3, library, web)
- happstack-clientsession library: client-side session data (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-contrib library: Web related tools and services. (bsd3, distributed-computing, library, web)
- happstack-data library: Happstack data manipulation libraries (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- happstack-dlg library: Cross-request user interactions for Happstack (bsd3, library, web)
- happstack-facebook library: A package for building Facebook applications using Happstack (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, web)
- happstack-fastcgi library: Happstack extension for use with FastCGI. (bsd3, library, web)
- happstack-fay library: Support for using Fay with Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library)
- happstack-fay-ajax library: Support for using Fay with Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library)
- happstack-foundation library: Glue code for using Happstack with acid-state, web-routes, reform, and HSP (bsd3, happstack, library)
- happstack-hamlet library: Support for Hamlet HTML templates in Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-heist library: Support for using Heist templates in Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-helpers library: Convenience functions for Happstack. (bsd3, distributed-computing, library)
- happstack-hsp library: Support for using HSP templates in Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-hstringtemplate library: Support for using HStringTemplate in Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-ixset library: Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets. (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- happstack-jmacro library: Support for using JMacro with Happstack (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-lite library: Happstack minus the useless stuff (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-monad-peel library: monad-peel instances for Happstack types (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-plugins library: The haskell application server stack + reload (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-server test: Web related tools and services. (bsd3, happstack, web)
- happstack-server-tls library: extend happstack-server with https:// support (TLS/SSL) (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-server-tls-cryptonite library: Extend happstack-server with native HTTPS support (TLS/SSL) (bsd3, happstack, library, web)
- happstack-state library: Event-based distributed state. (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- happstack-static-routing library: Support for static URL routing with overlap detection for Happstack. (bsd3, distributed-computing, library, web)
- happstack-util library: Web framework (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library, web)
- happstack-yui library: Utilities for using YUI3 with Happstack. (bsd3, deprecated, happstack, library, web)
- happy program and test: Happy is a parser generator for Haskell (bsd2, development, program)
- happy-arbitrary library and test: Token list generator for arbitrary Happy grammars. (data, gpl, library)
- happy-dot library, tests and benchmarks: Parser for dot made with happy. (gpl, language, library)
- happy-hour library: Generate simple okay-looking bar plots without much effort (graphics, library, mit)
- happy-lib library: Happy is a parser generator for Haskell implemented using this library (bsd2, development, library)
- happy-meta library: Quasi-quoter for Happy parsers (bsd3, development, library)
- happybara library: Acceptance test framework for web applications (development, library, mit)
- happybara-webkit library: WebKit Happybara driver (development, library, mit)
- happybara-webkit-server library: WebKit Server binary for Happybara (taken from capybara-webkit) (development, library, mit)
- hapstone library and test: Capstone bindings for Haskell (bsd3, disassembler, library)
- haquery library: jQuery for Haskell. (bsd3, html, library)
- haquil library and test: A Haskell implementation of the Quil instruction set for quantum computing. (language, library, mit)
- har library: HAR spec in Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- harchive programs: Networked content addressed backup and restore software. (program, system)
- hardware-edsl library: Deep embedding of hardware descriptions with code generation. (bsd3, language, library)
- harfbuzz-pure library, programs and benchmark: Pure-functional Harfbuzz language bindings (library, mit, program, text)
- harg library and test: Haskell program configuration using higher kinded data (bsd3, cli, hkd, library, options, parsing, system)
- hark program: A Gentoo package query tool. (program, system)
- harmony library, program and tests: A web service specification compiler that generates implementation and tests. (development, gpl, library, program)
- haroonga library: Low level bindings for Groonga. (ffi, lgpl, library)
- haroonga-httpd program: Yet another Groonga http server. (lgpl, program, web)
- harp library: HaRP allows pattern-matching with regular expressions (bsd3, language, library)
- harpie library and test: Haskell array programming. (bsd3, library, math)
- harpie-numhask library and test: numhask shim for harpie. (bsd3, library, math)
- harpy library: Runtime code generation for x86 machine code (bsd3, code-generation, library)
- harvest-api library and test: Bindings for Harvest API (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- has library: Entity based records (bsd3, data, library)
- has-th library: Template Haskell function for Has records. (bsd3, data, library)
- has-transformers library and test: This library 'Has' transformers (effect, library, mit)
- hasbolt library, test and benchmark: Haskell driver for Neo4j 3+ (BOLT protocol) (bsd3, database, library)
- hasbolt-extras library, program and test: Extras for hasbolt library (bsd3, database, library, program)
- hascal library and program: tiny calculator library and command-line program (console, library, math, parsing, program, tools, utility, utils)
- hascalam library: Haskell to and from Scalameta (language, library, mit)
- hascar library, program and test: Decompress SAPCAR archives (codec, gpl, library, program)
- hascard library, program and test: A TUI for reviewing notes using 'flashcards' written with markdown-like syntax. (application, bsd3, library, program)
- hascas library and test: Cassandra driver for haskell (database, library)
- hascat program: Hascat Web Server (network, program)
- hascat-lib library: Hascat Package (library, network)
- hascat-setup library and program: Hascat Installation helper (library, network, program)
- hascat-system library: Hascat System Package (library, network)
- hash library: Hashing tools (bsd3, data, hash, library)
- hash-addressed library: Hash-addressed file storage (apache, filesystem, hash, library)
- hash-addressed-cli library and program: Hash-addressed file storage app (apache, filesystem, hash, library, program)
- hash-cons library and test: Opportunistic hash-consing data structure (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- hash-store library: Hash as cache (file, hash, library, mpl)
- hash-string library and test: binary strings supporting constant-time base16 and comparisons (apache, cryptography, library)
- hash-tree library and test: Merkle Hash Tree (bsd3, data, library)
- hashable library and tests: A class for types that can be converted to a hash value (bsd3, data, library)
- hashable-accelerate library: A class for types which can be converted into a hash value (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- hashable-extras library: Higher-rank Hashable (bsd3, data, deprecated, hash, library)
- hashable-generics library, test and benchmark: Automatically generates Hashable instances with GHC.Generics. (bsd3, data, library)
- hashable-orphans library: Provides instances missing from Hashable. (bsd3, data, library)
- hashable-time library and test: Hashable instances for Data.Time (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- hashabler library: Principled, portable & extensible hashing of data and types, including an implementation of the FNV-1a and SipHash algorithms. (bsd3, data, library)
- hashed-storage library: Hashed file storage support code. (bsd3, library, system)
- hasherize library and program: Hash digests for files and directories (apache, filesystem, hash, library, program)
- hashes library, test and benchmark: Hash functions (data, library, mit)
- hashflare library: A library for working with contracts and hashrates (bsd2, data, library)
- hashids library and test: Hashids generates short, unique, non-sequential ids from numbers. (library, mit, web)
- hashing library, program and test: A pure haskell library implements several hash algorithms. (cryptography, library, mit, program)
- hashmap library: Persistent containers Map and Set based on hashing. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- hashmap-io library: A Hashmap on io monad. (bsd3, data, library)
- hashmap-throw library: Throw behaviour for hashmap lookup. (data-structures, library, mit)
- hashrename program: Rename every file in a directory with his SHA1 hash. (gpl, program, utility)
- hashring library and test: Efficient consistent hashing. (bsd3, data, library)
- hashtable-benchmark program: Benchmark of hash table implementations (benchmarking, bsd3, performance, program)
- hashtables library and test: Mutable hash tables in the ST monad (bsd3, data, library)
- hashtables-plus library and benchmark: Extensions for a "hashtables" library (data, data-structures, deprecated, library, mit)
- hasim library: Process-Based Discrete Event Simulation library (bsd3, control, library)
- hask library: Categories (bsd3, control, library)
- hask-home programs: Generate homepages for cabal packages (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- haskades program: Utility to generate bindings for BlackBerry Cascades (program, utility)
- haskakafka library, programs and test: Kafka bindings for Haskell (library, mit, network, program)
- haskanoid program: A breakout game written in Yampa using SDL (frp, game, program, reactivity)
- haskarrow program: A dialect of haskell with order of execution based on dependency resolution (gpl, language, program)
- haskbot-core library and test: Easily-extensible chatbot for Slack messaging service (library, mit, network)
- haskdeep program: Computes and audits file hashes. (bsd3, console, cryptography, program, system)
- haskdogs program: Generate tags file for Haskell project and its nearest deps (bsd3, development, program)
- haskeem program: A small scheme interpreter (compilers-interpreters, program)
- haskeline library: A command-line interface for user input, written in Haskell. (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- haskeline-class library: Class interface for working with Haskeline (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- haskeline-repl library: (bsd3, library, web)
- haskelisp library: Write Emacs module in Haskell, using Emacs 25's Dynamic Module feature (editor, emacs, gpl, library)
- haskell-abci library and program: Haskell Application BlockChain Interface (ABCI) Server Library (bsd3, library, program, web)
- haskell-admin library: Remote Management Platform for Haskell Applications (library, mit, remote-management)
- haskell-admin-core library and test: Core Modules of Haskell Admin (library, mit, remote-management, web)
- haskell-admin-health library and test: Application Health Component for Haskell Admin (haskell-admin, library, mit, remote-management)
- haskell-admin-managed-functions library and test: Managed Functions integration for Haskell Admin (haskell-admin, library, managed-functions, mit, remote-management)
- haskell-aliyun library: haskell client of aliyun service. (bsd3, library, network)
- haskell-awk library, program and test: Transform text from the command-line using Haskell expressions. (apache, console, library, program)
- haskell-bcrypt library and test: A bcrypt implementation for haskell (library, mit, system)
- haskell-bitmex-client library and program: Complete BitMEX Client (bsd3, library, program, web)
- haskell-bitmex-rest library and test: Auto-generated bitmex API Client (bsd3, library, web)
- haskell-brainfuck library, program and test: BrainFuck interpreter (language, library, mit, program)
- haskell-ci library, program and test: Cabal package script generator for Travis-CI (development, gpl, library, program)
- haskell-cnc library and program: Library for parallel programming in the Intel Concurrent Collections paradigm. (bsd3, control, library, parallelism, program)
- haskell-coffee library: Simple CoffeeScript API (gpl, language, library)
- haskell-compression library and program: compress files (gpl, library, program, system)
- haskell-conll library: Core Types for NLP (library, mit, text)
- haskell-course-preludes library: Small modules for a Haskell course in which Haskell is taught by implementing Prelude functionality. (library, mit, unclassified)
- haskell-dap library: Haskell implementation of the DAP interface data. (bsd3, development, library)
- haskell-debug-adapter : Haskell Debug Adapter. (bsd3, development)
- haskell-disque library and test: Client library for the Disque datastore (bsd3, database, library)
- haskell-docs library, program and test: A program to find and display the docs and type of a name (bsd3, development, library, program)
- haskell-docs-cli library, program and test: Search Hoogle and navigate Hackage from the command line. (bsd3, development, haskell, library, program)
- haskell-eigen-util library and test: Some utility functions for haskell-eigen library (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- haskell-exp-parser library and test: Simple parser parser from Haskell to TemplateHaskell expressions (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-fake-user-agent library: Simple library for retrieving current user agent strings (library, public-domain, web)
- haskell-ffprobe library and test: Haskell bindings for ffprobe (bindings, bsd3, library)
- haskell-formatter library, program and test: Haskell source code formatter (deprecated, development, library, mit, program)
- haskell-ftp library and program: A Haskell ftp server with configurable backend. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- haskell-generate library and test: Typesafe generation of haskell source code (bsd3, code-generation, language, library)
- haskell-gettext library and program: GetText runtime library implementation in pure Haskell (bsd3, library, program, text)
- haskell-gi library and test: Generate Haskell bindings for GObject Introspection capable libraries (development, lgpl, library)
- haskell-gi-base library: Foundation for libraries generated by haskell-gi (development, lgpl, library)
- haskell-gi-overloading library: Overloading support for haskell-gi (bindings, bsd3, library)
- haskell-go-checkers program: Go and Checkers game in Haskell (game, mit, program)
- haskell-google-trends library: Simple library for accessing Google Trends (library, public-domain, web)
- haskell-holes-th library and test: Infer haskell code by given type. (language, library, mit)
- haskell-igraph library and test: Bindings to the igraph C library (v0.8.0). (library, math, mit)
- haskell-import-graph library and program: create haskell import graph for graphviz (development, library, mit, program)
- haskell-in-space programs: 'Asteroids' arcade games. (bsd3, game, program)
- haskell-kubernetes library: Haskell bindings to the Kubernetes API (via swagger-codegen) (library, mit, web)
- haskell-language-server library, programs, tests and benchmark: LSP server for GHC (apache, development, library, program)
- haskell-lexer library: A fully compliant Haskell 98 lexer (language, library, mit)
- haskell-lsp library and test: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol (deprecated, development, library, mit)
- haskell-lsp-client library and program: A haskell package to build your own Language Server client. (deprecated, development, gpl, language, library, program, protocol)
- haskell-lsp-types library: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol, data types (deprecated, development, library, mit)
- haskell-menu library: A simple menu system for Haskell programs (deprecated, lgpl, library, system)
- haskell-ml library, program and test: Machine learning in Haskell (bsd3, library, machine-learning, program)
- haskell-modbus library and test: A cereal-based parser for the Modbus protocol (bsd3, data, library, network, parsing)
- haskell-mpfr library: Correctly-rounded arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic (library, math, numeric)
- haskell-mpi library: Distributed parallel programming in Haskell using MPI. (bsd3, distributed-computing, ffi, library)
- haskell-names library and test: Name resolution library for Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-neo4j-client library and test: A Haskell neo4j client (database, library, mit)
- haskell-openflow library and test: OpenFlow protocol in Haskell (bsd3, library, network)
- haskell-overridez program: Manage nix overrides for haskell packages (bsd3, distribution, nix, program)
- haskell-packages library: Haskell suite library for package management and integration with Cabal (distribution, library, mit)
- haskell-pdf-presenter program: Tool for presenting PDF-based presentations. (application, gpl, graphics, image-viewer, pdf, program)
- haskell-platform-test program: A test system for the Haskell Platform environment (bsd3, distribution, program)
- haskell-player library, program and test: A terminal music player based on afplay (bsd3, library, program, sound)
- haskell-plot library: A library for generating 2D plots painlessly. (graphics, library)
- haskell-postal library and test: Haskell binding for the libpostal library (library, mit, natural-language-processing)
- haskell-postgis library and test: A haskell library for PostGIS geometry types. (database, library, mit)
- haskell-proxy-list library: Simple library for retrieving proxy servers info from (library, public-domain, web)
- haskell-qrencode library: Haskell bindings for libqrencode. (bsd3, data, library)
- haskell-read-editor library and test: Opens a temporary file on the system's EDITOR and returns the resulting edits (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- haskell-reflect library: Reflect Haskell types. (haskell, library, mit)
- haskell-rules library: A DSL for expressing natural deduction rules in Haskell. (gpl, language, library)
- haskell-say library and program: Let the Haskell logo talk to your users! (bsd3, console, library, program, text, utils)
- haskell-snake library and program: Snake game implemetation in Haskell using SDL2 (games, gpl, library, program)
- haskell-spacegoo library: Client API for Rocket Scissor Spacegoo (game, library, mit)
- haskell-src library: Support for manipulating Haskell source code (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-src-exts library and test: Manipulating Haskell source: abstract syntax, lexer, parser, and pretty-printer (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-src-exts-observe library: Observable orphan instances for haskell-src-exts (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-src-exts-prisms library: Prisms with newtype wrappers for haskell-src-exts (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-src-exts-qq library and test: A quasiquoter for haskell-src-exts. (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-src-exts-sc library: Pretty print haskell code with comments (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-src-exts-simple library: A simplified view on the haskell-src-exts AST (development, library, mit)
- haskell-src-exts-util library: Helper functions for working with haskell-src-exts trees (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-src-match library and test: Testing code generators piece by piece. (bsd3, library, testing)
- haskell-src-meta library and tests: Parse source to template-haskell abstract syntax. (bsd3, language, library, template-haskell)
- haskell-src-meta-mwotton library: Parse source to template-haskell abstract syntax. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- haskell-stack-trace-plugin library, program and test: haskell-stack-trace-plugin (compiler-plugin, debug, development, library, mit, program)
- haskell-throttle library and test: A simple throttling library, which drops messages from same group. (agpl, concurrency, library)
- haskell-time-range library and test: Some useful wrappers and functions for building time ranges (bsd3, lenses, library, time)
- haskell-to-elm library and test: Generate Elm types and JSON encoders and decoders from Haskell types (bsd3, compiler, elm, language, library)
- haskell-token-utils library and test: Utilities to tie up tokens to an AST (development, library, public-domain)
- haskell-tools-ast library: Haskell AST for efficient tooling (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-ast-fromghc library: Creating the Haskell-Tools AST from GHC's representations (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-ast-gen library: Facilities for generating new parts of the Haskell-Tools AST (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-ast-trf library: Conversions on Haskell-Tools AST to prepare for refactorings (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-backend-ghc library: Creating the Haskell-Tools AST from GHC's representations (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-builtin-refactorings library and tests: Refactoring Tool for Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-cli library, programs, test and benchmark: Command-line frontend for Haskell-tools Refact (bsd3, language, library, program)
- haskell-tools-daemon library, program and test: Background process for Haskell-tools that editors can connect to. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- haskell-tools-debug library and program: Debugging Tools for Haskell-tools (bsd3, language, library, program)
- haskell-tools-demo library, program and test: A web-based demo for Haskell-tools Refactor. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- haskell-tools-experimental-refactorings library and test: Refactoring Tool for Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-prettyprint library: Pretty printing of Haskell-Tools AST (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-refactor library and test: Refactoring Tool for Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tools-rewrite library and test: Facilities for generating new parts of the Haskell-Tools AST (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-tor library and test: A Haskell Tor Node (bsd3, library, network)
- haskell-type-exts library: A type checker for Haskell/haskell-src-exts (bsd3, language, library)
- haskell-typescript library: Simple TypeScript API (gpl, language, library)
- haskell-tyrant library: Haskell implementation of the Tokyo Tyrant binary protocol (bsd3, database, library)
- haskell-updater program: Rebuild Haskell dependencies in Gentoo (distribution, gpl, program)
- haskell-xmpp library and program: Haskell XMPP (eXtensible Message Passing Protocol, a.k.a. Jabber) library (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, program)
- haskell2010 library: Compatibility with Haskell 2010 (bsd3, haskell2010, library, prelude)
- haskell2020 library: Haskell 2020[draft] Standard Library (bsd3, haskell2020, library, prelude)
- haskell98 library: Compatibility with Haskell 98 (bsd3, haskell98, library, prelude)
- haskell98libraries library: Compatibility with Haskell 98 (bsd3, haskell98, library)
- haskelldb library: A library of combinators for generating and executing SQL statements. (bsd3, database, library)
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc library: Bracketed HDBC session for HaskellDB (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-mtl library: Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-mtl (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-tf library: Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-transformers (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-catchio-transformers library: Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using MonadCatchIO-transformers (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- haskelldb-connect-hdbc-lifted library: Bracketed HaskellDB HDBC session using lifted-base (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- haskelldb-dynamic library and program: HaskellDB support for the dynamically loaded drivers. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-flat library and program: An experimental HaskellDB back-end in pure Haskell (no SQL) (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hdbc library: HaskellDB support for HDBC. (bsd3, database, library)
- haskelldb-hdbc-mysql library and program: HaskellDB support for the HDBC MySQL driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hdbc-odbc library and program: HaskellDB support for the HDBC ODBC driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hdbc-postgresql library and program: HaskellDB support for the HDBC PostgreSQL driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hdbc-sqlite3 library and program: HaskellDB support for the HDBC SQLite driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hsql library: HaskellDB support for HSQL. (bsd3, database, library)
- haskelldb-hsql-mysql library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL MySQL driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hsql-odbc library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL ODBC driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hsql-oracle library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL Oracle driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hsql-postgresql library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL PostgreSQL driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hsql-sqlite library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL SQLite driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-hsql-sqlite3 library and program: HaskellDB support for the HSQL SQLite3 driver. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- haskelldb-th library: Template Haskell utilities for HaskellDB. (bsd3, database, library)
- haskelldb-wx library: HaskellDB support for WXHaskell. (bsd3, database, library)
- haskellish library: For parsing Haskell-ish languages (bsd3, language, library)
- haskellscrabble library and test: A scrabble library capturing the core game logic of scrabble. (game, gpl, library)
- haskellscript program: Command line tool for running Haskell scripts with a hashbang. (bsd3, development, program)
- haskelm library, program and test: Elm to Haskell translation (bsd3, compiler, language, library, program)
- haskelzinc library: CP in Haskell through MiniZinc (bsd3, interfaces, library)
- haskeme library and program: Compiler from I- to S-Expressions for the Scheme Programming Language (bsd3, language, library, program)
- haskey library and tests: A transactional, ACID compliant, embeddable key-value store. (bsd3, database, library)
- haskey-btree library and tests: B+-tree implementation in Haskell. (bsd3, database, library)
- haskey-mtl library and test: A monad transformer supporting Haskey transactions. (bsd3, database, library)
- haskgame library: Haskell game library. (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- haskheap library: Haskell bindings to refheap. (library, mit, network)
- haskhol-core library: The core logical system of HaskHOL, an EDSL for HOL theorem
proving. (bsd3, library, theorem-provers)
- haskintex library and program: Haskell Evaluation inside of LaTeX code. (bsd3, latex, library, program)
- hasklepias library, programs and tests: embedded DSL for defining epidemiologic cohorts (bsd3, data-science, deprecated, library, program)
- haskmon library: A haskell wrapper for ( (game, library, mit, web)
- haskoin library and test: Implementation of the Bitcoin protocol. (bitcoin, deprecated, finance, library, network, public-domain)
- haskoin-bitcoind library: An adapter for haskoin to network-bitcoin (bsd3, library, network)
- haskoin-core library and test: Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash library for Haskell (bitcoin, finance, library, mit, network, public-domain)
- haskoin-crypto library and test: Implementation of Bitcoin cryptographic primitives. (bitcoin, deprecated, finance, library, network, public-domain)
- haskoin-node library and test: P2P library for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash (bitcoin, finance, library, mit, network, public-domain)
- haskoin-protocol library and test: Implementation of the Bitcoin network protocol messages (bitcoin, deprecated, finance, library, network, public-domain)
- haskoin-script library and test: Implementation of Bitcoin script parsing and evaluation (bitcoin, deprecated, finance, library, network, public-domain)
- haskoin-store library, program and test: Storage and index for Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash (bitcoin, finance, library, mit, network, program)
- haskoin-store-data library and test: Data for Haskoin Store (bitcoin, finance, library, mit, network)
- haskoin-util library and test: Utility functions for the Network.Haskoin project (bitcoin, deprecated, finance, library, network, public-domain)
- haskoin-wallet library and test: Implementation of a Bitcoin SPV Wallet with BIP32 and multisig support. (bitcoin, finance, library, network, public-domain)
- haskoon library: Web Application Abstraction (library, web)
- haskoon-httpspec library: Integrating HttpSpec with Haskoon (library, web)
- haskoon-salvia library: Integrating HttpSpec with Haskoon (library, web)
- haskore library and test: The Haskore Computer Music System (library, music, sound)
- haskore-realtime library: Routines for realtime playback of Haskore songs (library, music, sound)
- haskore-supercollider library and program: Haskore back-end for SuperCollider (library, music, program, sound)
- haskore-synthesizer library: Music rendering coded in Haskell (library, music, sound)
- haskore-vintage library: The February 2000 version of Haskore. (bsd3, library, music)
- haskseg library and program: Simple unsupervised segmentation model (bsd3, library, nlp, program)
- hasktags library, program and test: Produces ctags "tags" and etags "TAGS" files for Haskell programs (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hasktorch library, test and benchmarks: Haskell bindings to libtorch, supporting both typed and untyped tensors. (bsd3, codegen, library)
- hasktorch-codegen library, program and test: Code generation tools for Hasktorch (ai, bsd3, code-generation, ffi-tools, library, machine-learning, program, tensors)
- hasktorch-ffi-tests library: Testing library for Hasktorch's FFI bindings (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-ffi-th library and test: Bindings to Torch (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-ffi-thc library and test: Bindings to Cutorch (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-indef library and test: Core Hasktorch abstractions wrapping FFI bindings (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-signatures library and programs: Backpack signatures for Tensor operations (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, program, tensors)
- hasktorch-signatures-partial library: Functions to partially satisfy tensor signatures (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-signatures-support library: Signatures for support tensors in hasktorch (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-signatures-types library: Core types for Hasktorch backpack signatures (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-types-th library: C-types for Torch (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-types-thc library: C-types for Cutorch (ai, bsd3, ffi, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- hasktorch-zoo library: Neural architectures in hasktorch (ai, bsd3, library, machine-learning, tensors)
- haskus-binary library, test and benchmark: Haskus binary format manipulation (bsd3, library, system)
- haskus-system-build program: Haskus system build tool (bsd3, program, system)
- haskus-utils library and test: Haskus utility modules (bsd3, library, system)
- haskus-utils-compat library: Compatibility modules with other external packages (ByteString, etc.) (bsd3, library, system)
- haskus-utils-data library and test: Haskus data utility modules (bsd3, data, library)
- haskus-utils-types library and test: Haskus types utility modules (bsd3, library, type)
- haskus-utils-variant library, test and benchmark: Variant and EADT (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- haskus-web library: Haskus web (bsd3, library, system)
- haskyapi library, program and test: HTTP server (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)
- haslo library and programs: Loan calculator engine. (bsd3, finance, library, program)
- hasloGUI program: Loan calculator Gtk GUI. Based on haslo (Haskell Loan) library. (bsd3, financial, program)
- hasmin library, program, tests and benchmark: CSS Minifier (bsd3, library, program, text)
- hasmtlib library: A monad for interfacing with external SMT solvers (gpl, library, logic, smt)
- haspara library and tests: A library providing definitions to work with monetary values. (finance, library, mit)
- hasparql-client library: This package enables to write SPARQL queries to remote endpoints. (bsd3, database, library, semantic-web)
- haspell library: Haskell bindings to aspell (language, library, mit)
- hasql library, tests and benchmark: Fast PostgreSQL driver with a flexible mapping API (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)
- hasql-backend library: API for backends of "hasql" (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- hasql-class library and test: Encodable and Decodable classes for hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql)
- hasql-cursor-query library and test: A declarative abstraction over PostgreSQL Cursor (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)
- hasql-cursor-transaction library: An abstraction for simultaneous fetching from multiple PostgreSQL cursors (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)
- hasql-dynamic-statements library and test: Toolkit for constructing Hasql statements dynamically (library, mit, unclassified)
- hasql-effectful library, program and test: Effectful bindings for hasql (database, library, mit, program)
- hasql-explain-tests library and test: Hasql queries testing interface (library, mpl, testing)
- hasql-generic library: Generic encoder and decoder deriving for Hasql (bsd3, library, web)
- hasql-implicits library: Implicit definitions for Hasql, such as default codecs for standard types (library, mit, unclassified)
- hasql-interpolate library and test: QuasiQuoter that supports expression interpolation for hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql)
- hasql-listen-notify library: LISTEN/NOTIFY with hasql (bsd3, hasql, library, postgresql)
- hasql-migration library and test: PostgreSQL Schema Migrations (bsd3, database, library)
- hasql-mover library: Hasql migrations library (bsd3, database, library)
- hasql-notifications library, program and test: LISTEN/NOTIFY support for Hasql (bsd3, database, hasql, library, postgresql, program)
- hasql-optparse-applicative library: "optparse-applicative" parsers for "hasql" (database, hasql, library, mit, options, postgresql)
- hasql-pipes library: A pipe to stream a postgres database cursor in the hasql ecosystem (bsd3, database, library, streaming)
- hasql-pool library and test: Pool of connections for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)
- hasql-postgres library, tests and benchmark: A "PostgreSQL" backend for the "hasql" library (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- hasql-postgres-options library: An "optparse-applicative" parser for "hasql-postgres" (database, deprecated, library, mit, options)
- hasql-queue library, programs and test: A PostgreSQL backed queue (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hasql-resource-pool library and test: A pool of connections for Hasql based on resource-pool. (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)
- hasql-simple library: A somewhat opinionated "simpler" API to hasql (bsd3, library, web)
- hasql-streams-conduit library: Stream Hasql queries with Conduit (conduit, database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)
- hasql-streams-core library: Stream Hasql queries (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)
- hasql-streams-example program: An example program that shows how to use Hasql streams with Rel8 (database, hasql, mit, postgresql, program, streaming)
- hasql-streams-pipes library: Stream Hasql queries with Pipes (database, hasql, library, mit, pipes, postgresql, streaming)
- hasql-streams-streaming library: Stream Hasql queries with Streaming (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming)
- hasql-streams-streamly library: Stream Hasql queries with Streamly (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, streaming, streamly)
- hasql-th library: Template Haskell utilities for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql, template-haskell)
- hasql-transaction library and test: Composable abstraction over retryable transactions for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)
- hasql-transaction-io library: Perform IO actions during transactions for Hasql (database, hasql, library, mit, postgresql)
- hasql-url library and test: Parse PostgreSQL connection URI into Hasql.Connection Settings (library, mit, utility)
- hasqlator-mysql library: composable SQL generation (bsd3, database, library)
- hasqly-mysql library: composable SQL generation (bsd3, database, library)
- hastache library, program and test: Haskell implementation of Mustache templates (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, text)
- hastache-aeson library: render hastache templates using aeson values (bsd3, library, text)
- haste program: A universal pastebin tool, written in Haskell. (bsd3, program, web)
- haste-app library: Framework for type-safe, distributed web applications. (library, mit, web)
- haste-compiler programs: Haskell To ECMAScript compiler (bsd3, compiler, javascript, program, web)
- haste-gapi library: Google API bindings for the Haste compiler (library, mit, web)
- haste-lib library: Base libraries for haste-compiler. (bsd3, library, web)
- haste-markup library: A port of blaze-markup and blaze-html to Haste (library, mit, web)
- haste-perch library: Create, navigate and modify the DOM tree with composable syntax, with the haste compiler (gpl, library, web)
- haste-prim library: Low level primitives for the Haste compiler. (bsd3, library, web)
- hastily library, program and test: A program to download subtitle files. (bsd3, cli, library, program)
- hasty-hamiltonian library and test: Speedy traversal through parameter space. (library, mit, numeric)
- hat library and programs: The Haskell tracer, generating and viewing Haskell execution traces (development, library, program)
- hatex-guide library: HaTeX User's Guide. (bsd3, latex, library)
- hatexmpp3 program: XMPP client with 9P and (optionally) GTK interfaces (network, program)
- hath program: Manipulates network blocks in CIDR notation (agpl, program, utils)
- hats library, program, test and benchmark: Haskell client for the NATS messaging system (library, mit, network, program)
- hatt library, program and test: A truth table generator for classical propositional logic. (bsd3, library, logic, program)
- haveibeenpwned library and program: Library for checking for weak/compromised passwords. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- haven program: Recursively retrieve maven dependencies (bsd3, java, program)
- haverer library, program and test: Implementation of the rules of Love Letter (apache, game, library, program)
- hawitter program: A twitter client for GTK+. Beta version. (bsd3, program, web)
- hax library and program: Haskell cash-flow and tax simulation (finance, library, mit, program)
- haxl library and test: A Haskell library for efficient, concurrent,
and concise data access. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- haxl-amazonka library: Haxl data source for accessing AWS services through amazonka. (bsd3, library, web)
- haxl-facebook library and test: An example Haxl data source for accessing the
Facebook Graph API (bsd3, concurrency, library, network)
- haxparse library and program: Readable HaxBall replays (data, library, mit, program)
- haxr library: XML-RPC client and server library. (bsd3, library, network)
- haxr-th library: Automatic deriving of XML-RPC structs for Haskell records. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- haxy library: A simple HTTP proxy server library (bsd3, library, web)
- hayland library, program and tests: Haskell bindings for the C Wayland library. (deprecated, graphics, library, mit, program)
- hayoo-cli program: Hayoo CLI (development, mit, program)
- hb3sum program: A command line tool to compute BLAKE3 hashes. (agpl, cli, cryptography, program)
- hback program: N-back memory game (bsd3, game, program)
- hbayes library and test: Bayesian Networks (bsd3, library, math)
- hbb program: Haskell Busy Bee, a backend for text editors. (development, lgpl, program)
- hbcd library: Packed binary-coded decimal (BCD) serialization (data, library, mit)
- hbeanstalk library: Client for the beanstalkd workqueue service. (bsd3, library, network)
- hbeat program: A simple step sequencer GUI. (bsd3, program, sound)
- hbf library, programs, tests and benchmark: An optimizing Brainfuck compiler and evaluator (gpl, language, library, program)
- hblas library and test: Human friendly BLAS and Lapack bindings for Haskell. (bsd3, library, math)
- hblock library: A mutable vector that provides indexation on the datatype fields it stores (bsd3, data, library)
- hbro library and program: Minimal extensible web-browser (browser, library, program, web)
- hbro-contrib library and program: Third-party extensions to hbro. (browser, library, program, web)
- hburg program: Haskell Bottom Up Rewrite Generator (bsd3, code-generation, program)
- hcad library: Haskell CAD library (graphics, library)
- hcc program: A toy C compiler. (bsd3, compiler, program)
- hcdt library: 2d Delaunay triangulation (bsd3, geometry, library)
- hcg-minus library: haskell cg (minus) (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- hcg-minus-cairo library: haskell cg (minus) (cairo rendering) (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- hcheat library: A collection of code cheatsheet (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- hcheckers program: Implementation of checkers ("draughts") board game - server application (bsd3, games, program)
- hchesslib library and tests: Chess library (game, gpl, library)
- hcltest library and test: A testing library for command line applications. (bsd3, library, testing)
- hcoap library, programs and test: CoAP implementation for Haskell. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- hcobs library, tests and benchmark: An implementation of the Consistent Overhead Byte Stuffing algorithm (bsd3, codec, library)
- hcom : Haskell COM support library (bsd3, ffi, windows)
- hcoord library, program and test: Easily convert between latitude/longitude, UTM and OSGB. (bsd3, geography, library, program)
- hcount program: Haskell artifact name counts. (bsd3, program, project)
- hcron library: A simple job scheduler, which just runs some IO action at a given time. (bsd3, control, library, scheduling)
- hcube library and program: Virtual Rubik's cube of arbitrary size. (bsd3, game, library, program)
- hcwiid library: Library to interface with the wiimote (gpl, library, system)
- hdaemonize library: Library to handle the details of writing daemons for UNIX (bsd3, library, system)
- hdaemonize-buildfix library: Library to handle the details of writing daemons for UNIX (bsd3, library, system)
- hdbc-aeson library: Deserialize from HDBC rows to FromJSON instances (database, library, mit)
- hdbc-postgresql-hstore library: Manipulate data in PostgreSQL "hstore" columns. (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- hdbc-tuple library: Type save tuples for HDBC (database, library)
- hdbi library and tests: Haskell Database Independent interface (bsd3, database, library)
- hdbi-conduit library and test: Conduit glue for HDBI (bsd3, database, library)
- hdbi-postgresql library and tests: PostgreSQL driver for hdbi (bsd3, database, library)
- hdbi-sqlite library and test: SQlite driver for HDBI (bsd3, database, library)
- hdbi-tests library: test suite for testing HDBI (bsd3, library, testing)
- hdevtools program: Persistent GHC powered background server for FAST haskell development tools (development, mit, program)
- hdf library: HDF: Uniform Rate Audio Signal Processing in Haskell (deprecated, library, sound)
- hdf5 library and test: Haskell interface to the HDF5 scientific data storage library. (database, library)
- hdf5-lite library and test: High-level bindings to the HDF5 "lite" interface (bsd3, data, library)
- hdiff library, program and test: Pattern-Expression-based differencing of arbitrary types. (library, mit, other, program)
- hdigest library: Server-side HTTP Digest (RFC2617) in the CGI monad (bsd3, library, web)
- hdirect library and program: An IDL compiler for Haskell (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hdis86 library: Interface to the udis86 disassembler for x86 and x86-64 / AMD64 (bsd3, disassembler, foreign, language, library, reverse-engineering)
- hdiscount library: Haskell bindings to the Discount markdown library (bsd3, library, text)
- hdm program: a small display manager. (gpl, program, system)
- hdmenu library, program and test: A small wrapper around dmenu (gpl, library, program, system)
- hdo library and program: A Digital Ocean client in Haskell (cloud, library, mit, program)
- hdocs library, program and test: Haskell docs tool (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hdph library and programs: Haskell distributed parallel Haskell (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library, monads, parallelism, program)
- hdph-closure library: Explicit closures in Haskell distributed parallel Haskell (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, library)
- hdr-histogram library, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histograms (gpl, library, math, statistics)
- headed-megaparsec library: More informative parser (library, megaparsec, mit, parsers, parsing)
- headergen program: Creates a header for a haskell source file. (development, mit, program)
- headroom library, program and tests: License Header Manager (bsd3, library, program, utils)
- heap library and test: Heaps in Haskell (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- heap-console library and test: interactively inspect Haskell values at runtime (bsd3, language, library)
- heaps library: Asymptotically optimal Brodal/Okasaki heaps. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- heapsize library and benchmark: Determine the size of runtime data structures (bsd3, debug, development, ghc, library)
- heapsort library and program: Heapsort of MArrays as a demo of imperative programming (algorithms, bsd3, library, program)
- heart-app library: An opinionated app prelude and framework in the UnliftIO style (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- heart-core library: An opinionated library prelude in the UnliftIO style (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- heartbeat-streams library: Heartbeats for io-streams (bsd3, concurrency, io-streams, library)
- heatitup library and program: Find and annotate ITDs. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- heatitup-complete library and program: Find and annotate ITDs with assembly or read pair joining. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- heatshrink library and test: Compression and decompression using heatshrink (bsd3, ffi, library)
- heavy-log-shortcuts library: Simle api for heavy logger (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- heavy-logger library: Full-weight logging based on fast-logger (bsd3, library, system)
- heavy-logger-amazon library: heavy-logger compatibility with amazonka-core logging (bsd3, library, system)
- heavy-logger-instances library and test: Orphan instances for data types in heavy-logger package (bsd3, library, system)
- hebrew-time library and test: Hebrew dates and prayer times. (data, library, mit)
- hecc library: Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Haskell (bsd3, codec, cryptography, deprecated, library)
- heckin library and test: Oh heck, it's a heckin' case conversion library. (data, library, mit, text)
- heckle library and program: Jekyll in Haskell (feat. LaTeX) (library, mit, program, web)
- heddit library and test: Reddit API bindings (bsd3, library, network)
- hedgehog library and test: Release with confidence. (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedgehog-checkers library and test: (bsd3, library, web)
- hedgehog-checkers-lens library and test: (bsd3, library, web)
- hedgehog-classes library and test: Hedgehog will eat your typeclass bugs (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedgehog-corpus library: hedgehog-corpus (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedgehog-extras library and test: Supplemental library for hedgehog (apache, library, test)
- hedgehog-fakedata library and test: Use 'fakedata' with 'hedgehog' (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedgehog-fn library: Function generation for `hedgehog` (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedgehog-gen library: Customizable Gen for ADT using Generics (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedgehog-gen-json library and test: JSON generators for Hedgehog (library, mit, test)
- hedgehog-generic library: GHC Generics automatically derived hedgehog generators (bsd3, data, development, library, testing)
- hedgehog-golden library and test: Golden testing capabilities for hedgehog using Aeson (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedgehog-lens library: Hedgehog properties for lens laws. (lens, library, mit, testing)
- hedgehog-optics library: Hedgehog properties for optics laws (library, mit, optics, testing)
- hedgehog-quickcheck library: Use QuickCheck generators in Hedgehog and vice versa. (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedgehog-servant library and test: Hedgehog property testing for Servant APIs (bsd3, library, testing)
- hedis library, tests and benchmark: Client library for the Redis datastore: supports full command set,
pipelining. (bsd3, database, library)
- hedis-config library: Easy trivial configuration for Redis (bsd3, database, library)
- hedis-effectful library: Adaptation of the hedis library for the effectful ecosystem. (bsd3, control, library)
- hedis-envy library: (bsd3, database, library, system)
- hedis-monadic library: A la MonadReader for Redis connection (bsd3, database, library)
- hedis-namespace library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hedis-pile library and test: Caching mandatory data with Redis (bsd3, database, library)
- hedis-simple library: A simplified API for hedis (database, library, mit)
- hedis-tags library and test: Tags for hedis (bsd3, database, library)
- hedn library and test: EDN parsing and encoding (bsd3, data, library)
- hedn-functor library: Base functor for EDN AST (bsd3, data, library)
- hedra library, program and test: A small library and executable for generating dice rolls. (game, library, mit, program)
- heftia library and test: higher-order algebraic effects done right (control, library, monads, mpl)
- heftia-effects library, programs, test and benchmark: higher-order algebraic effects done right (control, effect, library, monads, mpl, program)
- hegg library, test and benchmark: Fast equality saturation in Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- heidi library, program, test and benchmarks: Tidy data in Haskell (data-mining, data-science, generics, library, mit, program)
- hein program: An extensible build helper for haskell, in the vein of leiningen. (apache, development, program)
- heist library, test and benchmark: An Haskell template system supporting both HTML5 and XML. (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- heist-aeson library: Use JSON directly from Heist templates. (library, public-domain, web)
- heist-async library: Adding support for asynchronous updates ("AJAX") with heist (bsd3, library, web)
- heist-emanote library, test and benchmark: An Haskell template system supporting both HTML5 and XML. (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- heist-extra library: Extra heist functionality (library, mit, web)
- helf program: Typechecking terms of the Edinburgh Logical Framework (LF). (dependent-types, mit, program)
- helic library, program and test: Clipboard Manager (clipboard, library, program)
- helics library: New Relic® agent SDK wrapper for Haskell. (library, mit, network)
- helics-wai library: New Relic® agent SDK wrapper for wai. (library, mit, network)
- helisp program: An incomplete Elisp compiler (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- helium library and programs: The Helium Compiler. (compiler, library, program)
- helium-overture library: A backwards-compatible, modern replacement for the Prelude. (library, public-domain, web)
- helix library and test: Web development micro framework for haskell with typesafe URLs (library, mit, network)
- hell program: Haskell-based shell scripting language (bsd3, library, program, shell, unclassified)
- hellage programs: Distributed hackage mirror (bsd3, distribution, network, program)
- hellnet library and programs: Simple, distributed, anonymous data sharing network. (gpl, library, network, program)
- hello program: Hello World, an example package (bsd3, console, program, text)
- helm library, program and test: A functionally reactive game engine. (frp, game-engine, library, mit, program)
- help-esb library: A Haskell client for the team's ESB. (development, library, mit)
- hemkay program: A module music mixer and player (bsd3, music, program, sound)
- hemkay-core library: A device independent module music mixer (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- hemokit library, programs, test and benchmarks: Haskell port of the Emokit EEG project (bioinformatics, library, mit, program)
- hen library and test: Haskell bindings to Xen hypervisor interface (library, mit, system)
- henet library: Bindings and high level interface for to ENet v1.3.9 (ffi, library, mit, network)
- hepevt library: HEPEVT parser (library, mit, physics)
- heptapod library, test and benchmark: Generate UUIDv7 values. (data, library, mit)
- her-lexer library: A lexer for Haskell source code. (language, library, public-domain)
- her-lexer-parsec library: Parsec frontend to "her-lexer" for Haskell source code. (language, library, public-domain)
- herb library, program and test: Accessible format for structured data serialization (bsd2, library, program, serialization, text)
- herbalizer program: HAML to ERB translator (mit, program, utility)
- hercules-ci-agent library, programs and test: Runs Continuous Integration tasks on your machines (apache, ci, devops, library, nix, program, testing)
- hercules-ci-api library, program and test: Hercules CI API definition with Servant (apache, library, program, unclassified)
- hercules-ci-api-agent library and test: API definition for Hercules CI Agent to talk to or Hercules CI Enterprise (apache, api, ci, devops, library, nix, testing)
- hercules-ci-api-core library: Types and convenience modules use across Hercules CI API packages (apache, api, ci, devops, library, nix, testing)
- hercules-ci-cli library, program and test: The hci command for working with Hercules CI (apache, library, program, unclassified)
- hercules-ci-cnix-expr library and test: Bindings for the Nix evaluator (apache, ci, devops, library, nix, testing)
- hercules-ci-cnix-store library and test: Haskell bindings for Nix's libstore (apache, library, nix)
- here library and test: Here docs & interpolated strings via quasiquotation (bsd3, data, library)
- heredoc library: multi-line string / here document using QuasiQuotes (library, public-domain, text)
- heredocs library and test: Heredocument on Haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- herf-time library and test: haskell time manipulation in a 'kerf like' style. (bsd3, kerf, library, time)
- hermes library: (deprecated, library, web)
- hermes-json library and test: Fast JSON decoding via simdjson C++ bindings (ffi, json, library, mit, text, web)
- hermit library, program and test: Haskell Equational Reasoning Model-to-Implementation Tunnel (bsd3, formal-methods, language, library, optimization, program, refactoring, reflection, transformation)
- hermit-syb library: HERMIT plugin for optimizing Scrap-Your-Boilerplate traversals. (bsd3, language, library, optimization, transformation-)
- herms program: A command-line manager for delicious kitchen recipes (cli, command-line-tool, culinary, gpl, program)
- hero-club-five-tenets library and program: Think back of the five tenets of hero club (acme, bsd3, library, program)
- heroku library and test: helpers for deploying to Heroku (bsd3, library, web)
- heroku-persistent library and test: Parse DATABASE_URL into configuration types for Persistent (library, mit, unclassified)
- herringbone library: A library for compiling and serving static web assets. (library, mit, web)
- herringbone-embed library: Embed preprocessed web assets in your executable with Template Haskell. (library, mit, web)
- herringbone-wai library: Wai adapter for the Herringbone web asset preprocessor. (library, mit, web)
- hesh library and program: the Haskell Extensible Shell: Haskell for Bash-style scripts (development, library, mit, program)
- hesql program: Haskell's embedded SQL (database, program)
- hetero-dict library and benchmark: Fast heterogeneous data structures (data, library, mit)
- hetero-map library: Pure heterogeneous maps. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- hetero-parameter-list library and test: hetero list with parameter list (bsd3, data, library)
- hetero-parameter-list-with-typelevel-tools library and test: Hetero parameter list with type level tools (bsd3, data, library)
- hetero-zip library: Zip lists with Traversables (bsd3, data, library)
- heterocephalus library and tests: A type-safe template engine for working with front end development tools (library, mit, web)
- heterogeneous-list-literals library and test: Allows the use of tuples as literals for Heterogeneous collections (bsd3, data, library)
- heterolist library and test: A heterogeneous list type (data, library, mit)
- hetris program: Text Tetris (game, program)
- hetzner library and program: Hetzner Cloud and DNS library. (cloud, library, mit, program)
- heukarya library: A genetic programming based on tree structure. (ai, bsd3, library)
- hevm library, program, tests and benchmark: Symbolic EVM Evaluator (agpl, ethereum, library, program)
- hevolisa program: Genetic Mona Lisa problem in Haskell (bsd3, graphics, program)
- hevolisa-dph program: Genetic Mona Lisa problem in Haskell - using Data Parallel Haskell (bsd3, graphics, program)
- hex library: Convert strings into hexadecimal and back. (bsd3, data, library)
- hex-text library and test: ByteString-Text hexidecimal conversions (library, mit, text)
- hexchat library: Haskell scripting interface for HexChat (library, mit, system)
- hexdump library: A library for forming hexdumps. (library, public-domain, text)
- hexif library: Reading Exif data form a JPEG file with Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- hexmino program: A small game based on domino-like hexagonal tiles (bsd3, game, program)
- hexml library and test: XML subset DOM parser (bsd3, library, xml)
- hexml-lens library and test: Lenses for the hexml package (bsd3, lens, library)
- hexpat library: XML parser/formatter based on expat (bsd3, library, xml)
- hexpat-conduit library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hexpat-iteratee library: Chunked XML parsing using iteratees (bsd3, library, xml)
- hexpat-lens library: Lenses for Hexpat. (library, mit, xml)
- hexpat-pickle library: XML picklers based on hexpat, source-code-similar to those of the HXT package (bsd3, library, xml)
- hexpat-pickle-generic library and test: Picklers for de/serialising Generic data types to and from XML (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, xml)
- hexpat-streamparser library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hexpat-tagsoup library: Parse (possibly malformed) HTML to hexpat tree (bsd3, library, xml)
- hexpr library: A framework for symbolic, homoiconic languages. (bsd3, language, library)
- hexpress library: An express-like http framework (library, mit, network)
- hexquote library: Hexadecimal ByteString literals, with placeholders that bind variables (bsd3, data, library)
- hexstring library and test: Fast and safe representation of a hex string (data, library, mit)
- hext library and program: a text classification library (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- hextra library: Generic and niche utility functions and more for Haskell. (library, mpl, utils)
- hextream library and tests: Streaming-friendly XML parsers (library, parsing, xml)
- heyefi program and test: A server for Eye-Fi SD cards. (network, program, public-domain)
- heystone library: Haskell bindings for the Keystone assembler framework (assembler, bindings, compilers-interpreters, gpl, library)
- heyting-algebras library and test: Heyting and Boolean algebras (bsd3, library, math)
- hfann library: Haskell binding to the FANN library (ai, bsd3, deprecated, library)
- hfd program: Flash debugger (bsd3, development, program)
- hfiar library and program: Four in a Row in Haskell!! (bsd3, game, library, program)
- hflags library: Command line flag parser, very similar to Google's gflags (apache, console, library)
- hfmt library, program and tests: Haskell source code formatter (language, library, mit, program)
- hfoil library: Hess-Smith panel code for inviscid 2-d airfoil analysis (bsd3, library, numerical, science)
- hformat library and test: Simple Haskell formatting (bsd3, library, text)
- hfov library: Field-of-view calculation for low-resolution 2D raster grids. (bsd3, game, library)
- hfractal program: OpenGL fractal renderer (bsd3, graphics, program)
- hfsevents : File/folder watching for OS X (bsd3, system)
- hfusion library: A library for fusing a subset of Haskell programs. (bsd3, library, program-transformation)
- hg-buildpackage programs: Tools to help manage Debian packages with Mercurial (program, system)
- hgal library and test: library for computation automorphism group and canonical labelling of a graph (algorithms, data-structures, library)
- hgalib library: Haskell Genetic Algorithm Library (ai, library, public-domain)
- hgdal library: Haskell binding to the GDAL library (bsd3, geography, library)
- hgdbmi library and tests: GDB Machine Interface: program-driven control of GDB (bsd3, development, library)
- hgearman library: A Gearman client for Haskell. (library, mit, network)
- hgen program: Random generation of modal and hybrid logic formulas (program, theorem-provers)
- hgeometric library: A geometric library with bindings to GPC. (library, math, mit)
- hgeometry library, test and benchmark: Geometric Algorithms, Data structures, and Data types. (bsd3, geometry, library)
- hgeometry-combinatorial library and tests: Data structures, and Data types. (bsd3, geometry, library)
- hgeometry-ipe library and test: Reading and Writing ipe7 files. (bsd3, geometry, library)
- hgeometry-svg library and test: Writing geometric primitives from HGeometry as SVG Files (bsd3, geometry, library)
- hgeos library and test: Simple Haskell bindings to GEOS C API (data, geography, geometry, library, mit, text)
- hgettext library and program: Bindings to libintl.h (gettext, bindtextdomain) (bsd3, library, program, text)
- hgis library and test: Library and for GIS with Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- hgithub library and program: Haskell bindings to the GitHub API (bsd3, library, network, program)
- hgl-example program: Various animations generated using HGL (graphics, program)
- hgmp library and test: Haskell interface to GMP (bsd3, library, numeric)
- hgom program: An haskell port of the java version of gom (compiler, program)
- hgopher library: Gopher server (bsd3, library, network)
- hgraph library, tests and benchmarks: Tools for working on (di)graphs. (data, gpl, library)
- hgreet library: Haskell module to interact with the greetd daemon trough it's IPC protocol. (gpl, library, network)
- hgrep library and program: Search Haskell source code from the command line (bsd3, language, library, program)
- hgrev library: Compile Mercurial (hg) version info into Haskell code (bsd3, development, library)
- hgrib library and test: Unofficial bindings for GRIB API (data, gpl, library)
- hharp library: Binding to libharp (bsd3, library, web)
- hhp library, programs and test: Happy Haskell Programming (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hhwloc library: Bindings to (foreign, library, mit, system)
- hi library, program and tests: Generate scaffold for cabal project (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- hi-file-parser library and test: Parser for GHC's hi files (bsd3, development, library)
- hi3status library and programs: Status line for i3bar. (library, mit, program, system)
- hiccup program: Relatively efficient Tcl interpreter with support for basic operations (compilers-interpreters, program)
- hichi program: haskell robot for IChat protocol (network, program)
- hid library: Interface to hidapi library (bsd3, library, system)
- hid-examples library, programs, tests and benchmarks: Examples to accompany the book "Haskell in Depth" (bsd3, library, program, sample-code)
- hidapi library: Haskell bindings to HIDAPI (hardware, library, mit)
- hidden-char library and test: Provides cross-platform getHiddenChar function (command-line-tool, library, mit)
- hie-bios library, program and tests: Set up a GHC API session (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hie-compat library: HIE files for GHC 8.8 and other HIE file backports (apache, development, library)
- hie-core library, program and test: The core of an IDE (apache, deprecated, development, library, program)
- hiedb library, program and test: Generates a references DB from .hie files (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hiedb-plugin library: See README on Github for more information (development, library, mit)
- hieraclus library: Automated clustering of arbitrary elements in Haskell. (bsd3, clustering, library, math, statistics)
- hierarchical-clustering library and test: Fast algorithms for single, average/UPGMA and complete linkage clustering. (bsd3, clustering, library)
- hierarchical-clustering-diagrams library and test: Draw diagrams of dendrograms made by hierarchical-clustering. (bsd3, clustering, graphics, library)
- hierarchical-env library and test: hierarchical environments for dependency injection (bsd3, control, library)
- hierarchical-exceptions library: Template Haskell functions to easily create exception
hierarchies (apache, language, library)
- hierarchical-spectral-clustering library and program: Hierarchical spectral clustering of a graph. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- hierarchy library and test: Predicated traversal of generated trees (bsd3, data, library)
- hiernotify library: Notification library for a filesystem hierarchy. (bsd3, library, system)
- hifi library, program and test: WiFi connection script generator (bsd3, cli, library, program)
- higgledy library and tests: Partial types as a type constructor. (data, library, mit)
- highWaterMark program: Memory usage statistics (deprecated, development, program)
- higher-leveldb library and test: A rich monadic API for working with leveldb databases. (bsd3, database, library)
- higherorder library: Some higher order functions for Bool and [] (bsd3, composition, deprecated, library)
- highjson library, test and benchmark: Spec based JSON parsing/serialisation (json, library, mit, text, web)
- highjson-swagger library and test: Derive swagger instances from highjson specs (json, library, mit, text, web)
- highjson-th library and test: Template Haskell helpers for highjson specs (json, library, mit, text, web)
- highlight library, programs, test and benchmark: Command line tool for highlighting parts of files matching a regex. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- highlight-versions program: Highlight package versions which differ from the latest
version on Hackage (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, program)
- highlighter library: source code highlighting (bsd3, library, text)
- highlighter2 library: source code highlighting (bsd3, library, text)
- highlighting-kate library and test: Syntax highlighting (deprecated, library, text)
- highs-lp library and test: Linear Programming using HiGHS and comfort-array (bsd3, library, math)
- hikchr library, program and test: Haskell wrapper for Pikchr, a PIC-like markup language for diagrams. (bsd3, diagram, library, program, svg)
- hills program: Generate STL models from SRTM elevation data. (bsd3, geography, program)
- himerge program: Haskell Graphical User Interface for Emerge (gui, program)
- himg library and program: Simple gtk2hs image viewer. Point it at an image and fire away. (gpl, graphics, library, program)
- himpy program: multithreaded snmp poller for riemann (mit, program, system)
- hindent library, program, test and benchmark: Extensible Haskell pretty printer (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hindley-milner library and test: Template for Hindley-Milner based languages (language, library, mit)
- hindley-milner-type-check library and test: Type inference for Hindley-Milner based languages (language, library, mit)
- hinduce-associations-apriori library: Apriori algorithm for association rule mining (data-mining, library, mit)
- hinduce-classifier library: Interface and utilities for classifiers (bsd3, data-mining, library)
- hinduce-classifier-decisiontree library: Decision Tree Classifiers for hInduce (bsd3, data-mining, library)
- hinduce-examples library: Example data for hInduce (bsd3, data-mining, library)
- hinduce-missingh library: Utility functions (bsd3, library, utility)
- hinfo library, program and test: Command Line App With Info on your Haskell App (bsd3, cli, library, program, utils)
- hinit library, program and test: Generic project initialization tool (bsd3, cli, library, program)
- hinotify library and tests: Haskell binding to inotify (bsd3, library, system)
- hinotify-bytestring library and tests: Haskell binding to inotify, using ByteString filepaths (bsd3, library, system)
- hinotify-conduit library and test: inotify conduit sources (bsd3, conduit, library, system)
- hinquire library and test: Generate armet style query strings. (library, mit, network)
- hinstaller library: Installer wrapper for Haskell applications (library, system)
- hint library and test: A Haskell interpreter built on top of the GHC API (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library)
- hint-server library: A server process that runs hint. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, concurrency, language, library)
- hinter library and test: Runtime Haskell interpreter (GHC API wrapper) (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, deprecated, language, library)
- hinterface library and test: Haskell / Erlang interoperability library (bsd3, language, library)
- hinvaders program: Space Invaders (game, program)
- hinze-streams library: Streams and Unique Fixed Points (bsd3, data, library)
- hip library, test and benchmark: Haskell Image Processing (HIP) Library. (bsd3, graphics, image-processing, library)
- hipbot library: A library for building HipChat Bots (bsd3, library, web)
- hipchat-hs library: Hipchat API bindings in Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- hipe library: Support for reading and writing ipe7 files ( (bsd3, deprecated, geometry, library)
- hips program: an IPS patcher (bsd3, data, program)
- hipsql-api library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hipsql-client library and program: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- hipsql-monad library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hipsql-server library and program: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- hipsql-tx-simple library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hircules program: IRC client (network, program)
- hirt program: Calculates IRT 2PL and 3PL models (bsd3, math, program)
- hissmetrics library: Unofficial API bindings to KISSmetrics. (bsd3, library, web)
- hist-pl library and program: Umbrella package for the historical dictionary of Polish (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- hist-pl-dawg library: A generic, DAWG-based dictionary (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- hist-pl-fusion library: Merging historical dictionary with PoliMorf (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- hist-pl-lexicon library: A binary representation of the historical dictionary of Polish (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- hist-pl-lmf library: LMF parsing for the historical dictionary of Polish (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- hist-pl-transliter library: A simple EDSL for transliteration rules (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- hist-pl-types library: Types in the historical dictionary of Polish (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- histogram-fill library and benchmark: Library for histograms creation. (bsd3, data, library)
- histogram-fill-binary library: Binary instances for histogram-fill package (bsd3, data, library)
- histogram-fill-cereal library: Binary instances for histogram-fill package (bsd3, data, library)
- histogram-simple library: Simple Data.Map-based histogram (bsd3, data, library)
- historian program: Extract the interesting bits from shell history (bsd3, console, program)
- hit program: Git like program in haskell (bsd3, development, program)
- hit-graph library: Use graph algorithms to access and manipulate Git repos (development, git, graphs, library, public-domain)
- hit-on library, program and test: Haskell Git Helper Tool (cli-tool, git, library, mpl, program)
- hix library, program and test: Haskell/Nix development build tools (build, library, program)
- hjcase library: Jcase library for Haskell (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- hjpath library: XPath-like syntax for querying JSON (bsd3, library, text)
- hjs library and program: JavaScript Parser (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- hjsmin library, program and test: Haskell implementation of a javascript minifier (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hjson library: JSON parsing library (bsd3, library, text)
- hjson-query library: library for querying from JSON (bsd3, library, text)
- hjsonpointer library and test: JSON Pointer library (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- hjsonschema library and tests: JSON Schema library (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- hjugement library and test: Majority Judgment. (gpl, library, politic)
- hjugement-cli program: Majority Judgment and Helios-C command line tool (gpl, politic, program)
- hjugement-protocol library, test and benchmark: A cryptographic protocol for the Majority Judgment. (gpl, library, politic)
- hkd library and tests: "higher-kinded data" (data-structures, library)
- hkd-default library and test: Apply default value for optional field of HKD (bsd3, default, deprecated, hkd, json, library)
- hkd-delta library: Definition of "Delta structures" for higher kinded data. (bsd3, data, library)
- hkd-lens library: Generic lens/prism/traversal-kinded data. (bsd3, data, library)
- hkd-records library: higher kinded record operations (bsd3, library, records)
- hkdf library and test: Implementation of HKDF (RFC 5869) (bsd3, cryptography, library, web)
- hkgr program: Simple Hackage release workflow for package maintainers (gpl, program, util)
- hkt library and test: A library for higher kinded types. (bsd3, library, web)
- hlatex library: A library to build valid LaTeX files (bsd3, library, text)
- hlbfgsb library and test: Haskell binding to L-BFGS-B version 3.0 (bsd3, library, math)
- hlcm library and programs: Fast algorithm for mining closed frequent itemsets (algorithms, bsd3, data-mining-----------, library, program)
- hleap library and program: Web Socket interface to Leap Motion controller (hardware, library, mit, program)
- hledger library, program and test: Command-line interface for the hledger accounting system (console, finance, gpl, library, program)
- hledger-api program: Web API server for the hledger accounting tool (deprecated, finance, gpl, program)
- hledger-chart program: A pie chart image generator for the hledger accounting tool. (deprecated, finance, program)
- hledger-diff program: Compares the transactions in two ledger files. (console, finance, gpl, program)
- hledger-flow library, program and test: An hledger workflow focusing on automated statement import and classification. (console, finance, gpl, library, program)
- hledger-iadd library, program and test: A terminal UI as drop-in replacement for hledger add (bsd3, console, finance, library, program)
- hledger-interest program: computes interest for a given account (bsd3, finance, program)
- hledger-irr program: computes the internal rate of return of an investment (bsd3, deprecated, finance, program)
- hledger-lib library and test: A library providing the core functionality of hledger (finance, gpl, library)
- hledger-makeitso library, program and test: An hledger workflow focusing on automated statement import and classification. (console, deprecated, finance, gpl, library, program)
- hledger-stockquotes library, program and test: Generate HLedger Price Directives From Daily Stock Quotes. (bsd3, console, finance, library, program)
- hledger-ui library and program: Terminal interface for the hledger accounting system (console, finance, gpl, library, program)
- hledger-vty program: A curses-style console interface for the hledger accounting tool. (deprecated, finance, program)
- hledger-web library and test: Web user interface for the hledger accounting system (finance, gpl, library)
- hlex library and test: Simple Lexer Creation (lexer, library, mit)
- hlibBladeRF library and test: Haskell binding to libBladeRF SDR library (ffi, lgpl, library)
- hlibcpuid library and program: Bindings to (foreign, library, mit, program, system)
- hlibev library: FFI interface to libev (bsd3, foreign, library)
- hlibfam library: FFI interface to libFAM (bsd3, foreign, library)
- hlibgit2 library and test: Low-level bindings to libgit2 (ffi, library, mit)
- hlibsass library and test: Low-level bindings to Libsass (foreign, library, mit)
- hlint library and program: Source code suggestions (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hlint-plugin library: GHC plugin for hlint (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hlint-test library and program: Run hlint in test suite (bsd3, library, program, test)
- hlist library: Heterogeneous list (bsd3, data, library)
- hlivy library: Client library for the Apache Livy REST API (distributed-computing, library, mit)
- hlogger library: Simple, concurrent, extendable and easy-to-use logging
library (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library, logging)
- hlongurl library and program: Library and utility interfacing to (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hlrdb library: High-level Redis Database (database, library, mit)
- hlrdb-core library: High-level Redis Database Core API (database, library, mit)
- hls library: Haskell Lindenmayer Systems (deprecated, graphics, library)
- hls-alternate-number-format-plugin library and test: Provide Alternate Number Formats plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hls-brittany-plugin : Integration with the Brittany code formatter (agpl, development)
- hls-cabal-fmt-plugin library and test: Integration with the cabal-fmt code formatter (apache, development, library)
- hls-cabal-plugin library and test: Cabal integration plugin with Haskell Language Server (development, library, mit)
- hls-call-hierarchy-plugin library and test: Call hierarchy plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hls-change-type-signature-plugin library and test: Change a declarations type signature with a Code Action (apache, development, library)
- hls-class-plugin : Class/instance management plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development)
- hls-code-range-plugin library and test: HLS Plugin to support smart selection range and Folding range (apache, development, library)
- hls-eval-plugin library and test: Eval plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hls-exactprint-utils library: Common utilities to interaction between ghc-exactprint and HLS plugins. (apache, deprecated, library, web)
- hls-explicit-fixity-plugin library and test: Show fixity explicitly while hovering (apache, development, library)
- hls-explicit-imports-plugin library and test: Explicit imports plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hls-explicit-record-fields-plugin library and test: Explicit record fields plugin for Haskell Language Server (bsd3, development, library)
- hls-floskell-plugin : Integration with the Floskell code formatter (apache, development)
- hls-fourmolu-plugin library and test: Integration with the Fourmolu code formatter (apache, development, library)
- hls-gadt-plugin : Convert to GADT syntax plugin (apache, development)
- hls-graph library and test: Haskell Language Server internal graph API (apache, development, library)
- hls-haddock-comments-plugin : Haddock comments plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development)
- hls-hlint-plugin : Hlint integration plugin with Haskell Language Server (apache, development)
- hls-module-name-plugin library and test: Module name plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hls-ormolu-plugin library and test: Integration with the Ormolu code formatter (apache, development, library)
- hls-overloaded-record-dot-plugin : Overloaded record dot plugin for Haskell Language Server (bsd3, development)
- hls-plugin-api library and test: Haskell Language Server API for plugin communication (apache, development, library)
- hls-pragmas-plugin library and test: Pragmas plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hls-qualify-imported-names-plugin library and test: A Haskell Language Server plugin that qualifies imported names (apache, development, library)
- hls-refactor-plugin : Exactprint refactorings for Haskell Language Server (apache, development)
- hls-refine-imports-plugin library and test: Refine imports plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hls-rename-plugin : Rename plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development)
- hls-retrie-plugin : Retrie integration plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development)
- hls-selection-range-plugin library and test: HLS Plugin to support smart selection range (apache, development, library)
- hls-semantic-tokens-plugin library and test: Call hierarchy plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hls-splice-plugin : HLS Plugin to expand TemplateHaskell Splices and QuasiQuotes (apache, development)
- hls-stan-plugin : Stan integration plugin with Haskell Language Server (apache, development)
- hls-stylish-haskell-plugin : Integration with the Stylish Haskell code formatter (apache, development)
- hls-tactics-plugin : Wingman plugin for Haskell Language Server (apache, development)
- hls-test-utils library: Utilities used in the tests of Haskell Language Server (apache, development, library)
- hlwm library: Bindings to the herbstluftwm window manager (bsd2, library, system)
- hly library: Haskell LilyPond (deprecated, library, music)
- hmark library and program: A tool and library for Markov chains based text generation. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- hmarkup library: Simple wikitext-like markup format implementation. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hmatrix library: Numeric Linear Algebra (bsd3, library, math)
- hmatrix-backprop library and test: hmatrix operations lifted for backprop (bsd3, library, math)
- hmatrix-banded library: HMatrix interface to LAPACK functions for banded matrices (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- hmatrix-csv library: CSV encoding and decoding for hmatrix. (bsd3, data, library)
- hmatrix-glpk library: Linear Programming based on GLPK (gpl, library, math)
- hmatrix-gsl library: Numerical computation (gpl, library, math)
- hmatrix-gsl-stats library: GSL Statistics interface (bsd3, ffi, library, math, statistics)
- hmatrix-mmap library: Memory map Vector from disk into memory efficiently (bsd3, library, math, system)
- hmatrix-morpheus library, test and benchmark: Low-level machine learning auxiliary functions. (bsd3, library, math)
- hmatrix-nipals library: NIPALS method for Principal Components Analysis on large data-sets. (lgpl, library, math)
- hmatrix-nlopt library and test: Interface HMatrix with the NLOPT minimizer (bsd3, library, numerical)
- hmatrix-quadprogpp library: Bindings to the QuadProg++ quadratic programming library (bsd3, library, math)
- hmatrix-repa library: Adaptors for interoperability between hmatrix and repa (bsd3, data, library, math)
- hmatrix-sparse library: Sparse linear solver (bsd3, library, math)
- hmatrix-special library: Interface to GSL special functions (gpl, library, math)
- hmatrix-static library: hmatrix with vector and matrix sizes encoded in types (library, math)
- hmatrix-sundials library, test and benchmark: hmatrix interface to sundials (bsd3, library, math)
- hmatrix-svdlibc library, test and benchmark: SVDLIBC bindings for HMatrix (bsd3, library, math)
- hmatrix-syntax library: MATLAB-like syntax for hmatrix vectors and matrices (gpl, library, math)
- hmatrix-tests library, test and benchmark: Tests for hmatrix (bsd3, library, math)
- hmatrix-vector-sized library and test: Conversions between hmatrix and vector-sized types (bsd3, library, math)
- hmeap library: Haskell Meapsoft Parser (deprecated, library, sound)
- hmeap-utils programs: Haskell Meapsoft Parser Utilities (deprecated, program, sound)
- hmemdb library: In-memory relational database (bsd3, data, database, library)
- hmenu program: CLI fuzzy finder and launcher (bsd3, program, system)
- hmep library, programs and test: HMEP Multi Expression Programming –
a genetic programming variant (ai, bsd3, library, program)
- hmidi library: Binding to the OS level MIDI services (bsd3, library, music, system)
- hmk library and program: A make alternative based on Plan9's mk. (control, development, distribution, library, program)
- hmm library: A hidden markov model library (algorithms, bsd3, data-mining, library, machine-learning)
- hmm-hmatrix library and test: Hidden Markov Models using HMatrix primitives (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- hmm-lapack library and test: Hidden Markov Models using LAPACK primitives (bsd3, library, math)
- hmp3 program: An ncurses mp3 player written in Haskell (program, sound)
- hmp3-ng program: A 2019 fork of an ncurses mp3 player written in Haskell (gpl, program, sound)
- hmpfr library: Haskell binding to the MPFR library (bsd3, data, library, math)
- hmt library: Haskell Music Theory (deprecated, gpl, library, music)
- hmt-base library: Haskell Music Theory Base (deprecated, gpl, library, music)
- hmt-diagrams library: Haskell Music Theory Diagrams (deprecated, library, music)
- hmumps program: Interpreter for the MUMPS langugae (development, program)
- hnetcdf library, programs and tests: Haskell NetCDF library (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hnix library, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of the Nix language (bsd3, data, library, nix, system)
- hnix-store-core library and test: Core types used for interacting with the Nix store. (apache, library, nix)
- hnix-store-db library and test: Nix store database support (apache, library, nix)
- hnix-store-json library and test: JSON serialization for core types (apache, library, nix)
- hnix-store-nar library and test: NAR file format (apache, library, nix)
- hnix-store-readonly library and test: Read-only Nix store (apache, library, nix)
- hnix-store-remote library and test: Remote hnix store (apache, library, nix)
- hnix-store-tests library and test: Test utilities and instances (apache, library, nix)
- hnn library: A reasonably fast and simple neural network library (ai, bsd3, library)
- hnock library, program and test: A Nock interpreter. (language, library, mit, program)
- hnop program: (all-rights-reserved, program, unclassified)
- hnormalise library, programs, test and benchmark: Log message normalisation tool producing structured JSON messages (bsd3, command-line, library, program)
- ho-rewriting library and test: Generic rewrite rules with safe treatment of variables and binders (bsd3, language, library)
- hoauth library: A Haskell implementation of OAuth 1.0a protocol. (bsd3, library, network, oauth, protocol)
- hoauth2 library and test: Haskell OAuth2 authentication client (library, mit, network, oauth2)
- hoauth2-demo program: hoauth2 demo application (mit, network, program)
- hoauth2-providers library and test: OAuth2 Identity Providers (library, mit, network)
- hoauth2-providers-tutorial library and program: tutorial for hoauth2-providers module (library, mit, network, program)
- hoauth2-tutorial programs: Tutorial for using hoauth2 (mit, network, oauth2, program, tutorial)
- hob library, program and test: A source code editor aiming for the convenience of use (gpl, ide, library, program)
- hobbes program: A small file watcher for OSX (bsd3, program, system)
- hobbits library: A library for canonically representing terms with binding (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- hocd library, program and test: OpenOCD Haskell interface (bsd3, embedded, library, program)
- hocilib library and test: FFI binding to OCILIB (bsd3, database, ffi, library, ocilib, oracle)
- hocker library, programs and test: Interact with the docker registry and generate nix build instructions (apache, library, program, utilities)
- hocon library and test: Small library for typesafe's configuration specification (bsd3, data, library)
- hodatime library, test and benchmark: A fully featured date/time library based on Nodatime (bsd3, data, library, time)
- hoe program: hoe: Haskell One-liner Evaluator (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- hofix-mtl library: defining @mtl@-ready monads as * -> * fixed-points (composition, library, monads)
- hog program: Simple IRC logger bot. (bsd3, network, program)
- hogg library and programs: Library and tools to manipulate the Ogg container format (bsd3, codec, library, program)
- hoggl library and program: Bindings to the REST API (bsd3, library, network, program)
- hogre library: Haskell binding to a subset of OGRE (graphics, library, mit)
- hogre-examples programs: Examples for using Hogre. (graphics, mit, program)
- hois library and program: OIS bindings (bsd3, gui, library, program)
- hoist-error library: Some convenience facilities for hoisting errors into a monad (control, library, mit)
- hol library, program, test and benchmark: Higher order logic (library, logic, mit, program)
- hold-em library: An engine for Texas hold'em Poker (bsd3, game, library)
- hole library: Higher kinded type removal (bsd3, data, library)
- holey-format library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- holidays library and test: Library for country public holidays (date, library, mit)
- holmes library and tests: Tools and combinators for solving constraint problems. (data, library, mit)
- holy-project library, programs and test: Start your Haskell project with cabal, git and tests. (development, library, mit, program)
- homeomorphic library: Homeomorphic Embedding Test (bsd3, library, math)
- hommage library: Haskell Offline Music Manipulation And Generation EDSL (bsd3, library, sound)
- hommage-ds library: DirectSound extension (Windows) for the Hommage sound library (library, sound)
- homoiconic library and tests: Constructs FAlgebras from typeclasses, making Haskell functions homoiconic (bsd3, development, library)
- homotuple library: Homotuple, all whose elements are the same type (apache, data, library)
- homplexity library, program and test: Haskell code quality tool (bsd3, language, library, program, tools)
- homura-stopwatch library and program: (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- honeycomb library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- honi library and test: OpenNI 2 binding (graphics, library, mit)
- honk library: Cross-platform interface to the PC speaker. (apache, library, sound)
- hoobuddy program: Simple tool for fetching and merging hoogle data (development, mit, program)
- hood library and test: Debugging by observing in place (bsd3, debug, library, trace)
- hood-off library: Dummy package to disable Hood without having to remove all the calls to observe (bsd3, debug, library, trace)
- hood2 library: Debugging by observing in place (bsd3, debug, library, trace)
- hoodie program: A small, toy roguelike (game, gpl, program)
- hoodle library and program: Executable for hoodle (application, gpl, library, program)
- hoodle-builder library: text builder for hoodle file format (bsd3, library, text)
- hoodle-core library: Core library for hoodle (application, bsd3, library)
- hoodle-extra programs: extra hoodle tools (application, gpl, program)
- hoodle-parser library: Hoodle file parser (bsd3, library, text)
- hoodle-publish library and program: publish hoodle files as a static web site (application, bsd3, library, program)
- hoodle-render library: Hoodle file renderer (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hoodle-types library: Data types for programs for hoodle file format (bsd3, data, library)
- hoogle library and program: Haskell API Search (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hoogle-index program: Easily generate Hoogle indices for installed packages (bsd3, documentation, program)
- hooks-dir library: run executables in a directory as hooks (bsd3, library, system)
- hookup library: Abstraction over creating network connections with SOCKS5 and TLS (library, network)
- hoop library and test: Object-Oriented Programming in Haskell (language, library, mit)
- hoopl library and test: A library to support dataflow analysis and optimization (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- hoovie program: Haskell Media Server (bsd3, media, program)
- hopencc library and test: Haskell binding to libopencc (bsd3, language, library)
- hopencl library and test: Haskell bindings for OpenCL (bsd3, foreign, library)
- hopenpgp-tools programs: hOpenPGP-based command-line tools (agpl, codec, data, program)
- hopenssl library and tests: FFI Bindings to OpenSSL's EVP Digest Interface (bsd3, cryptography, foreign, library)
- hopfield library, programs and test: Hopfield Networks, Boltzmann Machines and Clusters (ai, library, machine-learning, mit, program)
- hopfield-networks library, program and test: Hopfield Networks for unsupervised learning in Haskell (library, math, mit, program)
- hopfli library and test: Bidings to Google's Zopfli compression library (apache, codec, library)
- hoppy-docs library: C++ FFI generator - Documentation (agpl, foreign, library)
- hoppy-generator library: C++ FFI generator - Code generator (agpl, foreign, library)
- hoppy-runtime library: C++ FFI generator - Runtime support (apache, foreign, library)
- hoppy-std library: C++ FFI generator - Standard library bindings (apache, foreign, library)
- hops library, program and tests: Handy Operations on Power Series (bsd3, library, math, program)
- hoq program: A language based on homotopy type theory with an interval type (dependent-types, gpl, program)
- hora library and test: date time (library, public-domain, system, time)
- horizon library: Sunrise and sunset UTC approximations from latitude and longitude coordinates (bsd3, data, library)
- horizon-gen-nix library and programs: Generate nix expressions from horizon-spec definitions (library, mit, nix, package-management, program)
- horizon-spec library: Horizon Stable Package Set Type Definitions (library, mit, package-management)
- horizon-spec-lens library: Horizon Stable Package Set Lenses (library, mit, package-management)
- horizon-spec-pretty library: Horizon Stable Package Set Pretty Printer (library, mit, package-management)
- horizontal-rule library, program and test: horizontal rule for the terminal (library, mit, program, utils)
- horname library and program: Rename function definitions returned by SMT solvers (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hosc library: Haskell Open Sound Control (gpl, library, sound)
- hosc-json library: Haskell Open Sound Control JSON Serialisation (deprecated, library, sound)
- hosc-utils programs: Haskell Open Sound Control Utilities (deprecated, program, sound)
- hostaddress library: Network Host Addresses (library, mit, network)
- hostname library: A very simple package providing a cross-platform means of determining the hostname (bsd3, library, network)
- hostname-validate library: Validate hostnames e.g. localhost or (bsd3, library, network)
- hosts-server program: An dns server which is extremely easy to config. (gpl, network, program)
- hotel-california library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- hothasktags program: Generates ctags for Haskell, incorporating import lists and qualified imports (bsd3, development, program)
- hotswap library: Simple code hotswapping. (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- hourglass library, test and benchmark: simple performant time related library (bsd3, library, time)
- hourglass-fuzzy-parsing library: A small library for parsing more human friendly date/time formats. (bsd3, library, parsing, time)
- hourglass-orphans library and test: Orphan Aeson instances to hourglass (bsd3, library, web)
- houseman library, program and test: A Haskell implementation of Foreman (development, library, mit, program)
- hout library and test: Non-interactive proof assistant monad for first-order logic. (bsd3, library, logic, type-system)
- hp2any-core library: Heap profiling helper library (bsd3, development, library, profiling, utils)
- hp2any-graph program: Real-time heap graphing utility and profile stream server with a reusable graphing module. (bsd3, development, profiling, program, utils)
- hp2any-manager program: A utility to visualise and compare heap profiles. (bsd3, development, profiling, program, utils)
- hp2html program: A tool for converting GHC heap-profiles to HTML. (bsd3, profiling, program)
- hp2pretty program: generate pretty graphs from heap profiles (bsd3, development, program)
- hpack library, program and test: A modern format for Haskell packages (development, library, mit, program)
- hpack-convert library, program and test: Convert Cabal manifests into hpack's package.yamls (development, library, mit, program)
- hpack-dhall library, programs and test: hpack's dhalling (bsd3, development, library, program, public-domain)
- hpaco program: Modular template compiler (bsd3, development, program)
- hpaco-lib library: Modular template compiler library (bsd3, development, library)
- hpage program: A scrapbook for Haskell developers (bsd3, development, editor, ide, program)
- hpapi library: Binding for the PAPI library (bsd3, library, system)
- hpaste program: Haskell paste web site. (program, web)
- hpasteit program: A command-line client for (bsd3, program, web)
- hpath : Support for well-typed paths (bsd3, filesystem)
- hpath-directory : Alternative to 'directory' package with ByteString based filepaths (bsd3, filesystem)
- hpath-filepath : ByteString based filepath manipulation (bsd3, filesystem)
- hpath-io : High-level IO operations on files/directories (bsd3, filesystem)
- hpath-posix : Some low-level POSIX glue code, that is not in 'unix' (bsd3, filesystem)
- hpc library: Code Coverage Library for Haskell (bsd3, control, library)
- hpc-codecov library, program and test: Generate reports from hpc data (bsd3, data, library, program, test)
- hpc-coveralls library, programs and test: support for Haskell. (bsd3, control, library, program)
- hpc-lcov library, program and test: Convert HPC output into LCOV format (bsd3, control, library, program)
- hpc-strobe library: Hpc-generated strobes for a running Haskell program (bsd3, debug, library, trace)
- hpc-threshold library, program and test: Ensure the code coverage is above configured thresholds (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hpc-tracer program: Tracer with AJAX interface (bsd3, program, test, trace)
- hpdft library and program: A tool for looking through PDF file using Haskell (library, mit, pdf, program)
- hpg program: a simple password generator (program, security)
- hpio library and test: Monads for GPIO in Haskell (bsd3, library, system)
- hplayground library: monadic, reactive Formlets running in the Web browser (bsd3, library, web)
- hplaylist program: Application for managing playlist files on a music player (program, sound)
- hpodder program: Podcast Aggregator (downloader) (network, program)
- hpp library, program and test: A Haskell pre-processor (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hpqtypes library and test: Haskell bindings to libpqtypes (bsd3, database, library)
- hpqtypes-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the hpqtypes library for the effectful ecosystem. (bsd3, database, library)
- hpqtypes-extras library, test and benchmark: Extra utilities for hpqtypes library (bsd3, database, library)
- hprotoc library and program: Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications (bsd3, library, program, text)
- hprotoc-fork library and program: Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications (bsd3, library, program, text)
- hprox library and program: a lightweight HTTP proxy server, and more (apache, library, program, proxy, web)
- hps library: Haskell Postscript (deprecated, graphics, library)
- hps-cairo library and programs: Cairo rendering for the haskell postscript library (deprecated, graphics, library, program)
- hps-kmeans library: A nice implementation of the k-Means algorithm. (algorithms, clustering, data-mining, gpl, library, math, pattern-recognition, statistics)
- hpuz library: Haskell bindings for libpuz (crosswords, library)
- hpygments library: Highlight source code using Pygments (library, mit, text)
- hpylos program: AI of Pylos game with GLUT interface. (ai, game, program)
- hpyrg program: pyrg utility done right (mit, program, text)
- hpython library, program, test and benchmark: Python language tools (bsd3, language, library, program)
- hq library and tests: Quantitative Library (bsd3, deprecated, finance, library)
- hqcsim library and program: A library for simulating quantum circuits. (algorithms, bsd3, library, program)
- hquantlib library, program and test: HQuantLib is a port of essencial parts of QuantLib to Haskell (finance, lgpl, library, program)
- hquantlib-time library: HQuantLib Time is a business calendar functions extracted from HQuantLib (finance, library)
- hquery library and tests: A query language for transforming HTML5 (library, mit, web)
- hranker program: Basic utility for ranking a list of items (bsd3, console, program)
- hreader library and test: Generalization of MonadReader and ReaderT using hset (bsd3, control, library)
- hreader-lens library: Optics for hreader package (data, library, mit)
- hreq-client library, program and tests: A Type dependent Highlevel HTTP client library. (library, mit, network, program, web)
- hreq-conduit library and tests: Conduit streaming support for Hreq. (conduit, library, mit, network, web)
- hreq-core library and test: Core functionality for Hreq Http client library (library, mit, network, web)
- hrfsize library and test: File size in human readable format (bsd3, library, system)
- hricket program: A Cricket scoring application. (bsd3, game, program)
- hriemann library, program and test: A Riemann Client for Haskell (library, mit, monitoring, program)
- hruby library and test: Embed a Ruby intepreter in your Haskell program ! (bsd3, language, library)
- hs library and program: GHC-toolchain installer broker (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hs-GeoIP library: Haskell bindings to the MaxMind GeoIPCity database via the C library (bsd3, data, library)
- hs-asapo library, test and benchmarks: Haskell bindings for ASAP:O (distributed-computing, ffi, library, mit, system)
- hs-aws-lambda library and test: A modern and easy-to-use wrapper for Docker-based Lambda implementations. Now with API Gateway support! (aws, library)
- hs-bibutils library: Haskell bindings to bibutils, the bibliography
conversion utilities. (library, text)
- hs-blake2 library, test and benchmark: A cryptohash-inspired library for blake2 (bsd3, data, library)
- hs-brotli library and test: Compression and decompression in the brotli format (bsd3, library, web)
- hs-captcha library: Generate images suitable for use as CAPTCHAs in online web-form security. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hs-carbon library and test: A Haskell framework for parallel monte carlo simulations (library, mit, simulation)
- hs-carbon-examples programs: Example Monte Carlo simulations implemented with Carbon (mit, program, simulation)
- hs-cdb library: A library for reading CDB (Constant Database) files. (bsd3, database, library)
- hs-conllu library and program: Conllu validating parser and utils. (lgpl, library, program, unclassified)
- hs-di library, program and test: Dependency Injection library for Haskell (bsd3, control, dependency-injection, development, library, program, template-haskell, testing)
- hs-dotnet library: Pragmatic .NET interop for Haskell (.net, bsd3, library)
- hs-duktape library and test: Haskell bindings for a very compact embedded ECMAScript (JavaScript) engine. (library, mit, web)
- hs-excelx library: HS-Excelx provides basic read-only access to Excel 2007 and 2010 documents in XLSX format. (bsd3, data, library)
- hs-ffmpeg library: Bindings to FFMPEG library (bsd3, library, media)
- hs-fltk library: Binding to GUI library FLTK (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- hs-functors library: Functors from products of Haskell and its dual to Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- hs-gchart library: Haskell wrapper for the Google Chart API (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hs-gen-iface program: Utility to generate haskell-names interface files (deprecated, language, mit, program)
- hs-gizapp library: Haskell wrapper around the GIZA++ toolkit. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- hs-highlight library, program and test: A tool to highlight terminal strings (development, library, mit, program)
- hs-inspector library and test: Haskell source code analyzer (language, library, mit)
- hs-ix library: Indexed applicative functors and monads (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- hs-java library: Java .class files assembler/disassembler (bsd3, jvm, library)
- hs-json-rpc library: JSON-RPC client library (bsd3, library, network)
- hs-logo program and test: Logo interpreter written in Haskell (bsd3, parser, program)
- hs-mesos library, programs and test: (library, mit, program, system)
- hs-multiaddr library and test: Multiaddr library (apache, data, library)
- hs-nombre-generator program: Name generator. (mit, program, web)
- hs-openmoji-data library and program: The OpenMoji emoji dataset (bsd3, data, library, program, text)
- hs-opentelemetry-api library and test: OpenTelemetry API for use by libraries for direct instrumentation or wrapper packages. (bsd3, library, metrics, monitoring, observability, opentelemetry, telemetry)
- hs-opentelemetry-awsxray library and test: [synopsis] (library, mit, utils)
- hs-opentelemetry-exporter-handle library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-exporter-in-memory library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-exporter-otlp library: OpenTelemetry exporter supporting the standard OTLP protocol (bsd3, library, metrics, monitoring, observability, opentelemetry, telemetry)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-auto library and test: Plugin for instrumenting an application (bsd3, development, library)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-cloudflare library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-conduit library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-hspec library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-http-client library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-persistent library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-postgresql-simple library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-tasty library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-wai library: WAI instrumentation middleware for OpenTelemetry (bsd3, library, opentelemetry, web)
- hs-opentelemetry-instrumentation-yesod library: Yesod middleware for providing OpenTelemetry instrumentation (bsd3, library, opentelemetry, web)
- hs-opentelemetry-otlp library: OpenTelemetry protocol buffer modules generated for the OTLP protocol by the proto-lens package (bsd3, library, opentelemetry)
- hs-opentelemetry-propagator-b3 library: Trace propagation via HTTP headers following the b3 tracestate spec. (bsd3, library, opentelemetry, tracing, web)
- hs-opentelemetry-propagator-datadog library, test and benchmark: Datadog Propagator for OpenTelemetry (bsd3, library, telemetry)
- hs-opentelemetry-propagator-w3c library: Trace propagation via HTTP headers following the w3c tracestate spec. (bsd3, library, opentelemetry, tracing, web)
- hs-opentelemetry-sdk library and test: OpenTelemetry SDK for use in applications. (bsd3, library, metrics, monitoring, observability, opentelemetry, telemetry)
- hs-opentelemetry-utils-exceptions library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hs-opentelemetry-vendor-honeycomb library and test: Optional OpenTelemetry integration for Honeycomb (bsd3, library, opentelemetry)
- hs-pattrans library, program and test: DSL for musical patterns and transformation, based on contravariant functors. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- hs-pgms library and program: Programmer's Mine Sweeper in Haskell (bsd3, game, library, program)
- hs-php-session library: PHP session and values serialization (bsd3, data, library)
- hs-pkg-config library: Create pkg-config configuration files (bsd3, data, development, library)
- hs-pkpass library: A library for Passbook pass creation & signing (apple, bsd3, library)
- hs-popen library and program: Bindings to C pipe functions. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- hs-profunctors library: Profunctors from Haskell to Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- hs-re library: Easy to use Regex (library, mit, unclassified)
- hs-rqlite library: A Haskell client for RQlite (bsd3, database, library)
- hs-rs-notify library, program and test: Experimental! Wraps this awesome rust library so you can use it in haskell. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hs-samtools library and test: Read and write SAM, BAM, and CRAM files. (bioinformatics, bsd3, library)
- hs-scrape library and test: Simple and easy web scraping and automation in Haskell. (library, mit, web)
- hs-sdl-term-emulator library and program: Terminal Emulator written in Haskell, SDL2 Backend (library, mit, program, terminal)
- hs-server-starter library and test: Write a server supporting Server::Starter's protocol in Haskell (bsd3, library, value)
- hs-snowtify program: snowtify send your result of `stack build` (`stack test`) to notify-daemon :dog2: (mit, program, simple)
- hs-speedscope library and program: Convert an eventlog into the speedscope json format (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hs-swisstable-hashtables-class library and test: Data.HashTable.Class instance definition for Data.HashTable.ST.Swiss (bsd3, data, library)
- hs-tags program: Create tag files (ctags and etags) for Haskell code. (development, mit, program)
- hs-tango library and benchmarks: Bindings to the Tango Controls system (bindings, client, distributed-systems, ffi, foreign, hardware, library, mit, science)
- hs-term-emulator library, test and benchmark: Terminal Emulator written in 100% Haskell (library, mit, terminal)
- hs-twitter library: Haskell binding to the Twitter API (bsd3, library, web)
- hs-twitterarchiver program: Commandline Twitter feed archiver (network, program)
- hs-vcard library: Implements the RFC 2426 vCard 3.0 spec (bsd3, library, text)
- hs-watchman library and test: Client library for Facebook's Watchman tool (library, mit, system)
- hs-zstd library, test and benchmark: Haskell bindings to the Zstandard compression algorithm (bsd3, codec, deprecated, library)
- hs2048 library, program, tests and benchmark: A 2048 clone in Haskell. (deprecated, game, library, mit, program)
- hs2ats library, program, test and benchmark: Create ATS types from Haskell types (ats, bsd3, haskell, language, library, program)
- hs2bf program: Haskell to Brainfuck compiler (bsd3, compiler, program)
- hs2dot program: Generate graphviz-code from Haskell-code. (language, program)
- hs2ps library and test: Translate Haskell types to PureScript (library, mit, purescript)
- hsConfigure library: By using this package, you can make application configurable. (library, unclassified)
- hsI2C library: I2C access for Haskell and Linux (bsd3, hardware, i2c, library)
- hsPID library and test: PID control loop (control, lgpl, library)
- hsSqlite3 library: Sqlite3 bindings (database, library)
- hsXenCtrl library: FFI bindings to the Xen Control library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- hsakamai library, program and test: Akamai API(Edgegrid and Netstorage) (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hsaml2 library and test: OASIS Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) V2.0 (apache, library, network, security, web)
- hsass library and test: Integrating Sass into Haskell applications. (library, mit, text)
- hsautogui library and test: Haskell bindings for PyAutoGUI, a library for automating user interaction (automation, bsd3, library)
- hsay program: (ab)Use Google Translate as a speech synthesiser (accessibility, gpl, program)
- hsb2hs program: Preprocesses a file, adding blobs from files as string literals. (bsd3, development, program)
- hsbackup program: simple utility for rolling filesystem backups (bsd3, program, system)
- hsbc program: A command line calculator (mit, program, utilities)
- hsbencher library and tests: Launch and gather data from Haskell and non-Haskell benchmarks. (bsd3, development, library)
- hsbencher-codespeed library: Backend for uploading benchmark data to CodeSpeed (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- hsbencher-fusion library and programs: Backend for uploading benchmark data to Google Fusion Tables. (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- hsblst library and test: Haskell bindings to BLST (cryptography, library, mpl)
- hsc2hs program and test: A preprocessor that helps with writing Haskell bindings to C code (bsd3, development, program)
- hsc3 library: Haskell SuperCollider (gpl, library, sound)
- hsc3-auditor library: Haskell SuperCollider Auditor (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-cairo library: haskell supercollider cairo drawing (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-data library: haskell supercollider data (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-db library: Haskell SuperCollider Unit Generator Database (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-dot library: haskell supercollider graph drawing (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-forth program: FORTH SUPERCOLLIDER (deprecated, program, sound)
- hsc3-graphs library and program: Haskell SuperCollider Graphs (deprecated, library, program, sound)
- hsc3-lang library: Haskell SuperCollider Language (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-lisp program: LISP SUPERCOLLIDER (deprecated, program, sound)
- hsc3-plot library: Haskell SuperCollider Plotting (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-process library: Create and control scsynth processes (library, sound)
- hsc3-rec library: Haskell SuperCollider Record Variants (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-rw library: hsc3 re-writing (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-server library and test: SuperCollider server resource management and synchronization. (library, sound)
- hsc3-sf library: Haskell SuperCollider SoundFile (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-sf-hsndfile library: Haskell SuperCollider SoundFile (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-unsafe library: Unsafe Haskell SuperCollider (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsc3-utils library and programs: Haskell SuperCollider Utilities (deprecated, library, program, sound)
- hscaffold library, program and test: Very simple file/directory structure scaffolding writer monad EDSL (development, library, mit, program)
- hscamwire library: Haskell bindings to IIDC1394 cameras, via Camwire (library, system)
- hscassandra library: cassandra database interface (bsd3, database-, library)
- hscd library and program: Command line client and library for (bsd3, library, network, program)
- hscdio library and tests: Haskell bindings to the libcdio disc-reading library. (gpl, library, sound)
- hscharm library and programs: minimal ncurses-like library (bsd3, gui, library, program)
- hschema library: Describe schemas for your Haskell data types. (data, lgpl, library, schema)
- hschema-aeson library and test: Describe schemas for your Haskell data types. (data, json, lgpl, library, schema)
- hschema-prettyprinter library: Describe schemas for your Haskell data types. (data, lgpl, library, schema, text)
- hschema-quickcheck library: Describe schemas for your Haskell data types. (data, lgpl, library, schema, testing)
- hscim library, program and test: hscim json schema and server implementation (agpl, library, program, web)
- hsclock program: An elegant analog clock using Haskell, GTK and Cairo (program, system)
- hscolour library and program: Colourise Haskell code. (language, library, program)
- hscope program and test: cscope like browser for Haskell code (bsd3, program, source-tools)
- hscrtmpl programs: Haskell shell script templates (application, console, program, scripting)
- hscuid library, program and test: Collision-resistant IDs (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hscurses library: NCurses bindings for Haskell (library, user-interface)
- hscurses-fish-ex program: hscurses swimming fish example (console, development, education, help, program, user-interfaces)
- hsdev library, program and test: Haskell development library (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hsdif library: Haskell SDIF (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsdip library and program: hsdip - a Diplomacy parser/renderer (bsd3, library, program, system)
- hsdns library: Asynchronous DNS Resolver (foreign, lgpl, library, network)
- hsdns-cache library: Caching asynchronous DNS resolver. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- hse-cpp library: Preprocess+parse haskell code (language, library, mit)
- hsebaysdk library: Haskell eBay SDK (bsd3, library, web)
- hsec-core library and test: Core package representing Haskell advisories (bsd3, data, library)
- hsec-sync library, program and test: Synchronize with the Haskell security advisory database (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hsec-tools library, program and test: Tools for working with the Haskell security advisory database (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hsemail library and test: Parsec parsers for the Internet Message format (e-mail) (bsd3, library, parsing)
- hsemail-ns library and tests: Internet Message Parsers (bsd3, library, parsing)
- hsendxmpp program: sendxmpp clone, sending XMPP messages via CLI (agpl, cli, network, program, xmpp)
- hsenv program: Virtual Haskell Environment builder (bsd3, development, program)
- hserv program: Simple http server in haskell. (mit, network, program)
- hset library and test: Primitive list with elements of unique types. (bsd3, data, library)
- hsexif library and test: EXIF handling library in pure Haskell (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hsfacter library: A small and ugly library that emulates the output of the puppet facter program. (deprecated, gpl, library, system)
- hsfcsh programs: Incremental builder for flash (bsd3, development, program)
- hsfilt program: Z-decoder. (development, mit, program)
- hsforce library and test: Salesforce API Client (bsd3, library, web)
- hsftp library, program and test: A SFTP client tool for secure file transfer operations (bsd3, library, network, program, utils)
- hsgnutls library: Library wrapping the GnuTLS API. (library, network)
- hsgnutls-yj library: Library wrapping the GnuTLS API. (deprecated, library, network)
- hsgsom library: An implementation of the GSOM clustering algorithm. (bsd3, clustering, data-mining, library)
- hsgtd program: Console-based gettings-things-done application (other-, program)
- hsharc library: Haskell SHARC bindings (deprecated, library, sound)
- hsignal library: Signal processing and EEG data analysis (bsd3, library, math)
- hsilop program: RPN calculator (math, mit, program)
- hsimport library, program and test: Extend the import list of a Haskell source file (bsd3, development, library, program, utils)
- hsini library and test: ini configuration files (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- hsinspect library and program: Inspect Haskell source files. (building, gpl, library, program)
- hsinspect-lsp library, program and test: LSP interface over the hsinspect binary. (building, gpl, library, program)
- hsinstall library and program: Install Haskell software (library, program, utility)
- hskeleton library: Skeleton for new Haskell programs (bsd3, console, library)
- hslackbuilder program: HSlackBuilder automatically generates slackBuild scripts from a cabal package (bsd3, distribution, program)
- hslibsvm library: A FFI binding to libsvm. (bsd3, classification, datamining, library)
- hslinks program: Resolves links to Haskell identifiers. (bsd3, development, program)
- hslogger library and test: Versatile logging framework (bsd3, interfaces, library)
- hslogger-reader library and programs: Parsing hslogger-produced logs. (bsd3, interfaces, library, parsing, program)
- hslogger-template library: Automatic generation of hslogger functions (interfaces, library, public-domain)
- hslogger4j library: DEPRECATED hslogger handlers for log4j's XMLLayout (deprecated, interfaces, library)
- hslogstash library and test: A library to work with, or as, a logstash server (bsd3, library, logstash, system)
- hslua library and test: Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-aeson library and test: Allow aeson data types to be used with Lua. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-classes library and test: Type classes for HsLua (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-cli library: Command-line interface for Lua (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-core library and test: Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-examples programs: Examples of how to combine Haskell and Lua. (foreign, mit, program)
- hslua-list library and test: Opinionated, but extensible Lua list type. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-marshalling library and test: Marshalling of values between Haskell and Lua. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-module-doclayout library and test: Lua module wrapping Text.DocLayout. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-module-path library and test: Lua module to work with file paths. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-module-system library and test: Lua module wrapper around Haskell's System module. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-module-text library and test: Lua module for text (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-module-version library and test: Lua module to work with version specifiers. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-module-zip library and test: Lua module to work with file zips. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-objectorientation library and test: Object orientation tools for HsLua (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-packaging library and test: Utilities to build Lua modules. (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-repl library: Isocline-based Lua REPL (foreign, library, mit)
- hslua-typing library and test: Type specifiers for Lua. (foreign, library, mit)
- hsluv-haskell library and test: HSLuv conversion utility. (conversion, gpl, library)
- hsmagick library: FFI bindings for the GraphicsMagick library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hsmisc library and test: A collection of miscellaneous modules (bsd3, deprecated, library, logging, monads, parsing)
- hsmodetweaks program: Tool for generating .dir-locals.el for intero (bsd3, program, tools)
- hsmtpclient library: Simple SMTP Client (bsd3, library, network)
- hsndfile library: Haskell bindings for libsndfile (data, lgpl, library, sound)
- hsndfile-storablevector library: Haskell bindings for libsndfile (Data.StorableVector interface) (data, library, sound)
- hsndfile-vector library: Haskell bindings for libsndfile (Data.Vector interface) (data, library, sound)
- hsnock library, program and test: Nock 5K interpreter. (language, library, program, public-domain)
- hsnoise library: A coherent 3d noise library. (bsd3, library, noise)
- hsns program: a miniature network sniffer (bsd3, network, program)
- hsnsq library: Haskell NSQ client. (apache, library, network)
- hsntp library and programs: Libraries to use SNTP protocol and small client/server implementations. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- hsoptions library, programs and test: Haskell library that supports command-line flag processing (apache, library, program, system)
- hsoz library and test: Iron, Hawk, Oz: Web auth protocols (authentication, bsd3, library, web)
- hsp library: Haskell Server Pages is a library for writing dynamic server-side web pages. (bsd3, language, library, web)
- hsp-cgi library: Facilitates running Haskell Server Pages web pages as CGI programs. (bsd3, library, network, web)
- hsparklines library: Sparklines for Haskell (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hsparql library and test: A SPARQL query generator and DSL, and a client to query a SPARQL server. (bsd3, database, library)
- hspear library: Haskell Spear Parser (deprecated, library, sound)
- hspec library: A Testing Framework for Haskell (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-api library and test: A Testing Framework for Haskell (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-attoparsec library and test: Utility functions for testing your attoparsec parsers with hspec (bsd3, library, parsing, testing)
- hspec-bracket library: The bracket definitions for Hspec (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-checkers library and test: Allows to use checkers properties from hspec (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-contrib library and test: Contributed functionality for Hspec (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-core library and test: A Testing Framework for Haskell (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-dirstream library and test: Helper functions to simplify adding integration tests. (bsd3, development, library, testing)
- hspec-discover library, program and test: Automatically discover and run Hspec tests (library, mit, program, testing)
- hspec-expectations library and test: Catchy combinators for HUnit (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-expectations-json library and test: Hspec expectations for JSON Values (library, mit, test)
- hspec-expectations-lens library and test: Hspec expectations for the lens stuff (bsd2, library, testing)
- hspec-expectations-lifted library: A version of hspec-expectations generalized to MonadIO (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-expectations-match library and test: An hspec expectation that asserts a value matches a pattern. (library, testing)
- hspec-expectations-pretty library: hspec-expectations with pretty printing on failure (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- hspec-expectations-pretty-diff library and test: Catchy combinators for HUnit (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-experimental library and test: An experimental DSL for testing on top of Hspec (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-formatter-github library and test: A Formatter for hspec that provides Github Actions Annotations (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-golden library, program and test: Golden tests for hspec (library, mit, program, testing)
- hspec-golden-aeson library and test: Use tests to monitor changes in Aeson serialization (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-hashable library and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- hspec-hedgehog library and test: Integrate Hedgehog and Hspec! (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-jenkins library: Jenkins-friendly XML formatter for Hspec (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-junit-formatter library and tests: A JUnit XML runner/formatter for hspec (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-laws library and tests: Document and test laws for standard type classes (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-leancheck library and tests: LeanCheck support for the Hspec test framework. (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-megaparsec library and test: Utility functions for testing Megaparsec parsers with Hspec (bsd3, library, parsing, testing)
- hspec-meta library and program: A version of Hspec which is used to test Hspec itself (library, mit, program, testing)
- hspec-monad-control library: Orphan instances of MonadBase and MonadBaseControl for SpecM (bsd3, control, library)
- hspec-multicheck library and test: A testing framework for Haskell using Hspec (library, public-domain, testing)
- hspec-need-env library and test: Read environment variables for hspec tests (bsd3, library, test)
- hspec-parsec library and test: Hspec expectations for testing Parsec parsers (bsd3, library, parsing, testing)
- hspec-pg-transact library and test: Helpers for creating database tests with hspec and pg-transact (bsd3, library, web)
- hspec-server library and test: Test Framework for checking server's status (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-setup library, program and test: Add an hspec test-suite in one command (development, library, mit, program)
- hspec-shouldbe library: Convenience wrapper and utilities for hspec (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- hspec-slow library and test: Find slow test cases (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-smallcheck library and tests: SmallCheck support for the Hspec testing framework (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-snap library and test: A library for testing with Hspec and the Snap Web Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- hspec-stack-rerun library: Simple project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- hspec-structured-formatter library: (library, mit, test)
- hspec-tables library and test: Table-driven (by-example) HSpec tests (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-test-framework library: Run test-framework tests with Hspec (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-test-framework-th library and test: Run test-framework tests with Hspec (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-test-sandbox library and test: Hspec convenience functions for use with test-sandbox (bsd3, library, testing)
- hspec-tmp-proc library: Simplify use of tmp-proc from hspec tests (bsd3, docker, hspec, library, testing)
- hspec-wai library and test: Experimental Hspec support for testing WAI applications (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-wai-json library and test: Testing JSON APIs with hspec-wai (library, mit, testing)
- hspec-webdriver library: Write end2end web application tests using webdriver and hspec (library, mit, web)
- hspec-yesod library and test: A variation of yesod-test that follows hspec idioms more closely (library, mit, testing, web, yesod)
- hspec2 library: Alpha version of Hspec 2.0 (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- hspecVariant library and test: Spec for testing properties (gpl, library, testing)
- hspkcs11 library and test: Wrapper for PKCS #11 interface (cryptography, hsm, library, mit, pkcs11, smartcard, token)
- hspr-sh library: Session handler for HSP (library, network, public-domain)
- hspray library, test and benchmark: Multivariate polynomials and fractions of multivariate polynomials. (algebra, gpl, library, math)
- hspread library: A client library for the spread toolkit (bsd3, library, network)
- hspresent library and program: A terminal presentation tool (bsd3, console, library, program)
- hspretty library, program and test: My opinionated Haskell project formatter. (bsd3, library, program, tools)
- hsprocess library, program and test: The Haskell Stream Processor command line utility (console, deprecated, gpl, library, program)
- hsql library: Database access from Haskell. (bsd3, database, library)
- hsql-mysql library: MySQL driver for HSQL. (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- hsql-odbc library: A Haskell Interface to ODBC. (bsd3, database, library)
- hsql-postgresql library: A Haskell Interface to PostgreSQL via the PQ library. (bsd3, database, library)
- hsql-sqlite3 library: SQLite3 driver for HSQL. (bsd3, database, library)
- hsqml library and test: Haskell binding for Qt Quick (bsd3, graphics, gui, library)
- hsqml-datamodel library: HsQML (Qt5) data model. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hsqml-datamodel-vinyl library: HsQML DataModel instances for Vinyl Rec. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hsqml-demo-manic program: HsQML-based clone of Pipe Mania (bsd3, game, program)
- hsqml-demo-morris program: HsQML-based implementation of Nine Men's Morris (bsd3, game, graphics, program)
- hsqml-demo-notes programs: Sticky notes example program implemented in HsQML (bsd3, graphics, program)
- hsqml-demo-samples programs: HsQML sample programs (bsd3, graphics, gui, program)
- hsqml-morris program: HsQML-based implementation of Nine Men's Morris (bsd3, deprecated, game, graphics, program)
- hsreadability library and test: Access to the Readability API. (library, mit, network-apis, web)
- hsrelp library: RELP (Reliable Event Logging Protocol) server implementation (bsd3, library, network)
- hsseccomp library and test: Haskell bindings to libseccomp (library, system)
- hssh library and test: SSH protocol implementation (library, mit, network)
- hsshellscript library: Using Haskell for Unix shell scripting tasks (lgpl, library, system)
- hssourceinfo programs: get haskell source code info (bsd3, development, program)
- hssqlppp library and test: SQL parser and type checker (bsd3, database, language, library)
- hssqlppp-th library and test: hssqlppp extras which need template-haskell (bsd3, database, language, library)
- hstar program: Haskell version of tar CLI utility (archive, bsd3, codec, program, tar)
- hstatistics library: Statistics (bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- hstats library: Statistical Computing in Haskell (bsd3, library, mumeric.statistics)
- hstatsd library: Quick and dirty statsd interface (library, public-domain, system)
- hstest program: Runs tests via QuickCheck1 and HUnit; like quickCheck-script but uses GHC api (bsd3, program, testing)
- hstidy program: Takes haskell source on stdin, parses it, then
prettyprints it to stdout. (bsd3, program, text)
- hstorchat library, program and test: Distributed instant messaging over Tor (gpl, library, network, program)
- hstox library and test: A Tox protocol implementation in Haskell (deprecated, gpl, library, network)
- hstradeking library and program: Tradeking API bindings for Haskell (bsd3, finance, library, program)
- hstyle program: Checks Haskell source code for style compliance. (bsd3, development, program)
- hstzaar program: A two player abstract strategy game. (bsd3, game, program)
- hsubconvert program: One-time, faithful conversion of Subversion repositories to Git (bsd3, development, program)
- hsudoku library, program and tests: Sudoku game with a GTK3 interface (game, library, mit, program)
- hsverilog library and test: Synthesizable Verilog DSL supporting for multiple clock and reset (bsd3, hardware, library)
- hswip library: embedding prolog in haskell (foreign, language, library)
- hsx library and program: HSX (Haskell Source with XML) allows literal XML syntax in Haskell source code. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, program)
- hsx-jmacro library: hsp+jmacro support (bsd3, library, web)
- hsx-xhtml library: XHTML utilities to use together with HSX. (bsd3, library, web)
- hsx2hs library and program: HSX (Haskell Source with XML) allows literal XML syntax in Haskell source code. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- hsyscall library: FFI to syscalls (bsd3, foreign, library)
- hsyslog library: FFI interface to syslog(3) from POSIX.1-2001 (bsd3, foreign, library)
- hsyslog-tcp library: syslog over TCP (bsd3, library, system)
- hsyslog-udp library and test: Log to syslog over a network via UDP (bsd3, library, system)
- hszephyr library: Simple libzephyr bindings (bsd3, library, network)
- htaglib library and test: Bindings to TagLib, audio meta-data library (bsd3, foreign, library, sound)
- htags program: A Haskell98 parsing tags program similar to ctags. (bsd3, development, program, source-tools, utils)
- htalkat program: Talk across TLS (gpl, network, program)
- htar program: Command-line tar archive utility. (bsd3, codec, program)
- htaut library: Tautology Proving Logic in Haskell (bsd3, library, theorem-provers)
- htdp-image library and test: Beginner friendly graphics library. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- htestu library and program: A library for testing correctness of pseudo random number generators in Haskell. (library, mit, program, system)
- htiled library: Import from the Tiled map editor. (bsd3, game, library)
- htime program: Timing utility for the command line (bsd3, program, system)
- htirage library and test: Equiprobable draw from publicly verifiable random data. (deprecated, gpl, library, politic)
- htlset library: Heterogenous Set (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- html library: HTML combinator library (bsd3, library, web)
- html-charset library, program and tests: Determine character encoding of HTML documents/fragments (lgpl, library, program, web)
- html-conduit library and test: Parse HTML documents using xml-conduit datatypes. (conduit, library, mit, text, web)
- html-email-validate library, test and benchmark: Validating an email address against HTML standard (bsd3, library, text)
- html-entities library: A codec library for HTML-escaped text and HTML-entities (codecs, html, library, mit, parsing)
- html-entity library and test: HTML entity decoding and encoding for Text (bsd3, library, text)
- html-entity-map library and benchmark: Map from HTML5 entity names to the corresponding Unicode text (bsd3, html, library)
- html-kure library: HTML rewrite engine, using KURE. (bsd3, library, web)
- html-minimalist library: Minimalist haskell html library (deprecated, library, text)
- html-parse library, test and benchmark: A high-performance HTML tokenizer (bsd3, library, text)
- html-parse-util library: Utility functions for working with html-parse (bsd3, library, text, xml)
- html-presentation-text program: Simple tool to create html presentation for text. (mit, program, web)
- html-rules library: Perform traversals of HTML structures using sets of rules. (bsd3, html, library, text, transformation, web)
- html-tokenizer library and test: An "attoparsec"-based HTML tokenizer (html, library, mit, parsing, xml)
- html-truncate library: A HTML truncator (bsd3, library, text)
- html-validator-cli library, program and tests: A command-line interface for (bsd3, library, program, web)
- html2hamlet program: HTML to Hamlet converter (bsd3, program, text)
- html5-entity library and benchmark: A library for looking up and validating HTML5 entities. (bsd3, library, text)
- htmx library: Use htmx with various haskell libraries (html, library, mit, web)
- htmx-lucid library: Use htmx with lucid (html, library, mit, web)
- htmx-servant library: Use htmx with servant (html, library, mit, web)
- htn library and test: resolver using htn algorithm (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- htodo program: A todo application. (bsd3, other, program)
- htoml library, test and benchmark: Parser for TOML files (bsd3, configuration, data, json, language, library, parser, text)
- htoml-megaparsec library, test and benchmark: Parser for TOML files (bsd3, configuration, data, language, library, text, toml)
- htoml-parse library: Parse TOML values produced by htoml-megaparsec package. (apache, data, library, toml)
- htrace library: Hierarchical tracing for debugging of lazy evaluation (bsd3, debug, library)
- htree library and test: a library to build and work with heterogeneous, type level indexed rose trees (agpl, data, library)
- hts library: Haskell Music Typesetting (deprecated, library, music)
- htsn program and tests: Parse XML files from The Sports Network feed. (deprecated, gpl, program, utils)
- htsn-common library: Display/logging facilities used by both htsn and htsn-import. (deprecated, gpl, library, utils)
- htsn-import program and tests: Import XML files from The Sports Network into an RDBMS. (deprecated, gpl, program, utils)
- htssets library: Heterogenous Sets (bsd3, data, library)
- http-accept library: Functions for working with HTTP Accept headers (library, web)
- http-api-data library and test: Converting to/from HTTP API data like URL pieces, headers and query parameters. (bsd3, library, web)
- http-api-data-ip library: Code for using the ip package with http-api-data (bsd3, library, web)
- http-api-data-qq library and test: Quasiquoter for building URLs with ToHttpApiData types (bsd3, library, web)
- http-attoparsec library: Attoparsec parsers for http-types. (bsd3, library, network, web)
- http-barf library and test: a library to make http requests without worrying much (agpl, library, network)
- http-client library and tests: An HTTP client engine (library, mit, network)
- http-client-auth library: HTTP authorization (both basic and digest) done right (bsd3, library, network)
- http-client-brread-timeout library: Http client with time-limited brRead (library, mit, network)
- http-client-conduit library: Frontend support for using http-client with conduit (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, network)
- http-client-extra library: wrapper for http-client exposing cookies (bsd3, library, network)
- http-client-lens library: Optics for http-client (bsd3, lens, library)
- http-client-multipart library: Generate multipart uploads for http-client. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, network)
- http-client-openssl library and test: http-client backend using the OpenSSL library. (library, mit, network)
- http-client-overrides library, program and test: HTTP client overrides (bsd3, library, network, program)
- http-client-request-modifiers library: Convenient monadic HTTP request modifiers (bsd3, library, network)
- http-client-restricted library: restricting the servers that http-client will use (library, mit, network)
- http-client-rustls library and test: http-client TLS backend using Rustls (cryptography, library, network)
- http-client-session library: A simple abstraction over the "http-client" connection manager (library, mit, network)
- http-client-streams library: http-client for io-streams supporting openssl (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)
- http-client-tls library, test and benchmark: http-client backend using the connection package and tls library (library, mit, network)
- http-client-websockets library and test: Glue code for http-client and websockets (library, network)
- http-common library: Common types for HTTP clients and servers (bsd3, library, web)
- http-conduit library and test: HTTP client package with conduit interface and HTTPS support. (bsd3, conduit, library, web)
- http-conduit-browser library and test: Browser interface to the http-conduit package (bsd3, conduit, library, web)
- http-conduit-downloader library: HTTP downloader tailored for web-crawler needs. (bsd3, library, web)
- http-date library and tests: HTTP Date parser/formatter (bsd3, library, network, web)
- http-directory library and test: http directory listing library (library, mit, network)
- http-dispatch library and test: High level HTTP client for Haskell (bsd3, library, network)
- http-download library and test: Verified downloads with retries (bsd3, development, library)
- http-encodings library: A library for encoding and decoding bodies of HTTP messages (bsd3, library, web)
- http-enumerator library: HTTP client package with enumerator interface and HTTPS support. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, enumerator, library, web)
- http-exchange library and test: Perform HTTP Requests (bsd3, data, library)
- http-exchange-instantiations library and programs: Instantiations of http-exchange (bsd3, library, network, program)
- http-grammar library: Attoparsec-based parsers for the RFC-2616 HTTP grammar rules. (apache, library, web)
- http-interchange library and test: Types and serialization for HTTP (bsd3, data, library)
- http-io-streams library and test: HTTP and WebSocket client based on io-streams (io-streams, library, web)
- http-kinder library and test: Generic kinds and types for working with HTTP (bsd3, library, web)
- http-kit library and test: A low-level HTTP library (library, mit, network)
- http-link-header library, test and benchmark: HTTP Link header parser/writer (apache, library, public-domain, web)
- http-listen library: Listen to HTTP requests and handle them in arbitrary ways. (deprecated, library, network, public-domain, web)
- http-media library and test: Processing HTTP Content-Type and Accept headers (library, mit, web)
- http-mock library and test: HTTP mocking and expectations library for Haskell (apache, library, testing)
- http-monad library: Monad abstraction for HTTP allowing lazy transfer and non-I/O simulation (bsd3, library, network)
- http-pony library: A type unsafe http library (bsd3, library, network)
- http-pony-serve-wai library: Serve a WAI application with http-pony (bsd3, library, network)
- http-pony-transformer-case-insensitive library: Tag http headers as case insensitive (bsd3, library, network)
- http-pony-transformer-http library: Transform raw TCP stream to a basic HTTP type (bsd3, library, network)
- http-pony-transformer-startline library: transform HTTP startlines to tuples (bsd3, library, network)
- http-proxy library, programs and tests: A library for writing HTTP and HTTPS proxies (bsd3, library, program, web)
- http-query library: Simple http queries (bsd3, library, web)
- http-querystring library and tests: The HTTP query builder. (bsd3, library, network)
- http-response-decoder library: Declarative DSL for parsing an HTTP response (library, mit, unclassified)
- http-reverse-proxy test: Reverse proxy HTTP requests, either over raw sockets or with WAI (bsd3, web)
- http-rfc7807 library and test: RFC7807 style response messages (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- http-semantics library: HTTP senmatics libarry (bsd3, library, network)
- http-server library: A library for writing Haskell web servers. (bsd3, library, network)
- http-shed library: A simple websever with an interact style API (bsd3, deprecated, library, network-)
- http-slim library: A library for client/server HTTP with TLS support (bsd3, library, network)
- http-streams library and test: An HTTP client using io-streams (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)
- http-test library and program: Test framework for HTTP APIs (bsd3, library, program, test, web)
- http-trace library and program: Tracking http redirects (library, mit, program, web)
- http-types library and tests: Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code). (bsd3, library, network, web)
- http-wget library: Provide a simple HTTP client interface by wrapping the wget
command line tool. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- http2 library, tests and benchmark: HTTP/2 library (bsd3, library, network)
- http2-client library and test: A native HTTP2 client library. (bsd3, library, web)
- http2-client-exe program: A command-line http2 client. (bsd3, program, web)
- http2-client-grpc library and test: Implement gRPC-over-HTTP2 clients. (bsd3, library, network)
- http2-grpc-proto-lens library: Encoders based on `proto-lens` for gRPC over HTTP2. (bsd3, library, network)
- http2-grpc-proto3-wire library: Encoders based on `proto3-wire` for gRPC over HTTP2. (bsd3, library, network)
- http2-grpc-types library: Types for gRPC over HTTP2 common for client and servers. (bsd3, library, network)
- http2-tls library: Library for HTTP/2 over TLS (bsd3, library, network)
- http3 library and test: HTTP/3 library (bsd3, library, network)
- httpd-shed library: A simple web-server with an interact style API (bsd3, library, network, web)
- https-everywhere-rules library and test: High-level access to HTTPS Everywhere rulesets. (data, library, mit)
- https-everywhere-rules-raw library: Low-level (i.e. XML) access to HTTPS Everywhere rulesets. (data, gpl, library)
- httpspec library: Specification of HTTP request/response generators and parsers (data, library, web)
- httpstan library: Auto-generated API bindings for httpstan (bsd3, library, statistics)
- htune program: harmonic analyser and tuner for musical instruments (bsd3, program, sound)
- htvm library and test: Bindings for TVM machine learning framework (gpl, library, machine-learning)
- htzaar program: A two player abstract strategy game. (bsd3, game, program)
- hub program: For multiplexing GHC installations and providing
development sandboxes (bsd3, development, distribution, program)
- hubigraph library: A haskell wrap for Ubigraph (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hubris library and program: Support library for Hubris, the Ruby <=> Haskell bridge (language, library, program)
- huck library and tests: huck (bsd3, library, system)
- huckleberry library: Haskell IOT on Intel Edison and other Linux computers. (bsd3, library, system)
- huff library and program: A fast-foward-based planner (ai, bsd3, library, program)
- huffman library: Pure Haskell implementation of the Huffman encoding algorithm (bsd3, compression, data, library)
- hugs2yc library: Hugs Front-end to Yhc Core. (bsd3, development, library)
- hulk library and programs: IRC server written in Haskell. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- hum library, program and test: A TUI MPD client, inspired by ncmpcpp (gpl, library, program, sound)
- human-parse library: A lawless typeclass for parsing text entered by humans. (apache, library, text)
- human-readable-duration library, test and benchmark: Provide duration helper (bsd3, library, time)
- human-text library: A lawless typeclass for converting values to human-friendly text. (apache, library, text)
- humble-prelude library: Redefinition-free prelude alternative (bsd3, library, prelude)
- hums program: Haskell UPnP Media Server (network, program)
- hunch program and test: CSS-like syntax for file system manipulation. (console, mit, program)
- hunit-dejafu library: Deja Fu support for the HUnit test framework. (library, mit, testing)
- hunit-gui library and program: A GUI testrunner for HUnit (library, program, public-domain, testing)
- hunit-parsec library: An HUnit Testable instance for Parsec parser unit tests. (bsd3, library, testing)
- hunit-rematch library and test: HUnit support for rematch (library, mit, testing)
- hunp program: Unpacker tool with DWIM (console, program, utils)
- hunspell-hs library, test and benchmark: Hunspell thread-safe FFI bindings for spell checking. (bsd3, language, library)
- hunt-searchengine library and test: A search and indexing engine. (data, library, mit, text)
- hunt-server program: A search and indexing engine server. (data, mit, program, text)
- hunt-server-cli program: A Command line Interface for the Hunt server. (console, mit, program)
- hup library, program and test: Upload packages and/or documentation to a hackage server (bsd2, distribution, documentation, library, program, web)
- hurdle program: Extract function names from Windows DLLs. (bsd3, program, system)
- hurl library and programs: Haskell URL resolver (gpl, library, network, program)
- hurl-xml library: Fetch parsed XML & possibly CSS for a URL based on MIMEtype. (gpl, library, web)
- hurriyet library and test: Haskell bindings for Hurriyet API (bsd3, library, network)
- husk-scheme library and programs: R5RS Scheme interpreter, compiler, and library. (compilers-interpreters, language, library, mit, program)
- husk-scheme-libs library: Extra libraries for the husk Scheme platform. (compilers-interpreters, language, library, mit)
- husky program: A simple command line calculator. (console, program)
- hutton program: A program for the button on Reddit. (deprecated, mit, program, utility)
- huttons-razor program: Quick implemention of Hutton's Razor (bsd2, example, program)
- huzzy library: Fuzzy logic library with support for T1, IT2, GT2. (library, mit, unclassified)
- hvect library and test: Simple strict heterogeneous lists (data, library, mit)
- hvega library and test: Create Vega-Lite visualizations (version 4) in Haskell. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- hvega-theme library: Theme for hvega. (gpl, graphics, library)
- hw-aeson library and tests: Convenience functions for Aeson (bsd3, data, json, library)
- hw-all library: Demo library (bsd3, conduit, data, library)
- hw-aws-sqs-conduit library and test: AWS SQS conduit (bsd3, library, web)
- hw-balancedparens library, program, tests and benchmark: Balanced parentheses (bit, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, program, succinct-data-structures)
- hw-bits library, tests and benchmark: Bit manipulation (bit, bsd3, data, library)
- hw-ci-assist library, program and test: CI Assistant for Haskell projects (bsd3, development, library, program)
- hw-conduit library, tests and benchmark: Conduits for tokenizing streams. (conduit, data, library, mit)
- hw-conduit-merges library and test: Additional merges and joins for Conduit (bsd3, conduit, data, library)
- hw-diagnostics library and test: Diagnostics library (bsd3, library, profiling)
- hw-dsv library, program, tests and benchmark: Unbelievably fast streaming DSV file parser (bsd3, csv, data-structures, library, program, simd, succinct-data-structures, text)
- hw-dump library, program, tests and benchmark: File Dump (bit, bsd3, data, library, program)
- hw-eliasfano library, program, tests and benchmark: Elias-Fano (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, program, succinct-data-structures)
- hw-excess library, tests and benchmark: Excess (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, succinct-data-structures)
- hw-fingertree library and tests: Generic finger-tree structure, with example instances (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- hw-fingertree-strict library and tests: Generic strict finger-tree structure (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- hw-hedgehog library and tests: Extra hedgehog functionality (bsd3, library, test)
- hw-hspec-hedgehog library and tests: Interoperability between hspec and hedgehog (bsd3, library, test)
- hw-int library and tests: Additional facilities for Integers (bsd3, data, library)
- hw-ip library, program and tests: Library for manipulating IP addresses and CIDR blocks (bsd3, library, network, program)
- hw-json library, program, tests and benchmark: Memory efficient JSON parser (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hw-json-demo library: Memory efficient JSON parser (bsd3, data, library)
- hw-json-lens library, tests and benchmark: Lens for hw-json (bsd3, data, data-structures, json, library, succinct-data-structures)
- hw-json-simd library, program and tests: SIMD-based JSON semi-indexer (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hw-json-simple-cursor library, program, tests and benchmark: Memory efficient JSON parser (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hw-json-standard-cursor library, program, tests and benchmark: Memory efficient JSON parser (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hw-kafka-avro library and test: Avro support for Kafka infrastructure (bsd3, library, services)
- hw-kafka-client library and test: Kafka bindings for Haskell (database, library, mit)
- hw-kafka-conduit library and test: Conduit bindings for hw-kafka-client (database, library, mit)
- hw-lazy library and tests: Combinators for lazy IO (bsd3, data, library)
- hw-mquery library, program and tests: Monadic query DSL (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hw-packed-vector library, program, tests and benchmark: Packed Vector (bsd3, data, library, program, vector)
- hw-parser library and tests: Simple parser support (bsd3, data, library, parser)
- hw-playground-linear library and test: Primitive functions and data types (bsd3, data, library)
- hw-polysemy library and test: Opinionated polysemy library (apache, development, library)
- hw-prelude library: Opinionated prelude library (apache, development, library)
- hw-prim library, tests and benchmark: Primitive functions and data types (bsd3, data, library)
- hw-prim-bits library, program, tests and benchmark: Primitive support for bit manipulation (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, program)
- hw-rankselect library, program, tests and benchmark: Rank-select (bit, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, program, succinct-data-structures)
- hw-rankselect-base library, tests and benchmark: Rank-select base (bit, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, succinct-data-structures)
- hw-simd library, tests and benchmark: SIMD library (bit, bsd3, data, library, simd)
- hw-simd-cli library, program and test: SIMD library (bit, bsd3, data, library, program, simd)
- hw-streams library, tests and benchmark: Primitive functions and data types (bsd3, data, library)
- hw-string-parse library and tests: String parser (bit, bsd3, data, library)
- hw-succinct library: Succint datastructures (conduit, data, library, mit)
- hw-tar library, program and test: Library for creating and extracting tar archives (bsd3, codec, library, program)
- hw-uri library, program and test: Supports IO on URIs (bsd3, data, library, program)
- hw-vector library and test: Vector type with convenient typeclass instances (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- hw-xml library, program, tests and benchmark: XML parser based on succinct data structures. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, program, succinct-data-structures, xml)
- hwall-auth-iitk program: Initial version of firewall Authentication for IITK network. (bsd3, network, program)
- hweblib library, test and benchmark: Haskell Web Library (bsd3, library, web)
- hwhile library, program and test: An implementation of Neil D. Jones' While language (gpl, language, library, program)
- hwk program: Commandline text processing with Haskell functions (development, mit, program)
- hworker library and test: A reliable at-least-once job queue built on top of redis. (library, unclassified)
- hworker-ses library: Library for sending email with Amazon's SES and hworker (library, web)
- hwormhole library, program and test: magic-wormhole client (gpl, library, network, program)
- hws program: Simple Haskell Web Server (bsd3, program, web-server)
- hwsl2 library, test and benchmark: Hashing with SL2 (data, library, mit)
- hwsl2-bytevector library: A hashed byte-vector based on algebraic hashes and finger trees (data, library, mit)
- hwsl2-reducers library: Semigroup and Reducer instances for Data.Hash.SL2 (data, library, mit)
- hx library: Haskell extras (missing utility functions). (library, mit, utilities)
- hxmppc program: Haskell XMPP (Jabber Client) Command Line Interface (CLI) (bsd3, network, program)
- hxournal library and program: A pen notetaking program written in haskell (application, bsd3, library, program)
- hxt library: A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell. (library, mit, xml)
- hxt-binary library: Serialisation and deserialisation of HXT XmlTrees. (library, xml)
- hxt-cache library: Cache for HXT XML Documents and other binary data (library, xml)
- hxt-charproperties library: Character properties and classes for XML and Unicode (library, mit, text)
- hxt-css library: CSS selectors for HXT (bsd3, html, library, xml)
- hxt-curl library: LibCurl interface for HXT (library, xml)
- hxt-expat library: Expat parser for HXT (library, xml)
- hxt-extras library: Extra functions for HXT (bsd3, library, xml)
- hxt-filter library: A collection of tools for processing XML with Haskell (Filter variant). (library, xml)
- hxt-http library: Interface to native Haskell HTTP package HTTP (library, mit, xml)
- hxt-pickle-utils library: Utility functions for using HXT picklers. (bsd3, library, xml)
- hxt-regex-xmlschema library, tests and benchmark: A regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions (library, mit, text)
- hxt-relaxng library: The HXT RelaxNG validator (library, mit, xml)
- hxt-tagsoup library: TagSoup parser for HXT (library, xml)
- hxt-unicode library: Unicode en-/decoding functions for utf8, iso-latin-* and other encodings (library, mit, text)
- hxt-xpath library: The XPath modules for HXT. (library, xml)
- hxt-xslt library: The XSLT modules for HXT. (library, xml)
- hxthelper library: Helper functions for HXT (library, xml)
- hxweb library: Minimal webframework using fastcgi, libxml2 and libxslt. (bsd3, library, web)
- hyahtzee program: A Yahtzee game implementation in Haskell (bsd3, game, program)
- hyakko program: Literate-style Documentation Generator (documentation, mit, program)
- hybrid program: A implementation of a type-checker for Lambda-H (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- hybrid-vectors library: Hybrid vectors e.g. Mixed Boxed/Unboxed vectors (bsd3, data, library, vector)
- hydra library and test: Type-aware transformations for data and programs (apache, data, library)
- hydra-hs library and test: Haskell binding to the Sixense SDK for the Razer Hydra (bsd3, hardware, library)
- hydra-print library, programs and test: NCurses interface to view multiple ByteString streams in parallel. (bsd3, concurrency, library, program)
- hydrogen library and test: An alternate Prelude (gpl, library, prelude)
- hydrogen-cli program: Hydrogen Data (language, mit, program)
- hydrogen-cli-args library: Hydrogen Command Line Arguments Parser (language, library, mit)
- hydrogen-data library: Hydrogen Data (bsd3, language, library)
- hydrogen-multimap library: Hydrogen Multimap (language, library, mit)
- hydrogen-parsing library: Hydrogen Parsing Utilities (language, library, mit)
- hydrogen-prelude library: Hydrogen Prelude (language, library, mit)
- hydrogen-prelude-parsec library: Hydrogen Prelude /w Parsec (language, library, mit)
- hydrogen-syntax library: Hydrogen Syntax (bsd3, language, library)
- hydrogen-util library: Hydrogen Tools (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- hydrogen-version library: Hydrogen Version Type (language, library, mit)
- hyena library: Simple web application server (bsd3, library, network)
- hylide library and program: WebGL live-coding environment for writing shaders with Hylogen (graphics, library, mit, program)
- hylogen library: GLSL embedded in Haskell (graphics, library, mit)
- hylolib library: Tools for hybrid logics related programs (library, theorem-provers)
- hylotab program: Tableau based theorem prover for hybrid logics (program, theorem-provers)
- hyloutils programs: Very small programs for hybrid logics (program, theorem-provers)
- hyper library: Display class for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter (bsd3, graphics, library, pretty-printer)
- hyper-extra library: Display instances for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter (bsd3, graphics, library, pretty-printer)
- hyper-haskell-server program: Server back-end for the HyperHaskell graphical Haskell interpreter (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- hyperbole library and test: Interactive HTML apps using type-safe serverside Haskell (bsd3, library, network, program, web)
- hyperdrive library and program: a fast, trustworthy HTTP(s) server built (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hyperfunctions library: Hyperfunctions (bsd3, categories, control, library)
- hypergeomatrix library and test: Hypergeometric function of a matrix argument (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- hypergeometric library: Hypergeometric functions (agpl, library, math, statistics)
- hyperion library, programs and test: Reliable performance measurement with robust data export. (benchmarking, bsd3, library, program)
- hyperloglog library: An approximate streaming (constant space) unique object counter (bsd3, library, numeric)
- hyperloglogplus library and test: Approximate cardinality estimation using constant space (bsd3, haskell, library)
- hyperpublic library: A thin wrapper for the Hyperpublic API (library, public-domain, web)
- hyperscript library, program and test: A parser for the _hyperscript programming language (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hypertypes library, test and benchmark: Typed ASTs (algorithms, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library, logic, unification)
- hyphenate library: Text hyphenation algorithm (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- hyphenation library: Configurable Knuth-Liang hyphenation (bsd2, library, text)
- hypher library and test: A Haskell neo4j client (database, library, mit)
- hyraxAbif library, program and test: Modules for parsing, generating and manipulating AB1 files. (ab1, abif, bioinformatics, chromatogram, library, program)
- hz3 library and test: Bindings for the Z3 Theorem Prover (bit-vectors, bsd3, deprecated, formal-methods, library, math, smt, theorem-provers)
- hzaif library, program and test: This package is Zaif Exchange Api wrapper (bsd3, library, program, web)
- hzenhan library and test: Zenhan library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- hzenity library: Haskell interface to Zenity dialogs (bsd3, development, library)
- hzk library and test: Haskell client library for Apache Zookeeper (bsd3, database, library)
- hzulip library and test: A haskell wrapper for the Zulip API. (gpl, library, web)
- i library and test: Haskell interval types. Bounds checking. (apache, library, numbers)
- i18n library and test: Internationalization for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- i3blocks-hs-contrib library and programs: Base i3blocks written in haskell (distribution, library, mit, program)
- i3ipc library and test: A type-safe wrapper around i3's IPC (bsd3, i3, lib, library, windowmanager)
- iCalendar library: iCalendar data types, parser, and printer. (bsd3, library, text)
- iException library: Version of Control.Exception using InterleavableIO. (deprecated, library, monads)
- iap-verifier library: A simple wrapper of In-App-Purchase receipt validate APIs. (library, mit, network)
- ib-api library and program: An API for the Interactive Brokers Trading Workstation written in pure Haskell (gpl, library, network, program)
- iban library and test: Validate and generate IBANs (bsd3, finance, library)
- ibus-hs library: A simple uncomplete ibus api (lgpl, library, system)
- ical library, program and test: iCalendar format parser and org-mode converter. (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)
- ice40-prim library: Lattice iCE40 Primitive IP (bsd3, hardware, library)
- icepeak library, programs and test: A fast JSON document store with push notification support. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- icfpc2020-galaxy library: A strange message received at the Pegovka observatory (acme, library, mit)
- icon-fonts library: Package for handling icon fonts in Haskell (bsd3, graphics, library)
- iconv library: String encoding conversion (bsd3, library, text)
- iconv-typed library and test: Type safe iconv wrapper (bsd3, library, web)
- ide-backend library, program and tests: An IDE backend library (development, library, mit, program)
- ide-backend-common library: Shared library used be ide-backend and ide-backend-server (development, library, mit)
- ide-backend-rts library: RTS for the IDE backend (deprecated, development, library, mit)
- ide-backend-server program: An IDE backend server (development, mit, program)
- ideas library: Feedback services for intelligent tutoring systems (apache, education, library)
- ideas-math program: Interactive domain reasoner for logic and mathematics (education, program)
- ideas-math-types library: Common types for mathematical domain reasoners (apache, education, library)
- ideas-statistics program: Interactive domain reasoner for statistics (apache, education, program)
- idempotent library and test: Idempotent monoids (data, library, mit)
- identicon library, test and benchmark: Flexible generation of identicons (bsd3, graphics, image, library)
- identicon-style-squares library and test: Squares style for the identicon package (bsd3, graphics, library)
- identifiers library, test and benchmarks: Numeric identifiers for values. (bsd3, data, library)
- idiii library, program and test: ID3v2 (tagging standard for MP3 files) library (bsd3, library, program, sound, text)
- idiomatic library: Deriving Applicative for sum types.. Idiomatically. (bsd3, generics, library)
- idna library: Implements IDNA (RFC 3490). (bsd3, data, library, rfc, text)
- idna2008 library: Converts Unicode hostnames into ASCII (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- idringen library, program and test: A project manage tool for Idris. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- idris library, programs and test: Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, dependent-types, library, program)
- ieee library: Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- ieee-utils library: ieee-utils (bsd3, library, numerical)
- ieee-utils-tempfix library: ieee-utils (bsd3, library, numerical)
- ieee754 library: Utilities for dealing with IEEE floating point numbers (bsd3, library, math)
- ieee754-parser library: (data, deprecated, library)
- iexcloud library and test: Library for the IEX Trading API (bsd3, library, net)
- if library: (?) and (?>) conditional operator (bsd3, control, library)
- if-instance library and test: Branch on whether a constraint is satisfied (bsd3, library, plugin, type-system)
- ifcxt library and test: put if statements within type constraints (bsd3, control, library)
- iff library: Constructing and dissecting IFF files (codec, gpl, library)
- ifscs library and test: An inductive-form set constraint solver (bsd3, constraints, library)
- ig library: Bindings to Instagram's API. (bsd3, library, web)
- ige program: An keyboard-driven interactive graph editor (editing, gpl, program)
- ige-mac-integration library: Bindings for the Gtk/OS X integration library. (deprecated, graphics, lgpl, library)
- ignore library, program and test: Handle ignore files of different VCSes (bsd3, library, program, system)
- igraph library: Bindings to the igraph C library. (bsd3, data-structures, graphs, library)
- igrf library: International Geomagnetic Reference Field (bsd3, library, science)
- ihaskell library, program and test: A Haskell backend kernel for the Jupyter project. (development, library, mit, program)
- ihaskell-aeson library: IHaskell display instances for Aeson (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-basic library: IHaskell display instances for basic types (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-blaze library: IHaskell display instances for blaze-html types (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-charts library: IHaskell display instances for charts types (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-diagrams library: IHaskell display instances for diagram types (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-display library: IHaskell display instances for basic types (deprecated, development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-gnuplot library: IHaskell display instance for Gnuplot (from gnuplot package) (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-graphviz library: IHaskell display instance for GraphViz (external binary) (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-hatex library: IHaskell display instances for hatex (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-hvega library: IHaskell display instance for hvega types. (bsd3, development, library)
- ihaskell-inline-r library: Embed R quasiquotes and plots in IHaskell notebooks. (bsd3, development, library)
- ihaskell-juicypixels library: IHaskell - IHaskellDisplay instances of the image types of the JuicyPixels package. (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-magic library: IHaskell display instances for bytestrings (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-parsec library: IHaskell display instances for Parsec (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-plot library: IHaskell display instance for Plot (from plot package) (development, library, mit)
- ihaskell-rlangqq library: a rDisp quasiquote to show plots from Rlang-QQ in IHaskell (bsd3, development, library)
- ihaskell-symtegration library and test: IHaskell extension for making the use of Symtegration more seamless. (apache, development, ihaskell, integration, library, symbolic-computation)
- ihaskell-widgets library: IPython standard widgets for IHaskell. (library, mit, unclassified)
- ihp-hsx library and test: JSX-like but for Haskell (html, library, mit)
- ihp-openai library and test: Call GPT4 from your Haskell apps (ai, library, mit)
- ihs program: Interpolated Haskell (language, program, public-domain)
- ihttp library and program: Incremental HTTP iteratee (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, program)
- ilist library, test and benchmark: Optimised list functions for doing index-related things (library, list, mpl)
- illuminate library: A fast syntax highlighting library built with alex. (bsd3, library, text)
- image-type library: Determine the type of an image by reading the first bytes. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- imagefilters library: Image Filters (contrast, brightness, gaussian blur, etc) (bsd3, graphics, library)
- imagemagick library and test: bindings to imagemagick library (graphics, library)
- imagepaste program: Command-line image paste utility (bsd3, network, program)
- imagesize-conduit library and test: Determine the size of some common image formats. (bsd3, conduit, graphics, library)
- imap library and test: An efficient IMAP client library, with SSL and streaming (bsd3, library, network)
- imapget program: Downloads email from imap SSL servers. (bsd3, network, program)
- imbib library and program: Minimalistic .bib reference manager. (library, program, text)
- imgur library: A function to post an image to imgur (apache, library, tools)
- imgurder library and program: Uploader for Imgur (bsd3, library, program, web)
- imj-animation library and test: Animation Framework (algorithms, animation, bsd3, game-engine, graphics, library)
- imj-base library, program and test: Game engine with geometry, easing, animated text, delta rendering. (algorithms, animation, bsd3, game-engine, graphics, library, mathematics, optimisation, optimization, program, terminal, user-interface)
- imj-game-hamazed library, program and test: A game with flying numbers and 8-bit color animations. (animation, application, bsd3, education, game, graphics, library, program)
- imj-measure-stdout program: An application to determine the maximum capacity of stdout buffer. (bsd3, console, program, terminal)
- imj-prelude library: Prelude library. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- imm library and programs: Execute arbitrary actions for each item from RSS/Atom feeds (library, program, public-domain, web)
- immortal library and test: Spawn threads that never die (unless told to do so) (concurrency, library, mit)
- immortal-queue library and test: Build a pool of queue-processing worker threads. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- immortal-worker library: Create worker threads that logs exceptions and restarts. (concurrency, library, mit)
- imp library and test: A GHC plugin for automatically importing modules. (library, mit, plugin)
- imparse library and program: Multi-platform parser analyzer and generator. (gpl, library, program, text)
- imperative-edsl library and test: Deep embedding of imperative programs with code generation (bsd3, language, library)
- imperative-edsl-vhdl library: Deep embedding of VHDL programs with code generation. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- impl library: Framework for defaulting superclasses (development, library, mit, template-haskell)
- implicit library, test and benchmarks: A math-inspired programmatic 2D & 3D CAD system. (agpl, graphics, library)
- implicit-hie library and test: Auto generate hie-bios cradles & hie.yaml (bsd3, development, hie, hls, library, tools)
- implicit-hie-cradle library and test: Auto generate hie-bios cradles (bsd3, development, hie, hls, library, tools)
- implicit-logging library: A logging framework built around implicit parameters. (control, lgpl, library)
- implicit-params library: Named and unnamed implicit parameters with defaults. (bsd3, data, library)
- import-style-plugin library: Helps maintain consistency of imports (development, library, mit)
- importify library, programs and test: Tool for haskell imports refactoring (development, library, mit, program, refactoring)
- imports library and test: Generate code for importing directories automatically (development, library, mit)
- impossible library: Set of data and type definitions of impossible types. Impossible types are useful when declaring type classes / type families instances that should not be expanded by GHC until a specific type is provided in order to keep the types nice and readable. (apache, data, library)
- imprevu library and test: Reactive programming language based on a DSL (bsd3, language, library)
- imprevu-happstack library and test: Imprevu support for Happstack (bsd3, language, library)
- imprint library and test: Serialization of arbitrary Haskell expressions (bsd3, deprecated, library, serialization)
- improve library: An imperative, verifiable programming language for high assurance applications. (bsd3, embedded, formal-methods, language, library)
- impure-containers library, test and benchmark: Mutable containers in Haskell. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- in-other-words library and test: A higher-order effect system where the sky's the limit (bsd3, control, library)
- in-other-words-plugin library and test: Disambiguate obvious uses of effects when using in-other-words. (bsd3, control-language, library)
- inbox library: Inbox for asychronous messages (bsd3, library, testing)
- inc-ref library: A STM reference useful for incremental computing (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- inch program and test: A type-checker for Haskell with integer constraints (bsd3, language, program)
- inchworm library: Simple parser combinators for lexical analysis. (library, mit, parsing)
- incipit library: A Prelude for Polysemy (library, prelude)
- incipit-base library: A Prelude for Polysemy – Base Reexports (library, prelude)
- incipit-core library: A Prelude for Polysemy (library, prelude)
- include-env library: Include the value of an environment variable at compile time (bsd3, development, library)
- include-file library, test and benchmark: Inclusion of files in executables at compile-time. (bsd3, development, library)
- incremental library and test: incremental update library (bsd3, data, library)
- incremental-computing library, test and benchmark: Incremental computing (bsd3, data, library)
- incremental-maps library, test and benchmark: Package for doing incremental computations on maps (bsd3, data, library)
- incremental-parser library, test and benchmark: Generic parser library capable of providing partial results from partial input. (gpl, library, parsing)
- incremental-sat-solver library: Simple, Incremental SAT Solving as a Library (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- increments library and test: type classes for incremental updates to data (bsd3, data, library)
- indent library and program: Fix your indentation. (bsd3, indentation, library, program, text)
- indentation library: Indentation sensitive parsing combinators for Parsec and Trifecta (bsd3, library, parsing)
- indentation-core library: Indentation sensitive parsing combinators core library (bsd3, library, parsing)
- indentation-parsec library and test: Indentation sensitive parsing combinators for Parsec (bsd3, library, parsing)
- indentation-trifecta library and test: Indentation sensitive parsing combinators for Trifecta (bsd3, library, parsing)
- indentparser library: A parser for indentation based structures (library, public-domain, text)
- indents library and test: indentation sensitive parser-combinators for parsec (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- index-core library: Indexed Types (bsd3, control, indexed, library)
- indexation library: Tools for entity indexation (data, library, mit)
- indexed library: Haskell98 indexed functors, monads, comonads (bsd3, control, library)
- indexed-containers library and test: Simple, no-frills indexed lists. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- indexed-do-notation library: Do notation for indexed monads (bsd3, language, library)
- indexed-extras library: Indexed functors, monads and comonads that require extensions to Haskell98 (bsd3, control, library)
- indexed-free library: indexed monads for free (bsd3, control, library, monad)
- indexed-list-literals library and test: Type safe indexed list literals (bsd3, data, library)
- indexed-profunctors library: Utilities for indexed profunctors (bsd3, data, lenses, library, optics, profunctors)
- indexed-state library: Indexed State (bsd3, data, library)
- indexed-transformers library: Atkey indexed monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- indexed-traversable library: FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex (bsd2, data, library)
- indexed-traversable-instances library and tests: More instances of FunctorWithIndex, FoldableWithIndex, TraversableWithIndex (bsd2, data, library)
- indextype library and test: A series of type families and constraints for "indexable" types. (bsd3, control, library)
- indian-language-font-converter library: Indian Language Font Converter (bsd3, language, library)
- indices library, test and benchmark: Multi-dimensional statically bounded indices. (data, library, mit)
- indieweb-algorithms library and test: A collection of implementations of IndieWeb algorithms. (library, public-domain, web)
- indigo library, program and test: Convenient imperative eDSL over Lorentz. (language, library, mit, program)
- inf-backprop library and test: Automatic differentiation and backpropagation. (bsd3, library, mathematics)
- inf-interval library and test: Non-contiguous interval data types with potentially infinite ranges. (gpl, library, numeric)
- infer-license library and test: Infer software license from a given license file (development, library, mit)
- infer-upstream program: Find the repository from where a given repo was forked (development, mit, program)
- infernal library: The Infernal Machine - An AWS Lambda Custom Runtime for Haskell (aws, bsd3, library)
- inferno-core library and test: A statically-typed functional scripting language (dsl, library, mit, scripting)
- inferno-lsp library and program: LSP for Inferno (dsl, ide, library, mit, program, scripting)
- inferno-types library: Core types for Inferno (dsl, library, mit, scripting)
- inferno-vc library: Version control server for Inferno (dsl, library, mit, scripting)
- infernu library and programs: Type inference and checker for JavaScript (experimental) (gpl, library, program, unclassified)
- infinite-list library, tests and benchmark: Infinite lists (bsd3, data, library)
- infinite-search library: Exhaustively searchable infinite sets. (algorithms, bsd3, data, library, monads, search)
- infinity program: (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- infix library: Infix expression re-parsing (for HsParser library) (library, parsing)
- inflections library and test: Inflections library for Haskell (library, mit, text)
- inflist library and test: An infinite list type and operations thereon. (bsd3, data, library)
- influxdb library and tests: InfluxDB client library for Haskell (bsd3, database, library)
- informative library and program: A yesod subsite serving a wiki. (agpl, library, program, web)
- ini library and test: Configuration files in the INI format. (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- ini-qq library and test: Quasiquoter for INI (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- inilist library and test: Processing for .ini files with duplicate sections and options (bsd3, library)
- initialize library: Initialization and Deinitialization of 'Storable' values. (bsd3, data, library)
- inj library: A class for injective (one-to-one) functions (data, library)
- inj-base library: 'Inj' instances for 'base' (bsd3, data, library)
- inject library, program and test: A minimalistic template engine (library, mit, program, text)
- inject-function library: Monadic functions with injected parameters. (control, gpl, library)
- injections library and test: Canonical categorical conversions (injections and projections) (bsd3, data, library)
- inline-asm library and test: Inline some Assembly in ur Haskell! (bsd3, ffi, library)
- inline-c library and test: Write Haskell source files including C code inline. No FFI required. (ffi, library, mit)
- inline-c-cpp library and test: Lets you embed C++ code into Haskell. (ffi, library, mit)
- inline-c-cuda library and test: Lets you embed CUDA code into Haskell. (ffi, library, mit)
- inline-c-objc library and test: Lets you embed Objective-C code into Haskell. (ffi, library, mit)
- inline-c-win32 library: Win32 API Context for the inline-c library (ffi, library, mit)
- inline-java library, test and benchmark: Java interop via inline Java code in Haskell modules. (bsd3, deprecated, ffi, java, jvm, library)
- inline-python library, tests and benchmarks: Python interpreter embedded into haskell. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- inline-r library, tests and benchmarks: Seamlessly call R from Haskell and vice versa. No FFI required. (bsd3, ffi, library)
- inliterate library, program and test: Interactive literate programming (library, mit, program, statistics)
- input-parsers library: Extension of the parsers library with more capability and efficiency (bsd3, library, parsing)
- inquire program: Console client for encyclopedias (gpl, program, web)
- insert-ordered-containers library and test: Associative containers retaining insertion order for traversals. (bsd3, library, web)
- inserts library: Stupid simple bytestring templates. (library, mit, text)
- inspection-proxy program: A simple proxy for debugging plaintext protocols communication (bsd3, program, testing)
- inspection-testing library and tests: GHC plugin to do inspection testing (compiler-plugin, library, mit, testing)
- inspector-wrecker library, program and test: Create benchmarks from the HAR files (bsd3, library, program, web)
- instana-haskell-trace-sdk library, programs and tests: SDK for adding custom Instana tracing support to Haskell applications. (library, mit, monitoring, program)
- instance-control library: Controls how the compiler searches for instances using type families. (bsd3, control, library)
- instance-map library and test: Template haskell utilities for helping with deserialization etc. of existential types (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- instant-aeson library and test: Generic Aeson instances through instant-generics (bsd3, generics, library)
- instant-bytes library and test: Generic Serial instances through instant-generics (bsd3, generics, library)
- instant-deepseq library: Generic NFData instances through instant-generics (bsd3, generics, library)
- instant-generics library: Generic programming library with a sum of products view (bsd3, generics, library)
- instant-hashable library: Generic Hashable instances through instant-generics (bsd3, generics, library)
- instant-zipper library: Heterogenous Zipper in Instant Generics (generics, library)
- instapaper-sender program: Basic HTTP gateway to save articles to Instapaper (agpl, program, web)
- instinct library: Fast artifical neural networks (ai, bsd3, library)
- instrument library and test: Easy stats/metrics instrumentation for Haskell programs (bsd3, data, library)
- instrument-chord library: Render Instrument Chords (gpl, library, music)
- instrument-cloudwatch library and test: Adds a worker for the instrument package that exports to Amazon CloudWatch (bsd3, library, web)
- int-cast library and test: Checked conversions between integral types (bsd3, data, library)
- int-conv library and test: Direct conversion functions between Ints and Words (bsd3, data, library)
- int-interval-map library and test: Interval map (data, library, mit)
- int-like library: Newtype wrappers over IntSet and IntMap (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- int-multimap library and test: A data structure that associates each Int key with a set of values (containers, library, mit)
- int-supply library: A simple, efficient supply of integers using atomic fetch-and-add. (bsd3, data, library)
- intcode library and test: Advent of Code 2019 intcode interpreter (compilers-interpreters, library)
- integer-conversion library, test and benchmark: Conversion from strings to Integer (bsd3, data, library)
- integer-gmp library: Integer library based on GMP (algebra, bsd3, library, numeric)
- integer-logarithms library and test: Integer logarithms. (algorithms, library, math, mit, number-theory)
- integer-pure library: A pure-Haskell implementation of arbitrary-precision Integers. (bsd3, library, numeric)
- integer-roots library and tests: Integer roots and perfect powers (algorithms, library, math, mit, number-theory)
- integer-simple library: Simple Integer library (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- integer-types library and test: Integer, Natural, and Positive (apache, library, numeric)
- integration library: Fast robust numeric integration via tanh-sinh quadrature (bsd3, graphics, library)
- integreat library and program: Integrate different assays. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- intel-aes library: Hardware accelerated AES encryption and Random Number Generation. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- intel-powermon program: Poll modern Intel/AMD CPU power consumption on Linux via RAPL. (agpl, cli, linux, program)
- intelli-monad library, programs and test: Type level prompt with openai. (development, library, mit, program)
- intensional-datatys library and test: A GHC Core plugin for intensional datatype refinement checking (bsd3, language, library)
- interact library and test: instantly create REPL from any function (library, mit, repl, system)
- interactive-plot library and program: Interactive quick time series plotting (bsd3, interactive, library, program)
- interchangeable library: A type class for interchangeable data. (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- interleavableGen program: Generates a version of a module using InterleavableIO (monads, program)
- interleavableIO library: Use other Monads in functions that asks for an IO Monad. (library, monads)
- interleave library: Combinators for supporting interleaving of different behaviours (bsd3, control, library)
- interlude library: Replaces some Prelude functions for enhanced error reporting (development, library)
- interlude-l library: Prelude replacement based on protolude (library, mit, prelude)
- intermediate-structures library: Some simple functions to deal with transformations from structures to other ones, basically lists. (data, library, mit)
- intern library: Efficient hash-consing for arbitrary data types (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- internetmarke program: Shell command for constructing custom stamps for German Post (console, graphics, program)
- intero program and test: Complete interactive development program for Haskell (bsd3, development, program)
- interp library, program and test: Tracery-like randomized text interpolation (bsd3, interpolation, library, program, text)
- interpol library, program and test: GHC preprocessor and library to enable variable interpolation in strings (gpl, language, library, program, source-tools)
- interpolate library and test: String interpolation done right (data, library, mit, text)
- interpolatedstring-perl6 library: QuasiQuoter for Perl6-style multi-line interpolated strings (data, library, public-domain)
- interpolatedstring-qq library: QuasiQuoter for Ruby-style multi-line interpolated strings. (bsd3, data, library)
- interpolatedstring-qq-mwotton library: DO NOT USE THIS. interpolatedstring-qq works now. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- interpolatedstring-qq2 library and test: QuasiQuoter for multi-line interpolated strings (bsd3, data, library)
- interpolation library and test: piecewise linear and cubic Hermite interpolation (bsd3, library, math)
- interpolator library and test: Runtime interpolation of environment variables in records using profunctors (data, library, mit)
- interprocess library and test: Shared memory and control structures for IPC (bsd3, library, system)
- interruptible library and test: Monad transformers that can be run and resumed later, conserving their context. (bsd3, control, library)
- interspersed library: An abstraction over interspersing monadic actions (control, library, mit)
- interval library and test: Intervals with adherences. (data-structures, gpl, library)
- interval-algebra library, program and tests: An implementation of Allen's interval algebra for temporal logic (algebra, bsd3, library, program, time)
- interval-functor library and test: Intervals of functors. (bsd3, data, library)
- interval-patterns library and test: Intervals, and monoids thereof (algebra, bsd3, charts, data-structures, library, math, statistics)
- interval-tree-clock library and test: Interval Tree Clocks (data, data-structures, distributed-computing, library, mit)
- intervals library and test: Interval Arithmetic (bsd3, library, math)
- intmap-graph library: A graph library that allows to explore edges after their type (bsd3, graphs, library)
- intricacy : A game of competitive puzzle-design (game, gpl)
- intrinsic-superclasses library: A quasiquoter for better instance deriving and default methods (language, library, mit)
- intro library and test: Safe and minimal prelude (library, mit, prelude)
- intro-prelude library and test: Intro reexported as Prelude (library, mit, prelude)
- introduction library: A prelude for safe new projects (library, mit, prelude)
- introduction-test library: A prelude for the tests of safe new projects (library, mit, testing)
- intset library: Pure, mergeable, succinct Int sets. (bsd3, data, library)
- intset-imperative library, tests and benchmark: An imperative integer set written in Haskell. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- invariant library and test: Haskell98 invariant functors (bsd2, control, data, library)
- inventory library, program and test: Project statistics and definition analysis (bsd3, library, program, utility)
- invert library, test and benchmark: Automatically generate a function’s inverse (apache, functions, library)
- invertible library and test: bidirectional arrows, bijective functions, and invariant functors (bsd3, composition, control, data, library)
- invertible-grammar library: Invertible parsing combinators framework (bsd3, language, library)
- invertible-hlist library: invertible functions and instances for HList (bsd3, composition, control, data, library)
- invertible-hxt library: invertible transformer instances for HXT Picklers (bsd3, composition, library, xml)
- invertible-syntax library: Invertible syntax descriptions for both parsing and pretty printing. (bsd3, library, text)
- involutive-semigroups library: Semigroups with involution. (algebra, bsd3, data, library, math)
- io-capture library and test: Capture IO actions' stdout and stderr (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- io-choice library and test: Choice for IO and lifted IO (bsd3, control, library)
- io-classes library and tests: Type classes for concurrency with STM, ST and timing (apache, control, library)
- io-classes-mtl library: Experimental MTL instances for io-classes (apache, control, deprecated, library)
- io-embed library and test: Use Template Haskell to embed the result of an IO computation. (bsd3, data, library, template-haskell)
- io-machine library and test: Easy I/O model to learn IO monad (bsd3, education, library)
- io-manager library and program: Skeleton library around the IO monad. (bsd3, library, program, training)
- io-memoize library: Memoize IO actions (bsd3, library, system)
- io-reactive library and program: An API for generating TIMBER style reactive objects. (bsd3, control, library, program, reactivity)
- io-region library and test: Exception safe resource management with dynamic regions (bsd3, control, library)
- io-sim library, test and benchmark: A pure simulator for monadic concurrency with STM. (apache, library, testing)
- io-storage library: A key-value store in the IO monad. (bsd3, data, database, library, system)
- io-streams library and test: Simple, composable, and easy-to-use stream I/O (bsd3, data, io-streams, library, network)
- io-streams-haproxy library and test: HAProxy protocol 1.5 support for io-streams (bsd3, io-streams, library, network)
- io-streams-http library: http-client for io-streams (bsd3, io-streams, library, web)
- io-string-like library: Classes to handle Prelude style IO functions for different datatypes (bsd3, data, library)
- io-throttle library and test: Limit number of IO actions started per second (concurrency, library, mit)
- ioctl library: Type-safe I/O control package (data, library, mit, system)
- ion library and program: EDSL for concurrent, realtime, embedded programming on top of Ivory (bsd3, embedded, language, library, program)
- ioref-stable library: iorefs with a unique stable index (library, mit, unknown)
- iostring library: A class of strings that can be involved in IO. (cssyd, library, mit)
- iothread library: run IOs in a single thread (concurrency, library, mit)
- iotransaction library: Supports the automatic undoing of IO operations when an exception is thrown. (control, library, mit)
- ip library, tests and benchmark: Library for IP and MAC addresses (bsd3, library, web)
- ip-quoter library and test: Quasiquoter for IP addresses (library, mit, network)
- ip2location library: IP2Location Haskell package for IP geolocation. (development, library, mit)
- ip2location-io library: Haskell package for IP geolocation and domain WHOIS. (development, library, mit)
- ip2proxy library: IP2Proxy Haskell package for proxy detection. (development, library, mit)
- ip6addr program: Commandline tool to deal with IPv6 address text representations (bsd3, console, network, program)
- ipa library and test: Internal Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) (bsd3, language, library)
- ipatch program: interactive patch editor (development, gpl, program)
- ipc library: High level inter-process communication library (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- ipcvar library and test: Simple inter-process communication through IPCVars. (library, mit, system)
- ipfs library and test: Access IPFS locally and remotely (apache, library, network)
- ipfs-api library: Auto-generated IPFS HTTP API (bsd3, library, network, web)
- ipld-cid library and test: IPLD Content-IDentifiers <> (bsd3, data, library)
- ipopt-hs library: haskell binding to ipopt and nlopt including automatic differentiation (bsd3, library, math, numeric, optimisation)
- ipprint library: Tiny helper for pretty-printing values in ghci console (bsd3, library, text)
- iproute library and test: IP Routing Table (algorithms, bsd3, library, network)
- iptables-helpers library and program: iptables rules parser/printer library (bsd3, library, program, text)
- iptadmin program: web-interface for iptables (application, bsd3, program, system, tools, web)
- ipynb library and test: Data structure for working with Jupyter notebooks (ipynb). (bsd3, library, text)
- ipython-kernel library: A library for creating kernels for IPython frontends (development, library, mit)
- irc library and test: A small library for parsing IRC messages. (bsd3, data, library, network)
- irc-bytestring library: serialization and parsing of IRC messages (bsd3, irc, library, network)
- irc-client library: An IRC client library. (library, mit, network)
- irc-colors library: Colourize your IRC strings (bsd3, irc, library, text)
- irc-conduit library: Streaming IRC message library using conduits. (library, mit, network)
- irc-core library and test: IRC core library for glirc (library, network)
- irc-ctcp library: A CTCP encoding and decoding library for IRC clients. (library, mit, network)
- irc-dcc library and test: A DCC message parsing and helper library for IRC clients (library, mit, network)
- irc-fun-bot library: Library for writing fun IRC bots. (irc, library, network, public-domain)
- irc-fun-client library: Another library for writing IRC clients. (irc, library, network, public-domain)
- irc-fun-color library and test: Add color and style decorations to IRC messages. (library, network, public-domain)
- irc-fun-messages library: Types and functions for working with the IRC protocol. (data, irc, library, network, public-domain)
- irc-fun-types library: Common types for IRC related packages (data, irc, library, network, public-domain)
- ircbot library and program: A library for writing IRC bots (bsd3, library, network, program)
- ircbouncer library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- ireal library: Real numbers and intervals with relatively efficient exact arithmetic. (bsd3, data, library, math-)
- iri library and test: RFC-based resource identifier library (iri, library, mit, network, uri, url)
- iridium library and program: Automated Local Cabal Package Testing and Uploading (bsd3, development, library, program)
- iris library and test: Haskell CLI framework (cli, framework, library, mpl)
- iron-mq library: Iron.IO message queueing client library (gpl, library, network)
- ironforge library and program: A technical demo for Antisplice. (bsd3, game, library, program)
- irt library: Item Response Theory functions for use in computerized adaptive testing (bsd3, library, math)
- is library and test: Generic pattern predicates (bsd3, data, library)
- isbn library and test: ISBN Validation and Manipulation (apache, data, library)
- isdicom library, program and test: An executable and library to determine if a file is a DICOM file (bsd3, library, medical, program, system)
- isevaluated library: Check whether a value has been evaluated (data, ghc, library, mit)
- isiz program: A program to show the size of image and whether suitable for wallpaper. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- islink library: Check if an HTML element is a link (bsd3, html, library, xml)
- ismtp library: Advanced ESMTP library (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- iso-deriving library and test: Deriving via arbitrary isomorphisms. (generics, library, mit)
- iso3166-country-codes library: A datatype for ISO 3166 country codes (data, library)
- iso639 library: ISO-639-1 language codes (bsd3, data, library)
- iso8583-bitmaps library: Parse and merge ISO 8583-style bitmaps (bsd3, data, library)
- iso8601-duration library and test: Types and parser for ISO8601 durations (bsd3, data, library)
- iso8601-time library and test: Convert to/from the ISO 8601 time format (library, mit, time)
- isobmff library, test and benchmark: A parser and generator for the ISO-14496-12/14 base media file format (bsd3, codec, library)
- isobmff-builder library, test and benchmark: A (bytestring-) builder for the ISO-14496-12 base media file format (bsd3, codec, library)
- isocline library, program and test: A portable alternative to GNU Readline (console, library, mit, program)
- isohunt library: Bindings to the isoHunt torrent search API (bsd3, library, web)
- isomorphism-class library and test: Isomorphism typeclass solving the conversion problem (conversion, library, mit)
- isotope library and test: Isotopic masses and relative abundances. (chemistry, gpl, library)
- ispositive library and test: Positive integers test. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- it-has library and test: Automatically derivable Has instances. (bsd3, data, library)
- itanium-abi library and test: An implementation of name mangling/demangling for the Itanium ABI (bsd3, development, library)
- itcli program: Issue Tracker for the CLI (bsd3, development, program)
- itemfield library and tests: A brick Widget for selectable summary of many elements on a terminal (bsd3, console, graphics, library)
- iter-stats library and test: iteratees for statistical processing (bsd3, library, math)
- iterIO library: Iteratee-based IO with pipe operators (bsd3, data, enumerator, library, system)
- iterable library: API for hierarchical multilevel collections. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- iteratee library, test and benchmark: Iteratee-based I/O (bsd3, data, library, system)
- iteratee-compress library: Enumeratees for compressing and decompressing streams (bsd3, codec, data, library)
- iteratee-mtl library: Iteratee-based I/O (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, system)
- iteratee-parsec library: Package allowing parsec parser initeratee (data, library, mit, parsing)
- iteratee-stm library: Concurrent iteratees using STM (bsd3, data, library)
- iterative-forward-search library and benchmark: An IFS constraint solver (constraints, library, mit)
- iterio-server library: Library for building servers with IterIO (bsd3, enumerator, library, network)
- iterm-show library and program: Enable graphical display of images inline on some terminals (bsd3, development, library, program)
- iterm-show-JuicyPixels library: Orphan Show instances for JuciyPixels image types. (bsd3, development, library)
- iterm-show-diagrams library: Orphan Show instances for diagrams package that render inline in some terminals (bsd3, graphics, library)
- ival library and test: Intervals (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- ivar-simple library: Write once concurrency primitives. (concurrency, library, mit)
- ivor library: Theorem proving library based on dependent type theory (bsd3, dependent-types, deprecated, library, theorem-provers)
- ivory library: Safe embedded C programming. (bsd3, language, library)
- ivory-artifact library: Manage additional data files during Ivory compilation. (bsd3, language, library)
- ivory-avr-atmega328p-registers library: Ivory register bindings for the Atmega328p (bsd3, language, library)
- ivory-backend-c library: Ivory C backend. (bsd3, language, library)
- ivory-bitdata library and program: Ivory bit-data support. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, program)
- ivory-eval library and test: Simple concrete evaluator for Ivory programs (bsd3, library, testing)
- ivory-examples program: Ivory examples. (bsd3, language, program)
- ivory-hw library: Ivory hardware model (STM32F4). (bsd3, language, library)
- ivory-opts library: Ivory compiler optimizations. (bsd3, language, library)
- ivory-quickcheck library and test: QuickCheck driver for Ivory. (bsd3, library, testing)
- ivory-serialize library: Serialization library for Ivory. (bsd3, language, library)
- ivory-stdlib library: Ivory standard library. (bsd3, language, library)
- ivy-web library: A lightweight web framework (bsd3, library, web)
- iwlib library: Bindings for the iw C library (bsd3, library, network, system)
- ix library, test and benchmark: Indexed monads (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- ix-shapable library: Reshape multi-dimensional arrays. (bsd3, data, library)
- ixdopp program: A preprocessor for expanding "ixdo" notation for indexed monads (bsd3, language, program, source-tools)
- ixmonad library: Embeds effect systems into Haskell using parameteric effect monads (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, monads)
- ixset library and test: Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- ixset-typed library and test: Efficient relational queries on Haskell sets. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- ixset-typed-binary-instance library: Binary instance for ixset-typed. (data-structures, library, mit)
- ixset-typed-cassava library: cassava encoding and decoding via ixset-typed (csv, data, library, mit)
- ixset-typed-conversions library: Conversions from ixset-typed to other containers. (data-structures, library, mit)
- ixset-typed-hashable-instance library: Hashable instance for ixset-typed. (data-structures, library, mit)
- ixshader library: A shallow embedding of the OpenGL Shading Language in Haskell. (bsd3, game, library)
- iyql program: CLI (command line interface) to YQL (gpl, network, program)
- j library and test: J in Haskell (array, bsd3, ffi, interpreters, j, library)
- j2hs program: j2hs (ffi-tools, foreign, java, jvm, mit, program)
- ja-base-extra library: Extra functions I require in base (bsd3, development, library)
- jacinda library, program, test and benchmark: Functional, expression-oriented data processing language (agpl, data, interpreters, language, library, program, text)
- jack library: Bindings for the JACK Audio Connection Kit (gpl, library, sound)
- jack-bindings library: DEPRECATED Bindings to the JACK Audio Connection Kit (deprecated, library, mit, sound)
- jackminimix library: control JackMiniMix (gpl, library, sound)
- jackpolynomials library, test and benchmark: Jack, zonal, Schur, and other symmetric polynomials (algebra, combinatorics, gpl, library, math)
- jacobi-elliptic library and test: Neville Theta Functions and Jacobi Elliptic Functions (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- jacobi-roots library and test: Roots of two shifted Jacobi polynomials (Legendre and Radau) to double precision (bsd3, library, math)
- jacobi-theta library and test: Jacobi Theta Functions (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- jaeger-flamegraph library, program and test: Generate flamegraphs from Jaeger .json dumps. (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- jail library: Jailed IO monad. (bsd3, library, security, system)
- jailbreak-cabal program: Strip version restrictions from Cabal files (bsd3, distribution, program)
- jalaali library, test and benchmark: Jalaali calendar systems (library, mit, time)
- jalla library and test: Higher level functions for linear algebra. Wraps BLAS and LAPACKE. (library, math)
- jammittools library and program: Export sheet music and audio from Windows/Mac app Jammit (gpl, library, program, sound)
- japanese-calendar library and test: Data type of Japanese Calendar (Wareki). (bsd3, library, time)
- japanese-holidays library and tests: Japanese holidays utility (bsd3, library, time)
- jarfind library and program: Tool for searching java classes, members and fields in classfiles and JAR archives (development, language, library, program, utils)
- jarify library and program: Jarification of Haskell sources (bsd3, ffi, java, jvm, library, program)
- jaskell library and test: Stack-based concatenative language embedded in Haskell (language, library, mit)
- jason library, program and test: A fast JASONETTE-iOS JSON combinator library for haskell. (bsd3, library, program, value)
- java-adt program: Create immutable algebraic data structures for Java. (java, program)
- java-bridge : Bindings to the JNI and a high level interface generator. (ffi-tools, foreign, java, jvm, mit)
- java-bridge-extras library: Utilities for working with the java-bridge package. (ffi-tools, foreign, java, jvm, library, mit)
- java-character library: Functions to simulate Java's Character class. (bsd3, development, library)
- java-poker library and program: The etude of the Haskell programming (game, library, mit, program)
- java-reflect library: Tools for reflecting on Java classes. (ffi-tools, foreign, java, jvm, library, mit)
- javaclass library and test: Java class files (data, library)
- javascript-bridge library, programs and test: Remote Monad for JavaScript on the browser (bsd3, library, network, program)
- javascript-extras library and program: Extra javascript functions when using GHCJS (bsd3, library, program, web)
- javasf program and test: A utility to print the SourceFile attribute of one or more Java class files. (bsd3, development, program)
- javav program and test: A utility to print the target version of Java class files. (bsd3, development, program)
- javelin library, program, test and benchmarks: Labeled one-dimensional arrays (data, data-science, data-structures, library, mit, program)
- javelin-frames library, test and benchmark: Type-safe data frames based on higher-kinded types. (data, data-science, data-structures, library, mit)
- javelin-io library and test: IO operations for the `javelin` package (data, data-science, data-structures, library, mit)
- jbi library and program: Just Build It - a "do what I mean" abstraction for Haskell build tools (development, library, mit, program)
- jcdecaux-vls library: JCDecaux self-service bicycles API client (library, mit, web)
- jdi library and program: Implementation of Java Debug Interface (debug, gpl, jvm, language, library, program)
- jenga library and program: Generate a cabal freeze file from a stack.yaml (bsd2, deprecated, development, library, program)
- jenkinsPlugins2nix library, program and test: Generate nix for Jenkins plugins. (bsd3, library, nix, program)
- jespresso library, program and test: Extract all JavaScript from an HTML page and consolidate it in one script. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- jet library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- jet-stream library and test: Yet another streaming library. (bsd3, library, streaming)
- jinquantities library, program and tests: Unit conversion and manipulation library. (bsd3, data, library, math, physics, program)
- jira-wiki-markup library, program and test: Handle Jira wiki markup (library, mit, program, text)
- jl library and program: Functional sed for JSON (bsd3, development, library, program)
- jmacro library and program: QuasiQuotation library for programmatic generation of Javascript code. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- jmacro-rpc library: JSON-RPC clients and servers using JMacro, and evented client-server Reactive Programming. (bsd3, library, network, web)
- jmacro-rpc-happstack library: Happstack backend for jmacro-rpc (bsd3, library, network, web)
- jmacro-rpc-snap library: Snap backend for jmacro-rpc (bsd3, library, network, web)
- jml-web-service library and test: Common utilities for running a web service (apache, library, web)
- jmonkey library and test: Jmonkey is very restricted but handy EDSL for JavaScript. (library, mit, web)
- jni library and test: Complete JNI raw bindings. (bsd3, deprecated, ffi, java, jvm, library)
- job library and test: Job queue (apache, databases, library)
- jobqueue library and test: A job queue library (client, library, mit, network)
- jobs-ui library: A library for creating a jobs management website running custom jobs. (apache, library, web)
- join library: Parallel Join Patterns with Guards and Propagation (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- join-api library: Bindings for Join push notifications (bsd3, library, web)
- joinlist library: Join list - symmetric list type (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- joint library: Trying to compose non-composable (bsd3, control, data, library)
- jonathanscard library: An implementation of the Jonathan's Card API. (bsd3, library, web)
- jord library, programs and tests: Geographical Position Calculations (bsd3, geography, library, program)
- jordan library and test: JSON with Structure (codec, library, mit)
- jordan-openapi library and test: OpenAPI Definitions for Jordan, Automatically (library, mit, network)
- jordan-servant library and test: Servant Combinators for Jordan (library, mit, web)
- jordan-servant-client library and test: Servant Client Instances for Jordan Servant Types (library, mit, web)
- jordan-servant-openapi library and test: OpenAPI schemas for Jordan-Powered Servant APIs (library, mit, web)
- jordan-servant-server library and test: Servers for Jordan-Based Servant Combinators (library, mit, web)
- jort program: JP's own ray tracer (graphics, program)
- jose library and tests: JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) library (apache, cryptography, library)
- jose-jwt test and benchmark: JSON Object Signing and Encryption Library (bsd3, cryptography, json)
- jot program: Tiny markdown notebook (cli, deprecated, program)
- journalctl-stream library: Stream logs using journalctl. (library, mit, system)
- joy-rewrite library and test: Transform Joy code using conditional rewrite rules (bsd2, language, library)
- jpeg library: A library for decoding JPEG files written in pure Haskell (bsd3, graphics, library)
- jpl-horizons-api library and program: Ephemerides for solar system objects from the JPL Horizons service (api, astronomy, bsd3, library, program)
- jps library: Jump point search for Haskell (algorithm, bsd3, library)
- js-chart library and test: Obtain minified chart.js code (javascript, library, mit)
- js-dgtable library and test: Obtain minified jquery.dgtable code (javascript, library, mit)
- js-flot library and test: Obtain minified flot code (javascript, library, mit)
- js-good-parts library: Javascript: The Good Parts -- AST & Pretty Printer (bsd3, javascript, language, library)
- js-jquery library and test: Obtain minified jQuery code (javascript, library, mit)
- jsaddle library: Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)
- jsaddle-clib library: Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)
- jsaddle-dom library: DOM library that uses jsaddle to support both GHCJS and GHC (library, mit, web)
- jsaddle-hello library and program: JSaddle Hello World, an example package (library, mit, program, web)
- jsaddle-warp library: Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)
- jsaddle-wasm library: Run JSaddle JSM with the GHC WASM backend (javascript, library, web)
- jsaddle-webkit2gtk library: Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)
- jsaddle-webkitgtk library: Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, library, mit, web)
- jsaddle-wkwebview : Interface for JavaScript that works with GHCJS and GHC (javascript, mit, web)
- jsc library: High level interface for webkit-javascriptcore (deprecated, javascript, library, mit, web)
- jsdom-extras library: Convenience utilities for JSDOM (bsd3, library, web)
- jsmw library: Javascript Monadic Writer base package. (bsd3, language, library)
- json library: Support for serialising Haskell to and from JSON (bsd3, library, web)
- json-alt library: Union 'alternative' or Either that has untagged JSON encoding. (bsd3, data, library, tools)
- json-api library and test: Utilities for generating JSON-API payloads (library, mit, network)
- json-api-lib library and test: Utilities for generating JSON-API payloads (library, mit, network)
- json-assertions library: Test that your (Aeson) JSON encoding matches your expectations (bsd3, library, testing)
- json-ast library: Universal JSON AST datastructure (library, mit, unclassified)
- json-ast-json-encoder library: Encoders of JSON AST (library, mit, unclassified)
- json-ast-quickcheck library: Compatibility layer for "json-ast" and "QuickCheck" (library, mit, unclassified)
- json-autotype library, program and tests: Automatic type declaration for JSON input data (bsd3, data, library, program, tools, type-provider)
- json-b library and program: JSON parser that uses byte strings. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- json-builder library: Data structure agnostic JSON serialization (bsd3, json, library)
- json-bytes-builder library, test and benchmark: Direct-to-bytes JSON Builder (codecs, deprecated, json, library, mit)
- json-directory library and program: Load JSON from files in a directory structure (bsd3, codec, library, program)
- json-encoder library: A direct-to-bytes single-pass JSON encoder with a declarative DSL (codec, deprecated, json, library, mit)
- json-enumerator library: Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with JSON with the enumerator package. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, enumerator, json, library)
- json-extra library: Utility functions to extend Aeson (bsd2, data, library)
- json-feed library and test: JSON Feed (library, mit, web)
- json-fu library and test: Generic JSON serialization / deserialization (json, library, mit)
- json-incremental-decoder library and test: Incremental JSON parser with early termination and a declarative DSL (data, json, library, mit, parsing)
- json-litobj library and test: Extends Text.JSON to handle literal JS objects. (bsd3, library, text)
- json-pointer library: JSON Pointer parsing and interpretation utilities (data, json, library, mit, parsing)
- json-pointer-aeson library: Integration layer for "json-pointer" and "aeson" (library, mit, unclassified)
- json-pointer-hasql library and test: JSON Pointer extensions for Hasql (hasql, json, library, mit)
- json-pointy library and tests: JSON Pointer (RFC 6901) parsing, access, and modification (bsd3, development, library)
- json-python library: Call python inline from haskell (language, library, mit)
- json-qq library: Json Quasiquatation library for Haskell. (json, library)
- json-query library and test: Kitchen sink for querying JSON (bsd3, data, library)
- json-rpc library, programs and test: Fully-featured JSON-RPC 2.0 library (library, mit, network, program, public-domain)
- json-rpc-client library and test: JSON-RPC 2.0 on the client side. (json, library, mit, network)
- json-rpc-generic library and test: Generic encoder and decode for JSON-RPC (bsd3, library, network)
- json-rpc-server library and test: JSON-RPC 2.0 on the server side. (json, library, mit, network)
- json-schema library and test: Types and type classes for defining JSON schemas. (bsd3, data, library)
- json-sop library and test: Generics JSON (de)serialization using generics-sop (bsd3, generics, library)
- json-spec library and tests: Type-level JSON specification (json, library, mit)
- json-spec-elm library and test: Elm code generate for `json-spec`. (elm, json, library, mit)
- json-spec-elm-servant library and test: Generated elm code for servant APIs. (elm, json, library, mit, servant, web)
- json-spec-openapi library and test: json-spec-openapi (json, library, mit, openapi)
- json-state library: Keep program state in JSON files. (data, database, library, public-domain)
- json-stream library and test: Incremental applicative JSON parser (bsd3, json, library, text)
- json-syntax library, test and benchmark: High-performance JSON parser and encoder (bsd3, data, library)
- json-to-haskell library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- json-to-type library, program and tests: Automatic type declaration for JSON input data (bsd3, data, library, program, tools)
- json-togo library: Effectful parsing of JSON documents (data, library, mit)
- json-tokens library, test and benchmark: Tokenize JSON (bsd3, data, library)
- json-tools programs: A collection of JSON tools (bsd3, json, program, text, tools, utils)
- json-tracer library and tests: A polymorphic, type-safe, json-structured tracing library (bsd3, control, library)
- json-types library: Basic types for representing JSON (json, library, mit, text)
- json2 library: Library provides support for JSON. (bsd3, data, json, library, text)
- json2-hdbc library: Support JSON for SQL Database. (bsd3, database, json, library)
- json2-types library: Defined JSON data types and
function for renders JSON to string. (bsd3, data, json, library, text)
- json2sg library, program and test: Lossy conversion from JSON to Sugar (configuration, library, program, text)
- json2yaml program: Utility to convert a file from JSON to YAML format. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, program, web)
- json5hs library: Serialising to and from JSON5 (bsd3, json5, library, text, web)
- jsonextfilter program: Filter select values in JSON objects to unix programs (mit, program, web)
- jsonifier library, tests and benchmark: Fast and simple JSON encoding toolkit (json, library, mit)
- jsonl library: JSON Lines (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- jsonl-conduit library and test: Conduit interface to JSONL-encoded data (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- jsonlogic library and test: JsonLogic Evaluation (json, library, mit)
- jsonlogic-aeson library and test: JsonLogic Aeson Support (json, library, mit)
- jsonnet library, program, test and benchmark: Jsonnet implementaton in pure Haskell (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- jsonpath library and test: Library to parse and execute JSONPath (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- jsonresume library: Parser and datatypes for the JSON Resume format (bsd3, library, text)
- jsonrpc-conduit library and test: JSON-RPC 2.0 server over a Conduit. (conduit, gpl, library)
- jsonrpc-tinyclient library: Tiny JSON-RPC client for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- jsons-to-schema library, program and test: JSON to JSON Schema (data, json, library, mit, program, web)
- jsonschema-gen library and test: JSON Schema generator from Algebraic data type (bsd3, data, json, library, text)
- jsonsql program: Interpolate JSON object values into SQL strings (mit, program, text)
- jsontsv program: JSON to TSV transformer (mit, program, text)
- jsonxlsx program: json to xlsx converter (mit, program, text)
- jsop library and test: Cherry picking in JSON objects (bsd3, codec, decoder, library)
- jspath library: Extract substructures from JSON by following a path. (bsd3, library, text)
- juandelacosa program: Manage users in MariaDB >= 10.1.1 (databases, mit, program, web)
- judge library and program: Tableau-based theorem prover for justification logic. (gpl, library, logic, program)
- judy library and test: Fast, scalable, mutable dynamic arrays, maps and hashes (bsd3, data, library)
- juicy-draw library and program: Draw and fill lines, rectangles and polygons (graphics, library, mit, program)
- juicy-gcode program: SVG to G-Code converter (bsd3, graphics, program)
- jukebox library and program: A first-order reasoning toolbox (bsd3, library, logic, program)
- jump library and tests: Nothing to see here, move along (data, library, mit)
- jumpthefive library and program: an elementary symmetric chiffre for pragmatically protecting one's effects (bsd3, cryptography, library, program)
- junit-xml library and test: Producing JUnit-style XML test reports. (bsd3, library, web)
- jupyter library, programs and test: A library for creating and using Jupyter kernels. (development, library, mit, program)
- justified-containers library and test: Keyed container types with type-checked proofs of key presence. (bsd2, data-structures, library)
- jvm library, test and benchmark: Call JVM methods from Haskell. (bsd3, deprecated, ffi, java, jvm, library)
- jvm-batching library, test and benchmark: Provides batched marshalling of values between Java and Haskell. (bsd3, deprecated, ffi, java, jvm, library)
- jvm-binary library, test and benchmark: A library for reading Java class-files (java, jvm, language, library, mit)
- jvm-parser library: A parser for JVM bytecode files (bsd3, language, library)
- jvm-streaming library, test and benchmark: Expose Java iterators as streams from the streaming package. (bsd3, deprecated, ffi, java, jvm, library)
- jwt library and tests: JSON Web Token (JWT) decoding and encoding (library, mit, web)
- k8s-wrapper library and test: Application wrapper for the k8s environment (library, mpl, network)
- kademlia library and test: An implementation of the Kademlia DHT Protocol (bsd3, library, network)
- kafka library: TBA (bsd3, data, library)
- kafka-client library and test: Low-level Haskell client library for Apache Kafka 0.7. (deprecated, library, mit, network)
- kafka-client-sync library and test: Synchronous Kafka Client (bsd3, library, network)
- kafka-device library and programs: UI device events via a Kafka message broker (hardware, library, mit, program)
- kafka-device-glut library and program: GLUT events via a Kafka message broker (hardware, library, mit, program)
- kafka-device-joystick library and program: Linux joystick events via a Kafka message broker (hardware, library, mit, program)
- kafka-device-leap library and program: Leap Motion events via a Kafka message broker (hardware, library, mit, program)
- kafka-device-spacenav library and program: Linux SpaceNavigator events via a Kafka message broker (hardware, library, mit, program)
- kafka-device-vrpn library and program: VRPN events via a Kafka message broker (library, mit, network, program)
- kafka-interchange library and test: Serialization for kafka wire protocol (bsd3, data, library)
- kaleidoscope library and programs: Haskell Kaleidoscope tutorial (compilers, library, mit, program)
- kalman library and test: Kalman and particle filters and smoothers (library, math, mit)
- kan-extensions library: Kan extensions, Kan lifts, the Yoneda lemma, and (co)density (co)monads (bsd3, comonads, data-structures, functors, library, monads)
- kangaroo library: Binary parsing with random access. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- kanji library, test and benchmark: Perform 漢字検定 (Japan Kanji Aptitude Test) level analysis on Japanese Kanji (bsd3, data, library)
- kansas-comet library: A JavaScript push mechanism based on the comet idiom (bsd3, library, web)
- kansas-lava library: Kansas Lava is a hardware simulator and VHDL generator. (bsd3, hardware, language, library)
- kansas-lava-cores library: FPGA Cores Written in Kansas Lava. (bsd3, hardware, library)
- kansas-lava-papilio library: Kansas Lava support files for the Papilio FPGA board (bsd3, hardware, library)
- kansas-lava-shake library: Shake rules for building Kansas Lava projects (bsd3, development, library)
- karabiner-config library and test: Karabiner elements configuration generation (bsd3, configuration, library)
- karakuri library: Good stateful automata (bsd3, data, library)
- karps library and tests: Haskell bindings for Spark Dataframes and Datasets (apache, big-data, library, web)
- karver library and test: A simple template engine, inspired by jinja2 (bsd3, library, text)
- katip library, test and benchmark: A structured logging framework. (bsd3, data, library, logging, text)
- katip-datadog library and test: Datadog scribe for the Katip logging framework (bsd3, data, library, logging, text)
- katip-effectful library and test: Katip integration for Effectful (bsd3, data, library, logging)
- katip-elasticsearch library, test and benchmark: ElasticSearch scribe for the Katip logging framework. (bsd3, data, library, logging, text)
- katip-kafka library: Katip scribe to send logs to Kafka (bsd3, library, logging)
- katip-logstash library: Logstash backend for katip. (library, logging, mit)
- katip-logzio library and test: Logz.IO scribe for the Katip logging framework (bsd3, data, library, logging, text)
- katip-raven library: Katip scribe for raven ( (apache, library, web)
- katip-rollbar library: Katip scribe that logs to Rollbar (bsd3, library, logging)
- katip-scalyr-scribe library and test: A katip scribe for logging to json (bsd3, library, logging)
- katip-syslog library and test: Syslog Katip Scribe (bsd3, library, web)
- katip-wai library and test: WAI middleware for logging request and response info through katip. (bsd3, library, logging, web)
- katt library, program and test: Client for the Kattis judge system. (bsd3, library, program, utils)
- katydid library, program, test and benchmark: A haskell implementation of Katydid (bsd3, data, library, program)
- kawa library, program and test: Key-value store in single files. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- kawaii library and test: Utilities for serving static sites and blogs with Wai/Warp (library, web)
- kawhi library and test: library (api, library, mit)
- kazura-queue library, tests and benchmark: Fast concurrent queues much inspired by unagi-chan (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- kbq-gu programs: Rpoku spoken word programming language (language, program)
- kcd library and test: Kayak .kcd parsing library. (library, mit, text)
- kd-tree library: A simple k-d tree implementation (bsd3, data, library)
- kdesrc-build-extra program: Build profiles for kdesrc-build (deprecated, development, gpl, program)
- kdesrc-build-profiles program: Build profiles for kdesrc-build (development, gpl, program)
- kdt library, tests and benchmark: Fast and flexible k-d trees for various types of point queries. (data, library, mit)
- keccak library, program, test and benchmark: cryptographic functions based on the sponge construction (crypto, library, mit, program)
- keelung library: DSL for creating zero-knowledge proofs (apache, cryptography, library)
- keenser library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)
- keep-alive library and test: TCP keep alive implementation (bsd3, library, network)
- keera-callbacks library: Mutable memory locations with callbacks (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- keera-hails-i18n library: Rapid Gtk Application Development - I18N (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-mvc-controller library: Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based controller for MVC applications (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-mvc-environment-gtk library: Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based global environment for MVC applications (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-mvc-model-lightmodel library: Rapid Gtk Application Development - Reactive Protected Light Models (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-mvc-model-protectedmodel library: Rapid Gtk Application Development - Protected Reactive Models (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-mvc-solutions-config library: Haskell on Gtk rails - Easy handling of configuration files (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-mvc-solutions-gtk library: Haskell on Gtk rails - Solutions to recurrent problems in Gtk applications (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-mvc-view library: Haskell on Gtk rails - Generic View for MVC applications (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-mvc-view-gtk library: Haskell on Gtk rails - Gtk-based View for MVC applications (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactive-cbmvar library: Reactive Haskell on Rails - CBMVars as reactive values (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactive-fs library: Haskell on Rails - Files as Reactive Values (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactive-gtk library: Haskell on Gtk rails - Reactive Fields for Gtk widgets (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactive-htmldom library: Keera Hails Reactive bindings for HTML DOM via GHCJS (bsd3, library, web)
- keera-hails-reactive-network library: Haskell on Rails - Sockets as Reactive Values (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactive-polling library: Haskell on Rails - Polling based Readable RVs (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactive-wx library: Haskell on Rails - Reactive Fields for WX widgets (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactive-yampa library: Haskell on Rails - FRP Yampa Signal Functions as RVs (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactivelenses library: Reactive Haskell on Rails - Lenses applied to Reactive Values (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-hails-reactivevalues library: Haskell on Rails - Reactive Values (bsd3, development, library)
- keera-posture program: Get notifications when your sitting posture is inappropriate. (ai, program)
- keid-core library: Core parts of Keid engine. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- keid-frp-banana library: Reactive Banana integration for Keid engine. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- keid-geometry library: Geometry primitives for Keid engine. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- keid-render-basic library: Basic rendering programs for Keid engine. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- keid-resource-gltf library: GLTF loader for Keid engine. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- keid-sound-openal library: OpenAL sound system for Keid engine. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- keid-ui-dearimgui library: DearImGui elements for Keid engine. (bsd3, game-engine, library)
- keiretsu program: Multi-process orchestration for development and integration testing (development, program, testing)
- kempe library, program, tests and benchmark: Kempe compiler (bsd3, compilers, language, library, program)
- kerry library and test: Manage and abstract your packer configurations. (aws, bsd3, cloud, infrastructure, library)
- kesha library and test: Haskell implementation of nix-hash (library, mit, system)
- keter library, program and test: Web application deployment manager, focusing on Haskell web frameworks. It mitigates downtime. (library, mit, program, web, yesod)
- keuringsdienst library and test: Data validation in Haskell that is composable, made easy and clean. (lgpl, library, unclassified)
- kevin program: a dAmn ↔ IRC proxy (program, utils)
- kewar library, program and test: CLI and library to generate QR codes. (data, library, mit, program, qr)
- key library: Type-safe unconstrained dynamic typing (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- key-state library and test: Manage key and button states and statuses (bsd3, game, library)
- key-vault library: Store of values of arbitrary types (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- keycloak-hs library and program: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- keycode library: Maps web browser keycodes to their corresponding keyboard keys (bsd3, library, web)
- keyed library: Generic indexing for many data structures (bsd3, data, library)
- keyed-vals library: An abstract Handle for accessing collections in stores like Redis (bsd3, data, library, redis)
- keyed-vals-hspec-tests library: Validate a keyed-vals Handle (bsd3, data, hspec, library)
- keyed-vals-mem library and test: Implements a keyed-vals Handle using in-process memory (bsd3, data, library, redis)
- keyed-vals-redis library and test: Access Redis using a keyed-vals Handle (bsd3, data, library, redis)
- keylayouts library: Tools for macOS .keylayout files (configuration, library, mit, xml)
- keyring library: Keyring access (library, mit, system)
- keys library: Keyed functors and containers (bsd3, containers, data-structures, library)
- keysafe program: back up a secret key securely to the cloud (agpl, program, utility)
- keystore library and programs: Managing stores of secret things (bsd3, cryptography, library, program)
- keyvaluehash library: Pure Haskell key/value store implementation (bsd3, database, library)
- keyword-args library, program and test: Extract data from a keyword-args config file format (data, library, mit, program)
- khph program: Command-line file tagging and organization tool (agpl, program, system)
- ki library and test: A lightweight structured concurrency library (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- ki-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the ki library for the effectful ecosystem. (concurrency, library, mit)
- ki-unlifted library: A lightweight structured concurrency library (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- kibro library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- kicad-data library and test: Parser and writer for KiCad files. (data, library, mit)
- kickass-torrents-dump-parser library and test: Parses torrent dumps (library, mit, text)
- kickchan library and test: Kick Channels: bounded channels with non-blocking writes (bsd3, concurrency, data, library)
- kif-parser program: Process KIF iOS test logs (bsd3, distribution, program)
- kill-bool library and test: Boolean strong typing (data, library)
- kind-apply library: Utilities to work with lists of types (bsd3, data, library)
- kind-generics library: Generic programming in GHC style for arbitrary kinds and GADTs. (bsd3, data, library)
- kind-generics-deriving library: Generic programming in GHC style for arbitrary kinds and GADTs. (bsd3, data, library)
- kind-generics-th library and test: Template Haskell support for generating `GenericK` instances (bsd3, data, library)
- kind-integer library and test: Type-level integers. Like KnownNat, but for integers. (bsd3, library, types)
- kind-rational library and test: Type-level rationals. Like KnownNat, but for rationals. (bsd3, library, types)
- kindly-functors library and test: A category polymorphic `Functor` typeclass (categories, control, library, mit)
- kinds library: Emulation of subkinds and subkind polymorphism (bsd3, library, type-system)
- kit program: A dependency manager for Xcode (Objective-C) projects (bsd3, development, program)
- kleene library: Kleene algebra (bsd3, library, math)
- kleene-list library and test: A list type based on the Kleene star and plus. (data, library)
- kmeans library: K-means clustering algorithm (algorithms, bsd3, clustering, data-mining, library)
- kmeans-par library, test and benchmark: Sequential and parallel implementations of Lloyd's algorithm. (algorithm, library, mit)
- kmeans-vector library, program and benchmark: An implementation of the kmeans clustering algorithm based on the vector package (bsd3, library, math, program)
- kmn-programming program: K_M,N quadratic programming (bsd3, math, program)
- kmonad library, program and test: Advanced keyboard remapping utility (application, library, mit, program)
- kmp-dfa library and test: KMP algorithm implementation, based on Deterministic Finite State Automata (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- knead library and test: Repa-like array processing using LLVM JIT (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- knead-arithmetic library: Linear algebra and interpolation using LLVM JIT (bsd3, library, math)
- knit library and test: Ties the knot on data structures that reference each other by unique keys. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- knit-haskell library and tests: a minimal Rmarkdown sort-of-thing for haskell, by way of Pandoc (bsd3, library, text)
- knob library: Memory-backed handles (library, mit, system)
- knots library and program: Khovanov homology computations (library, math, mit, program)
- koellner-phonetic library and test: "map German words to code representing pronunciation" (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)
- koji library: Koji buildsystem XML-RPC API bindings (gpl, library, network)
- koji-install program and test: CLI tool for installing rpms directly from Fedora Koji (bsd3, deprecated, program, utility)
- koji-tool program and test: Koji CLI tool for querying tasks and installing builds (bsd3, program, utility)
- koneko library, program and test: a concatenative not-quite-lisp for kittens (compilers-interpreters, gpl, library, program)
- konnakol library and test: Formalising the rules of Konnakol, an Indian percussional art form. (development, gpl, library)
- kontra-config library: JSON config file parsing based on unjson (bsd3, data, library)
- kontrakcja-templates library: Utilities for working with many HStringTemplate templates from files. (bsd3, library, web)
- koofr-client library: Client to Koofr API (library, mit, network)
- korea-holidays library and test: Korea Holidays (library, mit, time)
- korfu program: The Korfu ORF Utility (bioinformatics, program)
- kparams library, program and test: Extracts values from /proc/cmdline. (library, mit, program, text)
- kqueue library: A binding to the kqueue event library. (bsd3, library, system)
- kraken library: API client (library, mit, network)
- krank library, program and test: Krank checks issue tracker link status in your source code (bsd3, library, program, quality)
- krapsh library and tests: Haskell bindings for Spark Dataframes and Datasets (apache, big-data, library, web)
- krpc library, test and benchmark: KRPC protocol implementation (bsd3, library, network)
- ks-test library: Kolmogorov distribution and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. (library, math, numerical, public-domain)
- ksystools library: System management tooling. (library, mit, system)
- ktx library: A binding for libktx from Khronos (graphics, library, mit)
- ktx-codec library: Khronos texture format (bsd3, graphics, library)
- kubernetes-api library and test: Auto-generated kubernetes-api API Client (apache, library, web)
- kubernetes-api-client library and tests: Client library for Kubernetes (apache, library, web)
- kubernetes-client library and tests: Client library for Kubernetes (apache, library, web)
- kubernetes-client-core library and test: Auto-generated kubernetes-client-core API Client (apache, library, web)
- kubernetes-webhook-haskell library: Create Kubernetes Admission Webhooks in Haskell (library, mit, web)
- kudzu library, program and test: coverage driven random testing framework (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- kuifje library: A Quantitative Information Flow aware programming language. (bsd3, language, library)
- kure library: Combinators for Strategic Programming (bsd3, language, library)
- kure-your-boilerplate library: Generator for Boilerplate KURE Combinators (bsd3, language, library)
- kurita library, programs and test: Find the alpha emoji (bsd3, game, library, program, web)
- kvitable library and test: Key/Value Indexed Table container and formatting library (library, text)
- kyotocabinet library: Mid level bindings to Kyoto Cabinet (bsd3, database, library)
- l-bfgs-b library: Bindings to L-BFGS-B, Fortran code for limited-memory quasi-Newton bound-constrained optimization (bsd3, library, math)
- l10n library: Enables providing localization as typeclass instances in separate files. (bsd3, library, text)
- labeled-graph library: Labeled graph structure (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- labeled-tree library: Labeled tree structure (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- labels library: Anonymous records via named tuples (bsd3, development, library)
- laborantin-hs library and program: an experiment management framework (apache, experiment, library, program)
- labsat library, program and test: LabSat TCP Interface Wrapper (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- labyrinth library and test: A complicated turn-based game (game, library, mit)
- labyrinth-server program and test: A complicated turn-based game - Web server (game, mit, program)
- lackey library and test: Generate Ruby clients from Servant APIs. (library, mit, web)
- lacroix library: fizzy n dizzy (acme, library, mit)
- lagrangian library and test: Solve Lagrange multiplier problems (bsd3, library, math)
- laika library: Minimalistic type-checked compile-time template engine (library, mit, unclassified)
- lambda program: Interpreters for lambda calculus, calculus of constructions, and more (compilers-interpreters, mit, program)
- lambda-ast library: Lambda Calculi Abstract Syntax Trees (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- lambda-bridge library and program: A bridge from Haskell (on a CPU) to VHDL on a FPGA. (bsd3, foreign, hardware, library, middleware, network, program)
- lambda-calculator library, program and tests: A lambda calculus interpreter (lambdacalculus, language, library, mit, program, teaching)
- lambda-calculus-interpreter library, program and test: Lambda Calculus interpreter (bsd3, language, library, program)
- lambda-canvas library: Educational drawing canvas for FP explorers. (education, graphics, library, mit)
- lambda-cube library and test: Haskell implementation of (some of) lambda cube calculi (library, mit, utilities)
- lambda-devs library, program and test: a Paralell-DEVS implementaion based on distributed-process (bsd3, control, library, program, simulation)
- lambda-options library: Declarative command-line parser with type-driven pattern matching. (bsd3, library, text)
- lambda-placeholders library: A library to emulate laceholders similar to Scala. (bsd3, language, library)
- lambda-sampler library and test: Boltzmann sampler utilities for lambda calculus. (bsd3, data, library)
- lambda-toolbox program: An application to work with the lambda calculus (for learning) (bsd3, lambdacalculus, program, teaching)
- lambda2js program: Untyped Lambda calculus to JavaScript compiler (compiler, gpl, program)
- lambdaBase library and test: (language, library, mit)
- lambdaFeed program: RSS 2.0 feed generator (program, web)
- lambdaLit program: ... (language, mit, program)
- lambdabot program: Lambdabot is a development tool and advanced IRC bot (development, program, web)
- lambdabot-core library: Lambdabot core functionality (development, library, web)
- lambdabot-haskell-plugins library: Lambdabot Haskell plugins (development, library, web)
- lambdabot-irc-plugins library: IRC plugins for lambdabot. (development, library, web)
- lambdabot-misc-plugins library: Lambdabot miscellaneous plugins (development, library, web)
- lambdabot-novelty-plugins library: Novelty plugins for Lambdabot (development, library, web)
- lambdabot-reference-plugins library: Lambdabot reference plugins. (development, library, web)
- lambdabot-social-plugins library: Social plugins for Lambdabot (development, library, web)
- lambdabot-telegram-plugins library and program: Lambdabot for Telegram (development, gpl, library, program, web)
- lambdabot-trusted library: Lambdabot trusted code. (development, library, web)
- lambdabot-utils library: Utility libraries for the advanced IRC bot, Lambdabot (deprecated, development, library, web)
- lambdabot-xmpp program: Lambdabot plugin for XMPP (Jabber) protocol (development, program)
- lambdabot-zulip library, program and test: Lambdabot for Zulip Chat (library, mit, program, web)
- lambdacat library and program: Webkit Browser (bsd3, library, program, user-interfaces)
- lambdacms-core library and test: LambdaCms 'core' subsite for Yesod apps (library, mit, web)
- lambdacms-media library: LambdaCms "media" extension (library, mit, web)
- lambdacube program: A simple lambda cube type checker. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- lambdacube-bullet library: Example for combining LambdaCube and Bullet (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library, physics)
- lambdacube-compiler library: LambdaCube 3D is a DSL to program GPUs (bsd3, compiler, graphics, library)
- lambdacube-core library: LambdaCube 3D IR (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- lambdacube-edsl library: LambdaCube 3D EDSL definition (bsd3, graphics, library)
- lambdacube-engine library: 3D rendering engine written entirely in Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- lambdacube-examples programs: Examples for LambdaCube (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, program)
- lambdacube-gl library: OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile backend for LambdaCube 3D (bsd3, graphics, library)
- lambdacube-ir library: LambdaCube 3D intermediate representation of 3D graphics pipelines (bsd3, graphics, library)
- lambdacube-samples programs: Samples for LambdaCube 3D (bsd3, graphics, program)
- lambdasound library, programs, test and benchmark: A libary for generating low-level sounds with high-level combinators (library, mit, program, sound)
- lambdatex library and test: Type-Safe LaTeX EDSL (library, text)
- lambdatwit programs: Lambdabot running as a twitter bot. Similar to the @fsibot f# bot. (mit, program, web)
- lambdaya-bus library: Fpga bus core and serialization for RedPitaya (lgpl, library, system)
- lambdiff program: Diff Viewer (bsd3, development, program)
- lame library and test: A high-level binding to the LAME encoder (audio, bsd3, codec, library)
- lame-tester library and test: A strange and unnecessary selective test-running library (bsd3, demo, library)
- laminar library and test: Run dependent IO actions asynchronously. (concurrency, library, mit)
- landlock library and tests: Haskell bindings for the Linux Landlock API (bsd3, library, system)
- lang library: A Lisp (agpl, language, library)
- language-Modula2 library, program and test: Parser, pretty-printer, and more for the Modula-2 programming language (gpl, language, library, program)
- language-asn library: ASN.1 encoding and decoding (bsd3, language, library)
- language-asn1 library, program and test: Parsing of ASN1 definitions (bsd3, language, library, program)
- language-ats library, test and benchmark: Parser and pretty-printer for ATS. (ats, bsd3, language, lexer, library, parser, pretty-printer)
- language-avro library and test: Language definition and parser for AVRO files. (apache, library, network)
- language-bash library and test: Parsing and pretty-printing Bash shell scripts (bsd3, language, library)
- language-bluespec library: An implementation of the Bluespec Haskell AST (bsd3, language, library)
- language-boogie library: Interpreter and language infrastructure for Boogie. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-c library and test: Analysis and generation of C code (bsd3, language, library)
- language-c-comments library: Extracting comments from C code (bsd3, language, library)
- language-c-inline library: Inline C & Objective-C code in Haskell for language interoperability (bsd3, foreign, language, library)
- language-c-quote library and test: C/CUDA/OpenCL/Objective-C quasiquoting library. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-c99 library: An implementation of the C99 AST that strictly follows the
standard. (language, library, mit)
- language-c99-simple library: C-like AST to simplify writing C99 programs. (language, library, mit)
- language-c99-util library: Utilities for language-c99. (language, library, mit)
- language-cil library: Manipulating Common Intermediate Language AST (.net, bsd3, language, library)
- language-conf library and test: Conf parsers and pretty-printers for the Haskell programming language. (data, library, mit)
- language-csharp library: C# source code manipulation (bsd3, language, library)
- language-css library: CSS 2.1 syntax (bsd3, language, library)
- language-dart library and test: Manipulating Dart source: abstract syntax and pretty-printer (bsd3, language, library)
- language-dickinson library, program, test and benchmark: A language for generative literature (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library, program, text)
- language-docker library and test: Dockerfile parser, pretty-printer and embedded DSL (development, gpl, library)
- language-dockerfile library and tests: Dockerfile linter, parser, pretty-printer and embedded DSL (development, gpl, library)
- language-dot library and test: A library for the analysis and creation of Graphviz DOT files (bsd3, language, library)
- language-ecmascript library and test: JavaScript parser and pretty-printer library (bsd3, language, library)
- language-ecmascript-analysis library: JavaScript static analysis library. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-eiffel library: Parser and pretty printer for the Eiffel language. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-elm library and test: Generate elm code (bsd3, library, web)
- language-fortran library: Fortran lexer and parser, language support, and extensions. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- language-gcl library: Something similar to Dijkstra's guarded command language (language, library, mit)
- language-gemini library and test: Datatypes and parsing/printing functions to represent the Gemini markup language (bsd3, gemini, library, text)
- language-glsl library, program and test: GLSL abstract syntax tree, parser, and pretty-printer (bsd3, graphics, language, library, program)
- language-go library: A library for analysis and synthesis of Go code. (language, library)
- language-guess library: Guess at which language a text is written in using
trigrams. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-haskell-extract library: Module to automatically extract functions from the local code. (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- language-hcl library, test and benchmark: HCL parsers and pretty-printers for the Haskell programming language. (data, library, mit)
- language-java library and test: Java source manipulation (bsd3, language, library)
- language-java-classfile library: Parser for Java .class files (bsd3, language, library)
- language-javascript library and test: Parser for JavaScript (bsd3, language, library)
- language-js library and test: javascript parser for es6 and es7. (language, library, mit)
- language-kort library and test: Parser and serializer for the Kort information language. (language, library, public-domain)
- language-lua library, test and benchmark: Lua parser and pretty-printer (bsd3, language, library)
- language-lua-qq library and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, language, library)
- language-lua2 library and test: Lua parser and pretty printer (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- language-mixal library and program: Parser, pretty-printer, and AST types for the MIXAL
assembly language (bsd3, language, library, program)
- language-ninja library, programs and test: A library for dealing with the Ninja build language. (apache, build, language, library, program)
- language-nix library: Data types and functions to represent the Nix language (bsd3, distribution, language, library, nix)
- language-oberon library, program and test: Parser, pretty-printer, and more for the Oberon programming language (gpl, language, library, program)
- language-objc library: Analysis and generation of Objective C code (bsd3, language, library)
- language-ocaml library and test: Language tools for manipulating OCaml programs in Haskell (language, library, mit, ocaml)
- language-openscad library and program: A simple parser for OpenSCAD (bsd3, language, library, program)
- language-pig library and test: Pig parser in haskell. (language, library, mit)
- language-protobuf library: Language definition and parser for Protocol Buffers. (apache, library, network)
- language-puppet library, programs and test: Tools to parse and evaluate the Puppet DSL. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- language-python library: Parsing and pretty printing of Python code. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-python-colour program: Generate coloured XHTML for Python code. (bsd3, language, program)
- language-python-test programs: testing code for the language-python library (bsd3, language, program)
- language-qux library: Utilities for working with the Qux language (bsd3, language, library, qux)
- language-rust library, tests and benchmarks: Parsing and pretty printing of Rust code (bsd3, language, library)
- language-sally library: AST and pretty printer for Sally (language, library)
- language-sh library: A package for parsing shell scripts (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- language-slice library and test: AST and parser for the ZeroC Slice language (Specification language for ICE) (bsd3, language, library)
- language-spelling library and test: Various tools to detect/correct mistakes in words (library, natural-language-processing, public-domain)
- language-spir-v library and test: Data type for SPIR-V (bsd3, language, library)
- language-sqlite library: Full parser and generator for SQL as implemented by SQLite3 (bsd3, database, language, library)
- language-sygus library and test: A parser and printer for the SyGuS 2.0 language. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-thrift library and test: Parser and pretty printer for the Thrift IDL format. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-tl library and test: A Parser for the Type Language (bsd3, language, library)
- language-toolkit library and programs: A set of tools for analyzing languages via logic and automata (formal-languages, library, mit, program)
- language-typescript library: A library for working with TypeScript Definition files (language, library, mit)
- language-vhdl library: VHDL AST and pretty printer in Haskell. (bsd3, language, library)
- language-webidl library and test: Parser and Pretty Printer for WebIDL (language, library, mit)
- laop library, test and benchmark: Matrix programming library (data, library, mit)
- lapack library and test: Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK (bsd3, library, math)
- lapack-carray library: Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK via CArrays (bsd3, library, math)
- lapack-comfort-array library: Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK via comfort-array (bsd3, library, math)
- lapack-ffi library: Auto-generated interface to Fortran LAPACK (bsd3, library, math)
- lapack-ffi-tools programs: Generator for Haskell interface to Fortran LAPACK (bsd3, math, program)
- lapack-hmatrix library: Conversion of objects between 'lapack' and 'hmatrix' (bsd3, library, math)
- large-anon library and test: Scalable anonymous records (bsd3, library, records)
- large-generics library and test: Generic programming API for large-records and large-anon (bsd3, generics, library)
- large-hashable library, test and benchmark: Efficiently hash (large) Haskell values (bsd3, library, web)
- large-records library and test: Efficient compilation for large records, linear in the size of the record (bsd3, generics, library)
- largeword library and test: Provides Word128, Word192 and Word256 and a way of producing other large words if required. (bsd3, data, library)
- lasercutter library, test and benchmark: A high-powered, single-pass tree parser. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- lat program: Tool to track security alerts on LWN (gpl, program, utils)
- latest-npm-version library, program and test: Find the latest version of a package on npm (library, mit, network, program)
- latex library: Parse, format and process LaTeX files (bsd3, library, text)
- latex-formulae-hakyll library: Use actual LaTeX to render formulae inside Hakyll pages (bsd3, image, library)
- latex-formulae-image library: A library for rendering LaTeX formulae as images using an actual LaTeX installation (bsd3, image, library)
- latex-formulae-pandoc library and program: Render LaTeX formulae in pandoc documents to images with an actual LaTeX installation (bsd3, image, library, program)
- latex-function-tables library, program and test: Function table specifications in latex (bsd3, library, program, text)
- latex-live-snippets program: Automatically inline Haskell snippets into LaTeX documents. (bsd3, program, system)
- latex-svg-hakyll library: Use actual LaTeX to render formulae inside Hakyll pages (bsd3, image, library)
- latex-svg-image library: A library for rendering LaTeX formulae as SVG using an actual LaTeX (bsd3, image, library)
- latex-svg-pandoc library and program: Render LaTeX formulae in pandoc documents to images with an actual LaTeX (bsd3, image, library, program)
- lathe library and test: Pure incremental byte parser. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- lathe-time library and test: lathe + time (bsd3, library, parsing)
- lattices library and test: Fine-grained library for constructing and manipulating lattices (bsd3, library, math)
- launchdarkly-server-sdk library and test: Server-side SDK for integrating with LaunchDarkly (apache, library, web)
- launchdarkly-server-sdk-redis-hedis library and test: LaunchDarkly Server-Side SDK - Redis Integration (apache, library, web)
- launchpad-control library and program: High and low-level interface to the Novation Launchpad midi controller. (bsd3, library, music, program, system)
- lawful library: Assert the lawfulness of your typeclass instances. (bsd3, library, safe)
- lawful-classes-hedgehog library and test: Hedgehog support for lawful-classes (apache, library, testing)
- lawful-classes-quickcheck library and test: QuickCheck support for lawful-classes (apache, library, testing)
- lawful-classes-types library: Types for lawful-classes (apache, library, testing)
- lawful-conversions library and test: Lawful typeclasses for bidirectional conversion between types (conversion, library, mit)
- lawless-concurrent-machines library, test and benchmark: Concurrent networked stream transducers (bsd3, concurrency, control, library)
- lawz library: Common mathematical laws. (bsd3, library, math, testing)
- lax library: Lax arrows (bsd3, control, library)
- layered-graph-drawing library and program: Layered Graph Drawing after Sugiyama (bsd3, graphics, graphs, library, program)
- layered-state library and benchmark: Control structure similar to Control.Monad.State, allowing multiple nested states, distinguishable by provided phantom types. (apache, data, library)
- layers library: Modular type class machinery for monad transformer stacks. (bsd3, control, library)
- layers-game program: A prototypical 2d platform game. (bsd3, game, program)
- layout library: Turn values into pretty text or markup (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, text, typography)
- layout-bootstrap library: Template and widgets for Bootstrap2 to use with Text.Blaze.Html5 (deprecated, library, mit, text)
- layout-rules library: A collection of different layout implementations (bsd3, language, library)
- layouting library: General layouting library. Currently supports layouting 2D areas and can be used as a backend for text pretty printing or automatic windows layouting managers. (apache, data, library)
- lazify library and tests: A simple utility for lazy record matching (bsd3, data, library)
- lazy library: Explicit laziness for Haskell (control, library, mit)
- lazy-async library and test: Asynchronous actions that don't start right away (concurrency, library, mit)
- lazy-bracket library and tests: A bracket with lazy resource allocation. (bsd3, control, library)
- lazy-cache library and test: Library for caching IO action that leverages on GHC RTS implementation (library, mpl, system)
- lazy-csv library and program: Efficient lazy parsers for CSV (comma-separated values). (bsd3, library, program, text)
- lazy-hash library: Identifiers for not-yet-computed values (data, gpl, library)
- lazy-hash-cache library: Storing computed values for re-use when the same program runs again. (data, gpl, library)
- lazy-io library: Lazy IO (bsd3, library, system)
- lazy-io-streams library: Get lazy with your io-streams (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- lazy-priority-queue library, program and test: Lazy-Spined Monadic Priority Queues (control, data, gpl, library, program)
- lazy-search library: Finds values satisfying a lazy predicate (bsd3, library, testing)
- lazyarray library: Efficient implementation of lazy monolithic arrays (lazy in indexes). (bsd3, data, library)
- lazyboy library and test: An EDSL for programming the Game Boy. (bsd3, compiler, dsl, library)
- lazyio library: Run IO actions lazily while respecting their order (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- lazyio-applicative library: LazyIO applicative for asymptotic performance (applicative, control, library, mit)
- lazyppl library: Lazy Probabilistic Programming Library (library, mit, statistics)
- lazyset library, tests and benchmark: Set and Map from lazy/infinite lists. (data, library, mit)
- lazysmallcheck library: A library for demand-driven testing of Haskell programs (bsd3, library, testing)
- lazysplines library: Differential solving with lazy splines (bsd3, library, math)
- lbfgs library: L-BFGS optimization (library, numeric)
- lca library: O(log n) persistent online lowest common ancestor search without preprocessing (algorithms, bsd3, data-structures, library)
- lcs library: Find longest common sublist of two lists (library, list)
- ld-intervals library: Data structures for representing arbitrary intervals (bsd3, library, web)
- lda library: Online Latent Dirichlet Allocation (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- ldap-client library and test: Pure Haskell LDAP Client Library (bsd2, library, network)
- ldap-client-og library and test: Pure Haskell LDAP Client Library (bsd2, library, network)
- ldap-scim-bridge library, program and test: See README for synopsis (agpl, library, program, system)
- ldapply program: LDIF idempotent apply tool (mit, network, program, text)
- ldif library and test: The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) tools (bsd3, library, text)
- ldtk-types library and test: Datatypes and Aeson instances for parsing LDtk (bsd3, data, library)
- leaf program: A simple portfolio generator (gpl, program, web)
- leaky program: Robust space leak, and its strictification (bsd3, program, testing)
- lean library: Bonds to Lean theorem prover (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- lean-peano library and tests: A maximally lazy, simple implementation of the Peano numbers with minimal dependencies. (library, mit, numeric)
- leancheck library and tests: Enumerative property-based testing (bsd3, library, testing)
- leancheck-enum-instances library: listable instances for small enum types (bsd3, library, testing)
- leancheck-instances library and tests: Common LeanCheck instances (bsd3, library, testing)
- leankit-api library: LeanKit API (api, library, mit)
- leanpub-concepts library: Types for the Leanpub API (library, mit, web)
- leanpub-wreq library: Use the Leanpub API via Wreq (library, mit, web)
- leapseconds library and test: (bsd3, library, time)
- leapseconds-announced library and test: Leap seconds announced at library release time. (bsd3, library, system)
- learn library: Learning Algorithms (bsd3, library, statistics)
- learn-physics library and programs: Haskell code for learning physics (bsd3, library, physics, program)
- learn-physics-examples programs: examples for learn-physics (bsd3, deprecated, physics, program)
- learning-hmm library: Yet another library for hidden Markov models (algorithms, library, machine-learning, mit, statistics)
- leb128 library, test and benchmark: LEB128 encoding logic for and in Haskell (bsd3, codec, library)
- leb128-binary library, test and benchmark: Signed and unsigned LEB128 codec for binary library (apache, binary, library)
- leb128-cereal library and tests: LEB128 and SLEB128 encoding (codec, library, mit)
- leetify program: Leetify text (bsd3, program, text)
- left4deadrl program: left4dead-inspired roguelike (bsd3, math, program)
- legion library: Distributed, stateful, homogeneous microservice framework. (apache, concurrency, deprecated, library, network)
- legion-discovery library, program and test: A discovery service based on Legion. (apache, deprecated, library, program, value)
- legion-discovery-client library and test: Client library for communicating with legion-discovery. (apache, deprecated, library, web)
- legion-extra library and test: Extra non-essential utilities for building legion applications. (apache, deprecated, library, value)
- leksah library and program: Haskell IDE written in Haskell (development, editor, ide, library, program)
- leksah-server library, programs and test: Metadata collection for leksah (ide, library, program)
- lendingclub library: Bindings for the LendingClub marketplace API (bsd3, finance, library)
- lens library, test and benchmarks: Lenses, Folds and Traversals (bsd2, data, generics, lenses, library)
- lens-accelerate library: Instances to mix lens with Accelerate (accelerate, bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- lens-action library: Monadic Getters and Folds (bsd3, data, generics, lenses, library)
- lens-aeson library: Law-abiding lenses for aeson (data, json, lenses, library, mit)
- lens-core library: A placeholder for a future lens core package. (deprecated, lenses, library)
- lens-csv library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- lens-datetime library: Lenses for Data.Time.* types (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- lens-errors library and test: Error handling in lens chains (bsd3, lenses, library)
- lens-family library: Lens Families (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- lens-family-core library: Haskell 2022 Lens Families (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- lens-family-th library and test: Generate lens-family style lenses (bsd3, data, library)
- lens-filesystem library and test: Lens interface for your filesystem; still a bit experimental (bsd3, control, library)
- lens-indexed-plated library: Indexed version of Plated. (bsd2, data, generics, lenses, library)
- lens-labels library: Integration of lenses with OverloadedLabels. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- lens-misc library: Miscellaneous lens utilities. (bsd3, control, library)
- lens-named library: Helper for use with lens (bsd3, lens, library)
- lens-prelude library: Alternate prelude that exports lens combinators (bsd3, library, web)
- lens-process library and test: Optics for system processes (bsd3, library, system)
- lens-properties library: QuickCheck properties for lens (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- lens-regex library and test: Lens powered regular expression (bsd3, library, text)
- lens-regex-pcre library and test: A lensy interface to regular expressions (bsd3, library, regex)
- lens-simple library: simplified import of elementary lens-family combinators (bsd3, lenses-----, library)
- lens-sop library: Computing lenses generically using generics-sop (bsd3, generics, library)
- lens-tell library: MonadTell-based lens combinators (bsd3, control, library)
- lens-text-encoding library: Isomorphisms and prisms for text <=> bytestring conversions (library, mit, text)
- lens-th-rewrite library and programs: Rewrites Template Haskell splices using the API (bsd3, data, library, program)
- lens-time library: lens for Data.Time (data, library, mit)
- lens-toml-parser library and test: Lenses for toml-parser (language, lenses, library)
- lens-tutorial library and test: Tutorial for the lens library (bsd3, control, library)
- lens-typelevel library: Type-level lenses using singletons (bsd3, dependent-types, lenses, library)
- lens-utils library: Collection of missing lens utilities. (apache, data, library)
- lens-witherable library: lens-compatible tools for working with witherable (data, library, mit)
- lens-xml library and test: Lenses for the xml package. (bsd3, library, web)
- lenses library: Simple Functional Lenses (bsd3, data, library)
- lensref library and test: References which can be joined and on which lenses can be applied (bsd3, control, data, deprecated, library)
- lentil program and test: frugal issue tracker (development, gpl, program, project-management)
- lenz library: Van Laarhoven lenses (bsd3, data, deprecated, lenses, library)
- lenz-mtl library: mtl operations with Van Laarhoven lenses (control, data, deprecated, lenses, library)
- lenz-template library: Van Laarhoven lens templates (data, deprecated, lenses, library, template-haskell)
- less-arbitrary library and test: Linear time testing with variant of Arbitrary class that always terminates. (bsd3, library, web)
- level-monad library: Non-Determinism Monad for Level-Wise Search (control, library, monads, public-domain)
- leveldb-haskell library and test: Haskell bindings to LevelDB (bsd3, database, ffi, library)
- leveldb-haskell-fork library and test: Haskell bindings to LevelDB (bsd3, database, ffi, library)
- levenshtein library, test and benchmark: Calculate the edit distance between two foldables. (bsd3, library, tools)
- levmar library: An implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- levmar-chart library: Plots the results of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm in a chart (bsd3, library, numerical)
- lex-applicative library, test and benchmark: See README for more info (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)
- lexer-applicative library and test: Simple lexer based on applicative regular expressions (language, library, mit)
- lfst library and test: L-Fuzzy Set Theory implementation in Haskell (gpl, library, math----------)
- lgtk library and program: Lens GUI Toolkit (bsd3, deprecated, gui, library, program)
- lha library: Data structures for the Les Houches Accord (library, mit, physics)
- lhae program: Simple spreadsheet program (data, deprecated, program)
- lhc : LHC Haskell Compiler (compiler, public-domain)
- lhe library: Parser and writer for Les-Houches event files (data, library, mit, physics)
- lhs2TeX-hl program: Literate highlighter preprocessor for lhs2tex (development, language, mit, program)
- lhs2html program: Compile lhs in bird style to md, html, hs. (development, program, public-domain)
- lhs2tex program: Preprocessor for typesetting Haskell sources with LaTeX (development, language, program)
- lhslatex program: Tool for using pdflatex with .lhs files (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- libBF library and test: A binding to the libBF library. (data, library, mit)
- libGenI library: A natural language generator (specifically, an FB-LTAG surface realiser) (deprecated, library, natural-language-processing)
- libarchive test and benchmarks: Haskell interface to libarchive (bsd3, codec)
- libarchive-conduit library: Read many archive formats with libarchive and conduit (bsd3, codec, library)
- libconfig library and test: Haskell bindings to libconfig (bsd3, language, library)
- libcspm library and test: A library providing a parser, type checker and evaluator for CSPM. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- libexpect library: Library for interacting with console applications via pseudoterminals. (bsd3, library, system)
- libffi library: A binding to libffi (bsd3, foreign, library)
- libffi-dynamic library: LibFFI interface with dynamic bidirectional
type-driven binding generation (foreign, library)
- libfuse3 library, tests and benchmark: A Haskell binding for libfuse-3.x (library, mit, system)
- libgit library: Simple Git Wrapper (bsd3, development, library)
- libgraph library: Store and manipulate data in a graph. (algorithms, bsd3, data-structures, library)
- libhbb library, program and test: Backend for text editors to provide better Haskell editing support. (development, lgpl, library, program)
- libinfluxdb library: libinfluxdb (database, library, mit)
- libiserv library: Provides shared functionality between iserv and iserv-proxy. (bsd3, development, library)
- libjenkins library and tests: Jenkins API interface (bsd2, library, network)
- libjwt-typed library, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) (library, mpl, web)
- liblastfm library and test: Lastfm API interface (library, mit, network-apis)
- liblawless library and test: Prelude based on protolude for GHC 8 and beyond. (gpl, library, prelude)
- liblinear-enumerator library: liblinear iteratee. (ai, bsd3, classification, library, statistics)
- libltdl library: FFI interface to libltdl (bsd3, foreign, library)
- libmdbx library, program and test: Bindings for libmdbx, an embedded key/value store (bsd3, database, library, program)
- libmodbus library: Haskell bindings to the C modbus library (bsd2, library, system)
- libmolude library and test: Prelude based on protolude for GHC 8 and beyond. (deprecated, gpl, library, prelude)
- libmpd library and test: An MPD client library. (library, mit, network, sound)
- libnix library and test: Bindings to the nix package manager (foreign, gpl, library, nix)
- libnotify library: Bindings to libnotify library (desktop, library, mit, system)
- libnvvm library and test: FFI binding to libNVVM, a compiler SDK component from NVIDIA (foreign, library, mit)
- liboath-hs library, program and test: Bindings to liboath (gpl, library, program, security)
- liboleg library: An evolving collection of Oleg Kiselyov's Haskell modules (bsd3, library, text)
- libpafe library and tests: Wrapper for libpafe (ffi, gpl, library)
- libphonenumber library and tests: Parsing, formatting, and validating international phone
numbers (data, library, mit)
- libpq library: libpq binding for Haskell (bsd3, database, library)
- libraft library, program and test: Raft consensus algorithm (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-systems, library, program)
- librandomorg library: Wrapper to API (library, mit, network-apis)
- librarian library, program and test: Move/rename according a set of rules (data, library, program)
- librato library: Bindings to the Librato API (library, mit, network)
- libravatar library: Use Libravatar, the decentralized avatar delivery service (library, network, public-domain, web)
- librdkafka library: TBA (bsd3, data, library)
- libremidi library, program and test: libremidi bindings for haskell (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- libretls library and test: libtls bindings (bsd2, library, network)
- libriscv library, program and test: A versatile, flexible and executable formal model for the RISC-V architecture. (formal-languages, library, mit, program)
- libroman library, program and test: Use Roman Numerals as a Numeric Datatype (sort of) (bsd3, data, library, math, numerical, program)
- libsecp256k1 library and test: Bindings for secp256k1 (crypto, library, mit)
- libsodium library and test: Low-level bindings to the libsodium C library (cryptography, library)
- libsodium-bindings library: FFI bindings to libsodium (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- libssh library: libssh bindings (library, mit, network)
- libssh2 library: FFI bindings to libssh2 SSH2 client library ( (bsd3, library, network)
- libssh2-conduit library: Conduit wrappers for libssh2 FFI bindings (see libssh2 package). (bsd3, library, network)
- libstackexchange library: StackExchange API interface (library, mit, networkapis)
- libsystemd-daemon library and test: Haskell bindings for libsystemd-daemon. (lgpl, library, system)
- libsystemd-journal library: Haskell bindings to libsystemd-journal (bsd3, library, logging)
- libtagc library: Binding to TagLib C library. (audio, lgpl, library)
- libtelnet library: Bindings to libtelnet (gpl, library, network)
- libtorch-ffi library and test: Haskell bindings for PyTorch (bsd3, codegen, library)
- libtorch-ffi-helper library: Helpers for integrating libtorch-ffi with Hasktorch. (bsd3, codegen, library)
- libversion library: Haskell binding to libversion (bsd3, ffi, library)
- libvirt-hs library: FFI bindings to libvirt virtualization API ( (bsd3, library, system)
- libvorbis library: Haskell binding for libvorbis, for decoding Ogg Vorbis audio files (bsd3, codec, library)
- libxls library: Bindings to libxls (ffi, library, mit)
- libxlsxwriter-hs library: Bindings to libxlsxwriter (bsd3, ffi, library, xlsx)
- libxml library: Binding to libxml2 (bsd3, library, xml)
- libxml-enumerator library: Enumerator-based API for libXML's SAX interface (deprecated, enumerator, library, mit, parsing, text, xml)
- libxml-sax library and test: Bindings for the libXML2 SAX interface (foreign, library, mit, parsing, text, xml)
- libxslt library: Binding to libxslt (bsd3, foreign-binding, library, text, xml)
- libyaml library: Low-level, streaming YAML interface. (bsd3, library, text)
- libyaml-clib library: libyaml clibs (library, mit, text)
- libyaml-streamly library: Low-level, streaming YAML interface via streamly. (bsd3, library, text)
- libzfs library and program: Bindings to libzfs, for dealing with the Z File System and Zpools. (library, mit, program, system)
- licensor library and program: A license compatibility helper (distribution, library, mit, program)
- lie library and program: Lie Algebras (bsd3, library, math, program)
- life program: Conway's Life cellular automaton (bsd3, game, program)
- life-sync library, program and test: Synchronize personal configs across multiple machines. (cli, cli-tool, configuration, development, library, mpl, program)
- lifetimes library and test: Flexible manual resource management (apache, library, unclassified)
- lift-generics library and test: GHC.Generics-based Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.lift implementation (bsd3, language, library)
- lift-read-show library: Helper methods to define `Read1`, `Read2`, `Show1`, `Show2` instances (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- lift-type library and test: Lift a type from a Typeable constraint to a Template Haskell type (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- lifted-async library, tests and benchmarks: Run lifted IO operations asynchronously and wait for their results (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- lifted-base library, test and benchmark: lifted IO operations from the base library (bsd3, control, library)
- lifted-base-tf library, test and benchmark: lifted IO operations from the base library (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- lifted-protolude library: A sensible set of defaults for writing lifted custom Preludes. (library, mit, prelude)
- lifted-stm library: STM operations lifted through monad transformer stacks (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- lifted-threads library: lifted IO operations from the threads library (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- lifter program: A boulderdash-like game and solution validator (bsd3, games-, program)
- lifx-lan library: LIFX LAN API (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- ligature library: Expand ligatures in unicode text (library, mit, text)
- ligd library: Lightweight Implementation of Generics and Dynamics (bsd3, generics, library)
- light library and test: a simple physics engine (bsd3, library, physics)
- lightning-haskell library and test: Haskell client for lightning-viz REST API (bsd3, library, visualization, web)
- lightstep-haskell library, program and test: LightStep OpenTracing client library (apache, library, program, tools)
- lighttpd-conf library: Lighttpd configuration file tools. (bsd3, library, web)
- lighttpd-conf-qq library: A QuasiQuoter for lighttpd configuration files. (bsd3, library, web)
- lilypond library: Bindings to Lilypond (bsd3, library, music)
- lima library and tests: Convert between Haskell, Markdown, Literate Haskell, TeX (library, mit, productivity)
- limp library and test: representation of Integer Linear Programs (library, mit, numeric)
- limp-cbc library and tests: bindings for integer linear programming solver Coin/CBC (library, mit, numeric)
- lin-alg library: Low-dimensional matrices and vectors for graphics and physics (bsd3, library, math)
- linda library: LINear Discriminant Analysis (bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- linden library and program: Zen gardening, based on l-systems (bsd3, library, program, web)
- lindenmayer library: L-systems in Haskell (formal-languages, library, mit)
- line library and test: Haskell SDK for the LINE API (bsd3, library, network)
- line-bot-sdk library and test: Haskell SDK for LINE Messaging API (bsd3, library, network, web)
- line-break program: Convert newlines in text (gpl, program, text)
- line-drawing library and test: raster line drawing (bsd3, graphics, library)
- line-indexed-cursor library, test and benchmark: Line-indexed file reader. (data, development, library, mit)
- line-size program: Display the number of bytes of each line (data, gpl, program)
- line2pdf library and program: Simple command-line utility to convert text into PDF (bsd3, library, program, text)
- linear library and tests: Linear Algebra (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- linear-accelerate library and test: Lifting linear vector spaces into Accelerate (accelerate, algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- linear-algebra-cblas library and program: A linear algebra library with bindings to BLAS and LAPACK (bsd3, library, math, program)
- linear-base library, tests and benchmark: Standard library for linear types. (library, mit, prelude)
- linear-circuit library and test: Compute resistance of linear electrical circuits (bsd3, library, math)
- linear-code library and test: A simple library for linear codes (coding theory, error correction) (gpl, library, math)
- linear-generics library and test: Generic programming library for generalised deriving. (bsd3, generics, library)
- linear-geo library and test: Geographic coordinates, built on the linear package. (library, math, mit)
- linear-grammar library and test: A simple grammar for building linear equations and inclusive inequalities. (algebra, bsd3, library, math)
- linear-maps library and programs: Finite maps for linear use (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, program)
- linear-opengl library: Isomorphisms between linear and OpenGL types (bsd3, graphics, library)
- linear-programming library: Linear Programming basic definitions (bsd3, library, math)
- linear-smc library and test: Build SMC morphisms using linear types (lgpl, library, math)
- linear-socket library and test: Typed sockets (gpl, library, network)
- linear-tests library and test: Linear Algebra (algebra, bsd3, library, math, testing)
- linear-vect library: A low-dimensional linear algebra library, operating on the Num typeclass (bsd3, library, math)
- linearEqSolver library: Use SMT solvers to solve linear systems over integers and rationals (bsd3, library, math, smt)
- linearmap-category library and test: Native, complete-ish, matrix-free linear algebra. (gpl, library, math)
- linearscan library: Linear scan register allocator, formally verified in Coq (bsd3, development, library)
- linearscan-hoopl library and test: Makes it easy to use the linearscan register allocator with Hoopl (bsd3, development, library)
- linebreak library and test: breaks strings to fit width (bsd3, library, text)
- linenoise library and program: A lightweight readline-replacement library for Haskell (bsd3, library, program, user-interfaces)
- lines-of-action library: Lines of Action, 2-player strategy board game (game, library, mit)
- lingo library, program and test: File extension based programming language detection (bsd3, data, library, program)
- linguistic-ordinals library: Express Integral types as linguistic ordinals (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc) (bsd3, library, text)
- link-relations library: Use web link relation types (RFC 5988) in Haskell (data, library, public-domain, web)
- linkcheck library, program and test: Check for broken links in CI (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- linkchk program: linkchk is a network interface link ping monitor. (program, system)
- linkcore program: Combines multiple GHC Core modules into a single module (bsd3, language, program)
- linked-list-with-iterator library and test: A pure linked list which is mutable through iterators. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- linkedhashmap library, test and benchmark: Persistent LinkedHashMap data structure (bsd3, data, library)
- linklater library and test: A Haskell library for the Slack API (bsd3, library, network)
- linnet library and test: Lightweight library for building HTTP API (library, linnet)
- linnet-aeson library and test: Aeson JSON support for Linnet (library, linnet)
- linnet-conduit library and test: Conduit-backed support for streaming in Linnet (library, linnet)
- linode library and test: Bindings to the Linode API (bsd3, cloud, distributed-computing, library, network)
- linode-v4 library and test: Haskell wrapper for the Linode v4 API (bsd3, library, network)
- linux-blkid library: Linux libblkid (lgpl, library, system)
- linux-capabilities library: Linux capabilities Haskell data type (apache, library, system)
- linux-cgroup library: Very basic interface to the Linux CGroup Virtual Filesystem (library, mit, system)
- linux-evdev library: Bindings to Linux evdev input device interface. (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- linux-file-extents library: Retrieve file fragmentation information under Linux (bsd3, ffi, filesystem, library, system)
- linux-framebuffer library: Linux fbdev (framebuffer device, /dev/fbX) utility functions (graphics, library)
- linux-inotify library: Thinner binding to the Linux Kernel's inotify interface (bsd3, library, system)
- linux-kmod library: Linux kernel modules support (bsd3, library, system)
- linux-mount library: Mount and unmount filesystems (bsd3, library, system)
- linux-namespaces library: Work with linux namespaces: create new or enter existing ones (bsd3, library, system)
- linux-perf library and programs: Read files generated by perf on Linux (bsd3, debug, development, ghc, library, profiling, program, trace)
- linux-ptrace library: Wrapping of Linux' ptrace(2). (library, mit, system)
- linux-xattr library: Read, set and list extended attributes (bsd3, library, system)
- linx-gateway library, program and test: Implementation of the Enea LINX gateway protocol. (library, mit, network, program)
- lio library: Labeled IO Information Flow Control Library (library, mit, security)
- lio-eci11 library: Labeled IO library (deprecated, library, security)
- lio-fs library: Labeled File System interface for LIO (library, security)
- lio-simple library and program: LIO support for the Simple web framework (lgpl, library, program, web)
- lion library: RISC-V Core (bsd3, hardware, library)
- lipsum-gen library: Generators for random sequences of English-like nonsense
text. (bsd3, library, testing-, text)
- liquid library, test and benchmark: Liquid template language library (bsd3, library, template)
- liquid-base library: base specs for LiquidHaskell (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- liquid-bytestring library: Old specs for the bytestring package (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- liquid-containers library: Old specs for containers (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- liquid-fixpoint library, program and tests: Predicate Abstraction-based Horn-Clause/Implication Constraint Solver (bsd3, language, library, program)
- liquid-ghc-prim library: Drop-in ghc-prim replacement for LH (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- liquid-parallel library: LiquidHaskell specs for the parallel package (bsd3, language, library)
- liquid-platform : A battery-included platform for LiquidHaskell (bsd3, language)
- liquid-prelude library: General utility modules for LiquidHaskell (bsd3, language, library)
- liquid-vector library: LiquidHaskell specs for the vector package (bsd3, language, library)
- liquidhaskell library: Liquid Types for Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- liquidhaskell-boot library and tests: Liquid Types for Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- liquidhaskell-cabal library: Liquid Haskell integration for Cabal and Stack (bsd3, development, library)
- liquidhaskell-cabal-demo library and program: Demo of Liquid Haskell integration for Cabal and Stack (development, library, program)
- lispparser library: Simple parser for LISP S-expressions (bsd3, library, parsing)
- list-duplicate library and test: Group and delete duplicates from a list (bsd3, library, list)
- list-extras library: Common not-so-common functions for lists (bsd3, library, list)
- list-filter library and test: Special takes and drops on lists (bsd3, library, list)
- list-fusion-probe library and test: testing list fusion for success (bsd3, data, library)
- list-grouping library: Functions for grouping a list into sublists (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- list-mux library: List Multiplexing (bsd3, library, list)
- list-predicate library and test: Predicates on lists (bsd3, library, list)
- list-prompt library and test: A simple list prompt UI for the terminal. (gpl, library, system)
- list-remote-forwards program: List all remote forwards for mail accounts stored in a SQL database. (agpl, mail, program, utils)
- list-shuffle library, test and benchmark: List shuffling and sampling (bsd3, data, library)
- list-singleton library: Easily and clearly create lists with only one element in them. (data, library, mit)
- list-t library and test: ListT done right (control, data-structures, library, mit, streaming)
- list-t-attoparsec library and test: An "attoparsec" adapter for "list-t" (library, mit, parsing, streaming)
- list-t-html-parser library and test: Streaming HTML parser (html, library, mit, parser, streaming)
- list-t-http-client library: A streaming HTTP client (http, library, mit, streaming)
- list-t-libcurl library: A "libcurl"-based streaming HTTP client (http, library, mit, streaming)
- list-t-text library and test: A streaming text codec (codec, library, mit, streaming)
- list-transformer library and test: List monad transformer (bsd3, control, library)
- list-tries library and test: Tries and Patricia tries: finite sets and maps for list keys (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- list-tuple library and test: List-like operations for tuples (apache, data, library)
- list-witnesses library: Witnesses for working with type-level lists (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- list-zip-def library: Provides zips with default values. (data, library, public-domain)
- list-zipper library and test: A list zipper (bsd3, data, library)
- list1 library: Helpers for working with NonEmpty lists. (bsd3, data, library)
- listenbrainz-client library: A client library to the ListenBrainz project (bsd3, library, web)
- listlike-instances library: Extra instances of the ListLike class (bsd3, data-structures, deprecated, generics, library)
- lists library: Functions for dealing with lists (bsd3, data, library)
- lists-flines library: Additional data and structures to some 'String'-related lists. (data, library, mit)
- listsafe library: Safe wrappers for partial list functions, supporting MonadThrow. (apache, data, library, list, safe)
- liszt library, programs and benchmark: Append only key-list database (bsd3, database, library, program)
- lit program: A simple tool for literate programming (development, program)
- literals library: Non-overloaded functions for concrete literals. (data, library, mit)
- literatex library, program and test: transform literate source code to Markdown (library, mit, program, utils)
- little-earley library and test: Simple implementation of Earley parsing (library, mit, parsing)
- little-logger library and test: Basic logging based on monad-logger (bsd3, library, logging)
- little-rio library: When you need just the RIO monad (bsd3, control, library)
- live-sequencer library and program: Live coding of MIDI music (gui, library, music, program, sound)
- liveplot library and programs: Liveplotting (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- ll-picosat library: (library, mit, unclassified)
- llama-cpp-haskell library: Haskell bindings for the llama.cpp llama-server (agpl, library, text)
- llrbtree library: Purely functional sets and heaps (bsd3, data, library)
- llsd library and program: An implementation of the LLSD data system (library, mit, networking, program)
- llvm library: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit. (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library)
- llvm-analysis library and tests: A Haskell library for analyzing LLVM bitcode (bsd3, development, library)
- llvm-base library: FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit. (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library)
- llvm-base-types library: The base types for a mostly pure Haskell LLVM analysis library (bsd3, data, library)
- llvm-base-util library: Utilities for bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit. (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-codegen library and test: A DSL for LLVM IR code generation based on llvm-hs. (bsd3, compilers, library)
- llvm-data-interop library: A low-level data interoperability binding for LLVM (bsd3, data, library)
- llvm-dsl library and test: Support for writing an EDSL with LLVM-JIT as target (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-extension library: Processor specific intrinsics for the llvm interface (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-extra library and test: Utility functions for the llvm interface (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-ffi library: FFI bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit. (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-ffi-tools programs: Tools for maintaining the llvm-ffi package (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, program)
- llvm-general library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-general-pure library and test: Pure Haskell LLVM functionality (no FFI). (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-general-quote library and test: QuasiQuoting llvm code for llvm-general (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-hs library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-hs-pretty library and test: A pretty printer for LLVM IR. (compilers, library, mit)
- llvm-hs-pure library and test: Pure Haskell LLVM functionality (no FFI). (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-ht library: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit with some custom extensions. (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, deprecated, library)
- llvm-party library and test: General purpose LLVM bindings (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-pkg-config program: Generate Pkg-Config configuration file for LLVM (bsd3, code-generation, program)
- llvm-pretty library and test: A pretty printing library inspired by the llvm binding. (bsd3, library, text)
- llvm-pretty-bc-parser library, program and tests: LLVM bitcode parsing library (bsd3, library, program, text)
- llvm-tf library and test: Bindings to the LLVM compiler toolkit using type families. (bsd3, code-generation, compilers-interpreters, library)
- llvm-tools library and programs: Useful tools built on llvm-analysis (bsd3, development, library, program)
- lmdb library: Lightning MDB bindings (bsd2, database, library)
- lmdb-high-level library and test: Higher level API for working with LMDB (bsd3, library, web)
- lmdb-simple library, tests and benchmark: Simple API for LMDB (bsd3, database, library)
- lmonad library and test: LMonad is an Information Flow Control (IFC) framework for Haskell applications. (library, mit, security)
- lmonad-yesod library: LMonad for Yesod integrates LMonad's IFC with Yesod web applications. (library, mit, security, web, yesod)
- lnd-client library, program and test: Lightning Network Daemon (LND) client library for Haskell (bitcoin, bsd3, finance, library, lightning, network, payments, program)
- lnurl library: Support for developing against the LNURL protocol (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- lnurl-authenticator library and program: A command line tool to manage LNURL auth identities (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- load-balancing library: Client-side load balancing utilities. (apache, library, unclassified)
- load-env library and tests: Load environment variables from a file. (bsd3, configuration, library)
- load-font library: A cross platform library for loading bundled fonts into your application (bsd3, font, graphics, gui, library, ui, user-interfaces)
- loadavg library: Load average parsing from /proc/loadavg and bindings to getloadavg (3) (bsd3, library, system)
- loc library and test: Line and column positions and ranges in text files (apache, data-structures, library, text)
- loc-test library: Hedgehog generators for loc (apache, library, testing)
- local-address library: Functions to get local interface address (bsd3, library, network)
- local-search library: Generalised local search within Haskell, for applications in combinatorial optimisation. (control, library, local-search, optimisation)
- localization library: Library for localization (l10n) (data-structures, gpl, library)
- localize library: GNU Gettext-based messages localization library (bsd3, library, text)
- located library: Source location helpers (bsd3, language, library)
- located-base library and benchmark: Location-aware variants of partial functions (bsd3, development, library)
- located-monad-logger library: Location-aware logging without Template Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, library, logging)
- locators library and test: Human exchangable identifiers and locators (library, mit, other)
- loch library and program: Support for precise error locations in source files (bsd3, development, library, program)
- loch-th library: Support for precise error locations in source files (Template Haskell version) (bsd3, development, library)
- lock-file library and test: Provide exclusive access to a resource using lock file. (bsd3, library, system)
- locked-poll library, program and test: Very simple poll lock (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- lockfree-queue library and test: Michael and Scott lock-free queues. (bsd3, concurrent, data, library)
- lockpool library: set a maximum on the number of concurrent actions (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- log library, tests and benchmark: Structured logging solution with multiple backends (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- log-base library: Structured logging solution (base package) (bsd3, library, system)
- log-domain library: Log-domain arithmetic (bsd3, library, numeric)
- log-effect library and program: An extensible log effect using extensible-effects (control, effect, library, logging, mit, program)
- log-effect-syslog library: Syslog functions for log-effect (bsd3, control, effect, library, logging, syslog)
- log-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the log library for the effectful ecosystem. (bsd3, library, system)
- log-elasticsearch library: Structured logging solution (Elasticsearch back end) (bsd3, library, system)
- log-postgres library: Structured logging solution (PostgreSQL back end) (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- log-utils programs: Utils for working with logs (bsd3, data, program)
- log-warper library, programs and test: Flexible, configurable, monadic and pretty logging (library, logging, mit, program)
- log2json library and program: Turn log file records into JSON. (json, library, logging, program, text, tools, utils)
- log4hs library, test and benchmark: A python logging style log library (bsd3, library, log, logging)
- logentries library and test: Request logger middleware for Logentries (bsd3, library, web)
- logfloat library: Log-domain floating point numbers (bsd3, data, library, math, natural-language-processing, statistics)
- logfmt library: Formatting (bsd3, library, system, text)
- logger library: Fast & extensible logging framework (apache, library, system)
- logger-thread library and program: Run FastLogger in a thread and direct all queued messages to it. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- logging library and test: Simplified logging in IO for application writers. (library, mit, system)
- logging-effect library and benchmark: A mtl-style monad transformer for general purpose & compositional logging (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- logging-effect-colors library: Log messages in color (bsd3, library, system)
- logging-effect-extra library and program: Supplemental packages for `logging-effect`. (deprecated, library, mit, other, program)
- logging-effect-extra-file library and programs: TH splices to augment log messages with file info (deprecated, library, mit, other, program)
- logging-effect-extra-handler library and programs: Handy logging handler combinators (deprecated, library, mit, other, program)
- logging-effect-syslog library: Log messages to a posix system log via logging-effect (bsd3, library, system)
- logging-facade library and test: Simple logging abstraction that allows multiple back-ends (library, mit, system)
- logging-facade-journald library and test: Journald back-end for logging-facade (library, mit, system)
- logging-facade-syslog library: A logging back-end to syslog(3) for the logging-facade library (bsd3, library, system)
- logic-TPTP library and test: Import, export etc. for TPTP, a syntax for first-order logic (codec, library, math, theorem-provers)
- logic-classes library and test: Framework for propositional and first order logic, theorem proving (bsd3, library, logic, theorem-provers)
- logical-constraints library: Simple logical constraints 'syntax-sugar' writing library. (data, library, mit)
- logicst library: Backtracking mutable references in the ST and IO monads (bsd3, control, library)
- logict library and test: A backtracking logic-programming monad. (bsd3, control, library)
- logict-sequence library and test: A backtracking logic-programming monad with asymptotic improvements to msplit (control, library, mit)
- logict-state library: Library for logic programming based on haskell package logict (bsd3, development, library)
- loglevel library and test: Log Level Datatype (library, mit, system)
- logplex-parse library and test: Parse Heroku application/logplex documents (library, mit, text)
- logsink library and test: A logging framework for Haskell (library, mit, system)
- logstash library: Logstash client library for Haskell (library, mit, network)
- lojban library and program: Useful utilities for the Lojban language (bsd3, language, library, program)
- lojbanParser library and program: lojban parser (bsd3, language, library, program)
- lojbanXiragan library and program: lojban to xiragan (bsd3, language, library, program)
- lojysamban program: Prolog with lojban (bsd3, language, program)
- lol library and test: A library for lattice cryptography. (crypto, gpl, library)
- lol-apps library: Lattice-based cryptographic applications using < lol>. (crypto, gpl, library)
- lol-benches library: A library for benchmarking < lol>. (crypto, gpl, library)
- lol-calculus : Calculus for LOL (λω language). (gpl, language)
- lol-cpp library and benchmark: A fast C++ backend for < lol>. (crypto, gpl, library)
- lol-repa library, test and benchmark: A repa backend for < lol>. (crypto, gpl, library)
- lol-tests library and test: A library for testing < Λ ∘ λ>. (crypto, gpl, library)
- lol-typing library and test: Type inferencer for LOL (λω language) (gpl, language, library)
- loli library: A minimum web dev DSL in Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- long-double : FFI bindings for C long double (bsd3, math)
- longboi library: Dependently-typed linked list implementation (data, library, mit)
- longshot library, program and test: Fast Brute-force search using parallelism (algorithm, cryptography, library, mit, parallelism, program, search)
- looksee library and test: A simple text parser with decent errors (bsd3, library, parsing)
- looksee-trip library: A simple text parser with decent errors (bsd3, library, parsing)
- lookup-tables library and test: Statically generate lookup tables using Template Haskell. (data, library)
- loop library, test and benchmarks: Fast loops (for when GHC can't optimize forM_) (control, library, mit)
- loop-dsl library and test: monadic loop dsl. (control, library, mit)
- loop-effin library: control-monad-loop port for effin (bsd3, control, library)
- loop-while library: A monad transformer supporting various styles of while loop (bsd3, control, library)
- loopbreaker library and test: inline self-recursive definitions (bsd3, library, plugin)
- looper library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- loops library, test and benchmark: Fast imperative-style loops (bsd3, control, library)
- loopy program: Find all biological feedback loops within an ecosystem graph. (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- lord library, program and test: A command line interface to online radios. (library, music, program, public-domain, web)
- lorem library and program: Library for generating filler text (bsd3, library, program, text)
- lorentz library: EDSL for the Michelson Language (language, library, mit)
- loris library: interface to Loris API (gpl, library, music, sound)
- loshadka program: Minecraft 1.7 server proxy that answers to queries when the server is offline (mit, network, program)
- lostcities program: An implementation of an adictive two-player card game (game, program)
- louis library: Turning images into text using Braille font (graphics, library, mit)
- loup library and programs: Amazon Simple Workflow Service Wrapper for Work Pools. (aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, program)
- lowgl library: Basic gl wrapper and reference (bsd2, graphics, library)
- lowlin library and test: Low dimensional linear algebra (bsd3, library, linear-algebra, math)
- lp-diagrams library: An EDSL for diagrams based based on linear constraints (agpl, graphics, library)
- lp-diagrams-svg library: SVG Backend for lp-diagrams (graphics, library)
- lpeg library and test: LPeg – Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua (foreign, library, mit)
- lrucache library: a simple, pure LRU cache (bsd3, data, library)
- lrucaching library and test: LRU cache (bsd3, library, unknown)
- lrucaching-haxl library: Combine lrucaching and haxl. (bsd3, concurrency, data, library, lrucache)
- ls-usb program: List USB devices (bsd3, program, system)
- lscabal program: List exported modules from a set of .cabal files (bsd3, distribution, program)
- lsfrom program and test: List directory files starting from a specific name (bsd3, program, utility)
- lsh library, program and test: A simple ls clone with modern, colored formatting (binary, bsd3, library, program)
- lsp library and test: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol (development, library, mit)
- lsp-client library and test: Haskell library for Language Server Protocol clients (apache, library, system)
- lsp-test library, tests and benchmark: Functional test framework for LSP servers. (bsd3, library, testing)
- lsp-types library, program and test: Haskell library for the Microsoft Language Server Protocol, data types (development, library, mit, program)
- lsql-csv library and program: A tool for CSV files data querying from the shell with short queries. (gpl, library, program, text)
- lss library and test: Lexical Style Sheets - a language for writing styles that is focused around lexical (ie, static) scoping and re-use of large components. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- lsystem program: Paint an L-System Grammar (application, bsd3, program)
- ltext library, program and test: Parameterized file evaluator (bsd3, library, program, text)
- lti13 library and test: Core functionality for LTI 1.3 (lgpl, library, web)
- ltiv1p1 library: Partial implementation of a service provider for LTI 1.1. (library, mit, network, web)
- ltk library: Leksah tool kit (gui, library)
- ltl library: Using linear temporal logic (LTL) to verify embedded software and hardware. (bsd3, language, library)
- lua library and test: Lua, an embeddable scripting language (foreign, library, mit)
- lua-arbitrary library: Arbitrary instances for Lua types. (foreign, library, mit)
- lua-bc library: Lua bytecode parser (language, library, mit)
- lua-bytecode library: Library for loading Lua bytecode. (bsd3, library, lua)
- luachunk library: Library functions for reading and writing Lua chunks (gpl, library, scripting)
- luautils library and test: Helpers for Haskell integration with Lua (library, mit, scripting)
- lub library: information operators: least upper bound (lub) and greatest lower bound (glb) (bsd3, concurrency, data, library, other)
- lucid library, test and benchmarks: Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML (bsd3, library, web)
- lucid-alpine library, program and test: Use Alpine.js in your lucid templates (bsd3, html, library, program, web)
- lucid-aria library and test: Provides ARIA attributes for Lucid templates (apache, library, web)
- lucid-cdn library: Curated list of CDN imports for lucid. (library, mit, web)
- lucid-colonnade library: Helper functions for using lucid with colonnade (bsd3, library, web)
- lucid-extras library and test: Generate more HTML with Lucid - Bootstrap, Rdash, Vega-Lite, Leaflet JS, Email. (graphics, library, mit, web)
- lucid-foundation library and test: Basic Zurb Foundation API in Lucid (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- lucid-htmx library and test: Use htmx in your lucid templates (bsd3, html, library, web)
- lucid-hyperscript library, program and test: Use _hyperscript with lucid (bsd3, library, program, web)
- lucid-svg library: DSL for SVG using lucid for HTML (bsd3, graphics, library)
- lucid-xstatic library: Lucid helper for XStatic (bsd3, javascript, library)
- lucid2 library and test: Clear to write, read and edit DSL for HTML (bsd3, library, web)
- lucid2-htmx library and test: Use htmx in your lucid templates (bsd3, html, library, web)
- lucid2-xstatic library: Lucid2 helper for XStatic (bsd3, javascript, library)
- lucienne programs: Server side feed aggregator/reader (deprecated, program, web)
- luhn library: An implementation of Luhn's check digit algorithm. (bsd3, data, library)
- lui library: Purely FunctionaL User Interface (bsd3, graphics, library)
- luis-client library: An unofficial client for the LUIS NLP service. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, web)
- luka library: Simple ObjectiveC runtime binding (bsd3, language, library)
- lukko library and tests: File locking (concurrency, library, system)
- lumberjack library and program: Trek through your code forest and make logs (library, logging, program)
- luminance library: Type-safe, type-level and stateless graphics framework (bsd3, graphics, library)
- luminance-samples programs: Luminance samples (bsd3, graphics, program)
- lushtags program: Create ctags compatible tags files for Haskell programs (development, mit, program)
- luthor library and tests: Tools for lexing and utilizing lexemes that integrate with Parsec. (bsd3, language, library, text)
- lvar library: TMVar that can be listened to (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- lvish library: Parallel scheduler, LVar data structures, and infrastructure to build more. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- lvmlib library and program: The Lazy Virtual Machine (LVM). (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- lvmrun program: The Lazy Virtual Machine (LVM) Runtime System. (compilers-interpreters, program)
- lxc library: High level Haskell bindings to LXC (Linux containers). (bsd3, library, system)
- lxd-client library, program and test: LXD client written in Haskell. (gpl, library, program, system)
- lxd-client-config library and test: Read the configuration file of the standard LXD client. (gpl, library, system)
- lye program: A Lilypond-compiling music box (mit, program, sound)
- lz4 library, test and benchmark: LZ4 compression for ByteStrings (bsd3, codec, library)
- lz4-bytes library and test: Bindings to LZ4 (bsd3, data, library)
- lz4-conduit library, program and test: LZ4 compression for conduits (bsd3, codec, compression, conduit, library, program)
- lz4-frame-conduit library, program and test: Conduit implementing the official LZ4 frame streaming format (library, mit, program, web)
- lz4-hs library, test and benchmarks: lz4 bindings for Haskell (bsd3, codec, compression, ffi, library)
- lzip library: Lzip compression / Lzlib bindings (codec, compression, gpl, library)
- lzlib library, test and benchmarks: lzlib bindings (bsd3, codec, compression, library)
- lzma library and test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression (bsd3, codec, compression, library)
- lzma-clib : liblzma C library and headers for use by LZMA bindings (codec, public-domain)
- lzma-conduit library and test: Conduit interface for lzma/xz compression. (bsd3, codec, compression, conduit, library)
- lzma-enumerator library and test: Enumerator interface for lzma/xz compression. (bsd3, codec, compression, enumerator, library)
- lzma-static test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression (static) (bsd3, codec, compression, deprecated)
- lzma-streams library and test: IO-Streams interface for lzma/xz compression (bsd3, codec, compression, io-streams, library)
- lzo library, test and benchmark: minilzo bundled for Haskell (bsd3, codec, compression, library)
- mDNSResponder-client library and test: Library for talking to the mDNSResponder daemon. (bsd3, library, network)
- maam library and program: Monadic Abstracting Abstract Machines (MAAM) built on Galois Transformers (bsd3, library, program, static-analysis)
- mac library: Static Mandatory Access Control in Haskell (bsd3, library, security)
- macaroon-shop library and test: A toolkit for working with macaroons (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- macbeth-lib library, program and test: Macbeth - A beautiful and minimalistic FICS client (game, library, program)
- maccatcher library: Obtain the host MAC address on *NIX and Windows. (bsd3, library, text)
- machination library and test: Plot charts as unicode strings. (library, mpl, plotting)
- machinecell library and tests: Arrow based stream transducers (bsd3, control, frp, library, reactivity)
- machines library and benchmark: Networked stream transducers (bsd3, control, enumerator, library)
- machines-amazonka library: Machine transducers for Amazonka calls. (gpl, library, network)
- machines-attoparsec library and test: Parse machines streams with attoparsec parsers. (bsd3, control, data, enumerator, library, parsing, text)
- machines-binary library: Binary utilities for the machines library (apache, library, system)
- machines-bytestring library: ByteString support for machines (bsd3, control, library, machines)
- machines-directory library: Directory (system) utilities for the machines library (apache, library, system)
- machines-encoding library: Transcode encodings with machines. (bsd3, control, data, enumerator, library, text)
- machines-io library: IO utilities for the machines library (apache, library, system)
- machines-process library: Process (system) utilities for the machines library (apache, library, system)
- machines-zlib library: Decompression support for machines (bsd3, compression, library, machines)
- macho library: Parser for Mach-O object format. (bsd3, data, library)
- mackerel-client library and test: An API client library for Mackerel (library, mit, web)
- maclight library, program and test: Control screen and keyboard backlights on MACs under Linux (apple, library, mit, program)
- macos-corelibs library: Haskell bindings to C-based Mac OS SDK frameworks (bsd3, library, system)
- macosx-make-standalone program: Make a macosx app standalone deployable (bsd3, development, program)
- macrm library, program and test: Alternative rm command for macOS that remove files/dirs to the system trash (bsd3, library, program)
- mad-props library and program: Monadic DSL for building constraint solvers using basic propagators. (bsd3, library, program, propagators)
- madlang library, test and benchmark: Randomized templating language DSL (bsd3, library, text)
- mage program: Rogue-like (bsd3, game, program)
- magic library: Interface to C file/magic library (bsd3, library, text)
- magic-tyfams library: Write plugins for magic type families with ease (bsd3, compiler-plugin, library)
- magic-wormhole library, program and test: Interact with Magic Wormhole (crypto, library, program)
- magicbane library: A web framework that integrates Servant, RIO, EKG, fast-logger, wai-cli… (library, public-domain, web)
- magico program: Compute solutions for Magico puzzle (bsd3, math, program)
- magma library and test: magma is an algebraic structure. (algebra, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, math)
- magmas library: Magma-like objects. (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- mahoro program: ImageBoards to XMPP gate (program, web)
- maid program: A simple static web server (bsd3, program, web)
- mail-pool library and program: Preconfigured email connection pool on top of smtp. (email, library, mit, program)
- mail-reports library: A parser library for DMARC and SMTP TLS reports (agpl, library, mail)
- mailbox-count program: Count mailboxes in a SQL database (agpl, mail, program, utils)
- mailchimp library and test: Bindings for the MailChimp API (library, mit, web)
- mailchimp-subscribe program: MailChimp subscription request handler (mail, mit, program)
- mailgun library: API binding for Mailgun (bsd3, email, library, web)
- mailtrap library: Mailtrap API library. (email, library, mit)
- main-tester library and test: Capture stdout/stderr/exit code, and replace stdin of your main function. (apache, library, system, testing)
- mainland-pretty library: Pretty printing designed for printing source code. (bsd3, library, text)
- majordomo library and programs: Majordomo protocol for ZeroMQ (bsd3, library, network, program)
- majority library: Boyer-Moore Majority Vote Algorithm (algorithms, library, public-domain)
- make-hard-links program: Change duplicated files into hard-links. (program, system)
- make-monofoldable-foldable library: Make a MonoFoldable type into an ordinary Foldable type. (data, library, mit)
- make-package program: Make a cabalized package (bsd3, development, program, utils)
- makedo library: Helper for writing redo scripts in Haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- makefile library and test: Simple Makefile parser and generator (library, mit, parsing)
- mallard library and program: Database migration and testing as a library. (database, library, mit, program)
- mameya library, program and test: Static Website Generator in Haskell (library, mit, program, web)
- managed library: A monad for managed values (bsd3, control, library)
- managed-functions library and test: Remote Management Framework (library, mit, remote-management)
- managed-functions-http-connector library: Simple HTTP-Based Connector for Managed Functions (http, library, mit, remote-management)
- managed-functions-json library: JSON Support for the Managed Functions Framework (json, library, mit, remote-management)
- manatee library and program: The Haskell/Gtk+ Integrated Live Environment (desktop-environment, gpl, ide, library, manatee, operating-system, program)
- manatee-all library and program: Virtual package to install all Manatee packages. (desktop-environment, gpl, ide, library, manatee, operating-system, program)
- manatee-anything library and program: Multithread interactive input/search framework for Manatee (desktop-environment, gpl, ide, library, manatee, operating-system, program)
- manatee-browser library and program: Browser extension for Manatee. (browser, gpl, library, manatee, network, program)
- manatee-core library: The core of Manatee. (desktop-environment, gpl, ide, library, manatee, operating-system)
- manatee-curl library and program: Download Manager extension for Manatee. (download-manager, gpl, library, manatee, network, program)
- manatee-editor library and program: Editor extension for Manatee. (editor, gpl, ide, library, manatee, program)
- manatee-filemanager library and program: File manager extension for Manatee. (file-manager, gpl, library, manatee, program)
- manatee-imageviewer library and program: Image viewer extension for Manatee. (gpl, image, image-viewer, library, manatee, program)
- manatee-ircclient library and programs: IRC client extension for Manatee. (gpl, irc, irc-client, library, manatee, program)
- manatee-mplayer library and programs: Mplayer client extension for Manatee. (gpl, library, manatee, multimedia, multimedia-player, program)
- manatee-pdfviewer library and program: PDF viewer extension for Manatee. (gpl, library, manatee, pdf, pdf-viewer, program)
- manatee-processmanager library and program: Process manager extension for Manatee. (gpl, library, manatee, process-manager, program, system)
- manatee-reader library and program: Feed reader extension for Manatee. (atom, feed, gpl, library, manatee, program, rss, rss-atom-reader)
- manatee-template library and program: Template code to create Manatee application. (gpl, ide, library, manatee, program, template)
- manatee-terminal library and program: Terminal Emulator extension for Manatee. (download-manager, gpl, library, manatee, network, program)
- manatee-welcome library and program: Welcome module to help user play Manatee quickly. (gpl, ide, library, manatee, program, welcome)
- mancala program: Simple mancala game. (game, lgpl, program)
- mandrill library and test: Library for interfacing with the Mandrill JSON API (library, mit, network)
- mandulia program: A zooming visualisation of the Mandelbrot Set as many Julia Sets. (gpl, graphics, program)
- mangopay library, program and test: Bindings to the MangoPay API (bsd3, library, program, web)
- mangrove library and test: A parser for web documents according to the HTML5 specification. (library, mpl, web)
- manifold-random library: Sampling random points on general manifolds. (gpl, library, math)
- manifolds library and test: Coordinate-free hypersurfaces (gpl, library, math)
- manifolds-core library: The basic classes for the manifolds hierarchy. (gpl, library, math)
- map-classes library: A set of classes and instances for working with key/value mappings. (bsd3, control, library)
- map-exts library and programs: Extensions to Data.Map (bsd3, data-structures, library, program)
- map-reduce-folds library, tests and benchmark: foldl wrappers for map-reduce (bsd3, control, library)
- map-syntax library and test: Syntax sugar for defining maps (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- mapalgebra library and test: Efficient, polymorphic Map Algebra. (bsd3, geography, library)
- mappings library, program and test: Types which represent functions k -> v (bsd3, data-structures, library, program)
- mappy library, program and test: A functional programming language focused around maps. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- mapquest-api library: Bindings to the MapQuest API (bsd3, library, web)
- maquinitas-tidal library: library for MIDI control of hardware (library, mit, sound)
- marching-cubes library: Marching Cubes (bsd3, computational-geometry, library)
- marching-cubes2 library: Marching Cubes (bsd3, computational-geometry, library)
- marihana library, program and test: Minimal tool to make your blog in Haskell (library, mit, program, web)
- marionetta program: A study of marionetta movements. (bsd3, game, program)
- markdown library and test: Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- markdown-kate library and test: Convert Markdown to HTML, with XSS protection (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- markdown-pap library: markdown parser with papillon (bsd3, library, text)
- markdown-unlit library, program and test: Literate Haskell support for Markdown (development, library, mit, program)
- markdown2svg program: markdown to svg converter (bsd3, deprecated, program, text)
- marked-pretty library and test: Pretty-printing library, with scoping, based on pretty. (bsd3, library, text)
- markov library: Simple interpreter for Markov's normal algorithms (bsd3, data, library)
- markov-chain library: Markov Chains for generating random sequences with a user definable behaviour. (algorithms, library)
- markov-chain-usage-model library and test: Computations for Markov chain usage models (bsd2, library, testing)
- markov-processes library and test: Hidden Markov processes. (ai, library, mit)
- markov-realization library and test: Realizations of Markov chains. (bsd3, library, statistics)
- markup library: Abstraction for HTML-embedded content (bsd3, data, library, web)
- markup-parse library and tests: A markup parser. (bsd3, library, project)
- markup-preview program: A simple markup document preview (markdown, textile, reStructuredText) (gpl, program, text)
- marmalade-upload library, program and test: Upload packages to Marmalade (development, library, mit, program)
- marquise library, programs and test: Client library for Vaultaire (bsd3, library, other, program)
- mars library: Generates mountainous terrain using a random walk algorithm. (gpl, graphics, library)
- marshal-contt library: A ContT-based wrapper for Haskell-to-C marshalling functions. (foreign, library, mpl)
- marvin library, programs and test: A framework for modular, portable chat bots. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- marvin-interpolate library and test: Compile time string interpolation a la Scala and CoffeeScript (bsd3, library, text)
- marxup library and program: Markup language preprocessor for Haskell (gpl, library, program, text)
- masakazu-bot program: @minamiyama1994_bot on haskell (gpl, program, web)
- mason library: Fast and extensible bytestring builder (bsd3, data, library)
- massiv library and test: Massiv (Массив) is an Array Library. (array, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, parallelism)
- massiv-io library, tests and benchmark: Import/export of Image files into massiv Arrays (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- massiv-persist library and tests: Compatibility of 'massiv' with 'persist' (array, bsd3, data-structures, library, serialization)
- massiv-scheduler library and tests: Work stealing scheduler for Massiv (Массив) and other parallel applications. (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library, parallelism)
- massiv-serialise library and tests: Compatibility of 'massiv' with 'serialise' (array, bsd3, data-structures, library, serialization)
- massiv-test library and tests: Library that contains generators, properties and tests for Massiv Array Library. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, parallelism)
- master-plan library, program and test: The project management tool for hackers (library, mit, program, tools)
- mastermind program: console mastermind decypher (bsd3, game, program)
- matcha library, program and test: A micro web framework based on pattern matching (bsd3, http, library, program, web)
- matchable library and test: A type class for Matchable Functors. (bsd3, functors, library)
- matchable-th library and test: Generates Matchable instances using TemplateHaskell (bsd3, functors, library)
- matcher library: A composable abstraction for checking or converting a context value (library, mit, unclassified)
- matchers library: Text matchers (bsd3, console, library)
- math-extras library and test: A variety of mathematical utilities (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- math-functions library and test: Collection of tools for numeric computations (bsd2, library, math, numeric)
- math-grads library and tests: Library containing graph data structures and graph algorithms (bsd3, graph, library, math)
- math-interpolate library: Class for interpolation of values (bsd3, data, library)
- math-metric library: Typeclass for metric spaces (bsd3, data, library)
- math-programming library and test: A library for formulating and solving math programs. (bsd3, library, math)
- math-programming-glpk library and test: A GLPK backend to the math-programming library. (bsd3, library, math)
- math-programming-tests library: Utility functions for testing implementations of the math-programming library. (bsd3, library, math)
- mathblog programs: A program for creating and managing a static
weblog with LaTeX math and diagrams (bsd3, program, web)
- mathexpr library: Parse and evaluate math expressions with variables and functions (gpl, library, math)
- mathflow library and tests: Dependently typed tensorflow modeler (bsd3, library, math)
- mathgenealogy program: Discover your (academic) ancestors! (gpl, program, web)
- mathista library, program and test: A small programming language for numerical computing (deprecated, language, library, program, public-domain)
- mathlink library: Write Mathematica packages in Haskell (bsd3, foreign, library)
- mathlist library: Math using lists, including FFT and Wavelet (bsd3, education, library, math, numerics)
- matlab library and programs: Matlab bindings and interface (bsd3, foreign, library, math, program)
- matplotlib library and test: Bindings to Matplotlib; a Python plotting library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- matrices library, test and benchmark: native matrix based on vector (bsd3, data, library)
- matrix library, tests and benchmarks: A native implementation of matrix operations. (library, math, mit)
- matrix-as-xyz library and tests: Read and Display Jones-Faithful notation for spacegroup and planegroup (bsd3, chemistry, library)
- matrix-client library and test: A matrix client library (apache, library, network)
- matrix-lens library and test: Optics for the "matrix" package (bsd3, library, math)
- matrix-market library: Read and write NIST Matrix Market files (bsd3, library, math, system)
- matrix-market-attoparsec library and test: Parsing and serialization functions for the NIST Matrix Market format (bsd2, library, parsers)
- matrix-market-pure library: Pure and composable reader and writer of the Matrix Market format. (bsd3, library, math)
- matrix-sized library and test: Haskell matrix library with interface to C++ linear algebra libraries. (bsd3, library, math)
- matrix-static library and test: Type-safe matrix operations (bsd3, library, math)
- matroid library and test: matroid (combinatorial pre-geometries) library (bsd3, combinatorics, library, mathematics, optimization)
- matsuri program: ncurses XMPP client (network, program)
- matterhorn library, program and test: Terminal client for the Mattermost chat system (bsd3, chat, library, program)
- mattermost-api library and test: Client API for Mattermost chat system (bsd3, library, web)
- mattermost-api-qc library: QuickCheck instances for the Mattermost client API library (library, testing)
- maude library: An interface to the Maude rewriting system. (language, library, mit)
- maxent library and test: Compute Maximum Entropy Distributions (bsd3, library, math)
- maxent-learner-hw library and program: Hayes and Wilson's maxent learning algorithm for phonotactic grammars. (library, linguistics, program)
- maxent-learner-hw-gui program: GUI for maxent-learner-hw (linguistics, program)
- maximal-cliques library: Enumerate all maximal cliques of a graph. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- maxsharing program: Maximal sharing of terms in the lambda calculus with letrec (bsd3, compiler, graphs, program)
- maybe-justify library and test: Simple higher order function for Maybe (data, library, public-domain)
- maybench library and programs: Automated benchmarking tool (bsd3, development, library, program)
- mbox library: Read and write standard mailbox files. (bsd3, data, library, system, text)
- mbox-tools programs: A collection of tools to process mbox files (bsd3, email, program, utility)
- mbox-utility program: List contents of an mbox file containing e-mails (bsd3, console, program)
- mbtiles library and test: Haskell MBTiles client. (bsd3, database, library)
- mbug library and program: download bugs mailboxes (debian, gpl, library, program)
- mcaeson library, program and test: An Aeson parsing toolkit (bsd3, json, library, program, web)
- mcl library, test and benchmark: Bindings to mcl, a generic and fast pairing-based cryptography library (bsd3, crypto, library, math)
- mcm programs: Machine Configuration Manager (gpl, language, program, system, text)
- mcmaster-gloss-examples programs: (graphics, mit, program)
- mcmc library, test and benchmark: Sample from a posterior using Markov chain Monte Carlo (gpl, library, math, statistics)
- mcmc-samplers library: Combinators for MCMC sampling (bsd3, library, machine-learning, math, numeric, statistics)
- mcmc-synthesis library: MCMC applied to probabilistic program synthesis (gpl, language, library)
- mcmc-types library: Common types for sampling. (library, math, mit, numeric)
- mcpi library: Connect to MineCraft running on a Raspberry PI. (library, minecraft, network, public-domain, raspberrypi)
- md5 library and test: MD5 Hash (bsd3, data, library)
- mdapi library: Haskell interface to Fedora's mdapi (bsd2, fedora, library)
- mdcat library and program: Markdown viewer in your terminal (library, mit, program, text)
- mdo program: Command-line tool to run a command on each of the items. (bsd3, console, program)
- mdp library, programs and test: Tools for solving Markov Decision Processes. (algorithms, library, math, mit, program)
- mealstrom library and test: Manipulate FSMs and store them in PostgreSQL. (control, database, library, mit)
- mealy library and test: Mealy machines for processing time-series and ordered data. (algorithm, bsd3, library)
- means library: calculate varieties of mean/average using semigroup. (data, library, mit)
- mecab library: A Haskell binding to MeCab (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- mech library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well! (bsd2, concurrency, control, data, library, network, system)
- mecha library and program: A constructive solid geometry (CSG) modeling language. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- mechs library: mecha are the most complex composite machines known to humanity, lets build them well! (bsd2, concurrency, control, data, library, network, system)
- med-module library: Parse song module files from Amiga MED and OctaMED (gpl, library, sound)
- medea library and tests: A schema language for JSON. (data, library, mit)
- mediabus library and test: Multimedia streaming on top of Conduit (bsd3, library, media)
- mediabus-fdk-aac library, test and benchmark: Mediabus plugin for the Frauenhofer ISO-14496-3 AAC FDK (bsd3, library, sound)
- mediabus-rtp library, program and test: Receive and Send RTP Packets (audio, bsd3, library, program)
- median-stream library and test: Constant-time queries for the median of a stream of numeric
data. (bsd3, data, library)
- mediawiki library and programs: Interfacing with the MediaWiki API (bsd3, library, program, web)
- mediawiki2latex program: Convert MediaWiki text to LaTeX (program, text)
- medium-sdk-haskell library: Haskell SDK for communicating with the Medium API (gpl, library, web)
- meep library and tests: A silly container (bsd2, data, library)
- mega-sdist program: Handles uploading to Hackage from mega repos (distribution, mit, program)
- megalisp library: lisp parser using mega-parsec (bsd3, library, parser)
- megaparsec library and benchmarks: Monadic parser combinators (bsd2, library, parsing)
- megaparsec-tests library and test: Test utilities and the test suite of Megaparsec (bsd2, library, parsing)
- megastore library and program: Bulk image or strict bytestring storage (bsd3, data, data-structures, image, library, program)
- meldable-heap library: Asymptotically optimal, Coq-verified meldable heaps, AKA priority queues (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- melf library, programs and tests: An Elf parser (bsd3, data, library, program)
- mello library and test: No-fuss syntax with s-expressions (bsd3, library, parsing)
- mellon-core library and test: Control physical access devices (bsd3, library, system)
- mellon-gpio library: GPIO support for mellon (bsd3, library, system)
- mellon-web library and test: A REST web service for Mellon controllers (bsd3, library, web)
- melody library, program and test: A functional scripting language (language, library, mit, program)
- mem-info library, program and test: Print the core memory usage of programs (bsd3, command-line-tools, library, program, system)
- membership library: Indices for type level lists (bsd3, library, type)
- membrain library and tests: Type-safe memory units (library, memory, mpl, safe)
- memcache library, test and benchmark: A memcached client library. (bsd3, database, library)
- memcache-conduit library: Conduit library for memcache procotol (library, mit, network)
- memcache-haskell library and test: Memcache procotol library (library, mit, network)
- memcached library: haskell bindings for memcached (library, network)
- memcached-binary library and test: memcached client using binary protocol. (database, library, mit)
- memdb library and test: Efficient in memory indexed database (database, library, mit)
- memexml library: Library for reading Meme XML output (bioinformatics, bsd3, library)
- memfd library: Open temporary anonymous Linux file handles (apache, filesystem, library, linux)
- meminfo library: Library for reading `/proc/meminfo` (bsd3, library, system)
- memis program: Memis Efficient Manual Image Sorting (data, mit, program)
- memo-ptr library: Pointer equality memoization (control, library, mit)
- memo-sqlite library: memoize functions using SQLite3 database (bsd3, database, library)
- memoization-utils library and test: Utilities for memoizing functions (control, library, mit)
- memoize library and tests: A memoization library (bsd3, data, library)
- memorable-bits library, test and benchmark: Generate human memorable strings from binary data. (bsd2, data, library)
- memory library: memory and related abstraction stuff (bsd3, library, memory)
- memory-cd : memory and related abstraction stuff (bsd3, deprecated, memory)
- memory-hexstring library: Hex-string type for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- memory-pool library, test and benchmark: Short description (apache, library, memory)
- memorypool library: basic memory pool outside of haskell heap/GC (bsd3, library, system)
- mempack library, test and benchmark: Short description (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- memscript program: Command line utility for memorizing scriptures or any other text (education, program)
- memzero library and tests: Securely erase memory contents by writing zeros to it. (apache, cryptography, library)
- menoh library and test: Haskell binding for Menoh DNN inference library (deep-learning, library, machine-learning, mit)
- menshen library and test: Data Validation (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- mercury-api library, programs and tests: Haskell binding to Mercury API for ThingMagic RFID readers (hardware, library, mit, program)
- merge library and test: A functor for consistent merging of information (data, library, mit)
- merge-bash-history library, program and test: command line utility to merge bash_history (bsd3, library, program, tools)
- mergeful library: (library, mit, unclassified)
- mergeful-persistent library and test: Support for using mergeful from persistent-based databases (library, mit, unclassified)
- mergeless library: (library, mit, unclassified)
- mergeless-persistent library and test: Support for using mergeless from persistent-based databases (library, mit, unclassified)
- merkle-log library, test and benchmark: Merkle Tree Logs (bsd3, data, library)
- merkle-patricia-db library and test: A modified Merkle Patricia DB (apache, data-structures, library)
- merkle-tree library and test: An implementation of a Merkle tree and merkle tree proofs of inclusion (development, library)
- mersenne-random library: Generate high quality pseudorandom numbers using a SIMD Fast Mersenne Twister (bsd3, library, math, system)
- mersenne-random-pure64 library: Generate high quality pseudorandom numbers purely using a Mersenne Twister (bsd3, library, math, system)
- message-db-temp library: Temporary message-db for integration testing (database, eventsourcing, eventstore, library, mit, testing)
- messagepack library and test: Serialize instance for Message Pack Object (data, library, mit)
- messagepack-rpc library: Message Pack RPC over TCP (library, mit, network)
- messente library: Messente SMS Gateway (api, library, mit)
- meta-misc library: Utility library providing miscellaneous meta-programming utilities. (bsd3, data, generics, language, library, utility)
- meta-par library: Provides the monad-par interface, but based on modular scheduler "mix-ins". (bsd3, control, library, monads, parallelism)
- meta-par-accelerate library: Support for integrated Accelerate computations within Meta-par. (bsd3, library, parallelism)
- metadata library: metadata library for semantic web (bsd3, data, library, text, web)
- metaheuristics library: Generalised local search within Haskell, for applications in combinatorial optimisation. (control, library, local-search, optimisation)
- metamorphic library: metamorphisms: ana . cata or understanding folds and unfolds (algebra, graphs, library, recursion)
- metaplug library: a tiny ghc api wrapper (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- metar library, program and test: Australian METAR (aviation, bsd3, data, library, program)
- metar-http library, program and test: HTTP for METAR (aviation, bsd3, data, library, program)
- method library and test: rebindable methods for improving testability (bsd3, control, library)
- metric library and test: Metric spaces. (data, library, mit)
- metrics library and test: High-performance application metric tracking (data, library, mit)
- metricsd-client library: Client for the metrics aggregator Metricsd (bsd3, library, metrics, monitoring, network)
- metro library: A simple tcp and udp socket server framework (bsd3, framework, library, network)
- metro-socket library: Socket transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)
- metro-transport-crypto library and test: Crypto transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)
- metro-transport-tls library: TLS transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)
- metro-transport-websockets library: Websockets transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)
- metro-transport-xor library: XOR transport for metro (bsd3, library, web)
- metronome library: Time Synchronized execution. (bsd3, library, system)
- mezzo library and test: Typesafe music composition (library, mit, music)
- mezzolens library: Pure Profunctor Functional Lenses (apache, lenses, library)
- mfsolve library and test: Equation solver and calculator à la metafont (bsd3, library, math)
- mgeneric library: Generics with multiple parameters (data, library, mit)
- mi library: Multiple Instance for Haskell (language, library, mit)
- miconix-test program: spam (bsd3, deprecated, program, spam)
- micro-gateway library and program: A Micro service gateway. (bsd3, cloud, faas, gateway, library, network, program, saas)
- micro-recursion-schemes library and test: Simple recursion schemes (bsd3, control, library, recursion)
- microaeson library and test: A tiny JSON library with light dependency footprint (gpl, json, library, text, web)
- microbase library: A minimal base to work around GHC bugs. (library, mit, prelude)
- microbench library: Microbenchmark Haskell code (bsd3, development, library)
- microc library, program and test: microc compiler (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- microdns program: a minimalistic DNS-authoritative server (bsd3, networking, program)
- microformats2-parser library and test: A Microformats 2 parser. (library, public-domain, web)
- microformats2-types library: Microformats 2 types (with Aeson instances) (deprecated, library, public-domain, web)
- microgroove library: Array-backed extensible records (library, mit, records)
- microlens library: A tiny lens library with no dependencies (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- microlens-aeson library and test: Law-abiding lenses for Aeson, using microlens (library, mit, numeric)
- microlens-contra library: True folds and getters for microlens (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- microlens-each library: 'each' for microlens (bsd3, data, deprecated, lenses, library)
- microlens-ghc library: microlens + array, bytestring, containers, transformers (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- microlens-mtl library: microlens support for Reader/Writer/State from mtl (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- microlens-platform library: microlens + all batteries included (best for apps) (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- microlens-pro library: Prisms and isomorphisms for microlens (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- microlens-process library and test: Micro-optics for the process library (bsd3, library, system)
- microlens-th library and test: Automatic generation of record lenses for microlens (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- micrologger library and test: A super simple logging module. (bsd3, library, web)
- microsoft-translator library: Bindings to the Microsoft Translator API (library, mit, natural-language)
- microspec library: Tiny QuickCheck test library with minimal dependencies (bsd3, library, test, testing)
- microstache library and tests: Mustache templates for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- microtimer library: A tiny library for benchmarking IO actions. (bsd3, library, system)
- mida library, program and test: Language for algorithmic generation of MIDI files (deprecated, gpl, language, library, program)
- midair library: Hot-swappable FRP (concurrency, control, frp, gpl, interaction, library, music, reactive, reactivity, user-interfaces)
- midi library and test: Handling of MIDI messages and files (library, music, sound)
- midi-alsa library: Convert between datatypes of the midi and the alsa packages (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- midi-music-box program: Convert MIDI file to music box punch tape (bsd3, music, program, sound)
- midi-simple library, test and benchmark: A simple and fast library for working with MIDI messages (lgpl, library, sound)
- midi-util library: Utility functions for processing MIDI files (bsd3, library, music)
- midi-utils library: Utilities for working with MIDI data (gpl, library, sound)
- midimory program: A Memory-like (Concentration, Pairs, ...) game for tones (bsd3, game, gui, music, program, sound)
- midisurface program: A control midi surface (bsd3, program, sound)
- mig library and test: Build lightweight and composable servers (bsd3, library, web)
- mig-client library: Build http-clients from API definition for mig servers (bsd3, library, web)
- mig-extra library: Extra utils for Mig core library (bsd3, library, web)
- mig-server library: Build lightweight and composable servers (bsd3, library, web)
- mig-swagger-ui library: Swagger servers for mig library (bsd3, library, web)
- mig-wai library: Render mig-servers as wai-applications (bsd3, library, web)
- mighttpd programs: Simple Web Server in Haskell (bsd3, network, program)
- mighttpd2 library, programs and test: High performance web server on WAI/warp (bsd3, library, network, program, web)
- mighty-metropolis library and tests: The Metropolis algorithm. (library, mit, numeric)
- migrant-core library and test: Semi-automatic database schema migrations (bsd3, database, library)
- migrant-hdbc library and test: Semi-automatic database schema migrations (bsd3, database, library)
- migrant-postgresql-simple library and test: Semi-automatic database schema migrations (bsd3, database, library)
- migrant-sqlite-simple library and test: Semi-automatic database schema migrations (bsd3, database, library)
- mikmod library: MikMod bindings (library, sound)
- mikrokosmos program and test: Lambda calculus interpreter (gpl, language, program)
- miku library: A minimum web dev DSL (bsd3, library, web)
- milena library and test: A Kafka client for Haskell. (bsd3, library, network)
- mime library: Working with MIME types. (bsd3, codec, library)
- mime-directory library: A library for parsing/printing the text/directory mime type. (library, text)
- mime-mail library and test: Compose MIME email messages. (email, library, mit)
- mime-mail-ses library, program and test: Send mime-mail messages via Amazon SES (library, mit, program, web)
- mime-string library: MIME implementation for String's. (codec, library)
- mime-types library: Basic mime-type handling types and functions (library, mit, web)
- min-max-pqueue library, test and benchmark: Double-ended priority queues. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- minecraft library: TBA (bsd3, data, library)
- minecraft-data library: a DSL for generating minecraft commands and levels (bsd3, game, library, minecraft)
- mines program: Minesweeper simulation using neural networks (ai, game, program)
- minesweeper program: Minesweeper game which is always solvable without guessing (bsd3, game, program)
- mini library: Minimal essentials (library, mit)
- mini-egison library, program and test: Template Haskell Implementation of Egison Pattern Matching (data, library, mit, pattern, program)
- miniball library: Bindings to Miniball, a smallest enclosing ball library (gpl, library, math)
- minici program: Minimalist CI framework to run checks on local machine (gpl, program, testing)
- minicurl library and test: Minimal bindings to libcurl (bsd3, library, network)
- miniforth library and program: Miniature FORTH-like interpreter (language, library, mit, program)
- minilens library: A minimalistic lens library, providing only the simplest, most basic lens functionality. (data, gpl, lens, library)
- minilight library, programs and test: A SDL2-based graphics library, batteries-included. (graphics, library, mit, program)
- minilight-lua library and program: A binding library of minilight for Lua langauge. (graphics, library, mit, program)
- minimal-configuration library: Minimal ini like configuration library with a few extras (configuration, library, system)
- minimorph library and test: English spelling functions with an emphasis on simplicity. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- minimung program: Shows how to run grabber on Mac OS X (bsd3, foreign, graphics, program)
- minio-hs library and test: A MinIO Haskell Library for Amazon S3 compatible cloud
storage. (apache, aws, library, network, object-storage)
- minion library and programs: A Haskell introspectable web router (library, mit, program, web)
- minion-conduit library and program: Minion conduit support (library, mit, program, web)
- minion-htmx library: Minion HTMX support (library, mit, web)
- minion-jwt library and program: Minion JWT support (library, mit, program, web)
- minion-openapi3 library: Minion openapi3 support (library, mit, web)
- minion-wai-extra library and programs: Minion wrappers for wai-extra (library, mit, program, web)
- minions program: A fast parallel ssh tool (bsd3, network, program)
- minioperational library: fast and simple operational monad (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- miniplex library and programs: simple 1-to-N interprocess communication (library, program, system)
- minirotate program: Minimalistic file rotation utility (bsd3, program, utils)
- minisat library: A Haskell bundle of the Minisat SAT solver (bsd3, library, logic)
- minisat-solver library and benchmarks: High-level Haskell bindings for the MiniSat SAT solver. (library, logic, mit)
- ministg program: an interpreter for an operational semantics for the STG machine. (bsd3, language, program)
- miniterion library, test and benchmark: Simple and lightweight benchmarking utilities (benchmarking, library, mit)
- minitypeset-opengl library: Layout and render text with TrueType fonts using OpenGL (bsd3, graphics, library)
- miniutter library and test: Simple English clause creation from arbitrary words (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- minizinc-process library and test: A set of helpers to call minizinc models. (apache, library, optimization)
- minlen library: Express the minimum length of a container in its type (data, library, mit)
- minmax library: Functions to find both minimum and maximum (or several of them simultaneously) in one pass. (data, development, library, mit)
- minst-idx library and test: Read and write IDX data that is used in e.g. the MINST database. (data, deprecated, gpl, library)
- mintty library: A reliable way to detect the presence of a MinTTY console on Windows (bsd3, library, system)
- mios library, program and test: A Minisat-based CDCL SAT solver in Haskell (artificial-intelligence, constraints, gpl, library, program)
- mirror-tweet program: Tweet mirror (gpl, program, web)
- misfortune library and programs: fortune-mod clone (console, game, library, mit, program, public-domain)
- mismi-core library and tests: AWS Library (aws, bsd3, library)
- mismi-kernel library and test: AWS Library (aws, bsd3, library)
- mismi-p library: A commmon prelude for the mismi project. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- mismi-s3 library, tests and benchmark: AWS Library (aws, bsd3, library)
- mismi-s3-core library and test: AWS Library (aws, bsd3, library)
- miso library: A tasty Haskell front-end web framework (bsd3, data-structures, library, miso, web)
- miso-action-logger library: Miso state transition logger (bsd3, library, web)
- miso-examples : A tasty Haskell front-end web framework (bsd3, data-structures, miso, web)
- miso-from-html program: Convert HTML to miso View syntax (bsd3, program, web)
- miss library and test: A Haskell git implimentation (bsd3, development, git, library)
- miss-porcelain library: Useability extras built on top of miss. (bsd3, development, git, library)
- missing-foreign library: Convenience functions for FFI work (bsd3, ffi, library)
- missing-py2 library and test: Haskell interface to Python (foreign, gpl, library)
- mit-3qvpPyAi6mH library and program: A git wrapper with a streamlined UX (cli, library, mit, program)
- miv program and test: Vim plugin manager written in Haskell (compiler, mit, program)
- mix-arrows library: Mixing effects of one arrow into another one (bsd3, control, library)
- mixed-strategies library and program: Find optimal mixed strategies for two-player games (library, math, mit, program)
- mixed-types-num library and test: Alternative Prelude with numeric and logic expressions typed bottom-up (bsd3, library, math)
- mixpanel-client library and tests: Mixpanel client (apache, library, unclassified)
- mkbndl program: Makes an OS X .app bundle from a binary. (distribution, program)
- mkcabal program: Generate cabal files for a Haskell project (distribution, program)
- ml-w library and program: Minimal ML language to to demonstrate the W type
infererence algorithm. (language, library, program, public-domain, type-inference)
- mlist library: Monadic List alternative to lazy I/O (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- mltool library and test: Machine Learning Toolbox (bsd3, library, math)
- mm2 library: The library that can be used for optimization of multiple (Ord a) => a -> b transformations (binary-search, deprecated, development, library, mit)
- mmap library: Memory mapped files for POSIX and Windows (bsd3, library, system)
- mmark library, test and benchmarks: Strict markdown processor for writers (bsd3, library, text)
- mmark-cli program: Command line interface to the MMark markdown processor (bsd3, cli, program, text)
- mmark-ext library and test: Commonly useful extensions for the MMark markdown processor (bsd3, library, text)
- mmorph library: Monad morphisms (bsd3, control, library)
- mmsyn2 library: The library that can be used for multiple (Ord a) => a -> b transformations (binary-search, development, library, mit)
- mmsyn2-array library: A library that can be used for multiple Ord a => a -> b transformations. (binary-search, data, development, language, library, mit)
- mmsyn2-array-ukrainian-data library: Data that is taken from the ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array for optimization. (data, language, library, math, mit)
- mmsyn2-hashable library: A library that can be used for multiple Hashable a => a -> b transformations. (data, development, language, library, mit)
- mmsyn3 library: A small library to deal with executable endings (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- mmsyn4 library and program: The "glue" between electronic tables and GraphViz (GraphViz, deprecated, graphics, library, mit, program)
- mmsyn5 library: Various additional operations on lists (some with intermediate Monads) (data, library, lists, mit)
- mmsyn6ukr library and program: A musical instrument synthesizer or a tool for Ukrainian language listening (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, program, speech-approximation)
- mmsyn6ukr-array library and program: A musical instrument synthesizer or a tool for Ukrainian language listening (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, program, tts)
- mmsyn7h library and program: Produces a sound recording specified by the Ukrainian text. (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, program, sound, sox, speech-approximation, speech-transformation, voice)
- mmsyn7l library and program: Modifies the amplitudes of the sounds representations created by mmsyn7ukr-array and mmsyn7ukr packages. (Ukrainian, library, mit, program, sound, sox, speech-approximation, speech-transformation, voice)
- mmsyn7s library and program: Shows a sorted list of the Ukrainian sounds representations that can be used by mmsyn7 series of programs (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, program, speech-approximation, speech-transformation, syllable-segmentation)
- mmsyn7ukr library and program: A simple basic interface to some SoX functionality or to produce a voice that can be used by mmsyn7h (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, program, sound, sox, speech-approximation, speech-transformation, voice)
- mmsyn7ukr-array library: A simple reduced basic interface to some SoX functionality or to produce a voice that can be used by dobutokO2 and other similar packages (language, library, mit, sound)
- mmsyn7ukr-common library: Some common for mmsyn7ukr and mmsyn7ukr-array functionality using SoX. (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, sound, sox)
- mmtf library and test: Macromolecular Transmission Format implementation (bioinformatics, bsd3, library)
- mmtl library: Modular Monad transformer library (bsd3, control, library)
- mmtl-base library: MonadBase type-class for mmtl (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- mmzk-typeid library and test: A TypeID and UUIDv7 implementation for Haskell (data, library, mit, typeid, uuid, uuidv7)
- mnist-idx library and test: Read and write IDX data that is used in e.g. the MNIST database. (data, lgpl, library)
- mnist-idx-conduit library and test: conduit utilities for MNIST IDX files (bsd3, data, data-mining, data-science, library, machine-learning)
- moan library: Language-agnostic analyzer for positional morphosyntactic tags (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- mock-httpd program: A HTTP server for testing HTTP clients (bsd2, network, program)
- mock-time library and test: Mock time in tests (bsd3, library, test)
- mockazo library and test: Mock records of functions easily (library, mit, testing)
- mockcat library and test: Mock library for test in Haskell. (library, mit, testing)
- mockery library and test: Support functions for automated testing (library, mit, testing)
- mod library, test and benchmark: Fast type-safe modular arithmetic (library, math, mit, number-theory)
- modbus-tcp library: Communicate with Modbus devices over TCP (bsd3, library, system)
- model library and tests: Derive a model of a data type using Generics (bsd3, data, generics, library, reflection)
- modelicaparser library and test: A parser for the modelica language (bsd3, language, library)
- modern-uri library, test and benchmarks: Modern library for working with URIs (bsd3, library, text)
- modify-fasta library and program: Modify fasta (and CLIP) files in several optional ways (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- modsplit library and program: Haskell source splitter driven by special comments. (bsd3, library, program, utils)
- modular library: Type-safe modular arithmetic (bsd3, library, math)
- modular-arithmetic library and test: A type for integers modulo some constant. (bsd3, library, math)
- modular-prelude library: A new Prelude featuring first class modules (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- modular-prelude-classy library: Reifying ClassyPrelude a la ModularPrelude (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- modularity library: Find the modularity of a network. (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- module-management library, program and test: Clean up module imports, split and merge modules (bsd3, development, editor, haskell, ide, library, program, refactoring)
- module-munging library and test: Smash together text to make modules. (codegen, library, mit)
- modulespection library: Template Haskell for introspecting a module's declarations (bsd3, language, library)
- modulo library and program: Modular C code generator (ffi, gpl, language, library, program)
- moe library: html with style (bsd3, library, web)
- moesocks program: A functional firewall killer (apache, network, program)
- moffy library and test: Monadic Functional Reactive Programming (bsd3, control, library)
- moffy-samples library and test: Samples of moffy (bsd3, control, library)
- moffy-samples-events library and test: Events for sample codes of moffy (bsd3, control, library)
- moffy-samples-gtk3 program and test: Sample executables of moffy - GTK3 version (bsd3, control, program)
- moffy-samples-gtk3-run library and test: Package to run moffy samples - GTK3 version (bsd3, control, library)
- moffy-samples-gtk4 program and test: Sample executables of moffy - GTK4 version (bsd3, control, program)
- moffy-samples-gtk4-run library and test: Package to run moffy samples - Gtk4 version (bsd3, control, library)
- mohws library and program: Modular Haskell Web Server (bsd3, library, program, web)
- mole program and test: A glorified string replacement tool (mit, program, system)
- mollie-api-haskell library and test: Mollie API client for Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- monad-abort-fd library: A better error monad transformer (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-atom library: Monadically convert object to unique integers and back. (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-atom-simple library: Monadically map objects to unique ints. (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-batcher library: An applicative monad that batches commands for later more efficient execution (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-bayes library, program, test and benchmarks: A library for probabilistic programming. (library, mit, program, statistics)
- monad-bool library: This package has been removed. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- monad-branch library: Monadic abstraction for computations that can be branched and run independently. (apache, data, library)
- monad-choice library: Monad, monad transformer, and typeclass representing choices. (agpl, control, library)
- monad-chronicle library: These as a transformer, ChronicleT (bsd3, control, library, these)
- monad-classes library and test: more flexible mtl (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- monad-classes-logging library and test: monad-classes based typeclass for Ollie's logging-effect LoggingT (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- monad-codec library: Monadic conversion between complex data structures and unique integers (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-connect library: Transformer for TCP connection with TLS and SOCKS support (control, library, monad, network, public-domain)
- monad-control library: Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-control-aligned library: Lift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-control-identity library: Stronger classes than monad-control (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-coroutine library: Coroutine monad transformer for suspending and resuming monadic computations (concurrency, control, library, monads)
- monad-dijkstra library and tests: A monad transformer for weighted graph searches (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- monad-exception library: Exstensible monadic exceptions (control, deprecated, library, public-domain)
- monad-extras library: Extra utility functions for working with monads (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-finally library: Guard monadic computations with cleanup actions (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-fork library: Type class for monads which support a fork operation. (control, deprecated, library, public-domain)
- monad-gen library: A simple monad for generating fresh integers (library, mit, utility)
- monad-hash library and test: Monad transformer for incremental hashing (control, cryptography, hash, library, monad, public-domain)
- monad-http library: A class of monads which can do http requests (bsd3, library, web)
- monad-ideals library and test: Ideal Monads and coproduct of them (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-interleave library: Monads with an unsaveInterleaveIO-like operation. (bsd3, library, monads)
- monad-introspect library: A reader monad that gives the environment access to the entire transformer stack (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-io-adapter library and test: Adapters between MonadIO and MonadBase IO. (control, library)
- monad-journal library: Pure logger typeclass and monad transformer (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-levels library: Specific levels of monad transformers (control, library, mit)
- monad-lgbt library and test: Monad transformers for combining local and global state. (bsd2, control, library)
- monad-log library: A simple and fast logging monad (development, library, mit)
- monad-logger library: A class of monads which can log messages. (library, mit, system)
- monad-logger-aeson library, program and test: JSON logging using monad-logger interface (library, mit, program, system)
- monad-logger-extras library and program: Utilities for composing loggers, coloring output, plus a few orphan instances. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- monad-logger-json library: JSON-friendly Logging APIs (library, logging, mit)
- monad-logger-logstash library: Logstash backend for monad-logger. (library, mit, system)
- monad-logger-prefix library and benchmark: Add prefixes to your monad-logger output (library, system)
- monad-logger-syslog library: syslog output for monad-logger (library, logging, mit)
- monad-loops library and test: Monadic loops (control, library, public-domain)
- monad-loops-stm library: Monadic loops for STM (control, library, public-domain)
- monad-lrs library and test: a monad to calculate linear recursive sequence (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- monad-markov library: Markov process monad (control, library, mit)
- monad-memo library, test and benchmark: Memoization monad transformer (bsd3, control, library, monad)
- monad-mersenne-random library: An efficient random generator monad, based on the Mersenne Twister (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-metrics library and test: A convenient wrapper around EKG metrics (library, mit, web)
- monad-metrics-extensible library and test: An extensible and type-safe wrapper around EKG metrics (bsd3, library, web)
- monad-mock library and test: A monad transformer for mocking mtl-style typeclasses (library, testing)
- monad-open library: Open recursion for when you need it (control, library, mit)
- monad-ox library: Monad for observation extraction (bsd3, control, library, natural-language-processing)
- monad-par library and test: A library for parallel programming based on a monad (bsd3, control, library, monads, parallelism)
- monad-par-extras library: Combinators and extra features for Par monads (bsd3, control, library, monads, parallelism)
- monad-parallel library: Parallel execution of monadic computations (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- monad-parallel-progressbar library: Parallel execution of monadic computations with a progress bar (control, library, mit, monads, system, user-interfaces)
- monad-param library: Parameterized monads (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- monad-peel library and test: Lift control operations like exception catching through monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-persist library and test: An mtl-style typeclass and transformer for persistent. (database, library)
- monad-primitive library: Type class for monad transformers stack with pirimitive base monad. (bsd3, data, library)
- monad-products library: Monad products (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- monad-ran library: Fast monads and monad transformers (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- monad-recorder library and test: Record and replay the results of monadic actions (general, library, mit)
- monad-resumption library: Resumption and reactive resumption monads for Haskell. (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-schedule library and test: A new, simple, composable concurrency abstraction. (concurrency, library, mit)
- monad-skeleton library: Monads of program skeleta (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- monad-st library: Provides a MonadST class (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- monad-state library: Utility library for monads, particularly those involving state. (bsd3, control, data, library, monads)
- monad-statevar library and test: Concise, overloaded accessors for IORef, STRef, TVar (bsd3, data, library)
- monad-ste library and test: ST monad with efficient explicit errors (bsd2, control, library)
- monad-stlike-io library: ST-like monad capturing variables to regions and supporting IO. (bsd3, library, monadic-regions, monads)
- monad-stlike-stm library: ST-like monad capturing variables to regions and supporting STM. (bsd3, library, monadic-regions, monads)
- monad-stm library: MonadSTM class analogous to MonadIO (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-supply library: Stateful supply monad (control, data, library, monad)
- monad-task library: A monad transformer that turns event processing into co-routine programming. (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-throw-exit library and test: Functions to exit the program anywhere in MonadThrow monads. (apache, library, system)
- monad-time library and test: Type class for monads which carry
the notion of the current time. (bsd3, control, library)
- monad-time-effectful library: Adaptation of the monad-time library for the effectful ecosystem. (control, library, mit)
- monad-timing library and tests: Monad transformer for recording timing events (control, library, mit)
- monad-tree library: Tree data structure for nondeterministic computations. (control, library, mit)
- monad-tx library: A transactional state monad. (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- monad-unify library: Generic first-order unification (library, mit, unification)
- monad-unlift library: Typeclasses for representing monad transformer unlifting (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- monad-unlift-ref library: Typeclasses for representing monad transformer unlifting (control, library, mit)
- monad-validate library and test: A monad transformer for data validation. (control, library)
- monad-var library: Generic operations over variables (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- monad-wrap library: Wrap functions such as catch around different monads (bsd3, control, library)
- monadIO library: Overloading of concurrency variables (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- monadLib library: A collection of monad transformers. (library, monads)
- monadLib-compose library: Arrow-like monad composition for monadLib. (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- monadacme library: The Acme and AcmeT monads (acme, bsd3, library)
- monadbi library: Extract underlying monads from monad transformers (control, deprecated, library)
- monadcryptorandom library: A monad for using CryptoRandomGen (bsd3, control, cryptography, library)
- monadfibre library: Monadic functions which provide Choice and Parallelism. (control, deprecated, library)
- monadic-arrays library: Boxed and unboxed arrays for monad transformers (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- monadic-bang library and test: GHC plugin to desugar ! into do-notation (development, library, mit)
- monadic-recursion-schemes library and test: Recursion Schemes for Monadic version. (bsd3, control, library, monad, recursion)
- monadiccp library and test: Constraint Programming (bsd3, control, library)
- monadiccp-gecode library and test: Constraint Programming (bsd3, control, library)
- monadio-unwrappable library: Reversibly allow monad transformer stacks to run in IO (bsd3, control, library)
- monadlist library: Monadic versions of list functions (bsd3, control, library)
- monadloc library: A class for monads which can keep a monadic call trace (control, library, monads, public-domain)
- monadloc-pp program: A preprocessor for generating monadic call traces (control, monads, program, public-domain)
- monadlog library: A simple and fast logging monad (development, library, mit)
- monadoid library: A monoid for monads (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- monadology library and test: The best ideas in monad-related classes and types. (bsd2, library, monads)
- monadplus library: Haskell98 partial maps and filters over MonadPlus. (bsd3, control, library)
- monads-fd library: Monad classes, using functional dependencies (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- monads-tf library: Monad classes, using type families (bsd3, control, library)
- monadtransform library: A type-class for transforming monads (homomorphism) in a transformer (bsd3, development, library)
- monarch library and test: Monadic interface for TokyoTyrant. (bsd3, database, library)
- mondo library and test: Haskell bindings for the Mondo API (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- monetdb-mapi library: Mid-level bindings for the MonetDB API (mapi) (bsd3, database, library)
- money library and test: Money (finance, library, mit)
- mongoDB library, test and benchmark: Driver (client) for MongoDB, a free, scalable, fast, document
DBMS (apache, database, library)
- mongodb-queue library and test: message queue using MongoDB (database, library, mit)
- mongrel2-handler library: Mongrel2 Handler Library (library, mit, web)
- monitor program: Do things when files change. (mit, program, system)
- monky library and program: A system state collecting library and application (lgpl, library, program, system)
- mono-foldable library: Folds for monomorphic containers (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- mono-traversable library, test and benchmark: Type classes for mapping, folding, and traversing monomorphic containers (data, library, mit)
- mono-traversable-instances library: Extra typeclass instances for mono-traversable (data, library, mit)
- mono-traversable-keys library: Type-classes for interacting with monomorphic containers with a key (bsd3, containers, data, data-structures, library)
- mono-traversable-wrapper library: Wrapper providing Foldable instance for MonoFoldables. (data, library, mit)
- monocypher library and tests: Low level bindings to the monocypher C library. (cryptography, library)
- monoid library: Monoid type classes, designed in modular way, distinguish Monoid from Mempty and Semigroup. This design allows mempty operation don't bring Semigroups related constraints until (<>) is used. (apache, data, library)
- monoid-absorbing library: A library for (left, right) zero monoids and backtracking with cut (algebra, library, mit)
- monoid-extras library and benchmark: Various extra monoid-related definitions and utilities (bsd3, data, library)
- monoid-insertleft library: Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes. (data, development, library, mit)
- monoid-map library: A monoidal map with the right group instance (bsd3, data, library)
- monoid-owns library: a practical monoid implementation (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- monoid-record library: Support for modifying record fields of monoidal type (bsd3, data, library)
- monoid-statistics library, test and benchmark: Monoids for calculation of statistics of sample (bsd3, library, statistics)
- monoid-subclasses library and test: Subclasses of Monoid (algebra, bsd3, data, library, text)
- monoid-transformer library: Monoid counterparts to some ubiquitous monad transformers (bsd3, data, library)
- monoidal-containers library: Containers with monoidal accumulation (bsd3, data, library)
- monoidal-functors library and program: Monoidal Functors Library (categories, control, library, mit, program)
- monoidmap library, test and benchmark: Monoidal map type (apache, data-structures, library, monoidal)
- monoidplus library: Extra classes/functions about monoids (data, library, math, public-domain)
- monoids library: Deprecated: Use 'reducers' (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, math, numerical)
- monomer library, program and test: A GUI library for writing native Haskell applications. (bsd3, gui, library, program)
- monomer-flatpak-example program: Monomer Flatpak Example Application. (flatpak, gui, mit, program)
- monomer-hagrid library and test: A datagrid widget for the Monomer library. (gui, library, mit)
- monomorphic library: Library to convert polymorphic datatypes to/from its monomorphic represetation (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- monopati library and test: Well-typed paths (bsd3, library, system)
- montage library: Riak Resolution Proxy (bsd3, library, network)
- montage-client library: Riak Resolution Proxy Client (bsd3, library, network)
- monte-carlo library and test: A monad and transformer for Monte Carlo calculations. (bsd3, library, math)
- months library: MonthName (bsd3, data, library, time)
- monus library and test: a 'Monus' is a commutative monoid that allows a notion of substraction. (bsd3, data, library)
- monus-weighted-search library, test and benchmark: Efficient search weighted by an ordered monoid with monus. (data-structures, library, mit)
- monzo library and test: Haskell bindings for the Monzo API (library, mit, web)
- moo library and test: Genetic algorithm library (ai, algorithms, bsd3, library, optimisation, optimization)
- moo-nad library and test: Invocation helpers for the ReaderT-record-of-functions style. (bsd3, control, library)
- moonshine library: A web service framework for Haskell, similar in purpose to dropwizard. (apache, library, web)
- more-containers library and test: A few more collections (data-structures, library, mit)
- more-extensible-effects library: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, control, library)
- morfette program: A tool for supervised learning of morphology (bsd3, natural-language-processing, program)
- morfeusz library: Bindings to the morphological analyser Morfeusz (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- morley library and program: Developer tools for the Michelson Language (language, library, mit, program)
- morley-client library, program and test: Client to interact with the Tezos blockchain (blockchain, library, mit, program)
- morley-prelude library: A custom prelude used in Morley (library, mit, prelude)
- morley-upgradeable library, program and test: Upgradeability infrastructure based on Morley. (language, library, mit, program)
- morloc library, program and test: A multi-lingual, typed, workflow language (code-generation, compiler, gpl, language, library, program)
- morph library and program: A simple database migrator for PostgreSQL (bsd3, database, library, program)
- morpheus-graphql library and test: Morpheus GraphQL (graphql, library, mit, web)
- morpheus-graphql-app library and test: Morpheus GraphQL App (graphql, library, mit, web)
- morpheus-graphql-cli program and test: Morpheus GraphQL CLI (bsd3, cli, graphql, program, web)
- morpheus-graphql-client library and test: Morpheus GraphQL Client (client, graphql, library, mit, web)
- morpheus-graphql-code-gen library and program: Morpheus GraphQL CLI (bsd3, cli, graphql, library, program, web)
- morpheus-graphql-code-gen-utils library: Morpheus GraphQL CLI (bsd3, cli, graphql, library, web)
- morpheus-graphql-core library and test: Morpheus GraphQL Core (graphql, library, mit, web)
- morpheus-graphql-server library and test: Morpheus GraphQL (graphql, library, mit, web)
- morpheus-graphql-subscriptions library: Morpheus GraphQL Subscriptions (graphql, library, mit, subscriptions, web)
- morpheus-graphql-tests library: Morpheus GraphQL Test (graphql, library, mit, test, web)
- morphisms library: It's all about functions (control, data, library, mit)
- morphisms-functors library: Functors, theirs compositions and transformations (control, data, library, mit)
- morphisms-functors-inventory library: Inventory is state and store (control, data, library, mit)
- morphisms-objects library: Algebraic structures (control, data, library, mit)
- morte library, program, test and benchmark: A bare-bones calculus of constructions (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- mortred library, program and test: Library for setting up and running scrapers with webdriver. (bsd2, library, program, selenium, web-scraping)
- mosaico-lib library: Generación interactiva de mosaicos (bsd3, graphics, library)
- mosquitto-hs library: Mosquitto client library bindings (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, web)
- moss library: Haskell client for Moss (library, mit, web)
- moto library and test: General purpose migrations library (apache, database, library)
- moto-postgresql library: PostgreSQL-based migrations registry for moto. (apache, database, library)
- motor library, program and test: Type-safe effectful state machines in Haskell (control, library, mpl, program)
- motor-diagrams library and test: Generate state diagrams from Motor FSM typeclasses (control, library, mpl)
- motor-reflection library and test: Reflect on Motor FSM typeclasses to obtain runtime representations (control, library, mpl)
- mount library: Mounts and umounts filesystems (deprecated, library, system)
- mountpoints library: list mount points (library, system)
- movie-monad program: Plays videos using GStreamer and GTK+. (application, bsd3, multimedia, multimedia-player, program, video)
- moving-averages library and test: This is a library for calculating moving averages on lists of numbers. (library, mathematics, mit)
- mp program: Music player for linux. (gpl, program, sound)
- mp3decoder program: MP3 decoder for teaching. (codec, program)
- mpd-current-json library and program: Print current MPD song and status as JSON (library, network, program)
- mpdmate program: MPD/PowerMate executable (bsd3, program, system)
- mpeff library: Efficient effect handlers based on evidence-passing semantics (control, effect, library, mit)
- mpg123-bindings library: Mpg132 bindings (bsd3, codec, library)
- mpi-hs library, programs and tests: MPI bindings for Haskell (apache, distributed-computing, library, program)
- mpi-hs-binary library, programs and test: MPI bindings for Haskell (apache, distributed-computing, library, program)
- mpi-hs-cereal library, programs and test: MPI bindings for Haskell (apache, distributed-computing, library, program)
- mpi-hs-store library, programs and test: MPI bindings for Haskell (apache, distributed-computing, library, program)
- mplayer-spot library and program: Save your spot when watching movies with @mplayer@. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- mpolynomials library: Simple multivariate polynomials. (algebra, gpl, library, math)
- mpppc library: Multi-dimensional parametric pretty-printer with color (library, text)
- mprelude library and test: A minimalish prelude. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- mpretty library: a monadic, extensible pretty printing library (bsd3, library, text)
- mpris library: Interface for MPRIS (gpl, library, media)
- mprover program: Simple equational reasoning for a Haskell-ish language (bsd3, program, theorem-provers)
- mps library: simply oo (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- mptcp library and test: Datastructures to describe TCP and MPTCP connections (gpl, library, mptcp, network)
- mptcp-pm library, program and test: A Multipath TCP path manager (gpl, library, mptcp, network, program)
- mptcpanalyzer library, program and test: A Multipath TCP analyzer (gpl, library, network, program)
- mpvguihs program: A minimalist mpv GUI written in I/O heavy Haskell. (gpl, multimedia, program)
- mqtt library, tests and benchmarks: An MQTT protocol implementation. (iot, library, mit, network)
- mqtt-hs library: A MQTT client library. (gpl, library, network)
- mr-env library and test: A simple way to read environment variables in Haskell (library, mit, system)
- mrifk program: Decompiles Glulx files (decompiler, program, util)
- mrm library: Modular Refiable Matching, first-class matches (bsd3, data, library)
- ms library and tests: metric spaces (bsd2, library, math)
- ms-auth library: Microsoft Authentication API (bsd3, library, web)
- ms-azure-api library: Microsoft Azure API (bsd3, library, web)
- ms-graph-api library: Microsoft Graph API (bsd3, library, web)
- ms-tds library and test: TDS Protocol implemented in Haskell (bsd3, database, library)
- msgpack library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack (bsd3, data, library)
- msgpack-aeson library and test: Aeson adapter for MessagePack (bsd3, data, library)
- msgpack-arbitrary library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack. (bsd3, data, library)
- msgpack-binary library, programs, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack (bsd3, data, library, program)
- msgpack-idl library, program and test: An IDL Compiler for MessagePack (bsd3, language, library, program)
- msgpack-persist library, program, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack (bsd3, data, library, program)
- msgpack-rpc library and test: A MessagePack-RPC Implementation (bsd3, library, network)
- msgpack-rpc-conduit library and test: A MessagePack-RPC Implementation (bsd3, data, library)
- msgpack-testsuite library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack (bsd3, data, library)
- msgpack-types library and test: A Haskell implementation of MessagePack. (bsd3, data, library)
- msh library: Object-Oriented Programming in Haskell (deprecated, language, library, mit)
- msi-kb-backlit program: A command line tool to change backlit colors of your MSI
keyboards (bsd3, program, system)
- mssql-simple library and test: SQL Server client library implemented in Haskell (bsd3, database, library)
- mstate library: MState: A consistent State monad for concurrent applications. (bsd3, concurrency, library, monads)
- msu library, program and test: Monitor Setup Utility (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- mt19937 library: Standard 32-bit Mersenne Twister PRNG, in pure Haskell (cryptography, data, library, mit, random)
- mtgoxapi library and test: Library to communicate with Mt.Gox (bsd3, library, network)
- mtl library: Monad classes for transformers, using functional dependencies (bsd3, control, library)
- mtl-c library: Very strict CPS'd transformers (bsd3, library, monads)
- mtl-compat library: Backported Control.Monad.Except module from mtl (bsd3, compatibility, library)
- mtl-evil-instances library: Instances for the mtl classes for all monad transformers. (control, deprecated, library, public-domain)
- mtl-extras library: Higher order versions of MTL classes (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- mtl-misc-yj library and test: tribial tools about mtl (bsd3, control, library)
- mtl-prelude library: Reexports of most definitions from "mtl" and "transformers" (library, mit, prelude)
- mtl-tf library: Monad Transformer Library with Type Families (bsd3, control, library)
- mtl-unleashed library and test: MTL classes without the functional dependency (bsd3, control, library)
- mtl-uplift library and test: Lift substacks of monad transformer stacks (control, library, mit)
- mtlparse library: parse library using mtl package (library, parsing)
- mtlx library: Monad transformer library with type indexes,
providing 'free' copies. (bsd3, control, library)
- mtp library: Bindings to libmtp (deprecated, library, sound)
- mtree library: Tree with Meta and Content parameters (data, library, public-domain)
- mtsl library: Reified monad transformer stacks (control, library, mit)
- mu-avro library and program: Avro serialization support for Mu microservices (apache, library, network, program)
- mu-graphql library and program: GraphQL support for Mu (apache, library, network, program)
- mu-grpc-client library: gRPC clients from Mu definitions (apache, library, network)
- mu-grpc-common library: gRPC for Mu, common modules for client and server (apache, library, network)
- mu-grpc-server library and program: gRPC servers for Mu definitions (apache, library, network, program)
- mu-kafka library: Utilities for interoperation between Mu and Kafka (apache, library, network)
- mu-lens library: Lenses for @mu-schema@ terms (apache, library, network)
- mu-optics library: Optics for @mu-schema@ terms (apache, library, network)
- mu-persistent library: Utilities for interoperation between Mu and Persistent (apache, library, network)
- mu-prometheus library: Metrics support for Mu using Prometheus (apache, library, network)
- mu-protobuf library and program: Protocol Buffers serialization and gRPC schema import for Mu microservices (apache, library, network, program)
- mu-rpc library: Protocol-independent declaration of services and servers. (apache, library, network)
- mu-schema library: Format-independent schemas for serialization (apache, library, network)
- mu-servant-server library and program: Servant servers for Mu definitions (apache, library, network, program)
- mu-tracing library: Tracing support for Mu (apache, library, network)
- mucipher library: A library to produce simple ciphers for use with lambdabot. (codec, library)
- mud library, program and test: Multi-version deployer for web applications (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- mudbath program: Continuous deployment server for use with GitHub (program, testing)
- muesli library: A simple document-oriented database (database, library, mit)
- mueval library, program and test: Safely evaluate pure Haskell expressions (bsd3, development, language, library, program)
- mulang library, program and test: An intermediate language designed to perform advanced code analysis (language, library, program)
- multext-east-msd library: MULTEXT-East morphosyntactic descriptors (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- multi-cabal library, program and test: A tool supporting multi cabal project builds. (development, library, mit, program)
- multi-containers library and test: A few multimap variants. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- multi-except library and test: Multiple Exceptions (exceptions, library, mit)
- multi-instance library and test: Typeclasses augmented with a phantom type parameter (algebra, apache, library)
- multi-trie library and test: Trie of sets, as a model for compound names having multiple values (data, library, mit)
- multiaddr library and test: A network address format (bsd3, library, network)
- multiarg library and test: Command lines for options that take multiple arguments (bsd3, console, library, parsing)
- multibase library and test: Self-identifying base encodings, implementation of <> (bsd3, data, library)
- multicurryable library and tests: Uncurry functions with multiple arguments. (bsd3, data, library)
- multifile program: create many files from one (bsd3, program, text)
- multifocal library and program: Bidirectional Two-level Transformation of XML Schemas (bsd3, generics, library, program)
- multihash library and program: Multihash library and CLI executable (bsd3, data, library, program)
- multihash-cryptonite library and tests: Self-identifying hashes, implementation of <> (bsd3, data, library)
- multihash-serialise library and test: CBOR encoding of multihashes (bsd3, codec, library)
- multihashmap library: hashmap from keys to hashsets (bsd3, data, library)
- multilinear library, tests and benchmarks: Comprehensive and efficient (multi)linear algebra implementation. (bsd3, library, machine-learning)
- multilinear-io library, tests and benchmark: Conduit-based input/output capability for multilinear package. (bsd3, library, machine-learning)
- multimap library: A multimap. (data-structures, library, mit)
- multipart library: Parsers for the HTTP multipart format (bsd3, library, network)
- multipart-names library and test: Handling of multipart names in various casing styles (bsd3, data, library)
- multipass library: Folding data with multiple named passes (bsd3, control, library)
- multipath library: Parser and builder for unix-path-like objects. (codec, library, mit)
- multiplate library: Lightweight generic library for mutually recursive data types. (generics, lenses, library, mit)
- multiplate-simplified library: Shorter, more generic functions for Multiplate. (generics, library, mit)
- multiplicity program: Wrapper program for duplicity, adding config files (backup, bsd3, program)
- multipool library and test: Generalized system for reading and writing to distributed systems that have primary/replica topologies. (bsd3, database, library)
- multipool-persistent library and test: Read and write from appropriate persistent sql instances in replicated environments. (bsd3, database, library)
- multipool-persistent-postgresql library and test: Read and write appropriately from both master and replicated postgresql instances. (bsd3, database, library)
- multipool-postgresql-simple library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- multiprocess library: Multiprocess architecture library (bsd3, development, library)
- multirec library and test: Generic programming for families of recursive datatypes (bsd3, generics, library)
- multirec-alt-deriver library: Alternative multirec instances deriver (bsd3, generics, library, template-haskell)
- multirec-binary library: Generic Data.Binary instances using MultiRec. (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- multiset library and test: The Data.MultiSet container type (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- multiset-comb library: Combinatorial algorithms over multisets (bsd3, library, math)
- multisetrewrite library: Multi-set rewrite rules with guards and a parallel execution scheme (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- multistate library and test: like mtl's ReaderT / WriterT / StateT, but more than one
contained value/type. (bsd3, control, library)
- multivariant library, program and test: Multivariant assignments generation language (bsd3, library, program, test)
- multivector library and test: Vectors of packed tuples (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- multiwalk library, test and benchmark: Traverse data types via generics, acting on multiple types simultaneously. (control, gpl, library)
- muon program: Static blog generator (bsd3, program, web)
- murder library: MUtually Recursive Definitions Explicitly Represented (development-, library)
- murmur library, program and test: Simple CUI Twitter Client. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- murmur-hash library: MurmurHash2 implementation for Haskell. (bsd3, data, digest, library)
- murmur3 library and test: Pure Haskell implementation of the MurmurHash3 x86 algorithm (data, hash, library, mit, murmur, public-domain)
- murmurhash3 library: 32-bit non-cryptographic hashing (data, digest, library, public-domain)
- mushu program and test: Minimalist MPD client (bsd3, program, sound)
- music-articulation library: Abstract representation of musical articulation. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-diatonic library: Implementation of basic western musical theory objects. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-dynamics library: Abstract representation of musical dynamics. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-dynamics-literal library: Overloaded dynamics literals. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-graphics library: Diagrams-based visualization of musical data structures. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-parts library: Musical instruments, parts and playing techniques. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-pitch library: Musical pitch representation. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-pitch-literal library: Overloaded pitch literals. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-preludes library, programs and test: Some useful preludes for the Music Suite. (bsd3, library, music, program)
- music-score library: Musical score and part representation. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-sibelius library: Interaction with Sibelius. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-suite library: A set of libraries for composition, analysis and manipulation of music. (bsd3, library, music)
- music-util program: Utility for developing the Music Suite. (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- musicScroll library and program: Supply your tunes info without leaving your music player. (gpl, library, music, program)
- musicbrainz-email library, programs and test: Send an email to all MusicBrainz editors (deprecated, gpl, library, musicbrainz, program)
- musicw library: Sound synthesis library, to be used with GHCJS and Web Audio API (bsd3, library, web)
- musicxml library: MusicXML format encoded as Haskell type and functions of reading
and writting. (bsd3, library, music, text, xml)
- musicxml2 library: A representation of the MusicXML format. (bsd3, library, music)
- mustache library, program and tests: A mustache template parser library. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- mustache-haskell library and program: Straight implementation of mustache templates (library, mit, program, text)
- mustache2hs program: Utility to generate Haskell code from Mustache templates (program, utility)
- mutable library and benchmark: Automatic piecewise-mutable references for your types (bsd3, data, library)
- mutable-containers library, test and benchmarks: Abstactions and concrete implementations of mutable containers (data, library, mit)
- mutable-iter library: iteratees based upon mutable buffers (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- mutable-lens library, tests and benchmark: Interoperate mutable references with regular lens (apache, data, generics, lenses, library)
- mute-unmute program: Watches your screensaver and (un)mutes music when you (un)lock the screen. (gpl, program, system)
- mvar-lock library: A trivial lock based on MVar (apache, concurrency, library)
- mvc library: Model-view-controller (bsd3, concurrency, control, library)
- mvc-updates library: Concurrent and combinable updates (bsd3, concurrency, control, library)
- mvclient library: Client library for metaverse systems like Second Life (bsd3, library, network)
- mwc-probability library: Sampling function-based probability distributions. (library, math, mit)
- mwc-probability-transition library and test: A Markov stochastic transition operator with logging (bsd3, deprecated, library, numeric, random, science, scientific-simulation, statistical-modeling, statistics)
- mwc-random library, test and benchmark: Fast, high quality pseudo random number generation (bsd2, bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- mwc-random-accelerate library: Generate Accelerate arrays filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers (accelerate, bsd3, data, library)
- mwc-random-monad library: Monadic interface for mwc-random (bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- mx-state-codes library and test: ISO 3166-2:MX State Codes and Names (bsd3, data, library)
- mxnet library and test: MXNet interface in Haskell. (library, machine-learning, mit)
- mxnet-dataiter library and tests: mxnet dataiters (ai, bsd3, deprecated, library, machine-learning)
- mxnet-examples programs: Examples for MXNet in Haskell. (machine-learning, mit, program)
- mxnet-nn library and program: Train a neural network with MXNet in Haskell. (ai, bsd3, deprecated, library, machine-learning, program)
- mxnet-nnvm library: NNVM interface in Haskell. (deprecated, library, machine-learning, mit)
- my-package-testing library and tests: spam (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- my-test-docs library and tests: spam (authentication, bsd3, deprecated, library, servant, web)
- myTestlll library and test: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- myanimelist-export library and program: Export from MyAnimeList (gpl, library, program, web)
- mybitcoin-sci library: Binding to's Shopping Cart Interface. (library, network, public-domain)
- myers-diff library, test and benchmarks: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- myo library, program and test: Haskell binding to the Myo armband (library, mit, program, system)
- mysnapsession library: Sessions and continuations for Snap web apps (bsd3, library, web)
- mysnapsession-example programs: Example projects using mysnapsession (bsd3, program, web)
- mysql library and test: A low-level MySQL client library. (bsd3, database, library)
- mysql-effect library: An extensible mysql effect using extensible-effects and mysql-simple (database, effect, library, mit)
- mysql-haskell library, test and benchmarks: pure haskell MySQL driver (bsd3, database, library)
- mysql-haskell-nem library: Adds a interface like mysql-simple to mysql-haskell. (bsd3, database, library)
- mysql-haskell-openssl library: TLS support for mysql-haskell package using openssl (bsd3, database, library)
- mysql-json-table library and program: Using MySQL to store id-to-json tables. (database, library, mit, program)
- mysql-pure library, test and benchmarks: pure haskell MySQL driver (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- mysql-simple library and test: A mid-level MySQL client library. (bsd3, database, library)
- mysql-simple-quasi library: Quasi-quoter for use with mysql-simple. (bsd3, database, library)
- mysql-simple-typed library: Typed extension to mysql simple (bsd3, database, library)
- mystem library and program: Bindings for Mystem morphological analyzer executabe (library, mit, natural-language-processing, program)
- mywatch program: Web application to view and kill MySQL queries (databases, mit, program, web)
- mywork library and program: Tool to keep track of what you have been working on and where. (development, library, program)
- myxine-client library and test: A Haskell client for the Myxine GUI server (gui, library, mit)
- mzv library: Implementation of the "Monads, Zippers and Views" (Schrijvers and Oliveira, ICFP'11) (bsd3, control, library)
- n-ary-functor library and test: An n-ary version of Functor (data, library, public-domain)
- n-m library and program: Utility to call iwconfig. (deprecated, library, network, program)
- n-tuple library: Homogeneous tuples of arbitrary length. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- n2o library and test: Abstract Protocol Loop (bsd3, library, n2o, network, web)
- n2o-nitro library: Nitro Elements, Events and Actions (bsd3, library, n2o, network, web)
- n2o-protocols library: N2O Protocols Starter Pack (bsd3, library, n2o, network, web)
- n2o-web library: N2O adapter for WebSockets (bsd3, library, n2o, network, web)
- nagios-check library and test: Package for writing monitoring plugins (library, metrics, mit, monitoring, system)
- nagios-config library and program: EDSL to specify Nagios configuration files. (gpl, library, program, web)
- nagios-perfdata library and test: Parse Nagios performance data. (bsd3, data, library)
- nagios-plugin-ekg library, program and test: Monitor ekg metrics via Nagios (library, mit, program, system)
- nakadi-client library and test: Client library for the Nakadi Event Broker (bsd3, library, network)
- namecoin-update library and program: Tool to keep namecoin names updated and well (gpl, library, network, program)
- named library and test: Named parameters (keyword arguments) for Haskell (bsd3, control, library)
- named-binary-tag library and test: NBT (named binary tag) serialization and deserialization. (data, library, mit)
- named-formlet library: A simple formlet library with named formlets. (bsd3, library, web)
- named-lock library: A named lock that is created on demand. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- named-records library: Flexible records with named fields. (data, library, mit, records)
- named-servant library: support records and named (from the named package) parameters in servant (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- named-servant-client library: client support for named-servant (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- named-servant-server library: server support for named-servant (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- named-sop library and test: Dependently-typed sums and products, tagged by field name (data, library, mit)
- named-text library and test: A parameterized named text type and associated functionality. (data, library)
- namelist library and test: fortran90 namelist parser/pretty printer (library, mit, text)
- names library: Type level names. (data, library, mit, type-system)
- names-th library: Manipulate name strings for TH (bsd3, development, library)
- namespace library and test: A Generic Haskell library for managing namespaces (bsd3, data, library)
- nano-cryptr library and test: A threadsafe binding to glibc's crypt_r function (bsd3, library, system)
- nano-erl library: Small library for Erlang-style actor semantics (concurrency, library, mit)
- nano-hmac library: Bindings to OpenSSL HMAC. (bsd3, codec, library)
- nano-md5 library: Efficient, ByteString bindings to OpenSSL. (bsd3, codec, library)
- nanoAgda program: A toy dependently-typed language (dependent-types, program)
- nanocurses library: Simple Curses binding (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- nanomsg library: nanomsg - scalability protocols library (library, public-domain, system)
- nanomsg-haskell library, tests and benchmarks: Bindings to the nanomsg library (library, mit, network)
- nanoparsec library: An implementation of attoparsec-like parser around list-like (bsd3, library, text)
- nanopass library and program: Create compilers using small passes and many intermediate representations. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- nanospec library and test: A lightweight implementation of a subset of Hspec's API (library, mit, testing)
- nanotime library and test: a tiny time library (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- nanovg library and test: Haskell bindings for nanovg (graphics, library)
- nanovg-simple library: Simple interface to rendering with NanoVG (bsd3, graphics, library)
- nanq program: Performs 漢字検定 (Japan Kanji Aptitude Test) level analysis on given Kanji. (deprecated, gpl, natural-language-processing, program)
- naperian library: Efficient representable functors (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- naqsha library and test: A library for working with anything map related. (geospatial, library, naqsha)
- narc library: Query SQL databases using Nested Relational Calculus embedded in Haskell. (bsd3, database, library)
- nat library: Lazy binary natural numbers (bsd3, data, library, math)
- nat-optics library and test: Refinement types for natural numbers with an optics interface (library, mit, numeric, optics)
- nat-sized-numbers library and test: Variable-sized numbers from type-level nats. (library, mit, numeric)
- national-australia-bank library: Functions for National Australia Bank transactions (bsd3, library, test)
- nationstates library: NationStates API client (apache, library, network, web)
- native library, program and test: Native library manager for Windows (bsd3, library, program, utility)
- nats library: Natural numbers (algebra, bsd3, library, numeric)
- nats-client library, program, test and benchmark: Another Haskell client for NATS ( (bsd3, library, network, program)
- nats-queue library and test: Haskell API for NATS messaging system (bsd3, library, network)
- natural library and test: Natural number (bsd3, control, library)
- natural-arithmetic library: Arithmetic of natural numbers (bsd3, library, math)
- natural-induction library: Induction over natural numbers (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- natural-number library: Natural numbers tagged with a type-level representation of the number. (bsd3, data, library, type-system)
- natural-numbers library: Natural numbers (bsd3, data, library, math)
- natural-sort library: User-friendly text collation (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- natural-transformation library and test: A natural transformation package. (bsd3, control, library)
- naturalcomp library: Natural-order string comparison (bsd3, library, text)
- naturals library: Constructors and related functions for natural numbers (bsd3, data, library)
- naver-translate library: Interface to Naver Translate (gpl, language, library)
- nbt library and test: A parser/serializer for Minecraft's Named Binary Tag (NBT)
data format. (bsd3, data, library)
- nc-indicators program: CPU load and memory usage indicators for i3bar (apache, program, system)
- ncurses library: Modernised bindings to GNU ncurses (foreign, gpl, library, user-interfaces)
- ndjson-conduit library: Conduit-based parsing and serialization for newline delimited JSON. (data, library, mit)
- neat library and program: A Fast Retargetable Template Engine (library, mit, program, text)
- neat-interpolation library and test: Quasiquoter for neat and simple multiline text interpolation (library, mit, quasiqoutes, quasiquotes, string)
- needle library: ASCII-fied arrow notation (control, library, mit)
- neet library: A NEAT library for Haskell (ai, gpl, library)
- nehe-tuts programs: Port of the NeHe OpenGL tutorials to Haskell. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- neil program: General tools for Neil (bsd3, development, program)
- neither library: Provide versions of Either with good monad and applicative instances. (deprecated) (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- neither-data library: The Neither datatype (data, library, mit)
- neko-lib library and test: Neko VM code generation and disassembly library (bsd2, build, library)
- neko-obfs program: a TCP tunnel with packet length obfuscation (apache, network, program)
- nekos-best library: Unofficial API wrapper (catgirls, library, mit)
- nemesis library: a task management tool for Haskell (bsd3, library, tools)
- nemesis-titan library: A collection of Nemesis tasks to bootstrap a Haskell project with a focus on continuous integration (bsd3, library, web)
- neolua program: A CLI adapter to map Lua's CLI to Neovim's CLI for lua interpretation. (cli, gpl, program)
- neononempty library and test: NonEmpty lists that look [more, like, this] (bsd3, data, library)
- neptune-backend library, program and test: Neptune Client (bsd3, library, program, web)
- nerf library and program: Nerf, a named entity recognition tool based on linear-chain CRFs (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- nero library and tests: Lens-based HTTP toolkit (bsd3, library, web)
- nero-wai library: WAI adapter for Nero server applications (bsd3, library, web)
- nero-warp library: Run Nero server applications with Warp (bsd3, library, web)
- nest library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- nested-routes library and test: Declarative, compositional Wai responses (bsd3, library, web)
- nested-sequence library and test: List-like data structures with O(log(n)) random access (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- nested-sets library and test: Nested set model implementation (data-structures, gpl, library)
- nestedmap library and test: A library for nested maps (bsd3, data, library)
- nestedtext library and test: NestedText: A Human Friendly Data Format (apache, data, library)
- net-concurrent library: Concurrent over the network execution library (bsd3, concurrent, distributed-computing, library, network)
- net-mqtt library, programs and test: An MQTT Protocol Implementation. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- net-mqtt-lens library and test: Optics for net-mqtt (bsd3, library, network)
- net-mqtt-rpc library and program: Make RPC calls via an MQTT broker. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- net-spider library and tests: A graph database middleware to maintain a time-varying graph. (bsd3, database, library)
- net-spider-cli library and tests: CLI option parsers for NetSpider objects (bsd3, database, library)
- net-spider-pangraph library and tests: Conversion between net-spider and pangraph (bsd3, database, library)
- net-spider-rpl library and test: NetSpider data model and utility for RPL networks (bsd3, database, library)
- net-spider-rpl-cli library, program and test: CLI executable of NetSpider.RPL. (bsd3, database, library, program)
- netclock library: Netclock protocol (gpl, library, network)
- netcode-io library: Bindings to the low-level library. (bsd3, library, network)
- netcore library, test and benchmark: The NetCore compiler and runtime system for OpenFlow networks. (bsd3, library, network)
- netease-fm library and program: NetEase Cloud Music FM client in Haskell. (bsd3, library, music, program, web)
- netlib-carray library: Helper modules for CArray wrappers to BLAS and LAPACK (bsd3, library, math)
- netlib-comfort-array library: Helper modules for comfort-array wrappers to BLAS and LAPACK (bsd3, library, math)
- netlib-ffi library: Helper modules for FFI to BLAS and LAPACK (bsd3, library, math)
- netlines library and program: Enumerator tools for text-based network protocols (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, program)
- netlink library and programs: Netlink communication for Haskell (bsd3, library, program, system)
- netlist library: Netlist AST (bsd3, language, library)
- netlist-to-vhdl library: Convert a Netlist AST to VHDL (bsd3, language, library)
- netpbm library, test and benchmark: Loading PBM, PGM, PPM image files (codec, graphics, library, mit)
- netrc library and test: Parser for .netrc files (gpl, library, network)
- netrium library and programs: Contract normaliser and simulator (finance, library, mit, program)
- netspec library: Simplify static Networking tasks (bsd3, library, network)
- netstring-enumerator library: Enumerator-based netstring parsing (deprecated, enumerator, gpl, library, network, parsing)
- nettle library and tests: safe nettle binding (cryptography, library, mit)
- nettle-frp library: FRP for controlling networks of OpenFlow switches. (bsd3, library, network)
- nettle-netkit library: DSL for describing OpenFlow networks, and a compiler generating NetKit labs. (bsd3, library, network)
- nettle-openflow library: OpenFlow protocol messages, binary formats, and servers. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- netw library and tests: Binding to C socket API operating on bytearrays. (gpl, library, network)
- netwire library: Functional reactive programming library (bsd3, frp, library)
- netwire-input library: Input handling abstractions for netwire (game, library, mit)
- netwire-input-glfw library: GLFW instance of netwire-input (game, library, mit)
- netwire-input-javascript library: JavaScript instance of netwire-input (bsd3, game, library)
- netwire-vinylglfw-examples programs: Netwire/GLFW/VinylGL input handling demo (game, mit, program)
- network library and test: Low-level networking interface (bsd3, library, network)
- network-address library and test: IP data structures and textual representation (data, library, mit, network)
- network-anonymous-i2p library and test: Haskell API for I2P anonymous networking (library, mit, network)
- network-anonymous-tor library, program and test: Haskell API for Tor anonymous networking (library, mit, network, program)
- network-api-support library: Toolkit for building http client libraries over Network.Http.Conduit (bsd3, library, network-apis)
- network-arbitrary library and test: Arbitrary Instances for Network Types (library, mit, testing)
- network-attoparsec library and test: Utility functions for running a parser against a socket (library, mit, network, parsing)
- network-bitcoin library and test: An interface to bitcoind. (bsd3, library, network)
- network-bsd library: POSIX network database (<netdb.h>) API (bsd3, library, network)
- network-builder library, program and test: Linux NetworkNameSpace Builder (bsd3, library, network, program)
- network-byte-order library: Network byte order utilities (bsd3, library, network)
- network-bytestring library: Fast, memory-efficient, low-level networking (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- network-carbon library: A Haskell implementation of the Carbon protocol (part of the Graphite monitoring tools) (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- network-conduit library: Stream socket data using conduits. (deprecated) (bsd3, conduit, data, deprecated, library, network)
- network-conduit-tls library and test: Create TLS-aware network code with conduits (library, mit, network)
- network-connection library: A wrapper around a generic stream-like connection (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- network-control library and test: Library to control network protocols (bsd3, library, network)
- network-data library: Library for network data structures and their serialization. (bsd3, data, library, network)
- network-dbus library: D-Bus (library, network)
- network-dns library and program: Domain Name System data structures (bsd3, library, network, program)
- network-enumerator library: Enumerators for network sockets (data, deprecated, enumerator, library, mit)
- network-fancy library: Networking support with a cleaner API (bsd3, library, network)
- network-hans library: HaNS to Network shims for easier HaNS integration (bsd3, library, networking)
- network-house library: data and parsers for Ethernet, TCP, UDP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, DHCP, TFTP (gpl, library, network)
- network-info library: Access the local computer's basic network configuration (bsd3, library, network)
- network-interfacerequest library: Haskell bindings for the ifreq structure (bsd3, library, network)
- network-ip library and test: Internet Protocol data structures (bsd3, library, network)
- network-manager-tui library, program and test: network-manager tui (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, tui)
- network-messagepack-rpc library: MessagePack RPC (bsd3, data-network, library)
- network-messagepack-rpc-websocket library and test: WebSocket backend for MessagePack RPC (bsd3, library, network)
- network-metrics library: Send metrics to Ganglia, Graphite, and statsd. (library, metrics, monitoring)
- network-minihttp library: A ByteString based library for writing HTTP(S) servers and clients. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- network-msg library: Recvmsg and sendmsg bindings. (library, network)
- network-msgpack-rpc library and test: A MessagePack-RPC Implementation (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- network-multicast library: Simple multicast library (library, network, public-domain)
- network-netpacket library: Haskell bindings for low-level packet sockets (AF_PACKET) (bsd3, library, network)
- network-packet-linux library and tests: Types for working with Linux packet sockets (bsd3, library, network)
- network-pgi library: Library for writing PGI applications (library, web)
- network-protocol-xmpp library: Client library for the XMPP protocol. (gpl, library, network)
- network-rpca library: A cross-platform RPC library (bsd3, deprecated, library, networking)
- network-run library: Simple network runner library (bsd3, library, network)
- network-server library and program: A light abstraction over sockets & co. for servers (library, network, program, system)
- network-service library: Provide a service at the data type level. (library, mit, network)
- network-simple library: Simple network sockets usage patterns. (bsd3, library, network)
- network-simple-sockaddr library: network-simple for resolved addresses (bsd3, library, network)
- network-simple-tls library: Simple interface to TLS secured network sockets. (bsd3, library, network)
- network-simple-ws library: Simple interface to WebSockets. (bsd3, library, network)
- network-simple-wss library: Simple interface to TLS secured WebSockets. (bsd3, library, network)
- network-socket-options library: Type-safe, portable alternative to getSocketOption/setSocketOption (bsd3, library, network)
- network-stream library: ByteString and Text streams for networking (data, gpl, library)
- network-topic-models programs: A few network topic model implementations for bayes-stack (bsd3, math, program)
- network-transport library: Network abstraction layer (bsd3, library, network)
- network-transport-amqp library and tests: AMQP-based transport layer for distributed-process (aka Cloud Haskell) (library, mit, network)
- network-transport-composed library: Compose network transports (bsd3, library, network)
- network-transport-inmemory library and test: In-memory instantiation of Network.Transport (bsd3, library, network)
- network-transport-tcp library and test: TCP instantiation of Network.Transport (bsd3, library, network)
- network-transport-tests library: Unit tests for Network.Transport implementations (bsd3, library, network)
- network-transport-zeromq library, tests and benchmarks: ZeroMQ backend for network-transport (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- network-types-icmp library and test: Types for representing ICMP and ICMPv6 messages. (bsd3, library, network)
- network-udp library: UDP library (bsd3, library, network)
- network-unexceptional library: Network functions that do not throw exceptions (bsd3, library, network)
- network-uri library and tests: URI manipulation (bsd3, library, network)
- network-uri-flag library: Pseudo-package encapsulating flag(network-uri) Cabal boilerplate (bsd3, library, network)
- network-uri-json library and test: FromJSON and ToJSON Instances for Network.URI (library, mit, network)
- network-uri-lenses library: Lenses for network-uri (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- network-uri-static library and test: A small utility to declare type-safe static URIs (library, mit, network)
- network-voicetext library: VoiceText Web API wrapper (library, mit, network)
- network-wai-router library: A routing library for wai (library, mit, web)
- network-wait library and test: Lightweight library for waiting on networked services to become available. (library, mit, network)
- network-websocket library: WebSocket library (bsd3, library, network)
- networked-game library: Networked-game support library (bsd3, library, network)
- neural library, programs, tests and benchmark: Neural Networks in native Haskell (library, machine-learning, mit, program)
- neural-network-base library: Yet Another High Performance and Extendable Neural Network in Haskell (ai, bsd3, library)
- neural-network-blashs library and test: Yet Another High Performance and Extendable Neural Network in Haskell (ai, bsd3, library)
- neural-network-hmatrix library: Yet Another High Performance and Extendable Neural Network in Haskell (ai, bsd3, library)
- neuron library, program and test: Future-proof system for plain-text notes. (agpl, library, program, web)
- newbase60 library and test: Encodes and decodes numbers using Tantek Çelik's New Base 60 number system. (data, library, mpl)
- newhope library, programs and test: Library implementing the NewHope cryptographic key-exchange protocol (apache, cryptography, library, program)
- newline library: newline specifications as values (bsd3, library, text)
- newports program: List ports newer than N days on a FreeBSD system (bsd3, program, system)
- newsletter library and program: A basic newsletter implimentation, using various backends. (bsd3, email, library, program, web)
- newsletter-mailgun library: A mailgun backend for the newsletter package. (bsd3, email, library)
- newsynth library and program: Exact and approximate synthesis of quantum circuits (gpl, library, program, quantum)
- newt library and program: A trivially simple app to create things from simple templates. (bsd3, library, program, tools)
- newtype library: A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes. (bsd3, control, library)
- newtype-deriving library: Instance derivers for newtype wrappers (control, library, mit, template-haskell)
- newtype-generics library, test and benchmark: A typeclass and set of functions for working with newtypes (bsd3, control, library)
- newtype-th library: A template haskell deriver to create Control.Newtype instances. (bsd3, control, library, template-haskell)
- newtype-zoo library: Newtype Wrapper Zoo (bsd3, data, library)
- newtyper library: Extra functions for the Control.Newtype typeclass (bsd3, control, library)
- next-ref library and test: A concurrency primitive for a slow consumer. (bsd3, library, web)
- nextstep-plist library: NextStep style plist parser and printer (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- nf library: NF data type to statically enforce normal form (bsd3, data, library)
- nfc library: libnfc bindings (bindings, library, public-domain)
- ngram library and program: Ngram models for compressing and classifying text. (bsd3, library, machine-learning, natural-language-processing, program)
- ngrams-loader library and program: Ngrams loader based on format (data, library, mit, program)
- ngx-export library: Helper module for Nginx Haskell module (bsd3, library, network)
- ngx-export-distribution library and program: Build custom libraries for Nginx Haskell module (bsd3, library, network, program)
- ngx-export-healthcheck library: Active health checks and monitoring of Nginx upstreams (bsd3, library, network)
- ngx-export-log library: Native Nginx logging from configuration files and Haskell handlers (bsd3, library, network)
- ngx-export-tools library: Extra tools for Nginx Haskell module (bsd3, library, network)
- ngx-export-tools-extra library: More extra tools for Nginx Haskell module (bsd3, library, network)
- niagra library and test: High performance CSS EDSL (data, library, mit)
- nibblestring library and test: Packed, strict nibble arrays with a list interface (ByteString for nibbles) (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- nice-html library and benchmarks: A fast and nice HTML templating library with distinct compilation/rendering phases. (library, mit, web)
- nicify program: Pretty print the standard output of default `Show` instances. (mit, program, text, tools, utilities)
- nicify-lib library: Pretty print the standard output of default `Show` instances. (library, mit, text, tools, utilities)
- nicovideo-translator library and program: Nico Nico Douga (ニコニコ動画) Comment Translator (agpl, library, program, translation)
- nikepub program: Command line utility publishes Nike+ runs on blogs and Twitter (program, web)
- nimber library: Finite nimber arithmetic (bsd3, library, math)
- nirum library, program and tests: IDL compiler and RPC/distributed object framework for microservices (gpl, language, library, program)
- nist-beacon library: Haskell interface to the nist random beacon. (bsd3, library, network)
- nitro library: Haskell bindings for Nitro (bsd3, ffi, library, system)
- niv library, program and test: Easy dependency management for Nix projects (development, library, mit, program)
- nix-delegate library and program: Convenient utility for distributed Nix builds (apache, library, program, unclassified)
- nix-deploy program: Deploy Nix-built software to a NixOS machine (apache, program, system)
- nix-derivation library, program, tests and benchmark: Parse and render *.drv files (bsd3, library, program, system)
- nix-diff library, program and test: Explain why two Nix derivations differ (bsd3, library, program, system)
- nix-eval library and test: Evaluate Haskell expressions using Nix to get packages (language, library)
- nix-freeze-tree library, program and test: Convert a tree of files into fixed-output derivations (agpl, application, library, nix, program)
- nix-graph library and program: Reify the Nix build graph into a Haskell graph data structure (bsd3, graphs, library, nix, program)
- nix-narinfo library, program and tests: Parse and render .narinfo files (bsd3, library, nix, program)
- nix-paths library: Knowledge of Nix's installation directories. (bsd3, distribution, library, nix)
- nix-serve-ng benchmark: A drop-in replacement for nix-serve that's faster and more stable (bsd3, unclassified)
- nix-thunk library and program: Lightweight dependency management with Nix (bsd3, git, library, nix, program)
- nix-tools library and programs: cabal/stack to nix translation tools (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- nix-tree program and test: Interactively browse a Nix store paths dependencies (bsd3, language.nix, program)
- nixdu program: Interactively browse a Nix store paths dependencies (bsd3, deprecated, language.nix, program)
- nixfmt library: An opinionated formatter for Nix (development, library, mpl)
- nixfromnpm program: Generate nix expressions from npm packages. (mit, nix, program, tools)
- nixos-types library: this package is obsolete; see cabal2nix instead (bsd3, deprecated, distribution, library)
- nixpkgs-update library, program and test: Tool for semi-automatic updating of nixpkgs repository (library, program, web)
- nkeys library and test: Nkeys ed25519 encoding for use with NATS (apache, cryptography, library)
- nkjp library and programs: Manipulating the National Corpus of Polish (NKJP) (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- nlopt-haskell library and test: Low-level bindings to the NLOPT optimization library (bsd3, library, numeric)
- nlp-scores library: Scoring functions commonly used for evaluation in NLP and IR (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- nlp-scores-scripts programs: NLP scoring command-line programs (bsd3, natural-language-processing, program)
- nm library and program: Network Manager, binding to libnm-glib. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- nme library: Bindings to the Nyctergatis Markup Engine (library, text)
- nmis-parser library and test: NMIS file parser (bsd3, library, parsers, text)
- nn library and test: A tiny neural network (ai, library, mit)
- nntp library: Library to connect to an NNTP Server (library, network)
- no-buffering-workaround library: Workaround for GHC bug #2189. (apache, console, library)
- no-recursion library and tests: A GHC plugin to remove support for recursion (agpl, library, recursion)
- no-role-annots library and test: Role annotations without -XRoleAnnotations (bsd3, haskell, library)
- no-value library: A type class for choosing sentinel-like values (bsd3, data, library)
- noether library, program, test and benchmark: Math in Haskell. (library, math, mit, program)
- nofib-analyse program: Parse and compare nofib runs (bsd3, development, program)
- nofib-analyze program: Parse and compare nofib runs (bsd3, deprecated, development, program)
- noise library, program and test: A friendly language for graphic design (library, mit, program, text)
- noli library: A static site generator (library, mit, web)
- nom library and tests: Name-binding & alpha-equivalence (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library)
- nominal library: Binders and alpha-equivalence made easy (compilers-interpreters, generics, gpl, language, library)
- nomyx-api library: REST API for Nomyx (bsd3, game, library)
- nomyx-core library and test: A Nomic game in haskell (bsd3, game, library)
- nomyx-language library: Language to express rules for Nomic (bsd3, language, library)
- nomyx-library library: Library of rules for Nomyx (bsd3, language, library)
- nomyx-server program and test: A Nomic game in haskell (bsd3, game, program)
- nomyx-web library: Web gui for Nomyx (bsd3, game, library)
- non-empty library and test: List-like structures with static restrictions on the number of elements (bsd3, data, library)
- non-empty-containers library: (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- non-empty-sequence library: Non-empty sequence (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- non-empty-text library and tests: Non empty Data.Text type (data, library, mit, nonempty, text)
- non-empty-zipper library and test: The Zipper for NonEmpty (bsd3, data, library)
- non-negative library and test: Non-negative numbers (library, math)
- nonce library: Generate cryptographic nonces. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- nondeterminism library and test: A monad and monad transformer for nondeterministic computations. (ai, constraints, control, failure, library, monads)
- nonempty-alternative library: NonEmpty for Alternative types (bsd3, data, library)
- nonempty-containers library and test: Non-empty variants of containers data types, with full API (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- nonempty-lift library and test: nonempty structure (bsd3, data, library)
- nonempty-vector library and test: Non-empty vectors (bsd3, data, library)
- nonempty-wrapper library and test: Create NonEmpty version of any container (data, library)
- nonempty-wrapper-aeson library and test: aeson instances for 'NonEmpty' (data, library)
- nonempty-wrapper-quickcheck library: QuickCheck instance for 'NonEmpty' (data, library)
- nonempty-wrapper-text library: 'NonEmpty' wrappers for text (data, library)
- nonempty-zipper library and test: A non-empty comonadic list zipper (data, data-structures, library, mit)
- nonemptymap library: A NonEmptyMap Implementation (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- nonfree library: Free structures sans laws (debug, library, mit)
- nonlinear library and test: Low-dimensional vectors (bsd3, library, web)
- nonlinear-optimization library: Various iterative algorithms for optimization of nonlinear functions. (library, math)
- nonlinear-optimization-ad library: Wrapper of nonlinear-optimization package for using with AD package (algorithms, gpl, library, math, optimisation, optimization)
- nonlinear-optimization-backprop library: Wrapper of nonlinear-optimization package for using with backprop package (algorithms, gpl, library, math, optimisation, optimization)
- nonnonempty library: List with a minimum length of 2 (bsd3, library, test)
- noodle library and programs: the noodle programming language (compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- normaldistribution library: Minimum fuss normally distributed random values. (bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- normalization-insensitive library, test and benchmark: Normalization insensitive string comparison (bsd3, data, library, text, unicode)
- normalize library and program: Normalize data using a variety of methods. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- normalize-imports program and test: Sort and align Haskell import statements (bsd3, development, program)
- not-gloss library: Painless 3D graphics, no affiliation with gloss (bsd3, graphics, library)
- not-gloss-examples programs: examples for not-gloss (bsd3, graphics, program)
- not-in-base library: Useful utility functions that only depend on base. (library, utility)
- not-prelude library: An opinionated Prelude replacement library (library, mit, prelude)
- notcpp library and test: Avoiding the C preprocessor via cunning use of Template Haskell (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- nothunks library and test: Examine values for unexpected thunks (apache, development, library)
- notifications-tray-icon library and program: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- notmuch library: Haskell binding to Notmuch, the mail indexer (ffi, gpl, library)
- notmuch-haskell library and program: Binding for notmuch MUA library (email, foreign, library, program)
- notmuch-web library and test: A web interface to the notmuch email indexer (library, web)
- notzero library: A data type for representing numeric values, except zero. (bsd3, data, library, numeric)
- now-haskell library, program and test: Zeit Now haskell-side integration and introspection tools. (library, mit, program, web)
- nowdoc library and test: Here document without variable expansion like PHP Nowdoc (bsd3, library, text)
- np-extras library: NumericPrelude extras (bsd3, library, math)
- np-linear library: Linear algebra for the numeric-prelude framework (bsd3, library, math)
- nptools programs: A collection of random tools (bsd3, development, program, system, text, utils)
- nqe library and test: Concurrency library in the style of Erlang/OTP (control, library, mit, public-domain)
- nri-env-parser library: Read environment variables as settings to build 12-factor apps. (bsd3, library, web)
- nri-http library and test: Make Elm style HTTP requests (bsd3, library, web)
- nri-kafka library and test: Functions for working with Kafka (bsd3, library, web)
- nri-observability library and test: Report log spans collected by nri-prelude. (bsd3, library, web)
- nri-postgresql library and test: Make queries against Postgresql. (bsd3, library, web)
- nri-prelude library and test: A Prelude inspired by the Elm programming language (bsd3, library, web)
- nri-redis library and test: An intuitive hedis wrapper library. (bsd3, library, web)
- nri-test-encoding library: A library to simplify writing golden tests for encoding types. (bsd3, library, testing)
- nsis library and test: DSL for producing Windows Installer using NSIS. (bsd3, development, library)
- nspace library and test: Efficient, infinite-precision 2D and 3D spatial containers. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- nth-prime program and test: Computing the nth prime (mit, number-theory, program)
- ntha library, program and test: A tiny statically typed functional programming language. (bsd3, compiler, language, library, program)
- nthable library: (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- ntp-control library and test: Client library for NTP control messaging (bsd3, library, network, time)
- ntrip-client library and program: NTRIP client. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, program)
- ntype library: N-ary sum/product types (bsd3, data, library)
- nuha library and test: Multidimensional arrays, Linear algebra, Numerical analysis (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- null-canvas library: HTML5 Canvas Graphics Library - forked Blank Canvas (bsd3, graphics, library)
- nullary library: A package for working with nullary type classes. (bsd2, library, type-system)
- nullpipe library and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- num-non-negative library: Non-negative numbers (data, library)
- number library: A library for real numbers (library, math, mit)
- number-length library, test and benchmark: Number of digits in a number in decimal and hexadecimal representation. (bsd3, data, library)
- number-show library: Flexible and accurate (for a given precision) numerical->string conversion (gpl, library, text)
- number-wall library, test and benchmark: Create number walls and save them as images (algorithms, graphics, image, library, math, mit)
- numbered-semigroups library: A sequence of semigroups, for composing stuff in multiple spatial directions. (data, lgpl, library)
- numbering library: Combinators for creating bijections from some type to the natural numbers. (bsd3, data, library)
- numbers library and test: Various number types (bsd3, data, library, math)
- numerals library, test and benchmark: Convert numbers to number words (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, numerical, text)
- numerals-base library and test: Convert numbers to number words (bsd3, deprecated, library, natural-language-processing, numerical, text)
- numeric-domains library: Numeric Domains (bsd3, library, math)
- numeric-extras library: Useful tools from the C standard library (bsd3, library, math)
- numeric-kinds library: Type-level numeric types and classes (apache, library, numeric)
- numeric-limits library: Various floating point limit related constants. (bsd3, library, numerical)
- numeric-logarithms library and test: Integral and rational log2 algorithms (apache, library, numeric)
- numeric-ode library and program: Ode solvers (bsd3, library, math, program)
- numeric-optimization library and test: Unified interface to various numerical optimization algorithms (algorithms, bsd3, library, math, numeric, numerical, optimisation, optimization)
- numeric-optimization-ad library and test: Wrapper of numeric-optimization package for using with AD package (algorithms, bsd3, library, math, optimisation, optimization)
- numeric-optimization-backprop library and test: Wrapper of numeric-optimization package for using with backprop package (algorithms, bsd3, library, math, optimisation, optimization)
- numeric-prelude library and test: An experimental alternative hierarchy of numeric type classes (bsd3, library, math)
- numeric-qq library and test: Quasi-quoters for numbers of different bases (library, mit, numeric, quasiquotes)
- numeric-quest library: Math and quantum mechanics (library, math)
- numeric-ranges library and test: A framework for numeric ranges. (library, mit, numeric)
- numeric-tools library and test: Collection of numerical tools for integration, differentiation etc. (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- numerical library and test: core package for Numerical Haskell project (bsd2, library, math)
- numerical-integration library: Numerical integration. (bsd3, library, numerical)
- numericpeano library: Peano numbers with attendant bells and whistles. (apache, library, math)
- numhask library and test: A numeric class hierarchy. (bsd3, library, math)
- numhask-array library: Multi-dimensional arrays. (bsd3, library, math)
- numhask-free library and test: numerical free algebras (bsd3, library, project)
- numhask-hedgehog library and test: Laws and tests for numhask (bsd3, deprecated, library, mathematics)
- numhask-histogram library and test: See (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- numhask-prelude library and test: A numeric prelude (bsd3, deprecated, library, mathematics)
- numhask-range library and test: Numbers that are range representations (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- numhask-space library and test: Numerical spaces. (bsd3, library, math)
- numhask-test library and test: Laws and tests for numhask (bsd3, deprecated, library, mathematics)
- nums library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- numtype library: Type-level (low cardinality) integers. (bsd3, library, math)
- numtype-dk library: Type-level integers, using TypeNats, Data
Kinds, and Closed Type Families. (bsd3, library, math)
- numtype-tf library: Type-level (low cardinality) integers, implemented
using type families. (bsd3, library, math)
- nurbs library and test: NURBS (bsd3, geometry, library, linear-algebra, math)
- nuxeo library and program: (bsd3, library, program, system)
- nvfetcher library, program and test: Generate nix sources expr for the latest version of packages (library, mit, nix, program)
- nvim-hs library and test: Haskell plugin backend for neovim (apache, editor, library)
- nvim-hs-contrib library and test: Haskell plugin backend for neovim (apache, editor, library)
- nvim-hs-ghcid library and program: Neovim plugin that runs ghcid to update the quickfix list (apache, editor, library, program)
- nvvm library: FFI bindings to NVVM (bsd3, foreign, library)
- nyan program: Bored? Nyan cat! (bsd3, development, program)
- nyan-interpolation library and test: Flexible production-scale string interpolation library (interpolation, library, mpl, text)
- nyan-interpolation-core library and test: Customize your nyan interpolator! (interpolation, library, mpl, text)
- nyan-interpolation-simple library: Simplified lightweight interpolation (interpolation, library, mpl, text)
- nylas library: Client for the Nylas API (api, bsd3, library, network)
- nymphaea program: An interactive GUI for manipulating L-systems (bsd3, graphics, program)
- nyx-game library and program: A bullet-hell game made with SDL2. (apache, game, library, program)
- o-clock library, program and test: Type-safe time library. (library, mpl, program, time)
- oalg-abg library and test: Finitely generated abelian groups. (algebra, bsd3, category, library, mathematics)
- oalg-base library and test: Algebraic structures on oriented entities and limits as a tool kit to solve algebraic problems. (algebra, bsd3, category, library, mathematics)
- oanda-rest-api library and tests: Client to the OANDA REST API (api, bsd3, library)
- oasis-xrd library and tests: Extensible Resource Descriptor (bsd3, library, web)
- oath library, test and benchmark: Composable concurrent computation done right (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- oauth10a library and test: Fully Automatic Luxury OAuth 1.0a headers (gpl, library, web)
- oauth2-jwt-bearer library and test: OAuth2 jwt-bearer client flow as per rfc7523 (bsd3, library, network)
- oauthenticated library and test: Simple OAuth for http-client (library, mit, network, web)
- obd library, programs and test: Communicate to OBD interfaces over ELM327 (gpl, hardware, library, program)
- obdd library and tests: Ordered Reduced Binary Decision Diagrams (gpl, library, logic)
- oberon0 library: Oberon0 Compiler (language, library)
- obj library: Reads and writes obj models. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- objectid library and test: Rather unique identifier for things that need to be stored (bsd3, data, library)
- objective library: Composable objects (bsd3, control, library)
- oblivious-transfer library and test: An implementation of the Oblivious Transfer protocol in Haskell (cryptography, library)
- observable library: Continuation patterns (bsd3, control, library)
- observable-sharing library: Simple observable sharing (bsd3, data, library)
- ocaml-export library and test: Convert Haskell types in OCaml types (bsd3, library, web)
- ocap-io library and test: Object capability based IO (apache, library, unclassified)
- ochan library and test: Owned channels in the Ownership Monad (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- ochintin-daicho library and tests: A module to manage payroll books for Japanese companies. (business, library, mit)
- octane library and program: Parse Rocket League replays. (deprecated, game, library, mit, program)
- octohat library, program and test: A tested, minimal wrapper around GitHub's API. (library, mit, network, program)
- octopus library and program: Lisp with more dynamism, more power, more simplicity. (gpl, language, library, program)
- oculus library: Oculus Rift ffi providing head tracking data (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- odbc library, program, test and benchmark: Haskell binding to the ODBC API, aimed at SQL Server driver (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- odd-jobs library, programs and test: A full-featured PostgreSQL-backed job queue (with an admin UI) (bsd3, library, program, web)
- oden-go-packages library: Provides Go package metadata. (language-tools, library, mit)
- odpic-raw library and test: Oracle Database Bindings (database, ffi, library, mit, odpi-c, oracle, raw)
- ods2csv program: Convert Open Document Spreadsheet ODS to CSV (bsd3, csv, program, text)
- oeis library and test: Interface to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) (bsd3, library, math)
- oeis2 library and test: Interface for Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS). (bsd3, library, math)
- off-simple library: A parser for simplified-syntax OFF files (bsd3, graphics, library)
- ofx library and programs: Parser for OFX data (bsd3, finance, library, program)
- ogma-cli program and test: Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages. (aerospace, program)
- ogma-core library and test: Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages. (aerospace, library)
- ogma-extra library and test: Ogma: Helper tool to interoperate between Copilot and other languages. (aerospace, library)
- ogma-language-c library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: C Language Frontend (aerospace, library)
- ogma-language-cocospec library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: CoCoSpec Language Frontend (aerospace, library)
- ogma-language-copilot library: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: Copilot Language Endpoints (aerospace, library)
- ogma-language-fret-cs library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: FRET Component Specification Frontend (aerospace, deprecated, library)
- ogma-language-fret-reqs library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: FRET Component Requirement DB Frontend (aerospace, library)
- ogma-language-jsonspec library: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: JSON Frontend (aerospace, library)
- ogma-language-smv library and test: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: SMV Language Frontend (aerospace, library)
- ogma-language-xmlspec library: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: XML Frontend (aerospace, library)
- ogma-spec library: Ogma: Runtime Monitor translator: JSON Frontend (aerospace, library)
- ogmarkup library and test: A lightweight markup language for story writers (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- ohhecs library: An Entity-Component-Systems engine core. (agpl, game, game-engine, library)
- ohloh-hs library, program and test: Interface to the Ohloh API (bsd3, library, program, web)
- oi library and programs: Library for purely functional lazy interactions with the outer world. (bsd3, data, library, program)
- oidc-client library and test: OpenID Connect 1.0 library for RP (library, mit, web)
- ois-input-manager library: wrapper for OIS input manager for use with hogre (bsd3, game, graphics, library)
- okapi library and test: A microframework based on monadic parsing (bsd3, library, web)
- old-locale library: locale library (bsd3, library, system)
- old-time library: Time library (bsd3, library, system)
- old-version library: Basic versioning library. (development, library)
- ollama-haskell library and test: Haskell bindings for ollama. (library, mit, ollama, web)
- olwrapper library and program: An OpenLayers JavaScript Wrapper and Webframework with snaplet-fay (bsd3, library, map, openlayers, program, snaplet-fay, web, webframework)
- om-actor library: Actor pattern utilities. (concurrency, deprecated, library, mit)
- om-doh library: om-doh (library, mit, unclassified)
- om-elm library: Haskell utilities for building embedded Elm programs. (library, mit, web)
- om-fail library: Monad transformer providing MonadFail. (library, mit, unclassified)
- om-fork library and tests: Concurrency utilities. (library, mit, unclassified)
- om-http library: Http utilities. (library, mit, web)
- om-http-logging library: om-http-logging (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- om-kubernetes library: om-kubernetes (deprecated, library, mit, unclassified)
- om-legion library: Legion Framework. (library, mit, network)
- om-logging library: Opinionated logging utilities. (library, logging, mit)
- om-plugin-imports library: Plugin-based explicit import generation. (compiler-plugin, library, mit)
- om-show library: Utilities for showing string-like things. (library, mit, text)
- om-socket library and test: Socket utilities. (library, mit, network)
- om-time library: Misc. time utilites (library, mit, unclassified)
- omaketex program: A simple tool to generate OMakefile for latex files. (bsd3, program, text)
- ombra library: Render engine. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- omega program: A purely functional programming language and a proof system (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, program)
- omnicodec programs: Data encoding and decoding command line utilities (codec, program)
- omnifmt library and program: A pretty-printer wrapper to faciliate ease of formatting during development. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- on-a-horse library: "Haskell on a Horse" - A combinatorial web framework (bsd3, library, web)
- on-demand-ssh-tunnel library and program: Program that sends traffic through SSH tunnels on-demand (library, mit, network, program)
- onama library: HTML-parsing primitives for Parsec. (bsd3, data, library, text)
- once library and test: memoization for IO actions and functions (data, gpl, library)
- one-line-aeson-text library and test: Pretty-printing short Aeson values as text (apache, json, library, text)
- one-liner library and test: Constraint-based generics (bsd3, generics, library)
- one-liner-instances library: Generics-based implementations for common typeclasses (bsd3, library, web)
- one-time-password library, program and test: HMAC-Based and Time-Based One-Time Passwords (cryptography, library, mit, program)
- oneOfN library: Anonymous coproduct type (data, library, public-domain)
- oneormore library: A never-empty list type. (data, library, mit)
- online library and test: See (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- online-csv library and test: See (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- only program: A grep-like tool for filtering on words or lines. (console, program)
- onpartitions library: partition lenses (bsd3, data, library)
- onu-course library: Code for the Haskell course taught at the Odessa National University in 2012 (education, library, mit)
- oo-prototypes library: Support for OO-like prototypes (data, gpl, library)
- oops library and tests: Combinators for handling errors of many types in a composable way (datacontrol, library, mit)
- oops-examples library: Oops examples (datacontrol, library, mit)
- op library and test: Common operators encouraging large-scale easy reading (apache, combinators, control, functions, library, utility)
- op2 library: Functions of the type `a -> a -> b` (bsd3, library, test)
- opaleye library and tests: An SQL-generating DSL targeting PostgreSQL (bsd3, database, library)
- opaleye-classy library: Opaleye wrapped up in classy MTL attire. (database, library, mit)
- opaleye-sqlite library and tests: An SQL-generating DSL targeting SQLite (bsd3, database, library)
- opaleye-textsearch library and test: Text search utilities for Opaleye (agpl, database, library)
- opaleye-trans library and programs: A monad transformer for Opaleye (bsd3, database, library, program)
- opc-xml-da-client library and test: OPC XML-DA Client (library, mit, network)
- open-adt library: Open algebraic data types. (bsd3, data, library)
- open-adt-tutorial library and program: Open algebraic data type examples. (bsd3, data, library, program)
- open-browser library and program: Open a web browser from Haskell. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- open-haddock program: Open haddock HTML documentation (development, gpl, program)
- open-pandoc : Conversion between markup formats (deprecated, text)
- open-signals library and test: A mechanism similar to checked exceptions that integrates with MTL and
transformer stacks (control, library, mit)
- open-symbology library: (bsd3, finance, library)
- open-typerep library, test and benchmark: Open type representations and dynamic types (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- open-union library and program: Extensible, type-safe unions. (data, library, mit, program)
- open-witness library and test: open witnesses (bsd2, data, library)
- openai library, program and test: Servant bindings to OpenAI (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- openai-hs library and test: Unofficial OpenAI client (bsd3, library, web)
- openai-servant library: Unofficial OpenAI servant types (bsd3, library, web)
- openai-servant-gen library and test: Auto-generated API bindings for openai (library, mit, web)
- openal-ffi library and test: Low-level bindings to OpenAL. (bsd3, library, sound)
- openapi-petstore library and test: Auto-generated openapi-petstore API Client (library, mit, web)
- openapi-typed library and test: Types for OpenAPI (bsd3, library, openapi)
- openapi3 library, program and tests: OpenAPI 3.0 data model (bsd3, library, openapi, program, swagger, web)
- openapi3-code-generator library, program and test: OpenAPI3 Haskell Client Code Generator (code-generator, library, mit, program)
- opencascade-hs library: Thin Wrapper for the OpenCASCADE CAD Kernel (ffi, graphics, lgpl, library)
- opencc library and test: OpenCC bindings (library, mit, text)
- opench-meteo library: A Haskell implementation of the Swiss Meteo Net data API (bsd3, data, library)
- opencog-atomspace library: Haskell Bindings for the AtomSpace. (artificial-intelligence, library)
- opencv library, tests and benchmark: Haskell binding to OpenCV-3.x (ai, bsd3, graphics, library)
- opencv-extra library and test: Haskell binding to OpenCV-3.x extra modules (ai, bsd3, graphics, library)
- opencv-raw library: Raw Haskell bindings to OpenCV >= 2.0 (ai, bsd3, library, machine-vision)
- opendatatable library: A library for working with Open Data Tables (bsd2, library, web)
- openexchangerates library: Fetch exchange rates from (data, library)
- openexr-write library and test: Library for writing images in OpenEXR HDR file format. (graphics, library)
- openflow library: OpenFlow (library, network)
- opengl-dlp-stereo library and program: Library and example for using DLP stereo in OpenGL (graphics, library, mit, program)
- opengl-spacenavigator library and program: Library and example for using a SpaceNavigator-compatible 3-D mouse with OpenGL (graphics, library, mit, program)
- opengles library and test: Functional interface for OpenGL 4.1+ and OpenGL ES 2.0+ (graphics, lgpl, library)
- openid library: An implementation of the OpenID-2.0 spec. (bsd3, library, network)
- openid-connect library and test: An OpenID Connect library that does all the heavy lifting for you (bsd2, library, network)
- openpgp library and test: Implementation of the OpenPGP message format (data, library)
- openpgp-Crypto library and test: Implementation of cryptography for use with OpenPGP using the Crypto library (cryptography, library)
- openpgp-asciiarmor library, test and benchmark: OpenPGP (RFC4880) ASCII Armor codec (codec, data, library, mit)
- openpgp-crypto-api library and test: Implement cryptography for OpenPGP using crypto-api compatible libraries (cryptography, library)
- opensoundcontrol-ht library: Haskell OpenSoundControl utilities (library, sound)
- opensource library and test: Haskell API Wrapper for the Open Source License API (library, mit, network)
- openssh-github-keys library, program and test: Fetch OpenSSH keys from a GitHub team (deprecated, library, mit, program, system)
- openssh-protocol library and test: Haskell implementation of openssh protocol primitives. (bsd3, library, security)
- openssl-createkey library: Create OpenSSL keypairs. (bsd3, crypto, library)
- openssl-streams library and test: OpenSSL network support for io-streams. (bsd3, io-streams, library, network)
- opentelemetry library: (apache, library, opentelemetry)
- opentelemetry-extra library, programs, test and benchmark: (apache, library, opentelemetry, program)
- opentelemetry-http-client library: (apache, library, opentelemetry)
- opentelemetry-lightstep library and program: (apache, library, opentelemetry, program)
- opentelemetry-plugin library: GHC plugin for open telemetry (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- opentelemetry-wai library: (apache, library, opentelemetry)
- opentheory library and test: The standard theory library (formal-methods, library, mit)
- opentheory-bits library: Natural number to bit-list conversions (formal-methods, library, mit)
- opentheory-byte library: Bytes (formal-methods, library, mit)
- opentheory-char library and program: Unicode characters (deprecated, library, mit, program, text)
- opentheory-divides library and test: The divides relation on natural numbers (library, mit, number-theory)
- opentheory-fibonacci library and test: Fibonacci numbers (library, mit, number-theory)
- opentheory-parser library and test: Stream parsers (library, mit, parsing)
- opentheory-prime library and test: Prime natural numbers (library, mit, number-theory)
- opentheory-primitive library and test: Haskell primitives used by OpenTheory packages (formal-methods, library, mit)
- opentheory-probability library: Probability (formal-methods, library, mit)
- opentheory-stream library: Infinite stream types (library, list, mit)
- opentheory-unicode library and test: Unicode characters (library, mit, text)
- opentok library and test: An OpenTok SDK for Haskell (library, mit, web, webrtc)
- opentracing library: OpenTracing for Haskell (apache, library, unclassified)
- opentracing-http-client library: OpenTracing instrumentation of http-client (apache, library, unclassified)
- opentracing-jaeger library: Jaeger backend for OpenTracing (apache, library, unclassified)
- opentracing-wai library: Middleware adding OpenTracing tracing for WAI applications (apache, library, unclassified)
- opentracing-zipkin-common library: Zipkin OpenTracing Backend Commons (apache, library, unclassified)
- opentracing-zipkin-v1 library: Zipkin V1 backend for OpenTracing (apache, library, unclassified)
- opentracing-zipkin-v2 library: Zipkin V2 backend for OpenTracing (apache, library, unclassified)
- opentype library and test: Opentype loading and writing (bsd3, library, typography)
- openweathermap library: Access data at OpenWeatherMap (library, public-domain, web)
- operate-do library and test: Simple project template from stack (library, meta, mit)
- operational library: Implementation of difficult monads made easy
with operational semantics. (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- operational-alacarte library and test: A version of Operational suitable for extensible EDSLs (bsd3, language, library)
- operational-class library: MonadProgram typeclass for the operational package (control, library, mit)
- operational-extra library: Interpretation functions and simple instruction sets for operational (bsd3, library, web)
- oplang program: Stack-based esoteric programming language (compilers-interpreters, gpl, language, program)
- opml library: Representing and handling OPML subscription information. (bsd3, library, text, web)
- opml-conduit library and test: Streaming parser/renderer for the OPML 2.0 format. (conduit, library, public-domain, text, xml)
- opn program: Open files or URLs using associated programs. (application, bsd3, console, program)
- opt-env-conf library: Settings parsing for Haskell: command-line arguments, environment variables, and configuration values. (lgpl, library, unclassified)
- opt-env-conf-test library, program and test: A testing companion package for opt-env-conf (library, program, unclassified)
- optics library: Optics as an abstract interface (bsd3, data, lenses, library, optics)
- optics-core library: Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions (bsd3, data, lenses, library, optics)
- optics-extra library: Extra utilities and instances for optics-core (bsd3, data, lenses, library, optics)
- optics-operators library and test: A tiny package containing operators missing from the official package. (data, lenses, library, mit, optics)
- optics-th library and test: Optics construction using TemplateHaskell (bsd3, data, lenses, library, optics)
- optics-vl library: Utilities for compatibility with van Laarhoven optics (bsd3, data, lenses, library, optics)
- optima library and test: Simple command line interface arguments parser (cli, library, mit, options, parsing)
- optima-for-hasql library: Command-line arguments parsing for Hasql (command-line, hasql, library, mit, options)
- optimal-blocks library, program, test and benchmark: Optimal Block boundary determination for rsync-like behaviours (bsd3, data, library, program)
- optimization library: Numerical optimization (bsd3, library, math)
- optimusprime program: A supercompiler for f-lite (bsd3, compiler, language, program, program-transformation)
- option library: A strict version of Maybe (data, library, mit)
- optional library and test: Using type-classes for optional function arguments (bsd3, development, library)
- optional-args library: Optional function arguments (bsd3, data, library)
- options library and test: Powerful and easy command-line option parser (console, library, mit)
- options-time library and test: Command-line option types for dates and times. (console, library, mit)
- optparse-applicative library and test: Utilities and combinators for parsing command line options (bsd3, cli, library, options, parsing, system)
- optparse-applicative-cmdline-util library: Utility functions for working with optparse-applicative (agpl, cli, library, options, parsing, system)
- optparse-applicative-simple library and test: Simple command line interface arguments parser (cli, library, mit, options, parsing)
- optparse-declarative library: Declarative command line option parser (library, mit, system)
- optparse-enum library: An enum-text based toolkit for optparse-applicative (bsd3, cli, library, options, parsing, system)
- optparse-generic library and programs: Auto-generate a command-line parser for your datatype (bsd3, library, program, system)
- optparse-helper library: Helper functions for optparse-applicative. (bsd3, library, system)
- optparse-simple library and test: Simple interface to optparse-applicative (bsd3, library, options)
- optparse-text library and test: Data.Text helpers for optparse-applicative (bsd3, development, library)
- optparse-th library and test: Like `optparse-generic`, but with `TemplateHaskell` for faster builds (bsd3, library, system)
- optparse-version library: (bsd3, cli, library)
- optstream library and test: Command line option parsing library with a twice applicative interface (bsd3, cli, library, options, parsing)
- opus library and test: Bindings to libopus for the Opus audio codec (bsd3, codec, library)
- opusfile library: FFI bindings for libopusfile (bsd3, library, sound)
- orbits library and tests: Types and functions for Kepler orbits. (bsd3, library, physics)
- orc library and program: Orchestration-style co-ordination EDSL (bsd3, library, program, web)
- orchestrate library and test: An API client for (apache, database, library)
- orchid library: Haskell Wiki Library (bsd3, library, network, web)
- orchid-demo program: Haskell Wiki Demo (bsd3, network, program, web)
- ord-adhoc library: Creating Ord instances instantly (bsd3, data, library)
- order-maintenance library and test: Algorithms for the order maintenance problem with a safe
interface (bsd3, data, library)
- order-statistic-tree library, test and benchmark: Order statistic trees based on weight-balanced trees (bsd3, data, library)
- order-statistics library: L-Estimators for robust statistics (bsd3, library, statistics)
- ordered library: A definition of Posets. (library, mathematics)
- ordered-containers library: Set- and Map-like types that remember the order elements were inserted (bsd3, data, library)
- ordering-duplicates library: Functions for detecting duplicates (bsd3, library, test)
- ordering-util library: Utilities for Orderings (data, library, mit)
- orderly-workers library: Fork concurrent worker threads and produce ordered results (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- orders library: basic orders (bsd3, data, library)
- ordinal library, program and test: Convert numbers to words in different languages. (bsd3, library, number, program, utils)
- ordrea library and test: Push-pull implementation of discrete-time FRP (frp, library, public-domain)
- oref library and test: Owned references in the Ownership Monad (bsd3, data, library)
- org-mode library and test: Parser for Emacs org-mode files. (bsd3, data, library)
- org-mode-lucid library: Lucid integration for org-mode. (bsd3, library, web)
- org-parser library and test: Parser for Org Mode documents. (gpl, library, text)
- org2anki program: Basic org to anki exporter (gpl, language, program)
- organize-imports program: Organize scala imports (development, gpl, program)
- orgmode library and test: Org Mode library for haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- orgmode-parse library and test: A collection of Attoparsec combinators for parsing org-mode
flavored documents. (bsd3, data, library)
- orgstat library, programs and test: Statistics visualizer for org-mode (gpl, library, program, unclassified)
- origami library and test: An un-SYB framework for transforming heterogenous
data through folds (bsd3, data, library)
- orion-hs library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- orizentic library, program and test: Token-based authentication and authorization (authentication, bsd3, library, program)
- ormolu library, program and test: A formatter for Haskell source code (bsd3, development, formatting, library, program)
- orthotope library and test: Multidimensional arrays inspired by APL (array, library)
- orthotope-hmatrix library: Some algorithms from hmatrix (array, library)
- orville-postgresql library and test: A Haskell library for PostgreSQL (database, library, mit, postgresql)
- ory-hydra-client library and test: Auto-generated ory-hydra API Client (library, mit, network, oauth, web)
- ory-kratos library: API bindings for Ory Kratos (apache, library, web)
- os-release library and test: /etc/os-release helpers (bsd3, library, system)
- os-string library, tests and benchmark: Library for manipulating Operating system strings. (bsd3, library, system)
- osc library: A library to handle messages in the OSC protocol (bsd3, library, sound)
- oscpacking library: Implements an osculatory packing (kissing circles) algorithm and display. (gpl, graphics, library)
- osdkeys library and program: Show keys pressed with an on-screen display (Linux only) (bsd3, library, program, screencast)
- oset library, program and test: An insertion-order-preserving set (command-line, library, mit, program)
- osm-conduit library and test: Parse and operate on OSM data in efficient way (bsd3, data, geography, library)
- osm-download library: Download Open Street Map tiles (bsd3, library, network)
- oso2pdf programs: Better conversion of Oxford Scholarship Online material to PDF (gpl, program, text)
- ostree-pin program: Tool to update ostree deployment pin (gpl, program, utility)
- osv library and test: Open Source Vulnerability format (bsd3, data, library)
- osx-ar library: Parser for OS X static archive format. (bsd3, data, library)
- ot library and test: Real-time collaborative editing with Operational Transformation (library, mit, text)
- otp-authenticator library and program: OTP Authenticator (a la google) command line client (bsd3, cli, library, program, security)
- ottparse-pretty program: Pretty-printer for Ott parse trees (bsd3, program, text)
- outsort program: External sorting package based on Conduit (algorithms, mit, program)
- overeasy library and test: A purely functional E-Graph library (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- overhang library: Hang loose with your lambdas! (combinators, functions, library, mit, utility)
- overload library: Finite overloading (control, library, mit)
- overloaded library and tests: Overloaded pragmas as a plugin (bsd3, library, plugin)
- overloaded-records library and test: Overloaded Records based on current GHC proposal. (bsd3, data, library)
- overture library, test and benchmark: An alternative to some of the Prelude. (deprecated, library, mit, prelude)
- owoify-hs library and test: Turn any English text into nonsensical babyspeaks. (library, mit, text)
- pa-error-tree library: Collect a tree of errors and pretty-print (bsd3, data, library, possehl-analytics)
- pa-field-parser library: “Vertical” parsing of values (bsd3, data, library, possehl-analytics)
- pa-json library: Our JSON parsers/encoders (bsd3, data, library, possehl-analytics)
- pa-label library: Labels, and labelled tuples and enums (GHC >9.2) (bsd3, data, library, possehl-analytics)
- pa-prelude library: The Possehl Analytics Prelude (bsd3, data, library, possehl-analytics)
- pa-pretty library: Some pretty-printing helpers (bsd3, data, library, possehl-analytics)
- pa-run-command library: Helper functions for spawning subprocesses (bsd3, data, library, possehl-analytics)
- pack library: Bidirectional fast ByteString packer/unpacker (bsd3, data, library)
- package-description-remote library and test: Fetches a 'GenericPackageDescription' from Hackage (library, mit, web)
- package-o-tron library and programs: Utilities for working with cabal packages and your package database (bsd3, deprecated, development, library, program)
- package-version library and tests: A package for retrieving a package's version number. (bsd3, development, library)
- package-vt program: Haskell Package Versioning Tool (bsd3, development, program)
- packcheck library, test and benchmark: Universal build and CI testing for Haskell packages (bsd3, ci, library, testing)
- packdeps library and program: Check your cabal packages for lagging dependencies. (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- packed library, test and benchmark: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- packed-data library, program, test and benchmarks: (bsd3, data, library, program)
- packed-dawg library, test and benchmark: Generation and traversal of highly compressed directed acyclic word graphs. (bsd3, data, library)
- packed-multikey-map library and test: Efficient “spreadsheet table” like maps with multiple marginals (data, gpl, library)
- packedstring library: (Deprecated) Packed Strings. (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- packer library and test: Fast byte serializer and unserializer (bsd3, data, library)
- packer-messagepack library and test: MessagePack Serialization an Deserialization for Packer (bsd3, data, library)
- packman library and tests: Serialization library for GHC (bsd3, data, ghc, library, serialization)
- packstream library and test: PackStream converter for Neo4j BOLT protocol (bsd3, data, library)
- packunused program: Tool for detecting redundant Cabal package dependencies (bsd3, distribution, program)
- pacman-memcache program: Read whole Pacman database which pushes it into the memory cache (bsd3, program, system)
- pact-time library and test: Time Library for Pact (bsd3, data, library, system)
- padKONTROL library: Controlling padKONTROL native mode (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- paddle library: API to the Paddle payment processor (library, mit, web)
- padic library, test and benchmark: Fast, type-safe p-adic arithmetic (library, math, mit, number-theory)
- pads-haskell library and tests: PADS data description language for Haskell. (language, library, mit)
- pagarme library and program: Pagarme API wrapper (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)
- pager library and program: Open up a pager, like 'less' or 'more' (bsd2, data, library, program, system, text)
- pagerduty library: Client library for PagerDuty Integration and REST APIs. (library, monitoring, network, pagerduty)
- pagerduty-hs library and test: An interface to the PagerDuty API. (api, bsd3, library)
- pagination library and test: Framework-agnostic pagination boilerplate (bsd3, data, library)
- pagure library: Pagure REST client library (gpl, library, network)
- pagure-cli program: A Pagure gitforge query tool (gpl, program, utility)
- pagure-hook-receiver library: Receive hooks from pagure and do things with them (bsd2, deprecated, library, web)
- paint library and programs: Colorization of text for command-line output (library, program, text)
- pairing library, tests and benchmark: Bilinear pairings (cryptography, library, mit)
- palette library: Utilities for choosing and creating color schemes. (bsd3, data, library)
- palindromes library and program: Finding palindromes in strings (algorithms, bsd3, library, program)
- pam library: Haskell binding for C PAM API (authentication, bsd3, library, system)
- pan-os-syslog library, test and benchmark: Parse syslog traffic from PAN-OS (bsd3, library, network)
- panda library: A simple static blog engine (deprecated, library, web)
- pandoc library, test and benchmark: Conversion between markup formats (gpl, library, text)
- pandoc-builder-monadic library: A monadic DSL for building pandoc documents (bsd3, library, text)
- pandoc-citeproc library, program and test: Supports using pandoc with citeproc (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, text)
- pandoc-citeproc-preamble program: Insert a preamble before pandoc-citeproc's bibliography (gpl, program, text)
- pandoc-cli program: Conversion between documentation formats (gpl, program, text)
- pandoc-columns library and program: A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension for columns. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- pandoc-crossref library, program, tests and benchmark: Pandoc filter for cross-references (gpl, library, program, text)
- pandoc-csv2table library and program: Convert CSV to Pandoc Table Markdown (library, mit, program, text)
- pandoc-dhall-decoder library: Decodes pandoc to dhall. (bsd3, dhall-pandoc, library)
- pandoc-emphasize-code library, program and test: A Pandoc filter for emphasizing code in fenced blocks (documentation, library, mpl, program)
- pandoc-filter-graphviz program: A Pandoc filter to use graphviz (bsd3, program, text)
- pandoc-filter-indent library, program and test: Pandoc filter formatting Haskell code fragments using GHC lexer. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- pandoc-highlighting-extensions library: Syntax highlighting customization for Pandoc (deprecated, library, mit, text)
- pandoc-include library and program: Include other Markdown files (library, mit, program, text)
- pandoc-include-code library, program and test: A Pandoc filter for including code from source files (documentation, library, mpl, program)
- pandoc-include-plus library and program: Pandoc filter to include files, with image path and heading level adjustment. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- pandoc-japanese-filters programs: Japanese-specific markup filters for pandoc. (gpl, program, text)
- pandoc-lens library: Lenses for Pandoc documents (bsd3, library, text)
- pandoc-linear-table library and program: A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension to wrap text in table cells. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- pandoc-link-context library: Extract "contextual links" from Pandoc (bsd3, library, text)
- pandoc-logic-proof library and program: A pandoc filter that provides a Markdown extension for logic proofs. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- pandoc-lua-engine library and test: Lua engine to power custom pandoc conversions (gpl, library, text)
- pandoc-lua-marshal library and test: Use pandoc types in Lua (foreign, library, mit)
- pandoc-markdown-ghci-filter library, program and test: Pandoc-filter to evaluate `code` section in markdown and auto-embed output. (documentation, filter, library, mit, program, text)
- pandoc-placetable program: Pandoc filter to include CSV files (program, text)
- pandoc-plantuml-diagrams library, program and test: Render and insert PlantUML diagrams with Pandoc (library, mit, program, text)
- pandoc-plot library, program and test: A Pandoc filter to include figures generated from code blocks using your plotting toolkit of choice. (gpl, library, program, text)
- pandoc-pyplot library, program and test: A Pandoc filter to include figures generated from Python code blocks (deprecated, documentation, gpl, library, program)
- pandoc-query library: Pandoc filter to extract only the links. (gpl, library, text)
- pandoc-select-code program: Pandoc filter to extract only the code blocks. (bsd3, program, text)
- pandoc-server library: Pandoc document conversion as an HTTP servant-server (gpl, library, text)
- pandoc-sidenote library and program: Convert Pandoc Markdown-style footnotes into sidenotes (commandline, library, mit, program)
- pandoc-stylefrommeta program: Pandoc filter to customize links, images and paragraphs (bsd3, program, text)
- pandoc-symreg library, program and test: A tool to convert symbolic regression expressions into different formats. (gpl, library, math, program, text)
- pandoc-throw library: MonadThrow behaviour for Pandoc. (library, mit, text)
- pandoc-types library, test and benchmark: Types for representing a structured document (bsd3, library, text)
- pandoc-unlit program: Literate Haskell support for GitHub's Markdown flavor (deprecated, development, mit, program)
- pandoc-utils library and test: Utility functions to work with Pandoc in Haskell applications. (library, mit, text)
- pandoc-vimhl program: Pandoc filter for native Vim code highlighting (bsd3, program, text)
- pandocz library: Lenses for Pandoc (bsd3, data, library)
- pandora library: A box of patterns and paradigms (control, data, library, mit)
- pandora-io library: ... (control, data, library, mit)
- panfiguration library and test: Merge environment variables and command line options generically (apache, library, unclassified)
- pang-a-lambda program: A super-pang clone (game, gpl, program)
- pango library: Binding to the Pango text rendering engine. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- pangraph library and test: A set of parsers for graph languages and conversions to
graph libaries. (bsd3, data-structures, graphs, library, parser)
- panhandle library, program and test: Pandoc filter to unwrap nested blocks (library, program, public-domain, text)
- panic library: A convenient way to panic. (development, library)
- panpipe library, program and test: Pandoc filter to execute code blocks (library, program, public-domain, text)
- pansite library, program and tests: Pansite: a simple web site management tool (library, mit, program, web)
- pantry library and test: Content addressable Haskell package management (bsd3, development, library)
- pantry-tmp library and test: Content addressable Haskell package management (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- papa library: Reasonable default import (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-base library: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-base-export library: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-base-implement library: Useful base functions reimplemented (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-bifunctors library: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-bifunctors-export library: export useful functions from `bifunctors`. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-bifunctors-implement library: useful `bifunctors` functions reimplemented (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-export library and test: Reasonable default import (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- papa-implement library and test: Reasonable default import (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- papa-include library and test: Third party libraries (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- papa-lens library: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-lens-export library: export useful functions from `lens`. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-lens-implement library: useful `lens` functions reimplemented (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-prelude library and test: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- papa-prelude-core library and test: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- papa-prelude-lens library and test: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- papa-prelude-semigroupoids library and test: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- papa-prelude-semigroups library and test: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- papa-semigroupoids library: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-semigroupoids-export library: export useful functions from `semigroupoids`. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-semigroupoids-implement library: useful `semigroupoids` functions reimplemented (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-x library: Prelude with only useful functions (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-x-export library: export useful functions. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- papa-x-implement library: useful functions reimplemented (bsd3, library, prelude)
- paphragen program: A passphrase generator. (gpl, program, security)
- papillon library and program: packrat parser (bsd3, library, parsing, program)
- pappy program: Packrat parsing; linear-time parsers for grammars in TDPL. (bsd3, program, text)
- paprika library and programs: The Haskell library and examples for the kids programming robot paprika (bsd3, library, program, system)
- par-dual library and test: ParDual class for Parallel <-> Sequential (apache, library)
- par-traverse library: Traverse a directory in parallel (bsd3, concurrent, directory, library, parallel, system)
- para library: Text paragraph formatting (bsd3, library, text)
- paragon library and program: Paragon (bsd3, language, library, program)
- parallel library: Parallel programming library (bsd3, control, library, parallelism)
- parallel-io library: Combinators for executing IO actions in parallel on a thread pool. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- parallel-tasks library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- parallel-tree-search library: Parallel Tree Search (concurrency, control, library, public-domain)
- parameterized library and test: Parameterized/indexed monoids and monads using only a single parameter type variable. (bsd3, control, library)
- parameterized-data library: Parameterized data library implementing lightweight dependent
types (bsd3, data, library)
- parameterized-utils library and test: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types (bsd3, data-structures, dependent-types, library)
- parametric-functor library: A known-parametric Functor typeclass (apache, data, library)
- paramtree library and test: Generate labelled test/benchmark trees from sets of parameters (benchmarking, bsd3, development, library, testing)
- paranoia library, program and test: http proxy server (library, mit, program, web)
- parco library: Generalised parser combinators (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing)
- parco-attoparsec library: Generalised parser combinators - Attoparsec interface (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing)
- parco-parsec library: Generalised parser combinators - Parsec interface (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing)
- parcom-lib library: A simple parser-combinator library, a bit like Parsec but without the frills (bsd3, library, text)
- parconc-examples programs: Examples to accompany the book "Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell" (bsd3, program, sample-code)
- pareto library: A library for cause-effect relationships. (bsd3, library, math)
- pareto-front library and test: Monoids for dealing with Pareto efficiency (bsd3, library, math)
- paripari library, programs and test: Parser combinators with fast-path and slower fallback for error reporting (library, mit, program, text)
- park-bench library: A quick-and-dirty, low-friction benchmark tool with immediate feedback (benchmarking, bsd3, library)
- parochial library and program: Help Manage project specific documentation (agpl, development, documentation, library, program)
- parport library: Simply interfacing the parallel port on linux (hardware, library)
- parquet-hs library and tests: Streaming Parquet reader (bsd3, compression, library)
- parsable library: Parsable and Printable classes (agpl, library, text)
- parsable-test library: Test functions for the parsable package (agpl, library, testing)
- parse library and test: Simple way to parse strings with Python-like format strings. (bsd3, library, parser)
- parse-dimacs library: DIMACS CNF parser library (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parse-gcstats library and test: Parse machine-readable GHC GC stats. (bsd3, data, library)
- parse-help library and test: generate command line arguments from a --help output (bsd3, console, library)
- parseargs library, program and test: Parse command-line arguments (bsd3, console, library, program)
- parsec library and tests: Monadic parser combinators (bsd2, library, parsing)
- parsec-class library: Class of types that can be constructed from their text representation (library, mit, text)
- parsec-extra library: Some miscellaneous basic string parsers. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsec-free library: Parsec API encoded as a deeply-embedded DSL, for debugging and analysis (library, mit, text)
- parsec-numbers library: Utilities for parsing numbers from strings (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsec-numeric library and test: Parsec combinators for parsing Haskell numeric types. (library, parsing)
- parsec-parsers library and test: Parsing instances for Parsec (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)
- parsec-permutation library and test: Applicative permutation parser for Parsec intended as
a replacement for Text.Parsec.Perm. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsec-pratt library and program: Pratt Parser combinator for Parsec (library, mit, program, text)
- parsec-tagsoup library: Parsec parsers for Tagsoup tag streams (library, public-domain, xml)
- parsec-trace library: Add a hierarchical trace to Parsec parsers. (library, mit, parsing)
- parsec-utils library: Utility functions and combinators for Text.Parsec (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsec1 library: Portable monadic parser combinators (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsec2 library: Monadic parser combinators (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsec3 library: Monadic parser combinators (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsec3-numbers library: Utilities for parsing numbers from Char sequences (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsedate library: Data and time parsing for CalendarTime (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- parseerror-eq library and test: Adds and Eq instance for Parsec's ParseError if needed (library, mit, text)
- parsek library: Parallel Parsing Processes (gpl, library, parsing)
- parsely library: (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parser-combinators library: Lightweight package providing commonly useful parser combinators (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parser-combinators-tests test: Test suite of parser-combinators (bsd3, parsing)
- parser-helper program: Prints Haskell parse trees in JSON. (apache, development, program)
- parser-regex library and test: Regex based parsers (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parser-unbiased-choice-monad-embedding library and test: Parsing library with unbiased choice and support for embedding arbitrary monad (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parser241 library and test: An interface to create production rules using augmented grammars (bsd3, library, parser)
- parsergen library and test: TH parser generator for splitting bytestring into fixed-width fields (bsd3, data, library)
- parsers library and test: Parsing combinators (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- parsers-megaparsec library: `parsers` instances for Megaparsec (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- parsestar library and programs: NMR-STAR file format parser. (bsd3, data, library, program)
- parsimony library: Monadic parser combinators derived from Parsec (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing)
- parsix library and test: Parser combinators with slicing, error recovery, and syntax highlighting (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsley library and tests: A fast parser combinator library backed by Typed Template Haskell (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsley-core library and tests: A fast parser combinator library backed by Typed Template Haskell (bsd3, library, parsing)
- parsley-garnish library: A collection of GHC plugins to work with parsley (bsd3, library, plugin)
- parsnip library: A fast, minimal parser (graphics, library)
- partage library and test: Parsing factorized (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- partial library: A nullary type class for partial functions (control, library, mit)
- partial-handler library: A composable exception handler (error-handling, exceptions, failure, library, mit)
- partial-isomorphisms library: Partial isomorphisms. (bsd3, control, library)
- partial-lens library: Haskell 98 Partial Lenses (comonads, control, deprecated, library, mit)
- partial-order library and test: Provides typeclass suitable for types admitting a partial order (bsd3, data, library)
- partial-records library: Template haskell utilities for constructing records with default values (bsd3, data, library)
- partial-semigroup library and tests: A partial binary associative operator (algebra, apache, library)
- partial-semigroup-hedgehog library: Property testing for partial semigroups using Hedgehog (algebra, apache, library, testing)
- partial-semigroup-test library: Testing utilities for the partial-semigroup package (algebra, apache, deprecated, library, testing)
- partial-uri library: Datatype for passing around unresolved URIs. (library, web)
- partialord library and test: Data structure supporting partial orders (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- partly library, program and tests: Inspect, create, and alter MBRs. (bsd3, filesystem, library, program, system)
- paseto library and test: Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens (cryptography, library, mit)
- passage library: Parallel code generation for hierarchical Bayesian modeling. (bsd3, code-generation, library, statistical-modeling)
- passman library, program and test: a simple password manager (lgpl, library, program, security)
- passman-cli program: Deterministic password generator command line interface (gpl, password, program)
- passman-core library and tests: Deterministic password generator core (gpl, library, password)
- password library and tests: Hashing and checking of passwords (bsd3, data, library)
- password-instances library and tests: typeclass instances for password package (bsd3, data, library)
- password-types library and tests: Types for handling passwords (bsd3, data, library)
- passwords library: Password generation/validation library (cryptography, library, mit)
- pasta library and test: PostgreSQL Abstract Syntax Tree Assember (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- pasta-curves library, program, test and benchmark: Provides the Pasta curves: Pallas, Vesta and their field elements Fp and Fq. (cryptography, elliptic-curves, library, mit, program)
- pastis library: Interface to the URL shortening service (bsd3, library, web)
- pasty program: A simple command line pasting utility (console, program)
- patat library, program and tests: Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc (gpl, library, program, text)
- patch library: Data structures for describing changes to other data structures. (bsd3, frp, library)
- patch-combinators library: A library for patching functions and data structures (bsd3, data, library)
- patch-image : Compose a big image from overlapping parts (bsd3, graphics)
- patches-vector library and tests: Patches (diffs) on vectors: composable, mergeable, and invertible. (bsd3, data, library)
- path library and tests: Support for well-typed paths (bsd3, filesystem, library, system)
- path-binary-instance library: Binary instance for Path. (filesystem, library, mit)
- path-dhall-instance library: ToDhall and FromDhall instances for Path. (filesystem, library, mit)
- path-extensions library: Enumeration of common filetype extensions for use with the path library. (filesystem, library, mit)
- path-extra library and test: URLs without host information (bsd3, filesystem, library, system, web)
- path-formatting library: Formatting for path (library, media, mit)
- path-io library and test: Interface to ‘directory’ package for users of ‘path’ (bsd3, filesystem, library, system)
- path-like library: PathLike, FileLike and DirLike type classes for the Path library. (filesystem, library, mit)
- path-pieces library and test: Components of paths. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- path-sing library: A singleton wrapper for the `path` library. (dependent-types, filesystem, library, mpl, system)
- path-tagged library and test: A wrapper around the @path@ library, tagged with semantic name. (bsd3, filesystem, library, system)
- path-text-utf8 library: Read and write UTF-8 text files (apache, filesystem, library, text)
- path-tree library: `Data.Tree` for file paths (data-structures, library, mit)
- path-utils library: Handful of simple utility functions for the path library. (filesystem, library, mit)
- pathfinding library: pathfinding in grid and graphs (algorithm, library, mit)
- pathfindingcore library and test: A toy pathfinding library (bsd3, demo, library)
- pathological-bytestrings library: Pathological ByteStrings for testing (bsd3, bytestring, io, library, testing)
- paths library: Library for representing and manipulating type-safe file paths (bsd3, library, system)
- pathtype library and test: Type-safe replacement for System.FilePath etc (bsd3, library, system)
- pathwalk library and tests: Path walking utilities for Haskell programs (library, mit, system)
- patience library: Patience diff and longest increasing subsequence (algorithms, bsd3, library, text)
- patrol library and test: Sentry SDK (exceptions, library, mit)
- patronscraper program: A webpage scraper for Patreon which dumps a list of patrons to a text file. (mit, program, web)
- pattern-arrows library: Arrows for Pretty Printing (combinators, library, mit, pretty-printer, text)
- pattern-matcher library and test: A library for compiling pattern-matching to decision trees (bsd3, language, library)
- pattern-trie library, tests and benchmark: Pattern tries (data, library, mpl)
- patterns library: Common patterns in message-oriented applications (library, message-oriented-middleware, network, zeromq)
- pava library, test and benchmark: Greatest convex majorants and least concave minorants (gpl, library, math, statistics)
- paymill library and test: This is an unofficial client for the Paymill API (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- paynow-zw library and test: A Haskell wrapper for the Paynow payment gateway (bsd3, library, payments)
- paypal-adaptive-hoops library, program and tests: Client for a limited part of PayPal's Adaptive Payments API (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)
- paypal-api library: PayPal API, currently supporting "ButtonManager" (bsd3, library, network)
- paypal-rest-client library: A client to connect to PayPal's REST API (v1) (library, mit, network)
- pb program: pastebin command line application (application, bsd3, console, network, program, utils)
- pb-next library, program and test: Utility CLI for working with protobuf files (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)
- pbc4hs library: pbc for HsLua (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- pbkdf library and test: Haskell implementation of the PBKDF functions from RFC-2898. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- pcap library: A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture (bsd3, library, network)
- pcap-conduit library: Conduit <-> libpcap (bsd3, development, library, network)
- pcap-enumerator library: Convert a pcap into an enumerator. (bsd3, deprecated, enumerator, library, network)
- pcapng library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- pcd-loader library, program and test: PCD file loader. (bsd3, graphics, library, program, robotics)
- pcf library: A one file compiler for PCF (compiler, library, mit)
- pcf-font library: PCF font parsing and rendering library. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- pcf-font-embed library: Template Haskell for embedding text rendered using PCF fonts. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- pcg-random library and test: Haskell bindings to the PCG random number generator. (bsd3, library, system)
- pcgen library, test and benchmark: A fast, pseudorandom number generator. (apache, library, random)
- pcre-heavy library and test: A regexp (regex) library on top of pcre-light you can actually use. (library, public-domain, web)
- pcre-less library: Nicer interface to regex-pcre. (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- pcre-light library and test: Portable regex library for Perl 5 compatible regular expressions (bsd3, library, text)
- pcre-light-extra library: pcre-light extra functionality (bsd3, library, text)
- pcre-utils library and tests: Perl-like substitute and split for PCRE regexps. (bsd3, library, text)
- pcre2 library, test and benchmark: Regular expressions via the PCRE2 C library (included) (apache, library, text)
- pcubature library and test: Integration over convex polytopes (gpl, integration, library, numeric)
- pdc library: Fedora Product Definition Center service (library, mit, network)
- pdf-slave library and program: Tool to generate PDF from haskintex templates and YAML input (bsd3, library, program, web)
- pdf-slave-server library and program: Web service for pdf-slave tool (bsd3, library, program, web)
- pdf-slave-template library: Template format definition for pdf-slave tool (bsd3, library, web)
- pdf-toolbox-content library and test: A collection of tools for processing PDF files (bsd3, library, pdf)
- pdf-toolbox-core library and test: A collection of tools for processing PDF files. (bsd3, library, pdf)
- pdf-toolbox-document library and test: A collection of tools for processing PDF files. (bsd3, library, pdf)
- pdf-toolbox-viewer program: Simple pdf viewer (bsd3, pdf, program)
- pdf2line programs: Simple command-line utility to convert PDF into text (program, text)
- pdfinfo library: Wrapper around the pdfinfo command. (bsd3, library, text)
- pdfname program: Name a PDF file using information from the pdfinfo command (mit, pdf, program)
- pdfsplit program: split two-column PDFs, so there is one column per page (bsd3, pdf, program, utils)
- pdftotext library, program and test: Extracts text from PDF using poppler (bsd3, library, pdf, program, text)
- pdynload library: pdynload is polymorphic dynamic linking library. (development, gpl, library, other)
- peakachu library: Experiemental library for composable interactive programs (bsd3, frp, library)
- peano library and benchmark: Peano numbers (bsd3, data, library, math)
- peano-inf library: Lazy Peano numbers including observable infinity value. (bsd3, data, library)
- pec library and programs: pec embedded compiler (bsd3, language, library, program)
- pecoff library: Parser for PE/COFF format. (bsd3, data, library)
- pedersen-commitment library and test: An implementation of Pedersen commitment schemes (cryptography, deprecated, library, mit)
- pedestrian-dag library: A pedestrian implementation of directed acyclic graphs (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- peg program: a lazy non-deterministic concatenative programming language (compilers-interpreters, gpl, program)
- peggy library: The Parser Generator for Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- pell library and test: Package to solve the Generalized Pell Equation. (algorithms, library, math, mit, number-theory)
- pem library and test: Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format reader and writer. (bsd3, data, library)
- pencil library and tests: Static site generator (bsd3, library, web)
- penn-treebank library: Tools for manipulating the Penn TreeBank (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, parsing)
- penntreebank-megaparsec library and test: Parser combinators for trees in the Penn Treebank format (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, parsing)
- penny library and test: Extensible double-entry accounting system (bsd3, console, finance, library)
- penny-bin : Deprecated - use penny package instead (bsd3, console, deprecated, finance)
- penny-lib : Deprecated - use penny package instead (bsd3, console, deprecated, finance)
- penrose library, program and test: Create beautiful diagrams just by typing mathematical notation in plain text. (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- peparser library: A parser for PE object files. (bsd3, data, library)
- percent-encoder library, test and benchmark: Percent encode/decode ByteStrings (bsd3, library, network)
- percent-format library and tests: simple printf-style string formatting (bsd3, library, testing)
- perceptron library: The perceptron learning algorithm. (bsd3, library, machine-learning)
- perceptual-hash library, program, test and benchmark: Find duplicate images (application, bsd3, commandline, images, library, program)
- perdure library and program: Robust persistence for acyclic immutable data (database, library, program)
- peregrin library and test: Database migration support for use in other libraries. (database, library, mit)
- perf library, program and benchmark: Performance methods and monad. (bsd3, library, performance, program)
- perf-analysis library and program: analysis example using perf (bsd3, deprecated, library, performance, program)
- perfect-hash-generator library, programs and test: Perfect minimal hashing implementation in native Haskell (apache, data-structures, embedded, library, program)
- perfect-vector-shuffle library, program and test: Library for performing vector shuffles (bsd3, library, program, random, vector)
- perfecthash library, test and benchmark: A perfect hashing library for mapping bytestrings to values. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- perhaps library and test: Perhaps, a monad (bsd2, data, library)
- period library, program and test: Parse and format date periods, collapse and expand their text representations. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- periodic library, program and test: A reliable at-least-once periodic job scheduler backed by redis. (library, program, web)
- periodic-client library: Periodic task system haskell client. (bsd3, library, system, web)
- periodic-client-exe programs: Periodic task system haskell client executables (bsd3, program, system, web)
- periodic-common library: Periodic task system common. (bsd3, library, system, web)
- periodic-polynomials library: A library for working with periodic polynomials (very basic functionality) (library, math, mit)
- periodic-server library and program: Periodic task system haskell server (bsd3, library, program, system, web)
- perm library and test: permutation Applicative and Monad with many mtl instances (bsd3, control, library)
- permutation library: A library for permutations and combinations. (bsd3, data-structures, library, math)
- permutations library and test: Permutations of finite sets (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- permute library: Generalised permutation parser combinator (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing)
- persist library and test: Minimal serialization library with focus on performance (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- persist-state library and test: Serialization library with state and leb128 encoding (bsd3, data, library, parsing)
- persist2er program: Transforms persist's quasi-quoted syntax into ER format (database, gpl, program)
- persistable-record library and test: Binding between SQL database values and haskell records. (bsd3, database, library)
- persistable-types-HDBC-pg library and test: HDBC and Relational-Record instances of PostgreSQL extended types (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent library, test and benchmark: Type-safe, multi-backend data serialization. (database, library, mit, yesod)
- persistent-audit library, program and test: Parses a Persist Model file and produces Audit Models (bsd3, database, library, persistent, program, yesod)
- persistent-cereal library: Helper functions for writing Persistent instances (database, library, public-domain)
- persistent-database-url library and test: Parse DATABASE_URL into configuration types for Persistent (database, library, mit)
- persistent-discover library, program and test: Persistent module discover utilities (bsd3, library, program, web)
- persistent-documentation library and test: Documentation DSL for persistent entities (apache, database, library)
- persistent-equivalence library: Persistent equivalence relations (aka union-find) (bsd3, data, library)
- persistent-event-source library and test: Persistent based event sourcing. (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- persistent-eventsource library and test: Persistent based event sourcing. (database, library, mit)
- persistent-generic library: Derive Persistent classes generically (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-hssqlppp library: Declare Persistent entities using SQL SELECT query syntax (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-instances-iproute library: Persistent instances for types in iproute (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- persistent-ip library: Code for using the ip package with yesod (bsd3, library, web)
- persistent-iproute library: Persistent instances for types in iproute (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-lens library: lens helpers for persistent. (database, library, mit)
- persistent-map library: A thread-safe (STM) persistency interface for finite map types. (concurrency, deprecated, library, middleware)
- persistent-migration library and tests: Manual migrations for the persistent library (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-mongoDB library and test: Backend for the persistent library using mongoDB. (database, library, mit)
- persistent-mtl test: Monad transformer for the persistent API (bsd3, database)
- persistent-mysql library and test: Backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server. (database, library, mit, yesod)
- persistent-mysql-haskell library, program and test: A pure haskell backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server. (database, library, mit, program, yesod)
- persistent-mysql-pure library, program and test: A pure haskell backend for the persistent library using MySQL database server. (database, library, mit, program, yesod)
- persistent-odbc library: Backend for the persistent library using ODBC (database, library, mit, yesod)
- persistent-pagination library and test: Efficient and correct pagination for persistent or esqueleto queries. (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-parser library and test: Parse persistent model files (bsd3, database, library, persistent, yesod)
- persistent-postgresql library and test: Backend for the persistent library using postgresql. (database, library, mit, yesod)
- persistent-postgresql-streaming library: Memory-constant streaming of Persistent entities from PostgreSQL (bsd3, conduit, database, library)
- persistent-protobuf library: Template-Haskell helpers for integrating protobufs with persistent. (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-qq library and test: Provides a quasi-quoter for raw SQL for persistent (database, library, mit, yesod)
- persistent-ratelimit library: A library for rate limiting activities with a persistent backend. (database, library, mit)
- persistent-redis library and test: Backend for persistent library using Redis. (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-refs library: Haskell references backed by an IntMap for persistence and reversibility. (bsd3, data, library)
- persistent-relational-record library and tests: relational-record on persisten backends. (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-spatial library and test: Database agnostic, spatially indexed type for geographic points. (database, geography, library, mit)
- persistent-sql-lifted library: Monad classes for running queries with Persistent and Esqueleto (database, library, mit)
- persistent-sqlite library and test: Backend for the persistent library using sqlite3. (database, library, mit, yesod)
- persistent-stm library and test: STM transactions involving persistent storage (bsd3, database, library)
- persistent-template library: Type-safe, non-relational, multi-backend persistence. (database, library, mit, yesod)
- persistent-template-classy library and test: Generate classy lens field accessors for persistent models (bsd3, database, lens, library, yesod)
- persistent-test library: Tests for Persistent (database, library, mit, yesod)
- persistent-typed-db library and test: Type safe access to multiple database schemata. (bsd3, library, web)
- persistent-vector library, test and benchmark: A persistent sequence based on array mapped tries (bsd3, data, library)
- persistent-zookeeper library and test: Backend for persistent library using Zookeeper. (bsd3, database, library)
- persona library: Persona (BrowserID) library (agpl, library, web)
- persona-idp program: Persona (BrowserID) Identity Provider (agpl, program, web)
- pesca program: Proof Editor for Sequent Calculus (compilers-interpreters, program, theorem-provers)
- peyotls library and tests: Pretty Easy YOshikuni-made TLS library (bsd3, library, network)
- peyotls-codec library: Codec parts of Pretty Easy YOshikuni-made TLS library (bsd3, library, network)
- pez library and test: A Pretty Extraordinary Zipper library (bsd3, data, library)
- pfile library, program and test: CLI program for profiles management. (bsd3, filesystem, library, program)
- pg library and test: Mid-level PostgreSQL client library (bsd3, database, library)
- pg-entity library and test: A pleasant PostgreSQL layer (database, library, mit)
- pg-extras library and test: PostgreSQL database performance insights. (database, library, mit)
- pg-harness library and program: REST service and library for creating/consuming temporary PostgreSQL databases (agpl, database-testing-web, deprecated, library, program)
- pg-harness-client library: Client library for pg-harness-server (bsd2, database-testing-web, deprecated, library)
- pg-harness-server program: REST service for creating temporary PostgreSQL databases (agpl, database-testing-web, deprecated, program)
- pg-query library and test: Parse PostgreSQL DDL and DML: Haskell bindings for libpg_query (bsd3, data, database, library)
- pg-recorder library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)
- pg-store library and test: Simple storage interface to PostgreSQL (bsd3, database, library)
- pg-transact library, test and benchmark: A postgresql-simple transaction monad (bsd3, library, web)
- pgdl program: browse directory listing webpages and download files from them. (network, program, public-domain)
- pgf2 library: Bindings to the C version of the PGF runtime (language, lgpl, library)
- pgm library: Pure Haskell implementation of PGM image format (bsd3, graphics, library)
- pgp-wordlist library and tests: Translate between binary data and a human-readable
collection of words. (bsd3, data, library, serialization)
- pgsql-simple library: A mid-level PostgreSQL client library. (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- pgstream library: Streaming Postgres bindings (bsd3, deprecated, finance, library)
- pgvector library and test: pgvector support for Haskell (database, library, mit)
- phantom-state library and benchmark: Phantom State Transformer. Like State Monad, but without values. (bsd3, control, library)
- phasechange library: Freezing, thawing, and copy elision (bsd3, data, library)
- phaser library and test: Incremental multiple pass parser library. (bsd3, library, text)
- phash library and tests: Haskell bindings to pHash, the open source perceptual hash library (data, gpl, library)
- phatsort library, programs and test: FAT filesystem sort utility (library, mit, program, utils)
- phizzle library and test: Library for checking if a given link is in a phishtank json file (gpl, library, phishing)
- phkdf library and test: Toolkit for self-documenting password hash and key derivation functions. (apache, cryptography, library)
- phladiprelio-general-datatype library: Extended functionality of PhLADiPreLiO (language, library, math, mit, music, sound)
- phladiprelio-general-shared library: A shared by different general implementations of the PhLADiPreLiO functionality. (data, language, library, math, mit)
- phladiprelio-general-simple library: A generalized functionality of PhLADiPreLiO for different languages that uses hash algorithms. (PhLADiPreLiO, language, library, math, mit, music)
- phladiprelio-rhythmicity-shared library: Allows to estimate some kind of the rhythmicity properties for the text (language, library, math, mit, music)
- phladiprelio-tests library: Common for Ukrainian and general data for test mode. (language, library, mit)
- phladiprelio-ukrainian-shared library: A shared by different Ukrainian implementations of the PhLADiPreLiO functionality. (data, language, library, math, mit)
- phladiprelio-ukrainian-simple library and program: A PhLADiPreLiO implementation for Ukrainian that uses hashes and asynchronous concurrency. (PhLADiPreLiO, language, library, math, mit, music, program)
- phoityne program and test: Deprecated - ghci debug viewer with simple editor. (bsd3, deprecated, development, program)
- phoityne-vscode program: Haskell Debug Adapter for Visual Studio Code. (bsd3, development, program)
- phone-metadata library and test: Phonenumber Metadata - NOTE: this is now deprecated! (data, deprecated, library)
- phone-numbers library and test: Haskell bindings to the libphonenumber library (bsd3, data, library)
- phone-push library: Push notifications for Android and iOS (bsd3, library, network-apis)
- phonetic-code library: Phonetic codes: Soundex and Phonix (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)
- phonetic-languages-basis library: A basics of the phonetic-languages (PhLADiPreLiO-related) functionality. (game, language, library, math, mit)
- phonetic-languages-common library: A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-common package. (language, library, mit)
- phonetic-languages-constaints library: Constraints to filter the needed permutations (deprecated, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-constraints library: Constraints to filter the needed permutations (language, library, math, mit)
- phonetic-languages-constraints-array library: Constraints to filter the needed permutations (language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-examples library and programs: A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-examples functionality. (Ukrainian, game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, program)
- phonetic-languages-filters-array library: Allows to change the structure of the function output. (RealFrac, data, filters, library, mit)
- phonetic-languages-general library: A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-general functionality. (language, library, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-permutations library: Commonly used versions of the phonetic-languages-common package (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-permutations-array library: Permutations and universal set related functions for the phonetic-languages series (deprecated, game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-phonetics-basics library and program: A library for working with generalized phonetic languages usage. (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, phonetics, program, writing-systems)
- phonetic-languages-plus library and program: Some common shared between different packages functions. (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, program)
- phonetic-languages-properties library: A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-properties package. (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-rhythmicity library: Allows to estimate the rhythmicity properties for the text (coherency, data, game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, polyrhythmicity, rap)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-base library: A basics of the phonetic-languages functionality that can be groupped. (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-common library: A simplified version of the phonetic-languages-functionality (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-array library and programs: Helps to create Ukrainian texts with the given phonetic properties. (PhLADiPreLiO, Ukrainian, game, language, library, math, mit, phladiprelio, phonetic-languages, program, prosodic-languages, prosody, rumba, syllables)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-examples-common library: Some commonly used by phonetic-languages-simplified* series functions. (Ukrainian, game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-array library: Helps to create texts with the given phonetic properties (e. g. poetic). (PhLADiPreLiO, espeak, game, ipa, language, library, math, mit, phladiprelio, phonetic-languages, phonetics, prosodic-languages, prosody, writing-systems)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-examples-common library: Some common code for phonetic languages generalized functionality. (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, phonetics, writing-systems)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-generalized-properties-array library: Some 'properties' of the phonetic languages approach text. (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, phonetics, writing-systems)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-lists-examples library and programs: Simplified and somewhat optimized version of the phonetic-languages-examples. (Ukrainian, game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, program)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array library: Some properties of the data related to rhythmicity. (Ukrainian, game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array-common library: Common functionality for 'with-tuples' and old version of properties. (game, language, library, math, mit)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-array-old library: Some properties of the data related to rhythmicity. (game, language, library, math, mit)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-lists library: A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-properties package. (Ukrainian, deprecated, language, library, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-simplified-properties-lists-double library: A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-properties package. (language, library, math, mit)
- phonetic-languages-ukrainian library: Prepares Ukrainian text to be used as a phonetic language text (Ukrainian, game, language, library, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phonetic-languages-ukrainian-array library and program: Prepares Ukrainian text to be used as a PhLADiPreLiO text (Ukrainian, game, language, library, mit, phonetic-languages, program)
- phonetic-languages-vector library: A generalization of the functionality of the uniqueness-periods-vector package. (language, library, mit, phonetic-languages)
- phooey library: Functional user interfaces (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- photoname library, program and test: Rename photo image files based on EXIF shoot date (application, console, library, program)
- phraskell program: A fractal viewer. (gpl, graphics, program)
- phybin library, program and test: Utility for clustering phylogenetic trees in Newick format based on Robinson-Foulds distance. (bioinformatics, bsd3, library, program)
- physics library: dimensions, quantities and constants (bsd3, library, science)
- pi-calculus program: Applied pi-calculus interpreter (gpl, program, web)
- pi-forall library and program: Demo implementation of typechecker for dependently-typed language (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- pi-hoole library, programs and test: Lightweight access control solution for the pijul vcs (agpl, library, program, security)
- pi-lcd library: Control an Adafruit character LCD and keypad kit on a Raspberry Pi (bsd3, hardware, library, raspberrypi)
- pia-forward program: Set up port forwarding with the Private Internet Access
VPN service. (gpl, network, program)
- pianola library and test: Remotely controlling Java Swing applications (deprecated, gui, jvm, library, mit)
- picedit library and program: simple image manipulation functions (gpl, image, library, matrix, picture, program)
- pickle library: Instant StatsD in Haskell (library, mit, unclassified)
- picologic library and tests: Utilities for symbolic predicate logic expressions (library, logic, mit)
- picoparsec library, test and benchmark: Fast combinator parsing for bytestrings and text (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)
- picosat library and tests: Bindings to the PicoSAT solver (library, logic, mit)
- pictikz program: Converts a svg image to tikz code. (gpl, graphics, program)
- pid program: a simple PID controller (control, program)
- pid1 library and program: Do signal handling and orphan reaping for Unix PID1 init processes (library, mit, program, system)
- pidfile library: Run an IO action protected by a pidfile (bsd3, library, system)
- pier program: Yet another Haskell build system. (bsd3, development, program)
- pier-core library: A library for writing forwards-declared build systems in haskell. (bsd3, development, library)
- piet library and program: A Piet interpreter (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- pig library and program: dice game (bsd3, library, math, program)
- piki program: Yet another text-to-html converter (bsd3, program, web)
- pinboard library and test: Access to the Pinboard API (library, mit, network-apis)
- pinboard-notes-backup program: Back up the notes you've saved to Pinboard (backup, cli, gpl, pinboard, program)
- pinch library and test: An alternative implementation of Thrift for Haskell. (bsd3, development, library)
- pinch-gen program: A code generator for the pinch Thrift library. (bsd3, development, program)
- pinchot library: Write grammars, not parsers (bsd3, development, library)
- pine library, programs and test: Functional 2D Game Framework (game, library, program)
- ping library: icmp echo requests (bsd3, library, network)
- ping-parser-attoparsec library, program and test: Attoparsec parsers of ping utility (apache, attoparsec, library, parsers, program)
- ping-wrapper library, program and test: Haskell Ping wrapper (apache, library, program, system)
- pinned-warnings library and test: Preserve warnings in a GHCi session (bsd3, development, library, utility)
- pinpon library: A gateway for various cloud notification services (bsd3, library, network)
- pipe-enumerator library: A bidirectional bridge between pipes and iteratees (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipeclip program: Open your editor, pipe the output to the system clipboard (bsd2, program, system, text)
- piped library and test: Conduit with a smaller core (bsd3, control, library)
- pipeline library: Continuation patterns (bsd3, control, library)
- pipes library, test and benchmarks: Compositional pipelines (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-aeson library: Encode and decode JSON streams using Aeson and Pipes. (bsd3, library, parser, pipes)
- pipes-async library and test: A higher-level interface to using concurrency with pipes (bsd3, control, library)
- pipes-attoparsec library and test: Attoparsec and Pipes integration. (bsd3, library, parser, pipes)
- pipes-attoparsec-streaming library and program: Streaming parsing in the pipes-core framework with Attoparsec. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, program)
- pipes-bgzf library: Blocked GZip (bsd3, codec, library, pipes)
- pipes-binary library and test: Encode and decode binary streams using the pipes and binary libraries. (bsd3, library, pipes)
- pipes-break library and test: Pipes to group by any delimiter (such as lines with carriage returns) (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-brotli library and test: Brotli (RFC7932) compressors and decompressors for the Pipes package (bsd3, codec, compression, library, pipes)
- pipes-bytestring library: ByteString support for pipes (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-bzip library, test and benchmark: Streaming compression/decompression via pipes. (bsd3, codec, library)
- pipes-cacophony library and test: Pipes for Noise-secured network connections. (cryptography, library, public-domain)
- pipes-category library and test: Allows instances for Category, Arrow and ArrowChoice for Pipes. (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-cborg library and test: Encode and decode cborg streams using the pipes and cborg libraries. (bsd3, library, pipes)
- pipes-cellular library: Pipes-based combinators for cellular data processing (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-cellular-csv library: Efficient pipes-based cellular CSV codec (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-cereal library: Encode and decode binary streams using the pipes and cereal libraries. (bsd3, library, pipes)
- pipes-cereal-plus library: A streaming serialization library on top of "pipes" and "cereal-plus" (deprecated, library, mit, pipes, serialization)
- pipes-cliff library: Streaming to and from subprocesses using Pipes (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library, pipes)
- pipes-concurrency library and test: Concurrency for the pipes ecosystem (bsd3, concurrency, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-conduit library: Conduit adapters (bsd3, control, enumerator, library)
- pipes-core library: Compositional pipelines (bsd3, control, deprecated, enumerator, library)
- pipes-courier library: Pipes utilities for interfacing with the courier message-passing framework. (bsd3, library, pipes)
- pipes-csv library: Fast, streaming csv parser (csv, library, mit, pipes)
- pipes-errors library: Integration between pipes and errors (bsd3, control, error-handling, library, monad, pipes)
- pipes-extra library, test and benchmarks: Various basic utilities for Pipes. (bsd3, control, enumerator, library)
- pipes-extras library and test: Extra utilities for pipes (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-fastx library: Streaming parsers for Fasta and Fastq (bsd3, library, pipes)
- pipes-files library and tests: Fast traversal of directory trees using pipes (bsd3, data, library)
- pipes-fluid library and test: Reactively combines Producers so that a value is yielded as soon as possible. (bsd3, control, frp, library, pipes)
- pipes-group library and test: Group streams into substreams (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-http library: HTTP client with pipes interface (bsd3, library, pipes, web)
- pipes-illumina library: Illumina NGS data processing (bsd3, codec, library)
- pipes-interleave library: Interleave and merge streams of elements (bsd3, data, library)
- pipes-io library and test: Stateful IO streams based on pipes (apache, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-kafka library: Kafka in the Pipes ecosystem (library, mit, network)
- pipes-key-value-csv library and test: Streaming processing of CSV files preceded by key-value pairs. (bsd3, csv, library, pipes, text)
- pipes-lines library and test: Pipes for grouping by lines with carriage returns. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, pipes)
- pipes-lzma library, program and test: LZMA compressors and decompressors for the Pipes package (bsd3, codec, library, program)
- pipes-misc library and test: Miscellaneous utilities for pipes, required by glazier-tutorial (bsd3, control, library, pipes)
- pipes-mongodb library and test: Stream results from MongoDB (database, library, mit)
- pipes-network library: Use network sockets together with the pipes library. (bsd3, library, network, pipes)
- pipes-network-tls library: TLS-secured network connections support for pipes. (bsd3, library, network, pipes)
- pipes-network-ws library: WebSockets support for pipes. (bsd3, library, network, pipes)
- pipes-ordered-zip library and test: merge two ordered Producers into a new Producer (bioinformatics, bsd3, library)
- pipes-p2p library: P2P network nodes with pipes (bsd3, library, network, pipes)
- pipes-p2p-examples program: Examples using pipes-p2p (bsd3, deprecated, network, pipes, program)
- pipes-parse library: Parsing infrastructure for the pipes ecosystem (bsd3, control, library, parsing, pipes)
- pipes-postgresql-simple library: Convert various postgresql-simple calls to work with pipes (database, deprecated, library, mit, pipes)
- pipes-protolude library, program and test: Alternate Prelude for the pipes ecosystem (bsd3, library, pipes, program)
- pipes-pulse-simple library: Pipes for pulse-simple audio (apache, library, sound)
- pipes-random library: Producers for handling randomness. (bsd3, control, library)
- pipes-rt library and program: A few pipes to control the timing of yields (bsd3, control, library, pipes, program)
- pipes-s3 library and test: A simple interface for streaming data to and from Amazon S3 (bsd3, library, network)
- pipes-safe library: Safety for the pipes ecosystem (bsd3, control, error-handling, library, pipes)
- pipes-shell library and test: Create proper Pipes from System.Process (bsd3, library, pipes)
- pipes-sqlite-simple library: Functions that smash Pipes and sqlite-simple together (bsd3, database, library)
- pipes-text library: properly streaming text (bsd3, library, pipes, text)
- pipes-transduce library and tests: Interfacing pipes with foldl folds. (bsd3, control, library)
- pipes-vector library: Various proxies for streaming data into vectors (bsd3, control, library)
- pipes-wai library: A port of wai-conduit for the pipes ecosystem (library, mit, pipes, web)
- pipes-websockets library and program: WebSockets in the Pipes framework. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- pipes-zeromq4 library: Pipes integration for ZeroMQ messaging (bsd3, control, library, network, pipes)
- pipes-zlib library and test: Zlib and GZip compression and decompression for Pipes streams (bsd3, compression, library, pipes)
- pisigma library and program: A dependently typed core language (bsd3, dependent-types, development, language, library, program)
- pit library and program: Account management tool. (library, mit, program, tools)
- pitchtrack library and test: Pitch tracking library (library, mit, sound)
- pivotal-tracker library, program and test: A library and a CLI tool for accessing Pivotal Tracker API (bsd3, library, program, web)
- pixel-printer library, program and test: A program for turning pixel art into 3D prints (gpl, image, library, program)
- pixela library and test: Pixela client. (bsd3, library, web)
- pixelated-avatar-generator library, program and test: A library and application for generating pixelated avatars. (graphics, image, library, mit, program)
- pixiv library and test: Pixiv API binding based on servant-client (bsd3, library, web)
- piyo library, program and test: Haskell game engine like fantasy console. (game, library, mit, program)
- pkcs1 library: RSA encryption with PKCS1 padding (cryptography, library)
- pkcs10 library and test: PKCS#10 library (apache, data, library)
- pkcs7 library and test: PKCS #7 padding in Haskell (crypto, library, mit)
- pkggraph program: Package dependency graph for installed packages (bsd3, development, program)
- pkgtreediff library, program and test: RPM package tree diff tool (gpl, library, program, utility)
- pktree library: Implementation of the PKTree spatial index data structure (data, library)
- pl-synth library and test: Bindings and wrappers for PL_SYNTH - no-deps sound effects synthesizer and tracker. (bsd3, library, sound)
- place-cursor-at program: A utility for X11 that moves the mouse cursor using the keyboard (desktop, desktop-environment, gpl, gui, program, utility, x11)
- placeholder library and test: placeholder definitions for TODO and unimplemented (control, library)
- placeholders library: Placeholders for use while developing Haskell code (bsd3, development, library)
- plaid library, program and test: api integration library (bsd3, data, library, network, plaid, program, web)
- plailude library: plaimi's prelude (data, gpl, library)
- plan-applicative library and tests: Applicative/Arrow for resource estimation and progress tracking. (bsd3, control, library)
- plan-b library and test: Failure-tolerant file and directory editing (bsd3, deprecated, filesystem, library, system)
- planar-graph library: A representation of planar graphs (bsd3, data, graphs, library, maths)
- planb-token-introspection library and test: Token Introspection for PlanB (bsd3, library, security)
- planet-mitchell library: Planet Mitchell (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude)
- planet-mitchell-test library: Planet Mitchell (bsd3, deprecated, library, prelude, test)
- plankton library: The core of a numeric prelude, taken from numhask (bsd3, library, mathematics)
- plat library: Simple templating library (bsd3, library, template, text, web)
- platinum-parsing library, program and test: General Framework for compiler development. (bsd3, cli, compilation, compiler, framework, lalr, lexer, library, parser, program)
- playlists library, program and test: Library and executable for working with playlist files. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- playlists-http library: Library to glue together playlists and http-client (bsd3, library, text)
- plegg library: A semi-cross-platform interface for pledge(2) and unveil(2) (library, system)
- plex library and test: run a subprocess, combining stdout and stderr (library, mit, system)
- plist library: Generate and parse Mac OS X property list format (bsd3, library, xml)
- plist-buddy library and test: Remote monad for editing plists (bsd3, database, library)
- plivo library: Plivo API wrapper for Haskell (library, services)
- plocketed program: plot data from stdin through socketed (mit, program, web)
- plot library: A plotting library, exportable as eps/pdf/svg/png or renderable with gtk (bsd3, graphics, library)
- plot-gtk library: GTK plots and interaction with GHCi (bsd3, graphics, library)
- plot-gtk-ui library: A quick way to use Mathematica like Manipulation abilities (gpl, library, math)
- plot-gtk3 library: GTK3 plots and interaction with GHCi (bsd3, graphics, library)
- plot-lab program: A plotting tool with Mathematica like Manipulation abilities (deprecated, gpl, math, program)
- plot-light library and test: A lightweight plotting library, exporting to SVG (bsd3, graphics, library)
- plot-light-examples library and programs: Example binaries for plot-light (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- ploterific library and program: Basic plotting of tabular data for the command line. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- plotfont library and test: Plotter-like fonts i.e. a series of straight lines which make letter shapes. (graphics, library)
- plotlyhs library: Haskell bindings to Plotly.js (charts, graphics, library, mit)
- ploton library, program and test: A useful cli tool to draw figures (bsd3, cli, library, program)
- plots library: Diagrams based plotting library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- plotserver-api library: Plotserver API (api, library, mit)
- plow-log library: Contravariant logging library (library, logging, mit)
- plow-log-async library: Async IO tracer for plow-log (library, logging, mit)
- plucky library and test: A library and technique for handling errors via plucking constraints (bsd3, data, library)
- plugins library: Dynamic linking for Haskell and C objects (bsd3, library, system)
- plugins-auto library and test: Automatic recompilation and reloading of haskell modules. (bsd3, library, system)
- plugins-multistage library and test: Dynamic linking for embedded DSLs with staged compilation (bsd3, library, system)
- plumbers library: Pointless plumbing combinators (acme, bsd3, library)
- plur library and test: Plurality monad: Zero, one, or at least two. (bsd3, data, library)
- plural library and test: Pluralize (bsd3, language, library)
- ply-loader library and program: PLY file loader. (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- plzwrk library and test: A front-end framework (bsd3, library, web)
- png-file library: read/write png file (bsd3, file, library)
- pngload library: Pure Haskell loader for PNG images (bsd3, codecs, library)
- pngload-fixed library: Pure Haskell loader for PNG images (bsd3, codecs, library)
- pnm library: PNM image format header parsing and pretty printing (bsd3, graphics, library)
- pocket library: Bindings for the Pocket API (library, mit, web)
- pocket-dns library, program and test: Multi-backend (zookeeper and sqlite) DNS Server using persistent-library (bsd3, library, network, program)
- podenv library, program and test: A container wrapper (apache, development, library, program)
- point-octree library and tests: Point octree, with bounding boxes (bsd3, data, library)
- pointed library: Pointed and copointed data (bsd3, data, library)
- pointedalternative library: Alternative done right (bsd3, library)
- pointedlist library: A zipper-like comonad which works as a list, tracking a position. (bsd3, data, library)
- pointfree library, program and test: Tool for refactoring expressions into pointfree form (library, program, tool)
- pointfree-fancy library, program and test: Tool for refactoring expressions into pointfree form (bsd3, library, program, tool)
- pointful library and program: Pointful refactoring tool (bsd3, development, library, program)
- pointless-fun library: Some common point-free combinators. (bsd3, combinators, composition, library, utils)
- pointless-haskell library: Pointless Haskell library (bsd3, generics, library)
- pointless-lenses library: Pointless Lenses library (bsd3, generics, library)
- pointless-rewrite library: Pointless Rewrite library (bsd3, generics, library)
- poke library, program and test: Discord verification bot (deprecated, library, mpl, program, web)
- pokemon-go-protobuf-types library: Haskell types for the Pokemon Go protobuf protocol. (bsd3, game, library)
- poker library, program, test and benchmarks: Texas holdem hand evaluation and simulation. (game, library, mit, poker, program, simulation)
- poker-base library and test: A library for core poker types (bsd3, library, poker)
- poker-eval library: Binding to libpoker-eval (library, math, public-domain)
- pokitdok library: PokitDok Platform API Client for Haskell (api, deprecated, library, mit)
- polar library: Complex numbers in polar form (bsd3, library, math)
- polar-configfile library and test: Fork of ConfigFile for Polar Game Engine (bsd3, game-engine, library, parsing)
- polar-shader library and test: High-level shader compiler framework (apache, game-engine, library)
- polh-lexicon library and programs: A library for manipulating the historical dictionary of Polish (deprecated) (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- policeman library, program and test: Haskell PVP version adviser (cabal, development, library, mpl, package-management, program, pvp)
- polimorf library: Handling the PoliMorf dictionary (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- poll library: Bindings to poll.h (bsd3, library, system)
- polling-cache library and test: Cache infrequently updated data for simpler distributed systems. (bsd3, cache, distributed-computing, library)
- pollock library: Functionality to help examine Haddock information of a module. (development, documentation, library, mit)
- poly library, test and benchmark: Polynomials (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- poly-arity library: Tools for working with functions of undetermined arity (bsd3, data, functions, library)
- poly-cont library: Poly-kinded continuations (bsd3, control, library)
- poly-control library: This package provides abstraction for polymorphic controls, like PolyMonads or PolyApplicatives. (apache, data, library)
- poly-rec library: Polykinded extensible records (data, dependent-types, gpl, library)
- polyToMonoid library: Polyvariadic functions mapping to a given monoid (bsd3, data, library)
- polydata library and test: Wrap together data and it's constraints. (data, library, mit)
- polydata-core library: Core data definitions for the "polydata" package (bsd3, library, web)
- polyglot library and program: Haskell to Purescript & Scala 3 transpiler (bsd3, compiler, library, program)
- polymap library and test: Polygonal maps (data, library, public-domain)
- polynom library and test: Polynomial types and operations (deprecated, library, math)
- polynomial library and test: Polynomials (library, math, numerical, public-domain)
- polynomial-algebra library: Multivariate polynomial rings (bsd3, library, math)
- polynomials-bernstein library: A solver for systems of polynomial equations in bernstein form (library, math)
- polyparse library: A variety of alternative parser combinator libraries. (library, parsing, text)
- polysemy library and test: Higher-order, low-boilerplate free monads. (bsd3, language, library)
- polysemy-RandomFu library and test: Experimental, RandomFu effect and interpreters for polysemy (bsd3, library, polysemy)
- polysemy-account library: Account management with Servant and Polysemy (library, web)
- polysemy-account-api library and tests: Account management with Servant and Polysemy (library, web)
- polysemy-blockfrost library and test: Polysemy wrapper around the Blockfrost client (apache, development, library)
- polysemy-check library and test: QuickCheck for Polysemy (bsd3, library, polysemy)
- polysemy-chronos library and test: A Polysemy effect for Chronos (library, time)
- polysemy-conc library and test: Polysemy effects for concurrency (concurrency, library)
- polysemy-db library: Polysemy effects for databases (database, library)
- polysemy-extra library: Extra Input and Output functions for polysemy. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-fs library: Low level filesystem operations for polysemy. (bsd3, library, polysemy-filesystem)
- polysemy-fskvstore library: Run a KVStore as a filesystem in polysemy. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-hasql library and test: Polysemy effects for databases (database, library)
- polysemy-hasql-test library and test: Test utilities for polysemy-hasql (database, library)
- polysemy-http library and tests: Polysemy effects for HTTP clients (library, network)
- polysemy-keyed-state library and test: Effect for a set of stateful values indexed by a type of keys (bsd3, library)
- polysemy-kvstore library: KVStore effect for polysemy. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-kvstore-jsonfile library: Run a KVStore as a single json file in polysemy. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-log library, test and benchmark: Polysemy effects for logging (library, logging)
- polysemy-log-co library and test: Colog adapters for Polysemy.Log (library, logging)
- polysemy-log-di library and test: Di adapters for polysemy-log (library, logging)
- polysemy-managed library and test: Primitive functions and data types (bsd3, data, library)
- polysemy-methodology library: Domain modelling algebra for polysemy (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-methodology-co-log library: Logging functions for polysemy-methodology. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-methodology-composite library: Functions for using polysemy-methodology with composite. (composite, library, mit, modelling, polysemy, polysemy-vinyl-composite, vinyl)
- polysemy-mocks library and test: Mocking framework for polysemy effects (bsd3, library, testing)
- polysemy-optics library: Optics for Polysemy. (bsd2, lenses, library, optics)
- polysemy-path library: Polysemy versions of Path functions. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-plugin library and test: Disambiguate obvious uses of effects. (bsd3, library, polysemy)
- polysemy-process library and test: Polysemy effects for system processes (library, process)
- polysemy-readline library, program and test: Readline effect for polysemy. (bsd2, effect, library, program, user-interfaces)
- polysemy-req library: Polysemy effect for req (bsd3, library, network, web)
- polysemy-resume library and test: Polysemy error tracking (error, library)
- polysemy-scoped-fs library and tests: Well-typed filesystem operation effects. (agpl, library, polysemy-filesystem)
- polysemy-several library: Run several effects at once, taken from the polysemy-zoo. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-socket library: Socket effect for polysemy. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-test library and test: Polysemy effects for testing (library, test)
- polysemy-time library and test: A Polysemy effect for time (library, time)
- polysemy-uncontrolled library: Uncontrolled toy effect for polysemy. (library, mit, polysemy)
- polysemy-video library: Experimental video processing DSL for polysemy. (library, mit, polysemy, video, video-polysemy)
- polysemy-vinyl library: Functions for mapping vinyl records in polysemy. (library, mit, polysemy-vinyl)
- polysemy-webserver library and test: Start web servers from within a Polysemy effect stack (bsd3, library, web)
- polysemy-zoo library and test: Experimental, user-contributed effects and interpreters for polysemy (bsd3, library, polysemy)
- polyseq library and program: Taming Selective Strictness (deprecated, language, library, program, public-domain)
- polysoup library: Online XML parsing with polyparse and tagsoup (bsd3, library, xml)
- polytypeable library: Typeable for polymorphic types. (bsd3, data, library)
- polytypeable-utils library: Utilities for polytypeable. (bsd3, data, library)
- polyvariadic library and test: Creation and application of polyvariadic functions (bsd3, data, library)
- pomaps library, tests and benchmark: Maps and sets of partial orders (data-structures, library, mit)
- pomodoro program: pomodoro timer (gpl, office, program)
- pomohoro library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (library, program, web)
- ponder library: PEG parser combinator (library, mit, parsing)
- pong-server library and test: A simple embedded pingable server that runs in the background. (library, public-domain, utilities)
- pontarius-mediaserver program: Extended Personal Media Network (XPMN) media server (deprecated, media, program)
- pontarius-xmpp library, test and benchmark: An XMPP client library (bsd3, library, network)
- pontarius-xmpp-extras library: XEPs implementation on top of pontarius-xmpp (library, network)
- pontarius-xpmn library: Extended Personal Media Network (XPMN) library (deprecated, library, media)
- pony program: Can I have a pony? (bsd3, program, system)
- pool library: Thread-safe resource pools. (deprecated) (bsd3, data, database, deprecated, library, yesod)
- pool-conduit library: Resource pool allocations via ResourceT. (deprecated) (conduit, database, deprecated, library, mit, yesod)
- poolboy library and test: Simple work queue for bounded concurrency (data, library)
- pooled-io library: Run jobs on a limited number of threads and support data dependencies (bsd3, library, parallelism)
- pop3-client library: POP3 Client Library (bsd3, library, network)
- popenhs library: popenhs is a popen-like library for Haskell. (library, system)
- popkey library and test: Static key-value storage backed by poppy (data, library, mit)
- poppler library: Binding to the Poppler. (gpl, graphics, library)
- populate-setup-exe-cache library: Empty Cabal package (distribution, library, mit)
- porcupine-core library and programs: Express portable, composable and reusable data tasks and pipelines (arrows, combinators, control, data, json, library, mit, numerical, pipes, program, streaming)
- porcupine-http library and programs: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to HTTP sources/sinks (arrows, combinators, control, data, library, mit, program, web)
- porcupine-s3 library and program: A location accessor for porcupine to connect to AWS S3 sources/sinks (arrows, aws, cloud, combinators, control, data, library, mit, program)
- porpoise library and program: A minimalist HTTP server framework written on top of wai (control, library, mit, program)
- port-utils library and test: Utilities for creating and waiting on ports (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- portable-lines library: Alternative 'lines' implementation that understands CR-LF and CR (bsd3, library, text)
- portable-template-haskell-lens library: Lenses for the AST of Template Haskell 2.11 and Template Haskell < 2.11 (language, library, mit)
- portage-hs library and test: Data structures and functions for interacting with the Portage package manager (agpl, library, system)
- portager library and test: DSL for configuring Gentoo portage (bsd3, dsl, library)
- portaudio library: Haskell bindings for the PortAudio library. (library, sound)
- porte library and program: FreeBSD ports index search and analysis tool (bsd3, library, program, system)
- porter library: Implementation of the Porter stemming algorithm (bsd3, development, library)
- portmidi-utility program: PortMidi utilities (bsd3, program, sound)
- portray library and test: Rendering to pseudo-Haskell syntax (apache, library, text)
- portray-diff library: Pretty structural diffs between two values (apache, data, library)
- portray-diff-hunit library: HUnit assertions based on portray-diff (apache, data, library)
- portray-diff-quickcheck library: QuickCheck tests with portray-diff (apache, data, library)
- portray-pretty library and test: Portray backend for pretty (apache, library, text)
- portray-prettyprinter library and test: Portray backend for prettyprinter (apache, library, text)
- ports library: The Haskell Ports Library (control, library)
- ports-tools library: Library to interact with port tools on FreeBSD (library, system-tools)
- pos library and test: positive numbers (bsd3, data, library, numeric)
- posable library and test: A product-of-sums generics library (bsd3, generics, library)
- poseidon library and test: Simple extensible library to run SQL file against PostgreSQL database. (PostgreSQL, bsd3, database, library, postgresql)
- poseidon-postgis library and test: Extension of Poseidon library for Postgis (Spatial and Geographic objects for PostgreSQL) (bsd3, database, library, postgresql)
- posit library, tests and benchmarks: Posit Numbers (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- positive library: Positive integers. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- positron library and test: Experiment (apache, database, library)
- posix-acl library: Support for Posix ACL (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-api library and test: posix bindings (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-error-codes library: POSIX error codes (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-escape library: Quote arguments to be passed through the Unix shell (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-filelock library: Nice wrapper around POSIX fcntl advisory locks (library, system)
- posix-paths library, test and benchmark: POSIX filepath/directory functionality (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-pty library and test: Pseudo terminal interaction with subprocesses. (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-realtime library: POSIX Realtime functionality (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-socket library: Bindings to the POSIX socket API (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-timer library: Bindings to POSIX clock and timer functions. (bsd3, library, system)
- posix-waitpid library: Low-level wrapping of POSIX waitpid(2). (library, mit, system)
- posplyu program: Sleep tracker for X11, using XScreenSaver extension and manual input. (mit, program, tools)
- possible library: Three valued Data.Maybe (bsd3, data, library)
- possibly library: type Possibly a = Either String a (bsd3, data, library)
- post-mess-age library: Send messages to a handle concurrently without getting them mixed. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- postcodes library: A library that gets postcode information from the (bsd3, library, network-apis)
- postgis-trivial library and test: PostGIS extention driver based on postgresql-simple package (bsd3, database-driver, library)
- postgres-embedded library and test: Library for easily running embedded PostgreSQL server for tests. (lib, library, mit)
- postgres-options library and test: An Options type representing options for postgres connections (bsd3, database, library)
- postgres-tmp library: Create a temporary database that is deleted after performing some operation (bsd3, database, library)
- postgres-websockets library, program and test: Middleware to map LISTEN/NOTIFY messages to Websockets (bsd3, database, library, postgresql, program, web, websockets)
- postgresql-binary library, test and benchmarks: Encoders and decoders for the PostgreSQL's binary format (codecs, database, library, mit, parsing, postgresql)
- postgresql-common library and test: Library for sharing common PostgreSQL types across Haskell PostgreSQL libraries. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- postgresql-common-persistent library and test: Persistent compatibility for postgresql-common (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- postgresql-config library: Types for easy adding postgresql configuration to your program (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-connector library: Initial project postgresql-connector from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- postgresql-copy-escape library: Format data to feed to a PostgreSQL COPY FROM statement (bsd3, data, library)
- postgresql-cube library: Cube support for postgresql-simple (database, library, mit)
- postgresql-error-codes library: PostgreSQL error codes (database, error-handling, library, mit, postgresql)
- postgresql-libpq library and test: low-level binding to libpq (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-libpq-configure library: low-level binding to libpq: configure based provider (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-libpq-notify library and test: Minimal dependency PostgreSQL notifications library (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-libpq-pkgconfig library: low-level binding to libpq: pkg-config based provider (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-lo-stream library: Utilities for streaming PostgreSQL LargeObjects (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-ltree library and test: Types and functions for representing PostgreSQL's ltree (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-migration library, program and test: PostgreSQL Schema Migrations (bsd3, database, library, program)
- postgresql-named library and test: Generic deserialization of PostgreSQL rows based on column names (bsd3, library, web)
- postgresql-orm library and program: An ORM (Object Relational Mapping) and migrations DSL for PostgreSQL. (database, library, program)
- postgresql-placeholder-converter library and test: Converter for question mark style and dollar sign style of PostgreSQL SQL. (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-pure library, tests and benchmarks: pure Haskell PostgreSQL driver (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-query library and tests: Sql interpolating quasiquote plus some kind of primitive ORM
using it (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-replicant library, program and test: PostgreSQL logical streaming replication library (bsd3, database, experimental, library, program)
- postgresql-resilient library: Automatic re-connection support for PostgreSQL (apache, database, library)
- postgresql-schema library and programs: PostgreSQL Schema Management (bsd3, database, library, program)
- postgresql-simple library, tests and benchmark: Mid-Level PostgreSQL client library (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-simple-bind library and test: FFI-like bindings for PostgreSQL stored functions (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-simple-interpolate library and benchmark: Interpolated SQL queries via quasiquotation (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-simple-ltree library and test: Instances for using ltree with postgresql-simple (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-simple-migration library, program and test: PostgreSQL Schema Migrations (bsd3, database, library, program)
- postgresql-simple-named library and tests: Implementation of named parameters for `postgresql-simple` library (database, library, mpl, postgresql)
- postgresql-simple-opts library and test: An optparse-applicative and envy parser for postgres options (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-simple-queue library and test: A PostgreSQL backed queue (bsd3, library, web)
- postgresql-simple-sop library: Generic functions for postgresql-simple (library, mit, unclassified)
- postgresql-simple-typed library: Typed extension for PostgreSQL simple (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-simple-url library and test: Parse postgres:// url into ConnectInfo (database, library, mit)
- postgresql-syntax library and tests: PostgreSQL AST parsing and rendering (database, library, mit, parsing, postgresql)
- postgresql-transactional library: a transactional monad on top of postgresql-simple (database, library, mit)
- postgresql-tx library: A safe transaction monad for use with various PostgreSQL Haskell libraries. (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-tx-monad-logger library: postgresql-tx interfacing for use with monad-logger. (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-tx-query library: postgresql-tx interfacing for use with postgresql-query. (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-tx-simple library: postgresql-tx interfacing for use with postgresql-simple. (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-tx-squeal library: postgresql-tx interfacing for use with squeal-postgresql. (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-tx-squeal-compat-simple library: Connection interop from postgresql-simple connections to postgresql-libpq connections. (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-typed library, test and benchmark: PostgreSQL interface with compile-time SQL type checking, optional HDBC backend (bsd3, database, library)
- postgresql-typed-lifted library: postgresql-typed operations lifted to any instance of MonadBase or MonadBaseControl. (bsd3, database, library)
- postgrest library, program and tests: REST API for any Postgres database (executable, library, mit, network-apis, postgresql, program)
- postgrest-ws library, program and test: PostgREST extension to map LISTEN/NOTIFY messages to Websockets (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)
- postie library: SMTP server library to receive emails from within Haskell programs. (bsd3, library, network)
- postmark library: Library for HTTP Api (bsd3, library, network-apis)
- postmark-streams library: Send email via Postmark using io-streams. (bsd3, library, network)
- postmaster program: Postmaster ESMTP Server (network, program)
- potato-tool program: Command line Dreamcast VMU filesystem toolset. (gpl, program, system)
- potoki library: Simple streaming in IO (library, mit, streaming)
- potoki-cereal library and test: Streaming serialization (library, mit, potoki, streaming)
- potoki-conduit library and test: Integration of "potoki" and "conduit" (conduit, library, mit, potoki, streaming)
- potoki-core library, test and benchmark: Low-level components of "potoki" (library, mit, streaming)
- potoki-hasql library: Integration of "potoki" and "hasql". (database, library, mit, streaming)
- potoki-zlib library: Streaming ZLib decompression (compression, library, mit, potoki, streaming, zlib)
- potrace library: Trace bitmap images to paths using potrace (gpl, graphics, library)
- potrace-diagrams library: Potrace bindings for the diagrams library (gpl, graphics, library)
- powerdns library and test: PowerDNS API bindings for api/v1 (bsd3, library, network)
- powermate library and programs: bindings for Griffin PowerMate USB (hardware, library, mit, program, system)
- powerpc library: Tools for PowerPC programs. (bsd3, language, library)
- powerqueue library and test: A flexible job queue with exchangeable backends (bsd3, library, web)
- powerqueue-distributed library and test: A distributed worker backend for powerqueu (bsd3, library, web)
- powerqueue-levelmem library, test and benchmark: A high performance in memory and LevelDB backend for powerqueue (bsd3, library, web)
- powerqueue-sqs library: A Amazon SQS backend for powerqueue (bsd3, library, web)
- ppad-base16 library, test and benchmarks: Pure base16 encoding and decoding on bytestrings. (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-base58 library, test and benchmark: base58 and base58check encoding/decoding. (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-bech32 library, test and benchmark: bech32 and bech32m encoding/decoding, per BIPs 173 & 350. (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-hkdf library, test and benchmark: A HMAC-based key derivation function (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-hmac-drbg library, test and benchmark: HMAC-based deterministic random bit generator (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-ripemd160 library, test and benchmark: The RIPEMD-160 hashing algorithm. (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-script library, test and benchmarks: Primitive Script support. (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-secp256k1 library, test and benchmarks: Schnorr signatures & ECDSA on the elliptic curve secp256k1 (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-sha256 library, test and benchmark: The SHA-256 and HMAC-SHA256 algorithms (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppad-sha512 library, test and benchmark: The SHA-512 and HMAC-SHA512 algorithms (cryptography, library, mit)
- ppm library: a tiny PPM image generator (bsd3, codec, library)
- pprecord library: A library for pretty printing Records (library, mit, text)
- pptable library and tests: Pretty Print containers in a tabular format (library, mit, text)
- pqc library: Parallel batch driver for QuickCheck (bsd3, library, testing)
- pqueue library, test and benchmarks: Reliable, persistent, fast priority queues. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- pqueue-mtl library: Fully encapsulated monad transformers with queuelike functionality. (algorithms, bsd3, deprecated, library, monads)
- practice-room program: Practice Room (bsd3, program, utils)
- praglude library: A pragmatic Prelude (bsd3, library, web)
- pragmatic-show library and test: Alternative Show class that gives shorter view if possible. (gpl, library, text)
- prairie library and test: A first class record field library (bsd3, data, library)
- preamble library: Yet another prelude. (library, mit, prelude)
- precis library and program: Diff Cabal packages. (distribution, library, program)
- precursor library and test: Prelude replacement (library, mit, prelude)
- pred-set library: Simple cached predicates (bsd3, data, library)
- pred-trie library, test and benchmark: Predicative tries (bsd3, data, library)
- predicate library: Predicates (bsd3, library, test)
- predicate-class library: Helper class for passing context along a predicate value (data, library, mit)
- predicate-transformers library: A library for writing predicates and transformations over predicates in Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- predicate-typed library and tests: Predicates, Refinement types and Dsl (bsd3, data, library)
- predicates library: A couple of convenience functions for forming predicates. (bsd3, combinators, library)
- predictive library: Predict the future, backtrack on failure (bsd3, data, library)
- prednote library and tests: Evaluate and display trees of predicates (bsd3, data, library)
- prednote-test library and programs: Tests and QuickCheck generators to accompany prednote. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, program)
- prefetch program: Prefetch stdin even before stdout is ready (bsd3, concurrency, program)
- prefix-expression library and test: (bsd3, library, text)
- prefix-units library and test: A basic library for SI/IEC prefix units (bsd3, data, library)
- prefork library and tests: A library for building a prefork-style server quickly (library, mit, system)
- pregame library: Prelude for applications (library, mit, prelude)
- prelate library: A Prelude (library, prelude)
- preliminaries library: A larger alternative to the Prelude. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- prelude-compat library: Provide Prelude and Data.List with fixed content across GHC versions (bsd3, compatibility, haskell2010, library, prelude)
- prelude-edsl library: An EDSL-motivated subset of the Prelude (bsd3, language, library)
- prelude-extras library: Higher order versions of Prelude classes (bsd3, combinators, deprecated, library, polymorphism)
- prelude-generalize library: Another kind of alternate Prelude file (library, prelude, public-domain)
- prelude-plus : Prelude for rest of us (bsd3, control, data, system)
- prelude-prime library: A slightly better (but conservative) Prelude (deprecated, library, mit, prelude)
- prelude-safeenum library: A redefinition of the Prelude's Enum class in order to render it safe. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- prelude2010 library: Provide Prelude with fixed content across GHC versions (bsd3, haskell2010, library, prelude)
- preludeplus library: Generalizes List functions and replaces partials with NonEmpty equivalents. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- preprocess-haskell library: Preprocess Haskell Repositories. (bsd3, language, library)
- preprocessor library and test: Remove cpp annotations to get the source ready for static analysis. (cpp, library, mit, source-code-analysis)
- preprocessor-tools library: A framework for extending Haskell's syntax via quick-and-dirty preprocessors (bsd3, code-generation, language, library, source-tools)
- preql library, test and benchmark: safe PostgreSQL queries using Quasiquoters (bsd3, database, library, postgresql)
- presburger library and test: A decision procedure for quantifier-free linear arithmetic. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- present library: Make presentations for data types. (bsd3, development, library)
- press library: Text template library targeted at the web / HTML generation (library, text, web)
- presto-hdbc library: An HDBC connector for Presto (apache, database, library)
- prettify library: Haskell2010 structured text formatting (bsd3, library, text)
- pretty library, test and benchmark: Pretty-printing library (bsd3, library, text)
- pretty-class library: Pretty printing class similar to Show. (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- pretty-compact library and benchmark: Pretty-printing library (lgpl, library, text)
- pretty-diff library and test: Pretty printing a diff of two values. (bsd3, diffing, library)
- pretty-display library, program and test: Typeclass for human-readable display (bsd3, library, program, text)
- pretty-error library: Pretty error messages for runtime invariants (apache, error-handling, library)
- pretty-ghci library, program and tests: Functionality for beautifying GHCi (bsd3, library, program, text)
- pretty-hex library: A library for hex dumps of ByteStrings (bsd3, data, library)
- pretty-html library and test: Produce nice human-readable HTML (html, library, mit)
- pretty-loc library: Tracking and highlighting of locations in source files (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, data, diagnostics, library, pretty-printer, text)
- pretty-ncols library: A implementation of multi-column layout w/ Text.PrettyPrint (bsd3, library, text)
- pretty-relative-time library and test: Pretty relative time (library, mit, time)
- pretty-show library and program: Tools for working with derived `Show` instances and generic
inspection of values. (library, mit, program, text)
- pretty-show-ansi-wl library: Like pretty-show, but only for ansi-wl-pprint (library, mit, text)
- pretty-simple library and benchmark: pretty printer for data types with a 'Show' instance. (bsd3, library, text)
- pretty-sop library and test: A generic pretty-printer using generics-sop (bsd3, generics, library)
- pretty-terminal library and program: Styling and coloring terminal output with ANSI escape sequences. (bsd3, library, program, terminal)
- pretty-tree library: Pretty-print trees (bsd3, data, library)
- pretty-types library and test: A small pretty printing DSL for complex types. (bsd3, library, text)
- prettyFunctionComposing library: prettier function composition by (°) (bsd3, library, syntax)
- prettychart library, program and test: Pretty print charts from ghci. (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- prettyclass library: Pretty printing class similar to Show. (bsd3, library, text)
- prettyprint-avh4 library and test: API for prettyprinting custom syntax trees (extracted from elm-format) (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, text)
- prettyprinter library: A modern, easy to use, well-documented, extensible pretty-printer. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)
- prettyprinter-ansi-terminal library and benchmark: ANSI terminal backend for the »prettyprinter« package. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)
- prettyprinter-combinators library: Some useful combinators for the prettyprinter package (apache, library, text, user-interfaces)
- prettyprinter-compat-annotated-wl-pprint library: Drop-in compatibility package to migrate from »annotated-wl-pprint« to »prettyprinter«. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)
- prettyprinter-compat-ansi-wl-pprint library: Drop-in compatibility package to migrate from »ansi-wl-pprint« to »prettyprinter«. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)
- prettyprinter-compat-wl-pprint library: Drop-in compatibility package to migrate from »wl-pprint« to »prettyprinter«. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)
- prettyprinter-configurable library and test: Configurable pretty-printing (apache, library, text, user-interfaces)
- prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint library: Converter from »ansi-wl-pprint« documents to »prettyprinter«-based ones. (bsd2, library, text, user-interfaces)
- prettyprinter-graphviz library: A prettyprinter backend for graphviz (bsd3, graphics, library)
- prettyprinter-interp library and test: Efficient interpolation for Prettyprinter (bsd2, data, library, text)
- prettyprinter-lucid library: A prettyprinter backend for lucid (bsd3, library, web)
- prettyprinter-vty library: prettyprinter backend for vty (graphics, library)
- preview library: The method of previewing data (instead of wholly show-ing it) (bsd3, data, library)
- prim library: An ergonomic but conservative interface to ghc-prim (library, mit, prelude)
- prim-array library: Primitive byte array with type variable (bsd3, library, web)
- prim-instances library and test: Prim typeclass instances (bsd3, data, library)
- prim-ref library: Primitive byte array with type variable (bsd3, library, web)
- prim-spoon library, test and benchmark: Catch errors thrown from pure computations using primops. (bsd3, error-handling, library)
- prim-uniq library: Opaque unique identifiers in primitive state monads (data, dependent-types, library, public-domain)
- primal library, tests and benchmark: Primeval world of Haskell. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- primal-memory library, test and benchmarks: Unified interface for memory managemenet. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- prime library and test: prime number tools (gpl, library, math)
- primecount library, test and benchmark: Bindings to the primecount library (bsd3, library, math, number-theory)
- primes library: Efficient, purely functional generation of prime numbers (algorithms, bsd3, library, numerical)
- primes-type library, test and benchmark: Type-safe prime numbers. (algorithms, library, numerical)
- primesieve library and programs: FFI bindings for the primesieve library. (algorithms, foreign, library, math, mit, number-theory, program)
- primitive library, test and benchmark: Primitive memory-related operations (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-addr library: Addresses to unmanaged memory (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-atomic library and test: Wrappers for primops around atomic operations (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-checked library: primitive functions with bounds-checking (array, bsd3, library)
- primitive-containers library, test and benchmark: containers backed by arrays (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- primitive-convenience library: convenience class for PrimMonad m/PrimState m (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-extras library and test: Extras for the "primitive" library (library, mit, primitive)
- primitive-foreign library and test: using the `Prim` interface for the FFI (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-indexed library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- primitive-maybe library and test: Arrays of Maybes (array, bsd3, library)
- primitive-offset library: Types for offsets into unboxed arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-primvar library: Unboxed variables for `Prim` values. (library, primitive)
- primitive-serial library: Serialisation of primitive types (bsd2, library, serialization)
- primitive-simd library and benchmark: SIMD data types and functions (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-slice library: Slices of primitive arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-sort library, test and benchmark: Sort primitive arrays (bsd3, library, software)
- primitive-stablename library: primitive operations on StableNames (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-unaligned library and test: Unaligned access to primitive arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- primitive-unlifted library and test: Primitive GHC types with unlifted types inside (bsd3, data, library)
- primula-board program: ImageBoard on Happstack and HSP (program, web)
- primula-bot program: Jabber-bot for primula-board ImageBoard (program, web)
- primus library and test: nonempty and positive functions (bsd3, data, general, library)
- pringletons library: Classes and data structures complementing the singletons library (bsd3, library, web)
- print-console-colors library and program: Print all ANSI console colors (bsd3, console, library, program)
- print-debugger library: Debug print formatting library. (debug, library, public-domain)
- print-info library: Can be used to coordinate the printing output. (data, library, mit)
- printcess library and test: Pretty printing with indentation, mixfix operators, and automatic line breaks. (bsd3, library, pretty-printer)
- printf-mauke library: A Perl printf like formatter. (bsd3, library, text)
- printf-safe library: Type safe interface for Text.Printf (bsd3, library, text)
- prints library: The Artist Formerly Known as Prints (bsd3, library, text)
- printxosd program: Simple tool to display some text on an on-screen display (bsd3, graphics, program)
- priority-queue library: Simple implementation of a priority queue. (bsd3, data, library)
- priority-sync library and program: Cooperative task prioritization. (bsd3, concurrency, library, program)
- private-hackage-uploader library: Upload a package to the public or private hackage, building its docs (library, mit, system)
- privileged-concurrency library: Provides privilege separated versions of the concurrency primitives. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- prizm library and test: Convert colors to different color spaces, interpolate colors, and transform colors (bsd3, graphics, library)
- pro-abstract library and test: Abstract syntax for writing documents (language, library, mpl)
- pro-source library and test: Utilities for tracking source locations (library, mpl, parsing)
- prob library and test: Discrete probability monad (bsd3, library, math)
- prob-fx library and program: A library for modular probabilistic modelling (bsd3, library, program, statistics)
- probability library: Probabilistic Functional Programming (bsd3, graphics, library, math, monads)
- probability-polynomial library, test and benchmark: Probability distributions via piecewise polynomials (bsd3, deltaq, library, math, numeric, probability)
- probable library and benchmark: Easy and reasonably efficient probabilistic programming and random generation (bsd3, library, math, statistics)
- proc library: Parse process information for Linux (gpl, library, system)
- proc-net library: Parse /proc/net/{tcp,tcp6,udp,udp6} (library, mit, network)
- process library: Process libraries (bsd3, library, system)
- process-conduit library and test: Conduits for processes (deprecated) (bsd3, conduit, deprecated, library, system)
- process-extras library and test: Process extras (library, mit, system)
- process-iterio library and test: IterIO Process Library (bsd3, library, system)
- process-leksah library: Process libraries (bsd3, library, system)
- process-listlike library: Process extras (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- process-progress library: Run a process and do reportsing on its progress. (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- process-qq library: Quasi-Quoters for exec process (bsd3, library, system)
- process-sequential library: A test suite for the complex multi files multi level processment. (library, mit, system, testing)
- process-streaming library and tests: Streaming interface to system processes. (bsd3, library, system)
- processing library: Web graphic applications with processing.js. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- processing-for-haskell library: Computer graphics for kids and artists with Processing implemented in Haskell. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- processmemory library: C bindings for the gnu-extension functions process_vm_readv and process_vm_writev (bsd3, library, system)
- processor-creative-kit library: a creation kit for instruction sets and cpu simulators and development tools (bsd3, embedded, hardware, language, library, system)
- procex library and test: Ergonomic process launching with extreme flexibility and speed (library, mit, shell, system)
- procrastinating-structure library: Pure structures that can be incrementally created
in impure code (data, deprecated, library)
- procrastinating-variable library: Haskell values that cannot be evaluated immediately. (bsd3, data, library)
- procstat library: get information on processes in Linux (bsd3, library, system)
- proctest library and program: An IO library for testing interactive command line programs (library, mit, program, testing)
- prodapi library: Some curated and opinionated packages for building Haskell services. (bsd3, library, system)
- prodapi-proxy library: write an HTTP proxy with prodapi counters (bsd3, library, system)
- prodapi-userauth library: a base lib for performing user-authentication in prodapi services (bsd3, library, web)
- producer library and test: Simple streaming datatype (education, library, mit)
- product library: Product category (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- product-isomorphic library and test: Weaken applicative functor on products (bsd3, data, library)
- product-profunctors library, test and benchmark: product-profunctors (bsd3, category, control, library)
- prof-flamegraph program: Generate flamegraphs from ghc RTS .prof files (mit, program, testing)
- prof2dot program: Convert GHC profiles into GraphViz's dot format (bsd3, development, program)
- prof2pretty programs: generate pretty source from time/allocation profiles (bsd3, development, profiling, program)
- profiterole program: Restructure GHC profile reports (bsd3, development, program)
- profiteur library and program: Treemap visualiser for GHC prof files (bsd3, development, library, profiling, program)
- profunctor-arrows library: Profunctor arrows (bsd3, data, library, profunctors)
- profunctor-extras library: This package has been absorbed into profunctors 4.0 (bsd3, categories, control, library)
- profunctor-misc library: Profunctor miscellany (bsd3, data, library, profunctors)
- profunctor-monad library and test: Monadic bidirectional programming (control, library, mit)
- profunctor-optics library and program: A compact optics library compatible with the typeclasses in profunctors. (bsd3, data, lenses, library, profunctors, program)
- profunctors library: Profunctors (bsd3, categories, control, library)
- program library: Programs with Environments and Managed Resources (bsd3, control, library)
- progress library: Simple progress tracking & projection library (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- progress-meter library: Live diagnostics for concurrent activity (bsd3, library, system)
- progress-reporting library: Functionality for reporting function progress. (control, lgpl, library)
- progressbar library: Progressbar API (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- progression library: Automates the recording and graphing of criterion benchmarks (bsd3, development, library)
- progressive program: Multilabel classification model which learns sequentially (online). (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- proj4-hs-bindings library: Haskell bindings for the Proj4 C dynamic library. (data, library)
- project-forge library and test: A project initialization library (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- project-m36 library, programs, tests and benchmarks: Relational Algebra Engine (library, mit, program, public-domain, relational-algebra)
- project-template library and test: Specify Haskell project templates and generate files (bsd3, development, library)
- projectile library and test: Go to (library, mit, todo)
- projection library: Projection function for arbitrarily nested binary product types. (bsd3, generics, library)
- projectroot library and test: Bindings to the projectroot C logic (library, mit, system)
- prolens library and tests: Profunctor-based lightweight implementation of optics (data, lenses, library, mpl, optics)
- prolog library: A Prolog interpreter written in Haskell. (language, library, public-domain)
- prolog-graph program: A command line tool to visualize query resolution in Prolog. (language, program, public-domain)
- prolog-graph-lib library: Generating images of resolution trees for Prolog queries. (language, library, public-domain)
- prologue library: Better, more general Prelude exporting common utilities. (apache, control, library)
- prolude library: ACI Learning's custom prelude (deprecated, library, mit, prelude)
- prometheus library: Prometheus Haskell Client (bsd3, library, metrics, monitoring, system, web)
- prometheus-client library, tests and benchmark: Haskell client library for (apache, library, network)
- prometheus-effect library, program, test and benchmark: Instrument applications with metrics and publish/push to Prometheus (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, unclassified)
- prometheus-metrics-ghc library and test: Metrics exposing GHC runtime information for use with prometheus-client. (apache, library, network)
- prometheus-proc library: Export metrics from /proc for the current process (bsd3, library, system)
- prometheus-wai-middleware library and program: Instrument a wai application with various metrics (bsd3, library, program, web)
- promise library: A monadic interface for async (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- promises library: Lazy demand-driven promises (bsd3, concurrent, lazy, library)
- prompt library: Monad (and transformer) for deferred-effect pure
prompt-response queries (control, library, mit)
- pronounce library: A library for interfacing with the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary (bsd3, library, text)
- proof-assistant-bot library and program: Telegram bot for proof assistants (dependent-types, library, mit, program)
- proof-combinators library: DEPRECATED (deprecated, library, mit, theorem-proving)
- prop-unit library and test: Conveniences for using Hedgehog as a unit test runner (bsd3, library, testing)
- propane library: Functional synthesis of images and animations (bsd3, graphics, library)
- propeller library and test: A Propagator Library (bsd3, data, library)
- propellor library and programs: property-based host configuration management in haskell (bsd2, library, program, utility)
- properties library: check quickCheck properties in real time. (bsd3, library, testing)
- property library: common properties (bsd3, deprecated, library, math, testing)
- property-list library: Apple property list parser (data, library, parsing, public-domain, xml)
- property-matchers library and test: A library for tests, based on transforming and writing properties (bsd3, data, library)
- proplang library: A library for functional GUI development (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- props library and test: Reusable quickcheck properties (bsd3, library, test)
- proquint library and test: Proquints: Identifiers that are Readable, Spellable, and Pronounceable (data, library)
- prosidy library and test: A simple language for writing documents. (language, library, mpl)
- prosidyc library: A DSL for processing Prosidy documents. (language, library, mpl)
- prospect library and test: Explore continuations with trepidation (bsd3, control, library)
- prosper library: Bindings to the Prosper marketplace API (bsd3, finance, library)
- proteaaudio library: Simple audio library for Windows, Linux, OSX. (bsd3, library, sound)
- proteaaudio-sdl library: Simple audio library for SDL. (bsd3, library, sound)
- proteome library and program: Neovim Project Manager (library, neovim, program)
- proto-lens library and tests: A lens-based implementation of protocol buffers in Haskell. (bsd3, data, library)
- proto-lens-arbitrary library: Arbitrary instances for proto-lens. (bsd3, data, library)
- proto-lens-combinators library and test: Utilities functions to proto-lens. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- proto-lens-descriptors library: Protocol buffers for describing the definitions of messages. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- proto-lens-etcd library: proto-lens-etcd - protobuffer lenses for etcd provided by protoc-lens-protoc (apache, library, unclassified)
- proto-lens-jsonpb library: JSON protobuf encoding for proto-lens (bsd3, library, web)
- proto-lens-optparse library: Adapting proto-lens to optparse-applicative ReadMs. (bsd3, data, library)
- proto-lens-protobuf-types library: Basic protocol buffer message types. (bsd3, data, library)
- proto-lens-protoc library and program: Protocol buffer compiler for the proto-lens library. (bsd3, data, library, program)
- proto-lens-runtime library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- proto-lens-setup library: Cabal support for codegen with proto-lens. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- proto3-suite library, programs and test: A higher-level API to the proto3-wire library (apache, codec, library, program)
- proto3-wire library, test and benchmark: A low-level implementation of the Protocol Buffers (version 3) wire format (apache, codec, library)
- protobuf library, test and benchmark: Google Protocol Buffers via GHC.Generics (bsd3, data, library)
- protobuf-builder library: Slow protobuf implementation (bsd3, data, library)
- protobuf-native library, program and tests: Protocol Buffers via C++ (bsd3, data, library, program)
- protobuf-simple library, program and test: Simple Protocol Buffers library (proto2) (data, library, mit, program)
- protocol library: Model distributed system as type-level multi-party protocol (bsd3, control, distributed-computing, distributed-systems, library, protocol)
- protocol-buffers library: Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications (bsd3, library, text)
- protocol-buffers-descriptor library: Text.DescriptorProto.Options and code generated from the Google Protocol Buffer specification (bsd3, library, text)
- protocol-buffers-descriptor-fork library: Text.DescriptorProto.Options and code generated from the Google Protocol Buffer specification (bsd3, library, text)
- protocol-buffers-fork library: Parse Google Protocol Buffer specifications (bsd3, library, text)
- protocol-radius library: parser and printer for radius protocol packet (bsd3, library, network)
- protocol-radius-test library and test: testsuit of protocol-radius haskell package (bsd3, library, testing)
- protolude library: A small prelude. (library, mit, prelude)
- protolude-lifted library: Protolude with lifted-base and lifted-async. (bsd3, library, prelude)
- proton library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- proton-haskell library and test: Simple XML templating library (apache, library, web)
- prototype library: prototype-based programming on Haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- prove-everywhere-server program: The server for ProveEverywhere (bsd3, program, web)
- provenience library: Computations that automatically track data dependencies (algorithm-visualization, gpl, library)
- provide library and test: Lightweight dependency injection / namespaced+typed implicit-ish arguments (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- proxied library: Make functions consume Proxy instead of undefined (bsd3, data, library)
- proxy library: proxy helpers (data, library, mit)
- proxy-kindness library: A library for kind-polymorphic manipulation and inspection of Proxy values (bsd3, data, library)
- proxy-mapping library: Mapping of Proxy Types (bsd3, data, library)
- prune-juice library, program and test: Prune unused Haskell dependencies (development, library, mit, program)
- psc-ide library, programs and test: Language support for the PureScript programming language (deprecated, development, library, mit, program, purescript)
- pseudo-boolean library and test: Reading/Writing OPB/WBO files used in pseudo boolean competition (bsd3, constraints, data, library, logic, optimisation, optimization)
- pseudo-trie library: A tagged rose-tree with short circuited unique leaves (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- pseudomacros library: cpp-style built-in macros using Template Haskell (bsd3, development, library, template-haskell)
- psi library: Yet another custom Prelude. (library, mit, prelude)
- psql library and test: PostgreSQL client (bsd3, database, library)
- psql-helpers library: A small collection of helper functions to generate postgresql queries (library, mit, web)
- psql-utils library: PostgreSQL Simple util tools. (bsd3, data, library, postgresql)
- psqueues library, test and benchmark: Pure priority search queues (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- pstemmer library and program: A Haskell Implementation of the Porter Stemmer (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- psx library and tests: Integrate libpsx with the GHC RTS (bsd3, library, system)
- ptera library and tests: A parser generator (library, parsing)
- ptera-core library and tests: A parser generator (library, parsing)
- ptera-th library and tests: A parser generator (library, parsing)
- pthread library and test: Bindings for the pthread library. (bsd3, ffi, library, system)
- ptr library, test and benchmark: Experimental abstractions for operations on pointers (data, library, mit, ptr)
- ptr-poker library, test and benchmark: Pointer poking action construction and composition toolkit (data, library, memory, mit, ptr)
- ptrdiff library: Type-checked pointer diffs (ffi, library)
- pub programs: Pipe stdin to a redis pub/sub channel (bsd3, program, utility)
- publicsuffix library, test and benchmark: The publicsuffix list exposed as proper Haskell types (data, library, mit)
- publicsuffixlist library and test: Is a given string a domain suffix? (bsd3, library, network)
- publicsuffixlistcreate library and test: Create the publicsuffixlist package (bsd3, library, network)
- publish programs and test: Publishing tools for papers, books, and presentations (mit, program, text)
- pubnub library, programs and test: PubNub Haskell SDK (api, cloud, library, mit, program)
- pubsub library and programs: A library for Google/SixApart pubsub hub interaction (bsd3, library, program, web)
- puffytools library, program and test: A CLI assistant (bsd3, library, program, utility)
- pugixml library and test: pugixml binding. (library, mit, text, xml)
- pugs-DrIFT library and program: DrIFT with pugs-specific rules. (bsd3, library, program, pugs)
- pugs-HsSyck library: Fast, lightweight YAML loader and dumper (library, text)
- pugs-compat library: Portable Haskell/POSIX layer for Pugs (library, public-domain, pugs)
- pugs-hsregex library: Haskell PCRE binding (bsd3, library, text)
- pulse library: Synchronize actions to a time pulse (concurrency, library, mit)
- pulse-simple library: binding to Simple API of pulseaudio (bsd3, library, sound)
- pulseaudio library: A low-level (incomplete) wrapper around the pulseaudio client asynchronous api (lgpl, library, sound)
- punkt library and test: Multilingual unsupervised sentence tokenization with Punkt. (library, mit, natural-language-processing, text)
- punycode library and test: Encode unicode strings to ascii forms according to RFC 3492 (bsd3, library, text, web)
- puppetresources program: A program that displays the puppet resources associated to a node given .pp files. (deprecated, gpl, program, system)
- pure-cdb library and test: Another pure-haskell CDB (Constant Database) implementation (bsd3, database, library)
- pure-fft library: Fast Fourier Transform (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- pure-io library: Pure IO monad. (bsd3, development, education, library)
- pure-noise library, test and benchmark: Performant, modern noise generation for Haskell with minimal dependencies. Based on FastNoiseLite. (bsd3, library, math, noise, numeric)
- pure-priority-queue library: A pure priority queue. (bsd3, data, library)
- pure-priority-queue-tests program: Tests for the pure-priority-queue package (bsd3, data, program)
- pure-shuffle library and test: (algorithms, apache, library)
- pure-sum library and test: Derive fromString/toString-like for pure sum types (data, library)
- pure-sum-aeson library and test: Derive fromString/toString-like for pure sum types (aeson instances) (data, library)
- pure-zlib library, program, test and benchmark: A Haskell-only implementation of zlib / DEFLATE (bsd3, codec, library, program)
- pureMD5 library and test: A Haskell-only implementation of the MD5 digest (hash) algorithm. (bsd3, codes, cryptography, data, library)
- purebred-email library and test: types and parser for email messages (including MIME) (agpl, data, email, library)
- purenix library and program: Nix backend for PureScript. Transpile PureScript code to Nix. (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- puresat library and tests: Pure Haskell SAT-solver (bsd3, data, library)
- purescheme-wai-routing-core library, program and test: Simple Routing functions for Wai Applications (apache, library, program, web)
- purescript library, program and test: PureScript Programming Language Compiler (bsd3, language, library, program)
- purescript-ast library: PureScript Programming Language Abstract Syntax Tree (bsd3, language, library)
- purescript-bridge library and test: Generate PureScript data types from Haskell data types (bsd3, library, web)
- purescript-bundle-fast program: A fast alternative to Purescript's `psc-bundle` to be used during development (development, mit, program)
- purescript-cst library: PureScript Programming Language Concrete Syntax Tree (bsd3, language, library)
- purescript-iso library and test: Isomorphic trivial data type definitions over JSON (bsd3, library, web)
- purescript-tsd-gen library and program: TypeScript Declaration File (.d.ts) generator for PureScript (bsd3, language, library, program)
- pursuit-client library and program: A cli client for pursuit (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)
- purview library and test: A simple, fun way to build websites (bsd3, library, web)
- push-notifications library: Push notifications for Android and iOS (bsd3, library, network-apis)
- push-notify library: A server-side library for sending push notifications. (cloud, library, mit, mobile, network)
- push-notify-apn library, program and test: Send push notifications to mobile iOS devices (bsd3, cloud, library, mobile, network, program)
- push-notify-ccs library: A server-side library for sending/receiving push notifications through CCS (Google Cloud Messaging). (cloud, library, mit, mobile, network)
- push-notify-general library: A general library for sending/receiving push notif. through dif. services. (cloud, library, mit, mobile, network)
- pushbullet library and test: Simple push support for pushbullet (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- pushbullet-types library: Datatypes used by the Pushbullet APIs (library, mit, web)
- pusher-haskell library and test: A client written in Haskell (library, mit, web)
- pusher-http-haskell library and test: Haskell client library for the Pusher Channels HTTP API (library, mit, network)
- pusher-ws library: Implementation of the Pusher WebSocket protocol (library, mit, network)
- pushme program: Tool to synchronize directories with rsync, zfs or git-annex (bsd3, program, system)
- pushover library and test: A Haskell Pushover API library (bsd3, library, web)
- putlenses library: Put-based lens library (bsd3, generics, lenses, library)
- puzzle-draw library, programs and test: Creating graphics for pencil puzzles. (graphics, library, mit, program)
- puzzle-draw-cmdline program: Creating graphics for pencil puzzles, command line tools. (deprecated, graphics, mit, program)
- pvar library and test: Mutable variable with primitive values (bsd3, data, library)
- pvd programs: A photo viewer daemon application with remote controlling abilities. (bsd3, image-viewer, program)
- pvector library, test and benchmark: Fast persistent vectors (bsd3, data, library)
- pvss program and test: Public Verifiable Secret Sharing (crypto, mit, program)
- pwstore-cli program and test: Command line interface for the pwstore library (console, cryptography, gpl, program)
- pwstore-fast library: Secure password storage. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- pwstore-purehaskell library: Secure password storage, in pure Haskell. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- pxsl-tools program: Parsimonious XML Shorthand Language--to-XML compiler (program, xml)
- pyffi library: Call python inline from haskell (language, library, mit)
- pyfi library: Call python inline from haskell (language, library, mit)
- python-pickle library, program and test: Serialization/deserialization using Python Pickle format. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- q4c12-twofinger library and tests: Efficient alternating finger trees (bsd2, data-structures, library)
- qbe library and test: Types and prettyprinter for the IL of the QBE compiler backend (bsd3, language, library)
- qc-oi-testgenerator library: Compile time generation of operation invariance tests for QuickCheck (bsd3, library, testing)
- qchas library, program and test: A library for implementing Quantum Algorithms (algorithms, bsd3, library, program)
- qd library: double-double and quad-double number type via libqd (bsd3, library, math)
- qd-vec library: 'Vec' instances for 'qd' types (bsd3, library, math)
- qed library and test: Simple prover (bsd3, library, theorem-provers)
- qhs program and test: Command line tool qhs, SQL queries on CSV and TSV files. (console, mit, program)
- qhull library: Delaunay triangulation, Voronoi diagrams and convex hulls. (gpl, library, math)
- qhull-simple library: Simple bindings to Qhull, a library for computing convex hulls (bsd3, library, math)
- qif library and test: A simple QIF file format parser / printer (bsd3, finance, library)
- qlinear library and test: Typesafe library for linear algebra (bsd3, library, math)
- qm-interpolated-string library and test: Implementation of interpolated multiline strings (data, interpolated, library, public-domain)
- qnap-decrypt library, program and test: Decrypt files encrypted by QNAP's Hybrid Backup Sync (bsd3, cryptography, library, program)
- qq-bytes library and test: QuasiQuoter for byte sequence (apache, library, text)
- qq-literals library and test: Compile-time checked literal values via QuasiQuoters. (library, mit, unclassified)
- qr library and program: Pure Haskell QR encoder library and command line tool (bsd3, data, library, program)
- qr-imager library and test: Library to generate images. (bsd3, data, deprecated, image, library, qr)
- qr-repa library and program: Library to generate QR codes from bytestrings and objects and scale image files (bsd3, data, library, program)
- qrcode library: QR Code library in pure Haskell (bsd3, codec, library)
- qrcode-core library: QR code library in pure Haskell (codec, library, mit)
- qrcode-juicypixels library: Converts a qrcode-core image to JuicyPixels (graphics, library, mit)
- qsem library: quantity semaphores (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- qt library: Qt bindings (graphics, library)
- qtah-cpp-qt5 library: Qt bindings for Haskell - C++ library (graphics, lgpl, library)
- qtah-cpp-qt6 library: Qt bindings for Haskell - C++ library (graphics, lgpl, library)
- qtah-examples program: Example programs for Qtah Qt bindings (graphics, lgpl, program)
- qtah-generator library and program: Generator for Qtah Qt bindings (graphics, lgpl, library, program)
- qtah-qt5 library and test: Qt bindings for Haskell (graphics, lgpl, library)
- qtah-qt6 library and test: Qt bindings for Haskell (graphics, lgpl, library)
- quaalude library: Extremely minimal prelude (apache, library, prelude)
- quack library: Convenience parser combinators for URI query strings (bsd3, library, web)
- quadratic-irrational library and tests: An implementation of quadratic irrationals (algorithms, data, library, math, mit)
- qualified-imports-plugin library and test: GHC plugin to automatically insert qualified imports (bsd3, library, relude)
- quandl-api library: API library (api, bsd3, data, library, web)
- quantfin library and program: Quant finance library in pure Haskell. (bsd3, finance, library, program)
- quantification library: Rage against the quantification (bsd3, library, web)
- quantification-aeson library: Rage against the quantification - integration with Aeson (bsd3, library, web)
- quantities library, program and tests: Unit conversion and manipulation library. (bsd3, data, library, math, physics, program)
- quantizer library: Library to provide the behaviour similar to quantum states superposition. (library, math, mit)
- quantum-arrow library: An embedding of quantum computation as a Haskell arrow (control, library)
- quantum-random library, program and test: Retrieve, store and manage real quantum random data. (library, mit, program, scientific)
- quarantimer program: Coronavirus quarantine timer web app for your things (bsd2, health, program)
- qudb program: Quite Useless DB (database, lgpl, program)
- quenya-verb library and program: Quenya verb conjugator (agpl, language, library, program)
- queryparser library and benchmark: Analysis and parsing library for SQL queries. (database, library, mit)
- queryparser-demo library: Demo package containing queryparser examples (database, library, mit)
- queryparser-hive library: Parsing for Hive SQL queries (database, library, mit)
- queryparser-presto library: Parsing for Presto SQL queries (database, library, mit)
- queryparser-vertica library: Parsing for Vertica SQL queries (database, library, mit)
- querystring-pickle library and test: Picklers for de/serialising Generic data types to and from query strings (data, library, network, web)
- questioner library: A package for prompting values from the command-line. (library, mit, system)
- queue library: Abstraction typeclasses for queue-like things. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- queue-sheet library, program and test: queue sheet utility (library, mit, program, utils)
- queuelike library: A library of queuelike data structures, both functional and stateful. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- queues library, test and benchmarks: Queue data structures. (bsd3, data, library)
- quibble-core library and test: Convenient SQL query language for Haskell (but only for single tables) (bsd3, database, library)
- quic library and test: QUIC (bsd3, library, web)
- quick-generator library: Generator random test data for QuickCheck (bsd3, library, testing)
- quick-schema library and test: Slimmed down json schema language and validator (data, json, library, mit)
- quickbench library, program and test: quick & easy benchmarking of command-line programs (development, library, program)
- quickbooks library: QuickBooks API binding. (bsd3, library, web)
- quickcheck-arbitrary-adt library and test: Generic typeclasses for generating arbitrary ADTs (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-arbitrary-template library and test: Generate QuickCheck Gen for Sum Types (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-assertions library and test: HUnit like assertions for QuickCheck (lgpl, library, testing)
- quickcheck-classes library and test: QuickCheck common typeclasses (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-classes-base library: QuickCheck common typeclasses from `base` (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-combinators library: Simple type-level combinators for augmenting QuickCheck instances. (bsd3, library, test)
- quickcheck-dynamic library and test: A library for stateful property-based testing (apache, library, testing)
- quickcheck-enum-instances library: arbitrary instances for small enum types (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-groups library and test: Testing group class instances with QuickCheck (apache, library, testing)
- quickcheck-higherorder library and test: QuickCheck extension for higher-order properties (library, mit, testing)
- quickcheck-instances library, test and benchmark: Common quickcheck instances (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-io library: Use HUnit assertions as QuickCheck properties (library, mit, testing)
- quickcheck-lockstep library and test: Library for lockstep-style testing with 'quickcheck-dynamic' (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-monoid-subclasses library and test: Testing monoid subclass instances with QuickCheck (apache, library, testing)
- quickcheck-poly library: Automating QuickCheck for polymorphic and overlaoded properties (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-properties library: QuickCheck properties for standard type classes. (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-property-comb library: Combinators for Quickcheck Property construction and diagnostics (library, public-domain, testing)
- quickcheck-property-monad library: A monad for generating QuickCheck properties without Arbitrary instances. (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-quid library and test: Quasi-unique identifiers for QuickCheck (apache, library, testing)
- quickcheck-regex library: Generate regex-constrained strings for QuickCheck (library, public-domain, quickcheck, regex, test)
- quickcheck-relaxng library: Generate RelaxNG-constrained XML documents for QuickCheck (hxt, library, public-domain, quickcheck, relaxng, test, xml)
- quickcheck-rematch library and test: QuickCheck support for rematch (library, mit, testing)
- quickcheck-report library: Customizable reports for quickcheck properties (library, mit, testing)
- quickcheck-script program: Automated test tool for QuickCheck. (bsd3, program, testing)
- quickcheck-simple library: Test properties and default-mains for QuickCheck (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-special library: Edge cases and special values for QuickCheck Arbitrary instances (library, mit, testing)
- quickcheck-state-machine library and test: Test monadic programs using state machine based models (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickcheck-state-machine-distributed library and test: Test monadic programs using state machine based models (bsd2, library, testing)
- quickcheck-string-random library and test: Helper to build generators with Text.StringRandom (bsd3, library, test)
- quickcheck-text library and test: Alternative arbitrary instance for Text (library, mit, text)
- quickcheck-transformer library: A GenT monad transformer for QuickCheck library. (library, mit, testing)
- quickcheck-unicode library: Generator and shrink functions for testing
Unicode-related software. (bsd2, library, testing, text)
- quickcheck-webdriver library: Utilities for using WebDriver with QuickCheck (library, mit, testing)
- quickcheck-with-counterexamples library: Get counterexamples from QuickCheck as Haskell values (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickjs-hs library and test: Wrapper for the QuickJS Javascript Engine (javascript, library, mit)
- quicklz library and test: QuickLZ compression for ByteStrings (codec, gpl, library)
- quickpull library, program and test: Generate Main module with QuickCheck tests (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, testing)
- quickselect library, tests and benchmark: (library, mit, unclassified)
- quickset library: Very fast and memory-compact query-only set and map structures (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- quickson library: Quick JSON extractions with Aeson (bsd3, deprecated, json, library, text, web)
- quickspec library: Equational laws for free! (bsd3, library, testing)
- quickterm library and program: An interface for describing and executing terminal applications (development, gpl, library, program)
- quicktest program: A reflective batch tester for Haskell. (bsd3, program, testing)
- quickwebapp library: A quick webapp generator for any file processing tool (gpl, library, web)
- quiet library and test: Generic deriving of Read/Show with no record labels. (bsd3, generics, library)
- quipper library: Meta-package for Quipper. (bsd3, library, quipper)
- quipper-algorithms library and programs: A set of algorithms implemented in Quipper. (bsd3, library, program, quipper)
- quipper-all library: Meta-package for Quipper. (bsd3, library, quipper)
- quipper-cabal library: Some functions to aid in the creation of Cabal packages for Quipper. (bsd3, library, quipper)
- quipper-core library: An embedded, scalable functional programming language for quantum computing. (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- quipper-demos library and programs: Miscellaneous code snippets that illustrate various Quipper features. (bsd3, library, program, quipper)
- quipper-language library and programs: Quipper, an embedded functional programming language for quantum
computation. (bsd3, library, program, quipper)
- quipper-libraries library and test: The standard libraries for Quipper. (bsd3, library, quipper)
- quipper-rendering library: An embedded, scalable functional programming language for quantum computing. (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- quipper-tools library and programs: Miscellaneous stand-alone tools for Quipper (bsd3, library, program, quipper)
- quipper-utils library: Utility libraries for Quipper. (bsd3, library, quipper)
- quiver library: Quiver finite stream processing library (bsd3, control, library)
- quiver-binary library and test: Binary serialisation support for Quivers (control, library, mit)
- quiver-bytestring library: Quiver combinators for bytestring streaming (bsd3, control, library)
- quiver-cell library: Quiver combinators for cellular data processing (bsd3, control, library)
- quiver-csv library: Quiver combinators for cellular CSV data processing (bsd3, control, library)
- quiver-enumerator library: Bridge between Quiver and Iteratee paradigms (bsd3, control, library)
- quiver-groups library and test: Group and chunk values within a Quiver (control, library, mit)
- quiver-http library: Adapter to stream over HTTP(s) with quiver (bsd3, control, http, library)
- quiver-instances library: Extra instances for Quiver (control, library, mit)
- quiver-interleave library and test: Interleave values from multiple Quivers (control, library, mit)
- quiver-sort library and test: Sort the values in a quiver (control, library, mit)
- quokka library and test: Test helpers which help generate data for projects that use postgresql. (database, library, mit, testing)
- quoridor-hs library, program and test: A Quoridor implementation in Haskell (bsd3, game, library, program)
- quote-quot library, test and benchmark: Divide without division (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- quotet library: Monad transformer for Quote from template-haskell (library, template-haskell)
- qux program: Command line binary for working with the Qux language (bsd3, program, qux)
- r-glpk-phonetic-languages-ukrainian-durations library and program: Can be used to calculate the durations of the approximations of the Ukrainian phonemes. (Ukrainian, glpk, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, program)
- r-tree library, test and benchmarks: R-/R*-trees. (data-structures, library, mit)
- r3x-haskell-sdk library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- raaz library, program, tests and benchmark: Fast and type safe cryptography. (codec, library, program, raaz)
- rabocsv2qif library and program: A library and program to create QIF files from Rabobank CSV exports. (finance, library, program)
- rad library: Reverse Automatic Differentiation. (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- radian library and test: Isomorphisms for measurements that use radians. (bsd3, development, library)
- radium library and test: Chemistry (bsd3, chemistry, library)
- radium-formula-parser library and test: Chemistry (bsd3, chemistry, deprecated, library)
- radius library: Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) (bsd3, library, network)
- radix program: Command-line tool for emitting numbers in various bases. (bsd3, program, utils)
- radix-tree library and test: Radix trees (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- radixtree library, test and benchmarks: (bsd3, library, web)
- rados-haskell library, test and benchmarks: librados haskell bindings (bsd3, library, system)
- raft library: Miscellaneous Haskell utilities for data structures and data manipulation. (data, library, mit)
- rail-compiler-editor library, programs and test: Compiler and editor for the esolang rail. (language, library, mit, program)
- rails-session library and test: Decrypt Ruby on Rails sessions in Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- rainbow library and tests: Print text to terminal with colors and effects (bsd3, library, system)
- rainbow-tests library: Tests and QuickCheck generators to accompany rainbow. (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- rainbox library and tests: Two-dimensional box pretty printing, with colors (bsd3, library, system)
- rake library: Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) (keyword-extractor, library, natural-language-processing, nlp, rake)
- raketka library, program and test: distributed-process node (library, network-control, program, public-domain)
- rakhana library: Stream based PDF library (bsd3, data, library)
- rakuten library and test: The Rakuten API in Haskell (library, mit, web)
- ral library and benchmark: Random access lists (data, dependent-types, gpl, library, singletons)
- ral-lens library: Length-indexed random access lists: lens utilities. (data, dependent-types, gpl, lens, library, singletons)
- ral-optics library: Length-indexed random access lists: optics utilities. (data, dependent-types, gpl, library, optics, singletons)
- ralist library, test and benchmark: Random access list with a list compatible interface. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- rallod library: '$' in reverse. (bsd3, library, web)
- raml library: RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML) library for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- rampart library and test: Determine how intervals relate to each other. (library, math, mit)
- ramus library, test and benchmark: Elm signal system for Haskell (library, mit, other)
- rand-vars library: Random variable library, with Functor, Applicative and Monad instances. (bsd3, library, random)
- randfile program: Program for picking a random file (bsd3, program, system)
- rando library and test: Easy-to-use randomness for livecoding (gpl, library, random)
- random library, tests and benchmarks: Pseudo-random number generation (bsd3, library, system)
- random-access-file library and benchmark: Random file access methods, supporting application-level page cache. (bsd3, library, system)
- random-access-list library: Random-access lists in Haskell (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- random-bytestring library: Efficient generation of random bytestrings (library, mit, system)
- random-class library: Class of random value generation (bsd3, deprecated, library, random)
- random-cycle library, test and benchmark: Uniform draws of partitions and cycle-partitions, with thinning. (gpl, graphs, library, math)
- random-derive library: A Template Haskell helper for deriving Random instances (bsd3, development, library)
- random-eff library: A simple random generator library for extensible-effects (bsd3, control, effect, library)
- random-effin library: A simple random generator library for effin (bsd3, control, effect, library)
- random-extras library: Additional functions for random values. (bsd3, data, library, math)
- random-fu : Random number generation (math, public-domain)
- random-fu-multivariate library and test: Multivariate distributions for random-fu (bsd3, library, math)
- random-hypergeometric library and test: Random variate generation from hypergeometric distributions (library, math, mit)
- random-names library: Expose Random and Arbitrary instances (library, mit, simple)
- random-shuffle library: Random shuffle implementation. (bsd3, library, system)
- random-source library: Generic basis for random number generators (deprecated, library, math, public-domain)
- random-stream library: An infinite stream of random data (bsd3, library, system)
- random-string library: Generate a random base 16, 58, or 64 string (bsd3, data, library)
- random-strings library, program and tests: Generate random strings with specific qualities (bsd3, library, program, test, text-)
- random-tree library: Create random trees (data-structures, gpl, library)
- random-variates library, program and tests: "Uniform RNG => Non-Uniform RNGs" (library, mit, program, statistics)
- randomgen program: A fast, SMP parallel random data generator (bsd3, program, system)
- randproc library: Data structures and support functions for working with random processes (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- randsolid program: Set the background of your root window to a random colour. (program, public-domain, system)
- range library and test: An efficient and versatile range library. (data, library, mit)
- range-set-list library and test: Memory efficient sets with ranges of elements. (data, library, mit)
- range-space library and test: A Range type with vector-space instances (bsd3, library, math)
- ranged-list library and tests: The list like structure whose length or range of length can be specified (bsd3, library, list)
- rangemin library: Linear range-min algorithms. (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- ranges library: Ranges and various functions on them. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- rangeset library, test and benchmarks: Efficient sets for semi-contiguous data (bsd3, data, library)
- rank-product library and program: Find the rank product of a data set. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- rank1dynamic library and test: Like Data.Dynamic/Data.Typeable but with support for rank-1 polymorphic types (bsd3, data, library)
- rank2classes library and test: standard type constructor class hierarchy, only with methods of rank 2 types (bsd3, control, data, generics, library)
- rapid library: Hot reload and reload-surviving values with GHCi (bsd3, development, library)
- rapid-term library: External terminal support for rapid (bsd3, development, library)
- rasa library and test: A modular text editor (executable, gpl, library, text-editor)
- rasa-example-config program: Example user config for Rasa (config, gpl, program)
- rasa-ext-bufs library: Rasa Ext for useful buffer utilities (extension, library, mit)
- rasa-ext-cmd library: Rasa Ext for running commands (extension, gpl, library)
- rasa-ext-cursors library: Rasa Ext adding cursor(s) (extension, gpl, library)
- rasa-ext-files library: Rasa Ext for filesystem actions (extension, gpl, library)
- rasa-ext-logger library: Rasa Ext for logging state/actions (extension, gpl, library)
- rasa-ext-slate library: Rasa extension for rendering to terminal with vty (extension, gpl, library)
- rasa-ext-status-bar library: Rasa Ext for populating status-bar (extension, gpl, library)
- rasa-ext-style library: Rasa Ext managing rendering styles (extension, gpl, library)
- rasa-ext-views library: Rasa Ext managing rendering views (extension, gpl, library)
- rasa-ext-vim library and test: Rasa Ext for vim bindings (extension, gpl, library)
- rascal library, program and test: A command-line client for Reddit (library, mit, program, web)
- rasterific-svg library and program: SVG renderer based on Rasterific. (bsd3, graphics, library, program, svg)
- rate-limit library: A basic library for rate-limiting IO actions. (bsd3, control, library)
- ratel library and test: Notify Honeybadger about exceptions. (exceptions, library, mit)
- ratel-wai library: Notify Honeybadger about exceptions via a WAI middleware. (exceptions, library, mit)
- ratelimiter library and test: In-memory rate limiter (bsd3, library, web)
- rating-chgk-info library, programs, test and benchmark: Client for API and CSV tables (documentation in Russian) (bsd3, library, program, utility)
- rating-systems library: Implementations of several rating systems: Elo, Glicko, etc (bsd3, library, text)
- ratio-int library: Fast specialisation of Data.Ratio for Int. (bsd3, library, math)
- rational-list library and test: finite or repeating lists (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- rattle library, programs and test: Forward build system, with caching and speculation (bsd3, development, library, program)
- rattletrap library, program and test: Parse and generate Rocket League replays. (game, library, mit, program)
- raven-haskell library: Haskell client for Sentry logging service. (library, logging, mit)
- raven-haskell-scotty library: Sentry http interface for Scotty web server. (library, mit, web)
- raw-feldspar library and tests: Resource-Aware Feldspar (bsd3, language, library)
- raw-strings-qq library and test: Raw string literals for Haskell. (bsd3, library, text)
- rawfilepath library and test: Use RawFilePath instead of FilePath (apache, library, system)
- rawlock library and test: A writer-biased RAW lock. (apache, concurrency, library)
- rawr library, tests and benchmark: Anonymous extensible records (bsd3, library, records)
- rawstring-qm library: Simple raw string quotation and dictionary interpolation (bsd3, library, text)
- raylib-imgui library: Haskell bindings for rlImGui (apache, graphics, library)
- raz library, test and benchmarks: Random Access Zippers (algorithms, library, mit)
- razom-text-util library and test: Common text/parsing tools for Razom language packages. (library, public-domain, text)
- rbpcp-api library: RESTful Bitcoin Payment Channel Protocol Servant API description (finance-network-bitcoin, library)
- rbr programs: Mask nucleotide (EST) sequences in Fasta format (bioinformatics, program)
- rbst library, tests and benchmark: Randomized Binary Search Trees (data-structures, library, mit)
- rc library, program and test: Reservoir Computing, fast RNNs (bsd3, library, machine-learning, program)
- rclient library: Haskell client for Rserve (bsd3, library, math, network, statistics)
- rcu library, programs and benchmarks: Read-Copy-Update for Haskell (bsd3, data, library, program)
- rdf library and benchmark: Representation and Incremental Processing of RDF Data (data, library, mit)
- rdf4h library, program, test and benchmark: A library for RDF processing in Haskell (bsd3, library, program, rdf)
- rdf4h-vocab-activitystreams library: The ActivityStreams 2 RDF vocabulary for rdf4h. (bsd3, library, rdf)
- rdioh library and programs: A Haskell wrapper for Rdio's API. (api, library, mit, network, program, web)
- rds-data library, program and tests: Codecs for use with AWS rds-data (bsd3, data, library, program)
- rds-data-codecs library, program and tests: Codecs for use with AWS rds-data (bsd3, data, library, program)
- rdtsc library: Binding for the rdtsc machine instruction (bsd3, foreign-binding, library)
- rdtsc-enolan library: Binding to sources of high-efficiency, high-precision, monotonically
increasing relative time. (bsd3, foreign-binding, library, time)
- re2 library and test: Bindings to the re2 regular expression library (library, mit, regex)
- react library: Create React components in Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- react-flux library: A binding to React based on the Flux application architecture for GHCJS (bsd3, library, web)
- react-flux-servant library: Allow react-flux stores to send requests to a servant server (bsd3, library, web)
- react-haskell library: Haskell React bindings (library, mit, web)
- react-tutorial-haskell-server program: react-tutorial web server (agpl, program, web)
- reaction-logic library and program: pluggable pure logic serializable reactor (bsd3, library, program, reactivity)
- reactive : Push-pull functional reactive programming (frp, reactivity)
- reactive-bacon library and test: FRP (functional reactive programming) framework (bsd3, frp, library)
- reactive-balsa library: Programmatically edit MIDI events via ALSA and reactive-banana (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- reactive-banana library, test and benchmarks: Library for functional reactive programming (FRP). (bsd3, frp, library)
- reactive-banana-automation library and test: home (etc) automation using reactive-banana (agpl, frp, library, reactivity)
- reactive-banana-bunch library: Extend reactive-banana to multiple events per time point (bsd3, frp, library)
- reactive-banana-gi-gtk library and test: Simple reactive programming with GTK GObject Introspection (development, library, public-domain)
- reactive-banana-sdl library: Reactive Banana bindings for SDL (gpl, graphics, library)
- reactive-banana-sdl2 library and test: Reactive Banana integration with SDL2 (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)
- reactive-banana-threepenny library: Examples for the reactive-banana library, using threepenny-gui. (bsd3, deprecated, frp, gui, library)
- reactive-banana-wx library: Examples for the reactive-banana library, using wxHaskell. (bsd3, frp, gui, library)
- reactive-fieldtrip library: Connect Reactive and FieldTrip (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)
- reactive-glut library: Connects Reactive and GLUT (bsd3, frp, graphics, library)
- reactive-haskell library: minimal fork of io-reactive (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, reactivity)
- reactive-io library: IO-oriented FRP library (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- reactive-jack library: Process MIDI events via reactive-banana and JACK (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- reactive-midyim library: Process MIDI events via reactive-banana (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- reactive-thread library and program: Reactive programming via imperative threads (bsd3, frp, library, program)
- reactivity : An alternate implementation of push-pull FRP. (frp, reactivity)
- reactor library: Reactor - task parallel reactive programming (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library)
- read-bounded library: Class for reading bounded values (bsd3, library, text)
- read-ctags library, program and test: (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- read-editor library: Opens a temporary file on the system's EDITOR and returns the resulting edits (library, mit, system)
- read-env-var library and test: Functions for safely reading environment variables. (bsd3, library, system)
- read-io library and test: Read IO library (library, mit, system)
- readability library and program: Extracts text of main article from HTML document (bsd3, html, library, program, text)
- readable library: Reading from Text and ByteString (bsd3, library, text)
- readcsv library: Lightweight CSV parser/emitter based on ReadP (library, mit, web)
- reader-soup library: Vinyl-based reader-like monad composition (combinators, control, library, mit)
- readline library: An interface to the GNU readline library (console, library)
- readline-in-other-words library and program: Readline effect for in-other-words. (bsd2, command-line, effect, haskeline, in-other-words, library, program, user-interfaces)
- readline-statevar library: Readline with variables (setX/getY) wrapped in state vars (bsd3, library, utils)
- readme-lhs library, program and test: Literate programming support. (bsd3, deprecated, development, library, program)
- readpyc program: Read and pretty print Python bytecode (.pyc) files. (bsd3, language-, program)
- readshp library: Code for reading ESRI Shapefiles. (geometry, library, mit)
- real-day-end library and test: Tiny library to calculate date considering when your day realy ends (bsd3, library, web)
- real-dice library, program and test: Random number generation based on physical media touched by humans (data, library, math, mit, program)
- really-simple-xml-parser library: A really simple XML parser (language, library, public-domain)
- realworldhaskell library and test: The Real World Haskell Book (learning, library)
- reanimate library and test: Animation library based on SVGs. (graphics, library)
- reanimate-svg library and test: SVG file loader and serializer (bsd3, graphics, library, svg)
- reason-export library and test: Generate Reason types from Haskell (library, mit, web)
- reasonable-lens library: Lens implementation. It is more small but adequately. (control, library, mit)
- reasonable-operational library: Just size Operational Monad implementation. (control, library, mit)
- rebase library: A more progressive alternative to the "base" package (library, mit, unclassified)
- rebindable library: A library to facilitate rebinding of Haskell syntax (library, mit, syntax)
- rec-def library and tests: Recursively defined values (bsd2, data, library)
- rec-smallarray library and test: SmallArray-based extensible records for small-scale fast reads (bsd3, data, library, records)
- recaptcha library: Functions for using the reCAPTCHA service in web applications. (bsd3, library, network)
- recommender-als library and program: Recommendations using alternating least squares algorithm (bsd3, library, numeric, program)
- record library: Anonymous records (control, data-structures, library, mit, records)
- record-aeson library and test: Instances of "aeson" classes for the "record" types (data, json, library, mit, records)
- record-dot-preprocessor library, program and test: Preprocessor to allow record.field syntax (bsd3, development, library, program)
- record-encode library and tests: Generic encoding of records (bsd3, data, data-mining, data-science, deprecated, library, machine-learning)
- record-gl library and test: Utilities for working with OpenGL's GLSL shading language and Nikita Volkov's "Record"s. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- record-hasfield library and test: A version of GHC.Records as available in future GHCs. (bsd3, development, library)
- record-impl library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- record-operations library: polymorphic record operations (bsd3, library, records)
- record-preprocessor library, program and benchmark: Compiler preprocessor introducing a syntactic extension for anonymous records (compiler, library, mit, preprocessor, program, records)
- record-syntax library, test and benchmark: A library for parsing and processing the Haskell syntax sprinkled with anonymous records (library, mit, parser, preprocessor, records, syntax)
- record-wrangler library and test: Alter your records with ease (development, library)
- records library: A flexible record system (bsd3, data, library, records)
- records-sop library and test: Record subtyping and record utilities with generics-sop (bsd3, generics, library)
- records-th library: Template Haskell declarations for the records package (data, library, mit)
- recover-rtti library and test: Recover run-time type information from the GHC heap (bsd3, debugging, library)
- recurly-client library: Client for Recurly subscription management (client, library, mit, payments)
- recursion : A recursion schemes library for Haskell. (bsd3, control, recursion)
- recursion-schemes library and test: Representing common recursion patterns as higher-order functions (bsd2, control, library, recursion)
- recursion-schemes-ext library, test and benchmark: Amateur addenda to recursion-schemes (bsd3, control, library)
- recursion-schemes-ix library and test: Recursion schemes over indexed Functors (bsd3, data, library)
- recursive-line-count program: Count lines in files and display them hierarchically (bsd3, program, tools)
- recursive-zipper library: Zippers over recursive data structures. (bsd3, data, library)
- recursors library and test: Auto-generate final encodings and their isomorphisms using Template Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- recv library and test: Efficient network recv (bsd3, library, network)
- red-black-record library and tests: Extensible records and variants indexed by a type-level Red-Black tree. (bsd3, data, library)
- red-black-tree library and test: Red Black Trees implemented in Haskell (bsd3, data-structure, library)
- redHandlers library: Monadic HTTP request handlers combinators to build a standalone web apps. (library, web)
- redact library, program and test: hide secret text on the terminal (library, mit, program, utils)
- reddit library and tests: Library for interfacing with Reddit's API (bsd2, library, network)
- reddit-scrape library and test: Library for getting links from a sub-reddit (bsd2, library, web-scraping)
- redesigned-carnival library: Package for dependency confusion (acme, library)
- redis library: A driver for Redis key-value database (database, library, mit)
- redis-glob library and test: Specify valid redis globs (bsd3, library, redis, web)
- redis-hs library: A simple Redis library for Haskell (database, library, mit)
- redis-io library, test and benchmark: Yet another redis client. (database, library, mpl)
- redis-job-queue library: Simple priority job queue backed by Redis. (client, library, mit)
- redis-resp library: REdis Serialization Protocol (RESP) implementation. (data, library, mpl)
- redis-schema library: Typed, schema-based, composable Redis library (bsd3, database, library)
- redis-simple library: Simple redis bindings for Haskell (bsd3, database, library)
- rediscaching-haxl library: Combine redis caching and haxl. (bsd3, cache, database, library)
- redland library: Redland RDF library bindings (bsd3, database, library)
- redo program: software build system, make replacement, implementation of djb's redo (distribution, program, public-domain)
- reduce-equations library, program and test: Simplify a set of equations by removing redundancies (bsd3, library, math, program)
- reducers library: Semigroups, specialized containers and a general map/reduce framework (bsd3, data, library, math, numerical, semigroups)
- reedsolomon library, test and benchmark: Reed-Solomon Erasure Coding in Haskell (data, library, mit)
- reenact library: A reimplementation of the Reactive library. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- reexport-crypto-random library: (gpl, library, miscellaneous)
- ref library: Generic Mutable Ref Abstraction Layer (bsd3, data, library)
- ref-extras library: Extra stuff for mutable references (bsd3, data, library)
- ref-fd library: A type class for monads with references using functional
dependencies. (bsd3, control, library)
- ref-mtl library: A type class for monads with references compatible with the mtl2
library. (bsd3, control, library)
- ref-tf library: A type class for monads with references using type families. (bsd3, control, library)
- refact library: Specify refactorings to perform with apply-refact (bsd3, development, library)
- refcount library and test: Container with element counts (data, library, mit)
- reference library: A class for references in Haskell (control, data, library, mit)
- reference-counting library and test: A reference counting library to alias linear resources (bsd3, data, library)
- references library and test: Selectors for reading and updating data. (bsd3, control, library)
- refh program: A command-line tool for pasting to (mit, program, unclassified)
- refined library and tests: Refinement types with static and runtime checking (data, library, mit)
- refined-containers library: Type-checked proof that a key exists in a container and can be safely
indexed. (data, library, mit)
- refined-http-api-data library: http-api-data instances for refined types (data, library, mit)
- refined-with library: Refinement types with an "refinement applied" switch. (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- refined1 library and tests: Refinement types with static and runtime checking (+ Refined1) (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- refinery library and test: Toolkit for building proof automation systems (bsd3, language, library)
- reflection library and test: Reifies arbitrary terms into types that can be reflected back into terms (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library, reflection)
- reflection-extras library: Utilities for the reflection package (bsd3, data, library)
- reflection-without-remorse library: Efficient free and operational monads. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- reflex library, tests and benchmarks: Higher-order Functional Reactive Programming (bsd3, frp, library)
- reflex-animation library: Continuous animations support for reflex (bsd3, frp, library)
- reflex-backend-socket library and programs: Reflex bindings for TCP sockets (bsd3, frp, library, network, program)
- reflex-backend-wai library and program: Reflex interface to `wai` (bsd3, frp, library, program, web)
- reflex-basic-host library and programs: A basic Reflex host for backend work (bsd3, deprecated, frp, library, program)
- reflex-dom library: Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)
- reflex-dom-ace library: Basic support for using the Ace editor with Reflex. (bsd3, library, web)
- reflex-dom-colonnade library: Use colonnade with reflex-dom (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- reflex-dom-contrib library: A playground for experimenting with infrastructure and common code for reflex applications (bsd3, frp, library)
- reflex-dom-core library: Functional Reactive Web Apps with Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)
- reflex-dom-fragment-shader-canvas library and program: A reflex-dom widget to draw on a canvas with a fragment shader program (library, mit, program, web)
- reflex-dom-helpers library and test: Html tag helpers for reflex-dom (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- reflex-dom-ionic library: Compatible highlevel Wigdets for some Ionic Input Components (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)
- reflex-dom-pandoc library: Render Pandoc documents to HTML using reflex-dom (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- reflex-dom-retractable library: Routing and retractable back button for reflex-dom (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)
- reflex-dom-svg library: Reflex functions for SVG elements. (bsd3, frp, graphics, library, web)
- reflex-dom-th library and test: reflex-dom-th transpiles HTML templates to haskell code for reflex-dom (bsd3, frp, gui, html, javascript, library, reactive, reactivity, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)
- reflex-dynamic-containers library and test: various dynamic containers for Reflex (bsd3, frp, library, reflex)
- reflex-external-ref library: External reference with reactivity support (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)
- reflex-fsnotify library: Reflex FRP interface for watching files (bsd3, frp, library, system)
- reflex-gadt-api library and program: Interact with a GADT API in your reflex-dom application. (api, bsd3, frp, library, network, program)
- reflex-ghci library, program and test: A GHCi widget library for use in reflex applications (bsd3, development, frp, library, program)
- reflex-gi-gtk library and program: Helper functions to use reflex with gi-gtk (frp, library, mpl, program)
- reflex-gloss library: An reflex interface for gloss. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- reflex-gloss-scene library and programs: A simple scene-graph using reflex and gloss (bsd3, frp, library, program)
- reflex-jsx library: Use jsx-like syntax in Reflex (bsd3, frp, gui, jsx, language, library, web)
- reflex-libtelnet library: Reflex bindings for libtelnet (gpl, library, network)
- reflex-localize library: Localization library for reflex (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)
- reflex-localize-dom library: Helper widgets for reflex-localize (frp, gui, html, javascript, library, mit, reactive, reactivity, reflex, user-interface, user-interfaces, web)
- reflex-monad-auth library: Utilities to split reflex app to authorized and not authorized contexts (library, mit, web)
- reflex-orphans library and test: Useful missing instances for Reflex (bsd3, deprecated, frp, library)
- reflex-potatoes library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- reflex-process library, program and test: Reflex FRP interface for running system processes (bsd3, frp, library, program, system)
- reflex-sdl2 library and program: SDL2 and reflex FRP (game, library, mit, program)
- reflex-test-host library and test: reflex host methods for testing without external events (bsd3, frp, library, reflex)
- reflex-transformers library: Collections and switchable Monad transformers for Reflex (bsd3, frp, library)
- reflex-vty library, program and test: Reflex FRP host and widgets for VTY applications (bsd3, frp, library, program, vty)
- reform library: reform is a type-safe HTML form generation and validation library (bsd3, library, web)
- reform-blaze library: Add support for using blaze-html with Reform (bsd3, library, web)
- reform-hamlet library: Add support for using Hamlet with Reform (bsd3, library, web)
- reform-happstack library: Happstack support for reform. (bsd3, library, web)
- reform-hsp library: Add support for using HSP with Reform (bsd3, library, web)
- reform-lucid library: Add support for using lucid with Reform (bsd3, library, web)
- reformat library: The parser and render to parsec and render the string. (gpl, library, text)
- refractor library, test and benchmark: See README for more info (library, mpl, optics)
- refresht library: Environment Monad with automatic resource refreshment (bsd3, library, web)
- refty library and test: Formatted JSON generator for API server inspired by normalizr. (library, mit, web)
- refurb library and test: Tools for maintaining a database (bsd3, database, library)
- reg-alloc library: Register allocation API (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- reg-alloc-graph-color library, test and benchmark: Register allocation by graph colorization (deprecated, library, mpl, unclassified)
- reg-alloc-types library: Types used in register allocation API (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- regex library: Toolkit for regex-base (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-applicative library, test and benchmark: Regex-based parsing with applicative interface (library, mit, text)
- regex-applicative-text library: regex-applicative on text (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-base library: Common "Text.Regex.*" API for Regex matching (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-compat library: Replaces/enhances "Text.Regex" (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-compat-tdfa library: Unicode Support version of Text.Regex, using regex-tdfa (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-deriv library: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex. Implementing regular expression matching using Brzozowski's Deriviatives (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-dfa library: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-do library and test: PCRE wrapper (library, public-domain, regex, search, string)
- regex-easy library: sugar for regex-pcre (bsd3, data, library)
- regex-examples programs and tests: Tutorial, tests and example programs for regex (bsd3, program, text)
- regex-generator library and test: Generate a random string from a PCRE (library, mit, text)
- regex-genex library and program: From a regex, generate all possible strings it can match (library, program, regex, text)
- regex-parsec library: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-pcre library: PCRE Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-pcre-builtin library: PCRE Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-pcre-text library: Text-based PCRE API for regex-base (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-pcre2 library and test: PCRE2 Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-pderiv library: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex. Implementing regular expression matching using Antimirov's partial derivatives. (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-posix library: POSIX Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-posix-clib library: "Regex for Windows" C library (lgpl, library, text)
- regex-posix-unittest program: Unit tests for the plaform's Posix regex library (bsd3, program, text)
- regex-rure library and test: Bindings to Rust's regex library (agpl, library, regex, text)
- regex-tdfa library and test: Pure Haskell Tagged DFA Backend for "Text.Regex" (regex-base) (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-tdfa-pipes library: Parse with regular expressions on Producers. (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-tdfa-quasiquoter library: Quasi-quoter for TDFA (extended POSIX) regular
expressions. (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-tdfa-rc library: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- regex-tdfa-text library: Text interface for regex-tdfa (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- regex-tdfa-unittest program: Unit tests for the regex-tdfa (bsd3, deprecated, program, text)
- regex-tdfa-utf8 library: This combines regex-tdfa with utf8-string to allow searching over UTF8 encoded lazy bytestrings. (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-tre library: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-type library: Type-level regular expressions (bsd3, data, library)
- regex-with-pcre library: Toolkit for regex-base (bsd3, library, text)
- regex-wrapper library: Types that can only be constructed if they match a regular expression (bsd3, data, library)
- regex-xmlschema library: A regular expression library for W3C XML Schema regular expressions (bsd3, library, text)
- regexchar library, program and test: A POSIX, extended regex-engine. (library, program, regex, text)
- regexdot library: A polymorphic, POSIX, extended regex-engine. (library, regex, search)
- regexp-tries library: Regular Expressions on Tries. (bsd3, data, library)
- regexpr library: regular expression like Perl/Ruby in Haskell (library, text)
- regexpr-symbolic library: Regular expressions via symbolic manipulation (bsd3, library, text)
- regexqq library: A quasiquoter for PCRE regexes. (bsd3, library, text)
- regional-pointers library: Regional memory pointers (bsd3, library, monadic-regions, system)
- regions library: Provides the region monad for safely opening and working with
scarce resources. (bsd3, control, library, monadic-regions)
- regions-monadsfd library: Monads-fd instances for the RegionT monad transformer (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, monadic-regions)
- regions-monadstf library: Monads-tf instances for the RegionT monad transformer (bsd3, control, library, monadic-regions)
- regions-mtl library: mtl instances for the RegionT monad transformer (bsd3, control, library, monadic-regions)
- register-machine-typelevel library: A computationally universal register machine implementation at the type-level (bsd3, language, library)
- registry library and test: data structure for assembling components (control, library, mit)
- registry-aeson library and test: Aeson encoders / decoders (data, library, mit)
- registry-hedgehog library and test: utilities to work with Hedgehog generators and `registry` (control, library, mit)
- registry-hedgehog-aeson library and test: Hedgehog generators for Aeson (library, mit, test)
- registry-messagepack library and test: MessagePack encoders / decoders (data, library, mit)
- registry-options library and test: application options parsing (data, library, mit)
- regress library: Linear and logistic regression through automatic differentiation (bsd3, library, math)
- regression-simple library and tests: Simple linear and quadratic regression (bsd3, library, math)
- regular library: Generic programming library for regular datatypes. (bsd3, generics, library)
- regular-extras library: Additional functions for regular: arbitrary,
coarbitrary, and binary get/put. (bsd3, generics, library)
- regular-web library: Generic programming for the web (bsd3, generics, library, web)
- regular-xmlpickler library: Generic generation of HXT XmlPickler instances using Regular. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, xml)
- reheat program and test: to make notes and reduce impact on idle time on writing other programms. (program, tools)
- rehoo program: Rebuild default.hoo from many .hoo files in the current directory (bsd3, deprecated, development, program)
- rei program: Process lists easily (data, mit, program)
- reified-records library: Reify records to Maps and back again (generics, library, mit)
- reify library and program: Serialize data (data, library, program)
- reinterpret-cast library, test and benchmark: Memory reinterpretation casts for Float/Double and Word32/Word64 (data, library, mit)
- rel8 library and test: Hey! Hey! Can u rel8? (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- relacion library: A relation data structure. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- relapse library and test: Sensible RLP encoding (data, library, mit)
- relation library and tests: A data structure representing Relations on Sets. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- relational-postgresql8 library: PostgreSQL v8.x driver for haskell-relational-record (bsd3, database, library)
- relational-query library and tests: Typeful, Modular, Relational, algebraic query engine (bsd3, database, library)
- relational-query-HDBC library and test: HDBC instance of relational-query and typed query interface for HDBC (bsd3, database, library)
- relational-query-postgresql-pure library and test: The connector of relational-record and postgresql-pure. (bsd3, database, library)
- relational-record library: Meta package of Relational Record (bsd3, database, library)
- relational-record-examples library: Examples of Haskell Relationa Record (bsd3, database, library)
- relational-schemas library: RDBMSs' schema templates for relational-query (bsd3, database, library)
- relative-date library: Durations and generalized time parsing (bsd3, data, library)
- releaser library and program: Automation of Haskell package release process (apache, development, library, program)
- relevant-time library: humanised relevant time (bsd3, data-, library)
- reliable-io library: Bindings to the low-level library. (bsd3, library, network)
- relit library: Literal for regular expression (bsd3, library, text)
- reload library, program and test: A web based Haskell IDE (bsd3, library, program, web)
- relocant library, program and test: A PostgreSQL migration CLI tool and library (bsd2, library, program, unclassified)
- reloto library and test: Equiprobable draw from publicly verifiable random data. (agpl, library, politic)
- relude library, tests and benchmark: Safe, performant, user-friendly and lightweight Haskell Standard Library (library, mit, prelude)
- remark library, program and test: A DSL for marking student work (bsd3, library, program, web)
- remarks library, program and test: A DSL for marking student work (bsd3, library, program, web)
- rematch library and test: A simple api for matchers (control, library, mit)
- rematch-text library and test: `rematch` matchers for Data.Text (control, library, mit)
- remote library: Cloud Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, library)
- remote-debugger program: Interface to ghci debugger (bsd3, debug, program)
- remote-json library and tests: Remote Monad implementation of the JSON RPC protocol (bsd3, library, network)
- remote-json-client library: Web client wrapper for remote-json (bsd3, library, network)
- remote-json-server library: Web server wrapper for remote-json (bsd3, library, network)
- remote-monad library and tests: An parametrizable Remote Monad, and parametrizable Applicative Functor (bsd3, control, library)
- remotion library and test: A library for client-server applications based on custom protocols (deprecated, library, mit, network, protocol, service)
- render-utf8 library: Simple Utf8 wrapper for ByteString Builder with conversion classes (bsd3, library, text)
- renderable library: An API for managing renderable resources. (graphics, library, mit)
- reord library: Ad-hoc Ord instances (data, library, public-domain)
- reorder-expression library and test: Reorder expressions in a syntax tree according to operator fixities. (language, library, mit)
- reorderable library: Define compound types that do not depend on member order. (data, library, type-system)
- repa library: High performance, regular, shape polymorphic parallel arrays. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-algorithms library: Algorithms using the Repa array library. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-array library: Bulk array representations and operators. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-bytestring library: (deprecated) (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-convert library: Packing and unpacking flat tables. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-devil library: Support for image reading and writing of Repa arrays using in-place FFI calls (bsd3, data-structures, deprecated, library)
- repa-eval library: Low-level parallel operators on bulk random-accessble arrays. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-examples programs: Examples using the Repa array library. (bsd3, data-structures, program)
- repa-fftw library, test and benchmark: Perform fft with repa via FFTW (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-flow library: Data-parallel data flows. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-io library: Read and write Repa arrays in various formats. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-linear-algebra library: HMatrix operations for Repa. (bsd3, data, library)
- repa-plugin library: Data Flow Fusion GHC Plugin. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-scalar library: Scalar data types and conversions. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-series library: Series Expressionss API (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-sndfile library and test: Reading and writing sound files with repa arrays (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-stream library: Stream functions not present in the vector library. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- repa-v4l2 library and program: Provides high-level access to webcams. (graphics, library, program)
- repl library: IRC friendly REPL library. (deprecated, development, library, mit)
- repl-toolkit library: Toolkit for quickly whipping up config files and command-line interfaces. (apache, library, repl, system)
- replace-attoparsec library and test: Find, replace, split string patterns with Attoparsec parsers (instead of regex) (bsd2, library, parsing)
- replace-megaparsec library and test: Find, replace, split string patterns with Megaparsec parsers (instead of regex) (bsd2, library, parsing)
- replica library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- replicant library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)
- repline library and tests: Haskeline wrapper for GHCi-like REPL interfaces. (library, mit, user-interfaces)
- repo-based-blog library, program and test: Blogging module using blaze html for markup (bsd3, library, program, web)
- repr library: Render overloaded expressions to their textual representation. (bsd3, library, numeric, text)
- repr-tree-syb library: Tree representation and pretty-printing of data structures based on SYB (debug, library, mit, pretty-printer, text, tree)
- representable-functors library: Representable functors (bsd3, data-structures, deprecated, functors, library, monads)
- representable-profunctors library: This package has been absorbed into profunctor-extras. (bsd3, categories, control, deprecated, library)
- representable-tries library: Tries from representations of polynomial functors (bsd3, comonads, data-structures, functors, library, monads)
- reprinter library and test: Scrap Your Reprinter (apache, library, text)
- reproject library and test: Define and combine "materialized" projections (bsd3, library, web)
- req library and test: HTTP client library (bsd3, library, network, web)
- req-conduit library, test and benchmark: Conduit helpers for the req HTTP client library (bsd3, conduit, library, network, web)
- req-oauth2 library, program and test: Provides OAuth2 authentication for use with Req (command-line, library, mit, program)
- req-url-extra library, program and test: Provides URI/URL helper functions for use with Req (library, mit, network, program, web)
- reqcatcher library and test: A local http server to catch the HTTP redirect (bsd3, library, web)
- request library: (bsd3, library, web)
- request-monad library: A transformer for generic requests (control, library, mit)
- require library, programs, test and benchmark: Scrap your qualified import clutter (apache, library, other, program)
- require-callstack library and test: Propagate HasCallStack with constraints (development, library, mit)
- requirements library: Abstraction to manage user defined Type Errors (development, gpl, library)
- rere library: Regular-expressions extended with fixpoints for context-free powers (bsd3, library, parsing)
- rerebase library: Reexports from "base" with a bunch of other standard libraries (library, mit, unclassified)
- rerefined library and test: Refinement types, again (data, library, mit, types)
- reroute library, test and benchmark: abstract implementation of typed and untyped web routing (library, mit, web)
- rescue library, tests and benchmark: More understandable exceptions (apache, error-handling, library)
- reserve program and test: Reserve reloads web applications (mit, program, web)
- reservoir library: Unweighted reservoir sampling (bsd3, library, math)
- resin library: High performance variable binders (bsd2, language, library)
- resistor-cube program: Compute total resistance of a cube of resistors (bsd3, math, program)
- resolv library and test: Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup via the libresolv standard library routines (gpl, library, network)
- resolve library: A name resolusion library (bsd3, library, network)
- resolve-trivial-conflicts program: Remove trivial conflict markers in a git repository (deprecated, development, gpl, program)
- resource-effect library and test: A port of the package 'resourcet' for extensible effects. (bsd3, control, effect, library)
- resource-effectful library: A region-based resource effect for the effectful ecosystem. (bsd3, control, library)
- resource-embed program: Embed data files via C and FFI. (development, mit, program)
- resource-pool library: A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation (bsd3, data, database, library, network)
- resource-pool-catchio library: Fork of resource-pool, with a MonadCatchIO constraint (bsd3, data, database, library, network)
- resource-pool-fork-avanov library: A high-performance striped resource pooling implementation (bsd3, data, database, library, network)
- resource-pool-monad library: A monadic interface for resource-pool (control, library, mit)
- resource-registry library and test: Track allocated resources (apache, control, library)
- resource-simple library: Allocate resources which are guaranteed to be released. (bsd3, control, library)
- resourcet library and test: Deterministic allocation and freeing of scarce resources. (bsd3, conduit, data, library)
- resourcet-effectful library: Adaptation of the resourcet library for the effectful ecosystem. (bsd3, control, library)
- resourcet-extra library: ResourceT extras (bsd3, databases, library)
- resourcet-pool library: A small library to convert a Pool into an Acquire (bsd3, conduit, data, database, deprecated, library, network)
- resp library and test: A fast, non-backtracking parser for the redis RESP3 protocol (bsd3, data, library)
- respond library and program: process and route HTTP requests and generate responses on top of WAI (bsd3, library, program, web)
- rest-client library: Utility library for use in generated API client libraries. (bsd3, library, web)
- rest-core library and test: Rest API library. (bsd3, library, web)
- rest-example library: Example project for rest (bsd3, library, web)
- rest-gen library and test: Documentation and client generation from rest definition. (bsd3, library, web)
- rest-happstack library: Rest driver for Happstack. (bsd3, library, web)
- rest-rewrite library and tests: Rewriting library with online termination checking (bsd3, library, rewriting)
- rest-snap library: Rest driver for Snap. (bsd3, library, web)
- rest-stringmap library: Maps with stringy keys that can be transcoded to JSON and XML. (bsd3, library, silk)
- rest-types library: Silk Rest Framework Types (bsd3, library, web)
- rest-wai library: Rest driver for WAI applications. (bsd3, library, web)
- restartable library: Minimal live coding library for model-view-event-update applications. (bsd3, control, library)
- restful-snap library: (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- restless-git library and test: Easy Git repository serialization (git, gpl, library)
- restricted-workers library: Running worker processes under system resource restrictions (bsd3, concurrency, data, library, system)
- restyle library and program: Convert between camel case and separated words style. (development, library, mit, program)
- result library and test: Encode success or at least one error (data, library, mit)
- resumable-exceptions library: A monad transformer for resumable exceptions (control, error-handling, failure, library, monads, reactivity)
- ret program: A tool that returns to a landmark parent directory (mit, program, tool)
- rethinkdb library, test and benchmark: A driver for RethinkDB 2.2 (database, library)
- rethinkdb-client-driver library, test and benchmark: Client driver for RethinkDB (database, library, mit)
- rethinkdb-model library: Useful tools for modeling data with rethinkdb (database, library, mit)
- rethinkdb-wereHamster library: RethinkDB driver for Haskell (database, deprecated, library)
- retrie library and test: A powerful, easy-to-use codemodding tool for Haskell. (development, library, mit)
- retroclash-lib library: Code shared across the code samples in the book "Retrocomputing with Clash" (hardware, library, mit)
- retroclash-sim library: High-level simulators from the book "Retrocomputing with Clash" (graphics, hardware, library, mit)
- retry library and test: Retry combinators for monadic actions that may fail (bsd3, control, library)
- retry-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the retry library for the effectful ecosystem. (bsd3, control, library)
- retryer program: Retry failed commands (mpl, program, system)
- rev-scientific library: A library to provide special kind of big numbers writing. (data, library, math, mit)
- rev-state library and test: Reverse State monad transformer (bsd3, control, library)
- revdectime program: A French revolutionary decimal time (metric) clock (program, utils)
- reverse-apply library: Standard version of the reverse apply operator. (bsd3, combinators, composition, library)
- reverse-arguments library: Reverse the arguments of arbitrary functions. (bsd3, data, library)
- reverse-geocoding library: Simple reverse geocoding using OpenStreeMap (bsd3, data, library)
- reverse-list library: reversed lists/snoc lists (bsd3, data, library)
- reversi program: Text-only reversi (aka othelo) game (game, lgpl, program)
- rewrite program: open file and rewrite it with new contents (bsd3, program, system)
- rewrite-inspector library and programs: Inspection of rewriting steps (bsd3, inspection, library, program, rewriting, terminal, user-interface)
- rewriting library: Generic rewriting library for regular datatypes. (bsd3, generics, library)
- rex library: A quasi-quoter for typeful results of regex captures. (bsd3, control, library)
- rezoom program: Github resume generator (deprecated, program, utils)
- rfc library: Robert Fischer's Common library (bsd3, library)
- rfc-env library: Environment variable support from the Robert Fischer Commons. (envars, library, mit)
- rfc-http-client library: The HTTP client extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons. (library, mit, web)
- rfc-prelude library: The Prelude from the Robert Fischer Commons. (library, mit, prelude)
- rfc-psql library: The PostgreSQL extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons. (database, library, mit)
- rfc-redis library: The Redis extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons. (library, mit, redis)
- rfc-servant library: The Servant extensions from the Robert Fischer Commons. (library, mit, prelude)
- rfc1413-server library: rfc1413 server (bsd3, library, web)
- rfc1413-types library: An rfc1413 parser and response renderer (bsd3, library, web)
- rfc1751 library and test: RFC-1751 library for Haskell (crypto, library, mit)
- rfc3339 library: Parse and display time according to RFC3339 (deprecated) (bsd3, library, time, web)
- rfc5051 library and test: Simple unicode collation as per RFC5051. (bsd3, library, text)
- rg library and test: A dynamic/unbounded alternative to Bounded Enum (bsd3, library, types)
- rgb-color-model library: Haskell types for working with RGB colors (library, mit, unclassified)
- rhbzquery program and test: Bugzilla query tool (gpl, program, utils)
- rhine library, tests and benchmark: Functional Reactive Programming with type-level clocks (bsd3, frp, library)
- rhine-bayes library and program: monad-bayes backend for Rhine (bsd3, frp, library, program)
- rhine-gloss library and program: Gloss backend for Rhine (bsd3, frp, library, program)
- rhine-terminal library, program and test: Terminal backend for Rhine (bsd3, frp, library, program)
- rhythm-game-tutorial programs: Haskell rhythm game tutorial (bsd3, graphics, monads, program)
- rhythmic-sequences library: Improved library to deal with rhythmicity of short sequences (data, library, math, mit)
- riak library, test and benchmark: A Haskell client for the Riak decentralized data store (library, network)
- riak-protobuf library: Haskell types for the Riak protocol buffer API (library, network)
- riak-protobuf-lens library and program: Lenses for riak-protobuf (library, network, program)
- rib library and test: Static site generator based on Shake (bsd3, library, web)
- rib-core library: Static site generator based on Shake (bsd3, library, web)
- ribbit library: [Unmaintained] Type-level Relational DB combinators. (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- ribosome library and test: Neovim plugin framework for Polysemy (library, neovim)
- ribosome-app library, program and test: CLI for Ribosome (library, neovim, program)
- ribosome-host library and test: Neovim plugin host for Polysemy (library, neovim)
- ribosome-host-test library: Test tools for Ribosome (library, neovim)
- ribosome-root test: api extensions for nvim-hs (deprecated, neovim)
- ribosome-test library and test: Test tools for Ribosome (library, neovim)
- richenv library and test: Rich environment variable setup for Haskell (configuration, library, mit)
- richreports library: Integrated pretty-printing and error/static analysis reporting. (library, mit, text)
- ridley library and test: Quick metrics to grow your app strong. (bsd3, library, web)
- ridley-extras library and test: Handy metrics that don't belong to ridley. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- riemann library, program and tests: A Riemann client for Haskell (library, mit, network, program)
- riff library and programs: RIFF parser for Haskell (data, library, mit, program)
- rigel-viz library and test: A mid-level wrapper for vega-lite (bsd3, data-science, graphics, library, visualization)
- ring-buffer library and tests: A concurrent, mutable ring-buffer (bsd3, data, library)
- ring-buffers library and tests: mutable ring buffers with atomic updates in GHC Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- rings library: Ring-like objects. (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- rio library and test: A standard library for Haskell (control, library, mit)
- rio-app library and program: Generic App type for rio. (bsd3, control, library, program)
- rio-orphans library and test: Orphan instances for the RIO type in the rio package (control, library, mit)
- rio-prettyprint library: Pretty-printing for RIO (bsd3, development, library)
- rio-process-pool library, program, test and benchmark: A library for process pools coupled with asynchronous message queues (bsd2, concurrency, library, program)
- riot program: Riot is an Information Organisation Tool (program, system)
- ripple library: Ripple payment system library (crypto, library)
- ripple-federation library: Utilities and types to work with the Ripple federation protocol (data, library)
- risc-v library, test and benchmark: RISC-V (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- risc386 program: Reduced instruction set i386 simulator (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, education, program)
- riscv-isa library and test: Haskell representation of the RISC-V instruction set architecture (bsd3, library, web)
- risk-weaver library, programs and test: A DSL for Risk-oriented Object Detection Requirements (development, library, mit, program)
- rison library and test: Parses and renders RISON strings. (bsd3, library, web)
- rivers library: Rivers are like Streams, but different. (bsd3, comonads, data, library, math)
- rivet program: A project management tool for Haskell applications. (bsd3, deprecated, program, unclassified)
- rivet-adaptor-postgresql library: Rivet migration library postgresql backend (bsd3, library, web)
- rivet-autoimporter program: Database migration library; automatic importer. (bsd3, database, program)
- rivet-core library and test: Database migration library; core functionality. (bsd3, database, library)
- rivet-migration library: Postgresql migration support for project management tool. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- rivet-simple-deploy library: Basic deployment support for project management tool. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- rl-satton library and program: Collection of Reinforcement Learning algorithms (bsd3, library, machine-learning, program)
- rle library and test: A data type of run-length-encoded lists (apache, data-structures, library)
- rlglue library and programs: A Haskell codec for RL-Glue. (apache, codec, library, program)
- rlist library: Lists with cheap snocs (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- rlwe-challenges library and program: Ring-LWE/LWR challenges using Lol. (crypto, gpl, library, program)
- rmonad library and test: Restricted monad library (bsd3, control, library)
- rncryptor library, programs, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of the RNCryptor file format (library, mit, network, program)
- rng-utils library, test and benchmark: RNG within an IORef for convenient concurrent use (bsd3, data, library, random)
- rob library, program and test: Simple projects generator (cli, library, mit, program)
- robin program: A build daemon for Haskell development (development, gpl, program)
- roboservant library and tests: Automatic session-aware servant testing (bsd3, library, web)
- robot library: Simulate keyboard and mouse events (graphics, library)
- robots-txt library and test: Parser for robots.txt (bsd3, library, web)
- roc-cluster library and test: ROC online clustering algorithm (bsd3, data, library)
- roc-cluster-demo program: Gloss interactive demo for roc-cluster package (bsd3, program, web)
- roc-id library and test: Implementation of the ROC (Taiwan) National ID standard. (bsd3, identification, library)
- rock library and test: A build system for incremental, parallel, and demand-driven computations (bsd3, development, library)
- rocksdb-haskell library and test: Haskell bindings to RocksDB (bsd3, database, ffi, library)
- rocksdb-haskell-jprupp library and test: Haskell bindings for RocksDB (bsd3, database, ffi, library)
- rocksdb-query library and test: RocksDB database querying library for Haskell (database, library, mit)
- roguestar program: Sci-fi roguelike game. Client application. (game, program)
- roguestar-engine program: Sci-fi roguelike game. Backend. (game, program)
- roguestar-gl library: Sci-fi roguelike game. Client library. (game, library)
- roguestar-glut program: Sci-fi roguelike game. GLUT front-end. (game, program)
- roku-api library: Bindings to Roku's External Control API (bsd3, library, network)
- roles library: Composable class-based roles (bsd3, data, library)
- rollbar library: error tracking through (library, logging, mit)
- rollbar-cli library, program and test: Simple CLI tool to perform commons tasks such as tracking deploys. (library, mit, network, program)
- rollbar-client library and test: Core library to communicate with Rollbar API. (library, mit, network)
- rollbar-hs library and test: Core Rollbar data types and APIs. (bsd3, library, web)
- rollbar-wai library and test: Provides error reporting capabilities to WAI based applications through Rollbar API. (library, mit, network)
- rollbar-yesod library and test: Provides error reporting capabilities to Yesod applications through Rollbar API. (library, mit, network)
- roller library and program: Playing with applicatives and dice! (acme, gpl, library, program)
- rolling-queue library: Bounded channel for STM that discards old entries when full (bsd3, data, library)
- roman-numerals library: Parsing and pretty printing of Roman numerals (bsd3, library, numerical, parsing)
- romkan library and test: Japanese Romaji <-> Japanese Kana conversion library (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- ron library and benchmark: RON (bsd3, database, distributed-systems, library, protocol)
- ron-rdt library: Replicated Data Types (RON-RDT) (bsd3, database, distributed-systems, library, protocol)
- ron-schema library: RON-Schema (bsd3, database, distributed-systems, library, protocol)
- ron-storage library: RON Storage (bsd3, database, distributed-systems, library, protocol)
- ronn library and test: Describe and render Ronn documentation (agpl, documentation, library)
- ronn-envparse library and test: Produce Ronn from OptEnvConf (agpl, documentation, library)
- ronn-opt-env-conf library and test: Produce Ronn from OptEnvConf (agpl, documentation, library)
- ronn-optparse-applicative library and test: Produce Ronn from OptEnvConf (agpl, documentation, library)
- roots library: Root-finding algorithms (1-dimensional) (library, math, numerical, public-domain)
- rope library: Tools for manipulating fingertrees of bytestrings with optional annotations (bsd3, language, library)
- rope-utf16-splay library and test: Ropes optimised for updating using UTF-16 code units and
row/column pairs. (bsd3, data, language, library, text)
- rosa program: Query the namecoin blockchain (gpl, program, utility)
- rose library and test: rose trees (bsd3, data, library)
- rose-trees library, test and benchmark: Various trie implementations in Haskell (bsd3, data, library, tree)
- rose-trie library: Trees with polymorphic paths to nodes, combining properties of Rose Trees and Tries. (data, gpl, library)
- rosebud library and test: Common rose tree/forest functions (bsd3, data, library)
- rosezipper library: Generic zipper implementation for Data.Tree (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- roshask library, program and tests: Haskell support for the ROS robotics framework. (bsd3, library, program, robotics)
- rosmsg library: ROS message parser, render, TH (bsd3, library, robotics)
- rosmsg-bin programs: ROS message management tools (bsd3, program, robotics)
- rospkg library, program and test: ROS package system information (bsd3, library, program, robotics)
- rosso library: General purpose utility library (bsd3, library, utility)
- rot13 library and test: Fast ROT13 cipher for Haskell. (bsd3, codec, library)
- rotating-log library and test: Size-limited, concurrent, automatically-rotating log writer. (bsd3, library, logging)
- roundRobin library and test: A simple round-robin data type (concurrency, library, mit)
- rounded library and test: Correctly-rounded arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- rounded-hw library, test and benchmark: Directed rounding for built-in floating types (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- rounding library: Explicit floating point rounding mode wrappers (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- roundtrip library: Bidirectional (de-)serialization (bsd3, library, text)
- roundtrip-aeson library and test: Un-/parse JSON with roundtrip invertible syntax definitions. (bsd3, data, library)
- roundtrip-string library: Bidirectional (de-)serialization (bsd3, library, text)
- roundtrip-xml library: Bidirectional (de-)serialization for XML. (bsd3, library, text)
- route-generator program: Utility to generate routes for use with yesod-routes (program, utility)
- route-planning library and test: A library and utilities for creating a route (bsd3, data, library)
- row library, test and benchmark: Row types (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- row-types library, test and benchmark: Open Records and Variants (data, data-structures, library, mit)
- row-types-aeson library: aeson instances for Open Records and Variants (data, data-structures, library, mit)
- row-types-barbies library: barbies instances for Open Records and Variants (data, data-structures, library, mit)
- rowdy library and test: An EDSL for web application routes. (bsd3, library, web)
- rowdy-yesod library and test: An EDSL for web application routes. (bsd3, library, web)
- rowrecord library: Build records from lists of strings, as from CSV files. (bsd3, data, library, text)
- rp-tree library, program, test and benchmark: Random projection trees (bsd3, data, data-mining, data-structures, library, machine-learning, program)
- rpc library: type safe rpcs provided as basic IO actions (bsd3, library, network)
- rpc-framework library and program: a remote procedure call framework (bsd3, library, network, program, web)
- rpf program: Receiver Policy Framework (bsd3, network, program)
- rpm library: Cozy little project to question unruly rpm packages. (bsd3, library, system)
- rpm-nvr test: RPM package name-version-release data types (distribution, gpl)
- rpmbuild-order library, program and test: Sort RPM packages in dependency order (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- rpmostree-update program: rpm-ostree update wrapper that caches change info (bsd3, program, utility)
- rrb-vector library, test and benchmark: Efficient RRB-Vectors (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- rrule library and test: Recurrence rule parser and formatter (bsd3, library, time)
- rsagl library: The RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- rsagl-frp library: The RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library: Functional Reactive Programming (bsd3, frp, library)
- rsagl-math library: The RogueStar Animation and Graphics Library: Mathematics (bsd3, library, math)
- rset library and test: Range set (data, library)
- rsi-break library, programs and test: Let your mind know that your hands need a rest! (bsd2, graphics, library, program)
- rspp library: A Rational Street Performer Protocol solver (algorithms, library, mit)
- rss library: A library for generating RSS 2.0 feeds. (library, public-domain, rss)
- rss-conduit library and tests: Streaming parser/renderer for the RSS standard. (conduit, library, public-domain, xml)
- rss2irc program: watches an RSS/Atom feed and writes it to an IRC channel (bsd3, irc, program)
- rstream library: stream-fusion framework from vector (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- rt library: A more fine-grained version of state threads (ST) (bsd3, control, library)
- rtcm library, programs and test: Haskell bindings for RTCM. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- rtld library: dynamic linker tools for Haskell (library, system)
- rtlsdr library: Bindings to librtlsdr (bsd3, library, software-defined-radio)
- rtnetlink library and test: Manipulate network devices, addresses, and routes on Linux (bsd3, library, network, system)
- rtorrent-rpc library: A library for communicating with RTorrent over its XML-RPC interface. (library, mit, network)
- rtorrent-state library and test: Parsing and manipulation of rtorrent state file contents (data, gpl, library)
- rts-loader library and programs: Dynamically load Haskell libraries (deprecated, distribution, gpl, library, program)
- rubberband library and test: Binding to the C++ audio stretching library Rubber Band (gpl, library, sound)
- ruby-marshal library and test: Parse a subset of Ruby objects serialised with Marshal.dump. (data, library, mit)
- ruby-qq library: rubyish quasiquoters (library, mit, system)
- ruff library: relatively useful fractal functions (bsd3, library, math)
- ruin library and test: Pliable records (bsd3, data, library, records)
- ruler program: Ruler tool for UHC (bsd3, development, program)
- ruler-core program: (development, program)
- run-haskell-module library: Running newly generated Haskell source module. (bsd3, data, library, tools)
- run-st library: runST without boxing penalty (bsd3, data, library)
- rungekutta library: A collection of explicit Runge-Kutta methods of various orders (bsd3, library, numeric)
- rungekutta2 library and programs: Explicit Runge-Kutta methods of various orders (fork of 'rungekutta') (bsd3, library, numeric, program)
- runghc program: runghc replacement for fast repeated runs (console, gpl, program)
- runhs program and test: Stack wrapper for single-file Haskell programs. (bsd3, program, tools)
- runmany program: Run multiple commands, interleaving output and errors (bsd3, data, nix, program, system)
- runmemo library and test: A simple memoization helper library (bsd3, data, library)
- runtime-arbitrary library: Runtime generation of Arbitrary values (language, library, public-domain)
- runtime-instances library and test: Look up class instances at runtime. (library, mit, unclassified)
- rustls library and test: TLS bindings for Rustls (cryptography, library, network)
- rv library, test and benchmark: RISC-V (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- rvar library: Random Variables (library, math, public-domain)
- rwlock library: Multiple-read / single-write locks (concurrency, library, public-domain)
- rws program and test: Packet Generation (bsd3, network, program)
- rz-pipe library and program: Pipe interface for Rizin (library, mit, program, reverse-engineering, security)
- rzk library, program and tests: An experimental proof assistant for synthetic ∞-categories (bsd3, dependent-types, library, program)
- s-cargot library and tests: A flexible, extensible s-expression library. (bsd3, data, library)
- s-cargot-letbind library and test: Enables let-binding and let-expansion for s-cargot defined S-expressions. (data, library)
- s-expression library and program: simple general-purpose s-expressions (data-, library, mit, program)
- s3-signer library and test: Pre-signed Amazon S3 URLs (aws, bsd3, library, network)
- safe library and test: Library of safe (exception free) functions (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- safe-access library: A simple environment to control access to data (bsd3, library, security)
- safe-buffer-monad library and test: A monadic buffer resilient to exceptions (bsd3, control, library)
- safe-coerce library: A friendly shorthand for an old friend (bsd3, coerce, library)
- safe-coloured-text library: Safely output coloured text (library, mit, user-interfaces)
- safe-coloured-text-gen library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- safe-coloured-text-layout library: Safely layout output coloured text (library, mit, user-interfaces)
- safe-coloured-text-layout-gen library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- safe-coloured-text-terminfo library: Safely output coloured text (library, mit, user-interfaces)
- safe-coupling library and test: Relational proof system for probabilistic algorithms (bsd3, formal-methods, library)
- safe-decimal library and tests: Safe and very efficient arithmetic operations on fixed decimal point numbers (bsd3, library, math, numeric, numerical)
- safe-exceptions library and test: Safe, consistent, and easy exception handling (control, library, mit)
- safe-exceptions-checked library and test: Safe, checked exceptions (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- safe-failure library: Library for safe functions (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, failure, library)
- safe-failure-cme library: control-monad-exception Instances for safe-failure (failure, library, public-domain)
- safe-foldable library: Safe wrappers for null-partial Foldable operations (library, mit, unclassified)
- safe-freeze library: Support for safely freezing multiple arrays in the ST monad. (bsd3, data, library)
- safe-gen library and test: Recursive Arbitrary instances without headaches (bsd3, library, testing)
- safe-globals library: Safe top-level mutable variables which scope like ordinary values (bsd3, data, library)
- safe-json library and test: Automatic JSON format versioning (json, library, mit)
- safe-lazy-io library: A library providing safe lazy IO features. (bsd3, library, system)
- safe-length library and test: Tired of accidentally calling length on tuples? Relief at last! (bsd3, data, library)
- safe-money library and test: Type-safe and lossless encoding and manipulation of money, fiat
currencies, crypto currencies and precious metals. (bsd3, library, money)
- safe-money-aeson library and test: Instances from the aeson library for the safe-money library. (bsd3, library, money)
- safe-money-cereal library and test: Instances from the cereal library for the safe-money library. (bsd3, library, money)
- safe-money-serialise library and test: Instances from the serialise library for the safe-money library. (bsd3, library, money)
- safe-money-store library and test: Instances from the store library for the safe-money library. (bsd3, library, money)
- safe-money-xmlbf library and test: Instances from the xmlbf library for the safe-money library. (bsd3, library, money)
- safe-numeric library and test: Safe arithmetic operations. (apache, arithmetic, library, numeric, safe)
- safe-plugins library: A small wrapper over hs-plugins to allow loading safe plugins (bsd3, library, system)
- safe-printf library and tests: Well-typed, flexible and variadic printf for Haskell (bsd3, library, text)
- safe-tensor library: Dependently typed tensor algebra (library, math, mit)
- safe-wild-cards library and test: Use RecordWildCards safely (bsd3, control, library)
- safecopy library and tests: Binary serialization with version control. (data, library, parsing, public-domain)
- safecopy-migrate library: Making SafeCopy migrations easier (data, deprecated, library, public-domain)
- safecopy-store library and test: Binary serialization with version control. (data, library, parsing, public-domain)
- safeint library and test: overflow-checked Int type (bsd3, data, library)
- safeio library and test: Write output to disk atomically (io, library, mit)
- safepath library and test: Safe Paths in Haskell (library, mit, system)
- safer-file-handles library: Type-safe file handling (bsd3, library, monadic-regions, system)
- safer-file-handles-bytestring library: Extends safer-file-handles with ByteString operations (bsd3, library, monadic-regions, system)
- safer-file-handles-text library: Extends safer-file-handles with Text operations (bsd3, library, monadic-regions, system)
- saferoute library: A simple type-safe routing library. (bsd3, library, web)
- sai-shape-syb library and test: Obtain homogeneous values from arbitrary values, transforming or culling data (bsd3, generics, library)
- sajson library, program and test: Fast JSON parsing powered by Chad Austin's sajson library (json, library, mit, program, text, web)
- sak program: Compression command-line tool (bsd3, commandline, compression, program)
- sakuraio-platform library and test: Haskell representation of messages exchanged on the platform. (bsd3, library, network)
- salak library, test and benchmark: Configuration (re)Loader and Parser. (configuration, library, mit)
- salak-toml library, test and benchmark: Configuration Loader for toml (configuration, deprecated, library, mit)
- salak-yaml library, test and benchmark: Configuration Loader for yaml (configuration, library, mit)
- saltine library, test and benchmark: Cryptography that's easy to digest (NaCl/libsodium bindings). (cryptography, library, mit)
- saltine-quickcheck library and test: Quickcheck implementations for some NaCl data (cryptography, library, mit)
- salve library and test: Semantic version numbers and constraints. (distribution, library, mit)
- salvia library: Modular web application framework. (bsd3, library, network, web)
- salvia-demo library and programs: Demo Salvia servers. (bsd3, library, network, program, web)
- salvia-extras library: Collection of non-fundamental handlers for the Salvia web server. (bsd3, library, network, web)
- salvia-protocol library: Salvia webserver protocol suite supporting URI, HTTP, Cookie and MIME. (bsd3, library, network, protocol, web)
- salvia-sessions library: Session support for the Salvia webserver. (bsd3, library, network, web)
- salvia-websocket library: Websocket implementation for the Salvia Webserver. (bsd3, library, network, web)
- sample-frame library: Handling of samples in an (audio) signal (bsd3, library, sound)
- sample-frame-np library: Orphan instances for types from sample-frame and numericprelude (bsd3, library, sound)
- sampling library, test and benchmark: Sample values from collections. (library, math, mit)
- samsort library and test: A stable adaptive mergesort implementation (bsd3, data, library)
- samtools library: Binding to the C samtools library (bioinformatics, library, mit)
- samtools-conduit library and program: Conduit interface to SAM/BAM format files through samtools (bioinformatics, library, mit, program)
- samtools-enumerator library: Enumerator interface to SamTools library (bioinformatics, library, mit)
- samtools-iteratee library: Iteratee interface to SamTools library (bioinformatics, library, mit)
- sandi library, test and benchmark: Data encoding library (bsd3, codec, conduit, library)
- sandlib library: SAND data serialization and manipulation library (ai, bsd3, library)
- sandman program: Manages Cabal sandboxes to avoid rebuilding packages. (development, mit, program)
- sandwatch library, program and test: record historical command runtimes for later prediction (bsd3, command-line, library, program)
- sandwich library, programs and test: Yet another test framework for Haskell (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- sandwich-contexts library and test: Contexts for the Sandwich test library (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- sandwich-contexts-kubernetes library and test: Sandwich test contexts for Kubernetes (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- sandwich-contexts-minio library: Sandwich test contexts for MinIO (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- sandwich-hedgehog library and test: Sandwich integration with Hedgehog (bsd3, library, testing)
- sandwich-quickcheck library and test: Sandwich integration with QuickCheck (bsd3, library, testing)
- sandwich-slack library, program and test: Sandwich integration with Slack (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- sandwich-webdriver library and test: Sandwich integration with Selenium WebDriver (bsd3, library, testing)
- sarasvati library: audio library. (bsd3, library, sound)
- sarif library: SARIF implementation for Haskell (data, library, mit)
- sarsi library and programs: A universal quickfix toolkit and his protocol. (apache, development, library, program)
- sasha library and test: A staged lexer generator (bsd3, development, lexing, library)
- sasl library: SASL implementation using simple-pipe (bsd3, library, network)
- sat programs: CNF SATisfier (algorithms, program)
- sat-micro-hs program: A minimal SAT solver (algorithms, program)
- sat-simple library and tests: A high-level wrapper over minisat (bsd3, data, library)
- satchmo library and tests: SAT encoding monad (gpl, library, logic)
- satchmo-backends library: driver for external satchmo backends (algorithms, library)
- satchmo-examples programs: examples that show how to use satchmo (algorithms, program)
- satchmo-funsat library: funsat driver as backend for satchmo (algorithms, library)
- satchmo-minisat library: minisat driver as backend for satchmo (library, unclassified)
- satchmo-toysat library: toysat driver as backend for satchmo (algorithms, bsd3, library, logic)
- saturn library and test: Handle POSIX cron schedules. (cron, library, mit)
- satyros library and test: Step-by-step SAT solver for educational purposes (language, library, mit)
- sauron library, program and test: The eye that watches everything you did on Twitter (library, mpl, program, unclassified)
- savage library: re-export of the random generators from Hedgehog (bsd3, library, testing)
- sax library and test: Monadic streaming XML parser (bsd3, library, sax, text)
- say library, test and benchmark: Send textual messages to a Handle in a thread-friendly way (library, mit, text)
- say-my-name library: Require explicit type application for some type variables. (bsd3, library, types)
- sayable library and test: Construction of context-adjusted pretty output (library, text)
- sbp library, programs and test: SwiftNav's SBP Library (library, mit, network, program)
- sbp2udp program: SBP to UDP (bsd3, deprecated, network, program)
- sbv library, tests and benchmark: SMT Based Verification: Symbolic Haskell theorem prover using SMT solving. (bit-vectors, bsd3, formal-methods, library, math, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- sbv-program library and test: Component-based program synthesis using SBV (bit-vectors, bsd3, formal-methods, library, smt, symbolic-computation)
- sbvPlugin library and test: Formally prove properties of Haskell programs using SBV/SMT (bsd3, formal-methods, library, math, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- sc2-lowlevel library: Low-level Starcraft II API (bsd3, ffi, game, library, network)
- sc2-proto library: A protocol buffer model for the Starcraft II bot API (library, mit, proto)
- sc2-support library: Support and utility library for sc2hs. (bsd3, ffi, game, library, network)
- sc2hs library and program: An interface to the Starcraft II bot API (ffi, game, library, network, program)
- sc3-rdu library: Haskell bindings to sc3-rdu (sc3 rd ugens) (deprecated, library, sound)
- scalable-server library: Library for writing fast/scalable TCP-based services (bsd3, library, network)
- scale library and test: SCALE v2.0 codec for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- scaleimage program: Scale an image to a new geometry (bsd3, graphics, program)
- scalendar library and test: A library for handling calendars and resource availability over time. (calendar, deprecated, library, mit, time)
- scalp-webhooks library, program and test: Test webhooks locally (apache, library, program, web)
- scalpel library: A high level web scraping library for Haskell. (apache, library, web)
- scalpel-core library, test and benchmark: A high level web scraping library for Haskell. (apache, library, web)
- scalpel-search library and test: scalpel scrapers for search engines (gpl, library, web)
- scan program: lexical style suggestions for source code (bsd3, development, program)
- scan-metadata library: Metadata types for Albedo Scanners (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- scan-vector-machine library and test: An implementation of the Scan Vector Machine instruction set in Haskell (bsd3, library, parallelism)
- scanf library and test: Easy and type-safe format strings for parsing and printing (library, mit, text)
- scanner library, test and benchmark: Fast non-backtracking incremental combinator parsing for bytestrings (bsd3, library, parsing)
- scanner-attoparsec library and test: Inject attoparsec parser with backtracking into non-backtracking scanner (bsd3, library, parsing)
- scat program and test: Generates unique passwords for various websites from a single password. (bsd3, password, program)
- scc library, program and test: Streaming component combinators (combinators, concurrency, control, library, program)
- scenegraph library and test: Scene Graph (bsd3, graphics, library)
- scgi library: A Haskell library for writing SCGI programs. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- schedevr programs: Marge schedules and show EVR (bsd3, development, program)
- schedule library and tests: Pure deterministic scheduled computations (control, delay, gpl, library, schedule, time, timeout)
- schedule-planner program: Find the ideal lesson layout (convenience, data, lgpl, planning, program)
- scheduler library and tests: Work stealing scheduler. (bsd3, concurrency, library, parallelism)
- scheduling library and program: An interview scheduler using constraint satisfaction and Google Sheets (bsd3, cloud, library, program, time)
- schedyield library: Exposes standard POSIX function sched_yield. (bsd3, library, parallelism, system)
- schema library and test: Encoding-independent schemas for Haskell data types. (data, gpl, library)
- schemas library and test: schema guided serialization (bsd3, data, library)
- schematic library and test: JSON-biased spec and validation tool (bsd3, data, library)
- scholdoc library, program, test and benchmark: Converts ScholarlyMarkdown documents to HTML5/LaTeX/Docx format (library, program, text)
- scholdoc-citeproc library, program and test: Scholdoc fork of pandoc-citeproc (bsd3, library, program, text)
- scholdoc-texmath library and test: Scholdoc fork of texmath (library, text)
- scholdoc-types library: Scholdoc fork of pandoc-types (library, text)
- schonfinkeling library: Transformation of n-ary functions to unary functions (bsd3, control, library)
- sci-ratio library and test: Rational numbers in scientific notation. (library, mit, text)
- scidb-hquery library and program: Haskell query for SciDB via shim (client, database, gpl, library, program)
- science-constants library: Mathematical/physical/chemical constants (bsd3, chemistry, library, math, physics, science)
- science-constants-dimensional library: Mathematical/physical/chemical constants (bsd3, chemistry, library, math, physics, science)
- scientific library, test and benchmark: Numbers represented using scientific notation (bsd3, data, library)
- scientific-notation library, test and benchmark: Scientific notation intended for tokenization (bsd3, data, library)
- scientist library and tests: A Haskell library for carefully refactoring critical paths. (library, mit, utils)
- scion library: Haskell IDE library (bsd3, development, library)
- scion-browser library and program: Command-line interface for browsing and searching packages documentation (bsd3, development, library, program)
- scons2dot program: Generates graphviz file of scons dependency information (development, program)
- scope library: An interactive renderer for plotting time-series data (bsd3, development, library)
- scope-cairo library and program: An interactive renderer for plotting time-series data (bsd3, development, library, program)
- scoped-codensity library and test: CPS resource allocation but as a Monad and completely safe (agpl, control, library)
- scottish library: scotty with batteries included (bsd3, library, web)
- scotty library, tests and benchmark: Haskell web framework inspired by Ruby's Sinatra, using WAI and Warp (bsd3, library, web)
- scotty-binding-play library and test: The Play Framework style data binding in Scotty. (bsd3, library, web)
- scotty-blaze library: blaze-html integration for Scotty (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- scotty-cookie library: Cookie management helper functions for Scotty framework (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- scotty-fay library and test: Fay integration for Scotty. (development, fay, library, mit, web)
- scotty-form library: Html form validation using `ditto` (library, mit, web)
- scotty-format library, program and test: Response format helper for the Scotty web framework. (apache, library, program, web)
- scotty-hastache library: Easy Mustache templating support for Scotty (bsd3, library, web)
- scotty-haxl library: Combine scotty and haxl (bsd3, concurrency, library, scotty, web)
- scotty-params-parser library: HTTP-request's query parameters parser abstraction for "scotty" (library, mit, parser, web)
- scotty-path-normalizer library and test: Redirect to a normalized path (library, mit, web)
- scotty-resource library: [Deprecated] A Better way of modeling web resources. (apache, deprecated, library, web)
- scotty-rest library and test: Webmachine-style REST library for scotty (bsd3, library, web)
- scotty-session library: Adding session functionality to scotty (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- scotty-tls library: TLS for Scotty (bsd3, library, web)
- scotty-utils library: Scotty utils library (bsd3, library, scotty, utils, web)
- scotty-view library and program: (library, mit, program, web)
- scp-streams library, programs and test: An SCP protocol implementation. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- scrabble-bot program: Scrabble play generation. (bsd3, game, program)
- scrapbook library, program and test: collect posts of site that is wrote in config yaml using feed or scraping (library, mit, program, web)
- scrapbook-core library and test: Core Package for scrapbook (library, mit, web)
- scrape-changes library and test: Scrape websites for changes (gpl, library, network)
- screenshot-to-clipboard library and program: Take screenshot and copy it to the system clipboard. (bsd3, library, program, utils)
- script-monad library, program and test: Stack of error, reader, writer, state, and prompt monad transformers (bsd3, control.monad, library, program)
- scrobble library and program: Scrobbling server. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- scroll program: scroll(6), a roguelike game (game, gpl, program)
- scroll-list library and test: This package provides functions for relocate an item within a list. (bsd3, library, list)
- scrypt library and test: Stronger password hashing via sequential memory-hard functions. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- scrz program: Process management and supervision daemon (program, system)
- scubature library: Multidimensional integration over simplices (gpl, integration, library, numeric)
- scuttlebutt-types library and test: generic types for Secure Scuttlebutt (bsd3, library, network)
- scythe library and program: Fast CSV lexing on ByteString (bsd3, data, library, program)
- scyther-proof program: Automatic generation of Isabelle/HOL correctness proofs
for security protocols. (program, security, theorem-provers)
- sde-solver library: Distributed SDE solver (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- sdf2p1-parser library and tests: A parser for SDF version 2.1 using Parsec (library, mit, text)
- sdl-try-drivers program: small testing tool for sdl2 and accelerated drivers (graphics, mit, program)
- sdl2 library and test: Both high- and low-level bindings to the SDL library (version 2.0.6+). (bsd3, graphics, library)
- sdl2-cairo library: Render with Cairo on SDL textures. (graphics, library, mit)
- sdl2-cairo-image library: An image loading and rendering library for sdl2 / sdl2-cairo (graphics, library, mit)
- sdl2-compositor library and test: image compositing with sdl2 - declarative style (gpl, graphics, library)
- sdl2-fps library: Run of the mill, frames per second timer implementation (bsd3, game, library)
- sdl2-gfx library and program: Haskell bindings to SDL2_gfx (foreign, graphics, library, mit, program)
- sdl2-image library and program: Haskell bindings to SDL2_image (foreign, graphics, image, library, mit, program)
- sdl2-mixer library and programs: Haskell bindings to SDL2_mixer (bsd3, foreign, library, program, sound)
- sdl2-sprite library and program: Sprite previewer/animator (bsd3, library, program, web)
- sdl2-ttf library: Bindings to SDL2_ttf. (bsd3, font, foreign-binding, graphics, library)
- sdnv library: Self-delimiting numeric values encoding library (bsd2, library, numeric)
- sdp library: Simple Data Processing (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp-binary library: Binary instances for SDP (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp-deepseq library: DeepSeq SDP extension. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp-hashable library: Hashable instances for SDP (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp-io library: SDP IO extension (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp-quickcheck library, tests and benchmarks: SDP QuickCheck support (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp4bytestring library and tests: SDP wrapper for ByteString. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp4text library and tests: SDP wrapper for Text. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp4unordered library: SDP classes for unordered containers (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdp4vector library and tests: SDP wrapper for Vector (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sdr test and benchmark: A software defined radio library (bsd3, software-defined-radio)
- seacat library: Small web framework using Warp and WAI (library, web)
- seakale library: Pure SQL layer on top of other libraries (bsd3, database, library)
- seakale-postgresql library: PostgreSQL backend for Seakale (bsd3, database, library)
- seakale-tests library: Helpers to test code using Seakale (bsd3, database, library)
- seal-module library: Template Haskell support for global configuration data (bsd3, language, library)
- search library and test: Infinite search in finite time with Hilbert's epsilon (bsd3, library, math, search, topology)
- search-algorithms library, tests and benchmark: Common graph search algorithms (algorithm, bsd3, library)
- sec library: Semantic Editor Combinators. (bsd3, combinators, data, library)
- secd library, program and test: A Haskell implementation of the SECD abstract machine (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- secdh library and program: SECDH Machine Simulator (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- seclib library: A simple library for static information-flow security in Haskell (bsd3, library, security)
- second-transfer library and test: Second Transfer HTTP/2 web server (bsd3, library, network)
- secp256k1 library and test: Bindings for secp256k1 library from Bitcoin Core (crypto, deprecated, library, public-domain)
- secp256k1-haskell library and test: Bindings for secp256k1 (crypto, library, mit)
- secp256k1-legacy library and test: fork of secp256k1 (crypto, library)
- secret-santa program: Secret Santa game assigner using QR-Codes (game, gpl, program)
- secret-sharing library and test: Information-theoretic secure secret sharing (cryptography, data, lgpl, library)
- secrm program: Example of writing "secure" file removal in Haskell rather than C. (program, public-domain, security)
- secure-memory library, program and test: Securely allocated and deallocated memory. (cryptography, library, memory, mpl, program)
- secure-sockets library: Secure point-to-point connectivity library (bsd3, library, network)
- secureUDP library: Setups secure (unsorted) UDP packet transfer. (library, mit, network)
- securemem library: abstraction to an auto scrubbing and const time eq, memory chunk. (bsd3, data, library)
- sednaDBXML library: Sedna C API XML Binding (database, ffi, gpl, library)
- seitz-symbol library and tests: Read and Display Seitz Symbol (chemistry, library, mit)
- sel library and test: Cryptography for the casual user (bsd3, cryptography, library, libsodium)
- selda library: Multi-backend, high-level EDSL for interacting with SQL databases. (database, library, mit)
- selda-json library: JSON support for the Selda database library. (database, library, mit)
- selda-postgresql library: PostgreSQL backend for the Selda database EDSL. (database, library, mit)
- selda-sqlite library: SQLite backend for the Selda database EDSL. (database, library, mit)
- select library: Wrap the select(2) POSIX function (bsd3, library, system)
- select-rpms library: Select a subset of RPM packages (distribution, library, mit)
- selections library: Combinators for operating with selections over an underlying functor (bsd3, data-structures, functors, library)
- selective library and test: Selective applicative functors (control, library, mit)
- selectors library: CSS Selectors for DOM traversal (bsd3, library, xml)
- selenium library: Test web applications through a browser. (bsd3, library, web)
- selenium-server library and test: Run the selenium standalone server for usage with webdriver (library, mit, testing)
- self-extract library and program: A Haskell library to make self-extracting executables (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- selfrestart library: Restarts the current executable (on binary change) (library, mit, unclassified)
- selinux library: SELinux bindings (bsd3, library, system)
- semantic library: Framework and service for analyzing and diffing untrusted code. (language, library, mit)
- semantic-source library and test: Types and functionality for working with source code (data, library, mit)
- semantic-version library: Semantic Version (bsd3, library, test)
- semaphore-compat library: Cross-platform abstraction for system semaphores (bsd3, library, system)
- semaphore-plus library: Various concurrency abstractions built on top of semaphores (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- semdoc library and program: Evaluate code snippets in Literate Haskell. (agpl, development, library, program)
- semi-iso library: Weakened partial isomorphisms, reversible computations. (control, data, library, mit)
- semialign library: Align and Zip type-classes from the common Semialign ancestor. (bsd3, data, library, these)
- semialign-extras library and test: Extra functions for working with Semialigns (bsd3, data, library)
- semialign-indexed library: SemialignWithIndex, i.e. izipWith and ialignWith (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, these)
- semialign-optics library: SemialignWithIndex, i.e. izipWith and ialignWith (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, these)
- semibounded-lattices library and test: A Haskell implementation of semibounded lattices (bsd3, data, library)
- semigroupoid-extras library: Semigroupoids that depend on PolyKinds (bsd3, control, library)
- semigroupoids library: Semigroupoids: Category sans id (bsd2, comonads, control, library)
- semigroupoids-do library: Support for QualifiedDo with semigroupoids classes. (apache, library, semigroupoids)
- semigroupoids-syntax library and test: RebindableSyntax using the semigroupoids package (bsd3, data, library)
- semigroups library: Anything that associates (algebra, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, math)
- semigroups-actions library: Semigroups actions (algebra, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, math)
- semilattices library and test: Semilattices (algebra, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, math)
- semiring : Semirings, ring-like structures used for dynamic programming applications (bsd3, math, natural-language-processing)
- semiring-num library, test and benchmark: Basic semiring class and instances (data, library, mit)
- semiring-simple library: A module for dealing with semirings. (bsd3, library, math)
- semirings library: two monoids as one, in holy haskimony (algebra, bsd3, data, data-structures, library, math, mathematics, maths)
- semver library, test and benchmark: Representation, manipulation, and de/serialisation of Semantic Versions. (data, library, mpl)
- semver-range library and test: An implementation of semver and semantic version ranges. (library, mit, unclassified)
- sendfile library: A portable sendfile library (bsd3, library, network)
- sendgrid-haskell library: Sengrid API (library, mit, web)
- sendgrid-v3 library and test: Sendgrid v3 API library (library, mit, network)
- sensei programs and test: Automatically run Hspec tests on file modifications (development, mit, program)
- sensenet program: Distributed sensor network for the raspberry pi (mit, program, unclassified)
- sensu-run program: A tool to send command execution results to Sensu (bsd3, program, system)
- sentence-jp library: Easily generating message of japanese natural language (bsd3, japanese-natural-language-processing, library)
- sentiwordnet-parser library: Parser for the SentiWordNet tab-separated file (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- sentry library and programs: Process monitoring tool written and configured in Haskell (bsd3, library, network, program)
- senza library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- seocheck library, program and test: Check for common SEO mistakes on CI (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- seonbi library, programs and tests: SmartyPants for Korean language (lgpl, library, program, text)
- separated library and test: A data type with elements separated by values (bsd3, data, library)
- seqaid library and programs: Dynamic strictness control, including space leak repair (bsd3, compiler-plugin, library, program)
- seqalign library: Sequence Alignment (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- seqid library: Sequence ID production and consumption (bsd3, data, library)
- seqid-streams library: Sequence ID IO-Streams (bsd3, io-streams, library)
- seqloc library and test: Handle sequence locations for bioinformatics (bioinformatics, library, mit)
- seqloc-datafiles library, programs and tests: Read and write BED and GTF format genome annotations (bioinformatics, library, mit, program)
- seqn library and test: Sequences and measured sequences (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- sequence library: A type class for sequences and various sequence data structures. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- sequence-formats library and test: A package with basic parsing utilities for several Bioinformatic data formats. (bioinformatics, gpl, library)
- sequenceTools library, programs and test: A package with tools for processing DNA sequencing data (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- sequent-core library: Alternative Core language for GHC plugins (bsd3, development, library)
- sequential-index library: Sequential numbers that allow arbitrarily inserting numbers - for containers (bsd3, data, library)
- sequitur library, test and benchmark: Grammar-based compression algorithms SEQUITUR (bsd3, compression, formal-languages, language, library, natural-language-processing, nlp, text)
- sequor library and programs: A sequence labeler based on Collins's sequence perceptron. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, program)
- serdoc-binary library and test: `binary` backend for `serdoc` (apache, data, library)
- serdoc-core library and test: Generated documentation of serialization formats (apache, data, library)
- serf library: Interact with Serf via Haskell. (library, mit, system)
- serial library: POSIX serial port wrapper (library, system)
- serial-test-generators library and test: Test your 'Aeson' 'Serialize' and 'Binary' instances for stability over time (library, mit, test)
- serialise library, test and benchmarks: A binary serialisation library for Haskell values. (bsd3, codec, library)
- serialise-uuid library and test: Encode and decode UUID values in CBOR using uuid-types, cborg and serialise. (bsd3, data, library)
- serialize-instances library: Instances for Serialize of cereal (data, library, mit)
- serialport library and test: Cross platform serial port library. (bsd3, hardware, library)
- serokell-util library and test: General-purpose functions by Serokell (deprecated, library, mit, utils)
- serpentine library and program: Simple project template from stack (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, web)
- serv library: Dependently typed API framework (bsd3, library, web)
- serv-wai library and test: Dependently typed API servers with Serv (bsd3, library, web)
- servant library and test: A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-JuicyPixels library and program: Servant support for JuicyPixels (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- servant-activeresource library and test: Servant endpoints compatible with Rails's ActiveResources (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-aeson-generics-typescript library and program: Generates a TypeScript client for Servant APIs (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-aeson-specs library and test: generic tests for aeson serialization in servant (library, mit, web)
- servant-auth library: Authentication combinators for servant (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-auth-client library and test: servant-client/servant-auth compatibility (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-auth-cookie library, test and benchmark: Authentication via encrypted cookies (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-auth-docs library and tests: servant-docs/servant-auth compatibility (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-auth-hmac library, program and test: Authentication via HMAC (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-auth-server library and test: servant-server/servant-auth compatibility (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-auth-swagger library and test: servant-swagger/servant-auth compatibility (authentication, bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-auth-token library: Servant based API and server for token based authorisation (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-auth-token-acid library: Acid-state backend for servant-auth-token server (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-auth-token-api library: Servant based API for token based authorisation (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-auth-token-leveldb library: Leveldb backend for servant-auth-token server (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-auth-token-persistent library: Persistent backend for servant-auth-token server (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-auth-token-rocksdb library: RocksDB backend for servant-auth-token server (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-auth-wordpress library: Authenticate Routes Using Wordpress Cookies (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-avro library and test: Avro content type for Servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-benchmark library and test: Generate benchmark files from a Servant API (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-blaze library and test: Blaze-html support for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-cassava library and test: Servant CSV content-type for cassava (bsd3, csv, library, servant, web)
- servant-checked-exceptions library and test: Checked exceptions for Servant APIs. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-checked-exceptions-core library: Checked exceptions for Servant APIs. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-cli library and program: Command line interface for Servant API clients (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-client library: Automatic derivation of querying functions for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-client-core library and test: Core functionality and class for client function generation for servant APIs (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-client-js library: A servant client for frontend JavaScript (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-client-namedargs library and test: Automatically derive API client functions with named and optional parameters (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-combinators library and test: Extra servant combinators for full WAI functionality. (library, mit, web)
- servant-conduit library and test: Servant Stream support for conduit. (bsd3, enumerator, library, servant, web)
- servant-csharp library: Generate servant client library for C# (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-db library: Servant types for defining API with relational DBs (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- servant-db-postgresql library and test: Derive a postgres client to database API specified by servant-db (bsd3, database, library)
- servant-dhall library and test: Servant Dhall content-type (bsd3, dhall, library, servant, web)
- servant-docs library, program and test: generate API docs for your servant webservice (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)
- servant-docs-simple library and test: Generate endpoints overview for Servant API (library, mit, utility)
- servant-ede library and program: Combinators for rendering EDE templates in servant web applications (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-ekg library, test and benchmark: Helpers for using ekg with servant (bsd3, library, servant, system, web)
- servant-elm library and test: Automatically derive Elm functions to query servant webservices. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-errors library and test: Servant Errors wai-middlware (library, mit, network, servant)
- servant-event-stream library and test: Servant support for Server-Sent events (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-examples programs: Example programs for servant (bsd3, program, web)
- servant-exceptions library: Extensible exceptions for servant APIs (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-exceptions-server library: Extensible exceptions for servant API servers (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-fiat-content library: Fiat content types (deprecated, library, mit, servant, web)
- servant-flatten library: Utilities for flattening servant API types (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-foreign library and test: Helpers for generating clients for servant APIs in any programming language (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-gdp library: Use Servant and GDP together to create expressive web API types (bsd3, lib, library)
- servant-generate library: Utilities for generating mock server implementations (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-generic library and test: Specify Servant APIs with records. (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- servant-github library, program and test: Bindings to GitHub API using servant. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-github-webhook library and tests: Servant combinators to facilitate writing GitHub webhooks. (library, mit, web)
- servant-hateoas library and test: HATEOAS extension for servant (bsd3, hateoas, library, rest, servant, web)
- servant-haxl-client library and test: automatical derivation of querying functions for servant webservices (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-hmac-auth library and test: Servant authentication with HMAC (cryptography, library, mit, web)
- servant-htmx library, program and test: A library for using servant with htmx (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-http-streams library and tests: Automatic derivation of querying functions for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-http2-client library and test: Generate HTTP2 clients from Servant API descriptions. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-iCalendar library: Servant support for iCalendar (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-jquery library and test: Automatically derive (jquery) javascript functions to query servant webservices (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- servant-js library and test: Automatically derive javascript functions to query servant webservices. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-jsonrpc library: JSON-RPC messages and endpoints (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-jsonrpc-client library: Generate JSON-RPC servant clients (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-jsonrpc-server library: JSON-RPC servant servers (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-kotlin library, test and benchmark: Automatically derive Kotlin class to query servant webservices (library, mit, web)
- servant-lint library and test: Lint Servant Routes (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-lucid library and test: Servant support for lucid (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-machines library and test: Servant Stream support for machines (bsd3, enumerator, library, servant, web)
- servant-match library and test: Standalone implementation of servant’s dispatching mechanism (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-matrix-param library and tests: Matrix parameter combinator for servant (library, mit, web)
- servant-mock library and test: Derive a mock server for free from your servant API types (bsd3, library, servant, testing, web)
- servant-multipart library and test: multipart/form-data (e.g file upload) support for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-multipart-api library: multipart/form-data (e.g file upload) support for servant (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-multipart-client library and program: multipart/form-data (e.g file upload) support for servant (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)
- servant-named library and test: Add named endpoints to servant (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-namedargs library and test: Combinators for servant providing named parameters (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-nix library and test: Servant Nix content-type (bsd3, library, nix, servant, web)
- servant-oauth2 library: A library for OAuth2 authentication in servant. (library, web)
- servant-oauth2-examples library and programs: Example applications using this library in three ways. (library, program, web)
- servant-openapi3 library and tests: Generate a Swagger/OpenAPI/OAS 3.0 specification for your servant API. (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)
- servant-options library: Provide responses to OPTIONS requests for Servant applications. (library, mit, web)
- servant-pagination library and test: Type-safe pagination for Servant APIs (lgpl, library, web)
- servant-pandoc library: Use Pandoc to render servant API documentation (library, mit, servant, web)
- servant-pipes library and test: Servant Stream support for pipes (bsd3, library, pipes, servant, web)
- servant-polysemy library and programs: Utilities for using servant in a polysemy stack (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)
- servant-pool library: Utility functions for creating servant 'Context's with "context/connection pooling" support (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- servant-postgresql library: Useful functions and instances for using servant with a PostgreSQL context (bsd3, database, deprecated, library, web)
- servant-prometheus library, test and benchmark: Helpers for using prometheus with servant (bsd3, library, servant, system, web)
- servant-proto-lens library and test: Servant Content-Type for proto-lens protobuf modules. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-purescript library and test: Generate PureScript accessor functions for you servant API (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-pushbullet-client library: Bindings to the Pushbullet API using servant-client (library, mit, web)
- servant-py library and test: Automatically derive python functions to query servant webservices. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-queryparam-client library: Client support for servant-queryparam-core. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-queryparam-core library: Use records for query parameters in servant APIs. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-queryparam-openapi3 library: Instances of classes from openapi3 for servant-queryparam-core. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-queryparam-server library: Server support for servant-queryparam-core. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-quickcheck library and tests: QuickCheck entire APIs (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-rate-limit library and test: Rate limiting for Servant (library, mit, security)
- servant-rawm library: Embed a raw 'Application' in a Servant API (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-rawm-client library: The client implementation of servant-rawm. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-rawm-docs library: Documentation generator for 'RawM' endpoints. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-rawm-server library: The server implementation of servant-rawm. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-reason library and tests: Derive Reason types to interact with a Haskell backend (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-reflex library: servant API generator for reflex apps (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-response library: Machinery to express how servant should turn results of database operations into proper JSON-encodable response types (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- servant-router library and tests: Servant router for non-server applications. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-ruby library and test: Generate a Ruby client from a Servant API with Net::HTTP. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-scotty library: Generate a web service for servant 'Resource's using scotty and JSON (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- servant-seo library and test: Generate Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml specification for your servant API. (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-serf library and program: Automatically generate Servant API modules. (library, mit, program, web)
- servant-serialization library, program and test: (library, mit, program, serialization, servant)
- servant-server library, program and test: A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)
- servant-server-namedargs library: Automatically derive API server functions with named and optional parameters (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-smsc-ru library and test: Servant client for service for sending SMS to cell phones (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-snap library, program and test: A family of combinators for defining webservices APIs and serving them (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-stache library and program: Content-Types for rendering Mustache in servant (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-static-th library and test: Embed a directory of static files in your Servant server (bsd3, library, text)
- servant-streaming library and test: Servant combinators for the 'streaming' package (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- servant-streaming-client library and test: Client instances for the 'servant-streaming' package. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- servant-streaming-docs library: Client instances for the 'servant-docs' package. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- servant-streaming-server library and test: Server instances for the 'servant-streaming' package. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- servant-streamly library, program and test: Servant Stream support for streamly. (bsd3, library, program, servant, streamly, web)
- servant-subscriber library and program: When REST is not enough ... (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-swagger library and tests: Generate a Swagger/OpenAPI/OAS 2.0 specification for your servant API. (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)
- servant-swagger-tags library: Swagger Tags for Servant (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)
- servant-swagger-ui library: Servant swagger ui (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)
- servant-swagger-ui-core library: Servant swagger ui core components (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)
- servant-swagger-ui-jensoleg library: Servant swagger ui: Jens-Ole Graulund theme (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)
- servant-swagger-ui-redoc library: Servant swagger ui: ReDoc theme (bsd3, library, servant, swagger, web)
- servant-to-elm library and test: Automatically generate Elm clients for Servant APIs (api, bsd3, compiler, elm, library, servant)
- servant-tracing library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- servant-typed-error library: Typed error wrapper for Servant (library, mit, servant, web)
- servant-typescript library, program and test: TypeScript client generation for Servant (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-util library, program and test: Servant servers utilities. (library, mpl, program, servant, web)
- servant-util-beam-pg library, program and test: Implementation of servant-util primitives for beam-postgres. (database, library, mpl, program, servant, web)
- servant-validate library and test: Chekc static properties of servant APIs (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-waargonaut library and test: Servant Integration for Waargonaut JSON Package (bsd3, json, library, web)
- servant-wasm library and program: Servant support for delivering WebAssembly (bsd3, library, program, web)
- servant-websockets library and programs: Small library providing WebSocket endpoints for servant. (bsd3, library, program, servant, web)
- servant-xml library: Servant support for the XML Content-Type (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-xml-conduit library: Servant XML content-type with support for xml-conduit (agpl, library, web)
- servant-xstatic library: XStatic adapter for servant (bsd3, javascript, library)
- servant-yaml library and test: Servant support for yaml (bsd3, library, servant, web)
- servant-zeppelin library: Types and definitions of servant-zeppelin combinators. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-zeppelin-client library and test: Client library for servant-zeppelin combinators. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-zeppelin-server library and test: Server library for servant-zeppelin combinators. (bsd3, library, web)
- servant-zeppelin-swagger library and test: Swagger instances for servant-zeppelin combinators. (bsd3, library, web)
- server-generic library: Auto-generate a server for your datatype (bsd3, library, web)
- serverless-haskell library and test: Deploying Haskell code onto AWS Lambda using Serverless (aws, cloud, library, mit, network)
- serversession library and test: Secure, modular server-side sessions. (library, mit, web)
- serversession-backend-acid-state library and test: Storage backend for serversession using acid-state. (library, mit, web)
- serversession-backend-persistent library and test: Storage backend for serversession using persistent and an RDBMS. (library, mit, web)
- serversession-backend-redis library and test: Storage backend for serversession using Redis. (library, mit, web)
- serversession-frontend-snap library: Snap bindings for serversession. (library, mit, web)
- serversession-frontend-wai library: wai-session bindings for serversession. (library, mit, web)
- serversession-frontend-yesod library: Yesod bindings for serversession. (library, mit, web)
- services library and test: Tools for building services (bsd3, library, web)
- serviette library: JSON to Sql (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- servius program: Warp web server with template rendering (mit, program, web)
- ses-html library: Send HTML formatted emails using Amazon's SES REST API with blaze (aws, bsd3, email, library, network, web)
- ses-html-snaplet library: Snaplet for the ses-html package (aws, bsd3, deprecated, email, library, network, snap, web)
- sessions library: Session Types for Haskell (control, library)
- sessiontypes library, program and tests: Session types library (control, gpl, library, program)
- sessiontypes-distributed library and tests: Session types distributed (control, gpl, library)
- set-cover library, test and benchmark: Solve exact set cover problems like Sudoku, 8 Queens, Soma Cube, Tetris Cube (algorithms, bsd3, library, math)
- set-extra library: Functions that could be added to Data.Set. (bsd3, data, library)
- set-monad library: Set monad (bsd3, data, library, monad)
- set-of library: Sets of fixed size, with typelits (bsd3, data, library)
- set-with library and test: Set of elements sorted by a different data type. (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- setdown program: Treating files as sets to perform rapid set manipulation. (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- setenv library: A cross-platform library for setting environment variables (library, mit, system)
- setgame library and program: A console interface to the game of Set (bsd3, game, library, program)
- setlocale library: Haskell bindings to setlocale (bsd3, library, system)
- setoid library and test: A Haskell implementation of setoid (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- setop library, program and tests: Perform set operations on files. (library, mit, program, tools)
- setops library: Uniform names (and Unicode operators) for set operations on data structures. (data, library, public-domain)
- sets library, test and benchmark: Ducktyped set interface for Haskell containers. (bsd3, data, library)
- setters library: Small (TH) library to declare setters for typical `record' data type fields. (bsd3, data, library)
- settings library: Runtime-editable program settings. (data, library, public-domain, user-interfaces)
- sexp library, program and test: S-Expression parsing/printing made fun and easy (gpl, language, library, parsing, program)
- sexp-grammar library, test and benchmark: Invertible grammar combinators for S-expressions (bsd3, language, library)
- sexp-show program: Produce a s-expression representation of Show values. (bsd3, deprecated, development, program)
- sexpr library: S-expression printer and parser (bsd3, codec, library)
- sexpr-parser library, program and test: Simple s-expression parser (command-line, library, mit, program)
- sexpresso library and test: A flexible library for parsing and printing S-expression (data, library)
- sext library and test: Lists, Texts, ByteStrings and Vectors with type-encoded length (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, text, type-system)
- sfml-audio library: minimal bindings to the audio module of sfml (library, sound)
- sfmt library: SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister(SFMT) binding. (bsd3, library, math, random)
- sfnt2woff library, program and test: A command line tool to convert TrueType/OpenType fonts to WOFF format (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- sgd library and test: Stochastic gradient descent library (bsd3, library, math)
- sgf library: SGF (Smart Game Format) parser (bsd3, data, library)
- sgrep program: Sgrep - grep Fasta files for sequences matching a regular expression (bioinformatics, program)
- sh2md library, program and test: Record your shell session and print in the markdown format (bsd3, library, program, utilities)
- sha-streams library and program: SHA hashes for io-streams. (bsd3, io-streams, library, program, system)
- sha-validation library: Validation SHA Implementations (data, library, mit)
- sha1 library and test: SHA-1 Hash (bsd3, data, library)
- sha256 library and test: A modern binding to SHA256, HMAC, HKDF, and PBKDF2 (apache, cryptography, graphics, library)
- shade library: A control structure used to combine heterogenous types with delayed effects. (bsd3, control, library)
- shaderc library and test: A collection of tools and libraries for Vulkan shader compilation (bsd3, language, library)
- shadower program and test: An automated way to run doctests in files that are changing (program, public-domain, testing)
- shadowsocks library, programs and test: A fast SOCKS5 proxy that help you get through firewalls (library, mit, program, web)
- shady-gen library: Functional GPU programming - DSEL & compiler (gpu, language, library)
- shady-graphics library: Functional GPU programming - DSEL & compiler (graphics, library)
- shake library, program and test: Build system library, like Make, but more accurate dependencies. (bsd3, development, library, program, shake)
- shake-ats library: Utilities for building ATS projects with shake (ats, bsd3, build, development, library, shake)
- shake-bench library: Build rules for historical benchmarking (apache, development, library)
- shake-bindist library: Rules for binary distributions (archive, bsd3, compression, library, shake)
- shake-c library: Library for building C code with shake (bsd3, c, development, library)
- shake-cabal library: Shake library for use with cabal (bsd3, development, library)
- shake-cabal-build program: Utility for building Shake build systems using Cabal sandboxes (apache, development, program)
- shake-ccjs library: Shake rules for CCJS (bsd3, development, library)
- shake-dhall library and test: Dhall dependencies (bsd3, dhall, language, library)
- shake-elm library: Elm builds in shake (bsd3, development, library)
- shake-ext library: Helper functions for linting with shake (bsd3, development, library, shake)
- shake-extras library: Extra utilities for shake build systems (bsd3, database, library)
- shake-futhark library: Dependency tracking for Futhark (bsd3, build, development, futhark, library, shake)
- shake-google-closure-compiler library: Shake rules for the Google closure compiler (bsd3, development, library, shake)
- shake-language-c library and tests: Utilities for cross-compiling with Shake (apache, development, library)
- shake-literate library: Rules for building literate programs in shake (bsd3, development, library)
- shake-minify library: Shake Minify Rules (bsd3, development, library, shake, web)
- shake-minify-css library: Shake rules for CSS (bsd3, development, library, shake)
- shake-pack library: Shake File Pack Rule (bsd3, development, library, shake)
- shake-path library: path alternatives to shake functions (development, library, mit, shake)
- shake-persist library and program: Shake build system on-disk caching (development, gpl, library, program)
- shake-plus library: Re-export of Shake using well-typed paths and ReaderT. (development, library, mit, shake)
- shake-plus-extended library: Experimental extensions to shake-plus (development, library, mit, shake)
- shakebook library and test: Shake-based technical documentation generator; HTML & PDF (library, mit, web)
- shaker library and program: simple and interactive command-line build tool (bsd3, development, library, program)
- shakers library: Shake helpers. (development, library, mit)
- shakespeare library and test: A toolkit for making compile-time interpolated templates (library, mit, web, yesod)
- shakespeare-babel library: compile es2015 (deprecated, library, public-domain, web-yesod)
- shakespeare-css library: Stick your haskell variables into css at compile time. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)
- shakespeare-i18n library: A type-based approach to internationalization. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)
- shakespeare-js library: Stick your haskell variables into javascript/coffeescript at compile time. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)
- shakespeare-sass library: SASS support for Shakespeare and Yesod (bsd3, library, web)
- shakespeare-text library: Interpolation with quasi-quotation: put variables strings (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)
- shamochu library: “Shuffle and merge overlapping chunks” lossless compression (bsd3, codec, library)
- shana library: treat haskell functions as unix pipes (bsd3, library, system)
- shannon-fano library, program and test: Shannon-fano compression algorithm in Haskell (codec, library, mit, program)
- shapefile library: Parser and related tools for ESRI shapefile format (database, library, public-domain)
- shapely-data library and test: Generics using @(,)@ and @Either@, with algebraic operations and typed conversions (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- shapes library, program and test: physics engine and other tools for 2D shapes (bsd3, library, physics, program)
- shapes-demo program: demos for the 'shapes' package (bsd3, physics, program)
- shapes-math library, program and test: faster vector/matrix math using unboxed numbers and Template Haskell (bsd3, library, math, program)
- sharc-timbre library: Sandell Harmonic Archive. A collection of stable phases for all instruments in the orchestra. (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- shared-buffer library and test: A circular buffer built on shared memory (bsd3, library, system)
- shared-fields library and test: a tiny library for using shared lens fields (bsd3, control, library)
- shared-memory library and test: POSIX shared memory (library, mit, unclassified)
- sharedio library: Bundles shared calls to IO functions to perform them only once (concurrency, library, mit)
- she library and program: A Haskell preprocessor adding miscellaneous features (language, library, program, public-domain)
- shebanger library, program and tests: Transform a shell script into a series of scripts with only shebang lines (bsd3, library, productivity, program)
- sheets library: Spreadsheet type for composite. (bsd3, library, web)
- shelduck library, program and test: Test webhooks locally (apache, library, program, web)
- shell-conduit library and test: Write shell scripts with Conduit (bsd3, conduit, library, scripting)
- shell-escape library: Shell escaping library. (bsd3, library, text)
- shell-monad library: shell monad (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- shell-pipe library and programs: Pipe streams through external shell commands (deprecated, library, program, system)
- shell-utility library: Utility functions for writing command-line programs (bsd3, console, library)
- shellify library, program and test: A tool for generating shell.nix files (apache, library, packaging, program)
- shellish library: shell-/perl- like (systems) programming in Haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- shellmate library: Simple interface for shell scripting in Haskell. (bsd3, library, system)
- shellmate-extras library: Extra functionality for shellmate. (bsd3, library, system)
- shellmet library and test: Out of the shell solution for scripting in Haskell (command-line, library, mpl, shell)
- shellout library and program: A threaded manager for Haskell that can run and stream external process output/err/exits (bsd3, library, program, system)
- shelltestrunner program: Easy, repeatable testing of CLI programs/commands (program, testing)
- shellwords library and test: Parse strings into words, like a shell would (library, mit, text)
- shelly library and test: shell-like (systems) programming in Haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- shelly-extra library and test: shelly features that require extra dependencies (bsd3, development, library)
- shentong program: A Haskell implementation of the Shen programming language (bsd3, language, program)
- shh library, programs and test: Simple shell scripting from Haskell (bsd3, library, program, system)
- shh-extras library and test: Utility functions for using shh (bsd3, library, system)
- shift program: A tool to quickly switch between directories (mit, program, tools)
- shikensu library and test: Run a sequence of functions on in-memory representations of files (filesystem, library, mit)
- shimmer library and program: The Reflective Lambda Machine (compilers-interpreters, library, mit, program)
- shine library: Declarative graphics for the browser using GHCJS (graphics, javascript, library, mit, web)
- shine-examples : Examples for the shine package (game, graphics, javascript, mit, web)
- shine-varying library and tests: FRP interface for shine using the varying package (frp, graphics, javascript, library, mit, web)
- shivers-cfg library: Implementation of Shivers' Control-Flow Analysis (bsd3, language, library)
- shoap library: A very basic SOAP package (bsd3, library, network)
- shopify library: A haskell API binding for (bsd3, library, network)
- short-vec library, test and benchmark: Length-indexed vectors using SmallArray# (apache, data, library)
- short-vec-lens library: Lenses and related functionality for the `short-vec` package. (apache, data, library)
- shortbytestring library, test and benchmark: Additional ShortByteString API (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- shortcircuit library: Short-circuit values and expressions. (bsd3, control, data, library)
- shortcut library: (bsd3, language, library)
- shortcut-links library and test: Link shortcuts for use in text markup (library, markdown, mpl, text, web)
- shorten-strings library: Shorten a variety of string-like types adding ellipsis (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- should-not-typecheck library and test: A HUnit/hspec assertion library to verify that an expression does not typecheck (bsd3, library, testing)
- show library: 'Show' instances for Lambdabot (language, library)
- show-combinators library and test: Combinators to write Show instances (library, mit, text)
- show-please library: A wrapper type V with improved Show instances (bsd3, debug, library)
- show-prettyprint library and test: Robust prettyprinter for output of auto-generated Show
instances (bsd3, library, text, user-interfaces)
- show-type library: convert types into string values in haskell (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- showdown program: A simple gtk based Russian Roulette game. (bsd3, game, program)
- shower library, program and test: Clean up the formatting of 'show' output (bsd3, development, library, program)
- shpider library: Web automation library in Haskell. (bsd3, library, web)
- shplit program: A Haskell pattern splitter with emacs attachments (language, program, public-domain)
- shqq library: Embed shell commands with interpolated Haskell variables, and capture output (bsd3, library, system)
- shuffle library and program: Shuffle tool for UHC (bsd3, development, library, program)
- shunya-library library: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- shunyalib library: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- shwifty library: Generate swift types from haskell types. (codegen, library, mit, templatehaskell, text)
- si-clock library: An interface to the Silicon Labs Si5351 clock chip (bsd3, ham, hardware, i2c, library, radio, sdr, si5351)
- si-timers library and test: timers using SI units (seconds) (apache, control, deprecated, library, time)
- sibe library and programs: Machine Learning algorithms (data-science, gpl, library, machine-learning, program, web)
- sieve library: Sieve is an implementation of the Sieve abstract data type. (data, gpl, library)
- sifflet library, program and test: Simple, visual, functional language for learning about recursion. (bsd3, language, library, program, visual-programming)
- sifflet-lib library: Library of modules shared by sifflet and its
tests and its exporters. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, visual-programming)
- siggy-chardust library and tests: Rounding rationals to significant digits and decimal places. (data, library, math, mpl, numeric)
- sigma-ij library and program: Thom polynomials of second order Thom-Boardman singularities (bsd3, library, math, program)
- sigmacord library: Write Discord Bots in Haskell (library, network)
- sign library and test: Arithmetic over signs and sets of signs (algebra, bsd3, data, library, math)
- signable library and test: Deterministic serialisation and signatures with proto-lens support (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- signable-haskell-protoc program: Deterministic serialisation and signatures with proto-lens support (bsd3, cryptography, data, program)
- signal library and program: Multiplatform signal support for Haskell (library, mit, program, system)
- signal-messaging-dbus library and program: Bindings for signal-cli's DBus interface (library, program, web)
- signals library: Synchronous signal processing for DSLs. (bsd3, language, library)
- signature library: Hmac sha256 signature json and http payload (bsd3, library, value)
- signed-multiset library: Multisets with negative membership. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- significant-figures library, program and test: Calculate expressions involving significant figures. (chemistry, gpl, library, math, program)
- signify-hs library and program: A Haskell clone of OpenBSD signify. (bsd3, cryptography, library, program)
- silently library and tests: Prevent or capture writing to stdout and other handles. (bsd3, library, system, testing)
- silero-vad library and test: Voice activity detection powered by SileroVAD. (audio, library, mit, sound)
- silkscreen library: Prettyprinting transformers. (bsd3, library, text)
- silvi library and test: A generator for different kinds of data. (bsd3, development, library, testing)
- simd library: simple interface to GHC's SIMD instructions (bsd3, library, math)
- simdutf library and test: A Haskell interface to simdutf (library, mit, unclassified)
- simfin library, programs and test: A library to fetch and parse financial data from the SimFin(+) API. (finance, library, mit, program, web)
- simgi program: stochastic simulation engine (program, scientific-simulation)
- simple library, program and test: A minimalist web framework for the WAI server interface (lgpl, library, program, web)
- simple-actors library: A library for more structured concurrent programming, based
on the Actor Model (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- simple-affine-space library: A simple library for affine and vector spaces. (bsd3, frp, library, reactivity)
- simple-amount library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- simple-atom library: Atom (or symbol) datatype for fast comparision and sorting. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, data, library, parsing)
- simple-bluetooth library: Simple Bluetooth API for Windows and Linux (bluez) (bsd3, library, network)
- simple-c-value library and test: A simple C value type (bsd3, language, library)
- simple-cabal library: Cabal file wrapper library (bsd3, distribution, library)
- simple-cairo library and tests: Binding to Cairo library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- simple-cmd library and test: Simple String-based process commands (bsd3, library, system)
- simple-cmd-args library: Simple command args parsing and execution (bsd3, library, system)
- simple-conduit library and benchmark: A simple streaming I/O library based on monadic folds (bsd3, conduit, data, library)
- simple-config library and test: Simple config file parser generator (bsd3, library, text)
- simple-css library: simple binding of css and html (bsd3, library, web)
- simple-download library: A simple wrapper of http-conduit for file download. (bsd3, library, web)
- simple-effects library, test and benchmark: A simple effect system that integrates with MTL (bsd3, control, library)
- simple-enumeration library and test: Finite or countably infinite sequences of values. (bsd3, data, library)
- simple-eval library and program: Evaluate a Text to an Integer: "1 + 1" -> 2 (gpl, language, library, program)
- simple-expr library and test: Minimalistic toolkit for simple mathematical expression. (bsd3, library, mathematics)
- simple-firewire library: Simplified interface for firewire cameras (bsd3, graphics, library, machine-vision, system)
- simple-form library: Forms that configure themselves based on type (library, web)
- simple-genetic-algorithm library and program: Simple parallel genetic algorithm implementation (ai, bsd3, library, program)
- simple-genetic-algorithm-mr library and program: Simple parallel genetic algorithm implementation (ai, bsd3, library, program)
- simple-get-opt library: A simple library for processing command-line options. (bsd3, development, library)
- simple-index library: Allows simple indexation on any data type (bsd3, data, library)
- simple-log library and test: Simple log for Haskell (bsd3, library, logging)
- simple-log-syslog library: Syslog backend for simple-log (bsd3, library, logging)
- simple-logger library: A very simple but efficient logging framework (library, logging, mit)
- simple-logging library and test: Logging effect to plug into the simple-effects framework (library, logging, mit)
- simple-ltl library, test and benchmark: A simple LTL checker (bsd3, language, library)
- simple-media-timestamp library: A very simple timestamp type. (library, media, mit)
- simple-media-timestamp-attoparsec library: Attoparsec parser for simple-media-timestamp. (library, media, mit)
- simple-media-timestamp-formatting library: Formatting for simple-media-timestamp (library, media, mit)
- simple-money library: Simple library to handle and interexchange money (data, library, public-domain)
- simple-neural-networks library and programs: Simple parallel neural networks implementation (ai, bsd3, library, program)
- simple-nix library and test: Simple parsing/pretty printing for Nix expressions (library, mit, nix)
- simple-observer library: The Observer pattern (bsd3, control, library)
- simple-pango library and test: Binding to Pango library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- simple-parser library and test: Simple parser combinators (bsd3, library, parsing)
- simple-pascal library and program: Simplified Pascal language to SSVM compiler (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, languages, library, program)
- simple-pipe library: simple pipeline library like conduit (bsd3, data, library)
- simple-postgresql-orm library: Connector package for integrating postgresql-orm with the Simple web framework (lgpl, library, web)
- simple-prompt library: Simple commandline text prompt functions (bsd3, library, system)
- simple-reflect library: Simple reflection of expressions containing variables (bsd3, debug, library)
- simple-rope library: Memory-efficient strings with concatenation and splitting. (bsd3, data, library)
- simple-sendfile library and test: Cross platform library for the sendfile system call (bsd3, library, network)
- simple-server library: Simple Server interface (library, network)
- simple-session library: Cookie-based session management for the Simple web framework (lgpl, library, web)
- simple-sessions library: A simple implementation of session types (bsd3, control, library)
- simple-smt library: A simple way to interact with an SMT solver process. (bsd3, library, math)
- simple-sql-parser library and test: A parser for SQL. (bsd3, database, language, library)
- simple-src-utils programs and tests: source code editing utilities (bsd3, development, haskell, program)
- simple-stacked-vm library and program: Simple stacked virtual machine: assembler, disassembler, bytecode interpreter (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, languages, library, program)
- simple-tabular library: Simple tabular-text formatter (library, mit, text)
- simple-tar library: Simple, pure, file-system-free reading of tar files (bsd3, codec, library)
- simple-templates library and test: A basic template language for the Simple web framework (lgpl, library, web)
- simple-text-format library and test: Simple text based format strings with named identifiers. (bsd3, development, library, text)
- simple-ui library: UI library for terminal. (gpl, graphics, library)
- simple-units library and test: Simple arithmetic with SI units using type-checked dimensional analysis. (library, mit, numeric, numerical)
- simple-vec3 library, tests and benchmark: Three-dimensional vectors of doubles with basic operations (bsd3, library, math, numerical)
- simple-zipper library and test: Zippers made slightly easier (bsd3, library, zippers)
- simpleargs library: Provides a more flexible getArgs function with better error reporting. (library, system)
- simpleconfig library and test: Short description of your package (bsd3, library, web)
- simpleirc library and test: Simple IRC Library (bsd3, irc, library, network)
- simpleirc-lens library: Lenses for simpleirc types (bsd2, library, network)
- simplelru library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- simplemesh library: Generators for primitive meshes (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- simplenote library: Haskell interface for the simplenote API. (bsd3, library, network-apis)
- simpleprelude library and programs: A simplified Haskell prelude for teaching (bsd3, library, program, teaching)
- simplesmtpclient library: Very simple SMTP Client (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- simplessh library: Simple wrapper around libssh2 (bsd3, library, network)
- simplest-sqlite library: Simplest SQLite3 binding (bsd3, database, library)
- simplex program: A simple markup language that translates to LaTeX (gpl, latex, program)
- simplex-basic library and test: Very basic simplex implementation. (algebra, bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- simplex-method library and test: Implementation of the two-phase simplex method in exact rational arithmetic (bsd3, library, linear-programming, math, mathematics, maths, optimisation, optimization)
- simplexmq library, programs and test: SimpleXMQ message broker (agpl, chat, cryptography, library, network, program, system, web)
- simplistic-generics library: Generic programming without too many type classes (bsd3, data, library)
- simpoole library and test: Simple pool (bsd3, data, library, resources)
- simseq program: Simulate sequencing with different models for priming and errors (bioinformatics, program)
- simtreelo library: Load data organized in a tree. (data, gpl, library)
- since library: Get the number of seconds since the last invocation (bsd3, library, web)
- sindre library and program: A programming language for simple GUIs (bsd3, gui, library, program)
- single-tuple library and test: a class for single tuple implementations (apache, data, library)
- singleraeh library: raehik's singletons (data, library, mit, types)
- singlethongs library and test: Like singletons, but much smaller. (bsd3, data, library)
- singleton-bool library: Type level booleans (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- singleton-dict library: Typelevel balanced search trees via a singletonized Data.Map (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library)
- singleton-nats library: Unary natural numbers relying on the singletons infrastructure. (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library)
- singleton-typelits library: Singletons and induction over GHC TypeLits (bsd3, data, library)
- singletons library and test: Basic singleton types and definitions (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- singletons-base library and test: A promoted and singled version of the base library (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- singletons-base-code-generator program: Code generator for the singletons-base test suite (bsd3, dependent-types, program)
- singletons-default library: An optional type with type level default (bsd3, data, library)
- singletons-presburger library: Presburger Arithmetic Solver for GHC Type-level natural numbers with Singletons package. (bsd3, library, math, type-system)
- singletons-th library: A framework for generating singleton types (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- singnal library: Singnal (agpl, concurrency, library)
- singular-factory library and test: Multivariate polynomial factorization via bindings to Singular-factory (library, math)
- sink library: An alternative to lazy I/O that doesn't conflate
execution with evaluation (control, data, deprecated, library, mit, system)
- sint library and test: Nat singletons represented by Int (apache, data, library)
- siphash library and test: siphash: a fast short input PRF (bsd3, cryptography, data, deprecated, library)
- siphon library and test: Encode and decode CSV files (bsd3, library, web)
- siren-json library and test: Siren Tools for Haskell (data, library, mit)
- sirkel library: Sirkel, a Chord DHT (bsd3, concurrency, concurrent, data-structures, database, distributed-computing, library)
- sitemap library: Sitemap parser (bsd3, library, web)
- sitemap-gen library and test: Generate XML Sitemaps & Sitemap Indexes (bsd3, library, web)
- sitepipe library: A simple to understand static site generator (bsd3, library, web)
- sixel library and program: Sixel library to show images in a terminal emulator (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- sixfiguregroup library and test: A six figure group of time (aviation, bsd3, library)
- sixty-five-oh-two library and test: An eDSL for writing 65(C)02 bytecode. (dsl, library, mit)
- size-based library: Sized functors, for size-based enumerations (bsd3, data, library)
- sized library and test: Sized sequence data-types (bsd3, data, library)
- sized-grid library and tests: Multidimensional grids with sized specified at compile time (data, library, mit)
- sized-types library: Sized types in Haskell using the GHC Nat kind. (bsd3, language, library)
- sized-vector library: Size-parameterized vector types and functions. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- sized-wrapper library and test: Create a Sized version of any container (data, library)
- sized-wrapper-aeson library and test: aeson instances for 'Sized' (data, library)
- sized-wrapper-quickcheck library: QuickCheck instance for 'Sized' (data, library)
- sized-wrapper-text library: 'Sized' wrappers for text (data, library)
- sizes program: Recursively show space (size and i-nodes) used in subdirectories (bsd3, development, program)
- sjsp program: Simple JavaScript Profiler (compiler, mit, program)
- skein library and test: Skein, a family of cryptographic hash functions. Includes Skein-MAC as well. (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- skeletal-set library and test: Skeletal set - a set with equivalence relation different from equality (bsd3, data, library)
- skeletest library, program and test: Batteries-included, opinionated test framework (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- skeleton program: a tool to access the OSX keychain (mit, program, utility)
- skeletons program: Manage project skeletons (development, mit, program)
- skell library: An overly complex Haskell web framework. (bsd3, library, web)
- skemmtun program: A client. (mit, program, web)
- sketch-frp-copilot library: Sketch programming with Copilot (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- skew-list library, test and benchmark: Random access lists: skew binary (bsd3, data, library)
- skews library and test: A very quick-and-dirty WebSocket server. (bsd3, library, test, web)
- skip-list library, test and benchmark: An implementation of pure skip lists (data, library, mit)
- skip-var library: Skip variables (concurrency, library, mit)
- skopedate program and test: Check dates of container images (mit, program, utility)
- skulk library and test: Eclectic collection of utility functions (control, library, mit)
- skylark-client library and programs: Skylark client. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network, program)
- skylighting library: syntax highlighting library (gpl, library, text)
- skylighting-core library, test and benchmark: syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)
- skylighting-extensions library: Customized Skylighting syntax highlighters (deprecated, library, mit, text)
- skylighting-format-ansi library: ANSI formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)
- skylighting-format-blaze-html library: HTML formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)
- skylighting-format-context library: ConTeXt formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting
library (bsd3, library, text)
- skylighting-format-latex library: LaTeX formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)
- skylighting-format-typst library: Typst formatter for skylighting syntax highlighting library (bsd3, library, text)
- skylighting-lucid library: Lucid support for Skylighting (bsd3, library, web)
- skylighting-modding library: Utilities for modifying Skylighting syntaxes (deprecated, library, mit, text)
- skype4hs library: Skype Desktop API binding for Haskell (library, mit, network)
- skypelogexport program: Export Skype chat logs to text files (bsd3, program, text)
- slab library, program and test: A programmable markup language to generate HTML (bsd2, library, program, text)
- slack library: Haskell API for interacting with Slack (library, mit, network)
- slack-api library, programs and test: Bindings to the Slack RTM API. (library, mit, program, web)
- slack-notify-haskell library and program: Slack notifier for Haskell project. (library, mit, program, web)
- slack-progressbar library, program and test: (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- slack-verify library and test: Slack API Request Verification HMAC (library, mit, web)
- slack-web library and test: Bindings for the Slack web API (library, mit, web)
- slate library, program and test: A note taking CLI tool. (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- slave-thread library and test: A fundamental solution to ghost threads and silent exceptions (concurrency, concurrent, error-handling, exceptions, failure, library, mit)
- sleep library and program: zZzzZz (gpl, library, program, system)
- slice-cpp-gen program: Generate C++ skeletons from slice files (bsd3, development, program)
- sliceofpy library, program and test: Python-ish slicing traversals for Haskell. (bsd3, data, lenses, library, program)
- slick library: A quick & easy static site builder built with shake and pandoc. (bsd3, library, web)
- slidemews program: ws convert markdown to reveal-js (program, web)
- slim library and test: Functional reactive user interface programming (gui, library, mit)
- slip32 library and test: SLIP-0032: Extended serialization format for BIP-32 wallets (apache, cryptography, library)
- slist library and tests: Sized list (data-structures, library, list, mpl)
- sloane program: A command line interface to Sloane's OEIS. (bsd3, math, program)
- slope-field library and program: Visualize mathematical function's slope fields (gpl, library, program, web)
- slot-lambda library: Write lambdas without naming the parameters. (language, library, mit)
- sloth library: Testing for minimal strictness (bsd3, library, testing)
- slotmap library and test: Pure Haskell slotmap implementation over ST or IO. (bsd3, data, library)
- slug library and test: Type-safe slugs for Yesod ecosystem (bsd3, deprecated, library, web, yesod)
- slugger library, program and test: Clean URI slugs for Haskell (bsd3, data, library, program, text, web)
- slugify library and test: Convert text into slugs. (bsd3, library, utils)
- slynx library and program: Handle molecular sequences (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- small-bytearray-builder library: Serialize to bytes (bsd3, data, library)
- smallarray library: low-level unboxed arrays, with minimal features. (bsd3, data, library)
- smallcaps library, programs and tests: Flatten camel case text in LaTeX files (bsd3, latex, library, program, text)
- smallcheck library: A property-based testing library (bsd3, library, testing)
- smallcheck-kind-generics library, test and benchmark: See README for more info (bsd3, deprecated, generics, library, testing)
- smallcheck-laws library: SmallCheck properties for common laws (bsd3, library, testing)
- smallcheck-lens library: SmallCheck properties for lens (bsd3, lenses, library, testing)
- smallcheck-series library and tests: Extra SmallCheck series and utilities (bsd3, library, testing)
- smallpt-hs program: A Haskell port of the smallpt path tracer. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- smallstring library: A Unicode text type, optimized for low memory overhead (bsd3, data, library)
- smaoin library and test: Utilities for the Smaoin semantic information model. (data, library, public-domain)
- smap library, program and test: A command line tool for working with sets and maps (bsd3, library, program, text)
- smartGroup library: group strings or bytestrings by words in common (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- smartcheck library and program: A smarter QuickCheck. (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- smartconstructor library: A package exposing a helper function for generating smart constructors. (bsd3, development, library)
- smarties library, programs and test: Haskell Behavior Tree Library (ai, bsd3, games, library, program)
- smartword programs: Web based flash card for Word Smart I and II vocabularies (bsd3, education, program, web)
- smash library: Combinators for Maybe types (bsd3, data, library)
- smash-aeson library: Aeson support for the smash library (bsd3, data, library)
- smash-lens library and test: Optics for the `smash` library (bsd3, data, library)
- smash-microlens library and test: Optics for the `smash` library (bsd3, data, library)
- smash-optics library: Optics for the `smash` library using `optics-core` (bsd3, data, library)
- smawk library: Linear time row minima for totally monotone matrices (ffi, library)
- smcdel library, tests and benchmarks: Symbolic Model Checking for Dynamic Epistemic Logic (gpl, library, logic)
- sme library: A library for Secure Multi-Execution in Haskell (bsd3, library, security)
- smerdyakov library and tests: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- smh library, program and test: String manipulation tool written in haskell (cli-tool, library, mit, program)
- smiles library and tests: (bioinformatics, bsd3, library)
- smith library: Parse arrays of tokens (bsd3, data, library)
- smith-cli program: Command line tool for < Smith>. (bsd3, program, security)
- smith-client library and tests: API client for < Smith>. (bsd3, library, security)
- smoothie library: Smooth curves via several interpolation modes (bsd3, data, library)
- smsaero library: SMSAero API and HTTP client based on servant library. (bsd3, library, web)
- smt library, test and benchmark: Interface to Satisfiability Modulo Theories solvers (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- smt-lib library: Parsing and printing SMT-LIB. (bsd3, language, library)
- smt2-parser library and test: A Haskell parser for SMT-LIB version 2.6 (bsd3, formal-languages, language, library, smt)
- smtLib library: A library for working with the SMTLIB format. (bsd3, library, smt)
- smtlib-backends library: Low-level functions for SMT-LIB-based interaction with SMT solvers. (library, mit, smt)
- smtlib-backends-process library and test: An SMT-LIB backend running solvers as external processes. (library, mit, smt)
- smtlib-backends-tests library: Testing SMT-LIB backends. (library, mit, smt, testing)
- smtlib-backends-z3 library and test: An SMT-LIB backend implemented using Z3's C API. (library, mit, smt)
- smtlib2 library: A type-safe interface to communicate with an SMT solver. (formal-methods, gpl, library, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- smtlib2-debug library: Dump the communication with an SMT solver for debugging purposes. (formal-methods, gpl, library, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- smtlib2-pipe library and test: A type-safe interface to communicate with an SMT solver. (formal-methods, gpl, library, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- smtlib2-quickcheck library: Helper functions to create SMTLib expressions in QuickCheck (formal-methods, gpl, library, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- smtlib2-timing library: Get timing informations for SMT queries (formal-methods, gpl, library, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- smtp-mail library: Simple email sending via SMTP (bsd3, library, network)
- smtp-mail-ng library: An SMTP client EDSL (bsd3, library, network)
- smtp2mta program: Listen for SMTP traffic and send it to an MTA script (network, program)
- smtpbz library: Unofficial API client for (bsd2, library, web)
- smtps-gmail library: Gmail SMTP Client (bsd3, library, network)
- smuggler library, program and test: GHC Source Plugin that helps to manage imports (development, library, mpl, program, refactoring)
- smuggler2 library and test: GHC Source Plugin that helps to minimise imports and generate explicit exports (compiler-plugin, development, library, mpl, refactoring)
- snack library and benchmark: Strict ByteString Parser Combinator (library, parsing, text)
- snail library and test: A programming language with no semantics (library, mit, parsing)
- snake program: A basic console snake game. (game, mit, program)
- snake-game library: Snake Game Using OpenGL (bsd3, game, library)
- snap library and test: Top-level package for the Snap Web Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snap-accept library: Accept header branching for the Snap web framework (library, mit, web)
- snap-app library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- snap-auth-cli program: Command-line tool to manage Snap AuthManager database (bsd3, program, snap, web)
- snap-blaze library: blaze-html integration for Snap (bsd3, library, network)
- snap-blaze-clay library: blaze-html-clay integration for Snap (bsd3, library, network)
- snap-configuration-utilities library: Methods to manipulate Configurator objects for Snap & Snaplets (bsd3, library, web)
- snap-core library and test: Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types) (bsd3, io-streams, library, snap, web)
- snap-cors library: Add CORS headers to Snap applications (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- snap-elm library: Serve Elm files through the Snap web framework. (bsd3, library, web)
- snap-error-collector library: Collect errors in batches and dispatch them (bsd3, library, web)
- snap-extras library and test: A collection of useful helpers and utilities for Snap web applications. (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snap-language library: Language handling for Snap (bsd3, library, web)
- snap-loader-dynamic library: Snap dynamic loader (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snap-loader-static library: Snap static loader (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snap-predicates library and test: Declarative routing for Snap. (library, snap)
- snap-routes library: Typesafe URLs for Snap applications. (library, mit, network)
- snap-server library, test and benchmark: A web server for the Snap Framework (bsd3, io-streams, library, snap, web)
- snap-stream library: Streaming Snap handlers (bsd3, library, web)
- snap-templates program: Scaffolding CLI for the Snap Framework (bsd3, program, snap, web)
- snap-testing library and test: A library for BDD-style testing with the Snap Web Framework (bsd3, deprecated, library, snap, web)
- snap-utils library: Snap Framework utilities. (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snap-web-routes library: Type safe URLs for Snap (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-acid-state library: acid-state snaplet for Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-actionlog library: Generic action log snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-amqp library: Snap framework snaplet for the AMQP library (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-auth-acid library: Provides an Acid-State backend for the Auth Snaplet (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-coffee library: CoffeeScript for Snap, auto-compilation and pre-compilation. (gpl, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-css-min library: A Snaplet for CSS minification (library, mit, web)
- snaplet-customauth library: Alternate authentication snaplet (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-environments library: DEPRECATED! You should use standard Snap >= 0.9 "environments" functionality. It provided ability to easly read configuration based on given app environment given at command line, envs are defined in app configuration file (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-fay library: Fay integration for Snap with request- and pre-compilation. (bsd3, deprecated, fay, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-ghcjs library: Serve javascript files compiled with GHCJS (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-hasql library: A Hasql snaplet (library, mit, web)
- snaplet-haxl library: Snaplet for Facebook's Haxl (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-hdbc library: HDBC snaplet for Snap Framework (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-hslogger library: Snap framework snaplet for the Logger API library. (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-i18n library and program: snaplet-i18n (bsd3, library, program, web)
- snaplet-influxdb library: Snap framework snaplet for the InfluxDB library (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-lss library and test: Lexical Style Sheets - Snap Web Framework adaptor. (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- snaplet-mandrill library: Snap framework snaplet for the Mandrill API library. (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-mongoDB library: Snap Framework MongoDB support as Snaplet (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-mongodb-minimalistic library: Minimalistic MongoDB Snaplet. (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-mysql-simple library: mysql-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-oauth library and test: snaplet-oauth (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-persistent library: persistent snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-postgresql-simple library: postgresql-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-postmark library: Postmark snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-purescript library: Automatic (re)compilation of purescript projects (library, mit, web)
- snaplet-recaptcha library: A ReCAPTCHA verification snaplet with Heist integration and connection sharing. (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-redis library: Redis support for Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-redson library: CRUD for JSON data with Redis storage (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-rest library: REST resources for the Snap web framework (library, mit, web)
- snaplet-riak library: A Snaplet for the Riak database (database, library, mit)
- snaplet-sass library: Sass integration for Snap with request- and pre-compilation. (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-scoped-session library: Modularised session state for Snaplets, in a Snaplet (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-sedna library: Snaplet for Sedna Bindings. Essentailly a rip of snaplet-hdbc. (database, gpl, library)
- snaplet-ses-html library: Snaplet for the ses-html package (aws, bsd3, email, library, network, snap, web)
- snaplet-sqlite-simple library and test: sqlite-simple snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-sqlite-simple-jwt-auth library: Snaplet for JWT authentication with snaplet-sqlite-simple (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-stripe library: Stripe snaplet for the Snap Framework (bsd3, library, snap, web)
- snaplet-tasks library: Snaplet for Snap Framework enabling developers to administrative tasks akin to Rake tasks from Ruby On Rails framework. (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-typed-sessions library: Typed session snaplets and continuation-based
programming for the Snap web framework (bsd3, library, web)
- snaplet-wordpress library and test: A snaplet that communicates with wordpress over its api. (bsd3, library, web)
- snappy library and test: Fast Haskell bindings to Google’s Snappy compression library. (apache, bsd3, codec, compression, library)
- snappy-c library, program, test and benchmark: Bindings to Google's Snappy: A fast compression library (bsd3, codec, library, program)
- snappy-conduit library: Conduit bindings for Snappy (see snappy package) (codec, library, mit)
- snappy-framing library: Snappy Framing Format in Haskell (codec, compression, library, mpl)
- snappy-iteratee library: An enumeratee that uses Google's snappy compression library. (bsd3, codec, library)
- snappy-lazy library: Lazy bytestring compression and decompression (bsd3, codec, compression, library)
- sndfile-enumerators library: Audio file reading/writing (bsd3, codec, library, sound)
- sneakyterm library: Tiny, declarative wrapper around ncurses (gpl, library, user-interfaces)
- sneathlane-haste library: A compositional web UI library, which draws to a Canvas element (bsd2, gui, library)
- snipcheck library: Markdown tester (development, library, mit)
- snippet-extractor program: Extracts labeled snippets of code to files. (bsd3, program, text)
- snm library and program: The Simple Nice-Looking Manual Generator. (documentation, gpl, library, program)
- snmp library: SNMP protocol library (bsd3, language, library)
- snorkels library and program: Strategic board game of medium complexity (game, gpl, library, program)
- snow-white library: encode any binary instance to white space (bsd3, codec, library)
- snowball library, test and benchmark: Bindings to the Snowball library. (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing, text)
- snowchecked library and test: A checksummed variation on Twitter's Snowflake UID generation algorithm (apache, data, library)
- snowflake library: A loose port of Twitter Snowflake to Haskell. Generates arbitrary precision, unique, time-sortable identifiers. (apache, data, library)
- snowflake-core library and test: twitter's snowflake (bsd3, commercial, library)
- snowflake-server program: snowflake http server (bsd3, commercial, program)
- snowglobe program: randomized fractal snowflakes demo (demo, gpl, program)
- snowtify program: snowtify send your result of `stack build` (`stack test`) to notify-daemon :dog2: (mit, program, simple)
- snumber library: Integer singletons with flexible representation (apache, constraints, library)
- soap library and test: SOAP client tools (library, mit, web)
- soap-openssl library: TLS-enabled SOAP transport (using openssl bindings) (library, mit, web)
- soap-tls library: TLS-enabled SOAP transport (using tls package) (library, mit, web)
- sock2stream program: Tunnel a socket over a single datastream (stdin/stdout) (network, program)
- sockaddr library: Printing SockAddr (bsd3, library, network)
- socket library and tests: An extensible socket library. (library, mit, network, system)
- socket-activation library: systemd socket activation library (bsd3, library, network)
- socket-icmp library: Definitions for using ICMP with the `socket` library (bsd3, library, web)
- socket-io library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- socket-sctp library and tests: STCP socket extensions library. (library, mit, network, socket, system)
- socket-unix library and tests: Unix domain sockets (library, mit, network, system)
- socketed library and program: simpe tool to serve piped data over http and websocket (library, mit, program, web)
- socketio library and test: Socket.IO server (library, mit, web)
- sockets library, test and benchmarks: High-level network sockets (bsd3, library, network)
- sockets-and-pipes library: Support for the Sockets and Pipes book (apache, http, library, network, streaming, text)
- socketson library and programs: A small websocket backend provider. (library, mit, network, program)
- socks library: Socks proxy (ver 5) (bsd3, library, network)
- sodium library: Sodium Reactive Programming (FRP) System (bsd3, frp, library)
- soegtk library: GUI functions as used in the book "The Haskell School of Expression". (graphics, lgpl, library)
- softfloat-hs library: Haskell bindings for SoftFloat (bsd3, library, math)
- solana-staking-csvs library, program and test: Generate CSV Exports of your Solana Staking Rewards. (bsd3, console, finance, library, program, web)
- solar library: Simple library for solar calculations (astronomy, library, mit)
- solga library and test: Simple typesafe web routing (library, mit, web)
- solga-swagger library: Swagger generation for Solga (library, mit, web)
- solr library: A minimal Solr client library (library, mit, unclassified)
- solve library, program and test: Solving simple games (game, library, mit, program)
- som library and test: Self-Organising Maps (bsd3, library, math)
- some library and test: Existential type: Some (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library)
- some-dict-of library and test: Carry evidence of constraints around (bsd3, constraints, library)
- sonic-visualiser library and program: Sonic Visualiser (library, program, sound)
- sop-core library: True Sums of Products (bsd3, data, library)
- sophia library, test and benchmark: Bindings to Sophia library (bsd3, database, library)
- sort library: A Haskell sorting toolkit (bsd3, library, text)
- sort-by-pinyin library: sort by pinyin (bsd3, library, web)
- sorted library: Efficient, type-safe sorted sequences (data, library, mit)
- sorted-list library, test and benchmark: Type-enforced sorted lists and related functions. (bsd3, data, library, mit)
- sortee library and test: Generate string for sort key (gpl, library, sorting)
- sorting library: Utils for sorting. (bsd3, data, library)
- sorting-network library, test and benchmark: Sort small lists with sorting network. (apache, library, sorting)
- sorty program: Sort lines per file size (bsd3, program, utils)
- souffle-dsl library and test: Haskell EDSL for Souffle (dsl, library, logic-programming, mit)
- souffle-haskell library, test and benchmark: Souffle Datalog bindings for Haskell (bindings, foreign-binding, library, logic-programming, mit)
- sound-change library and test: Apply sound changes to words (language, library, linguistics, mit)
- sound-collage program: Approximate a song from other pieces of sound (bsd3, program, sound)
- sounddelay program: Audio delay line (bsd3, program, sound)
- soundgen program: sound generator (bsd3, program, sound)
- source-code-server program: The server backend for the source code iPhone app (bsd3, deprecated, program, web)
- source-constraints library and test: Source constraints GHC plugin (bsd3, codequality, library)
- sourcemap library, test and benchmark: Implementation of source maps as proposed by Google and Mozilla. (bsd3, development, library)
- sousit library and test: Source/Sink/Transform: An alternative to lazy IO and iteratees. (bsd3, control, library)
- sox library: Play, write, read, convert audio signals using Sox (gpl, library, sound)
- soxlib library: Write, read, convert audio signals using libsox (bsd3, library, sound)
- soyuz library and program: DCPU-16 architecture utilities for Notch's 0x10c game. (compilers-interpreters, library, mit, program)
- space library and test: Experimental library (apache, library, web)
- spacechar library: Space Character (bsd3, library, test)
- spacecookie library, program and test: Gopher server library and daemon (gpl, library, network, program)
- spacefill library and test: Generators for space-filling curves. (algorithms, library, public-domain)
- spacepart library: Space partition data structures. Currently only a QuadTree. (bsd3, data, library)
- spaceprobe library, test and benchmark: Optimization over arbitrary search spaces (bsd3, library, optimization)
- spade library, program and test: A simple programming and debugging environment. (gpl, ide, interpreter, language, library, program)
- spake2 library, program and test: Implementation of the SPAKE2 Password-Authenticated Key Exchange algorithm (crypto, library, program)
- spanout program: A breakout clone written in netwire and gloss (bsd3, game, program)
- sparkle library and program: Distributed Apache Spark applications in Haskell (bsd3, deprecated, distributed-computing, ffi, java, jvm, library, program)
- sparql-protocol library and test: An SPARQL 1.1 Protocol client library. (database, gpl, library)
- sparrow library: Unified streaming data-dependency framework for web apps (bsd3, library, web)
- spars library: A sparse set-based parsing library for Haskell. (library, mit, text)
- sparse library and benchmark: A playground of sparse linear algebra primitives using Morton ordering (bsd3, data, library, vector)
- sparse-lin-alg library and test: Effective linear algebra on sparse matrices (bsd3, library, math)
- sparse-linear-algebra library and test: Numerical computing in native Haskell (gpl, library, numeric)
- sparse-merkle-trees library, test and benchmark: Sparse Merkle trees with proofs of inclusion and exclusion (bsd3, cryptography, data-structures, library)
- sparse-tensor library and test: typesafe tensor algebra library (algebra, data, library, math, mit)
- sparsebit library: Sparse bitmaps for pattern match coverage (bsd3, data-structures, development, library)
- sparsecheck library: A Logic Programming Library for Test-Data Generation (bsd3, library, testing)
- sparser library: Lightweight parsing library based on partial functions. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- spartacon program: A unix-style (read from stdin, write to stdout) global hotkey daemon (bsd3, control, program)
- spata library: brainless form validation (bsd3, library, web)
- spatial-math library and tests: 3d math including quaternions/euler angles/dcms and utility functions (bsd3, library, math)
- spatial-rotations library and test: Rotate about any suitable axis (gpl, library, math)
- spawn library: Tiny library for concurrent computations (bsd3, concurrency, concurrent, control, library)
- spdx library, test and benchmark: SPDX license expression language, Extras (bsd3, data, library)
- spdx-license library and test: SPDX license templates (bsd3, data, library)
- spe library and test: Combinatorial species lite (bsd3, library, math)
- special-functors library: Control.Applicative, Data.Foldable, Data.Traversable (compatibility package) (bsd3, deprecated, generics, library)
- special-keys library: Simple data types that help me here and there. (bsd3, data, library)
- special-values library: Typeclass providing special values (library, mit, testing)
- specialize-th library and test: Create specialized types from polymorphic ones using TH (bsd3, language, library)
- species library: Computational combinatorial species (bsd3, library, math)
- spectacle library and tests: Embedded specification language & model checker in Haskell. (apache, concurrency, library, testing)
- spectral-clustering library: Library for spectral clustering. (gpl, library, math)
- speculate library and tests: discovery of properties about Haskell functions (bsd3, library, testing)
- speculation library: A framework for safe, programmable, speculative parallelism (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- speculation-transformers library: Merged into 'speculation'. Use that instead. (bsd3, control, library)
- specup library, program and test: Manage the application of templates to custom yaml (documentation, gpl, library, program)
- speechmatics library, program and test: Speechmatics api client (api, bsd3, deprecated, library, program)
- speedy-slice library and tests: Speedy slice sampling. (library, math, mit)
- spelling-suggest library and programs: Spelling suggestion tool with library and command-line interfaces. (bsd3, console, library, program, text)
- spherical library: Geometry on a sphere (bsd3, library, math)
- sphero library: Orbotix Sphero client library (bsd3, library, network)
- sphinx library: Haskell bindings to the Sphinx full-text searching daemon. (bsd3, database, library, search, text)
- sphinx-cli program: Sphinx CLI and demo of Haskell Sphinx library (bsd3, database, program, search, text)
- sphinxesc library and program: Transform queries for sphinx input (library, mit, program, text)
- spice library: An FRP-based game engine written in Haskell. (frp, library, mit)
- spike program: Experimental web browser (bsd3, program, web)
- spine library: Simple implementation of the generic spine view (bsd3, generics, library)
- spir-v library: Some utilities for reading and writing SPIR-V files (language, library, mit)
- spiros library: Spiros Boosalis's Custom Prelude (apache, library, prelude)
- spirv-enum library: SPIR-V enumerations generated from Khronos JSON. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- spirv-headers library: Types and generator for SPIR-V JSON spec. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- spirv-reflect-ffi library: C-library loader for spirv-reflect tool. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- spirv-reflect-types library: Data types from spirv-reflect tool. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- spirv-reflect-yaml library: YAML loader for spirv-reflect tool. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- splay library: Generic splay-based sequence representation (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- splaytree library and test: Provides an annotated splay tree (bsd3, data, library)
- splice library: Cross-platform Socket to Socket Data Splicing (bsd3, library, network, system)
- spline3 program: Parallel implementation of the Sorokina/Zeilfelder spline scheme (agpl, math, program)
- splines library, test and benchmark: B-Splines, other splines, and NURBS. (graphics, library, math, numerical, public-domain)
- splint library: HLint as a GHC source plugin. (development, library)
- split library and test: Combinator library for splitting lists. (bsd3, library, list)
- split-channel library: Control.Concurrent.Chan split into sending and receiving halves. (concurrency, library, mit)
- split-morphism library and test: Split Epimorphisms and Monomorphisms (bsd3, data, generics, lenses, library)
- split-record program: Split a big audio file into pieces at positions of silence (bsd3, program, sound)
- split-tchan library: STM's TChan split into sending and receiving halves. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- splitmix library, tests and benchmarks: Fast Splittable PRNG (bsd3, library, random, system)
- splitmix-distributions library and test: Random samplers for some common distributions, based on splitmix. (bsd3, library, math)
- splitter program: Use numerical ranges to split out certain lines from a file. (mit, program, text)
- splot program: A tool for visualizing the lifecycle of many concurrent multi-staged processes. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- spooky library: Unified API for phantom typed newtypes and type aliases (bsd3, data, library)
- spool library: Convert between ByteString and Vector.Storable without copying (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- spoon library: Catch errors thrown from pure computations. (bsd3, error-handling, library)
- spoonutil library and program: Spoon's utilities. Simple testing and nice looking error reporting. (gpl, library, program, testing)
- spork library: Catch errors from pure computations in a Maybe/Either (bsd3, error-handling, library)
- spotify library, program and test: Spotify Web API (bsd3, library, music, program, web)
- spoty library: Spotify web API wrapper (bsd3, library, web)
- spreadsheet library and test: Read and write spreadsheets from and to CSV files in a lazy way (bsd3, data, library, text)
- sprinkles library, program and test: JSON API to HTML website wrapper (bsd3, library, program, web)
- spritz library: An implementation of the Spritz RC4-like stream cipher in Haskell (bsd2, crypto, library)
- sproxy program: HTTP proxy for authenticating users via OAuth2 (deprecated, mit, program, web)
- sproxy-web program: Web interface to sproxy database (mit, program, web)
- sproxy2 program: Secure HTTP proxy for authenticating users via OAuth2 (databases, mit, program, web)
- spsa library, test and benchmark: Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Optimization Algorithm (library, math, mit, optimization)
- spy program and test: A compact file system watcher for Mac OS X, Linux and Windows (bsd3, deprecated, development, program)
- sq library, test and benchmark: High-level SQLite client. (apache, databases, library)
- sqel library and test: Guided derivation for Hasql statements (database, library)
- sqids library and test: A small library that lets you generate YouTube-looking IDs from numbers. (library, mit, web)
- sql-simple library: common middle-level sql client. (database, library, mit)
- sql-simple-mysql library: mysql backend for sql-simple (database, library, mit)
- sql-simple-pool library: conection pool for sql-simple (database, library, mit)
- sql-simple-postgresql library: postgresql backend for sql-simple (database, library, mit)
- sql-simple-sqlite library: sqlite backend for sql-simple (database, library, mit)
- sql-words library and test: SQL keywords data constructors into OverloadedString (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlcipher library and test: Haskell binding to sqlcipher (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlcli library: Bindings for SQL/CLI (ODBC) C API. (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlcli-odbc library: ODBC specific definitions to be used by SQL CLI clients. (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlite library and test: Haskell binding to sqlite3 (bsd3, database, deprecated, library)
- sqlite-easy library, test and benchmark: A primitive yet easy to use sqlite library. (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlite-simple library and test: Mid-Level SQLite client library (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlite-simple-errors library and test: Wrapper around errors from sqlite-simple (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlite-simple-interpolate library: Interpolated SQLite queries via quasiquotation (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlite-simple-typed library: Typed extension to sqlite simple (bsd3, database, library)
- sqlvalue-list library: Class and instances for conversion to list of SqlValue. (bsd3, database, library)
- sqsd-local program and test: Initial project template from stack (mpl, program, web)
- squares library: The double category of Hask functors and profunctors (bsd3, category-theory, library, math)
- squeal-postgresql library, program, tests and benchmark: Squeal PostgreSQL Library (bsd3, database, library, program)
- squeal-postgresql-ltree library: LTree extension for Squeal (bsd3, database, library)
- squeal-postgresql-uuid-ossp library: UUID OSSP extension for Squeal (bsd3, database, library)
- squeather library and test: Use databases with the version 3 series of the SQLite C library (bsd3, development, library)
- squeeze library, program and test: A file-packing application. (application, library, program, utils)
- sr-extra library: Module limbo (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- srcinst program: Build and install Debian packages completely from source (program, system)
- srcloc library: Data types for managing source code locations. (bsd3, data, library)
- srec library: Parsing and processing s-records. (bsd3, data, embedded, library)
- srt library: The data type for SRT files. (library, media, mit)
- srt-attoparsec library: Attoparsec parser for the SRT format. (library, media, mit)
- srt-dhall library: Dhall Encoder/Decoder for SRT. (library, media, mit)
- srt-formatting library: Format an SRT. (library, media, mit)
- srtree library, programs and test: A general library to work with Symbolic Regression expression trees. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library, math, program)
- srv program: A simple web server for local usage. (apache, program, web)
- sscan program: text UI for scanning with SANE (gpl, graphics, program)
- sscgi library: Simple SCGI Library (bsd3, library, network)
- sscript library and test: Formats Strings with subscript or superscript characters (bsd3, library, string)
- ssh library and test: A pure-Haskell SSH server library. (bsd3, library, network)
- ssh-known-hosts library and test: Read and interpret the SSH known-hosts file (bsd3, library, network)
- ssh-tunnel library: Proxy http-client via ssh tunnel. (bsd3, library, web)
- sshd-lint program and test: Check sshd configuration for adherence to best practices (mit, program, system)
- sshtun program: Wrapper daemon to manage an ssh tunnel (application, bsd3, network, program)
- sssp library: HTTP proxy for S3. (bsd3, library, text)
- sstable library and program: SSTables in Haskell (bsd3, data, library, program)
- ssv library and program: Comma-separated-value (CSV) read, show and write routines (library, mit, program, text)
- st2 library: shared heap regions between local mutable state threads (bsd3, data, library)
- stable-heap library, test and benchmark: Purely functional stable heaps (fair priority queues) (data-structures, library, mit)
- stable-maps library: Heterogeneous maps keyed by StableNames (bsd3, library, math)
- stable-marriage library and test: algorithms around stable marriage (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- stable-memo library: Memoization based on argument identity (data, library, mit)
- stable-tree library, program and test: Trees whose branches are resistant to change (bsd3, data, library, program)
- stache library, program, tests and benchmark: Mustache templates for Haskell (library, mit, program, text)
- stack library, program and test: The Haskell Tool Stack (bsd3, development, library, program)
- stack-all program: CLI tool for building over Stackage major versions (bsd3, distribution, program)
- stack-bump program and test: Dead simple version bumping for hpack packages (development, mit, program)
- stack-clean-old program: Clean away old stack build artifacts (bsd3, distribution, program)
- stack-fix program: Console program used to fix Stack build errors automatically (agpl, development, program)
- stack-hpc-coveralls library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (control, library, program)
- stack-lib library: Wrapper to use stack as a library (bsd3, development, library)
- stack-network library, program and test: A program for extending Stack to add distributed capabilities (bsd3, library, program, web)
- stack-prism library and test: Stack prisms (bsd3, data, library)
- stack-run program: An equivalent to cabal run for stack. (development, mit, program)
- stack-run-auto library, programs and test: Initial project template from stack (development, library, mit, program)
- stack-tag library and program: Create etags for Haskell projects based on Stack snapshots (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- stack-templatizer program: Generate a stack template from a folder. (bsd3, development, program)
- stack-type library: The basic stack type (library, mit, simple)
- stack-wrapper library and programs: Call ghc within stack by calling ghc (bsd3, development, library, program)
- stack-yaml library and test: Parse a stack.yaml file (development, distribution, library, mit)
- stack2cabal library and program: Convert stack projects to cabal.project + cabal.project.freeze (building, gpl, library, program)
- stack2nix library, program and test: Convert stack.yaml files into Nix build instructions. (distribution, library, mit, nix, program)
- stackage library: Dummy package forcing installation of other Stackage packages (development, library, mit)
- stackage-build-plan library and program: Calculate and print (in different formats) Stackage build plans (deprecated, distribution, library, mit, program)
- stackage-cabal library and programs: A CLI executable for cabal-based stackage commands (deprecated, development, library, mit, program)
- stackage-cli library and programs: A CLI library for stackage commands (deprecated, development, library, mit, program)
- stackage-curator library, programs and test: Tools for curating Stackage bundles (distribution, library, mit, program)
- stackage-install library and program: Secure download of packages for cabal-install (distribution, library, mit, program)
- stackage-metadata library and program: DEPRECATED Grab current metadata for all packages (deprecated, distribution, library, mit, program)
- stackage-query program: Tool for querying Stackage (distribution, mit, program)
- stackage-sandbox library and program: Work with shared stackage sandboxes (deprecated, development, library, mit, program)
- stackage-setup library and program: An executable for downloading a Haskell setup (deprecated, development, library, mit, program)
- stackage-to-hackage library and program: Convert stack.yaml to cabal.project + cabal.project.freeze (building, gpl, library, program)
- stackage-types library: Shared data types between various Stackage packages (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- stackage-update library and program: Update your package index incrementally (requires git) (distribution, library, mit, program)
- stackage-upload library and program: A more secure version of cabal upload which uses HTTPS (deprecated, distribution, library, mit, program)
- stackage2nix library, program and test: Convert Stack files into Nix build instructions. (bsd3, distribution, library, nix, program)
- stackcollapse-ghc program and test: Program to fold GHC prof files into flamegraph input (gpl, profiling, program)
- stackctl library, program and test: (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- stacked-dag library, program and test: Ascii DAG(Directed acyclic graph) for visualization of dataflow (bsd3, graphics, graphs, library, program)
- staf library: Numerical statistics for Foldable containers (library, math)
- staged-gg library: GHC.Generics style staged generics (bsd3, generics, library, staged)
- stagen library and program: Static site generator (bsd3, library, program, web)
- stamina library, program and test: Retries for humans (apache, control, library, program)
- stan library, program and test: Haskell STatic ANalyser (library, mpl, program, static-analysis)
- standalone-derive-topdown library: This package will derive class instance along the data type declaration tree. (Deprecated) (development, library, mit)
- standalone-haddock program: Generate standalone haddock documentation for a set of packages (distribution, mit, program)
- star library: *-semirings (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- star-to-star library: the * -> * types, operators, and covariant instances. (composition, library)
- star-to-star-contra library: contravariant instances for * -> * types and operators. (composition, library)
- starling library: A memcached client (bsd3, library, network)
- starrover2 program: Space simulation game (game, program)
- starter library: Develop applications without restarts (development, library, mpl)
- starter-snake-haskell library, program and test: A Haskell Battlesnake starter (bsd3, game, library, program, web)
- stash library: To be written (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- state library: Data.State (data, library)
- state-bag library and test: Monad transformers for holding bags of state. (bsd3, control, library)
- state-codes library and test: ISO 3166-2:US state codes and i18n names (data, library, mit)
- state-plus library and test: MonadPlus for StateT (bsd3, control, library)
- state-record library: Better records for State monad states (data, deprecated, library)
- stateWriter library, tests and benchmark: A faster variant of the RWS monad transformers. (bsd3, control, library)
- statechart program: Compiles Rhapsody statecharts to C. (bsd3, compiler, program)
- stateful-mtl library: Typeclass instances for monad transformer stacks with an ST thread at the bottom. (bsd3, library, monads)
- stateref : Abstraction for things that work like IORef. (data, public-domain)
- statestack library: Simple State-like monad transformer with saveable and restorable state (bsd3, control, library)
- statethread library: The ST monad and STRefs (bsd3, data-structures, library, monads)
- statgrab library: Collect system level metrics and statistics (ffi, library, monitoring, system)
- static library and tests: Type-safe and interoperable static values and closures (closure, control, gpl, library, static)
- static-bytes library and test: A Haskell library providing types representing 8, 16, 32, 64 or 128 bytes of data. (bsd3, data, library)
- static-canvas library: DSL to generate HTML5 Canvas javascript. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- static-closure library: Serialisable static pointers to functions (bsd3, control, library)
- static-hash library: Immutable hash (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- static-ls library, program and test: See README on Github for more information (development, library, mit, program)
- static-resources library and test: JavaScript and Css files concat for http optimization. Now with LESS support. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- static-tensor library, test and benchmark: Tensors of statically known size (bsd3, data, library)
- static-text library and tests: Lists, Texts, ByteStrings and Vectors of statically known length (bsd3, data, library, text, type-system)
- staticanalysis library: Reusable static analysis interfaces and modules. (compilers-interpreters, gpl, language, library)
- statistics library, test and benchmark: A library of statistical types, data, and functions (bsd2, library, math, statistics)
- statistics-dirichlet library: Functions for working with Dirichlet densities and mixtures on vectors. (bsd3, library, math)
- statistics-fusion library: An implementation of high performance, minimal statistics functions (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- statistics-hypergeometric-genvar library: Random variate generation from hypergeometric distributions (library, math, mit, statistics)
- statistics-linreg library: Linear regression between two samples, based on the 'statistics' package. (library, math, mit, statistics)
- statistics-skinny library and test: A library of statistical types, data, and functions (bsd2, library, math, statistics)
- stats program: command line statistics (gpl, math, program)
- statsd library: StatsD API. (deprecated, lgpl, library, network)
- statsd-client library: Statsd UDP client (library, mit, network)
- statsd-datadog library: DataDog-flavored StatsD client. (library, mit, network)
- statsd-rupp library and test: Simple StatsD Client (bsd3, library, system)
- statsdi library and test: A lovely [Dog]StatsD implementation (library, metrics, mit)
- status-notifier-item library and programs: A wrapper over the StatusNotifierItem/libappindicator dbus specification (bsd3, desktop, library, program)
- statvfs library: Get unix filesystem statistics with statfs, statvfs (bsd3, library, system)
- staversion library, program and test: What version is the package X in stackage lts-Y.ZZ? (bsd3, development, library, program)
- stb-image library: A wrapper around Sean Barrett's JPEG/PNG decoder (codec, graphics, library, public-domain)
- stb-image-redux library and test: Image loading and writing microlibrary (bsd3, graphics, library)
- stb-truetype library: A wrapper around Sean Barrett's TrueType rasterizer library. (graphics, library, public-domain)
- stc-lang library, program and test: A library for implicit, monadic dataflow parallelism (bsd3, concurrency, development, library, program)
- std library: TBA (bsd3, data, library, prelude)
- stdata library: Structure Data Library (bsd3, data, library)
- stdcxx library: Binding to Standard Template Library C++ (bsd2, ffi, library)
- stdf library and programs: Parse Structured Test Data Format (STDF) (data, gpl, library, program)
- stdio library and test: A simple and high performance IO toolkit for Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- steambrowser program: List and launch steam games from the cli (game, mit, program)
- steeloverseer library, program and test: A file watcher and development tool. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- stego-uuid library and test: Generator and verifier for steganographic numbers (bsd3, cryptography, library, steganography)
- stemmer library: Haskell bindings to the Snowball stemming library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, natural-language-processing, text)
- stemmer-german library: Extract the stem of a German inflected word form. (library, mit, nlp)
- step-function library and test: Staircase functions or piecewise constant functions (bsd3, library, text)
- stepwise library: (development, library)
- stern-brocot library, test and benchmark: Positive rational numbers represented as paths in the Stern-Brocot tree (bsd3, deprecated, library, math, numeric)
- stgi library and program: Educational implementation of the STG (Spineless Tagless
G-machine) (bsd3, development, library, program)
- stickyKeysHotKey library: get and set STICKYKEYS.SKF_HOTKEYACTIVE (bsd3, library, system)
- stitch library, test and benchmark: lightweight CSS DSL (bsd3, library, web)
- stm library: Software Transactional Memory (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stm-actor library and test: A simplistic actor model based on STM (control, library, mit)
- stm-channelize library: Transactional I/O for duplex streams (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stm-chans library: Additional types of channels for STM. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stm-chunked-queues library and test: Chunked Communication Queues (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stm-conduit library and tests: Introduces conduits to channels, and promotes using conduits concurrently. (bsd3, concurrency, conduit, library)
- stm-containers library and test: Containers for STM (concurrency, data-structures, library, mit, stm)
- stm-delay library and tests: Updatable one-shot timer polled with STM (bsd3, library, system)
- stm-extras library: Extra STM functions (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stm-firehose library and test: Conduits and STM operations for fire hoses. (bsd3, library, network)
- stm-hamt library, test and benchmark: STM-specialised Hash Array Mapped Trie (concurrency, data-structures, library, mit, stm)
- stm-incremental library and test: A library for constructing incremental computations (concurrency, control, library, mit)
- stm-io-hooks library: Launch your IO-actions from within the STM monad (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stm-lifted library: Software Transactional Memory lifted to MonadIO (bsd3, concurrency, library, monadio)
- stm-linkedlist library: Mutable, doubly linked lists for STM (bsd3, data, library)
- stm-orelse-io library: Choose between the return value of an STM operation and an IO action. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stm-promise library and test: Simple STM Promises for IO computations and external processes (concurrency, lgpl, library)
- stm-queue library, test and benchmark: An implementation of a real-time concurrent queue (data, library, mit)
- stm-queue-extras library: Extra queue utilities for STM (apache, concurrency, library)
- stm-sbchan library: Bounded channel for STM where item sizes can vary (bsd3, data, library)
- stm-split library: TMVars, TVars and TChans with distinguished input and output side (bsd3, concurrent, library)
- stm-stats library: retry statistics for STM transactions (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stm-supply library and test: STM wrapper around Control.Concurrent.Supply. (bsd3, control, library)
- stm-tlist library: Mutable, singly-linked list in STM (bsd3, data, library)
- stmcontrol library: Control communication among retrying transactions (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- stochastic library and tests: Monadic composition of probabilistic functions and sampling. (gpl, library, math)
- stocks library and test: Library for the IEX Trading API (bsd3, library, net)
- stomp-conduit library: Stompl Conduit Client (client, conduit, library, message-oriented-middleware, network, stomp)
- stomp-patterns library: Stompl MOM Stomp Patterns (client, library, message-oriented-middleware, network, stomp)
- stomp-queue library: Stompl Client Library (client, library, message-oriented-middleware, network, stomp)
- stompl library: Stomp Parser and Utilities (library, message-oriented-middleware, network, parser, stomp)
- stooq-api library: A simple wrapper around API for downloading market data. (library, mit, web)
- stopwatch library and test: A simple stopwatch utility (bsd3, control, library)
- storable library: Storable type class for variable-sized data (bsd3, data, foreign, library)
- storable-complex library: Storable instance for Complex (bsd3, data, library)
- storable-endian library: Storable instances with endianness (bsd3, data, library)
- storable-enum library: Wrapper that makes any Enum type Storable (bsd3, foreign, library)
- storable-generic library and test: Derive Storable instances with GHC.Generics (bsd3, foreign, library)
- storable-hetero-list library and test: about Storable and Hetero list (bsd3, data, foreign, library)
- storable-offset library: Storable offsets for record fields (bsd3, ffi, library, utility)
- storable-peek-poke library and test: class Sizable, Peek and Poke (bsd3, data, foreign, library)
- storable-record library: Elegant definition of Storable instances for records (bsd3, data, foreign, library)
- storable-static-array library: Statically-sized array wrappers with Storable instances
for FFI marshaling (bsd3, ffi, library)
- storable-tuple library: Storable instance for pairs and triples (bsd3, data, foreign, library)
- storablevector library, test and benchmarks: Fast, packed, strict storable arrays with a list interface like ByteString (bsd3, data, library)
- storablevector-carray library: Conversion between storablevector and carray (bsd3, data, library)
- storablevector-streamfusion library: Conversion between storablevector and stream-fusion lists with fusion (bsd3, data, library)
- store library, test and benchmarks: Fast binary serialization (data, library, mit, serialization)
- store-core library: Fast and lightweight binary serialization (data, library, mit, serialization)
- store-streaming library and test: Streaming interfaces for `store` (data, library, mit, serialization)
- stp library and program: Simple Theorem Prover (bsd3, library, math, program)
- str library: A type class to abstract between many different string types. (library, mit, text)
- stratosphere library and test: EDSL for AWS CloudFormation (aws, cloud, library, mit)
- stratum-tool program: Client for Stratum protocol (agpl, program, utils)
- stratux library: A library for stratux (adsb, aviation, bsd3, json, library, stratux)
- stratux-demo library and program: A demonstration of the stratux library. (adsb, aviation, bsd3, library, program, stratux)
- stratux-http library: A library for using HTTP with stratux (adsb, aviation, bsd3, json, library, network, stratux)
- stratux-types library: A library for reading JSON output from stratux (adsb, aviation, bsd3, json, library, stratux)
- stratux-websockets library: A library for using websockets with stratux (adsb, aviation, bsd3, json, library, network, stratux)
- stream library, test and benchmark: Initial project template from stack (data, library, mit)
- stream-fusion library: Faster Haskell lists using stream fusion (bsd3, data, library)
- stream-monad library: Simple, Fair and Terminating Backtracking Monad (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- streamdeck library: Control library for the Elgato Stream Deck (bsd3, hardware, library)
- streamed library: Programmatically edit MIDI event streams via ALSA (bsd3, deprecated, library, music, sound)
- streaming library and test: an elementary streaming prelude and general stream type. (bsd3, data, library, pipes, streaming)
- streaming-attoparsec library and test: Attoparsec integration for the streaming ecosystem (bsd3, library, streaming)
- streaming-base64 library and test: Streaming conversion from/to base64 (library, unclassified)
- streaming-benchmarks benchmark: Measures and compares the performance of streaming libraries (benchmark, mit, streaming, streamly)
- streaming-binary library and test: Streaming interface to binary. (bsd3, library, parsing, streaming)
- streaming-bracketed library and tests: A resource management decorator for "streaming". (data, library, mit, streaming)
- streaming-brotli library and test: Streaming interface for Brotli (RFC7932) compression (bsd3, codec, compression, library, streaming)
- streaming-bytestring library and test: Fast, effectful byte streams. (bsd3, data, library, pipes, streaming)
- streaming-cassava library and test: Cassava support for the streaming ecosystem (data, library, mit, streaming)
- streaming-commons library, test and benchmarks: Common lower-level functions needed by various streaming data libraries (data, library, mit)
- streaming-concurrency library, test and benchmark: Concurrency support for the streaming ecosystem (data, library, mit, streaming)
- streaming-conduit library and test: Bidirectional support between the streaming and conduit libraries (data, library, mit, streaming)
- streaming-events library: Client-side consumption of a ServerEvent. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- streaming-eversion library and tests: Translate pull-based stream folds into push-based iteratees. (bsd3, control, library)
- streaming-fft library: online streaming fft (bsd3, data, library)
- streaming-histogram library, test and benchmark: (apache, library, unclassified)
- streaming-lzma library and test: Streaming interface for LZMA/XZ compression (bsd3, codec, compression, library, streaming)
- streaming-nonempty library and test: Add support for non empty streams to Streaming lib (bsd3, library, streaming)
- streaming-osm library and test: A hand-written streaming byte parser for OpenStreetMap Protobuf data. (bsd3, library, streaming)
- streaming-pcap library and test: Stream packets via libpcap. (bsd3, library, web)
- streaming-png library: Perfectly streaming PNG image decoding (bsd3, codec, graphics, image, library, streaming)
- streaming-postgresql-simple library: Stream postgresql-query results using the streaming library (bsd3, database, library)
- streaming-process library and test: Streaming support for running system process (data, library, mit, streaming)
- streaming-sort library and test: Sorting streams (data, library, mit, streaming)
- streaming-utils library: http, attoparsec, pipes and other utilities for the streaming libraries (bsd3, data, library, pipes, streaming)
- streaming-wai library: Streaming Wai utilities (library, mit, web)
- streaming-with library: with/bracket-style idioms for use with streaming (data, library, mit, streaming)
- streamly library: Streaming, dataflow programming and declarative concurrency (array, bsd3, concurrency, dataflow, filesystem, library, list, logic, network, non-determinism, parsing, pipes, reactivity, streaming, streamly, time, unicode)
- streamly-archive library and test: Stream data from archives using the streamly library. (archive, bsd3, codec, library, streaming, streamly)
- streamly-binary library and test: Integration of streamly and binary (binary, bsd3, library, streaming, streamly)
- streamly-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Library for streamly and bytestring interoperation. (bsd3, bytestring, library, stream, streamly)
- streamly-cassava library, test and benchmark: CSV streaming support via cassava for the streamly ecosystem (bsd3, library, streaming)
- streamly-core library: Streaming, parsers, arrays, serialization and more (array, bsd3, dataflow, library, list, logic, non-determinism, parsing, pipes, streaming, streamly, time)
- streamly-examples programs: Examples for Streamly (apache, concurrency, filesystem, network, program, reactivity, streaming, streamly, text)
- streamly-fsnotify library: Folder watching as a Streamly stream. (bsd3, library, streamly, system)
- streamly-lmdb library and test: Stream data to or from LMDB databases using the streamly library. (bsd3, database, library, streaming, streamly)
- streamly-lz4 library, test and benchmark: Streamly combinators for LZ4 compression (apache, codec, compression, library, streamly)
- streamly-posix : Posix related streaming APIs (bsd3, streaming)
- streamly-process library, test and benchmark: Use OS processes as stream transformation functions (apache, library, streaming, streamly, system)
- streamly-statistics library, test and benchmark: Statistical measures for finite or infinite data streams. (apache, library, statistics, streamly)
- streamly-zip library and test: Stream data from zip archives using the streamly library. (archive, bsd3, codec, library, streaming, streamly)
- streamproc library: Stream Processer Arrow (bsd3, control, library)
- streams library: Various Haskell 2010 stream comonads (bsd3, comonads, control, library)
- streamt library and tests: Simple, Fair and Terminating Backtracking Monad Transformer (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- strelka library: A simple, flexible and composable web-router (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- strelka-core library: Core components of "strelka" (library, mit, unclassified)
- strelka-wai library: WAI compatibility layer for "strelka" (library, mit, unclassified)
- strict library: Strict data types and String IO. (bsd3, data, library, system)
- strict-base library: Strict versions of base data types. (bsd3, data, library, system)
- strict-base-types library: Strict variants of the types provided in base. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- strict-concurrency library: Strict concurrency abstractions (bsd3, control, library)
- strict-containers library and tests: Strict containers. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- strict-containers-lens library: Strict containers - Lens instances (bsd3, data, data-structures, lenses, library)
- strict-containers-serialise library: Strict containers - Serialise instances (bsd3, codec, data, data-structures, library)
- strict-data library and tests: A collection of commonly used strict data structures (bsd3, data, library)
- strict-ghc-plugin library: Compiler plugin for making Haskell strict (bsd3, compiler-plugin, library)
- strict-identity library: Strict Identity Monad, handy for writing fast code! (bsd3, control, library)
- strict-impl-params library: Plugin for making top-level implicit parameters strict (development, library, mit)
- strict-io library: A library wrapping standard IO modules to provide strict IO. (bsd3, library, system)
- strict-lens library: Lenses for types in strict package (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- strict-list library and test: Strict linked list (data, library, mit)
- strict-mutable-base library: Strict variants of mutable data types from base. (bsd3, data, library)
- strict-mvar library and test: Strict MVars for IO and IOSim (apache, concurrency, deprecated, library)
- strict-optics library: Optics for types in strict package (bsd3, data, library, optics)
- strict-stm library: Strict STM interface polymorphic over stm implementation. (apache, concurrency, deprecated, library)
- strict-tuple library and test: Strict tuples (bsd3, data, library)
- strict-tuple-lens library: Optics for the `strict-tuple` library (bsd3, data, library)
- strict-types library: A type level predicate ranging over strict types (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- strict-wrapper library and test: Lightweight strict types (data, library, mit)
- strict-writer library and test: A stricter writer, which uses StateT in order to avoid space leaks. (control, deprecated, library, mit)
- strictify program: Find a local optimum of strictness annotations. (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- strictly library: Combinators for strictifying functions (bsd3, control, library)
- string library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- string-class library: String class library (bsd3, data, library, text)
- string-combinators library: Polymorphic functions to build and combine stringlike values (bsd3, data, library)
- string-conv library and test: Standardized conversion between string types (bsd3, data, library, string, text)
- string-conv-tests test: Tests for the string-conv library (bsd3, data, deprecated, string, text)
- string-conversions library and test: Simplifies dealing with different types for strings (bsd3, data, library)
- string-convert library and test: Universal string conversions (bsd3, library, text)
- string-fromto library: Conversions between common string types, as well as Base16/Base32/Base64. (bsd3, conversion, library, text)
- string-interpolate library, test and benchmark: Haskell string/text/bytestring interpolation that just works (bsd3, data, library, text)
- string-interpreter library: Is used in the phonetic languages approach (e. g. in the recursive mode). (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, phonetic-languages)
- string-isos library: Tools for working with isomorphisms of strings (bsd3, library, text)
- string-like library: A package that aims to provide a uniform interface to string-like types. (bsd3, library, utils)
- string-qq library and test: QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings. (data, library, public-domain)
- string-quote library: QuasiQuoter for non-interpolated strings, texts and bytestrings. (bsd3, data, library)
- string-random library, program and tests: A library for generating random string from a regular experession (bsd3, library, program, text)
- string-similarity library, test and benchmark: longest common substring (bsd3, data, library)
- string-transform library and test: simple and easy haskell string transform wrapper (library, mit, text)
- string-typelits library: Type-level Chars and Strings, with decidable equality. (bsd3, data, library)
- string-variants library and test: Constrained text newtypes (data, library, mit)
- stringable library: A Stringable type class, in the spirit of Foldable and Traversable (bytestring, data, deprecated, library, mit, text)
- stringbuilder library and test: A writer monad for multi-line string literals (library, mit, testing)
- stringlike library and test: Transformations to several string-like types (library, mit, text)
- stringprep library and test: Implements the "StringPrep" algorithm (bsd3, data, library)
- strings library: Functions for working with strings, including Text, ByteString, etc. (library, mit, string, text, utility)
- stringsearch library: Fast searching, splitting and replacing of ByteStrings (bsd3, library, search, text)
- stringtable-atom library: Memoize Strings as Atoms for fast comparison and sorting, with maps and sets (bsd3, data, library, pugs)
- stringz library: Optics for string-like data types (bsd3, data, library)
- strio library, program and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)
- strip-ansi-escape library and test: Strip ANSI escape code from string. (apache, library, text)
- stripe library: A Haskell implementation of the Stripe API. (bsd3, library, web)
- stripe-concepts library: Types for the Stripe API (library, mit, web)
- stripe-core library: Stripe API for Haskell - Pure Core (library, mit, web)
- stripe-haskell library: Stripe API for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- stripe-hs library and test: Unofficial Stripe client (bsd3, library, web)
- stripe-http-client library and test: Stripe API for Haskell - http-client backend (library, mit, web)
- stripe-http-streams library and test: Stripe API for Haskell - http-streams backend (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- stripe-scotty library: Listen for Stripe webhook events with Scotty (library, mit, web)
- stripe-servant library: Unofficial Stripe servant types (bsd3, library, web)
- stripe-signature library and test: Verification of Stripe webhook signatures (library, mit, web)
- stripe-tests library: Tests for Stripe API bindings for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- stripe-wreq library: Use the Stripe API via Wreq (library, mit, web)
- stripeapi library: Stripe-Library (library, mit, psp)
- strips library and test: resolver using strips algorithm (algorithms, bsd3, library)
- strive library: A client for the Strava V3 API. (api, library, mit)
- strong-path library and test: Strongly typed paths in Haskell. (filepath, filesystem, library, mit, system)
- strongswan-sql library, program and test: Interface library for strongSwan SQL backend (bsd3, console, library, network-apis, program, sql)
- strongweak library and test: Convert between strong and weak representations of types (data, library, mit)
- strptime library: Efficient parsing of LocalTime using a binding to C's strptime,
with some extra features (i.e. fractional seconds) (bsd3, data, library, parsing, system)
- struct-inspector program: Inspect the padding and size of C data declarations and their fields (bsd3, program, tooling)
- structs library and test: Strict GC'd imperative object-oriented programming with cheap pointers. (bsd3, data, library)
- structural-induction library and test: Instantiate structural induction schemas for algebraic data types (lgpl, library, logic, theorem-provers)
- structural-traversal library and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, util)
- structured library: Structure (hash) of your data types (bsd3, data, library)
- structured-cli library and program: Application library for building interactive console CLIs (bsd3, console, library, program)
- structured-haskell-mode program: Structured editing Emacs mode for Haskell (bsd3, development, program)
- structured-mongoDB library: Structured MongoDB interface (database, library)
- structures library and benchmark: "Advanced" Data Structures (bsd3, data, library, structures)
- stt library and test: A monad transformer version of the ST monad (control, library, mit)
- stunclient library and test: RFC 5389: Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) client (library, mit, network)
- stunts program: A revival of the classic game Stunts (LambdaCube tech demo) (bsd3, graphics, program)
- stutter library, program and test: (Stutter Text|String)-Utterer (library, mit, program, tools)
- stylish-cabal library, program and test: Format Cabal files (bsd3, language, library, program)
- stylish-haskell library, program and test: Haskell code prettifier (bsd3, language, library, program)
- stylist library and test: Apply CSS styles to a document tree. (gpl, language, library)
- stylist-traits library: Traits, datatypes, & parsers for Haskell Stylist (gpl, library, web)
- stylized library: Ways to output stylized text on ANSI consoles. (library, user-interfaces)
- styx program: A generator of nix files (development, program)
- suavemente library: An applicative functor that seamlessly talks to HTML inputs. (bsd3, library, web)
- sub-state library and test: Get the total, put a single element (bsd3, control, library)
- subG library: Some extension to the Foldable and Monoid classes. (data, development, library, mit)
- subG-instances library: Additional instances for the InsertLeft class from subG package. (data, development, library, mit)
- subcategories library and test: Subcategories induced by class constraints (bsd3, data, library)
- subhask library, tests and benchmark: Type safe interface for programming in subcategories of Hask (algebra, bsd3, categories, control, library)
- subleq-toolchain library, program and test: Toolchain of subleq computer. (gpl, language, library, program)
- sublists library: Allows to split lists into sublists with some patterns by quantity. (data, library, lists, mit)
- submark library, program and tests: Extract a part from CommonMark/Markdown docs (gpl, library, program, text)
- subnet library: subnetting calculator (library, mit, network)
- subsample library and program: Subsample data. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- substring-parser library and test: Match / replace substrings with a parser combinators. (apache, library, parsing, text)
- subtitleParser library: A parser for .srt and .sub files (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- subtitles program: Modify SRT subtitle files. (bsd3, program, utils)
- subwordgraph library and test: Subword graph implementation (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- subzero library and test: Helps when going "seed values" -> alternatives and optional -> answers (data-structures, gpl, library)
- success library: A version of Either specialised for encoding of success or failure (data, deprecated, failure, library, mit)
- successors library: An applicative functor to manage successors (control, library, mit)
- suffix library and test: Suffix arrays and friends (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- suffix-array library, program, test and benchmark: Simple and moderately efficient suffix array implementation (bsd3, data-structures, library, program)
- suffixarray library and programs: n log n implementation of suffix array. (data, gpl, library, program)
- suffixtree library: Efficient, lazy suffix tree implementation (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- sugar library and test: A pretty, sweet data language (configuration, library, text)
- sugar-data library and test: Convert sugar to common data types for code generation (configuration, library, text)
- sugar-json library and test: Sugar with JSON (configuration, library, text)
- sugar-scheme library and test: Sugar with Scheme (language, library, text)
- sugarhaskell programs: Library-based syntactic extensibility for Haskell (code-generation, language, program, source-tools)
- suitable library: Abstract over the constraints on the parameters to type constructors (bsd3, data, library)
- sum-pyramid program and test: Create Sum Pyramid (Additionstreppe) exercises (bsd3, math, program)
- sum-type-boilerplate library and test: Library for reducing the boilerplate involved with sum types (library, mit, th, types)
- summer library and test: An implementation of extensible products and sums (data, library, mit)
- summoner library, program and test: Tool for scaffolding fully configured batteries-included production-level Haskell projects. (cli, cli-tool, development, library, mpl, program)
- summoner-tui : Tool for scaffolding fully configured batteries-included production-level Haskell projects using TUI. (development, mpl, tui, tui-tool)
- sump library: A Haskell interface to SUMP-compatible logic analyzers (bsd3, hardware, library)
- sundown library: Bindings to the sundown markdown library (foreign-binding, library, public-domain, text)
- sunlight library: Test Cabalized package against multiple dependency versions (bsd3, library, testing)
- sunroof-compiler library: Monadic Javascript Compiler (bsd3, compiler, embedded, javascript, language, library, web)
- sunroof-examples programs: Tests for Sunroof (bsd3, compiler, embedded, javascript, language, program, web)
- sunroof-server library: Monadic Javascript Compiler - Server Utilities (bsd3, embedded, javascript, language, library, web)
- super-user-spark library, program and test: Configure your dotfile deployment with a DSL. (library, mit, program, system)
- superbubbles library and test: Find "superbubbles", as described in (bsd3, graph, library)
- superbuffer library, test and benchmark: Efficiently build a bytestring from smaller chunks (bsd3, library, web)
- supercollider-ht library: Haskell SuperCollider utilities (library, sound)
- supercollider-midi programs: Demonstrate how to control SuperCollider via ALSA-MIDI (program, sound)
- superconstraints library: Access an instance's constraints (bsd3, constraints, library)
- superdoc library: Additional documentation markup and Unicode support (bsd3, distribution, library)
- superevent library and test: A simple opinionated event store implementation (bsd3, database, library)
- supermonad library and test: Plugin and base library to support supermonads in Haskell (bsd3, library, monad, plugin, type-system)
- supernova library and test: Apache Pulsar client for Haskell (apache, library, network)
- supero program: A Supercompiler (bsd3, compiler, program)
- superrecord library, test and benchmark: Supercharged anonymous records (bsd3, library, records)
- supervisor library: Control an internal monad execution for trace generation, backtrakcking, testing and other purposes (bsd3, control, library)
- supervisors library and test: Monitor groups of threads with non-hierarchical lifetimes. (concurrency, library, mit)
- supplemented library and test: Early termination for monads (library, mit, parsing)
- supply-chain library: Composable request-response pipelines (apache, library, monads, streaming)
- supply-chain-core library and test: Composable request-response pipelines (apache, library, monads, streaming)
- supply-next library and test: Supply-chain interface for basic streaming (apache, library, streaming)
- surjective library: An output coverage checker (language, library, public-domain)
- suspend library: Simple package that allows for long thread suspensions. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- sv library, test and benchmark: Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...) (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- sv-cassava library and test: Integration to use sv with cassava's parser (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- sv-core library and test: Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...) (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- sv-svfactor library: sv-core + svfactor (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- sv2v program: SystemVerilog to Verilog conversion (bsd3, development, embedded, hardware, language, program)
- svfactor library and test: Syntax-preserving CSV manipulation (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- svg-builder library: DSL for building SVG. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- svg-builder-fork library: DSL for building SVG. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- svg-icons library and program: Svg Icons and more (bsd3, graphics, library, program, web)
- svg-tree library: SVG file loader and serializer (bsd3, graphics, library, svg)
- svg2q program: Code generation tool for Quartz code from a SVG. (bsd3, parsing, program)
- svgcairo library: Binding to the libsvg-cairo library. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- svgone library and program: Optimise SVGs (bsd3, graphics, library, program, svg)
- svgsym program: A tool to prune unused symbols from icon SVG files. (gpl, program, utility)
- svgutils library and program: Helper functions for dealing with SVG files (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- svm library: A support vector machine written in Haskell (ai, gpl, library)
- svm-light-utils library: Parsers and formatters for the SVMlight input file format (bsd3, library, math)
- svm-simple library: Medium level, simplified, bindings to libsvm (ai, algorithms, bsd3, library, pattern-classification, support-vector-machine)
- svndump library and tests: Library for reading Subversion dump files (bsd3, library, subversion)
- swagger library and test: Implementation of swagger data model (data, library)
- swagger-petstore library and test: Auto-generated openapi-petstore API Client (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- swagger-test library and program: Testing of Swagger APIs (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- swagger2 library and tests: Swagger 2.0 data model (bsd3, library, swagger, web)
- swapper library: Transparently swapping data from in-memory structures to disk (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- swarm library, programs, tests and benchmark: 2D resource gathering game with programmable robots (bsd3, game, library, program)
- swearjure program: Clojure without alphanumerics. (language, lgpl, program)
- sweet-egison library, test and benchmarks: Shallow embedding implementation of non-linear pattern matching (bsd3, control, library, pattern)
- swf library: A library for creating Shockwave Flash (SWF) files (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- swift-lda library: Online sampler for Latent Dirichlet Allocation (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- swish library, program and tests: A semantic web toolkit. (lgpl, library, program, semantic-web)
- swiss library: Basic functions for development with Core libraries and GHC boot libraries dependencies. (bsd3, development, library)
- swiss-ephemeris library and test: Haskell bindings for the Swiss Ephemeris C library (agpl, astrology, data, library)
- swisstable library, test and benchmarks: SwissTable hash map (bsd3, data, library)
- switch library and tests: Nintendo Switch Controller Library (bsd3, game, library)
- swizzle library and test: Swizzle functions (bsd3, data, library)
- swizzle-lens library and test: Swizzle lens functions (bsd3, data, library)
- swizzle-modify library and test: Swizzle modify functions (bsd3, data, library)
- swizzle-set library and test: Swizzle set functions (bsd3, data, library)
- sws program: A simple web server for serving directories. (bsd3, program, web)
- sxml library: A SXML-parser (library, public-domain, text, xml)
- syb library and test: Scrap Your Boilerplate (bsd3, generics, library)
- syb-extras library: Higher order versions of the Scrap Your Boilerplate classes (bsd3, combinators, generic, library, polymorphism)
- syb-with-class library and test: Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class (bsd3, data, library)
- syb-with-class-instances-text library: Scrap Your Boilerplate With Class Text instance (bsd3, data, library)
- sydtest library: A modern testing framework for Haskell with good defaults and advanced testing features. (library, testing)
- sydtest-aeson library and test: An aeson companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-amqp library: An amqp companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-autodocodec library and test: An autodocodec companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-discover library and program: Automatic test suite discovery for sydtest (library, program, testing)
- sydtest-hedgehog library and test: A Hedgehog companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-hedis library: An hedis companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-hspec library and test: An Hspec companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-mongo library: An mongoDB companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-persistent library: A persistent companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-persistent-postgresql library: An persistent-postgresql companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-persistent-sqlite library and test: A persistent-sqlite companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-process library and test: A typed-process companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-rabbitmq library: An rabbitmq companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-servant library and test: A servant companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-typed-process library and test: A typed-process companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-wai library and test: A wai companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-webdriver library and test: A webdriver companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-webdriver-screenshot library and test: A webdriver screenshot companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-webdriver-yesod library and test: A webdriver+yesod companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- sydtest-yesod library and tests: A yesod companion library for sydtest (library, testing)
- syfco library and program: Synthesis Format Conversion Tool / Library (library, mit, program, syntcomp)
- sylvia program and test: Lambda calculus visualization (game, program)
- sym library and test: Permutations, patterns, and statistics (bsd3, library, math)
- sym-plot library: Plot permutations; an addition to the sym package (bsd3, library, math)
- symantic library: Library for Typed Tagless-Final Higher-Order Composable DSL (gpl, language, library)
- symantic-atom library and test: Library for reading and writing Atom. (gpl, library, text, xml)
- symantic-base library: Basic symantic combinators for Embedded Domain-Specific Languages (EDSL) (agpl, data-structures, library)
- symantic-cli library: Symantics for parsing and documenting a CLI (cli, gpl, library, options, parsing, system)
- symantic-document library and test: Symantics combinators for generating documents. (agpl, library, text)
- symantic-grammar library and test: Library for symantic grammars. (gpl, language, library)
- symantic-http library: Symantic combinators for deriving clients or a server from an HTTP API (gpl, library, protocol)
- symantic-http-client library: symantic-http applied to the derivation of HTTP clients (gpl, library, protocol)
- symantic-http-demo library and programs: Demo for symantic-http and its companion libraries (gpl, library, program, protocol)
- symantic-http-pipes library: Streaming support through pipes for symantic-http (gpl, library, protocol)
- symantic-http-server library: symantic-http applied to the derivation of HTTP servers (gpl, library, protocol)
- symantic-http-test test: Test symantic-http and its companion libraries (gpl, protocol)
- symantic-lib library and test: Symantics for common types. (gpl, language, library)
- symantic-parser library, test and benchmark: Parser combinators statically optimized and staged via typed meta-programming (agpl, library, parsing)
- symantic-xml library and test: Library for reading, validating and writing XML. (gpl, library, text, xml)
- symbiote library and test: Data serialization, communication, and operation verification implementation (bsd3, data, library, testing)
- symbol library: A 'Symbol' type for fast symbol comparison. (bsd3, data, library)
- symbol-parser library and test: Type level string parser combinators (data, deprecated, library, mit, types)
- symbolic-link library and test: Symlink functions (bsd3, library, system)
- symbolize library and tests: Efficient global Symbol table, with Garbage Collection. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- symbols library: Symbol manipulation (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- symengine library and test: SymEngine symbolic mathematics engine for Haskell (ffi, library, math, mit, symbolic-computation)
- symengine-hs library, program and test: SymEngine symbolic mathematics engine for Haskell (ffi, library, math, mit, program, symbolic-computation)
- symmetric-properties library and test: Monoids for sameness and uniqueness. (bsd3, library, web)
- symmetry-operations-symbols library and tests: Derivation of symbols and coordinate triplets Library (bsd3, chemistry, library)
- symon program: Minimal implementation(s) of the classic electronic memory game. (development, gpl, program)
- symparsec library and test: Type level string parser combinators (data, library, mit, types)
- symtegration library and tests: Library for symbolic integration of mathematical expressions. (apache, integration, library, mathematics, symbolic-computation)
- sync library: A fast implementation of synchronous channels with a CML-like API (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- sync-mht library, program, test and benchmark: Fast incremental file transfer using Merkle-Hash-Trees (library, mit, program, utility)
- synchronous-channels library: Synchronous communication channels (bsd3, concurrency, control, library)
- syncthing-hs library and test: Haskell bindings for the Syncthing REST API (bsd3, library, network)
- synt library, program and test: Similar code analysis. (language, library, program)
- syntactic library, test and benchmark: Generic representation and manipulation of abstract syntax (bsd3, language, library)
- syntactical library: Distfix expression parsing library (bsd3, library, parsing)
- syntax library: Reversible parsing and pretty-printing. (data, library, mit)
- syntax-attoparsec library: Syntax instances for Attoparsec. (data, library, mit)
- syntax-example program: Example application using syntax, a library for abstract syntax descriptions. (data, mit, program)
- syntax-example-json program: Example JSON parser/pretty-printer. (data, mit, program)
- syntax-pretty library: Syntax instance for pretty, the pretty printing library. (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- syntax-printer library: Text and ByteString printers for 'syntax'. (data, library, mit)
- syntax-trees library: Convert between different Haskell syntax trees. (bsd3, language, library)
- syntax-trees-fork-bairyn library: Convert between different Haskell syntax trees. Bairyn's fork. (bsd3, language, library)
- syntaxnet-haskell library and test: Working with Google's SyntaxNet output files - CoNLL, Tree (library, mit, nlp)
- synthesizer library: Audio signal processing coded in Haskell (deprecated, library, sound)
- synthesizer-alsa library: Control synthesizer effects via ALSA/MIDI (gpl, library, music, sound)
- synthesizer-core library, test and benchmarks: Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Low level part (library, sound)
- synthesizer-dimensional library: Audio signal processing with static physical dimensions (library, sound)
- synthesizer-filter library: Audio signal processing coded in Haskell: Filter networks (library, sound)
- synthesizer-inference library: Audio signal processing with dynamic physical dimensions (library, sound)
- synthesizer-llvm library and test: Efficient signal processing using runtime compilation (gpl, library, music, sound)
- synthesizer-midi library and test: Render audio signals from MIDI files or realtime messages (library, music, sound)
- sys-auth-smbclient library and test: Auth with smbclient command (library, mit, system)
- sys-process library and test: A replacement for System.Exit and System.Process. (bsd3, library, system)
- sysinfo library and test: Haskell Interface for getting overall system statistics (bsd3, ffi, library, linux, system)
- syslog library and test: Decode RFC 3164 and RFC 5424 syslog message formats (bsd3, data, library)
- system-argv0 library: Get argv[0] as a FilePath. (library, mit, system)
- system-canonicalpath library and test: Abstract data type for canonical paths with some utilities (library, mit, system)
- system-command library and test: A replacement for System.Exit and System.Process (bsd3, library, system)
- system-error library: Error reporting functions (bsd3, library, system)
- system-extra library and test: A bunch of system utilities used by other projects (library, mit, system)
- system-fileio library and test: Consistent filesystem interaction across GHC versions (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- system-filepath library and test: High-level, byte-based file and directory path manipulations (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- system-gpio library: GPIO wrapper libary for Raspberry Pi (bsd3, library, system)
- system-info library: Get the name of the operating system (library, mit, system)
- system-inotify library: Binding to Linux's inotify interface (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- system-lifted library and program: Lifted versions of System functions. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- system-linux-proc library and test: A library for accessing the /proc filesystem in Linux (bsd3, library, system)
- system-locale library and test: Get system locales (bsd3, library, unknown)
- system-posix-redirect library: A toy module to temporarily redirect a program's stdout. (bsd3, library, system)
- system-random-effect library, test and benchmark: Random number generation for extensible effects. (bsd3, effect, library, system)
- system-test library, program and test: Runs system tests of applications. (library, mit, program, testing)
- system-time-monotonic library: Simple library for using the system's monotonic clock (bsd3, library, system)
- system-util library and test: Various system utils lifted to EitherT (bsd3, library, system)
- system-uuid library: Bindings to system UUID functions. (bsd3, library, system)
- systemd library and test: Systemd facilities (Socket activation, Notify) (bsd3, library, system)
- systemd-api library: systemd bindings (bsd3, library, system)
- systemd-ntfy program: Send notifications for systemd units to (gpl, program, system)
- systemd-socket-activation library: Let systemd bind the server's socket for you (library, mit, network, system)
- systemstats program: An application that regularly logs system stats for later analysis (bsd3, program, web)
- systranything program: Let you put anything in the system tray (desktop, mit, program)
- syz library: Scrap Your Zippers (bsd3, generics, library)
- t-regex library: Matchers and grammars using tree regular expressions (bsd3, data, library)
- t3-client library: tic-tac-toe Rexports for client (bsd3, game, library)
- t3-game library and test: tic-tac-toe core (bsd3, game, library)
- t3-server library: tic-tac-toe server (bsd3, game, library)
- ta library: Transito Abierto: convenience library when using Takusen and Oracle. (bsd3, database, library)
- tabl library: Table layout (library, text)
- table program: Simple tool to generate tables from DSV input (mit, program, text)
- table-layout library, program and test: Format tabular data as grid or table. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- table-tennis library: A table tennis game tracking engine (game, library, mit)
- tableaux program: An interactive theorem prover based on semantic tableaux (bsd3, program, theorem-provers)
- tables library and test: In-memory storage with multiple keys using lenses and traversals (bsd3, data, deprecated, lenses, library)
- tablestorage library: Azure Table Storage REST API Wrapper (api, bsd3, database, library, web)
- tablize program: Pretty-printing of CSV files (program, text)
- tabloid program: View the output of shell commands in a table (bsd3, program, system)
- tabs library and program: Indents source files (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- tabular library: Two-dimensional data tables with rendering functions (bsd3, library, text)
- taco library and test: Tensor Algebra COmpiler (bsd3, library, numeric)
- taffybar library, program and test: A desktop bar similar to xmobar, but with more GUI (bsd3, library, program, system)
- tag-bits library: Provides access to the dynamic pointer tagging bits used by GHC. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- tag-stream library: streamlined html tag parser (bsd3, library, web)
- tagchup library, test and benchmark: alternative package for processing of tag soups (library, xml)
- tagged library: Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments (bsd3, data, library, phantom-types)
- tagged-binary library: Provides tools for serializing data tagged with type
information. (data, library, mit, serialization-)
- tagged-exception-core library: Reflect exceptions using phantom types. (bsd3, control, error-handling, exceptions, failure, library, monad, monads, phantom-types)
- tagged-identity library: Trivial monad transformer that allows identical monad stacks to have different types (bsd3, control, library)
- tagged-list library: Lists tagged with a type-level natural number representing their length. (bsd3, data, library)
- tagged-th library: QuasiQuoter and Template Haskell splices for creating proxies at higher-kinds (bsd3, library, phantom-types, template-haskell)
- tagged-timers library: Simple wrappers for timing IO actions (single-threaded) (library, mit, system)
- tagged-transformer library: Monad transformer carrying an extra phantom type tag (bsd3, data, library, phantom-types)
- tagging library: Library for tagging data (bsd3, data, library)
- taggy library, program, tests and benchmark: Efficient and simple HTML/XML parsing library (bsd3, library, program, text, web)
- taggy-lens library and tests: Lenses for the taggy html/xml parser (bsd3, library, text, web)
- taglib library: Binding to TagLib (ID3 tag library) (library, sound)
- taglib-api library: An FFI layer over TagLib's C bindings (audio, bsd3, library)
- tagset-positional library: Positional tags and tagsets (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- tagshare library: TagShare - explicit sharing with tags (bsd3, control, library)
- tagsoup library and test: Parsing and extracting information from (possibly malformed) HTML/XML documents (bsd3, library, xml)
- tagsoup-ht library and programs: alternative parser for the tagsoup package (deprecated, library, program, xml)
- tagsoup-megaparsec library and test: A Tag token parser and Tag specific parsing combinators (bsd3, library, xml)
- tagsoup-navigate library: Tagsoup Navigate (bsd3, library, test)
- tagsoup-parsec library: Tokenizes Tag, so [ Tag ] can be used as parser input. (bsd3, library, xml-)
- tagsoup-selection library: Selecting subtrees from TagSoup's TagTrees using CSS selectors (bsd3, library, text)
- tagstew library and program: Black magic tagsoup (bsd3, library, program, text)
- tagstream-conduit library and test: streamlined html tag parser (bsd3, conduit, library, web)
- tagtree library: Hierarchical Tags & Tag Trees (bsd3, library, web)
- tahoe-capabilities library and test: Abstractions related to Tahoe-LAFS "capabilities". (codec, lgpl, library)
- tahoe-chk library, program and test: The Tahoe-LAFS' Content-Hash-Key (CHK) cryptographic protocol. (bsd3, cryptography, library, parsers, program, security)
- tahoe-directory library and test: Tahoe-LAFS directory-like abstraction for collections of data objects. (bsd3, cryptography, library, parsers, security)
- tahoe-great-black-swamp library, programs and test: An implementation of the "Great Black Swamp" LAFS protocol. (bsd3, cryptography, distributed-computing, filesystem, library, network, network-apis, program, security, service, storage, web)
- tahoe-great-black-swamp-testing library: An HSpec for Great Black Swamp storage backends (apache, library, testing)
- tahoe-great-black-swamp-types library: Types related to implementation of a Tahoe-LAFS Great Black Swamp server (apache, data, library)
- tahoe-ssk library, programs and test: An implementation of the Tahoe-LAFS SSK cryptographic protocols (bsd3, cryptography, library, parsers, program, security)
- tai library: Support library to enable TAI usage on systems with time kept in UTC. (bsd3, library, system, time)
- tai64 library and test: Tai64 Labels for Haskell (data, library, mpl)
- tailfile-hinotify library and test: Tail files in Unix, using hinotify. (library, mit, system)
- tailwind library and program: Tailwind wrapped in Haskell (library, mit, program, web)
- tak library and test: A library encoding the rules of Tak, and a client. (bsd2, game, library)
- tak-ai program and test: AI(s) for playing Tak on (bsd2, game, program)
- takahashi library: create slide for presentation. (control, library, mit)
- takedouble library, program and test: duplicate file finder (bsd3, library, program, utilities)
- takusen-oracle library: Database library with left-fold interface for Oracle. (bsd3, database, library)
- tal library: An implementation of Typed Assembly Language (Morrisett, Walker, Crary, Glew) (language, library, mit)
- talash library and program: Line oriented fast enough text search (gpl, library, program, search, tui)
- tamarin-prover program: The Tamarin prover for security protocol analysis. (deprecated, program, theorem-provers)
- tamarin-prover-term library: Term manipulation library for the tamarin prover. (deprecated, library, theorem-provers)
- tamarin-prover-theory library: Term manipulation library for the tamarin prover. (deprecated, library, theorem-provers)
- tamarin-prover-utils library: Utility library for the tamarin prover. (deprecated, library, theorem-provers)
- tamper library: Blaze-style HTML templates as a Monad Transformer. (bsd3, library, text)
- tangle library and programs: Heterogenous memoisation monad (bsd3, data-structures, library, monad, program)
- tao library: Type-level assertion operators. (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- tao-example library: Example usage of the tao package. (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- tapioca library and test: A tasty enhancement to cassava for easy csv exporting (bsd3, csv, library, text, web)
- tar library, test and benchmark: Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files. (bsd3, codec, library)
- tar-bytestring : Reading, writing and manipulating ".tar" archive files. (bsd3, codec, deprecated)
- tar-conduit tests and benchmark: Extract and create tar files using conduit for streaming (data-conduit, mit)
- tardis library and test: Bidirectional state monad transformer (bsd3, control, library)
- target library, program, test and benchmark: Generate test-suites from refinement types. (library, mit, program, testing)
- tart library: Terminal Art (bsd3, graphics, library)
- task program: A command line tool for keeping track of tasks you worked on (bsd3, network, program)
- task-distribution library, programs and test: Distributed processing of changing tasks (bsd3, distributed-computing, library, program)
- taskell library, program and test: A command-line kanban board/task manager (bsd3, command-line-tools, library, program)
- tasklite program and test: CLI task / todo list manager with SQLite backend (agpl, cli, program, task, todo)
- tasklite-core library, test and benchmark: CLI task / todo list manager with SQLite backend (agpl, cli, library, task, todo)
- taskpool library and test: Manage pools of possibly interdependent tasks using STM and async (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- taskwarrior library and test: Types and aeson instances for taskwarrior tasks (agpl, data, library, taskwarrior)
- tasty library: Modern and extensible testing framework (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-ant-xml library: Render tasty output to XML for Jenkins (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-auto library, program and test: Auto discovery for Tasty with support for ingredients and test tree generation (deprecated, library, mit, program, testing)
- tasty-autocollect library, program and test: Autocollection of tasty tests. (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- tasty-bdd library and test: BDD tests language and tasty provider (bsd3, library, test)
- tasty-bench library and benchmark: Featherlight benchmark framework (benchmarking, development, library, mit, performance, testing)
- tasty-bench-fit library and test: Determine time complexity of a given function (development, library, mit)
- tasty-checklist library and tests: Check multiple items during a tasty test (library, testing)
- tasty-coverage library: Ingredient for tasty which generates per-test coverage reports (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-dejafu library: Deja Fu support for the Tasty test framework. (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-discover library, program and test: Test discovery for the tasty framework. (library, mit, program, testing)
- tasty-expected-failure library and tests: Mark tasty tests as failure expected (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-fail-fast library and test: Adds the ability to fail a tasty test suite on first test failure (bsd3, library, web)
- tasty-flaky library and test: Handle flaky Tasty-based tests (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-focus library and test: Simple focus mechanism for tasty (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-golden library and test: Golden tests support for tasty (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-golden-extra library: Additional golden test helpers for the tasty-golden package (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-grading-system library: Grade your tasty-testsuite. (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-groundhog-converters library: Tasty Tests for groundhog converters (bsd3, library, test------------------------)
- tasty-hedgehog library and test: Integration for tasty and hedgehog. (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-hedgehog-coverage library and test: Coverage tracking for Hedgehog Property-Based Testing via Tasty. (bsd3, deprecated, library, testing)
- tasty-hslua library: Tasty helpers to test HsLua. (foreign, library, mit)
- tasty-hspec library: Hspec support for the Tasty test framework. (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-html library and programs: Render tasty output to HTML (library, mit, program, testing)
- tasty-hunit library: HUnit support for the Tasty test framework. (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-hunit-adapter library: Use existing HUnit tests with tasty (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-hunit-compat library: Integration of `HUnit` with `tasty`. (library, mpl, testing)
- tasty-inspection-testing library: Inspection testing support for tasty (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-integrate programs and test: automated integration of QuickCheck properties into tasty suites (bsd3, program, testing)
- tasty-jenkins-xml library and tests: Render tasty output to both console and XML for Jenkins (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-json library: JSON reporter for the tasty testing framework (library, mit, network)
- tasty-kat library and test: Known Answer Tests (KAT) framework for tasty (library, mit, tasty-kat)
- tasty-laws library and test: Test common laws (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-leancheck library and test: LeanCheck support for the Tasty test framework. (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-lens library and test: Tasty TestTrees for Lens validation (bsd3, lenses, library, testing)
- tasty-lua library and test: Write tests in Lua, integrate into tasty. (foreign, library, mit)
- tasty-mgolden library, program and tests: Golden testing provider for tasty with muti-line diff output (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- tasty-papi test: Bencmarking using instruction counting (benchmarking, bsd3, development, performance, testing)
- tasty-prelude library: Unopinionated top-level entry point to tasty ecosystem. (library, mpl, testing)
- tasty-process library, programs and test: Test execution of external processes with Tasty (gpl, library, program, testing)
- tasty-program library: Use tasty framework to test whether a program executes correctly (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-quickcheck library and test: QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework. (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-quickcheck-laws library, program and test: Pre-built tasty trees for checking lawful class properties using QuickCheck (bsd3, library, program, quickcheck, tasty, testing)
- tasty-rerun library: Rerun only tests which failed in a previous test run (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-silver library and test: A fancy test runner, including support for golden tests. (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-smallcheck library: SmallCheck support for the Tasty test framework. (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-stats library: Collect statistics of your Tasty testsuite (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-sugar library and tests: Tests defined by Search Using Golden Answer References (library, testing)
- tasty-tap library and test: TAP (Test Anything Protocol) Version 13 formatter for tasty (library, mit, testing)
- tasty-test-reporter library and test: Producing JUnit-style XML test reports. (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-test-vector library: Test vector support for tasty. (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-th library and test: Automatic tasty test case discovery using TH (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-tmux library: Terminal user acceptance testing (UAT) via tmux (agpl, library, testing)
- tasty-travis library and test: Fancy Travis CI output for tasty tests. (bsd3, library, testing)
- tasty-wai library and test: Test 'wai' endpoints via Test.Tasty (bsd3, library, testing, web)
- tateti-tateti program: Meta tic-tac-toe ncurses game. (bsd3, game, program)
- tau library: Tau, the ratio between any circle's circumference
and radius. (bsd3, library, math)
- tax library: Types and combinators for taxes (agpl, finance, library)
- tax-ato library: Tax types and computations for Australia (agpl, finance, library)
- tbox library: Transactional variables and data structures with IO hooks (concurrency, data, library)
- tcache-AWS library: tcache using Amazon Web Services as default persistence mechanism (bsd3, database, library)
- tccli program: TokyoCabinet CLI interface (bsd3, database, program)
- tce-conf library, programs and test: Very simple config file reading (bsd3, configuration, library, program)
- tcod-haskell library: Bindings to libtcod roguelike engine (bsd3, game, library)
- tconfig library: Simple text configuration file parser library. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- tcp library: A purely functional TCP implementation (bsd3, library, network)
- tcp-streams library and test: One stop solution for tcp client and server with tls support. (bsd3, library, network)
- tcp-streams-openssl library and test: Tcp streams using openssl for tls support. (bsd3, library, network)
- tdd-util library and test: Test framework wrapper (bsd3, library, testing)
- tdigest library and test: On-line accumulation of rank-based statistics (bsd3, library, numeric)
- tdigest-Chart library and test: Chart generation from tdigest (bsd3, graphics, library, numeric)
- tdlib library and test: complete binding to the Telegram Database Library (bsd3, library, web)
- tdlib-gen library, program and test: Codegen for TDLib (bsd3, codegen, library, program)
- tdlib-types library and test: Types and Functions generated from tdlib api spec (bsd3, library, web)
- tdoc library: TDoc is a typed document builder with support for (X)HTML (bsd3, library, text, web)
- tds library and program: Pure Haskell TDS protocol implementation. Mainly for beam-mssql and beam-sybase (database, library, mit, program)
- teams library: Graphical modeling tools for sequential teams (algorithms, library, stochastic-control)
- teardown library, test and benchmark: Build safe and composable teardown sub-routines for resources (library, mit, system)
- techlab library: Bleeding edge prelude (library, mit, prelude)
- technique library, program and test: Procedures and Sequences (library, mit, program, tools)
- tedious-web library, program and test: Easily define multiple interrelated data types (bsd3, library, program, web)
- teeth library: Dental data types (anatomy, library, mit)
- tehepero library: Prettier error (bsd3, control, library)
- telega library: Telegram Bot API binding (control, data, library, mit)
- telegram library: Telegram API client (gpl, library, network)
- telegram-api library and test: Telegram Bot API bindings (bsd3, library, web)
- telegram-bot library, program and test: Telegram Bot microframework for Haskell (bsd3, library, program, web)
- telegram-bot-api library: Easy to use library for building Telegram bots. Exports Telegram Bot API. (bsd3, library, web)
- telegram-bot-simple library: Easy to use library for building Telegram bots. (bsd3, library, web)
- telegram-raw-api library and test: Servant bindings to the Telegram bot API (bsd3, library, web)
- telegram-types library and test: Types used in Telegram bot API (bsd3, library, web)
- telegraph library and test: Binding to the telegraph API (bsd3, library, web)
- teleport library, program and test: A tool to quickly switch between directories (library, mit, program, tools)
- telescope library and test: Astronomical Observations (FITS, ASDF, WCS, etc) (astronomy, bsd3, library, science)
- teleshell library and test: Telnet client and other things (bsd3, library, software)
- tell library: The MonadTell class and related monad transformers. (bsd3, control, library)
- tellbot program: IRC tellbot (gpl, network, program)
- tempered library, program and test: A dead-simple shell interpolation templating utility (bsd3, library, program, templating)
- tempgres-client library: Client library for Tempgres. (bsd2, database-testing-web, library)
- tempi library: For representing musical tempi (bsd3, language, library)
- template library: Simple string substitution (bsd3, library, text)
- template-default library: declaring Default instances just got even easier (bsd3, data, library)
- template-haskell library: Support library for Template Haskell (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- template-haskell-compat-v0208 library: Backward-compatibility layer for Template Haskell newer than 2.8 (compatibility, library, mit, templatehaskell)
- template-haskell-optics library: Optics for template-haskell types (bsd3, data, lenses, library, optics)
- template-haskell-util library: Some utilities for template Haskell. (library, mit, template-haskell)
- template-hsml library and test: Haskell's Simple Markup Language (bsd3, library, template, templating, web)
- template-toolkit library: Template Toolkit implementation for Haskell (gpl, library, text)
- template-yj library: Process template file (bsd3, library, text)
- templateify program: Make template from website (gpl, program, web)
- templatepg library: A PostgreSQL access library with compile-time SQL type inference (database, deprecated, library, mit)
- templater library and test: Simple string templater (library, mit, text)
- templatise library, program and test: You can use template.hs to create a new Haskell GitHub repository. (library, program, vscode)
- tempo library, programs and test: Command-line tool to log time-tracking information into JIRA Tempo plugin (bsd3, library, na, program)
- tempodb library: A small Haskell wrapper around the TempoDB api. (bsd3, database, library)
- temporal-csound library: library to make electronic music, brings together temporal-music-notation and csound-expression packages (bsd3, library, music, sound)
- temporal-media library: data types for temporal media (bsd3, library, media, music)
- temporal-music-notation library: music notation (bsd3, library, music)
- temporal-music-notation-demo library: generates midi from score notation. (bsd3, library, music)
- temporal-music-notation-western library: western music notation (bsd3, library, music)
- temporary library and test: Portable temporary file and directory support (bsd3, library, system, utils)
- temporary-rc library: Portable temporary file and directory support for Windows and Unix, based on code from Cabal (bsd3, deprecated, library, system, utils)
- temporary-resourcet library and test: Portable temporary files and directories with automatic deletion (bsd3, library, system, utils)
- tempus program: Interpreter for the FRP language Tempus (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, frp, language, program)
- tempus-fugit library, program and test: Programmers' time tracker (agpl, library, program, utils)
- ten library and test: Functors et al. over arity-1 type constructors (apache, data, library)
- ten-lens library: Lenses for the types in the ten package. (apache, data, library)
- ten-unordered-containers library and test: Higher-kinded hash containers (apache, data, library)
- tensor library and tests: A completely type-safe library for linear algebra (data, gpl, library, math)
- tensor-safe library and program: Create valid deep neural network architectures (ai, bsd3, dependent-types, language, library, program)
- tensorflow library and tests: TensorFlow bindings. (library, machine-learning)
- tensorflow-core-ops library: Haskell wrappers for Core Tensorflow Ops. (library, machine-learning)
- tensorflow-logging library and test: TensorBoard related functionality. (library, machine-learning)
- tensorflow-mnist library, program and test: TensorFlow demo application for learning MNIST model. (library, machine-learning, program)
- tensorflow-opgen library: Code generation for TensorFlow operations. (library, machine-learning)
- tensorflow-ops library, tests and benchmark: Friendly layer around TensorFlow bindings. (library, machine-learning)
- tensorflow-proto library: TensorFlow protocol buffers. (library, machine-learning)
- tensorflow-records library and test: Encoder and decoder for the TensorFlow \"TFRecords\" format. (library, machine-learning)
- tensorflow-records-conduit library: Conduit wrappers for TensorFlow.Records. (library, machine-learning)
- tensorflow-test library: Some common functions for test suites. (library, machine-learning)
- tensors library, test and benchmark: Tensor in Haskell (bsd3, library)
- tensort library, program and test: Tunable sorting for responsive robustness and beyond (data, library, math, mit, program)
- term-rewriting library and test: Term Rewriting Library (library, logic, mit)
- termbox library: termbox (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- termbox-banana library: termbox + reactive-banana (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- termbox-bindings library and program: Bindings to the Termbox library (bsd3, library, program, text)
- termbox-bindings-c library: termbox bindings (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- termbox-bindings-hs library: termbox bindings (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- termbox-tea library: termbox + The Elm Architecture (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- termcolor library and program: Composable terminal colors (gpl, library, program, web)
- terminal library and test: Portable terminal interaction library (bsd3, library, terminal)
- terminal-progress-bar library, test and benchmark: A progress bar in the terminal (bsd3, library, system, user-interfaces)
- terminal-punch program and test: Simple terminal-based time tracker (bsd3, program, utils)
- terminal-size library: Get terminal window height and width (bsd3, library, system)
- terminal-text library: Text data type for styled terminal output, including all standard ANSI effects (bold, italic, blinking) and ANSI / 256 / truecolor colors support for Unix and Windows (whenever possible). (apache, data, library)
- termination-combinators library: Termination combinators for forcing non-terminating algorithms to terminate (bsd3, language, library)
- terminfo library: Haskell bindings to the terminfo library. (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- terminfo-hs library and test: A pure-Haskell (no FFI) module for accessing terminfo databases (bsd3, library, system, terminal)
- termonad library, program and tests: Terminal emulator configurable in Haskell (bsd3, library, program, text)
- termplot program: Plot time series in your terminal using commands stdout (console, mit, program)
- terntup library and test: a ternary library (bsd3, library, math)
- terraform-http-backend-pass library and program: HTTP backend to store terraform state using pass and git (library, program, terraform)
- terrahs library: A Haskell GIS Programming Environment (gis-programs, library)
- tersmu library and program: A semantic parser for lojban (gpl, language, library, program)
- tesla library and test: Tesla API client. (bsd3, library, web)
- test-certs library and test: create temporary SSL certificates in tests (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-fixture library and test: Test monadic side-effects (bsd3, library, test)
- test-framework library and test: Framework for running and organising tests, with HUnit and QuickCheck support (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-doctest library and test: Test.Framework wrapper for DocTest (bsd3, deprecated, library, testing)
- test-framework-golden library: Golden tests support for test-framework (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- test-framework-hunit library: HUnit support for the test-framework package. (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-leancheck library and test: LeanCheck support for test-framework. (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-program library: Test framework support for running simple test programs. (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-quickcheck library: QuickCheck support for the test-framework package. (bsd3, deprecated, library, testing)
- test-framework-quickcheck2 library: QuickCheck-2 support for the test-framework package. (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-sandbox library and test: test-sandbox support for the test-framework package (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-skip library and test: Functions for conveniently marking some of the tests in a suite as being skipped. (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-smallcheck library: Support for SmallCheck tests in test-framework (bsd3, deprecated, library, testing)
- test-framework-testing-feat library and test: A test framework provider for testing-feat (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-th library: Automagically generate the HUnit- and Quickcheck-bulk-code using Template Haskell. (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-framework-th-prime library: Template Haskell for test framework (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-fun library and test: Testable functions (library, mit, testing)
- test-invariant library, test and benchmark: Provide common invariants to be checked with QuickCheck (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-karya library and program: Testing framework. (bsd3, haskell, library, program, test)
- test-lib library and program: A library to make a quick test-runner script. (library, program, testing)
- test-monad-laws library and test: Laws for mtl classes as QuickCheck properties. (library, mit, test)
- test-pkg library: Just tests Hackage (bsd3, library, testing-hackage)
- test-sandbox library and test: Sandbox for system tests (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-sandbox-compose library, program and test: Lightweight development enviroments using test-sandbox (bsd3, library, program, testing)
- test-sandbox-hunit library: HUnit convenience functions for use with test-sandbox (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-sandbox-quickcheck library: QuickCheck convenience functions for use with test-sandbox (bsd3, library, testing)
- test-shouldbe library and test: Catchy combinators for HUnit (deprecated, library, mit, testing)
- test-simple library and test: Simple Perl inspired testing (bsd3, library, testing)
- testCom library and test: Write your tests in comments (deprecated, library, test)
- testPkg program: Small test package (program, unclassified)
- testbench library: Create tests and benchmarks together (library, mit, testing)
- testcontainers library and test: Docker containers for your integration tests. (development, library, mit)
- testing-feat library: Functional Enumeration of Algebraic Types (bsd3, library, testing)
- testing-tensor library and test: Pure implementation of tensors, for use in tests. (bsd3, library, testing)
- testing-type-modifiers library: Data type modifiers for property based testing (library, public-domain, testing)
- testloop library: Quick feedback loop for test suites (development, library, mit, testing)
- testpack library: Test Utililty Pack for HUnit and QuickCheck (unmaintained) (deprecated, library, testing)
- testpattern program: Display a monitor test pattern (bsd3, graphics, program)
- testrunner library: Easy unit test driver framework (library, testing)
- tetris program: A 2-D clone of Tetris (bsd3, game, program)
- tex-join-bib library and program: Compile separate tex files with the same bibliography. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- tex2txt library and program: LaTeX to plain-text conversion (gpl, library, program, text)
- texbuilder program: View your latex output while editing (gpl, latex, program)
- texmath library and test: Conversion between math formats. (gpl, library, text)
- texrunner library and test: Functions for running Tex from Haskell. (bsd3, library, system)
- text library, test and benchmark: An efficient packed Unicode text type. (bsd2, data, library, text)
- text-all library: Everything Data.Text related in one package (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- text-and-plots library: EDSL to create HTML documents with plots based on the C3.js library. (library, mit, text)
- text-ansi library: Text styling for ANSI terminals. (bsd3, data, library)
- text-ascii library: ASCII string and character processing. (apache, library, text)
- text-binary library: Binary instances for text types (bsd2, data, library)
- text-builder library, test and benchmarks: Efficient strict text builder (builders, library, mit, text)
- text-builder-dev library, test and benchmarks: Edge of developments for "text-builder" (builders, library, mit, text)
- text-builder-linear library, test and benchmark: Builder for Text and ByteString based on linear types (bsd3, library, text)
- text-compression library: A text compression library. (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- text-containers library and test: Memory-efficient string-indexed container types. (data, data-structures, gpl, library)
- text-conversions library and test: Safe conversions between textual types (data, library)
- text-cp437 library and test: Conversion of Text to and from CP437 (bsd3, library, text)
- text-display library and test: A typeclass for user-facing output (library, mit, text)
- text-format library: Text formatting (bsd3, library, text)
- text-format-heavy library and test: Full-weight string formatting library, analog of Python's string.format (bsd3, library, text)
- text-format-simple library: Simple text formatting library. (bsd3, library, text)
- text-generic-pretty library and test: A generic, derivable, haskell pretty printer. (bsd3, generics, library, pretty-printer, text)
- text-icu library and test: Bindings to the ICU library (bsd3, data, library, text)
- text-icu-normalized library and test: Dealing with Strict Text in NFC normalization. (data, gpl, library, text)
- text-icu-translit library and test: ICU transliteration (bsd3, library, text)
- text-iso8601 library, test and benchmark: Converting time to and from ISO 8601 text. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- text-json-qq library: Json Quasiquatation for Haskell. (json, library)
- text-latin1 library: Latin-1 (including ASCII) utility functions (bsd3, library, text)
- text-ldap library, program and test: Parser and Printer for LDAP text data stream (bsd3, library, program, text)
- text-lens library and test: Lenses for operating over text (bsd3, lens, library)
- text-lips library: Monadic parsing combinator library with attention to locations (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- text-loc library: Line-column locations within a text. (bsd3, library, text)
- text-locale-encoding library: Encode and decode Text to/from ByteString using TextEncoding (bsd3, codec, data, library, text)
- text-manipulate library, test and benchmark: Case conversion, word boundary manipulation, and textual subjugation. (data, library, mpl, text)
- text-markup library and test: A data structure for mapping metadata to text subsequences (bsd3, library, text)
- text-metrics library, test and benchmarks: Calculate various string metrics efficiently (algorithms, bsd3, library, text)
- text-misc-yj library and test: tribial tools about text (bsd3, data, library, text)
- text-normal library and test: Unicode-normalized text (data, library, mit)
- text-offset library and test: Library for converting between line/column and byte offset. (apache, library, text)
- text-plus library and test: Utils for text (bsd3, data, library)
- text-position library and test: Handling positions in text and position-tagging it. (data, library, public-domain, text)
- text-postgresql library and test: Parser and Printer of PostgreSQL extended types (bsd3, database, library)
- text-printer library and test: Abstract interface for text builders/printers. (bsd3, library, text)
- text-regex-replace library and test: Easy replacement when using text-icu regexes. (apache, data, library, text)
- text-region library and test: Marking text regions (bsd3, library, text)
- text-register-machine library: A Haskell implementation of the 1# Text Register Machine (bsd3, language, library)
- text-render library: A type class for rendering objects as text, pretty-printing, etc. (library, mit, text)
- text-replace library, program and test: Simple text replacements from a list of search/replace pairs (apache, application, library, program, text)
- text-rope library, test and benchmark: Text lines and ropes (bsd3, library, text)
- text-rope-zipper library and test: 2D text zipper based on text-rope (apache, library, text)
- text-short library and test: Memory-efficient representation of Unicode text strings (bsd3, data, library)
- text-show library, test and benchmark: Efficient conversion of values into Text (bsd3, library, text)
- text-show-instances library and test: Additional instances for text-show (bsd3, library, text)
- text-stream-decode library, test and benchmarks: Streaming decoding functions for UTF encodings. (deprecated) (data, deprecated, library, mit, text)
- text-time library and test: Library for Time parsing from Text into UTCTime (bsd3, data, library)
- text-trie library and test: An efficient finite map from Text to values, based on bytestring-trie. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- text-utf7 library and test: UTF-7 encoding/decoding for Data.Text (bsd3, data, library)
- text-utf8 library and test: An efficient packed UTF-8 backed Unicode text type. (bsd2, data, deprecated, library, text)
- text-utils library and test: Various text utilities (library, mit, web)
- text-xml-generic library: Serialize Data to XML (strings). (library, xml)
- text-xml-qq library: Quasiquoter for xml. XML DSL in Haskell. (bsd3, library, text)
- text-zipper library and test: A text editor zipper library (bsd3, library, text)
- text-zipper-monad library and test: Monadic interface to the text-zipper package (bsd3, library, text)
- text1 library and tests: Non-empty values of `Data.Text`. (bsd3, data, library)
- textPlot library: Plot functions in text. (bsd3, charts, library)
- textlocal library: Haskell wrapper for textlocal SMS gateway (bsd3, library, web)
- textmatetags program: A simple Haskell program to provide tags for Haskell code completion in TextMate (compilers-interpreters, mit, program)
- textocat-api library and test: Unofficial Haskell SDK for Textocat API -- (apache, api, library, natural-language-processing, network)
- texts library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- textual library: Textual type class for data that represent text (deprecated, library, mit, text)
- tf-random library: High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator (bsd3, library, random)
- tfp library and test: Type-level integers, booleans, lists using type families (bsd3, library, type-system)
- tfp-th library: Template-Haskell code for tfp (bsd3, library, type-system)
- tftp library, program and tests: A library for building tftp servers (bsd3, library, network, program)
- tga library: Reading and writing of tga image files (bsd3, graphics, library)
- th-abstraction library and test: Nicer interface for reified information about data types (development, library)
- th-alpha library and test: Alpha equivalence for TH Exp (bsd3, language, library)
- th-bang-compat library: Compatibility for bang-type template (bsd3, language, library)
- th-build library: More convenient construction of TH ASTs (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-cas library and test: Compile-time CAS(Computer Algebra System) (library, math, mit, numeric)
- th-compat library and test: Backward- (and forward-)compatible Quote and Code types (bsd3, library, text)
- th-constraint-compat library: Compatibility for type constraint template (bsd3, language, library)
- th-context library and test: Test instance context (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-data-compat library: Compatibility for data definition template of TH (bsd3, language, library)
- th-deepstrict library and test: Check that datatypes are deep strict using Template Haskell. (bsd3, development, library)
- th-desugar library and test: Functions to desugar Template Haskell (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-dict-discovery library: Automatically discover available dictionaries at compile time. (bsd3, language, library)
- th-env library and test: Template Haskell splices that expand to an environment variable (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-expand-syns library and test: Expands type synonyms in Template Haskell ASTs (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-extras library: A grab bag of functions for use with Template Haskell (library, public-domain, template-haskell)
- th-fold library: TH fold generator (development, library, public-domain)
- th-format library and test: Template Haskell based support for format strings (bsd3, data, library)
- th-inline-io-action library: Simple inline IO action into compiled code using TH (bsd3, development, library)
- th-instance-reification library and test: Fixed versions of instances reification functions (library, mit, template-haskell)
- th-instances library and test: A place to collect orphan instances for Template Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- th-kinds library: Automated kind inference in Template Haskell. (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-kinds-fork library: Automated kind inference in Template Haskell. (bsd3, deprecated, library, template-haskell)
- th-lego library and test: Template Haskell construction utilities (library, mit, template-haskell)
- th-letrec library: Implicit (recursive) let insertion (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-lift library and test: Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes. (bsd3, language, library)
- th-lift-instances library and test: Lift instances for template-haskell for common data types. (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-nowq library and test: Template Haskell splice that expands to current time (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-orphans library and test: Orphan instances for TH datatypes (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-pprint library: Simplify and render Template Haskell (bsd3, development, library)
- th-printf library and test: Quasiquoters for printf (library, mit, text)
- th-reify-compat library: Compatibility for the result type of TH reify (bsd3, language, library)
- th-reify-many library and test: Recurseively reify template haskell datatype info (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-sccs library: Binding group analysis in Template Haskell (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-strict-compat library: Compatibility shim for Bang and Strict in Template Haskell. (apache, language, library)
- th-tc library: Typechecking in Template Haskell (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-test-utils library and test: Utility functions for testing Template Haskell code (bsd3, library, testing)
- th-to-exp library and test: Provides a way to persist data from compile-time to runtime. (library, template-haskell)
- th-traced library: Tracing Q monad computation (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- th-typegraph library and test: Graph of the subtype relation (bsd3, deprecated, library, template-haskell)
- th-utilities library and test: Collection of useful functions for use with Template Haskell (library, mit, template-haskell)
- thank-you-stars library, program and test: Give your dependencies stars on GitHub! (bsd3, library, program, utils)
- the-snip library, program and test: Command line tool for extracting demarcated snippets from text files. (bsd3, library, program, tool)
- theatre library: Minimalistic actor library (actors, concurrency, library, mit)
- theatre-dev library and test: Minimalistic actor library experiments (actors, concurrency, library, mit)
- themoviedb library, program and test: Haskell API bindings for (api, library, mit, network, program)
- themplate program: Project templating tool (application, bsd3, console, development, program, template)
- thentos-cookie-session library and test: All-in-one session handling for servant-based frontends (authentication, library, web)
- theoremquest library: A common library for TheoremQuest, a theorem proving game. (bsd3, formal-methods, game, library, theorem-provers)
- theoremquest-client program: A simple client for the TheoremQuest theorem proving game. (bsd3, formal-methods, game, program, theorem-provers)
- these library: An either-or-both data type. (bsd3, data, library, these)
- these-lens library: Lenses for These (bsd3, data, lens, library, these)
- these-optics library: Optics for These (bsd3, data, library, optics, these)
- these-skinny library: A fork of the 'these' package without the dependency bloat. (bsd3, data, library)
- thespian library: Lightweight Erlang-style actors for Haskell (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- theta-functions library: Theta-functions implemented as trigonometric series (library, math, public-domain)
- thih library and program: Typing Haskell In Haskell (bsd3, language, library, program)
- thimk programs: Command-line spelling word suggestion tool (application, bsd3, console, deprecated, program, text)
- thock library, programs and test: A modern TUI typing game featuring online racing against friends. (game, library, mit, program)
- thorn library: Datatype Manipulation with Template Haskell (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- thread-hierarchy library and test: Simple Haskell thread management in hierarchical manner (concurrency, library, mit)
- thread-local-storage library, test and benchmark: Several options for thread-local-storage (TLS) in Haskell. (bsd3, library, system)
- thread-supervisor library and test: A simplified implementation of Erlang/OTP like supervisor over thread (concurrency, library, mit)
- thread-utils-context library and test: Garbage-collected thread local storage (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- thread-utils-finalizers library and test: Perform finalization for threads. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- threadPool program: Runs other programs in the manner of a thread pool (program, system)
- threaded library and test: Manage concurrently operating threads without having to spark them (bsd3, concurrent, library)
- threadmanager library: (deprecated in favor of 'threads') Simple thread management (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- threads library and test: Fork threads and wait for their result (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- threads-extras library and test: Extends the threads package with a bounded thread group (bsd3, library, web)
- threads-pool library: A library to operate with pool of haskell's IO threads (bsd3, control, library)
- threads-supervisor library, program and test: Simple, IO-based library for Erlang-style thread supervision (concurrency, library, mit, program)
- threadscope program: A graphical tool for profiling parallel Haskell programs. (bsd3, development, profiling, program, trace)
- threefish library: The Threefish block cipher and the Skein hash function for Haskell. (bsd3, codec, cryptography, library, random)
- threepenny-editors library: Composable algebraic editors (bsd3, library, web)
- threepenny-gui library: GUI framework that uses the web browser as a display. (bsd3, gui, library, web)
- threepenny-gui-contextmenu library and program: Write simple nested context menus for threepenny-gui. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- threepenny-gui-flexbox library and program: Flexbox layouts for Threepenny-gui. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- thrift library and test: Haskell bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system (foreign, library)
- thrist library: Type-threaded list (bsd3, categories, data-structures, library)
- throttle library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- throttle-io-stream library and test: Throttler between arbitrary IO producer and consumer functions (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- throttled library: Concurrent processing of a Foldable, throttled by CPU count. (bsd3, concurrency, deprecated, library)
- throttled-io-loop library and test: Loop over an action but throttle it to a certain rate (bsd3, concurrent, library)
- through-text library: Convert textual types through Text without needing O(n^2) instances. (bsd3, data, library)
- throwable-exceptions library and test: throwable-exceptions gives the easy way to throw exceptions (exception, library, mit)
- thumbnail library: generate thumbnail image (bsd3, graphics, library)
- thumbnail-plus library and test: Generate thumbnails easily and safely. (graphics, library, mit)
- thumbnail-polish library: Image thumbnail creation (bsd3, graphics, library)
- thyme library, tests and benchmark: A faster time library (bsd3, data, library, system)
- tianbar library, program and test: A desktop bar based on WebKit (library, mit, program, system)
- tibetan-utils library and test: Parse and display tibetan numerals (bsd3, library, web)
- tic-tac-toe program: Useful if reading "Why FP matters" by John Hughes (bsd3, game, program)
- ticker library and tests: A concurrent utility inspired by Ticker in golang (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- ticket-management library, program and test: A basic implementation of a personal ticket management system (development, library, mit, program)
- tickle library and test: A port of @Data.Binary@ (bsd3, data, library)
- tictactoe3d library: 3D Tic-Tac-Toe game (game, gpl, library)
- tidal library, tests and benchmarks: Pattern language for improvised music (gpl, library, sound)
- tidal-core library and test: Core pattern library for TidalCycles, a pattern language for improvised music (gpl, library, sound)
- tidal-link library and program: Ableton Link integration for Tidal (gpl, library, program, sound)
- tidal-midi library: Please ignore this package. (deprecated, gpl, library, sound)
- tidal-serial library: Serial support for tidal (gpl, library, sound)
- tidal-vis library and program: Visual rendering for Tidal patterns and osc messages (gpl, library, program, sound)
- tie-knot library: "Ties the knot" on a given set of structures that reference each other by
keys. (data-structures, library, recursion)
- tiempo library: Specify time intervals in different units (secs, mins, hours, etc.) (data, library, mit, time)
- tiger program: Tiger Compiler of Universiteit Utrecht (bsd3, compiler, program)
- tight-apply library: Tightly binding infix function application (data, library, public-domain)
- tightrope library: Nice API for a Slackbot (library, mit, web)
- tighttp library: Tiny and Incrementally-Growing HTTP library (bsd3, library, network)
- tiktoken library, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of tiktoken (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- tikzsd library and program: A program for generating LaTeX code of string diagrams. (library, math, mit, program)
- tile library and test: Slippy map tile functionality. (bsd3, data, library)
- tilings library: substitution tilings (bsd3, library, math)
- timberc program: The Timber Compiler. (bsd3, program, unclassified)
- time library, tests and benchmark: A time library (bsd2, library, time)
- time-cache library: Cache current time and formatted time text (library, public-domain, system, time)
- time-compat library and test: Compatibility package for time (bsd3, compatibility, library, time)
- time-domain library: A library for time domains and durations (frp, library, mit)
- time-extras library: Data instances for the time package (bsd3, library, system)
- time-exts library and test: Yet another time library (bsd3, library, time)
- time-http library and test: Parse and format HTTP/1.1 Date and Time strings (library, public-domain, time, web)
- time-interval library: Use a time unit class, but hold a concrete time type. (data, library, public-domain)
- time-io-access library: IO Access for time (development, gpl, library)
- time-lens library: Lens-based interface to Data.Time data structures (bsd3, data, library)
- time-locale-compat library: Compatibile module for time-format locale (bsd3, library, system)
- time-locale-vietnamese library: Vietnamese locale for date and time format (apache, library, text)
- time-machine library and test: A library to mock the current time. (bsd3, control, library)
- time-manager library: Scalable timer (library, mit, system)
- time-out library and test: Timers, timeouts, alarms, monadic wrappers (control, library, monad, public-domain, time, timeout)
- time-parsers library and test: Parsers for types in `time`. (bsd3, library, parsing)
- time-patterns library: Patterns for recurring events (bsd3, data, library, time)
- time-qq library and test: Quasi-quoter for UTCTime times (bsd3, library, quasiquotes, time)
- time-quote library and test: Quasi-quoters for dates and times (gpl, library, time)
- time-recurrence library and test: Generate recurring dates. (lgpl, library, system)
- time-series library and program: Time series analysis. (data, gpl, library, program)
- time-series-lib library and test: Library for Time Series processing (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- time-units library: A basic library for defining units of time as types. (bsd3, data, library)
- time-units-types library: Type-level representations of time durations. (data, library, mit)
- time-w3c library: Parse, format and convert W3C Date and Time (library, public-domain, web)
- time-warp library and test: Distributed systems execution emulation (control, library, mit, network)
- timecalc program: (console, mit, program)
- timeconsole program: time each line of terminal output (gpl, program, testing)
- timeit library: Time monadic computations with an IO base. (bsd3, library, system)
- timelens library: Lenses for the time package (bsd3, development, library)
- timeless library: An Arrow based Functional Reactive Programming library (bsd3, deprecated, development, library)
- timeless-tutorials library and program: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, program, web)
- timelike library: Type classes for types representing time (data, library, system)
- timelike-clock library: Timelike interface for the clock library (library, system)
- timelike-time library: Timelike interface for the time library (library, system)
- timeline library and test: Data type representing a piecewise-constant function over time (bsd3, development, library)
- timemap library, test and benchmarks: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- timeout library and test: Generalized sleep and timeout functions (concurrency, control, library, mit)
- timeout-control library: Updatable timeouts as a Monad transformer (bsd3, concurrency, control, library)
- timeout-with-results library: Runs a time-limited computation alowing it to return intermediate results. (concurrency, library)
- timeparsers library: Attoparsec parsers for various Date/Time formats. (bsd3, data, library)
- timeplot program: A tool for visualizing time series from log files. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- timeprint library: Prints timestamps after each line evaluated (bsd3, library, text)
- timer-wheel library, test and benchmark: A timer wheel (bsd3, data, library)
- timerep library and test: Parse and display time according to some RFCs (RFC3339, RFC2822, RFC822) (bsd3, library, parser, text, time, web)
- timers library: Simple package that implements timers. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- timers-tick library and test: tick based timers (bsd3, control, library)
- timers-updatable library: timers which are updatable in the remaining time (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- timeseries library and test: Library for Time Series processing (bsd3, data, library)
- timespan library: Useful timespan datatype and functions (library, mit, web)
- timestamp library: Space-efficient Unix timestamp and utilities (library, mit, time)
- timestamp-subprocess-lines program: Run a command and timestamp its stdout/stderr lines (bsd3, program, scripting)
- timestamper program: Read standard input and prepend each line with a timestamp (mit, program, system)
- timestats library and test: A library for profiling time in Haskell applications (bsd3, library, profiling)
- timeutils library, program and test: Time utilities (gpl, library, program, time)
- timezone-detect library and test: Haskell bindings for the zone-detect C library; plus tz-aware utils. (data, foreign, gpl, library, time)
- timezone-olson library: A pure Haskell parser and renderer for binary Olson timezone files (bsd3, data, library)
- timezone-olson-th library: Load TimeZoneSeries from an Olson file at compile time. (bsd3, data, library)
- timezone-series library: Enhanced timezone handling for Data.Time (bsd3, data, library)
- timezone-unix library and test: (bsd3, library, time)
- timing-convenience library: Convenient functions for getting times. (bsd3, library, system)
- tini library and test: Tiny INI file and configuration library with a minimal dependency footprint. (configuration, library, mit)
- tinkoff-invest-sdk library: gRPC based SDK for Tinkoff Invest API V2 (finance, library, mit)
- tintin library, program and test: A softer alternative to Haddock (apache, documentation, library, program)
- tiny-scheduler library: tiny no-brainer job scheduler (bsd3, library, web)
- tinyMesh library: TinyMesh - communicating with auto-meshing sensor network (bsd2, library, network)
- tinyXml library, program and test: A fast DOM parser for a subset of XML (bsd3, library, program, xml)
- tinyapp library and test: Library to build tiny apps in Haskell (command-line, library, mit, repl, tui)
- tinyfiledialogs library: Wrapper around the 'tiny file dialogs' C library (bsd3, gui, library)
- tinyid library: A secure URL-friendly string ID generator (data, library, mit)
- tinylog library and benchmark: Simplistic logging using fast-logger. (library, mpl, system)
- tinytemplate library and test: A tiny text templating library (library, mit, text)
- tinytools library and test: tinytools is a monospace unicode diagram editor (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- tinytools-vty library, program and test: tinytools-vty is a terminal based monospace unicode diagram editing tool (bsd3, graphics, library, program, tinytools)
- tip-haskell-frontend library and program: Convert from Haskell to Tip (bsd3, library, program, theorem-provers)
- tip-lib library and program: tons of inductive problems - support library and tools (bsd3, library, program, theorem-provers)
- tiphys library and test: Navigating and editing JSON data (bsd3, data, library)
- titan program: Testing Infrastructure for Temporal AbstractioNs - GUI to debug temporal programs (gpl, program, testing)
- titan-debug-yampa library: Testing Infrastructure for Temporal AbstractioNs - Interactive Yampa debugging layer. (gpl, library, testing)
- titan-record-yampa library: Testing Infrastructure for Temporal AbstractioNs - Yampa record-and-replay layer (gpl, library, testing)
- titlecase library, program and test: Convert English Words to Title Case (bsd3, library, program, text)
- tkhs test: Simple Presentation Utility (bsd3, console)
- tkyprof : A web-based visualizer for GHC Profiling Reports (bsd3, development)
- tld library and test: This project separates subdomains, domains, and top-level-domains from URLs. (library, mit, network)
- tldr library, program and test: Haskell tldr client (bsd3, cli, library, program, web)
- tlex library and tests: A lexer generator (library, parsing)
- tlex-core library and tests: A lexer generator (library, parsing)
- tlex-debug library and tests: Debug utilities for Tlex (library, parsing)
- tlex-encoding library and tests: Encoding plugin for Tlex (library, parsing)
- tlex-th library and tests: TemplateHaskell plugin for Tlex (library, parsing)
- tls library and test: TLS protocol native implementation (bsd3, library, network)
- tls-debug programs: Set of programs for TLS testing and debugging (bsd3, network, program)
- tls-extra library: TLS extra default values and helpers (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- tls-session-manager library: In-memory TLS session DB and session ticket (bsd3, library, web)
- tlynx library and program: Handle phylogenetic trees (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- tmapchan library: An insert-ordered multimap (indexed FIFO) which consumes values as you lookup (bsd3, library, web)
- tmapmvar library and test: A single-entity stateful Map in STM, similar to tmapchan (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- tmp-postgres library, programs, test and benchmark: Start and stop a temporary postgres (bsd3, library, program, web)
- tmp-proc library and test: Run 'tmp' processes in integration tests (bsd3, docker, library, testing)
- tmp-proc-example library and tests: Test a simple service with backends running on docker using tmp-proc (bsd3, docker, library, testing)
- tmp-proc-postgres library and test: Launch a PostgreSQL database in docker using tmp-proc (bsd3, docker, library, testing)
- tmp-proc-rabbitmq library and test: Launch RabbitMQ in docker using tmp-proc (bsd3, docker, library, testing)
- tmp-proc-redis library and test: Launch Redis in docker using tmp-proc (bsd3, docker, library, testing)
- tmp-proc-zipkin library and test: Launch ZipKin in docker using tmp-proc (bsd3, docker, library, testing, zipkin)
- tmpl program: simple executable for templating (data, gpl, program)
- tn library and program: A simple daily journal program (data, library, program, text, utility)
- tnet library: Library for encoding/decoding TNET strings for PGI (library, web)
- to library and benchmark: Simple, safe, boring type conversions (bsd3, control, library)
- to-haskell library: A type class and some utilities for generating Haskell code. (bsd3, language, library)
- to-string-class library: Converting string-like types to Strings. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- to-string-instances library: Instances for the ToString class. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- toboggan library and program: Twitter bot generator (bsd3, library, program, web)
- todo library: A replacement for undefined that gives warnings. (bsd3, debug, library)
- todos library and program: Easy-to-use TODOs manager. (bsd3, desktop, library, program, utils)
- tofromxml library and test: Reading and writing Haskell data from and to XML (bsd3, library, xml)
- toilet program: Manage the toilet queue at the IMO (console, program)
- token-bucket library and test: Rate limiter using lazy bucket algorithm (concurrency, gpl, library)
- token-limiter library, program and test: Fast rate limiting using the token bucket algorithm (BSD) (bsd2, concurrency, library, program)
- token-limiter-concurrent library and test: A thread-safe concurrent token-bucket rate limiter that guarantees fairness (library, mit, unclassified)
- token-search library, program and test: (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- tokenify library: A regex lexer (library, mit, parser)
- tokenize library and benchmark: Simple tokenizer for English text (bsd3, library, natural-language-processing)
- tokenizer library and tests: Check uniqueness and tokenize safely (library, mit, text)
- tokenizer-monad library: An efficient and easy-to-use tokenizer monad. (gpl, library, text)
- tokenizer-streaming library: A variant of tokenizer-monad that supports streaming. (gpl, library, text)
- tokstyle library, programs and test: TokTok C code style checker (development, gpl, library, program)
- toktok library and programs: (library, natural-language-processing, program)
- tokyocabinet-haskell library and tests: Haskell binding of Tokyo Cabinet (bsd3, database, library)
- tokyotyrant-haskell library: FFI bindings to libtokyotyrant (bsd3, database, library)
- tomato-rubato-openal library: Easy to use library for audio programming. (bsd3, data, library)
- toml library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- toml-parser library and tests: TOML 1.0.0 parser (library, text)
- toml-reader library and tests: TOML format parser compliant with v1.0.0. (bsd3, configuration, library, text, toml)
- toml-reader-parse library and test: Alternative parser for TOML values produced by the toml-reader package. (apache, data, library, toml)
- toml-test-drivers programs: toml-parser test drivers (program, text)
- tomland library and test: Bidirectional TOML serialization (configuration, library, mpl, text, toml)
- tomlcheck program: Command-line tool to check syntax of TOML files (bsd3, data, program, toml)
- tonalude library and tests: A standard library for Tonatona framework. (control, library, mit, tonatona)
- tonaparser library and tests: Scalable way to pass runtime configurations for tonatona (library, mit, system, tonatona)
- tonatona library and tests: meta application framework (framework, library, mit, tonatona, web)
- tonatona-google-server-api library and tests: tonatona plugin for google-server-api (database, library, mit, tonatona, web)
- tonatona-logger library and tests: tonatona plugin for logging. (library, mit, system, tonatona)
- tonatona-persistent-postgresql library and tests: tonatona plugin for accessing PostgreSQL database. (database, library, mit, tonatona)
- tonatona-persistent-sqlite library and tests: tonatona plugin for accessing Sqlite database. (database, library, mit, tonatona)
- tonatona-servant library and tests: tonatona plugin for servant. (library, mit, servant, tonatona, web)
- too-many-cells library and program: Cluster single cells and analyze cell clade relationships. (bioinformatics, gpl, library, program)
- toodles library, program and test: Manage the TODO entries in your code (library, mit, program, project-management)
- toolbox library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- tools-yj library and test: Tribial tools (bsd3, library, tools)
- toolshed library and test: Ill-defined library. (library, utils)
- top library and tests: Top (typed oriented protocol) API (bsd3, library, network)
- topaz library: Extensible records library (bsd3, library, web)
- tophat library, program and tests: Template-to-Haskell preprocessor, and templating language (gpl, library, program, web)
- topkata program: OpenGL Arcade Game (game, program)
- topograph library: Directed acyclic graphs. (bsd3, data, graph, library)
- torch library: Simple unit test library (or framework) (bsd3, library, testing)
- torrent library: BitTorrent file parser and generater (bsd3, library, network)
- torsor library: Torsor Typeclass (bsd3, library, web)
- tostring library: The ToString class (bsd3, data, library)
- total library: Exhaustive pattern matching using lenses, traversals, and prisms (bsd3, control, library)
- total-alternative library: Alternative interface for total versions of
partial function on the Prelude. (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- total-map library: Finitely represented total maps (bsd3, data, library)
- total-maps library: Dense and sparse total maps. (containers, data, data-structures, library, mit)
- touched library and program: Library (and cli) to execute a procedure on file change. (library, mit, program, system)
- tower library and test: A numeric tower (bsd3, deprecated, library, mathematics)
- toxcore library and test: A Tox protocol implementation in Haskell (gpl, library, network)
- toxcore-c library, program and test: Haskell bindings to the C reference implementation of Tox (gpl, library, network, program)
- toxiproxy-haskell library and test: Client library for Toxiproxy: a TCP failure testing proxy. (bsd3, library, web)
- toysolver library, programs, tests and benchmarks: Assorted decision procedures for SAT, SMT, Max-SAT, PB, MIP, etc (algorithms, bsd3, constraints, formal-methods, library, logic, optimisation, optimization, program, smt, theorem-provers)
- tpar program, test and benchmark: simple, parallel job scheduling (bsd3, program, system)
- tpb programs: Applications for interacting with the Pushbullet API (gpl, program, web)
- tpdb library, programs and tests: Data Type for Rewriting Systems (gpl, library, logic, program)
- tptp library and test: Parser and pretty printer for the TPTP language (formal-methods, gpl, language, library, parsing, pretty-printer, theorem-provers)
- trace library: A monad transformer for tracing provenience of errors (control, library, mit)
- trace-call library: functions for logging the arguments and results of function calls (bsd3, debug, library)
- trace-function-call library: Easy lightweight tracing of function arguments and results for ad hoc debugging (bsd3, debug, library)
- traced library: Simple evaluation trace (bsd3, debug, library)
- tracer library and test: Tracing utilities for Functor/Applicative/Monad types (bsd3, debug, library)
- tracetree library: Visualize Haskell data structures as edge-labeled trees (bsd3, development, library)
- tracing library and test: Distributed tracing (bsd3, library, web)
- tracing-control library and test: Distributed tracing (bsd3, library, web)
- tracked-files library, program and test: Package to list all tracked and untracked existing files via Git. (library, mit, program, system)
- tracker library: Client library for Tracker metadata database, indexer and search tool (deprecated, desktop, library)
- trackit program: A command-line tool for live monitoring (bsd3, development, program)
- traction library and test: Tools for postgresql-simple. (bsd3, database, library)
- tracy library: Convenience wrappers for non-intrusive debug tracing (development, library, mit)
- trade-journal library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- traildb library and benchmark: TrailDB bindings for Haskell (database, library, mit)
- trajectory library and programs: Tools and a library for working with Trajectory. (bsd3, library, network-apis, program)
- trans-fx-core library: Monadic effect framework (bsd3, effects, library)
- trans-fx-data library: Monadic effect framework (bsd3, effects, library)
- trans-fx-io library and test: Monadic effect framework (bsd3, effects, library)
- transaction library and tests: Monadic representation of transactions. (data, library, mit)
- transactional-events library: Transactional events, based on Concurrent ML semantics (bsd3, control, library)
- transf library and program: Text transformer and interpreter. (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library, program, text)
- transfer-db library, program and test: ODBC database transfer (bsd3, database, library, program)
- transformations library and program: Generic representation of tree transformations (gpl, language, library, program)
- transformers library: Concrete functor and monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- transformers-abort library: Error and short-circuit monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- transformers-base library: Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack (bsd3, control, library)
- transformers-bifunctors library: Bifunctors over monad transformers. (bsd3, control, functors, library)
- transformers-compat library: A small compatibility shim for the transformers library (bsd3, compatibility, library)
- transformers-compose library: Arrow-like / category-like composition for transformers. (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- transformers-continue library: Control flow data type and monad transformer. (bsd3, control, library)
- transformers-convert library and test: Sensible conversions between some of the monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- transformers-eff library and benchmark: An approach to managing composable effects, ala mtl/transformers/extensible-effects/Eff (bsd3, control, library)
- transformers-either library: An Either monad transformer (bsd3, library, system)
- transformers-except library: An Except monad transformer with (bsd3, library, system)
- transformers-fix library: Monad transformer for evaluating to a fixpoint (bsd3, library, system)
- transformers-free library: Free monad transformers (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- transformers-lift library: Ad-hoc type classes for lifting (bsd3, control, library)
- transformers-runnable library: A unified interface for the run operation of monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- transformers-supply library: Supply applicative, monad, applicative transformer and
monad transformer. (bsd3, library, system)
- transient library and test: composing programs with multithreading, events and distributed computing (concurrency, control, library, mit)
- transient-universe library, programs and test: fully composable remote execution for the creation of distributed systems (control, distributed-computing, library, mit, program)
- transient-universe-tls library: transient with secure communications (bsd3, library, network)
- translatable-intset library: Integer sets with a constant time translate operation. (data-structures, library, mit)
- translate library: Haskell binding to Google's AJAX Language API for Translation and Detection (bsd3, library, text)
- translate-cli library, program and test: Translation cli tool (cli, library, mit, program)
- trasa library and test: Type Safe Web Routing (library, mit, web)
- trasa-client library: Type safe http requests (library, mit, web)
- trasa-extra library: Extra functions for trasa (bsd3, library, web)
- trasa-form library: generate forms using lucid, ditto and trasa (bsd3, library, web)
- trasa-reflex library: Reactive Type Safe Routing (library, mit, text)
- trasa-server library: Type safe web server (library, mit, web)
- trasa-th library and test: Template Haskell to generate trasa routes (library, mit, web)
- traversal-template library, test and benchmark: See README for more info (library, mpl, templatehaskell)
- traverse-code library and test: General data structure lifting for Template Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- traverse-with-class library and test: Generic applicative traversals (data, library, mit)
- travis library: A simple client implementation using Travis CI API. (library, mit, web)
- travis-meta-yaml library, program and test: .travis.yml preprocessor (bsd3, development, library, program)
- travis-pogodi library and program: A better travis_wait (bsd3, development, library, program, web)
- trawl program: A tool for finding haddocks (bsd3, development, program)
- traypoweroff program: Tray Icon application to PowerOff / Reboot computer (application, bsd3, program)
- treap library and tests: Efficient implementation of the implicit treap data structure (data-structures, library, mpl, tree)
- tree-diff library, test and benchmark: Diffing of (expression) trees. (data, gpl, library, testing)
- tree-edit-distance library, program and test: Tree Edit Distance to determine the similarity between two trees (algorithms, bsd3, library, program)
- tree-fun library: Library for functions pertaining to tree exploration and manipulation (data-structure, gpl, library)
- tree-monad library: Non-Determinism Monad for Tree Search (bsd3, control, library, monads)
- tree-render-text library: Configurable text rendering of trees. (bsd3, data, library)
- tree-sitter library and test: Unstable bindings for the tree-sitter parsing library. (bsd3, library, parsing, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-c-sharp library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for C# (bsd3, c#, csharp, library, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-go library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Go (bsd3, go, library, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-haskell library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Haskell (with GHC extensions) (bsd3, haskell, library, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-java library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Java (bsd3, java, library, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-json library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for JSON (bsd3, json, library, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-ocaml library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for OCaml (bsd3, library, ocaml, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-php library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for PHP (bsd3, library, php, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-python library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Python (bsd3, library, python, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-ql library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for QL (bsd3, library, ql, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-ruby library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Ruby (bsd3, library, ruby, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-rust library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for Rust (bsd3, library, rust, tree-sitter)
- tree-sitter-tsx library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for TSX (bsd3, library, tree-sitter, typescript)
- tree-sitter-typescript library: Tree-sitter grammar/parser for TypeScript (bsd3, library, tree-sitter, typescript)
- tree-traversals library and test: Functions and newtype wrappers for traversing Trees (data, library)
- tree-view library: Render trees as foldable HTML and Unicode art (bsd3, data, library)
- treefold library, test and benchmark: Provides folds which try to combine elements in a balanced way. (data, library, mit)
- treemap library and test: A tree of Data.Map. (data-structures, gpl, library)
- treemap-html library: Generates HTML for Data.Tree as TreeMap (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- treemap-html-tools library and programs: Treemap related commands for producing foldable TreeMap HTML. (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library, program)
- treersec library: Structure Editing Combinators (bsd2, gui, library)
- treeseq library: Library for a multi-way tree (rose tree), using Seq (finger tree) for forests (data-structures, gpl, library)
- treeviz library: Visualization of computation decomposition trees. (algorithm-visualization, bsd3, library)
- trek library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- trek-app library, program and test: A PostgreSQL Database Migrator (bsd3, database, library, program)
- trek-db library and test: A PostgreSQL Database Migrator (bsd3, database, library)
- trek-lens library and test: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- tremulous-query library: Library for polling Tremulous servers (gpl, library, network)
- trexio-hs library and test: Bindings to the TREXIO library for wave function data (bsd3, data, library)
- trhsx library: Deprecated (bsd3, deprecated, language, library)
- trial library and tests: Trial Data Structure (data, data-structures, library, mpl)
- trial-optparse-applicative library: Trial helper functions for optparse-applicative (cli, library, mpl)
- trial-tomland library: Trial helper functions for tomland (data, data-structures, library, mpl)
- triangulation library: triangulation of polygons (bsd3, graphics, library)
- trie-simple library, test and benchmark: Simple Map-based Trie (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- tries library, test and benchmarks: Various trie implementations in Haskell (bsd3, data, library, tree)
- trifecta library and test: A modern parser combinator library with convenient diagnostics (bsd3, diagnostics, library, logging, parsing, pretty-printer, text)
- trigger library, program and test: Trigger is a cross platform file system watcher for super fast build-and-restart workflows. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- trim library, program and test: A command-line tool for trimming whitespace (bsd3, library, program, text)
- trimdent library and tests: A utility for neat multiline string trimming (agpl, library, string)
- trimpolya program: Search for, annotate and trim poly-A tail (bioinformatics, program)
- tripLL library: A very simple triple store (database, library, mit)
- triplesec library and tests: TripleSec is a simple, triple-paranoid, symmetric encryption library (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- trivia library: The trivial monad and comonad (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- trivial-constraint library: Constraints that any type, resp. no type fulfills (constraints, gpl, library)
- tropical library: A library for tropical mathematics. (bsd3, library, math)
- tropical-geometry library, program, test and benchmark: A Tropical Geometry package for Haskell (algebra, geometry, gpl, library, program, tropical-geometry, tropical-geometry-)
- true-name library and test: Template Haskell hack to violate module abstractions (bsd3, data, library, unsafe)
- truelevel program: Audio file compressor-limiter (bsd3, program, sound)
- trurl library, program and test: Haskell template code generator (bsd3, development, library, program)
- trust-chain library and test: An implementation of a trust chain (crypto, cryptography, library, mit)
- truthful library: Typeclass for truthfulness of values (data, library, public-domain)
- truthy library: Generalized booleans and truthy values. (data, library, mit)
- tsession library: A Transaction Framework for Web Applications (bsd3, library, web)
- tsession-happstack library: A Transaction Framework for Happstack (bsd3, library, web)
- tsetchan library and test: Hides duplicating channels when broadcasting (bsd3, library, web)
- tskiplist library: A Skip List Implementation in Software Transactional Memory (STM) (concurrency, data, library)
- tslib library and tests: - (, deprecated, library)
- tslogger library: Thread-safe logging, with additional interleaving fuzz-testing. (bsd3, library, logging)
- tsne library, programs and test: t-SNE (algorithms, library, program)
- tsp-viz program: Real time TSP tour visualization. (bsd3, graphics, program)
- tsparse library: Parses U.S. federal Thrift Savings Plan PDF quarterly statements (bsd3, finance, library)
- tst library: BK-tree implementation (data-structures, library, public-domain)
- tsuntsun program: Interacts with tesseract to ease reading of RAW Japanese manga. (bsd3, natural-language-processing, program)
- tsv2csv library and program: Convert tsv to csv (bsd3, library, program, text)
- tsvsql program: Template tsv into SQL (mit, program, text)
- tsweb library and program: An API binding Web.Spock to Database.Beam (bsd3, library, program, web)
- ttask library, program and test: This is task management tool for yourself, that inspired by scrum. (bsd3, data, library, program)
- ttc library and test: Textual Type Classes (data, library, mit, text)
- ttl-hashtables library and test: Extends hashtables so that entries added can be expired after a TTL (bsd3, data, library)
- ttn library and test: Things Tracker Network JSON Types (bsd3, library, web)
- ttn-client library and program: TheThingsNetwork client (bsd3, library, program, web)
- ttrie library, test and benchmark: Contention-free STM hash map (concurrency, library, mit)
- tttool program: Working with files for the Tiptoi® pen (deprecated, mit, program, reverse-engineering)
- tubes library: Write stream processing computations with side effects in a series of
tubes. (control, gpl, library, streaming)
- tuntap library: Interface to TUN/TAP drivers. (bsd3, library, network)
- tuntap-simple library: A simple tun/tap library (bsd3, library, network)
- tup-functor library and program: Homogeneous tuples (bsd3, data, library, program)
- tuple library: Various functions on tuples (bsd3, data, library)
- tuple-append library and test: A package to append, sequence and fold items and tuples into new tuples. (bsd3, library, utils)
- tuple-append-instances library: Extra instances for the typeclasses in the tuple-append package (bsd3, library, utils)
- tuple-fields library, program and test: Access tuple fields using record dot syntax (bsd3, development, library, program)
- tuple-gen library: Enum instances for tuples where the digits increase with the same speed (bsd3, data, library)
- tuple-generic library: Generic operations on tuples (data, deprecated, library, public-domain)
- tuple-hlist library: Functions to convert between tuples and HLists. (data, library)
- tuple-lenses library: Stock FieldN combos and generators (bsd3, control, library)
- tuple-morph library: Morph between tuples, or convert them from and to HLists. (data, library, mit)
- tuple-ops library: various operations on n-ary tuples via GHC.Generics (bsd3, data, library)
- tuple-sop library and test: functions on n-ary tuples using generics-sop (data, gpl, library)
- tuple-th library: Generate (non-recursive) utility functions for tuples of statically known size (bsd3, data, library, template-haskell)
- tuplehash-utils library and test: Left Encode and friends from SHA-3's TupleHash (apache, cryptography, library)
- tupleinstances library: Functor, Applicative and Monad for n-ary tuples. (bsd3, data, library)
- tuples library and test: Small monomorphic tuples (bsd3, data, library)
- tuples-homogenous-h98 library: Wrappers for n-ary tuples with Traversable and Applicative/Monad instances. (bsd3, data, library)
- turing library and tests: A simple simulator for Turing machines (education, library)
- turing-machines library: A simple simulator for Turing machines (library, math, mit)
- turing-music program: Plays music generated by Turing machines with 5 states and 2 symbols (bsd3, game, program)
- turingMachine library and tests: An implementation of Turing Machine and Automaton (gpl, library, math)
- turkish-deasciifier library, program and test: Haskell port of Deniz Yuret's Turkish deasciifier. (language, library, mit, program)
- turn-loop library: Manage multiple turned-based sessions (bsd3, game, library)
- turncoat library, program and test: Elegant UCI chess engine (bsd3, chess-engine, library, program)
- turni program: shifts scheduling tool (bsd3, commerce, program, scheduling)
- turtle library, tests and benchmark: Shell programming, Haskell-style (bsd3, library, system)
- turtle-options library, program and test: Collection of command line options and parsers for these options (bsd3, library, program, utils)
- tw program: Trailing Whitespace (bsd3, program, text)
- twain library and test: Tiny web application framework for WAI. (bsd3, library, web)
- tweak library: A library for incremental computing (bsd3, control, library)
- twee program: An equational theorem prover (bsd3, program, theorem-provers)
- twee-lib library: An equational theorem prover (bsd3, library, theorem-provers)
- tweet-hs library, program and benchmark: Command-line tool for twitter (bsd3, library, program, web)
- twentefp library: Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente (bsd3, education, library)
- twentefp-eventloop-graphics library: Used as Lab Assignments Environment at the University of Twente (bsd3, deprecated, education, graphics, library)
- twentefp-eventloop-trees library: Tree type and show functions for lab assignment of University of Twente. Contains RoseTree and RedBlackTree (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- twentefp-graphs library: Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente (bsd3, deprecated, education, library)
- twentefp-number library: Lab Assignments Environment at Univeriteit Twente (bsd3, education, library)
- twentefp-rosetree library: RoseTree type and show functions for lab assignment of University of Twente. (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- twentefp-trees library: Tree type and show functions for lab assignment of University of Twente. Contains RoseTree and ParseTree (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- twentefp-websockets library: A fork of the popular websockets package. It is used for the practical assignments of the University of Twente. A sensible and clean way to write WebSocket-capable servers in Haskell. (bsd3, deprecated, library, network)
- twentyseven library, program and test: Rubik's cube solver (algorithms, library, mit, program)
- twfy-api-client library, program and test: They Work For You API Client Library (api, bsd3, library, program)
- twhs library, program and test: CLI twitter client. (library, mit, program, web)
- twidge program: Unix Command-Line Twitter and Identica Client (network, program)
- twilight-stm library: STM library with safe irrevocable I/O and inconsistency repair (concurrency, library)
- twilio library and tests: Twilio REST API library for Haskell (bsd3, library, network-apis, web)
- twill library: Twilio API interaction (library, mit, service)
- twiml library and test: TwiML library for Haskell (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)
- twine library: very simple template language (bsd3, library, text)
- twirl library and program: Simple 2D Game Engine (game-engine, library, program)
- twirp library and test: Haskell twirp foundations (bsd3, library, web)
- twisty library: Simulator of twisty puzzles à la Rubik's Cube (game, library)
- twitch library and test: A high level file watcher DSL (library, mit, system)
- twitchapi library and tests: Client access to API endpoints (bsd3, library, web)
- twitter program: A Haskell-based CLI Twitter client (bsd3, network, program)
- twitter-conduit library and tests: Twitter API package with conduit interface and Streaming API support. (bsd3, conduit, library, web)
- twitter-enumerator library: Twitter API package with enumerator interface and Streaming API support. (bsd3, deprecated, enumerator, library, web)
- twitter-feed library and test: Client for fetching Twitter timeline via Oauth (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- twitter-types library and test: Twitter JSON parser and types (bsd3, library, web)
- twitter-types-lens library: Twitter JSON types (lens powered) (bsd3, library, web)
- twobitreader library and program: reader for the 2bit file format (bioinformatics, bsd3, library, program)
- tx library: Persistent transactions on top of STM. (database, library, mit)
- txt library and test: Text (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, text)
- txt-sushi library and programs: The SQL link in your *NIX chain (bsd3, console, database, library, program)
- txt2rtf program: Filter to convert plain text files to RTF (program, text)
- txtblk library: Deprecated in favor of eros. (bsd3, library, text)
- ty library: Typed type representations and equality proofs (bsd3, data, library)
- tyfam-witnesses library: Provide proof witnesses for closed type family evaluation (development, library, mit)
- typalyze programs: Analyzes Haskell source files for easy reference (bsd3, development, program)
- type : Dynamic casting library with support for arbitrary rank type kinds. (bsd3, data)
- type-aligned library: Various type-aligned sequence data structures. (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- type-assertions library and test: Runtime type assertions for testing (library, testing)
- type-booleans library: Type-level booleans via type-families (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-cache library: Utilities for caching type families results. Sometimes complex type families take long time to compile, so it is proficient to cache them and use the final result without the need of re-computation. (apache, library, text)
- type-cereal library: Type-level serialization of type constructors (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-combinators library: A collection of data types for type-level programming (bsd3, data, library)
- type-combinators-quote library: Quasiquoters for the 'type-combinators' package. (bsd3, data, library)
- type-combinators-singletons library: Interop between /type-combinators/ and /singletons/. (bsd3, data, library)
- type-compare library: Type-level Ord compatibility layer (apache, library, type)
- type-digits library: Arbitrary-base type-level digits (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-eq library: Type equality evidence you can carry around (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-equality library: Data.Type.Equality compat package (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library)
- type-equality-check library: Type equality check (bsd3, data, library)
- type-errors library and test: Tools for writing better type errors (bsd3, library, type)
- type-errors-pretty library and test: Combinators for writing pretty type errors easily (library, mpl, type-errors, types)
- type-flip library and test: (bsd3, control, library)
- type-fun library and test: Collection of widely reimplemented type families (bsd3, dependent-types, library)
- type-functions library: Emulation of type-level functions (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-hint library: Guide type inference with proxy values (bsd3, library, phantom-types)
- type-indexed-queues library, test and benchmark: Queues with verified and unverified versions. (data-structures, library, mit)
- type-int library: Type Level 2s- and 16s- Complement Integers (bsd3, library, type)
- type-interpreter library and test: Interpreter for Template Haskell types (bsd3, deprecated, library, template-haskell)
- type-iso library: Typeclasses for injective relations and isomorphisms between types. (apache, cast, data, library, types)
- type-level library: Type-level programming library (bsd3, data, library)
- type-level-bst library: type-level binary search trees in haskell (bsd3, data-structures, dependent-types, library)
- type-level-bytestrings library and test: Tools for manipulating type-level bytes and bytestrings (bytestring, data, library, mit, types)
- type-level-integers library and test: Provides integers lifted to the type level (bsd3, data, library)
- type-level-kv-list library and test: Type level Key-Value list. (data, library, mit)
- type-level-kv-list-esqueleto library: Make Esqueleto handy with type-level-kv-list (data, library, mit)
- type-level-kv-list-persistent library: Make Persistent Raw SQL handy with type-level-kv-list (data, library, mit)
- type-level-natural-number library: Simple type level natural numbers (bsd3, data, library, type-system)
- type-level-natural-number-induction library: High-level combinators for performing inductive operations. (bsd3, data, library, type-system)
- type-level-natural-number-operations library: Basic operations on type-level natural numbers. (bsd3, data, library, type-system)
- type-level-numbers library and tests: Type level numbers implemented using type families. (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-level-sets library: Type-level sets and finite maps (with value-level counterparts) (bsd3, data-structures, library, type-system)
- type-level-show library: Utilities for writing Show-like type families (data, library, mit, types)
- type-level-tf library: Type-level programming library (type families) (bsd3, data, library)
- type-list library: Operations on type-level lists and tuples. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- type-map library: Type-indexed maps (data, library, mit)
- type-natural library and test: Type-level natural and proofs of their properties. (bsd3, library, math)
- type-of-html library, tests and benchmarks: High performance type driven html generation. (bsd3, html, language, library, text, web)
- type-of-html-static library and test: Optimize static parts of type-of-html. (bsd3, html, language, library, text, web)
- type-operators library: Various type-level operators (bsd3, control, library)
- type-ord library: Type-level comparison operator (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-ord-spine-cereal library: Generic type-level comparison of types (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-prelude library: Partial port of prelude to the type level. Requires GHC 7.6.1. (bsd3, development, library)
- type-reflection library and test: Support functions to work with type representations. (library, mit, unclassified)
- type-rig library: Classes for the rig (sums and products) of types (bsd2, data, library)
- type-safe-avl library: Type safe BST and AVL trees (data, gpl, library)
- type-set library and test: Type set (bsd3, data, library)
- type-sets library and test: Type-level sets (bsd3, library, type)
- type-settheory library: Sets and functions-as-relations in the type system (bsd3, language, library, math, type-system)
- type-spec library and test: Type Level Specification by Example (bsd3, library, testing)
- type-spine library: A spine-view on types (bsd3, library, type-system)
- type-structure library and test: Type structure analysis (data, library, mit)
- type-sub-th library and test: Substitute types for other types with Template Haskell (bsd3, language, library)
- type-tree library and test: Tree representations of datatypes (language, library, mit)
- type-unary library: Type-level and typed unary natural numbers, inequality proofs, vectors (bsd3, data, library)
- typeable-mock library and test: Mock functions and expressions anywhere. (bsd3, library, testing)
- typeable-th library and test: Automatic deriving of TypeableN instances with Template Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- typeably library: DerivingVia Typeable counterpart to Generically (data, library, mit, types)
- typechain library and program: An implementation of LangChain in Haskell (ai, gpl, library, program)
- typecheck-plugin-nat-simple library and tests: Simple type check plugin which calculate addition, subtraction and less-or-equal-than (bsd3, compiler-plugin, library)
- typed-admin library: Admin console framework (bsd3, library, web)
- typed-digits library and tests: Digits, indexed by their base at the type level (data, library, mit)
- typed-duration library: Thread delay and timeout functions with typed arguments (bsd3, concurrency, data, library)
- typed-encoding library and tests: Type safe string transformations (bsd3, data, library, text)
- typed-encoding-encoding library and tests: Bridge between encoding and typed-encoding packages (bsd3, data, library, text)
- typed-fsm library: A framework for strongly typed FSM (control, library, mit)
- typed-gui library and test: GUI framework based on typed-fsm (gui, library, mit)
- typed-process library and tests: Run external processes, with strong typing of streams (library, mit, system)
- typed-process-effectful library and test: A binding of the typed-process library for the effectful effect system. (bsd3, library, system)
- typed-range library and test: An efficient and versatile typed range library. (data, library, mit)
- typed-session library and test: typed session framework (control, library, mit, network)
- typed-session-state-algorithm library and test: Automatically generate status for typed-session. (algorithm, library, mit)
- typed-spreadsheet library and programs: Typed and composable spreadsheets (bsd3, gui, library, program)
- typed-streams library and test: A stream based replacement for lists (data, library, mit)
- typed-time library and test: A strongly typed way to handle time and date formats (library, time)
- typed-uuid library: Phantom-Typed version of UUID (data, library, mit)
- typed-wire library, program and test: Language-independent type-safe communication (library, mit, program, web)
- typed-wire-utils library: Haskell utility library required for code generated by typed-wire compiler (bsd3, library, web)
- typedflow library: Typed frontend to TensorFlow and higher-order deep learning (deep-learning, lgpl, library)
- typedquery library: Parser for SQL augmented with types (bsd3, database, library)
- typehash library: Create a unique hash value for a type. (bsd3, library, reflection)
- typelet library and test: Plugin to faciliate type-level let (bsd3, library, plugin)
- typelevel library: Useful type level operations (type families and related operators). (apache, data, library)
- typelevel-rewrite-rules library and test: Solve type equalities using custom type-level rewrite rules (library, type-system)
- typelevel-tensor library and test: Tensors whose ranks and dimensions type-inferred and type-checked. (bsd3, data, library)
- typelevel-tools-yj library and test: type level tools (bsd3, library, types)
- typelits-printf library and test: Type-safe printf from parsing GHC TypeLits Symbol (bsd3, library, text)
- typelits-witnesses library: Existential witnesses, singletons, and classes for operations on GHC TypeLits (data, library, mit)
- typenums library and test: Type level numbers using existing Nat functionality (bsd3, data, library)
- typeof program: Small script for inferring types (bsd3, development, program)
- typeparams library: Lens-like interface for type level parameters; allows unboxed unboxed vectors and supercompilation (bsd3, configuration, data, dependent-types, library, optimization)
- typerbole library and test: A typesystems library with exaggerated claims (ast, bsd3, educational, lambda-cube, library, type-theory, typechecking, typesystems)
- typerep-map library, test and benchmark: Efficient implementation of a dependent map with types as keys (data, data-structures, library, mpl, types)
- types-compat library: ghc-7.6/7.8 compatible GHC.TypeLits, Data.Typeable and Data.Proxy. (compatibility, library, mit)
- typesafe-endian library: Enforce endianness with types (bsd3, data, library)
- typesafe-precure library and test: Type-safe transformations and purifications of PreCures (Japanese Battle Heroine) (acme, bsd3, library)
- typescript-docs program: A documentation generator for TypeScript Definition files (language, mit, program)
- typical library: Type level numbers, vectors, list. This lib needs to be extended. (data, library)
- typist library, test and benchmark: Typelevel printf (library, mit, text)
- typograffiti library and program: Just let me draw nice text already (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- typography-geometry library: Drawings for printed text documents (gpl, library, typography)
- typson-beam library and test: Typson Beam Integration (bsd3, database, library)
- typson-core library: Type-safe PostgreSQL JSON Querying (bsd3, database, library)
- typson-esqueleto library and test: Typson Esqueleto Integration (bsd3, database, library)
- typson-selda library and test: Typson Selda Integration (bsd3, database, library)
- typst library and test: Parsing and evaluating typst syntax. (bsd3, library, text)
- typst-symbols library: Symbol and emoji lookup for typst language (library, mit, text)
- tyro library and test: Type derived JSON parsing using Aeson (bsd3, json, library, text, web)
- tz library, tests and benchmarks: Efficient time zone handling (apache, data, library)
- tzdata library and test: Time zone database (as files and as a module) (apache, data, library)
- tztime library and tests: Safe timezone-aware handling of time. (library, mpl, time)
- u2f library and test: Haskell Universal Two Factor helper toolbox library thing (bsd3, library, web)
- uAgda program: A simplistic dependently-typed language with parametricity. (dependent-types, program)
- ua-parser library, test and benchmark: A library for parsing User-Agent strings, official Haskell port of ua-parser (bsd3, library, web)
- uacpid program: Userspace Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
event daemon (bsd3, program, system)
- uber library and test: Uber client for Haskell (bsd3, library, network, web)
- uberlast library: Generate overloaded lenses from plain data declaration (bsd3, control, library)
- ucam-webauth library and test: The Ucam-Webauth protocol, used by Raven (library, web)
- ucam-webauth-types library and test: Types for the Ucam-Webauth protocol, as used by Raven (library, web)
- ucd library, test and benchmark: Unicode Character Database — Predicates on characters specified by Unicode (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, text)
- ucl library and test: Datatype and parser for the Universal Configuration Language (UCL) using libucl (bsd3, configuration, data, library)
- uconv library: String encoding conversion with ICU (bsd3, codec, library)
- udbus library: Small DBus implementation (bsd3, library, network)
- udbus-model library: Model API for udbus introspection and definitions (bsd3, library, network)
- udcode library: Does a set of code words form a uniquely decodable code? (bsd3, data, library)
- udev library: libudev bindings (bsd3, library, system)
- udp-conduit library: Simple fire-and-forget conduit UDP wrappers (conduit, data, library)
- udp-streaming library: Streaming to and from UDP socket (library, mit, network, streaming)
- ueberzug library and test: Haskell bindings for ueberzug to display images in the terminal (graphics, library, mit)
- uglymemo library: A simple (but internally ugly) memoization function. (data, library, public-domain)
- uhc-light library and programs: Part of UHC packaged as cabal/hackage installable library (bsd3, development, library, program)
- uhc-util library: UHC utilities (bsd3, development, library)
- uhexdump program: hex dumper for UTF-8 text (bsd3, program, text)
- uhttpc library and program: Minimal HTTP client library optimized for benchmarking (gpl, library, network, program)
- ui library and program: Minimalistic console UI (getLine), arrow key support (edit, browse cmd history). (console, data, library, mit, program, text, ui)
- ui-command library and program: A framework for friendly commandline programs (bsd3, development, library, program)
- uid library: Simple unique identifier datatype, serializable and encodable as base32 (data, library, mit)
- ukrainian-phonetics-basic library: A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation. (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, phonetic-languages, syllable-segmentation)
- ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array library: A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation. (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, phonetic-languages, phonetics, syllable-segmentation)
- ukrainian-phonetics-basic-array-bytestring library: A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation. (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, phonetics)
- ukrainian-phonetics-common library: A library to work with the basic Ukrainian phonetics and syllable segmentation. (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, phonetics)
- ulid library, program, test and benchmark: Implementation of ULID - Universally Unique
Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (bsd3, codec, data, database, library, program)
- ulid-tight library and test: Another ULID implementation with tight memory representation (data, library, mit)
- una program: Universal un-archiver utility (bsd3, program, utilities)
- unac-bindings library and test: Bindings for libunac(3) (library, text)
- unagi-bloomfilter library: A fast, cache-efficient, concurrent bloom filter (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- unagi-chan library, test and benchmarks: Fast concurrent queues with a Chan-like API, and more (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- unagi-streams library: Unagi Chan IO-Streams (bsd3, concurrency, io-streams, library)
- unamb library: Unambiguous choice (bsd3, concurrency, data, library, other)
- unamb-custom library: Functional concurrency with unamb using a custom scheduler. (bsd3, concurrency, data, library)
- unbeliever test and benchmark: Opinionated Haskell Interoperability (mit, system)
- unbound library and test: Generic support for programming with names and binders (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, generics, language, library)
- unbound-generics library, test and benchmark: Support for programming with names and binders using GHC Generics (bsd3, language, library)
- unbound-generics-unify library: Unification based on unbound-generics (bsd3, language, library)
- unbound-kind-generics library: Support for programming with names and binders using kind-generics (bsd3, language, library)
- unbounded-delays library: Unbounded thread delays and timeouts (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- unbounded-delays-units library: Thread delays and timeouts using proper time units (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- unboxed library: All the standard sum types but strict and unboxed as possible (bsd3, data, library)
- unboxed-containers library: Self-optimizing unboxed sets using view patterns and data families (bsd3, data, library)
- unboxed-ref library and test: Fast unboxed references for ST and IO monad (bsd3, data, library)
- unboxed-references library and program: A library for reference cells backed by unboxed-vectors (bsd3, data, library, program)
- unboxing-vector library and test: A newtype-friendly variant of unboxed vectors (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- unbreak library and program: Secure and resilient remote file storage utility (agpl, library, network, program)
- uncaught-exception library and program: Customize uncaught exception handling. (library, mpl, program, unclassified)
- uncertain library: Manipulating numbers with inherent experimental/measurement uncertainty (bsd3, library, math)
- unclogging library, program and test: a library which implements easy, concurrent and pretty logging (agpl, concurrency, library, program)
- unconditional-jump library: Unconditional jumps (bsd3, data, library)
- unconstrained library: Null constraint (bsd3, constraints, deprecated, library)
- unescaping-print library: Tiny package providing unescaping versions of show and print (bsd3, library, text)
- unexceptionalio library and test: IO without any non-error, synchronous exceptions (control, library)
- unexceptionalio-trans library: A wrapper around UnexceptionalIO using monad transformers (control, library)
- unfix-binders library: Unfixing and recursion schemes for data types with binders (bsd3, data, library)
- unfoldable library: Class of data structures that can be unfolded. (bsd3, generics, library)
- unfoldable-restricted library: An alternative to the Unfoldable typeclass (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- unfork library: Make any action thread safe (apache, concurrency, library)
- unfree library and test: Simplistic free monad with deriving through UndecidableInstances (bsd3, control, library)
- ungadtagger library: Abstract GADTs from typelevel tags (bsd3, data, library)
- uni-events library: uni events (library, uniform)
- uni-graphs library: Graphs (gui, library)
- uni-htk library: Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs (gui, library)
- uni-posixutil library: Posix utilities for the uniform workbench (library, uniform)
- uni-reactor library: Reactors for the uniform workbench (library, uniform)
- uni-uDrawGraph library: Graphs binding (gui, library)
- uni-util library: Utilities for the uniform workbench (library, uniform)
- unicode library and test: Construct and transform unicode characters (bsd3, library, text)
- unicode-collation library, test and benchmark: Haskell implementation of the Unicode Collation Algorithm (bsd2, library, text)
- unicode-data library, test and benchmark: Access Unicode Character Database (UCD) (apache, data, library, text, unicode)
- unicode-data-names library, test and benchmark: Unicode characters names and aliases (apache, data, library, text, unicode)
- unicode-data-parser library: Parsers for Unicode Character Database (UCD) files (bsd3, data, library, text, unicode)
- unicode-data-scripts library, test and benchmark: Unicode characters scripts (apache, data, library, text, unicode)
- unicode-data-security library, test and benchmark: Unicode security mechanisms database (apache, data, library, text, unicode)
- unicode-general-category library and test: Unicode General Category Database (bsd3, library, unicode)
- unicode-names library: Unicode 3.2.0 character names (bsd3, library, text)
- unicode-normalization library: Unicode normalization using the ICU library (bsd3, library, text)
- unicode-prelude library: Unicode notation for some definitions in Prelude (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- unicode-properties library: Unicode 3.2.0 character properties (bsd3, library, text)
- unicode-show library and test: print and show in unicode (bsd3, library, text)
- unicode-symbols library: Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- unicode-transforms library, tests and benchmark: Unicode normalization (bsd3, data, library, text, unicode)
- unicode-tricks library and test: Functions to work with unicode blocks more convenient. (bsd3, library, utils)
- unicoder library, program and test: Make writing in unicode easy. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- unidecode library and test: Haskell binding of Unidecode (bsd3, library, text)
- unification-fd library: Simple generic unification algorithms. (algebra, algorithms, bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library, logic, unification)
- uniform-algebras library: Pointless functions and a simplistic zero and monoid (algebra-uniform, gpl, library)
- uniform-cmdLineArgs library: a convenient handling of command line arguments (cmdlineargs, library)
- uniform-error library and test: Handling errors in the uniform framework (error-exception-uniform, gpl, library)
- uniform-fileio library and test: Uniform file handling operations (data-text-uniform, gpl, library)
- uniform-http library: uniform text based operations to call http (data, library, text, uniform)
- uniform-io library and tests: Uniform IO over files, network, anything. (library, mit, system)
- uniform-json library and test: handling of JSON and YAML in an uniform way (data-text-json-yaml-pandoc, library)
- uniform-latex2pdf library: convert a latex `tex` file to a pdf (library, pdf-latex)
- uniform-pair library: Uniform pairs with class instances (bsd3, data, library)
- uniform-pandoc library: handling of some pandoc stuff (library, uniform-handling-of---some-pandoc-stuff)
- uniform-shake library: uniform wrapper for shake (build, library, uniform)
- uniform-strings library and test: Manipulate and convert strings of characters uniformly and consistently (data-text-uniform, gpl, library)
- uniform-time library: Time in the uniform framework (gpl, library, time-uniform)
- uniform-watch library: uniform wrapper for watch (library, uniform, watch)
- uniform-webserver library: uniform text based operations to call http (data, library, text, uniform)
- uniformBase library: A uniform base to build apps on (gpl, library, programming-uniform)
- unimap library and test: A union-find/map data structure (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- union library and benchmark: Extensible type-safe unions (bsd3, data, library)
- union-angle library and test: Union type that include radian angle and degree angle (bsd3, data, library)
- union-color library and test: Unify verious color formats (bsd3, data, graphics, library)
- union-find library: Efficient union and equivalence testing of sets. (algorithms, bsd3, data, library)
- union-find-array library: union find data structure (algorithms, data, library, mit)
- union-map library: Heterogeneous map by open unions. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- unionmount library: Union mount filesystem paths into Haskell datastructures (filesystem, library, mit)
- unipatterns library: Helpers which allow safe partial pattern matching in lambdas (bsd3, language, library)
- uniplate library: Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations. (bsd3, generics, library)
- uniprot-kb library and test: UniProt-KB format parser (bio, bsd3, library)
- uniq-deep program: uniq-deep (console, mit, program, public-domain)
- unique library: Fully concurrent unique identifiers (bsd3, concurrency, data, library)
- unique-lang program: Esoteric programming language where each number can only appear once (compilers-interpreters, mit, program)
- unique-logic library and test: Solve simple simultaneous equations (bsd3, library, logic-programming)
- unique-logic-tf library and test: Solve simple simultaneous equations (bsd3, library, logic-programming)
- uniqueid library: Splittable Unique Identifier Supply (bsd3, data, library)
- uniquely-represented-sets library, test and benchmark: (library, mit, unclassified)
- uniqueness-periods library: Can be used to produce the 'uniquenessPeriods' function and related functionality. (Ukrainian, language, library, mit, uniqueness-periods)
- uniqueness-periods-general library: Can be used to produce the similar to 'String.Ukrainian.UniquenessPeriods' functions. (language, library, mit, uniqueness-periods)
- uniqueness-periods-vector library: Generalization of the uniqueness-periods and uniqueness-periods-general packages functionality. (game, language, library, math, mit, uniqueness)
- uniqueness-periods-vector-common library: Generalization of the dobutokO-poetry-general package functionality (game, language, library, math, mit, uniqueness)
- uniqueness-periods-vector-examples library and programs: Usage examples for the uniqueness-periods-vector series of packages (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, program, uniqueness-periods)
- uniqueness-periods-vector-filters library: A library allows to change the structure of the 'RealFrac' function output. (data, game, language, library, math, mit, uniqueness-periods)
- uniqueness-periods-vector-general library: Some kind of the optimization approach to data inner structure. (extremum-estimator, game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, uniqueness)
- uniqueness-periods-vector-properties library: Metrices for the maximum element for the uniqueness-periods-vector packages family. (game, language, library, math, mit, phonetic-languages, syllable-segmentation)
- uniqueness-periods-vector-stats library: A very basic descriptive statistics. (data, library, math, mit)
- unit library and test: Aliases for `()`. (bsd3, data, library)
- unit-constraint library: Extremely simple typeclass (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- units library: A domain-specific type system for dimensional analysis (bsd3, library, math)
- units-attoparsec library: Attoparsec parsers for the units package (bsd3, library, physics)
- units-defs library: Definitions for use with the units package (bsd3, library, physics)
- units-parser library and test: A parser for units of measure (bsd3, library, text)
- unittyped library and test: An extendable library for type-safe computations including units. (lgpl, library, math, physics)
- unity-testresult-parser library and program: (bsd3, library, program, tool, unity3d)
- unitym library: A monad type class shared between web services (bsd3, library, web)
- unitym-servant library: Implementaation of unitym for Servant servers (bsd3, library, web)
- unitym-yesod library: Implementation of the unity monad for the Yesod framework (bsd3, library, web)
- universal library, test and benchmark: Universal (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- universal-binary library: Parser for OS X Universal Binary format. (bsd3, data, library)
- universe library: A class for finite and recursively enumerable types. (bsd3, data, library)
- universe-base library and test: A class for finite and recursively enumerable types. (bsd3, data, library)
- universe-dependent-sum library: Universe instances for types from dependent-sum (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- universe-instances-base library: Universe instances for types from the base package (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- universe-instances-extended library: Universe instances for types from selected extra packages (bsd3, data, library)
- universe-instances-trans library: Universe instances for types from the transformers and mtl packages (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- universe-reverse-instances library: Instances of standard classes that are made possible by enumerations (bsd3, data, library)
- universe-some library and test: Universe instances for Some from some (bsd3, data, library)
- universe-th library and test: Construct a Dec's ancestor list. (bsd3, language, library)
- universum library and test: Custom prelude used in Serokell (library, mit, prelude)
- unix tests: POSIX functionality (bsd3, system)
- unix-bytestring library: Unix/Posix-specific functions for ByteStrings. (bsd3, library, system)
- unix-compat library and test: Portable POSIX-compatibility layer. (bsd3, library, system)
- unix-fcntl library: Comprehensive bindings to fcntl(2) (bsd3, library, system)
- unix-handle library: POSIX operations on Handles (bsd3, library, system)
- unix-io-extra library: Support for writev, pwrite and pread. (bsd3, library, system)
- unix-memory library and test: Unix memory syscalls (bsd3, library, system)
- unix-process-conduit library and test: Run processes on Unix systems, with a conduit interface (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, system)
- unix-pty-light library: POSIX pseudo-terminal support (bsd3, library, system)
- unix-recursive library, test and benchmark: Fast and flexible primitives for recursive file system IO on Posix systems (bsd3, filesystem, library, system)
- unix-simple library and test: Straightforward bindings to the posix API (library, mit, system)
- unix-time library and test: Unix time parser/formatter and utilities (bsd3, data, library)
- unjson library and test: Bidirectional JSON parsing and generation. (bsd3, data, library)
- unlambda library and program: Unlambda interpreter (compilers-interpreters, library, program)
- unleash-client-haskell library and program: Unleash feature toggle client (library, mit, program, web)
- unleash-client-haskell-core library and test: Unleash feature toggle client core (library, mit, web)
- unlift library: Typeclass for monads that can be unlifted to arbitrary base monads (control, library, monad, mpl, typeclass, unlift)
- unlift-stm library: (un)lifted classes and functions for the STM monad (bsd2, concurrency, library)
- unlifted library: Unlifted and levity-polymorphic types (bsd3, data, library)
- unlifted-list library: GHC Haskell lists of non-thunks (things of kind TYPE 'UnliftedRep) (bsd3, data, library)
- unliftio library, test and benchmark: The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO (batteries included) (control, library, mit)
- unliftio-core library: The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO (control, library, mit)
- unliftio-messagebox library, program, test and benchmark: Fast and robust message queues for concurrent processes (bsd2, concurrency, library, program)
- unliftio-path library: UnliftIO using well-typed Paths. (library, mit, text)
- unliftio-pool library: Data.Pool generalized to MonadUnliftIO. (bsd3, control, data, database, library, network)
- unliftio-servant-server library: Use MonadUnliftIO on servant APIs (bsd3, library, servant, server)
- unliftio-streams library: Generalization of io-streams to MonadUnliftIO (apache, data, io-streams, library, network)
- unlit library and program: Tool to convert literate code between styles or to code. (bsd3, language, library, program)
- unm-hip library: A Library for the manipulation of images (image-processing, library)
- unmed2 program: Extract useful information from Amiga MED files (deprecated, gpl, program, sound)
- unordered-containers library, test and benchmark: Efficient hashing-based container types (bsd3, data, library)
- unordered-containers-rematch library and test: Rematch support for unordered containers (control, library, mit)
- unordered-graphs library: Graph library using unordered-containers (data-structures, graphs, library, mit)
- unordered-intmap library and test: A specialization of `HashMap Int v` (bsd3, data, library)
- unpack-funcs library: Monad transformers that mirror worker-wrapper transformations. (bsd3, control, library)
- unpacked-containers library and program: Unpacked containers via backpack (bsd2, language, library, program)
- unpacked-either library and test: An unpacked either data type (bsd3, development, library)
- unpacked-maybe library and test: An unpacked maybe data type (bsd3, development, library)
- unpacked-maybe-numeric library and tests: maybes of numeric values with fewer indirections (bsd3, data, library)
- unpacked-maybe-text library: optional text that unpacks well (bsd3, data, library)
- unpacked-these library and test: An unpacked these data type (bsd3, development, library)
- unpacked-validation library and test: An unpacked validation data type (bsd3, development, library)
- unparse-attoparsec library and tests: An attoparsec roundtrip (library, mit, parsing, text)
- unroll-ghc-plugin library: Compiler plugin for loop unrolling (bsd3, compiler-plugin, library)
- unsafe library: Unified interface to unsafe functions (bsd3, control, library)
- unsafe-promises library: Create pure futures using lazy IO. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- unsafely library: Flexible access control for unsafe operations and instances (bsd3, data, library)
- unsafeperformst library: Like unsafeperformIO, but for the ST monad. (bsd3, library, unsafe)
- unsatisfiable library: Unsatisfiable type class (bsd3, library, plugin)
- unscramble program: Solve Boggle-like word games (mit, program, text)
- unsequential library and test: An extension removing the sequentiality from monads (control, library, mit)
- unusable-pkg program: Utility construction of the graph depending unusable packages. (bsd3, program, utils-)
- unused library, program and test: A command line tool to identify unused code. (cli, library, mit, program)
- unwrapped-functors library: Unwrapping sums/products lifted to functors (data, library)
- uom-plugin library and test: Units of measure as a GHC type-checker plugin (bsd3, library, type-system)
- up program: Command-line tool to generate paths for moving upward in a file system (bsd3, program, utils)
- up-grade program: Software management tool (build, program)
- update-monad library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- update-nix-fetchgit library, program and test: A program to update fetchgit values in Nix expressions (bsd3, library, nix, program)
- update-repos library, program and test: Update all your git repositories with just one command. (apache, command-line-tool, library, program)
- updo programs: A style of maintaining and upgrading Haskell projects (development, mpl, program)
- uploadcare library: Haskell client for Uploadcare. (api, library, mit, web)
- uploadtest library: Upload test (bsd3, library, test)
- upskirt library: Binding to upskirt (deprecated, foreign-binding, library, public-domain, text)
- urbit-airlock library: Talk to Urbit from Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- urbit-api library: Talk to Urbit from Haskell (bsd3, library, web)
- urbit-hob library, tests and benchmark: Hoon-style atom manipulation and printing functions (library, mit, urbit)
- ureader program: Minimalistic CLI RSS reader. (bsd3, program, rss)
- urembed program: Ur/Web static content generator (bsd3, development, program, ur-web)
- uri library: Library for working with URIs (bsd3, library, text)
- uri-bytestring library, test and benchmark: Haskell URI parsing as ByteStrings (bsd3, library, web)
- uri-bytestring-aeson library: Aeson instances for URI Bytestring (bsd3, library, uri)
- uri-conduit library: Read and write URIs (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- uri-encode library: Unicode aware uri-encoding (bsd3, library, network, web)
- uri-encoder library, test and benchmark: A uri encoder to make your strings less readable (bsd3, library, network)
- uri-enumerator library: Read and write URIs (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- uri-enumerator-file library: uri-enumerator backend for the file scheme (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- uri-parse library and test: A simple library for parsing and generating URIs (bsd3, library, web)
- uri-template library and program: URI template library for Haskell (bsd3, library, program, web)
- uri-templater library and test: Parsing & Quasiquoting for RFC 6570 URI Templates (library, mit, network)
- url library: A library for working with URLs. (bsd3, library, web)
- url-bytes library, test and benchmark: Memory efficient url type and parser. (data, library, mit)
- url-decoders library, test and benchmarks: Decoders for URL-encoding (aka Percent-encoding) (codecs, library, mit, web)
- url-generic library: Parse/format generic key/value URLs from record data types. (bsd3, library, web)
- url-slug library: Encoding and decoding of URL slugs (library, mit, network, web)
- urlcheck program: Parallel link checker (bsd3, network, program)
- urldecode program: Decode percent-encoded strings. (bsd3, program, text)
- urldisp-happstack library: Simple, declarative, expressive URL routing -- on happstack. (bsd3, language, library)
- urlencoded library and test: Generate or process x-www-urlencoded data (bsd3, library, web)
- urlpath library: Painfully simple URL deployment. (bsd3, data, library, web)
- urn library and test: Universal Resource Names (bsd3, data, library)
- urn-random library: A package for updatable discrete distributions (data, library, mit)
- urxml program: XML parser-printer supporting Ur/Web syntax extensions (development, program, public-domain, ur-web)
- usa-holidays library and tests: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- usb library: Communicate with USB devices (bsd3, hardware, library, system)
- usb-enumerator library: Iteratee enumerators for the usb package (bsd3, library, system)
- usb-hid library: Parser and request Library for USB HIDs (bsd3, library, system)
- usb-id-database library: A database of USB identifiers (bsd3, library, system)
- usb-iteratee library: Iteratee enumerators for the usb package (bsd3, hardware, library, system)
- usb-safe library: Type-safe communication with USB devices. (bsd3, library, monadic-regions, system)
- useragents library and program: A collection of user agents (deprecated, library, mit, network, program)
- userid library: The UserId type and useful instances for web development (bsd3, data, library)
- users library: A library simplifying user management for web applications (library, mit, web)
- users-mysql-haskell library and test: A mysql-haskell backend for the users library. (bsd3, library, web)
- users-persistent library and test: A persistent backend for the users package (data, library, mit)
- users-postgresql-simple library and test: A PostgreSQL backend for the users package (library, mit, web)
- users-test library: Library to test backends for the users library (library, mit, web)
- utc library and test: A pragmatic time and date library. (data, library, mit, parsing, time)
- utf library, test and benchmark: UTF-8 (bsd3, deprecated, library, parsing, text)
- utf8-conversions library and test: A string conversion library that assumes utf8 (bsd3, codec, data, library)
- utf8-env library: UTF-8 aware substitutes for functions in System.Environment (bsd3, library, system)
- utf8-light library and test: Unicode (bsd3, codec, library)
- utf8-prelude library and program: Variants of Prelude and System.IO with UTF8 text I/O operations (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, system)
- utf8-string library and test: Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings (bsd3, codec, library)
- utf8-validator library, test and benchmark: Constant-space UTF8 validator for ByteStrings (bsd3, codec, library)
- util library: Utilities (bsd3, deprecated, library, util)
- util-exception library: Exceptional utilities (bsd3, deprecated, exception, library, util)
- util-logict library, test and benchmark: See README for more info (bsd3, control, deprecated, library)
- util-plus library and test: A collection of commonly used utils (bsd3, data, library)
- util-primitive library: Primitive memory-related utilities (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- util-primitive-control library and test: Utilities for stateful primitive types and types based on them (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- util-universe library and test: Utilities for universal types (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- utility-ht library and test: Various small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions (bsd3, data, library, list)
- utxorpc library: Generated code for a gRPC interface for UTxO Blockchains (apache, blockchain, cardano, grpc, library, network)
- utxorpc-client library, programs and test: An SDK for clients of the UTxO RPC specification. (apache, blockchain, cardano, library, network, program)
- utxorpc-server library, program and test: An SDK for UTxO RPC services. (apache, blockchain, cardano, library, network, program)
- uu-cco library: Utilities for compiler construction: core functionality (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- uu-cco-examples programs: Utilities for compiler construction: example programs (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- uu-cco-hut-parsing library: Utilities for compiler construction: Feedback wrapper around parser in uulib (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- uu-cco-uu-parsinglib library: Utilities for compiler construction: Feedback wrapper around parser in uu-parsinglib (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, library)
- uu-interleaved library: An interleaving combinator for use with applicative style implementations. (applicative, control, library, mit, parsing, text)
- uu-options library: Parse command line options using uu-interleave and uu-parsinglib (library, mit, options)
- uu-parsinglib library: Fast, online, error-correcting, monadic, applicative, merging, permuting, interleaving, idiomatic parser combinators. (library, mit, parsercombinators, parsercombinators-parsing-text, parsing, parsing-text, text, text.parsercombinators, text.parsercombinators-parsing-text)
- uu-tc library: Haskell 98 parser combinators for INFOB3TC at Utrecht University (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- uu-tc-error library: Haskell 98 parser combintors for INFOB3TC at Utrecht University (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- uu-tc-error-error library: utilities for parse errors (bsd2, library, parsing)
- uuagc library and program: Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht (bsd3, development, library, program)
- uuagc-bootstrap library and program: Attribute Grammar System of Universiteit Utrecht (bsd3, development, library, program)
- uuagc-cabal library: Cabal plugin for UUAGC (bsd3, development, library)
- uuagc-diagrams library: Utility for drawing attribute grammar pictures with the diagrams package (bsd3, graphics, library)
- uuagd library and program: A debugger for the UUAG system. (development, library, program)
- uuid library and test: For creating, comparing, parsing and printing Universally Unique Identifiers (bsd3, data, library)
- uuid-aeson library: Aeson types for UUID instances. (bsd3, data, library)
- uuid-bytes library and test: UUID parsing using byteverse packages (data, library, mit)
- uuid-crypto library: Reversable and secure encoding of object ids as uuids (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- uuid-le library: Universally Unique Identifiers with little-endian-ish encoding tools (data, library, mit)
- uuid-orphans library: Orphan instances for the UUID datatype (bsd3, library, template-haskell)
- uuid-quasi library: Supplemental package for 'uuid' allowing quasiquotation. (bsd3, data, library)
- uuid-types library and test: Type definitions for Universally Unique Identifiers (bsd3, data, library)
- uulib library: Haskell Utrecht Tools Library (bsd3, library, parsing)
- uusi library, programs and test: Tweak .cabal files (distribution, library, mit, program)
- uvector library: Fast unboxed arrays with a flexible interface (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- uvector-algorithms library: Efficient algorithms for uvector unboxed arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- uxadt library: Cross-language extensible representation for algebraic data type instances. (data, gpl, library)
- uzbl-with-source library: Utility function for reading a source of loaded uzbl pages. (gpl, library, uzbl, web)
- v4l2 library: interface to Video For Linux Two (V4L2) (bsd3, graphics, library)
- v4l2-examples programs: video for linux two examples (bsd3, graphics, program)
- vabal program and test: the cabal companion (development, distribution, gpl, program)
- vabal-lib library and test: Core algorithms and datatypes used by vabal (development, distribution, library, mit)
- vacuum library: Graph representation of the GHC heap (debug, ghc, lgpl, library)
- vacuum-cairo library: Visualize live Haskell data structures using vacuum, graphviz and cairo (bsd3, development, library)
- vacuum-graphviz library: A library for transforming vacuum graphs into GraphViz output (debug, ghc, lgpl, library)
- vacuum-opengl library and program: Visualize live Haskell data structures using vacuum, graphviz and OpenGL. (development, library, program, public-domain)
- vacuum-ubigraph library: Visualize Haskell data structures using vacuum and Ubigraph (bsd3, development, library)
- vado library, programs and test: Runs commands on remote machines using ssh (development, library, mit, program)
- valid library: Type isomorphic to `Either` with `Applicative` instance which combines errors (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- valid-names library: Valid operator/module characters (language, library, mit)
- valida library and test: Simple applicative validation for product types, batteries included! (data, library, mit, validation)
- valida-base library and test: Simple applicative validation for product types, batteries included! (data, library, mit, validation)
- validate library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- validate-input library and test: Input validation combinator library (library, mit, web)
- validated-literals library and test: Compile-time checking for partial smart-constructors (bsd3, data, library)
- validated-types library and test: Type-level constraints on strings and other input (bsd3, library, web)
- validation library and tests: A data-type like Either but with an accumulating Applicative (bsd3, data, library)
- validation-micro library: Lighweight pure data validation based on Applicative (bsd3, library, validation)
- validation-selective library and tests: Lighweight pure data validation based on Applicative and Selective functors (data, library, mpl, selective, validation)
- validations library and test: A nice way to define field validations in Haskell. (bsd3, library, web)
- validationt library and test: Straightforward validation monad (bsd3, control, library)
- validators library and tests: Composable validations for your Haskell data types (data, library, mit)
- validity library and test: Validity typeclass (library, mit, validity)
- validity-aeson library and test: Validity instances for aeson (library, mit, validity)
- validity-bytestring library: Validity instances for bytestring (library, mit, validity)
- validity-case-insensitive library and test: Validity instances for case-insensitive (library, mit, validity)
- validity-containers library: Validity instances for containers (library, mit, validity)
- validity-dlist library: Validity instances for containers (library, mit, validity)
- validity-network-uri library: Validity instances for URI (library, mit, validity)
- validity-path library and test: Validity instances for Path (library, mit, validity)
- validity-persistent library: Validity instances for persistent-related types (library, mit, testing)
- validity-primitive library: Validity instances for primitive (library, mit, validity)
- validity-scientific library: Validity instances for scientific (library, mit, web)
- validity-text library: Validity instances for text (library, mit, web)
- validity-time library: Validity instances for time (library, mit, validity)
- validity-unordered-containers library: Validity instances for unordered-containers (library, mit, validity)
- validity-uuid library: Validity instances for uuid (library, mit, web)
- validity-vector library: Validity instances for vector (library, mit, validity)
- valor library and tests: Simple and powerful data validation (library, mit, validation)
- value-supply library: A library for generating values without having to thread state. (bsd3, data, library)
- vampire library and program: Analyze and visualize expression trees. (development, gpl, library, program)
- var library, test and benchmarks: Mutable variables and tuples (bsd3, data, library)
- var-monad library: The VarMonad typeclass, generalizing types of references. (apache, control, library)
- varan programs: Process mpileup output to identify significant differences (bioinformatics, program)
- variable-media-field library: Simple type for representing one of several media types. (library, media, mit)
- variable-media-field-dhall library: Dhall instances for VF (library, media, mit)
- variable-media-field-optics library: Optics for variable-media-field. (library, media, mit)
- variable-precision library: variable-precision floating point (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- variables library and test: Monads with variables, without deep magic (control, library, mit)
- variadic library, test and benchmark: Abstractions for working with variadic functions (bsd3, control, library)
- variadic-function library and test: Create and transform functions with variable arity. (bsd3, data, functions, library)
- variant library, test and benchmark: Variant and EADT (bsd3, library, system)
- variation library: nominal value with possible variations (bsd3, data, library)
- vary library and tests: Vary: Friendly and fast polymorphic variants (open unions/coproducts/extensible sums) (data, data-structures, error-handling, library, mit)
- varying library, program, tests and benchmark: FRP through value streams and monadic splines. (control, frp, library, mit, program)
- vault library: a persistent store for values of arbitrary types (bsd3, data, library)
- vault-tool library: Client library for HashiCorp's Vault tool (via HTTP API) (library, mit, network)
- vault-tool-server library and test: Utility library for spawning a HashiCorp Vault process (library, mit, network)
- vault-trans library: A monad transformer for vault-tool (bsd3, library, network)
- vaultaire-common library and tests: Common types and instances for Vaultaire (bsd3, library, other)
- vcache library: semi-transparent persistence for Haskell using LMDB, STM (bsd3, database, library)
- vcache-trie library: patricia tries modeled above VCache (bsd3, database, library)
- vcard library: A library for parsing/printing vCards from/to various formats. (library, text)
- vcatt library and program: Recursively check that a directory is under version control. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- vcd library: Reading and writing VCD files. (bsd3, data, embedded, hardware, library)
- vcf library and test: A package to parse VCF files inspired in similar python libraries (bioinformatics, library, mit)
- vcs-ignore library, program and tests: Library for handling files ignored by VCS systems. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- vcs-revision library: Facilities for accessing the version control revision of the current directory. (bsd3, data, library, parsing, system)
- vcs-web-hook-parse library: Parse development platform web hook messages. (library, public-domain, web)
- vcsgui library and programs: GUI library for source code management systems (development, library, program)
- vcswrapper library and program: Wrapper for source code management systems (development, library, program)
- vec library, test and benchmark: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library)
- vec-lens library: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list: lens support (bsd3, data, dependent-types, lens, library)
- vec-optics library: Vec: length-indexed (sized) list: optics support (bsd3, data, dependent-types, library, optics)
- vect library: A low-dimensional linear algebra library, tailored to computer graphics. (bsd3, graphics, library, math)
- vect-floating library: A low-dimensional linear algebra library, operating on the Floating typeclass (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- vect-floating-accelerate library: Accelerate instances for vect-floating types (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- vect-opengl library: OpenGL support for the `vect' low-dimensional linear algebra library. (bsd3, graphics, library, math)
- vector library, tests and benchmark: Efficient Arrays (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- vector-algorithms library and test: Efficient algorithms for vector arrays (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-binary library: Binary instances for vector types (deprecated) (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-binary-instances library, test and benchmark: Instances of Data.Binary for vector (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-buffer library: A buffer compatible with Data.Vector.* (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-builder library and test: Vector builder (library, mit, vector)
- vector-bytes-instances library and test: Serial (from the bytes package) for Vector (from the vector package) (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-bytestring library and test: ByteStrings as type synonyms of Storable Vectors of Word8s (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-circular library and test: circular vectors (data, library, mit)
- vector-clock library and test: Vector clocks for versioning message flows (data, data-structures, distributed-computing, gpl, library)
- vector-conduit library and test: Conduit utilities for vectors (data, library, mit)
- vector-doublezip library: Some special functions to work with Vector (with zip). (data, library, mit)
- vector-endian library: Storable vectors with cpu-independent representation. (data, data-structures, library, mit)
- vector-extras library: Utilities for the "vector" library (library, mit, vector)
- vector-fft library and test: Native FFT and IFFT for vector (bsd3, library, numeric)
- vector-fftw library and test: A binding to the fftw library for one-dimensional vectors. (bsd3, library, math)
- vector-functorlazy library: vectors that perform the fmap operation in constant time (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- vector-hashtables library, test and benchmark: Efficient vector-based mutable hashtables implementation. (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-heterogenous library: A type-safe library for vectors whose elements can be of any type, or any type satisfying some constraints (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- vector-instances library: Orphan Instances for 'Data.Vector' (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- vector-instances-collections library: Instances of the Data.Collections classes for Data.Vector.* (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-mmap library and test: Memory map immutable and mutable vectors (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- vector-quicksort library, test and benchmark: Fast and flexible quicksort implementation for mutable vectors (algorithms, apache, library)
- vector-random library: Generate vectors filled with high quality pseudorandom numbers (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-read-instances library: (deprecated) Read instances for 'Data.Vector' (bsd3, data, data-structures, deprecated, library)
- vector-rotcev library and test: Vectors with O(1) reverse (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- vector-shuffling library: Algorithms for vector shuffling (library, mit, random, vector)
- vector-sized library: Size tagged vectors (bsd3, data, library)
- vector-space : Vector & affine spaces, linear maps, and derivatives (bsd3, math)
- vector-space-map library and test: vector-space operations for finite maps using Data.Map (library, math, mit)
- vector-space-opengl library and test: Instances of vector-space classes for OpenGL types (bsd3, graphics, library, math)
- vector-space-points library: A type for points, as distinct from vectors. (bsd3, deprecated, library, math)
- vector-split library and test: Combinator library for splitting vectors. (data, data-structures, library, mit)
- vector-static library: Statically checked sizes on Data.Vector (bsd3, data, data-structures, deprecated, library)
- vector-strategies library: A parallel evaluation strategy for boxed vectors (bsd3, control, library)
- vector-stream library: Efficient Streams (bsd3, data, data-structures, library)
- vector-text library: Text implementation based on unboxed char vector. (apache, data, library)
- vector-th-unbox library and test: Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell (bsd3, data, library)
- vectortiles library, test and benchmark: GIS Vector Tiles, as defined by Mapbox. (bsd3, geography, library)
- vega-view program: Easily view Vega or Vega-Lite visualizations. (bsd3, program, visualization)
- velma library, program and test: Automatically add files to exposed-modules and other-modules. (distribution, library, mit, program)
- venzone program and test: ASCII platform-adventure game (game, gpl, program)
- verbalexpressions library: Regular expressions made easy (library, mit, text)
- verbosity library: Simple enum that encodes application verbosity. (bsd3, data, library)
- verdict library, program and test: Validation framework (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- verdict-json library and test: JSON instances and JSON Schema for verdict (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- verifiable-expressions library: An intermediate language for Hoare logic style verification. (apache, language, library)
- verify library, program and test: A new Haskeleton package. (deprecated, library, other, program)
- verilog library: Verilog preprocessor, parser, and AST. (bsd3, embedded, hardware, language, library)
- verismith library, program, test and benchmark: Random verilog generation and simulator testing. (gpl, hardware, library, program)
- verset library: Small alternative prelude (library, mit, prelude)
- version-natural library: A simple version type. (data, library, mit)
- version-natural-dhall-instance library: FromDhall and ToDhall instances for version-natural. (data, dhall, library, mit)
- versioning library and test: Type-safe data versioning. (apache, data, library)
- versioning-servant library and test: Servant combinators for the versioning library. (apache, data, library)
- versions library and test: Types and parsers for software version numbers. (bsd3, data, library)
- vertexenum library and test: Vertex enumeration (geometry, gpl, library, math)
- vessel library: Functor-parametric containers (bsd3, data, library)
- vflow-types library and tests: types for ingesting vflow data with aeson (bsd3, data, library, parsing, text, utility)
- vformat library and test: A Python str.format() like formatter (bsd3, format, library, text)
- vformat-aeson library and test: Extend vformat to Aeson datatypes (bsd3, format, json, library, text)
- vformat-time library and test: Extend vformat to time datatypes (bsd3, format, library, text, time)
- vfr-waypoints library and program: VFR waypoints, as published in the AIP (ERSA) (aviation, bsd3, library, program)
- vgrep library, program and tests: A pager for grep (bsd3, library, program, web)
- vhd library and test: Provides functions to inspect and manipulate virtual hard disk (VHD) files. (bsd3, library, system)
- vhdl library: VHDL AST and pretty printer (bsd3, language, library)
- vicinity library and tests: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- viewprof program: Text-based interactive GHC .prof viewer (bsd3, development, program)
- views library: Views allow you to run a State monad on part of a state. (bsd3, control, deprecated, library, monad)
- vigilance test: An extensible dead-man's switch system (mit, utils)
- vikunja-api library and test: Auto-generated vikunja-api API Client (bsd3, library, web)
- vimeta library and program: Frontend for video metadata tagging tools (bsd2, library, program, video)
- vimus library, program and test: An MPD client with vim-like key bindings (library, mit, program, sound)
- vintage-basic program and test: Interpreter for microcomputer-era BASIC (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- vinyl library, tests and benchmarks: Extensible Records (library, mit, records)
- vinyl-generics library and test: Convert plain records to vinyl (and vice versa), generically. (bsd3, data, generics, library)
- vinyl-gl library and test: Utilities for working with OpenGL's GLSL shading language and vinyl records. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- vinyl-json library and test: Provide json instances automagically to vinyl types (library, mit, web)
- vinyl-loeb library: Loeb's theorem for extensible records. (library, mit, vinyl)
- vinyl-named-sugar library: Syntax sugar for vinyl records using overloaded labels. (data, library, mit)
- vinyl-operational library: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- vinyl-plus library and test: Vinyl records utilities (bsd3, library, web)
- vinyl-utils library: Utilities for vinyl (bsd3, control, library)
- vinyl-vectors library: Vectors for vinyl vectors (bsd3, library, vector)
- virthualenv program: Virtual Haskell Environment builder (bsd3, development, program)
- visibility library: Simple computation of visibility polygons. (geometry, library, mit)
- vision program: An XMMS2 client. (gpl, program, sound)
- visual-graphrewrite library and program: Visualize the graph-rewrite steps of a Haskell program (bsd3, development, library, program)
- visual-prof program: Create a visual profile of a program's source code (bsd3, development, program)
- visualize-cbn program: Visualize CBN reduction (bsd3, development, program)
- vitrea library: Profunctor optics via the profunctor representation theorem. (gpl, lenses, library)
- vivid library: Sound synthesis with SuperCollider (audio, library, music, sound)
- vivid-osc library and test: Open Sound Control encode/decode (audio, codec, library, music, sound)
- vivid-supercollider library and test: Implementation of SuperCollider server specifications (audio, library, music, sound)
- vk-aws-route53 library: Amazon Route53 DNS service plugin for the aws package. (bsd3, library, web)
- vk-posix-pty library and program: Pseudo terminal interaction with subprocesses. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- vocabulary-kadma library: Smaoin vocabulary definitions of the base framework. (data, library, public-domain)
- vocoder library: Phase vocoder (bsd2, library, sound)
- vocoder-audio library: Phase vocoder for conduit-audio (bsd2, library, sound)
- vocoder-conduit library, test and benchmark: Phase vocoder for Conduit (bsd2, library, sound)
- vocoder-dunai library, test and benchmark: Phase vocoder for Dunai and Rhine (bsd2, library, sound)
- voicebase library, program and test: Upload audio files to voicebase to get a transcription (api, bsd3, deprecated, library, program)
- void library: A Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type (bsd3, data-structures, library)
- vorbiscomment library: Reading of Vorbis comments from Ogg Vorbis files (library, mit, sound, text)
- vowpal-utils library: Vowpal Wabbit utilities (bsd3, library, math)
- voyeur library: Haskell bindings for libvoyeur (bsd3, library, system)
- vp-tree library, test and benchmark: Vantage Point Trees (bsd3, data, data-mining, data-structures, library, machine-learning)
- vpq library and test: Priority queue based on vector (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- vrpn library and program: Bindings to VRPN. (library, mit, network, program)
- vt-utils library and test: Vector and Text utilities (library, mit, utils)
- vte library: Binding to the VTE library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- vtegtk3 library: Binding to the VTE library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- vty library: A simple terminal UI library (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- vty-crossplatform library: Cross-platform support for Vty (bsd3, graphics, library)
- vty-examples programs: Examples programs using the vty library. (bsd3, deprecated, program, user-interfaces)
- vty-menu library and program: A lib for displaying a menu and getting a selection using VTY (gpl, graphics, library, program)
- vty-ui library: An interactive terminal user interface library for Vty (bsd3, deprecated, library, user-interfaces)
- vty-ui-extras library: Extra vty-ui functionality not included in the core library (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- vty-unix library and program: Unix backend for Vty (bsd3, library, program, user-interfaces)
- vty-windows library: Windows backend for Vty (bsd3, graphics, library)
- vulkan library and test: Bindings to the Vulkan graphics API. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- vulkan-api library: Low-level low-overhead vulkan api bindings (bsd3, graphics, library, opengl, vulkan)
- vulkan-utils library and test: Utils for the vulkan package (bsd3, graphics, library)
- waargonaut library and tests: JSON wrangling (bsd3, json, library, parser, web)
- wacom-daemon library and programs: Manage Wacom tablet settings profiles, including Intuos Pro ring modes (bsd3, desktop, library, program)
- waddle library and programs: DOOM WAD file utilities. (bsd3, game, library, program)
- wahsp library: A haskell binding of the Web Audio API ala blank-canvas (bsd3, library, web)
- wai library and test: Web Application Interface. (library, mit, web)
- wai-accept-language library and program: Rewrite based on Accept-Language header (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wai-app-file-cgi library and test: File/CGI/Rev Proxy App of WAI (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- wai-app-static library, program and test: WAI application for static serving (library, mit, program, web, yesod)
- wai-cli library: Command line runner for Wai apps (using Warp) with TLS, CGI, socket activation & graceful shutdown (library, public-domain, web)
- wai-conduit library: conduit wrappers for WAI (conduit, library, mit, web)
- wai-control library: Run wai Applications in IO based monads (bsd3, control, library, web)
- wai-cors library and tests: CORS for WAI (http, library, mit, network, wai, web)
- wai-cryptocookie library and test: Encrypted cookies for WAI (apache, library, web)
- wai-devel library, program and test: A web server for the development of WAI compliant web applications. (library, mit, program, web)
- wai-digestive-functors library: Helpers to bind digestive-functors onto wai requests (library, web)
- wai-dispatch library: Nice wrapper around yesod-routes for use with WAI (library, web)
- wai-enforce-https library and test: Enforce HTTPS in Wai server app safely. (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-env library: WAI middleware to parameterize requests with environment. (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-eventsource library: WAI support for server-sent events (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- wai-extra library and test: Provides some basic WAI handlers and middleware. (library, mit, web)
- wai-feature-flags library and program: Feature flag support for WAI applications. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wai-frontend-monadcgi library: Run CGI apps on WAI. (library, mit, web)
- wai-git-http library and test: Git http-backend CGI App of WAI (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- wai-graceful library: Graceful shutdown for WAI applications. (deprecated, library, mit, network)
- wai-handler-devel library and programs: WAI server that automatically reloads code after modification. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, program, web)
- wai-handler-fastcgi library: Wai handler to fastcgi (library, mit, web)
- wai-handler-hal library and test: Wrap WAI applications to run on AWS Lambda (aws, bsd3, cloud, library)
- wai-handler-launch library: Launch a web app in the default browser. (library, mit, web)
- wai-handler-scgi library: Wai handler to SCGI (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- wai-handler-snap library: Web Application Interface handler using snap-server. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- wai-handler-webkit library: Turn WAI applications into standalone GUIs using QtWebkit. (library, mit, web)
- wai-hastache library: Nice wrapper around hastache for use with WAI (library, web)
- wai-hmac-auth library and test: hmac authentication tools for WAI apps (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-http2-extra library and test: WAI utilities for HTTP/2 (library, mit, web)
- wai-lambda library and program: Haskell Webapps on AWS Lambda (library, mit, program, web)
- wai-lens library: Lenses for WAI (bsd3, library, network, web)
- wai-lite library: DEPCRECATED (use package "simple" instead) A minimalist web framework for WAI web applications (deprecated, gpl, library, web)
- wai-log library: A logging middleware for WAI applications (bsd3, library, logging, web)
- wai-logger library: A logging system for WAI (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- wai-logger-buffered library, program and test: Buffer requets before logging them (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wai-logger-prefork library: A logging system for preforked WAI apps (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- wai-make-assets library, program and test: Compiling and serving assets (bsd3, development, library, program)
- wai-middleware-auth library, program and test: Authentication middleware that secures WAI application (library, mit, program, web)
- wai-middleware-bearer library and test: WAI Middleware for Bearer Token Authentication (authentication, library, mit, web)
- wai-middleware-brotli library, program and test: WAI middleware for brotli compression (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wai-middleware-cache library and test: Caching middleware for WAI. (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-cache-redis library: Redis backend for wai-middleware-cache (bsd3, database, library, web)
- wai-middleware-caching library and test: WAI Middleware to cache things (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-caching-lru library and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-caching-redis library and test: Cache Wai Middleware using Redis backend (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-catch library: Wai error catching middleware (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-clacks library and test: GNU Terry Pratchett - Add the X-Clacks-Overhead Header to Wai Responses. (bsd3, library, wai, web)
- wai-middleware-consul library: Wai Middleware for Consul (library, mit, network)
- wai-middleware-content-type library and test: Route to different middlewares based on the incoming Accept header. (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-crowd library and program: Middleware and utilities for using Atlassian Crowd authentication (library, mit, program, web)
- wai-middleware-delegate library and test: WAI middleware that delegates handling of requests. (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-etag library: WAI ETag middleware for static files (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-gunzip library: WAI middleware to unzip request bodies (library, mpl, web)
- wai-middleware-headers library: cors and addHeaders for WAI (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-hmac library and tests: HMAC Authentication Middleware for WAI (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-hmac-client library: WAI HMAC Authentication Middleware Client (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-json-errors library and test: Converts errors from plaintext to json (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-metrics library, test and benchmark: A WAI middleware to collect EKG request metrics (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-preprocessor library and test: WAI middleware for preprocessing static files (gpl, library, web)
- wai-middleware-prometheus library and test: WAI middlware for exposing metrics. (apache, library, network)
- wai-middleware-rollbar library: Middleware that communicates to Rollbar. (bsd3, library, wai, web)
- wai-middleware-route library and test: Wai dispatch middleware (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-slack-verify library and test: WAI Slack request verification middleware (library, mit, web)
- wai-middleware-static library and test: WAI middleware that serves requests to static files. (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-static-caching library: WAI middleware that serves requests to static files. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- wai-middleware-static-embedded library: Serve embedded static files as a Wai middleware (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-throttle library and test: WAI Middleware for Request Throttling (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-travisci library: WAI middleware for authenticating webhook payloads from Travis CI (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-validation library and tests: WAI Middleware to validate the request and response bodies (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-middleware-verbs library: Route Wai middlewares based on HTTP verbs (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-predicates library and test: WAI request predicates (library, web)
- wai-problem-details library and test: Problem details middleware for WAI (library, mit, web)
- wai-rate-limit library: Rate limiting as WAI middleware (library, mit, security)
- wai-rate-limit-postgres library and test: See README for more info (apache, library, network, security, web)
- wai-rate-limit-redis library and test: Redis backend for rate limiting as WAI middleware (library, mit, security)
- wai-request-spec library and benchmark: Declarative request parsing (bsd3, library, network, wai)
- wai-responsible library: Response interface for WAI. (bsd3, library, network)
- wai-route library and tests: WAI middleware for path-based request routing with captures. (library, mpl, web)
- wai-router library: Provides basic routing on URL paths for WAI. (library, mit, web)
- wai-routes library and test: Typesafe URLs for Wai applications. (library, mit, network)
- wai-routing library, test and benchmark: Declarative routing for WAI. (library, mpl, web)
- wai-saml2 library and test: SAML2 assertion validation as WAI middleware (library, mit, security)
- wai-secure-cookies library, program and test: WAI middleware to automatically encrypt and sign cookies (library, mit, program, web)
- wai-session library: Flexible session middleware for WAI (library, web)
- wai-session-alt library: An alternative session middleware for WAI. (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-session-clientsession library: Session store based on clientsession (library, web)
- wai-session-mysql library and test: MySQL backed Wai session store (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-session-postgresql library and test: PostgreSQL backed Wai session store (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-session-redis library, program and test: Simple Redis backed wai-session backend. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wai-session-tokyocabinet library: Session store based on Tokyo Cabinet (library, web)
- wai-slack-middleware library and test: A Slack middleware for WAI (bsd3, library, web)
- wai-static-cache library: A simple cache for serving static files in a WAI middleware (agpl, library, web)
- wai-static-pages library: generate static html pages from a WAI application (library, mit, web)
- wai-test library: Unit test framework (built on HUnit) for WAI applications. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, testing, web, yesod)
- wai-thrift library: Thrift transport layer for Wai (library, mit, web)
- wai-throttler library: Wai middleware for request throttling (library, mit, web)
- wai-token-bucket-ratelimiter library, test and benchmark: A request rate limiting middleware using token buckets (apache, library, web)
- wai-transformers library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- wai-util library: Collection of utility functions for use with WAI (library, web)
- wai-websockets library: Provide a bridge between WAI and the websockets package. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- wait-handle library: Wait handles are MVars which can only be written to once, and from which values can never be removed. (bsd3, concurrency, library)
- waitfree library: A wrapping library for waitfree computation. (concurrency, library, mit, system)
- waitra library and test: A very simple Wai router (library, mit, web)
- wakame library and tests: Functions to manipulate records (bsd3, generics, library, records)
- waldo library and programs: A generator of comics based on some ascertainable data about the requester. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wallpaper library, programs and test: A library and executable for creating
wallpaper, frieze, and rosette patterns. (bsd3, graphics, library, program)
- warc library and program: A parser for the Web Archive (WARC) format (bsd3, data, library, program)
- warp library, test and benchmark: A fast, light-weight web server for WAI applications. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- warp-dynamic library and program: Dynamic configurable warp HTTP server (bsd3, library, network, program)
- warp-grpc library: A minimal gRPC server on top of Warp. (bsd3, library, networking)
- warp-quic library: Warp based on QUIC (bsd3, library, network)
- warp-static program: Static file server based on Warp and wai-app-static (deprecated) (deprecated, mit, program, web)
- warp-systemd library and program: Socket activation and other systemd integration for the Warp web server (WAI) (bsd3, library, program, web)
- warp-tls library: HTTP over TLS support for Warp via the TLS package (library, mit, web, yesod)
- warp-tls-uid library and test: set group and user id before running server (bsd3, library, web)
- warped library: Warp and Wai Library. (library, mit, network)
- wasm library and test: WebAssembly Language Toolkit and Interpreter (language, library, mit)
- watchdog library: Simple control structure to re-try an action with exponential backoff (bsd3, control, library)
- watcher library: Opinionated filesystem watcher (library, mit, system)
- watchit library, program and test: File change watching utility (bsd3, development, library, program)
- waterfall-cad library: Declarative CAD/Solid Modeling Library (graphics, lgpl, library)
- waterfall-cad-examples library and program: Examples for Waterfall CAD, a Declarative CAD/Solid Modeling Library (graphics, lgpl, library, program)
- wavconvert program: Command-line tool for converting audio files and filling in ID3 tags (bsd3, program, sound)
- wave library and test: Work with WAVE and RF64 files (audio, bsd3, codec, library)
- wavefront library: Wavefront OBJ loader (bsd3, codec, library)
- wavefront-obj library and test: Wavefront .obj file loader (bsd3, deprecated, graphics, library)
- wavesurfer library: Parse WaveSurfer files (bsd3, data, library, sound, text)
- wavy library and programs: Process WAVE files in Haskell. (bsd3, library, program, sound)
- wcwidth library: Native wcwidth. (bsd3, library, text)
- wd program: Run a command on a specified directory. (apache, data, program)
- weak library: Weak pointer extas (graphics, library)
- weak-bag library: Mutable bag backed by weak pointers to each item (bsd3, data, library)
- weather-api library: Weather API implemented in Haskell (api, library, mit)
- weatherhs program: Weather and related data info command-line tool (application, command-line-tool, gpl, program)
- web-browser-in-haskell library: Web Browser In Haskell (browser, library)
- web-css library: Simple functions for CSS. (bsd3, library, web)
- web-encodings library: Encapsulate multiple web encoding in a single package. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- web-fpco library: Wrappers for web frameworks to ease usage with the FP Complete environment. (library, mit, web)
- web-inv-route library and test: Composable, reversible, efficient web routing using invertible invariants and bijections (bsd3, library, web)
- web-mongrel2 library: Bindings for the Mongrel2 web server. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- web-output library and test: Library to present content to an user via their browser (library, public-domain, scripting)
- web-page library: Monoidally construct web pages (bsd3, library, web)
- web-plugins library: dynamic plugin system for web applications (bsd3, library, web)
- web-push library and test: Send messages using Web Push protocol. (library, mit, web)
- web-rep library, program and test: representations of a web page (bsd3, library, program, web)
- web-routes library and test: portable, type-safe URL routing (bsd3, language, library, web)
- web-routes-boomerang library: Use boomerang for type-safe URL parsers/printers (bsd3, language, library, web)
- web-routes-generics library: portable, type-safe URL routing (bsd3, language, library, web)
- web-routes-happstack library: Adds support for using web-routes with Happstack (bsd3, language, library, web)
- web-routes-hsp library: Adds XMLGenerator instance for RouteT monad (bsd3, language, library, web)
- web-routes-mtl library: Extends web-routes with mtl-based MonadIO / MonadTrans RouteT instances (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, web)
- web-routes-quasi library: Define data types and parse/build functions for web-routes via a quasi-quoted DSL (deprecated) (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- web-routes-regular library: portable, type-safe URL routing (bsd3, language, library, web)
- web-routes-th library and test: Support for deriving PathInfo using Template Haskell (bsd3, language, library, web)
- web-routes-transformers library: Extends web-routes with some transformers instances for RouteT (bsd3, deprecated, language, library, web)
- web-routes-wai library: Library for maintaining correctness of URLs within an application. (bsd3, language, library, web)
- web-routing library, test and benchmark: simple routing library (library, mit, web)
- web-view library and test: Type-safe HTML and CSS with intuitive layouts and composable styles. (bsd3, library, web)
- web3 library: Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- web3-bignum library and test: Fixed size big integers for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- web3-crypto library and test: Cryptograhical primitives for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- web3-ethereum library and test: Ethereum support for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- web3-ipfs library: IPFS support for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- web3-polkadot library and test: Polkadot support for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- web3-provider library: Node connection provider for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- web3-solidity library and test: Solidity language for Haskell Web3 library. (apache, library, network)
- webapi library and test: WAI based library for web api (bsd3, library, web)
- webapp library and test: Haskell web app framework based on WAI & Warp (library, mit, web)
- webauthn library and test: Relying party (server) implementation of the WebAuthn 2 specification (apache, authentication, library, web)
- webby library and test: A super-simple web server framework (apache, library, web)
- webcloud library and program: Turn an optparse-applicative program into a CGI program! (bsd2, library, program, web)
- webcrank library and test: Webmachine inspired toolkit for building http applications and services. (bsd3, library, web)
- webcrank-dispatch library: A simple request dispatcher. (bsd3, library, web)
- webcrank-wai library: Build a WAI Application from Webcrank Resources (bsd3, library, web)
- webdriver library: a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol (browser, bsd3, library, selenium, testing, web, webdriver)
- webdriver-angular library and test: Webdriver actions to assist with testing a webpage which uses Angular.Js (library, mit, web)
- webdriver-snoy library and test: a Haskell client for the Selenium WebDriver protocol (deprecated) (browser, bsd3, deprecated, library, testing, web)
- webdriver-w3c library, programs and test: Bindings to the WebDriver API (gpl, library, program, testing, web, webdriver)
- webdriver-wrapper library: Wrapper around the webdriver package that automatically manages Selenium (browser, bsd3, geckodriver, library, selenium, testing, web, webdriver)
- webex-teams-api library, program and test: A Haskell bindings for Webex Teams API (library, mit, program, web)
- webex-teams-conduit library, program and test: Conduit wrapper of Webex Teams List API (library, mit, program, web)
- webex-teams-pipes library, program and test: Pipes wrapper of Webex Teams List API (library, mit, program, web)
- webfinger-client library: WebFinger client library (library, network, public-domain, web)
- webgear-core library: Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP APIs (library, mpl, web)
- webgear-openapi library: Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP API servers (library, mpl, web)
- webgear-server library and test: Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP API servers (library, mpl, web)
- webgear-swagger library: Composable, type-safe library to build HTTP API servers (library, mpl, web)
- webgear-swagger-ui library: Host swagger UI based on WebGear API specifications. (library, mpl, web)
- webidl library and programs: Parser and Pretty Printer for the Web IDL Language (bsd3, language, library, program)
- webify program: webfont generator (mit, program, web)
- webkit library: Binding to the Webkit library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- webkit-javascriptcore library: JavaScriptCore FFI from webkitgtk (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- webkit2gtk3-javascriptcore library: JavaScriptCore FFI from webkitgtk (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- webkitgtk3 library: Binding to the Webkit library. (graphics, lgpl, library)
- webkitgtk3-javascriptcore library: JavaScriptCore FFI from webkitgtk (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- webmention library and test: Types and functions for working with Webmentions. (bsd3, library, web)
- webp library and test: JuicyPixels support for WebP format (codec, compression, gpl, image, library)
- webpage library: Organized and simple web page scaffold for blaze and lucid (bsd3, library, web)
- webrtc-vad library: Easy voice activity detection (library, mit, sound)
- webserver library: HTTP server library (bsd3, library, network)
- webshow program: Show programming language printed values in a web UI (bsd3, program, web)
- websnap program: Transforms URLs to PNGs (bsd3, program, web)
- websockets library, test and benchmark: A sensible and clean way to write WebSocket-capable servers in Haskell. (bsd3, library, network)
- websockets-json library: Extras for working with websockets & JSON. (library, mpl, network)
- websockets-rpc library and test: Simple streaming RPC mechanism using WebSockets (bsd3, library, web)
- websockets-simple library and test: Composable websockets clients (bsd3, library, web)
- websockets-simple-extra library: (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- websockets-snap library: Snap integration for the websockets library (bsd3, library, network)
- webwire library: Functional reactive web framework (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- wedding-announcement program: a wedding announcement (factual, program, public-domain)
- wedged program: Wedged postcard generator. (demo, program)
- weeder library, program and test: Detect dead code (bsd3, development, library, program)
- weekdaze library, program and test: A school-timetable problem-solver. (application, library, program, teaching)
- weierstrass-functions library and test: Weierstrass Elliptic Functions (bsd3, library, math, numeric)
- weigh test: Measure allocations of a Haskell functions/values (bsd3, web)
- weighted library: Writer monad which uses semiring constraint (control, library, mit)
- weighted-regexp library: Weighted Regular Expression Matcher (bsd3, library, parsing, text)
- weighted-search library: A weighted nondeterministic search monad (bsd3, control, library)
- welford-online-mean-variance library and test: Online computation of mean and variance using the Welford algorithm. (bsd3, library, statistics)
- welshy library: Haskell web framework (because Scotty had trouble yodeling) (library, mit, web)
- wembley program: Pretty-printing of codebases (bsd3, pretty-printing, program)
- werewolf library and program: A game engine for playing werewolf within an arbitrary chat client (bsd3, game, library, program)
- werewolf-slack program: A chat interface for playing werewolf in Slack (bsd3, game, program)
- wgpu-hs library: WGPU (bsd3, graphics, library)
- wgpu-raw-hs library: WGPU Raw (bsd3, graphics, library)
- what4 library, program and tests: Solver-agnostic symbolic values support for issuing queries (bsd3, formal-methods, library, program, smt, symbolic-computation, theorem-provers)
- wheb-mongo library: MongoDB plugin for Wheb (bsd3, database, library)
- wheb-redis library: Redis connection for Wheb (bsd3, library, web)
- wheb-strapped library: Strapped templates for Wheb (bsd3, library, web)
- wherefrom-compat library and test: A compatibility layer for GHC's 'wherefrom' function (bsd2, compatibility, library)
- which library: Determine the full path to an executable. (bsd3, library, system)
- while-lang-parser library: Parser for the While language. (bsd3, language, library)
- whim library and program: A Haskell window manager (bsd3, library, program, system)
- whiskers library: Mustache templates with Template Haskell. (bsd3, library, text)
- whitespace program: Whitespace, an esoteric programming language. (compilers-interpreters, program)
- whois library: WHOIS client library. (bsd3, library, network)
- wholepixels library: (apache, library, unclassified)
- why3 library: Haskell support for the Why3 input format. (languages, library, mit)
- wide-word library and tests: Data types for large but fixed width signed and unsigned integers (bsd2, data, library)
- wide-word-instances library: Instances for wide-word (bsd3, data, instances, library, numeric)
- wigner-symbols library, test and benchmark: CG coefficients and Wigner symbols. (library, math, mit)
- wigner-ville-accelerate library and test: Wigner-ville transform using the Accelerate library (bsd3, library, parallelism, time-frequency-distributions)
- wikicfp-scraper library and test: Scrape WikiCFP web site (bsd3, library, web)
- wikimusic-api library, program and test: (gpl, library, program, unclassified)
- wikimusic-api-spec library: (gpl, library, unclassified)
- wikimusic-model-hs library: (gpl, library, unclassified)
- wikimusic-ssr library and program: (gpl, library, program, unclassified)
- wikipedia4epub library and program: Wikipedia EPUB E-Book construction from Firefox history. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- wild-bind library and test: Dynamic key binding framework (bsd3, library, userinterface)
- wild-bind-indicator library: Graphical indicator for WildBind (bsd3, library, userinterface)
- wild-bind-task-x11 library and test: Task to install and export everything you need to use WildBind in X11 (bsd3, library, userinterface)
- wild-bind-x11 library and test: X11-specific implementation for WildBind (bsd3, library, userinterface)
- willow library and tests: An implementation of the web Document Object Model, and its rendering. (library, mpl, web)
- wilton-ffi library: Haskell modules support for Wilton JavaScript runtime (ffi, library, mit)
- win-hp-path library and program: Work with multiple Haskell Platform versions on Windows (bsd3, library, program, system)
- windns library: Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup via the <windns.h>/dnsapi.dll standard library (gpl, library, network)
- window-utils library: OS window icon/name utilities (bsd3, library, unclassified)
- windowslive library: Implements Windows Live Web Authentication and
Delegated Authentication (bsd3, library, web)
- winerror : Error handling for foreign calls to the Windows API. (bsd3, foreign)
- winery library, program, tests and benchmark: A compact, well-typed seralisation format for Haskell values (bsd3, codec, data, library, parsing, program, serialization)
- winio library: I/O library for Windows (bsd3, library, network, system)
- wire-streams library, test and benchmark: Fast binary io-streams adapter. (bsd3, data, io-streams, library, parsing)
- wireguard-hs library: API for Linux Kernel Wireguard device management (library, networking)
- wires library: Functional reactive programming library (bsd3, control, frp, library)
- wiring library and test: Wiring, promotion and demotion of types. (bsd3, data, library)
- wiringPi library and programs: Access GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi via wiringPi library (bsd3, hardware, library, program, raspberrypi)
- witch library and test: Convert values from one type into another. (data, library, mit)
- with library: Simple open product type (bsd3, control, data, library)
- with-index library: A tiny library for composing indexed traversals (bsd3, data, lenses, library)
- with-location library and test: Use ImplicitParams-based source locations in a backward compatible way (data, deprecated, library, mit)
- with-utf8 library, program and test: Get your IO right on the first try (io, library, mpl, program)
- withdependencies library and test: Run computations that depend on one or more elements in a stream. (control, gpl, library)
- witherable library and test: filterable traversable (bsd3, data, library)
- witherable-class library: Witherable = Traversable + Filterable (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- within library: A value within another path. (filesystem, library, mit)
- witness library: values that witness types (bsd2, data, library)
- witty program: A network server to show bottlenecks of GHC (bsd3, network, program, web)
- wizard library: the fantastical wizard monoid (bsd3, data, library)
- wizards library: High level, generic library for interrogative user interfaces (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- wkt library and test: Parsec parsers and types for geographic data in well-known text (WKT) format. (bsd3, data, library)
- wkt-geom library and tests: A parser of WKT, WKB and eWKB. (apache, data, library)
- wkt-types library and test: A library for working with .wkt files. (bsd3, geometry, gis, library, ogc, parser, well-known-text, wkt)
- wl-pprint library: The Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer (bsd3, library, text)
- wl-pprint-annotated library and test: Pretty printer with annotation support (bsd3, library, text)
- wl-pprint-ansiterm library: ANSI Terminal support with wl-pprint-extras (bsd3, library, system, text)
- wl-pprint-console library: Wadler/Leijen pretty printer supporting colorful console output. (library, mit, text)
- wl-pprint-extras library and test: A free monad based on the Wadler/Leijen pretty printer (bsd3, control, library, monads, text)
- wl-pprint-terminfo library: A color pretty printer with terminfo support (bsd3, control, library, monads, text)
- wl-pprint-text library: A Wadler/Leijen Pretty Printer for Text values (bsd3, library, text)
- wlc-hs library: Haskell bindings for the wlc library (library, system)
- wled-json library, program and test: Convenient interface for interacting with WLED devices (bsd3, interfaces, library, program)
- wobsurv library, program and test: A simple and highly performant HTTP file server (library, mit, network, networking, program, service)
- woe library: Convenient typeclass for defining arbitrary-index enums. (bsd3, data, library)
- woffex program: Web Open Font Format (WOFF) unpacker. (bsd3, data, program)
- wol library and program: Send a Wake on LAN Magic Packet (bsd3, library, network, program)
- wolf library and programs: Amazon Simple Workflow Service Wrapper. (aws, cloud, distributed-computing, library, mit, network, program)
- woot library and test: Real time group editor without operational transform. (data, library, mit)
- word library and test: Words of arbitrary size (bsd3, data, deprecated, library, math, numeric)
- word-array library, test and benchmark: treat integral types as arrays of smaller integral types (data, library, mit)
- word-compat library and test: Compatibility shim for the Int/Word internal change in GHC 9.2 (bsd3, data, library)
- word-note-sox library: SoX for algorithmic composition with groups of notes liken to words (language, library, mit, sound)
- word-notes-datatype library: General datatypes for music creation for one instrument (library, mit, sound)
- word-trie library and test: Implementation of a finite trie over words. (data, gpl, library)
- word-vector library: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- word-wrap library, test and benchmark: A library for word-wrapping (bsd3, library, text)
- word12 library and test: Word12 library. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- word16 library, test and benchmark: Word16 library (library, mit, system)
- word24 library, test and benchmark: 24-bit word and int types for GHC (bsd3, data, library)
- word2vec-model library, programs and test: Reading word2vec binary models (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- word8 library, test and benchmark: Word8 library (bsd3, data, library)
- word8set library and test: Word8 set (bsd3, data, library)
- wordchoice library, program, test and benchmark: Get word counts and distributions (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wordcloud library: None (bsd3, deprecated, library, unclassified)
- wordexp library: wordexp(3) wrappers (bsd3, library, system)
- wordify library, program and test: (bsd3, game, library, program)
- wordlist library and program: Command-line tool to get random words (apache, application, library, program, text)
- wordn library, test and benchmark: arbitrary bit size Words (data, library, mit)
- wordpass library and program: Dictionary-based password generator (bsd3, cryptography, library, password, program, system, tools)
- wordpress-auth library: Validate Wordpress Cookies & Nonces; Build Wordpress Hashes & Salts (bsd3, library, web)
- words library: Cross-platform access to a list of words (bsd3, language, library)
- wordsearch library and program: A word search solver library and executable (algorithms, bsd3, library, program)
- wordsetdiff program: Compare two files as sets of N-tuples of words. (bsd3, program, system)
- work-time library and program: A library for parsing a chat-based work hour reporting scheme. (bsd3, business, library, program)
- workdays library and tests: Workday calculations (library, mit, time)
- workflow-extra library, program, tests and benchmark: Utilities (e.g. Googling the clipboard contents) for the `workflow` pacakge (bsd3, library, program, todo)
- workflow-osx library and program: a "Desktop Workflow" monad with Objective-C bindings (accessibility, apple, automation, bindings, desktop, ffi-, gpl, library, program)
- workflow-pure library, program, tests and benchmark: manipulate `workflow-types:Workflow`'s (bsd3, library, program, todo)
- workflow-types library and program: Automate keyboard\/mouse\/clipboard\/application interaction. (bsd3, development, library, program)
- workflow-windows program and tests: Automate keyboard/mouse/clipboard/application interaction. (bsd3, development, program)
- world-peace library and tests: Open Union and Open Product Types (bsd3, data, library)
- worldturtle library: LOGO-like Turtle graphics with a monadic interface. (bsd3, library, teaching)
- wp-archivebot program: Subscribe to a wiki's RSS feed and archive external links (bsd3, network, program)
- wrap library: Wrap a function's return value with another function (bsd3, data, functions, library)
- wraparound library: Convenient handling of points on a seamless 2-dimensional plane (bsd3, data, library)
- wrapped library: Newtypes to carry DerivingVia instances (apache, generics, library)
- wrapped-generic-default library: A Generic instance of Default (apache, generics, library)
- wraxml library: Lazy wrapper to HaXML, HXT, TagSoup via custom XML tree structure (gpl, library, xml)
- wrecker library and program: An HTTP Performance Benchmarker (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wrecker-ui program: A web interface for Wrecker, the HTTP Performance Benchmarker (bsd3, program, web)
- wreq library and test: An easy-to-use HTTP client library. (bsd3, library, web)
- wreq-effectful library and test: Adaptation of the wreq library for the effectful ecosystem. (library, mit, web)
- wreq-helper library: HTTP/HTTPS response process (bsd3, library, value)
- wreq-patchable library and test: An easy-to-use HTTP client library. (bsd3, library, web)
- wreq-sb library and test: An easy-to-use HTTP client library. (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- wreq-stringless library: Simple wrapper to use wreq without Strings (library, mit, web)
- wright library and test: Colour space transformations and metrics. (data, library, mit)
- write-buffer-core library: Buffer your writes, transparently (bsd3, library, web)
- write-buffer-stm library: A write buffer for STM channels and queues. (bsd3, library, web)
- writer-cps-exceptions library: Control.Monad.Catch instances for the stricter CPS WriterT and RWST (bsd3, control, library)
- writer-cps-full library: WriteT and RWST monad transformers (Reexport with all dependencies) (bsd3, control, library)
- writer-cps-lens library: Lens instances for the stricter CPS WriterT and RWST (bsd3, control, library)
- writer-cps-monads-tf library: MonadWriter orphan instances for writer-cps-transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- writer-cps-morph library: MFunctor instance for CPS style WriterT and RWST (bsd3, control, library)
- writer-cps-mtl library: MonadWriter orphan instances for writer-cps-transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- writer-cps-transformers library: WriteT and RWST monad transformers (bsd3, control, library)
- wryte library and test: Pretty output for source generators (bsd3, library, web)
- ws library and program: A simple CLI utility for interacting with a websocket (bsd3, library, program, web)
- ws-chans library and test: Unagi chan based websocket client (bsd3, library, network)
- wsdl library and test: WSDL parsing in Haskell (gpl, library, xml)
- wsedit program: A small tool to list, add and remove webseeds from a torrent file (gpl, network, program)
- wshterm program: Terminal emulator over websockets. (bsd3, program, web)
- wsjtx-udp library: WSJT-X UDP protocol (bsd3, ham-radio, library, wsjtx)
- wss-client library and test: A-little-higher-level WebSocket client. (bsd3, library, network)
- wstunnel library, program and test: Tunneling program over websocket protocol (bsd3, library, program, web)
- wtk library: Wojcik Tool Kit (bsd3, library, utils)
- wtk-gtk library: GTK tools within Wojcik Tool Kit (bsd3, library, utils)
- wu-wei program: Unimportant Unix adminstration tool (bsd3, program, system)
- wuerfelschlange : Code for the dice chain problem (bsd3, math)
- wumpus-basic library: Basic objects and system code built on Wumpus-Core. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- wumpus-core library: Pure Haskell PostScript and SVG generation. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- wumpus-drawing library: High-level drawing objects built on Wumpus-Basic. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- wumpus-microprint library: Microprints - "greek-text" pictures. (bsd3, graphics, library)
- wumpus-tree library: Drawing trees (bsd3, graphics, library)
- wuss library: Secure WebSocket (WSS) clients (library, mit, network)
- wx library: wxHaskell (gui, library, user-interfaces)
- wxAsteroids program: Try to avoid the asteroids with your space ship (bsd3, game, program)
- wxFruit library and program: An implementation of Fruit using wxHaskell. (bsd3, frp, gui, library, program, reactivity)
- wxSimpleCanvas library: Simple zoomable canvas for wxHaskell (bsd3, graphics, library)
- wxc library: wxHaskell C++ wrapper (gui, library, user-interfaces)
- wxcore library: wxHaskell core (gui, library, user-interfaces)
- wxdirect library and program: helper tool for building wxHaskell (bsd3, gui, library, program, user-interfaces)
- wxhnotepad program: An example of how to implement a basic notepad with wxHaskell (bsd3, development, editor, education, ide, program)
- wxturtle library and program: turtle like LOGO with wxHaskell (bsd3, library, program, teaching)
- wybor library and test: Console line fuzzy search (bsd2, library, text)
- wyvern program: An autoresponder for Dragon Go Server. (bsd3, game, program)
- x-dsp library: A embedded DSL for manipulating DSP languages in Haskell (deprecated, gpl, library, music, sound)
- x-sum-type-boilerplate library and test: (Forked) Library for reducing the boilerplate involved with sum types (library, mit, th, types)
- x11-xim library: A binding to the xim of X11 graphics library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- x11-xinput library: Haskell FFI bindings for X11 XInput library (-lXi) (bsd3, graphics, library)
- x509 library and test: X509 reader and writer (bsd3, data, library)
- x509-ocsp library and test: Basic X509 OCSP implementation (bsd3, data, library)
- x509-store library and test: X.509 collection accessing and storing methods (bsd3, data, library)
- x509-system library: Handle per-operating-system X.509 accessors and storage (bsd3, data, library)
- x509-util program: Utility for X509 certificate and chain (bsd3, data, program)
- x509-validation library and test: X.509 Certificate and CRL validation (bsd3, data, library)
- x86-64bit library and test: Runtime code generation for x86 64 bit machine code (bsd3, code-generation, library)
- xattr library and test: Haskell extended file attributes interface (bsd3, library, system)
- xbattbar program: Simple battery indicator (graphics, mit, program)
- xcb-types library: Parses XML files used by the XCB project (bsd3, data, library)
- xcffib library, program and tests: A cffi-based python binding for X (apache, library, program, x11)
- xchat-plugin library and program: XChat (gpl, irc-client, library, program)
- xcp library: Partial implementation of the XCP protocol with ethernet as transport layer. (gpl, library, network)
- xdcc program: A wget-like utility for retrieving files from XDCC bots on
IRC (mit, network, program)
- xdg-basedir library: A basic implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification. (bsd3, library, system)
- xdg-basedir-compliant library and test: XDG Basedir (bsd3, library, system)
- xdg-desktop-entry library and test: Parse files conforming to the xdg desktop entry spec (bsd3, library, system)
- xdg-userdirs library: Basic implementation of XDG user directories specification (bsd3, library, system)
- xdot library and program: Parse Graphviz xdot files and interactively view them using GTK and Cairo (bsd3, graphics, graphs, library, program)
- xeno library, test and benchmarks: A fast event-based XML parser in pure Haskell (bsd3, library, parser, xml)
- xenstore library: Xenstore client access (bsd3, library, system)
- xfconf library: FFI bindings to xfconf (gpl, library, system, xfce)
- xformat library and test: Extensible, type-safe formatting with scanf- and printf-like functions (bsd3, generics, library, text)
- xgboost-haskell library and program: XGBoost library for Haskell. (development, library, mit, program)
- xhaskell-library library: Replaces/Enhances Text.Regex (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- xhb library: X Haskell Bindings (bsd3, graphics, library)
- xhb-atom-cache library: Atom cache for XHB (bsd2, graphics, library)
- xhb-ewmh library: EWMH utilities for XHB (bsd2, graphics, library)
- xhtml library: An XHTML combinator library (bsd3, library, pretty-printer, web, xml)
- xhtml-combinators library: Fast and easy to use XHTML combinators. (bsd3, library, text, web)
- xilinx-lava library and programs: The Lava system for Xilinx FPGA design with layout combinators. (bsd3, hardware, library, program)
- xine library: Bindings to xine-lib (library, media, sound)
- xing-api library and test: Wrapper for the XING API, v1. (bsd3, library, web)
- xinput-conduit library: Conduit of keys pressed by xinput (bsd3, conduit, library)
- xinu library: An empty package, uploaded to prevent name-squatting (bsd3, library, system)
- xinu-ffi library: An empty package, uploaded to prevent name-squatting (bsd3, library, system)
- xkbcommon library, tests and benchmark: Haskell bindings for libxkbcommon (library, mit, text)
- xkcd program: Downloads the most recent xkcd comic. (application, bsd3, program)
- xleb library: A simple monadic language for parsing XML structures. (bsd3, library, xml)
- xls library, program and test: Parse Microsoft Excel xls files (BIFF/Excel 97-2004) (bsd3, codec, data, library, parser, program, spreadsheet)
- xlsior library and test: Streaming Excel file generation and parsing (codec, library, mit)
- xlsx library, test and benchmark: Simple and incomplete Excel file parser/writer (codec, library, mit)
- xlsx-tabular library and test: Xlsx table cell value extraction utility (bsd3, codec, library, text)
- xlsx-templater library and program: Simple and incomplete Excel file templater (codec, library, mit, program)
- xml library: A simple XML library. (bsd3, library, text, xml)
- xml-basic library: Basics for XML/HTML representation and processing (bsd3, library, xml)
- xml-catalog library: Parse XML catalog files (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, library, text)
- xml-conduit library and tests: Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the conduit package. (conduit, library, mit, xml)
- xml-conduit-decode library and test: Historical cursors & decoding on top of xml-conduit. (library, mit, xml)
- xml-conduit-microlens library: Lenses and traversals for xml-conduit based on microlens (bsd3, library, web-xml)
- xml-conduit-parse library and test: Streaming XML parser based on conduits. (conduit, library, text, xml)
- xml-conduit-selectors library and test: jQuery-style CSS selectors for xml-conduit (bsd3, data, library)
- xml-conduit-stylist library: Bridge between xml-conduit/html-conduit and stylist (library, mit, web)
- xml-conduit-writer library and test: Warm and fuzzy creation of XML documents. (library, mit, text)
- xml-enumerator library and test: Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the enumerator package. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, enumerator, library, xml)
- xml-enumerator-combinators library: Parser combinators for xml-enumerator and compatible XML parsers. (bsd3, enumerator, library, xml)
- xml-extractors library: Extension to the xml package to extract data from parsed xml (bsd3, library, xml)
- xml-hamlet library and test: Hamlet-style quasiquoter for XML content (bsd3, library, text)
- xml-helpers library: Some useful helper functions for the xml library. (bsd3, library, text, xml)
- xml-html-conduit-lens library and tests: Optics for xml-conduit and html-conduit (bsd3, control, library)
- xml-html-qq library and tests: Quasi-quoters for XML and HTML Documents (bsd3, library, text)
- xml-indexed-cursor library and tests: Indexed XML cursors similar to 'Text.XML.Cursor' from xml-conduit (bsd3, library, text)
- xml-isogen library and test: Generate XML-isomorphic types (data, library, mit)
- xml-lens library: Lenses, traversals, and prisms for xml-conduit (bsd3, library, xml)
- xml-monad library: Monadic extensions to the xml package. (bsd3, library, text, xml)
- xml-optics library: Optics for xml-conduit (bsd3, library, xml)
- xml-parsec library: Parsing XML with Parsec (library, parsing)
- xml-parser library and test: XML parser with informative error-reporting and simple API (library, mit, unclassified)
- xml-picklers library and test: XML picklers based on xml-types, ported from hexpat-pickle (bsd3, library, xml)
- xml-pipe library: XML parser which uses simple-pipe (bsd3, library, xml)
- xml-prettify library and program: Pretty print XML. (bsd3, library, program, text)
- xml-prettify-text library, program, test and benchmark: XML pretty printer (efficient-xml-pretty-printer, gpl, library, program)
- xml-push library: Push XML from/to client to/from server over XMPP or HTTP (bsd3, library, network)
- xml-query library: A parser-agnostic declarative API for querying XML-documents (data, library, mit, parsing, xml)
- xml-query-xml-conduit library: A binding for the "xml-query" and "xml-conduit" libraries (data, library, mit, parsing, xml)
- xml-query-xml-types library and test: An interpreter of "xml-query" queries for the "xml-types" documents (data, library, mit, parsing, xml)
- xml-syntax library and test: Parse XML from bytes (bsd3, data, library)
- xml-to-json library and program: Library and command line tool for converting XML files to json (library, mit, program, web, xml)
- xml-to-json-fast library and program: Fast, light converter of xml to json capable of handling huge xml files (json, library, mit, program, web, xml)
- xml-tydom-conduit library and test: Typed XML encoding for an xml-conduit backend. (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)
- xml-tydom-core library: Typed XML encoding (core library). (bsd3, library, text, web, xml)
- xml-types library: Basic types for representing XML (library, mit, text, xml)
- xml-types-content library and test: Utilities for dealing with Content-values of "xml-types" (library, mit, unclassified)
- xml-verify library: Verifying XML signatures (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- xml2html library: blaze-html instances for xml-conduit types (deprecated) (bsd3, library, xml)
- xml2json library, program and test: translate xml to json (bsd3, library, program, text)
- xml2x program: Convert BLAST output in XML format to CSV or HTML (bioinformatics, program)
- xmlbf library and test: XML back and forth! Parser, renderer, ToXml, FromXml, fixpoints. (apache, library, text, xml)
- xmlbf-xeno library, test and benchmark: xeno backend support for the xmlbf library. (apache, library, text, xml)
- xmlbf-xmlhtml library and test: xmlhtml backend support for the xmlbf library. (apache, html, library, text, xml)
- xmlgen library, test and benchmark: Fast XML generation library (bsd3, library, text, xml)
- xmlhtml library and test: XML parser and renderer with HTML 5 quirks mode (bsd3, library, text, xml)
- xmltv library and program: Show tv channels in the terminal (library, mit, program, system)
- xmms2-client library: An XMMS2 client library. (lgpl, library, sound)
- xmms2-client-glib library: An XMMS2 client library — GLib integration. (lgpl, library, sound)
- xmobar library, program, test and benchmark: A Minimalistic Text Based Status Bar (bsd3, library, program, system)
- xmonad library, program and test: A tiling window manager (bsd3, library, program, system)
- xmonad-bluetilebranch program: A tiling window manager (bsd3, deprecated, program, system)
- xmonad-contrib library and test: Community-maintained extensions for xmonad (bsd3, library, system)
- xmonad-contrib-bluetilebranch library: Third party extensions for xmonad (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- xmonad-contrib-gpl library: Third party extensions for xmonad (gpl, library, system)
- xmonad-dbus library, program and test: (bsd3, library, program, unclassified)
- xmonad-entryhelper library: XMonad config entry point wrapper (library, mit, xmonad)
- xmonad-eval library: Module for evaluation Haskell expressions in the running xmonad instance (bsd3, library, system)
- xmonad-extras library: Third party extensions for xmonad with wacky dependencies (bsd3, library, system)
- xmonad-screenshot library: Workspaces screenshooting utility for XMonad. (library, mit, xmonad)
- xmonad-spotify library: Bind media keys to work with Spotify (bsd3, library, xmonad)
- xmonad-utils programs: A small collection of X utilities (bsd3, program, system)
- xmonad-vanessa library, programs and test: Custom xmonad, which builds with stack or cabal. (bsd3, library, program, web)
- xmonad-volume library: XMonad volume controls (bsd3, library, xmonad)
- xmonad-wallpaper library: xmonad wallpaper extension (lgpl, library, system)
- xmonad-windownames library: A library to automatically put named windows into the DynamicLog. (bsd3, library, xmonad)
- xmpipe library: XMPP implementation using simple-PIPE (bsd3, library, network)
- xnobar library and test: Text-based notification server for XMobar (bsd3, library, system)
- xor library, test and benchmark: Efficient XOR masking (codec, data, gpl, library)
- xorshift library: Haskell implementation of the xorshift random generator. (library, math)
- xorshift-plus library, tests and benchmark: Simple implementation of xorshift+ PRNG (bsd3, library, math)
- xosd library: A binding to the X on-screen display (bsd3, graphics, library)
- xournal-builder library: text builder for xournal file format (bsd3, library, text)
- xournal-convert library and program: convert utility for xoj files (application, bsd3, library, program)
- xournal-parser library: Xournal file parser (bsd3, library, text)
- xournal-render library: Xournal file renderer (bsd3, graphics, library)
- xournal-types library: Data types for programs for xournal file format (bsd3, data, library)
- xpathdsv program: Command line tool to extract DSV data from HTML and XML with XPATH expressions (bsd3, program, text)
- xrefcheck library, program and tests: (library, mpl, program, unclassified)
- xsact programs: Cluster EST sequences (bioinformatics, program)
- xsd library: XML Schema data structures (bsd3, library, xml)
- xsha1 library: cryptanalysis of Blizzard's broken SHA-1 implementation. (cryptography, library, mit)
- xslt library: Binding to libxslt (bsd3, foreign-binding, library)
- xss-sanitize library and test: sanitize untrusted HTML to prevent XSS attacks (bsd2, library, web)
- xstatic library: Low-Fat static file packaging for Haskell projects (bsd3, javascript, library)
- xstatic-th library and test: Automatic generation of XStaticFile (bsd3, javascript, library)
- xtc library: eXtended & Typed Controls for wxHaskell. (bsd3, gui, library, user-interfaces)
- xtea library and test: XTEA (eXtended Tiny Encryption Algorithm). (cryptography, library, mit)
- xtest library: Thin FFI bindings to X11 XTest library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- xturtle library: turtle like LOGO (bsd3, library, teaching)
- xxhash library, test and benchmark: A Haskell implementation of the xxHash algorithm (bsd3, cryptography, data, library)
- xxhash-ffi library, test and benchmark: Bindings and high-level helpers for xxHash (bsd3, cryptography, library)
- xz library and test: LZMA/XZ compression and decompression (bsd3, codec, compression, library)
- xz-clib library: LZMA/XZ clibs (codec, compression, library)
- y0l0bot program: #plaimi's all-encompassing bot (agpl, irc, program)
- yabi program: Yet Another Brainfuck Interpreter (compilers-interpreters, mit, program)
- yabi-muno library and program: Yet Another Brainfuck Interpreter (language, library, mit, program)
- yackage program: Personal Hackage replacement for testing new packages. (bsd3, distribution, program, web, yesod)
- yahoo-finance-api library and tests: Read quotes from Yahoo Finance API. (bsd3, library, web)
- yahoo-finance-conduit library: Streaming aproach to the yahoo finance api (data, library, mit)
- yahoo-prices library and test: A wrapper around Yahoo API for downloading market data. (library, mit, web)
- yahoo-web-search library: Yahoo Web Search Services (bsd3, library, web)
- yajl library: Bindings for YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation (codec, foreign, gpl, library)
- yajl-enumerator library: Enumerator-based interface to YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation (deprecated, enumerator, gpl, json, library, parsing, text)
- yak library and test: A strongly typed IRC library (library, mit, network)
- yall library: Lenses with a southern twang (bsd3, data, library)
- yam library and test: A wrapper of servant (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- yam-app library: Yam App (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- yam-config library: Yam Configuation (deprecated, library, mit, project)
- yam-datasource library: Yam DataSource Middleware (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- yam-job library: (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- yam-logger library: Yam Logger (deprecated, library, mit, project)
- yam-redis library: Yam Redis Middleware (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- yam-servant library: (bsd3, deprecated, library, web)
- yam-transaction library: Yam transaction (deprecated, library, mit, project)
- yam-transaction-odbc library: (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- yam-transaction-postgresql library: (bsd3, deprecated, library, project)
- yam-web library and program: Yam Web (deprecated, library, mit, program, project)
- yamemo library: Simple memoisation function (bsd3, data, library)
- yaml library and test: Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents. (bsd3, data, library)
- yaml-combinators library and test: YAML parsing combinators for improved validation and error reporting (library, mit, text)
- yaml-config library and test: Configuration management (configuration, library, mit)
- yaml-light library: A light-weight wrapper with utility functions around HsSyck (bsd3, data, library)
- yaml-light-lens library and test: Lens interface to yaml-light. (bsd3, data, library)
- yaml-marked library and tests: Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents with marks. (data, library, mit)
- yaml-pretty-extras library and test: Extra functionality for pretty printing Yaml documents. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- yaml-rpc library: Simple library for network (HTTP REST-like) YAML RPC (bsd3, library, network)
- yaml-rpc-scotty library: Scotty server backend for yaml-rpc (bsd3, library, network)
- yaml-rpc-snap library: Snap server backend for yaml-rpc (bsd3, library, network)
- yaml-streamly library, test and benchmark: Support for parsing and rendering YAML documents. (bsd3, data, library)
- yaml-union library, programs and test: Read multiple yaml-files and override fields recursively (bsd3, data, library, program)
- yaml-unscrambler library and test: Flexible declarative YAML parsing toolkit (library, mit, parser, parsers, yaml)
- yaml2owl program: Generate OWL schema from YAML syntax, and an RDFa template. (program, semantic-web)
- yamlkeysdiff program: Compares the keys from two yaml files (program, utilities)
- yamlparse-applicative library: Declaritive configuration parsing with free docs (library, mit, unclassified)
- yampa-canvas library: blank-canvas frontend for Yampa (bsd3, graphics, library)
- yampa-glfw library and program: Connects GLFW-b (GLFW 3+) with the Yampa FRP library (gpl, graphics, library, program)
- yampa-gloss library: A GLOSS backend for Yampa (graphics, library, mit)
- yampa-glut library: Connects Yampa and GLUT (frp, gpl, graphics, library)
- yampa-sdl2 library and test: Yampa and SDL2 made easy (library, mit, scene)
- yampa-test library and test: Testing library for Yampa. (bsd3, library, testing)
- yampa2048 program: 2048 game clone using Yampa/Gloss (game, mit, program)
- yandex-translate library: Bindings to Yandex translate API (library, mit, network)
- yaop library: Yet another option parser (bsd3, deprecated, library, system)
- yap library: yet another prelude - a simplistic refactoring with algebraic
classes (algebra, bsd3, library, prelude)
- yapb library, programs and test: Yet Another Parser Builder (YAPB) (bsd3, library, parser-builder, program)
- yarl library, test and benchmark: Yet another records libraries (data, library)
- yarn-lock library and test: Represent and parse yarn.lock files (data, library, mit)
- yarn2nix library, programs and test: Convert yarn.lock files to nix expressions (distribution, library, mit, nix, program)
- yarr library: Yet another array library (data-flow, data-structures, graphics, library, mit)
- yarr-image-io library: Image IO for Yarr library (graphics, library, mit)
- yasi library and test: Yet another string interpolator (library, quasiquotes, string, text)
- yate library and test: Yet Another Template Engine (bsd3, library, text)
- yavie library and program: yet another visual editor (bsd3, editor, library, program)
- yaya library and test: Total recursion schemes. (agpl, library, recursion)
- yaya-containers library and test: Pattern functors and instances for types in the containers package. (agpl, library, recursion)
- yaya-hedgehog library and tests: Hedgehog testing support for the Yaya recursion scheme library. (agpl, library, recursion)
- yaya-quickcheck library and test: QuickCheck testing support for the Yaya recursion scheme library. (agpl, library, recursion)
- yaya-test test: Test suites for `yaya`. (agpl, deprecated, recursion)
- yaya-unsafe library and tests: Non-total extensions to the Yaya recursion scheme library. (agpl, library, recursion)
- yaya-unsafe-test test: Test suites for `yaya-unsafe`. (agpl, deprecated, recursion)
- ycextra library: Additional utilities to work with Yhc Core. (bsd3, development, library)
- yeamer library, programs and test: Yesod-based server for interactive presentation slides (gpl, graphics, keynote, library, presentation, program)
- yeganesh programs: small dmenu wrapper (bsd3, program, text)
- yeller library, test and benchmark: A Yeller Client For Haskell (library, mit, network)
- yes-precure5-command library, program and test: Extended yes command to reproduce phrases in Yes! Precure 5. (acme, library, mit, program)
- yeshql library: YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (legacy compatibility wrapper) (database, library, mit)
- yeshql-core library and test: YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (core) (database, library, mit)
- yeshql-hdbc library and test: YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (HDBC backend) (database, library, mit)
- yeshql-postgresql-simple library and test: YesQL-style SQL database abstraction (postgresql-simple backend) (database, library, mit)
- yesod library: Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-alerts library: Alert messages for the Yesod framework (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-angular library: Angular JS integratoin (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-angular-ui library: Angular Helpers (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-articles library and test: Automatically generate article previews for a yesod site (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth library: Authentication for Yesod. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-account library and test: An account authentication plugin for Yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-auth-account-fork library and test: An account authentication plugin for Yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-auth-basic library and test: Yesod Middleware for HTTP Basic Authentication (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-auth-bcrypt library: BCrypt salted and hashed passwords in a database as auth for yesod (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-bcryptdb library: Authentication plugin for Yesod. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-deskcom library: remote authentication support for Yesod apps. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-fb library: Authentication backend for Yesod using Facebook. (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-auth-hashdb library and tests: Authentication plugin for Yesod. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-hmac-keccak library: An account authentication plugin for yesod with encrypted
token transfer. (library, mit, web)
- yesod-auth-kerberos library: Kerberos Authentication for Yesod. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-ldap library: LDAP Authentication for Yesod. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-ldap-mediocre library: Very simlple LDAP auth for yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-auth-ldap-native library and test: Yesod LDAP authentication plugin (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-lti13 library and test: A yesod-auth plugin for LTI 1.3 (lgpl, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-nopassword library: A plugin for Yesod to provide email-only authentication. (library, mit, web)
- yesod-auth-oauth library: OAuth Authentication for Yesod. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-oauth2 library and test: OAuth 2.0 authentication plugins (library, mit, web)
- yesod-auth-oidc library: A yesod-auth plugin for multi-tenant SSO via OpenID Connect (bsd3, deprecated, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-pam library: Provides PAM authentication module (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-simple library, program and test: Traditional email/pass auth for Yesod. (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-smbclient library: Authentication plugin for Yesod using smbclient (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-auth-zendesk library: Zendesk remote authentication support for Yesod apps. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-autoreload library, program and test: Auto-reload a yesod app during development (library, mit, program, unclassified)
- yesod-bin program: The yesod helper executable. (mit, program, web, yesod)
- yesod-bootstrap library: Bootstrap widgets for yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-colonnade library: Helper functions for using yesod with colonnade (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-comments library: A generic comments interface for a Yesod application (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-content-pdf library and test: PDF Content Type for Yesod (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-continuations library and program: Continuations for Yesod (bsd3, library, program, web)
- yesod-core library, tests and benchmark: Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-crud library: Generic administrative CRUD operations as a Yesod subsite (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-crud-persist library: Flexible CRUD subsite usable with Yesod and Persistent. (library, mit, web)
- yesod-csp library and test: Add CSP headers to Yesod apps (library, mit, web)
- yesod-datatables library and test: Yesod plugin for DataTables (jQuery grid plugin) (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-default library: Default config and main functions for your yesod application (deprecated) (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-dsl library and program: DSL for generating Yesod subsite to manage an RDBMS; (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)
- yesod-elements library: Non template haskell markup building function in the spirit of lucid (library, mit, web)
- yesod-eventsource library: Server-sent events support for Yesod apps. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-examples programs: Example programs using the Yesod Web Framework. (deprecated) (bsd3, deprecated, program, web, yesod)
- yesod-fast-devel program: Fast live-reloading for yesod applications. (bsd3, development, program)
- yesod-fay library: Utilities for using the Fay Haskell-to-JS compiler with Yesod. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-fb library: Useful glue functions between the fb library and Yesod. (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-filter library and tests: Automatic filter generator for Yesod (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-form library and test: Form handling support for Yesod Web Framework (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-form-bootstrap4 library: renderBootstrap4 (library, mit, web)
- yesod-form-bulma library, programs and test: support Bulma form for Yesod (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)
- yesod-form-json library: Extension for Yesod web framework to handle JSON requests as applicative forms (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-form-multi library: Multi-input form handling for Yesod Web Framework (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-form-richtext library: Various rich-text WYSIWYG editors for Yesod forms. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-gitrepo library: Host content provided by a Git repo (library, mit, web)
- yesod-gitrev library and test: A subsite for displaying git information. (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-goodies library: A collection of various small helpers useful in any yesod application. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-ip library: Code for using the ip package with yesod (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-job-queue library and test: Background jobs library for Yesod. (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-json library: Generate content for Yesod using the aeson package. (deprecated) (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-katip library: Logging bridge between Yesod and Katip (bsd3, library, logging, web)
- yesod-links library: A typeclass which simplifies creating link widgets throughout your site (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-lucid library: Lucid support for Yesod (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-mangopay library: Yesod library for MangoPay API access (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-markdown library and test: Tools for using markdown in a yesod application (gpl, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-media-simple library: Simple display of media types, served by yesod (graphics, library, mit)
- yesod-middleware-csp library and test: A middleware for building CSP headers on the fly (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-newsfeed library: Helper functions and data types for producing News feeds. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-page-cursor library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- yesod-paginate library: Pagination for Yesod sites. (bsd3, library, web, yesod)
- yesod-pagination library and test: Pagination in Yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-paginator library and tests: A pagination approach for yesod (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-paypal-rest library: Yesod plugin to use PayPal with the paypal-rest-client library. (library, mit, yesod)
- yesod-persistent library and test: Some helpers for using Persistent from Yesod. (database, library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-platform library: Meta package for Yesod (deprecated) (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-pnotify library and program: Yet another getMessage/setMessage using pnotify jquery plugins (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)
- yesod-pure library: Yesod in pure Haskell: no Template Haskell or QuasiQuotes (deprecated) (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-purescript library: PureScript integration for Yesod (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-raml library and test: RAML style route definitions for Yesod (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-raml-bin program: The raml helper executable. (mit, program, web, yesod)
- yesod-raml-docs library: A html documentation generator library for RAML. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-raml-mock library and test: A mock-handler generator library from RAML. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-recaptcha library: Dead simple support for reCAPTCHA on Yesod applications. (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-recaptcha2 library: yesod recaptcha2 (library, mit, web)
- yesod-routes library and test: Efficient routing for Yesod. (deprecated) (deprecated, library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-routes-flow library and test: Generate Flow routes for Yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-routes-typescript library: generate TypeScript routes for Yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-rst library: Tools for using reStructuredText (RST) in a yesod application (library, web, yesod)
- yesod-s3 library: Simple Helper Library for using Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) with Yesod (deprecated, library, mit, yesod)
- yesod-sass library: A simple quasiquoter to include sass code in yesod (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-session-persist library and test: SQL session backend for Yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-session-redis library: Redis-Powered Sessions for Haskell (bsd3, database, library)
- yesod-sitemap library: Generate XML sitemaps. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-static library and test: Static file serving subsite for Yesod Web Framework. (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-static-angular library and test: Yesod generators for embedding AngularJs code into yesod-static at compile time (library, mit, web)
- yesod-static-remote library and test: (library, mit, unclassified)
- yesod-static-streamly library and test: A streamly-based library providing performance-focused alternatives for functionality found in yesod-static. (bsd3, library, streamly, web, yesod)
- yesod-table library: HTML tables for Yesod (deprecated, library, mit, web)
- yesod-tableview library: Table view for Yesod applications (bsd3, deprecated, library, yesod)
- yesod-test library and test: integration testing for WAI/Yesod Applications (library, mit, testing, web, yesod)
- yesod-test-json library: Utility functions for testing JSON web services written in Yesod (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-text-markdown library: Yesod support for Text.Markdown. (bsd3, library, yesod)
- yesod-tls library: Provides main functions using warp-tls for yesod projects (library, mit, web, yesod)
- yesod-transloadit library and test: Transloadit support for Yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-vend library and program: Simple CRUD classes for easy view creation for Yesod (bsd3, library, program, web, yesod)
- yesod-websockets library: WebSockets support for Yesod (library, mit, web)
- yesod-websockets-extra library: Extension to yesod-websockets (bsd3, library, web)
- yesod-worker library and test: Initial project template from stack (bsd3, library, web)
- yet-another-logger library, program and test: Yet Another Logger (apache, library, logging, program, system)
- yggdrasil library and test: Executable specifications of composable cryptographic protocols. (agpl, cryptography, library)
- yggdrasil-schema library and test: (lgpl, library, unclassified)
- yhccore library: Yhc's Internal Core language. (bsd3, development, library)
- yhseq library, program and test: Calculation of YH sequence system (apache, library, math, program)
- yi program: Yi editor (gpl, program, yi)
- yi-contrib library: Add-ons to Yi, the Haskell-Scriptable Editor (deprecated, development, editor, gpl, library)
- yi-core library, test and benchmark: Yi editor core library (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-dynamic-configuration library: Dynamic configuration support for Yi (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-emacs-colours library: Simple mapping from colour names used in emacs to Color (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-frontend-pango library: Pango frontend for Yi editor (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-frontend-vty library: Vty frontend for Yi editor (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-fuzzy-open library: Fuzzy open plugin for yi (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-gtk library: The Haskell-Scriptable Editor, helper package (deprecated, editor, library)
- yi-ireader library: Yi editor incremental reader (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-keymap-cua library: Cua keymap for Yi editor (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-keymap-emacs library: Emacs keymap for Yi editor (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-keymap-vim library and test: Vim keymap for Yi editor (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-language library and test: Collection of language-related Yi libraries. (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-misc-modes library: Yi editor miscellaneous modes (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-mode-haskell library: Yi editor haskell mode (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-mode-javascript library: Yi editor javascript mode (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-monokai library: Monokai colour theme for the Yi text editor (bsd3, editor, library)
- yi-rope library, test and benchmark: A rope data structure used by Yi (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-snippet library and test: Snippet support for yi (gpl, library, yi)
- yi-solarized library: Solarized colour theme for the Yi text editor (editor, library, mit)
- yi-spolsky library: Spolsky colour theme for the Yi text editor (bsd3, editor, library)
- yi-vty library: The Haskell-Scriptable Editor, helper package (deprecated, editor, library)
- yices library: Haskell programming interface to Yices SMT solver (bsd3, library, math)
- yices-easy library: Simple interface to the Yices SMT (SAT modulo theories) solver. (algorithms, bsd3, library, math, theorem-provers)
- yices-painless library: An embedded language for programming the Yices SMT solver (bsd3, formal-methods, library, math, theorem-provers)
- yield library and tests: YieldT monad transformer (library, mit, streaming)
- yiyd program and test: (cli, gpl, program)
- yj-sandbox library, program and test: try hackage (bsd3, library, program, try)
- yjftp library and program: CUI FTP client like 'ftp', 'ncftp' (library, network, program)
- yjftp-libs library and program: CUI FTP client like 'ftp', 'ncftp' (library, network, program)
- yjsvg library: make SVG string from Haskell data (bsd3, graphics, library)
- yjtools library: some tools for Monad, List, Tuple and so on. (library, unclassified)
- yocto library and test: A Minimal JSON Parser & Printer for Haskell (library, mit, text)
- yoctoparsec library: A truly tiny monadic parsing library (library, mit, parsing)
- yoda library: Parser combinators for young padawans (bsd3, library, text)
- yoga library and test: Bindings to Facebook's Yoga layout library (bsd3, graphics, library)
- yoko library: Generic Programming with Disbanded Data Types (bsd3, generics, library, reflection)
- york-lava library: A library for digital circuit description. (bsd3, hardware, library)
- yosys-rtl library and test: Yosys RTL Intermediate Language (language, library, mit)
- youtube programs: Upload video to YouTube via YouTube API (bsd3, deprecated, program, web)
- yql library and program: A YQL engine to execute Open Data Tables (bsd2, library, program, web)
- yst program: Builds a static website from templates and data in YAML or
CSV files. (gpl, program, text)
- ytl library: mtl-style transformations for Yesod sites (bsd3, library, web)
- yu-auth library and test: Auth module for Yu. (gpl, library, web)
- yu-core library and test: The core of Yu. (gpl, library, web)
- yu-launch program: The launcher for Yu. (gpl, program, web)
- yu-tool program: Tool for Yu (gpl, program, web)
- yu-utils library: Utils for Yu (gpl, library, web)
- yuiGrid library: Grids defined by layout hints and implemented on top of Yahoo grids. (library, web)
- yuuko library and program: A transcendental HTML parser gently wrapping the HXT library (bsd3, library, program, text)
- yx library and test: Row-major coordinates (bsd3, geometry, library)
- yxdb-utils library, programs and test: Utilities for reading and writing Alteryx .yxdb files (database, gpl, library, program)
- z3 library and test: Bindings for the Z3 Theorem Prover (bit-vectors, bsd3, formal-methods, library, math, smt, theorem-provers)
- z3-encoding library and test: High-level assertion encoding to Z3 solver (language, library, mit)
- z85 library and test: Implementation of the z85 binary codec (bsd3, data, library)
- zabt library and test: Simple-minded abstract binding trees (bsd3, language, library)
- zalgo library: Z-algorithm implemented on haskell's built-in cons-cell-based lists. (bsd3, data, deprecated, library)
- zampolit program: A tool for checking how much work is done on group projects. (bsd3, program, text)
- zasni-gerna library: lojban parser (zasni gerna) (bsd3, language, library)
- zbar library: zbar bindings in Haskell (barcode, bsd3, c, ffi, foreign, image, library)
- zcache library: Zobrist keys for game state tracking (bsd3, data, library)
- zenacy-html library, program, test and benchmark: A standard compliant HTML parsing library (library, mit, program, web)
- zenacy-unicode library and test: Unicode utilities for Haskell (library, mit, web)
- zenc library and test: GHC style name Z-encoding and Z-decoding (bsd3, library, text)
- zendesk-api library: Zendesk API for Haskell programming language. (api, library, mit)
- zenhack-prelude library: @zenhack's personal custom prelude (library, mit, unclassified)
- zeno program: An automated proof system for Haskell programs (mit, program, theorem-provers)
- zeolite-lang library, programs and test: Zeolite is a statically-typed, general-purpose programming language. (apache, compiler, library, program)
- zephyr library, program and test: Zephyr, tree-shaking for the PureScript language (development, library, mpl, program)
- zephyr-copilot library and test: Embedded programming in haskell using the Copilot stream DSL and Zephyr (bsd3, embedded, language, library)
- zero library: Semigroups with absorption (bsd3, data, library)
- zerobin library: Post to 0bin services (cryptography, library, mit, web)
- zeromq-haskell library and test: Bindings to ZeroMQ 2.1.x (ffi, library, mit, system)
- zeromq3-conduit library: Conduit bindings for zeromq3-haskell (lgpl, library, network)
- zeromq3-haskell library and test: Bindings to ZeroMQ 3.x (ffi, library, mit, system)
- zeromq4-clone-pattern library, program and test: Haskell implementation of the ZeroMQ clone pattern. (bsd3, deprecated, library, program, system)
- zeromq4-conduit library and test: Conduit wrapper around zeromq4-haskell (lgpl, library, web)
- zeromq4-haskell library and test: Bindings to ZeroMQ 4.x (ffi, library, mit, system)
- zeromq4-patterns library, program and test: Haskell implementation of several ZeroMQ patterns. (bsd3, library, program, system)
- zeromq4-simple library: More constrained extensions to zeromq4-haskell (bsd3, ffi, library, system)
- zeroth library and program: ZeroTH - remove unnecessary TH dependencies (bsd3, language, library, program)
- zettelkast library, program and test: Command-line utility for working with zettelkast files (bsd3, library, program, text)
- zeugma library: Polysemy effects for testing (library, prelude)
- zifter library and test: zifter (deprecated, library, mit, zift)
- zifter-cabal library: zifter-cabal (deprecated, library, mit, zift)
- zifter-git library: zifter-git (deprecated, library, mit, zift)
- zifter-google-java-format library: zifter-google-java-format (deprecated, library, mit, zift)
- zifter-hindent library: zifter-hindent (deprecated, library, mit, zift)
- zifter-hlint library: zifter-hlint (deprecated, library, mit, zift)
- zifter-stack library and test: zifter-stack (deprecated, library, mit, zift)
- zigbee-znet25 library and test: XBee ZNet 2.5 (ZigBee) wireless modem communications (bsd3, library, network)
- zigzag library and test: Zigzag encoding of integers into unsigned integers. (bsd3, data, library)
- zim-parser library and test: Read and parse ZIM files (codec, gpl, library)
- zinza library and test: Typed templates with jinja like syntax (gpl, library, template, text)
- zio library and test: App-centric Monad-transformer based on Scala ZIO (UIO + ReaderT + ExceptT). (control, library, mpl)
- zip library, program and test: Operations on zip archives (bsd3, codec, library, program)
- zip-archive library and test: Library for creating and modifying zip archives. (bsd3, codec, library)
- zip-cmd program: Simple CLI tool for the haskell zip library. (bsd3, program)
- zip-conduit library and test: Working with zip archives via conduits (bsd3, codec, conduit, library)
- zip-stream library, programs and test: ZIP archive streaming using conduits (bsd3, codec, conduit, library, program)
- zipedit library: Create simple list editor interfaces (bsd3, library, user-interfaces)
- zipkin library: Zipkin-style request tracing monad (library, mit, network)
- zipper library: Generic zipper for families of recursive datatypes (bsd3, generics, library)
- zipper-extra library: Zipper utils that weren't in Control.Comonad.Store.Zipper (comonads, library, mit)
- zippers library and benchmark: Traversal based zippers (bsd3, library, zippers)
- zippo library: A simple lens-based, generic, heterogenous, type-checked zipper library (bsd3, data, library)
- ziptastic-client library and test: A type-safe client for the Ziptastic API for doing forward and reverse geocoding. (bsd3, library, web)
- ziptastic-core library and test: Core Servant specification for the Ziptastic API for doing forward and reverse geocoding. (bsd3, library, web)
- zlib library and test: Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats (bsd3, codec, library)
- zlib-bindings library and test: Low-level bindings to the zlib package. (bsd3, codec, library)
- zlib-bytes library and test: zlib compression bindings (bsd3, data, library)
- zlib-clib library: zlib C library bits (codec, library)
- zlib-conduit library: Streaming compression/decompression via conduits. (deprecated) (bsd3, conduit, data, deprecated, library)
- zlib-enum : Enumerator interface for zlib compression (codec, compression, enumerator, mit)
- zlib-lens library: Lenses for zlib (bsd3, codec, library)
- zm library and tests: Language independent, reproducible, absolute types (bsd3, data, library, reflection)
- zmcat library and program: Command-line tool for ZeroMQ. (bsd3, library, network, program)
- zmidi-core library: Read and write MIDI files. (bsd3, library, music)
- zmidi-score library: Representing MIDI a simple score. (lgpl, library, music)
- zmqat program: A socat-like tool for zeromq library (network, program)
- zoneinfo library: ZoneInfo library. (bsd3, library, system)
- zoom library and program: A rake/thor-like task runner written in Haskell (bsd3, distribution, library, program)
- zoom-cache library, program and test: A streamable, seekable, zoomable cache file format (bsd3, development, library, program)
- zoom-cache-pcm library: Library for zoom-cache PCM audio codecs (bsd3, library, sound)
- zoom-cache-sndfile program: Tools for generating zoom-cache-pcm files (lgpl, program, sound)
- zoom-refs library: Zoom (~ Functor) and pairing (~ Applicative) for mutable references. (bsd3, control, library)
- zoovisitor library and test: A haskell binding to Apache Zookeeper C library(mt) using Haskell Z project. (bsd3, database, library)
- zot program: Zot language (bsd3, compilers-interpreters, program)
- zre library, programs and test: ZRE protocol implementation (bsd3, library, networking, program)
- zsdd library: Zero-Suppressed and Reduced Decision Diagrams (bsd3, data, library)
- zsh-battery program: Ascii bars representing battery status (bsd3, graphics, program)
- zstd library, test and benchmark: Haskell bindings to the Zstandard compression algorithm (bsd3, codec, library)
- zsyntax library and test: Automated theorem prover for the Zsyntax biochemical calculus (bioinformatics, bsd3, library, logic, theorem-provers)
- ztail program: Multi-file, colored, filtered log tailer. (bsd3, console, program, system)
- ztar library and tests: Creating and extracting arbitrary archives (bsd3, codec, library)
- zuramaru library, program and tests: A lisp processor, An inline-lisp, in Haskell (library, mit, program, simple)
- zuul library, program and test: A zuul client library (apache, development, library, program)
- zwirn library: a live coding language for playing with nested functions of time (gpl, language, library, sound)
- zwirn-core library, test and benchmark: library for manipulating functions of time. (gpl, library, sound)
- zxcvbn-c library: Password strength estimation (bsd3, library, system)
- zxcvbn-dvorak library: Password strength estimation based on zxcvbn. (library, mit, system)
- zxcvbn-hs library, program, test and benchmark: Password strength estimation based on zxcvbn. (library, mit, program, system)
- zydiskell library and test: Haskell language binding for the Zydis library, a x86/x86-64 disassembler. (disassembler, gpl, library, parsing, system)
- zyre2 library, program and test: Haskell zyre bindings for reliable group messaging over local area networks. (library, mit, program, web)